If you'd like personalized guidance to resolve symptoms as soon as possible, schedule an assessment call with us and we can explore all the options for you: dietvsdisease.typeform.com/to/rhc17RoT?UA-cam&
I noticed you don't have any breads, pastas, or meats. Are these not to be consumed? Also, I had naan bread with butter when my diverticulitis became inflamed. I sincerely thought the butter caused my issues because sometimes, not always, dairy makes me sick. This is the second time Naan bread has triggered my diverticulitis, not sure why as I do eat all types of breads, but then maybe the wheat they're using triggered it, as I am allergic to brown wheat. Also, thank you for the FM list & recipes. I am allergic to many things on your list, so that list to me is short. Also, I was thinking is it alright to consume just soup with just vegetables?
Here is a different approach for you to consider. I was diagnosed with the disease at age 32. Both my parents had the condition at an early age. I went to my naturopath who explained that the walls of my large bowel were weakened due to my inability to extract and absorb enough vitamin B6 from my diet. This weakness allowed extra thin sections of the bowel to develop pouches. He prescribed 100mg of vitamin B6 per day, half taken in the morning and half at night. Within a month, all my symptoms had disappeared which was an enormous relief. As it is not recommended to stay on his vitamin for long periods of time, I have to stop taking the tablets every so often. Some time after I stop the B6 intake, the diverticulitis symptoms come back, which is my signal to resume taking the vitamin. I am now 68 years old, and still largely free of symptoms.
I am currently lying in a hospital bed because of this particular condition it is helping me to understand what is going on in my body and will allow me to relay that to the doctor to help in my healing. Thank you so much for doing this!
Hi, firstly let me say to you from a voice of experience, take dietary advice from your surgeon… I am eight weeks post up from suffering with peritonitis/sepsis and I have a stoma bag which hopefully will be reversed in the next 12 months or so, on the 4th of December I put myself to bed for three days, thinking I was just suffering from constipation, but the pain got gradually worse and then on the third day the pain was absolutely excruciating then all of a sudden the pain went , I later found out after I was taken to hospital and operated on as an emergency that my bowel had actually burst the large bowel had adhered itself to the small intestine and had burst letting out a great deal of faeces into my peritoneal cavity, the relief I felt was due to the pressure building up in the bell, and all of a sudden releasing, my infection blood count was over 300 and I was suffering sepsis, I was 13 days in hospital on IV antibiotics and copious amounts of painkillers which was a nice experience at all. I had awful hallucinations, about a year prior to this happening. I had a colonoscopy which hadn’t picked up the diverticular… this is a question I’m going to ask my Surgeon when I meet up with him again in April. Why wasn’t it picked up then it should’ve been I have had a lifetime of ulcerative colitis, I found the one thing that does upset my guts is milk if I have too much dairy, I will be in trouble for the next few weeks with bleeding from the anus. I bled so much all of the time that I took it for granted that I just pooed blood. anyway, sorry about all that. I thought I’d just get in touch with you and say please don’t take much notice of these so-called dietitians. I’m not saying this guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but he is not a medical doctor and I would only go by what a surgeon has said, my name is Martin Eccles and I live in Colchester Essex
I pray 🙏 you are feeling better soon it’s very important to be able to understand and express your symptoms to your Dr as it difficult to explain to drs and sometimes they are just not understanding what you are experiencing, they will always put you in a cookie cutter fashion meaning they think we are all just the same and we are not. My dr was very nice to sit down with me and talk about the disease . It was very helpful I was able to explain in my way and after testing over the years I had IBS ,ulcerative colitis , and Chrones disease all of which were 3 things he said that I may have one but it was all , at times on my journey I had a lot of pain and anxiety and felt crazy I knew my parents each had their own problems but it was one different thing for them and they gave me all 3 . I was 17 years old and I am now seventy years old so I understand how you are feeling. I’m allergic to lots of things, I was able to go to a Allergist who confirmed that I had allergies to all I told him about , and he said that by age 40 I probably didn’t have that many allergies so after testing he said I was allergic to all I told him and he apologized for it and then with him and my gastrointestinal dr and me knowing I my body s reaction was helping so with my drs who were rare and able to help me get me to 70 and I have had many years of experience with polyps removed, and I have had severe pain and bleeding and I have not had any revisions or rare medication s that could contribute to my condition. I am very thankful for the support I received so hang on and please speak up for yourself as nobody knows what you’re going through but you. I will be praying for you. I hope that you are able to heal and be as healthy as you can be.Take care of yourself.. I didn’t know any one else at my age we had no one else having the same issues and no iPhone or computer to talk to anyone. Good luck!🙏👋🇺🇸😊🕊️
I suffered from painful diverticular infections. The surgeon stabilized me by cleaning the abdominal infection through nasal tubing and cleaning my abdominal region through the use of a pump. Once cleared from brown to transparent, and different intravenous antibiotics; I was sent home on my 10th day, on a strict clear diet. A month later I was operated on to eliminate the infected intestine through laproscopic surgery and left the hospital in 3 days. My incredible and talented surgeon did a great job and he simply told me to eat a balanced diet and to drink alot of water. I have felt great ever since and it's been 15 years. I am now 70 yrs old. I reside in Puerto Rico. I follow up with a colonoscopy every 3 yrs. 🎉
Brilliant. Also, when you have an ostomy bag, the less fibre you eat the less goes in the bag. Also some vegetables cause you to blow up and as your path to your backside is blocked as all your output is going in the bag, the bag blows up like a balloon. Good to hear what this guy has to say. There’s also a great book by Konstantin Monastyrsky called “Fibre Menace”. That’ll open your eyes to all this rubbish we’ve been fed about shoving more fibre down through our digestive systems.
