Just purchased a 24 CVO RG in legendary orange. The bike is nice, but the seat is horrible after an hour. My butt buffer will be here Tuesday. I ordered medium because the seat is smaller. Your seat looks like the same size as mine. Did you get the large? Still liking this product after a year? Thanks for making the video.
@@brandonsbikes1038 thank you... We have had a few 500 mile days in a row and even a 1K iron butt and my seat is pretty good, BUT we are going to have 10 days of long miles on our way to Alaska and I don't want to find out on the way there that I need one of these 😁... So I'm thinking about purchasing one. I've heard nothing but good things about them.
@@PurpleOnThree just a word of caution that it does sit you up just a tad bit higher. I say that because my old Klock Werks windshield was just barely tall enough and when I sit on the Butt Buffer I got a little more wind buffeting on my helmet. I ended up getting a taller windshield. Have fun on your trip and be safe!
Your review and a few others convinced me to get one for my Street Glide.
Just bought one based on a UA-cam review like yours. Just came in today. Will test in on a long ride Saturday. I opted for the Plain Pebble cover.
Just purchased a 24 CVO RG in legendary orange. The bike is nice, but the seat is horrible after an hour. My butt buffer will be here Tuesday. I ordered medium because the seat is smaller. Your seat looks like the same size as mine. Did you get the large? Still liking this product after a year? Thanks for making the video.
I can’t remember the size I bought. Yes it’s still very comfortable. Thanks for watching.
Looks nice … I have 2020 street glide also you think a medium would fit on stock seat?
Thank you! Possibly. I would honestly go with a large if it’s a stock seat. A little overhand won’t hurt.
Sorry meant to say over hang
Thanks for your review... What is the longest ride you've had with the butt buffer since this review?
Robably about 500 miles. It’s very high quality and comfortable
@@brandonsbikes1038 thank you... We have had a few 500 mile days in a row and even a 1K iron butt and my seat is pretty good, BUT we are going to have 10 days of long miles on our way to Alaska and I don't want to find out on the way there that I need one of these 😁... So I'm thinking about purchasing one. I've heard nothing but good things about them.
@@PurpleOnThree just a word of caution that it does sit you up just a tad bit higher. I say that because my old Klock Werks windshield was just barely tall enough and when I sit on the Butt Buffer I got a little more wind buffeting on my helmet. I ended up getting a taller windshield. Have fun on your trip and be safe!
Does it make you sit a lot higher?
Minimal and negligible. I wouldn’t worry about being too high with it.
A medium would have been fine for your seatZ