Diagnosed 6 years ago. I’ve learned that when I have a bad flare that a full 5-7 full fast is the only thing that helps it. A complete gut test is key for me 👌
I was diagnosed with Diverticulars Disease when I was 28 . I had 3 perforations and was on the way out . I turned down a stoma bag and the perforations healed up . Still have alot of pain and trouble going to the toilet . I knew I wad in trouble when I couldn't pass wind at all and my tummy was so distended .
I've had 2 long stays in the hospital, one of which I lost the sigmoid portion of my colon. I keep getting told fiber but I still am not sure what sources are best. Trying to manage my symptoms with many other health problems in the mix is a nightmare. Take care of your gut everyone. You only get one and your health is linked to your gut.
Refreshing approach and you are so on point with my experience. The blanket advice to “eat more fiber” for preventing a flare up is borderline malpractice in my opinion. Thank you for this video!
Thank Dr Joe, this is really informative and clear, the next time a GP says increase my fiber i will tell them to watch this. I started experiencing Diverticulitis early this year strangely enough after having a Colonoscopy , but i feel this is not just a mere coincidence but feel something change once i had this procedure, but how the hell do i prove this. Im now having pain almost everyday and mini flareups and going onto liquid diets. Ive been in ad out of Hospital 5 times now and one Surgeon did suggest cutting my Colon and putting me in a colonoscopy bag in very matter of fact manner!!! i was horrid to say the least NO WAY IM I EVER HAVING A BAG COMING OUT OF MY STOMACH TEMP OR PERM , he scared me so much and then offered me to either stay in Hospital over night with painkillers or go home, i came home of course but had a job to stand up and still in severe pain .
My husband had excruciating pain after his colonoscopy in 2019 and now he is in the hospital with diverticulitis with a perforation. No surgery yet trying to heal with antibiotics.
Thanks for sharing this. I went to the hospital in agoe a few days ago I thought I had appendicitis. Dr said it's diverticulitis infection take strong antibiotics. I found it strange that they didn't stop me from eating to let my bowels rest, although I had zero appetite anyway. They also didn't explain which foods I should be able to digest easily and which would irritate the stomach and bowel lining 🤬. I'm due to return after 8wks for the colonospy but they nervy mentioned these risks you shared. I don't trust hospital much it's just a business & they need returning customers! 😡🤬😔
@@aprilgraham4490my aunt had no breast lumps but went to the routine mammogram & got the all clear, three weeks later she felt a lump. She said the mammogram machine was brutal, it traumatised her breast tissues causing the cancer lump! 😮😢She has survived the cancer and lost one breast. Just makes you think twice, im declining about their exploratory and screening tests!
@@aprilgraham4490Thanks for sharing this. I went to the hospital in agoe a few days ago I thought I had appendicitis. Dr said it's diverticulitis infection take strong antibiotics. I found it strange that they didn't stop me from eating to let my bowels rest, although I had zero appetite anyway. They also didn't explain which foods I should be able to digest easily and which would irritate the stomach and bowel lining 🤬. I'm due to return after 8wks for the colonospy but they nervy mentioned these risks you shared. I don't trust hospital much it's just a business & they need returning customers! 😡🤬
I've been suffering for 2 years with divaticulitis! Thank you so much for the info! I was told to increase fiber and thanks to this I now know that's not the case! Again thank you for the info
Too much fibre is the worst for Diverticulitis. My stomach gets so bloated and distended, pain is terrible, feels like something eating through my bellybutton to my back. Keep away from broccoli and little seeds, they get stuck in the pockets of your colon and can cause terrible flare up. 2 DROPS COLD PRESSED HEXANE FREE CASTOR OIL IN BELLYBUTTON HAS SAVED ME LATELY. IT REALLY IS NATURES MIRACLE.😊😊
@janne2744 once you have s flare up, I put 2 drops in my belly button and massage my tummy anti clock wise. It relieves the swelling and is great for the pain, BUT you have to keep little seeds out of your diet that get caught in your intestine, Chia seeds are the worst for me unfortunately. Remember, your umbilical cord still has part of it attached behind your belly button, so it is a significant part of our body. I learnt so much about this from a doctor. Unbelievable, I never thought of it before. Namaste Louise Australia.
@@janne2744 hi, it has to be Castor Oil friend. Cold pressed if possible, but NOT Olive Oil, totally different product. You can get Castor Oil from any pharmacy, I buy Soodox Organic Hexane free cold pressed Castor Oil from my pharmacy. This is a great brand, but buy what ever brand, as long as it is cold pressed, Hexane free. Cheers Louise Australia. Let me know how you go please. Remember go easy when you first use it. Xx
@@louise7552Well you are so very misinformed, your belly button doesn’t lead to your intestines, not at all, not ever, it contained blood vessels which attached to your mother’s circulatory system, and when the umbilical cord was cut they closed off and healed over, what ever this doctor told you is blatantly false, ask a real doctor, and rubbing castor oil on your belly button will do nothing other than make it oily, if you feel improvement when you do it then go for it, the massage you are doing is what is helping your pain, not the castor oil, how do you people function on a daily basis
ive just found you finally i heard the magic words, i cannot take fiber thank you when I've told my drs that the fiber makes me worst they look at me like im strange ,im laying in bed with a flare up and I'm on antibiotics now I've got a bad headache why???????
@@JuliaCantley bye organic powder form ! I use it 4 days a week in decaf coffee and apple cider vinsgar on the other 3 days ! I was bad and its controlled it praise God !
My mother of 78 years old has had diverticulitis for many years. Her appendix was removed in her mid 20’s. Biggest culprit is seeds in certain foods, or too much roughage (vegetables and such) other than that, pretty healthy.
@@balanceskateboarding8807 Hello, I completely reworked my diet removing red meat, pork, all dairy, alcohol, I reduced my sugar intake by 50%, I stopped using seed oils like canola and use avocado oil exclusively. I also reduced my bread intake by 50%. My day starts with an apple cider vinegar drink, I use spring water not tap and add 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar with mother (be sure to shake the bottle really well), 1 tablespoon of fresh squeezed lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of organic honey, and about an 8th of a teaspoon of ground turmeric powder, mix all that well in warm spring water, I heat mine for 1 minute in the microwave, drink that on an empty stomach! An hour or so later I’ll cook breakfast and I always eat 3 eggs cooked in avocado oil and season with Morton’s Himalayan sea salt, nothing else. Lunch is vegetable medley, I like cauliflower, broccoli and carrots but eat whatever you prefer, broccoli is high in protein. Then supper s either fish cooked in a skillet with avocado oil and sea salt or boneless skinless chicken breast with rice and vegetable medley. The best part of my diet is the hardest and that dry fasting 3 days a month for 24 hours, this is the game changer because it triggers autophagy in your organs so they can rebuild themselves! Since I started that I haven’t had a single flare up! In addition to all this I exercise regularly, that is very important! Keep yourself on a schedule, I know it sounds boring but believe me it really helps! Best of luck to you!
Recently a UA-cam gastroenterologist responded that the cause of my diverticulitis must be genetic, because I have led a healthy lifestyle for years. He knew nothing about my genetics, what a cop-out.
I have had part of my colon removed because of a fistula, and have constantly had flair ups. I have had diverticulitis for over 30 years according to my surgeon.
May I ask you if you are ok now? Because I have to decide now pretty soon, wether or not to let them operate (they want to cut out the part where it always gets inflamed).. I d love to have some feedback from people who had that surgery, thanx! :) Hope you are very well.
@@healthyellowfishI had some colon taking out do to colon cancer. They went robotic surgery and went through my belly button. I had no problems,a no scarring. And cancer free for 7 yrs now.
ended up with sepsis, abcess burst,even tho i tried to do the right thing, so becareful at what you are saying, some of us may end up losing parts of our colon or worse our lives
I’m so sorry about your mom. I just barely survived septis from diverticulitis attack. Please… it’s deadly serious. I’m doing all I can to navigate and funnel all of the information I need to become healthy and never go through that again.
Same here, over a week in hospital in I’ve antibiotics,sent home with orals,after few days my condition deteriorated back at the hospital via emergency dep. now they are frightened that they might messed up again and keep me. Still having abscess fluid in my tummy. Hopefully that will desolve with more antibiotics. This time it’s almost a month that I am fighting this disease
Thanks for sharing this. I went to the hospital in agony a few days ago I thought I had appendicitis. Dr said it's diverticulitis infection take strong antibiotics. I found it strange that they didn't stop me from eating to let my bowels rest, although I had zero appetite anyway. They also didn't explain which foods I should be able to digest easily and which would irritate the stomach and bowel lining 🤬. I'm due to return after 8wks for the colonospy but they didn't mention high risks of the colonoscopy. I don't trust hospitals much it's they are a business company & they need returning customers! 😡🤬
Ok, if I eat something that potentially gives me a flare up how would I know if it was something I had for breakfast, lunch or dinner? How long before food gets to that point in the intestines?
I still dint understand what food I would write down. If I ate something in the morning but then dinner. Would it be the dinner that caused my flare up? I've been so bad since I got this I don't think the antibiotics worked. And I'm having a colonoscopy on the 16th of this month so it's been almost 2 months now. Some days some days I'm okay on the days I'm so bad
I just eat the same thing everyday , however no red meats as I can’t digest it . Also I have cottage cheese and Greek yogurt for breakfast an apple , and a banana . Then for lunch I eat 2 Salmon steaks broccoli, carrots,green beans boiled , and sweet potatoes that I don’t peal , and I’m not having problems now with my stomach . Then for my dinner I just eat sweet potatoes , green beans , carrots , then for my supper I eat a breast of chicken sandwich on whole meal bread and that’s it , I know it’s boaring but that’s the price I have to pay of having Diverticulites
At 38 I got a horrible case of smoldering diverticulitis. Then at 44 I started traveling for work and was under extreme stress. I almost collapsed with pain. This time I got on antibiotics, prebiotics, and probiotics. In about four days I was good and still take pro and prebiotics
I was diagnosed years ago and had some polyps cut out, I can't face my Doctor anymore all he does is tell me to eat more fibre and send me away with laxatives.
Thank you for saying that fibre increases the problem. I've tried eating red meat but have trouble digesting it. It seems to bung me up. So what now?? I can eat chicken and fish with no problem.
1- Fasting is good , eating one time in 24 hours. 2- fasting for 3 days only water, green tea, and coffee. 3- fasting for one week. Only water coffee green tea. 4- fasting for 23 days just water. Every 3 to 5 months. It’s makes your body get rid of any illnesses or diseases.
@@johnbarnett2804 From what I've read, our bodies will eat itself, and it targets the bad cells in our body first, like those nasty cancer cells, which is very healing.
I was diagnosed with diverticulitis when I was 28 just two years ago. One year later I ended up in the hospital with an abscess and sepsis. My flare ups are reoccurring more often. I have a colposcopy scheduled in August. A part of me is afraid they will recommend surgery, but another part of me feels like that may be best. I’m 30 and this is a hard life with multiple flare ups per year.
So besides surgery, the treatment is don't eat foods that trigger pain? I can go several months " almost 6 the longest " without symptoms but then something like a purple lettuce slips in my salad, green or red pepper on a sandwich or my other trigger of certain dairy items and I double over in pain until empty my bowel. Once it's out it's like magic switch is flipped until I slip up again...
@deniceeverham9467 same with me. Not all but quite a few. I've found smuckers natural peanut butter for instance doesn't trigger it like say Jiff. If they are salted it really makes me double over.
@1171 If I feel it coming I sit on the toilet with my wrist gently pressed against my belly and gently rock it to kinda massage the blockage to help it pass. Usually less painful.
I used to have diverticulitis. Also had diarrhea for a number of years. Then also had bloody stool for a number of years. I went to doctors who helped me for a time. That is until I ended up having a major part of my colon removed. It has been a long journey and now 9 years in I still have pains and can’t eat too much. Though this site says my husbands name I am his wife. It’s been very hard on me and I have struggled for a long time. When you make a mistake as I did it has been hard.
I have diverticulitis and found taking a good quality olive oil teaspoon of it in the morning first thing helps pooping easier and more often helps so much and I eat a stock of celery daily for fiber and sometimes apple cider vinegar twice a week has help me and eating apples (or making applesauce from my apples).
OK, I was having severe pain in my abdomen under my belt. I went to the emergency room. The doctor diagnosed me with diverticulitis. They prescribed very strong antibiotics. I went home and was OK for a while. About 3 weeks later, the pain was back, only worse. Red blood in my stools. I went back to a different emergency room. They also said diverticulitis. They upped the antibiotics, and I was OK. Two weeks later it started happening again. I was away from home with my kids and telling them about my problem. A sweet lady was listening. God bless her. She was into alternate medicine. She went home and brought me back Caprylic acid. She gets it from Amazon or from Sprouts. I took it as directed, and I was feeling better in 24 hours and completely free of issues in 3 days time. I hope this helps you. Cut down your sugar and put coconut oil in your tea.
One more thing. I took the whole recommended dosage until I got it under control. I still take half a dose in the morning and half in the evening. Capryl is the name brand I use.
This is the most confusing disease..I was told to eat NO fiber and most meats so have been eating a lot of white things and the BRAT for over a year. How am I supposed to go on a pretty much all meat diet. I love nuts and seeds, popcorn but was told to avoid as well. I'm really scared to try eating them at this point everything I eat scares me
Definitely no popcorn, or nuts or seeds. Popcorn put me in the ER twice. I was dehydrated no matter how much electrolytes I drank. Diarrhea has finally stopped and its going to take awhile to "firm up". I have so many other medical problems, I needed this like a hole in the head. Its so hard to find something to eat. Fiber usually kills me anyway, so no problem there, but what to eat?
The carnivore diet has definitely fixed my diverticulitis. Eat mostly fatty red meat. Ribeye and burger. The real herd part is restaurants and vacations. When I cheat on vacation my symptoms come back.
Also a month after on carnivore I had an electrolyte crash, use Redmans real salt on your meat and some in your drinking water occasionally. If you have to eat lean meat like fish or chicken add butter or some kind of fat. Stay away from carbs, sugar, vegetables, salads and alcohol
Same here. And anything with raw vegetables , nuts, seeds, raisins, peels, etc. can get caught in a diverticulum and create serious problems. Really serious.
If inflammation is a problem suggest you check out using Curcumin tablets. It is the active ingredient of Turmeric and I use it for Ulcerative Colitus inflammation instead of prescribed drugs which my body reacted to. The Curcumin assists with inflammation throughout the body, also "cured" my Fibromyalgia problem.
Thank you! I was just diagnosed with diverticulitis. I've been reading fiber, fiber, fiber! Ugh...fiber kills me! So when I go to dietician appt I'm sure I'll have a disagreement.
You don't need more fiber. Forget about that. Just eat more meat and eggs. Meat( especially beef) and eggs have everything you need. Artificial fiber is basically cardboard and is indigestible. Look into a carnivore diet or at just cut out sugar, and cut out carbs as much as possible. Hope this helps. I recommend listening to Dr.berry on UA-cam for more information on this subject. God bless!
@@borg386this can get very limited and who can actually do this all the time? Do you have diverticulitis? I hear meat is harder and takes longer to digest and stays in the system longer. Therefore can slow down digestion and elimination. Just curious how eggs and meat are the best.
Eggs and meat get digested and absorbed in stomach. Carnivore diet saved me from decades of pain. Worth a go, see if it helps, can’t hurt right? It’s now a lifestyle not a diet, no more pain is worth millions!
I had 12 " of colon taken out 20 yrs ago. The Dr said you can eat anything you want except food w/nuts or seeds like bananas! True. Lastly I've also given up raw vegetables. Works
There’s a difference between diverticulitis and diverticulosis. Diverticulosis is the condition of having multiple pouches in the colon that are not inflamed. Multiple pouches are called diverticula. Diverticulitis is inflammation of the diverticula. Fiber in the food helps prevent diverticulosis in turning to diverticulitis. But once you get diverticulitis that is caused by some specific trigger, then fiber must be removed from the diet to allow the colon to heal smoothly. Once healed, then go back to add fiber.
I agree that medical professionals often give poor advice regarding dealing with this condition and it is usually the you need to eat more fibre route that they push mostly. I discovered the hard way that suddenly consuming more fibre than usual usually always makes things worse and the sudden bulking up due to an excess of fibre results in constipation. I keep a food and symptoms diary and record my bowel movements and whether I have help them happen. Anything and everything pertaining to my diet, medication, alcohol consumption, bowel movements, any new medical conditions, I record in my large page a day diary. I never self medicate and always run everything I do as a supplement past my GP first. I discovered long ago that fibre needs to be added gradually into the diet and as well as trigger foods being identified trigger medications also need to be identified. Because I also manage GERD, I am prescribed PPI medication for that, have been diagnosed with Barrett's Esophagus and a Hiatus Hernia I have to be extra careful and that helps regulate my Diverticular Disease.
Hi it could be okay in the short-term, i don't see it being a long term solution though is the issue. In terms of more info, I have an article here also: www.dietvsdisease.org/diverticulitis-diet/
Keto will definitely work, but it is difficult. Keeping your carbs under 59 grams a day isn't easy. But just cutting out the processed foods and sugar will help any ailment tremendously. Good luck!
Don't do Keto...please that's what caused my diverticulitis...if you do stay away from all the fats & broccoli & cauliflower...gassy foods & cause inflammation.. You don't want any inflammation..Good luck🤗
@@jillcalvo6678 I have to stop it. After 4 months doing it and clean, it didn't work. I end up at the hospital and with 2 more flare up. So I stop. I was crying and upset but. 🤦🏽♀️🤷🏽♀️
how about chicken broth with nothing else in it? I have never had a major flare up but lots of pain and gas at times . I have never had a fever antibiotics help me totally. About once every two months I'll get an annoying stomach ache and gas. No diarrhea ever and no constpation.
ive had so many flare ups over the last few years entire left hand side has diverticular disease its running me down all i do now is sleep and work quality of life is 0
had a colostomy 6wks out haven't looked back since ive got a life back. yes i agree it may not be for everyone but it was the right decision and treatment for me. I was back working on modified duties 4weeks after surgery
I basically live on seeds and nuts...I make my own granola and have it every day with yougurt for breakfast. Chocolate chip cookies with crunchy almond butter and pecan pieces, protein shakes sometimes with nuts...I've been eating like this for maybe a year now. 'm having my first div attack and freaking out. I don't feel like eating anything right now. I have a physical job so I can't afford this pain and cramping. I think I will go liquid for the next few days at least.
Had it under control for 10 yrs. I added a raw loaded salad 2 days in a row. Bam, E.R. my diet has been balanced, and I noticed the undigested greens & diced raw red peppers. Too much raw, too soon. Unable to digest it.
@@DarylannCampbellthank you for sharing your experience I'm learning so much! I've just left the hospital with antibiotics no advice given just eat fibre Kmt
I’ve been to five different gastroenterologist over the past three years and my symptoms just keep getting worse. They are all completely worthless! They just want to run the test to take your money and then tell you to take Prilosec any smaller portions. It’s disgusting the way these people operate in my area.😡
Fibre definitely makes the condition worse for me so I eat very little of it. I also take slippery elm bark capsules, drink golden tea, and occasionally will eat raw garlic, mixed in my food, as it’s antibiotic and anti microbiobial
I am A neurologist and a neurosurgeon. I deal with the nerves all around the body. But mainly in the brain . But I had to become a doctor first. And I know I’ll let you eat can play a factor and diverticulosis and diverticulitis. I’m not a Nutritionist or a gastrointestinal doctor. I love doctor I can I understand it.
My wife suffered from constipation for years and ended up with diverticulitis. She has been trying to deal with it through diet and ginger teas, . Maybe castor oil will help. Thanks for the info
I’m on my 3rd round of antibiotics for my first time ever having acute diverticulitis. I’ve logged all of my food diligently for over FIVE years (so step 1- check)! This came “out of no where” as I eat relatively healthy, no medications, stable life. Is there ANY possibility that menopause can be a trigger for this? I’m 54, and believe it or not, in the early stages of menopause. I’ve also leaned that I have multiple large fibroids (also new). I’m really struggling here- and simply looking for answers. It’s a lot to share in a public forum like UA-cam - so I’ll stop here. Thanks for the video. Obviously the algorithms are working! 😊
I have just been discharged from hospital with diverticulitis and uterine fibroids also. I have been under stress for 6 years my diet has been abysmal so not surprised. But I'm also cutting back from my thyroid medication as I'm hypothyroid from 50mgs to 25mgs..I wonder if that played a part in the fibroids.
On a previous video I watch people were saying the same thing, and could only assume it was Covid related because it happened around the same time they got Covid
I'm 66 and way past menopause, but I've developed both of these conditions, too. I was in the hospital just yesterday, admitted to the ER because of intense abdominal pain. Diverticulitis diagnosed with CT scan! They prescribed antibiotics and wanted to keep me there to administer them with an IV, but I left against medical advice. I think it's too harsh a treatment, and I end up with a yeast infection every time. I'm on a liquid diet and will slowly introduce bland, safe foods while I wait for all the supplements I ordered to try and get my gut health back. Hopefully I can turn things around through natural means. The fibroids are less concerning, as I know it isn't cancer, but it's odd how these two conditions are somehow related?
I have this disease And I've just come out of hospital with a really bad flare up Probably the worst one I've ever had And been told I will have to have a part of my Bowel removed i was on the carnivore diet and stopped it And that's when the flare up started So now I'm not sure what to do... I have bowel cancer in the family and lost quite a few of my family members because of this I don't know what to do now it sent me into a bad depression to be honest And I'm just looking for helping advice... the Hospital helpful getting the pain under control but i feel like they've just kicked me out and told me to get on with it
Can't drink dark cola drinks, no chocolate, ice cream. Bacon and peanut butter on toast, I can once in a while. Small amount of dairy. I am just very careful. Had to have a jp drain put in last time. I eat very small meals.
Hi, Can you please try again and check if theres available schedule that might fit for you? shorturl.at/oqsLR Also, kindly email us @ hello@dietvsdisease.org if you need help regarding scheduling.
Do you have a recommendation on the best book I can buy for general chronic gut issues? I don’t know what is wrong but I want to start with the low fodmap elimination phase of the diet. Thank you
My doctor said the same to take Metamucil 2 tsp twice a day. Don’t think it will help because I am in constant pain,suffer also from pancreatitis and stones in my duct. Had my gall bladder out many years ago. I am in constant pain. My doctor just laughed it off. I’m going for my 3rd ERCP in 3 weeks. At 67 I am miserable with this condition.
I have been having diverticulitis flare ups for several years and just had an MRI and they found diverticulosis. Having a flare up now but they have gotten better and less frequent since i can tell right away when they start and i immediately change my food intake to soft foods or just liquids. So not much pain or cramps. Right now my stomach is making lots of noise so hopefully things are starting to move. This info seems very confusing. Fiber and bananas and meat are good or bad ? I keep hearing different contradicting things.
My Doctor diagnosed me with Diverticulitis then gave me antibiotics that killed off my gut biom and gave me C. Diff and I have spent the last 4 months with fevers and diorea
@@rbo350 I’m sorry you’re going through this, it sounds crazy but have you heard of a fecal transplant? I heard it might help to restore healthy gut bacteria
I have diverticulitis flare ups all the time but none of them are ever painful. I do have really bad bowel movements that are hard to deal with but I have to.
What do you eat if you have a lot of allergies. I have had diverticulosis since my early 30's. I am allergic to legumes, soy, corn, tomato, peanuts, walnuts, cherries, squash, potatoes, beans. Which means any other fruits and vegetables in that family. So, what can I eat? So many foods have these additives in them.
Meat is the way to go for those who have allergies to food. Beef is a non allergic food. The carnivore diet is recommended for those who have food allergies. Dr.berry on UA-cam is the best resource for this subject. You'll like him.
So I was perfectly fine then one day to the next I woke up had wierd bowel movements and left lower abdominal pain for about a week now does it go away on it's own or do I gotta go to the doctors
You need to see a doctor, and suggest you may have it, or a lymph problem. Go see a few different doctors. Second opinion is important before the cut you open. Eat clean. Drink water. No calories in your liquid . Just for awhile.
I don’t know if it will help you, but half a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of warm water - drink. Also a couple of tablespoons of a good, active probiotic yogurt ( I use honey flavor Greek yogurt - is super tasty) will stop an attack within an hour… usually much shorter time. Morning & evening until no more flare up. I eat yogurt in the morning for breakfast with a ‘great grains’ cereal - only about a half cup total. Small meals, food chewed super well. Gets kind of boring, but it’s WAY better than painful diverticulitis episode 👍
i was in hospital 4 days ago. they say its diverticulitis. i get soooo many informations about what to eat that i get more and more confusion in my head about what to do. i have sigmoid colon inflamation and i feel the best not eating anything now. i really don't know what to eat. some say eat fruits some say don't. only cooked vegetables. no raw fruits. no milk products... shiet bro
I was in hospital yesterday because of a flare up. Had a scan that showed I was inflamed. All my blood work was good thankfully. But I get the same old instructions, eat more fibre and take Metamucil. When I’ve taken Metamucil in the past I get a bellyache. So I stopped it and until last week I hadn’t had a flare up for two and a half years. Two and a half years ago was a perforation so I was hospitalised for two nights and filled up intravenously with antibiotics that I don’t think I’ve ever recovered from 😏. I was also eating a very low carb diet and that seemed to work for some time until recently
@@RA-lh9uh carbs just make me sluggish. I’m talking about the breads and pastas. I had more muscle definition when I cut carbs but I reckon we’re all a little different 😊
@tessleroy5313 I think that this is glutens fault. Yesterday I had some lasagna and it made me bloated like a fkn balloon. Not eating gluten my stomach is much more flat. I never have problem with rice carbs but pasta.. totally different story. I try to eat clean, lots of fruits carbs and some meat but less than I used to eat before I had this problem
If you'd like personalized guidance to resolve symptoms as soon as possible, schedule an assessment call with us and we can explore all the options for you: dietvsdisease.typeform.com/to/rhc17RoT?UA-cam&
I noticed you don't have any breads, pastas, or meats. Are these not to be consumed? Also, I had naan bread with butter when my diverticulitis became inflamed. I sincerely thought the butter caused my issues because sometimes, not always, dairy makes me sick. This is the second time Naan bread has triggered my diverticulitis, not sure why as I do eat all types of breads, but then maybe the wheat they're using triggered it, as I am allergic to brown wheat. Also, thank you for the FM list & recipes. I am allergic to many things on your list, so that list to me is short. Also, I was thinking is it alright to consume just soup with just vegetables?
Wish I could I live on an island trinidad 🇹🇹 so tour videos helped thank you
thank you so so much. I have a whole new perspective thank you!
Here is a different approach for you to consider. I was diagnosed with the disease at age 32. Both my parents had the condition at an early age. I went to my naturopath who explained that the walls of my large bowel were weakened due to my inability to extract and absorb enough vitamin B6 from my diet. This weakness allowed extra thin sections of the bowel to develop pouches. He prescribed 100mg of vitamin B6 per day, half taken in the morning and half at night. Within a month, all my symptoms had disappeared which was an enormous relief. As it is not recommended to stay on his vitamin for long periods of time, I have to stop taking the tablets every so often. Some time after I stop the B6 intake, the diverticulitis symptoms come back, which is my signal to resume taking the vitamin. I am now 68 years old, and still largely free of symptoms.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks I’ll take B6.👍😊🇨🇦
Thank you!
Thanks for sharing
I will try. I am so full of diverticulitis that the can't operate. Been to the hospital. Starting g to give up hope.
I am currently lying in a hospital bed because of this particular condition it is helping me to understand what is going on in my body and will allow me to relay that to the doctor to help in my healing. Thank you so much for doing this!
Hi, firstly let me say to you from a voice of experience, take dietary advice from your surgeon… I am eight weeks post up from suffering with peritonitis/sepsis and I have a stoma bag which hopefully will be reversed in the next 12 months or so, on the 4th of December I put myself to bed for three days, thinking I was just suffering from constipation, but the pain got gradually worse and then on the third day the pain was absolutely excruciating then all of a sudden the pain went , I later found out after I was taken to hospital and operated on as an emergency that my bowel had actually burst the large bowel had adhered itself to the small intestine and had burst letting out a great deal of faeces into my peritoneal cavity, the relief I felt was due to the pressure building up in the bell, and all of a sudden releasing, my infection blood count was over 300 and I was suffering sepsis, I was 13 days in hospital on IV antibiotics and copious amounts of painkillers which was a nice experience at all. I had awful hallucinations, about a year prior to this happening. I had a colonoscopy which hadn’t picked up the diverticular… this is a question I’m going to ask my Surgeon when I meet up with him again in April. Why wasn’t it picked up then it should’ve been I have had a lifetime of ulcerative colitis, I found the one thing that does upset my guts is milk if I have too much dairy, I will be in trouble for the next few weeks with bleeding from the anus. I bled so much all of the time that I took it for granted that I just pooed blood. anyway, sorry about all that. I thought I’d just get in touch with you and say please don’t take much notice of these so-called dietitians. I’m not saying this guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but he is not a medical doctor and I would only go by what a surgeon has said, my name is Martin Eccles and I live in Colchester Essex
I was also told I cannot have celery, oranges, anything with pulp?
I pray 🙏 you are feeling better soon it’s very important to be able to understand and express your symptoms to your Dr as it difficult to explain to drs and sometimes they are just not understanding what you are experiencing, they will always put you in a cookie cutter fashion meaning they think we are all just the same and we are not. My dr was very nice to sit down with me and talk about the disease . It was very helpful I was able to explain in my way and after testing over the years I had IBS ,ulcerative colitis , and Chrones disease all of which were 3 things he said that I may have one but it was all , at times on my journey I had a lot of pain and anxiety and felt crazy I knew my parents each had their own problems but it was one different thing for them and they gave me all 3 . I was 17 years old and I am now seventy years old so I understand how you are feeling. I’m allergic to lots of things, I was able to go to a Allergist who confirmed that I had allergies to all I told him about , and he said that by age 40 I probably didn’t have that many allergies so after testing he said I was allergic to all I told him and he apologized for it and then with him and my gastrointestinal dr and me knowing I my body s reaction was helping so with my drs who were rare and able to help me get me to 70 and I have had many years of experience with polyps removed, and I have had severe pain and bleeding and I have not had any revisions or rare medication s that could contribute to my condition. I am very thankful for the support I received so hang on and please speak up for yourself as nobody knows what you’re going through but you. I will be praying for you. I hope that you are able to heal and be as healthy as you can be.Take care of yourself.. I didn’t know any one else at my age we had no one else having the same issues and no iPhone or computer to talk to anyone. Good luck!🙏👋🇺🇸😊🕊️
I am so sorry 😢
How are they helping you?
I suffered from painful diverticular infections. The surgeon stabilized me by cleaning the abdominal infection through nasal tubing and cleaning my abdominal region through the use of a pump. Once cleared from brown to transparent, and different intravenous antibiotics; I was sent home on my 10th day, on a strict clear diet. A month later I was operated on to eliminate the infected intestine through laproscopic surgery and left the hospital in 3 days. My incredible and talented surgeon did a great job and he simply told me to eat a balanced diet and to drink alot of water. I have felt great ever since and it's been 15 years. I am now 70 yrs old. I reside in Puerto Rico. I follow up with a colonoscopy every 3 yrs. 🎉
Please where are you. Currently dieing of pain
Where can I find your doctor
Brilliant. Also, when you have an ostomy bag, the less fibre you eat the less goes in the bag. Also some vegetables cause you to blow up and as your path to your backside is blocked as all your output is going in the bag, the bag blows up like a balloon. Good to hear what this guy has to say. There’s also a great book by Konstantin Monastyrsky called “Fibre Menace”. That’ll open your eyes to all this rubbish we’ve been fed about shoving more fibre down through our digestive systems.
Thank you for sharing this i will try and get this book.
I’m going to look that up 😊
You're a mind reader. I so needed this. I was fibred up to the hilt and in soooo much pain. I now know what I need to do thanks loads.
You're welcome!
Also, you may want to download our free low FODMAP food list for diverticulitis?
Download it here: rb.gy/aalk5m
@@Joe_Leech 404 error with that link.
Error no link
Diagnosed 6 years ago. I’ve learned that when I have a bad flare that a full 5-7 full fast is the only thing that helps it. A complete gut test is key for me 👌
What is a 5-7 fast? What is a complete gut test?
5-7 days of no eating in order to reset the gut
38 yrs old here ! Same i dont eat for a few days to reset my gut .. unfortunately i have been running from surgery
I was diagnosed with Diverticulars Disease when I was 28 . I had 3 perforations and was on the way out . I turned down a stoma bag and the perforations healed up . Still have alot of pain and trouble going to the toilet . I knew I wad in trouble when I couldn't pass wind at all and my tummy was so distended .
It help to lay on your side
Mince diet for a few weeks out of the month is what I do. Eating is an art. Chew, chew, chew, chew, chew. Chew!!!!
This video has explained soo much to me. I ve had it for years .thank you soo much for taking the time to put this video together.❤
You are so welcome!
I've had Diverticulitis for most of my life and I stay away from seeds and nuts but most of all I do ACV everyday and it has helped immensely.
It messes with the natural acids in my stomach
@@RavenWolfDrum69 😲😲😲
Could you tell me what ACV is..my son was recently diagnosed with this
@nadinebriggs4152 It's apple cidar vinegar, and you put it in water and drink it. You can purchase it in most grocery stores.
@@valariesullivan9691 oh ok..I have that..how much do you mix with water! Thank you!!
Thank you. Suffering a lot.
I've had 2 long stays in the hospital, one of which I lost the sigmoid portion of my colon. I keep getting told fiber but I still am not sure what sources are best. Trying to manage my symptoms with many other health problems in the mix is a nightmare. Take care of your gut everyone. You only get one and your health is linked to your gut.
Fibre is the worst for you
Refreshing approach and you are so on point with my experience. The blanket advice to “eat more fiber” for preventing a flare up is borderline malpractice in my opinion. Thank you for this video!
Thank Dr Joe, this is really informative and clear, the next time a GP says increase my fiber i will tell them to watch this. I started experiencing Diverticulitis early this year strangely enough after having a Colonoscopy , but i feel this is not just a mere coincidence but feel something change once i had this procedure, but how the hell do i prove this. Im now having pain almost everyday and mini flareups and going onto liquid diets. Ive been in ad out of Hospital 5 times now and one Surgeon did suggest cutting my Colon and putting me in a colonoscopy bag in very matter of fact manner!!! i was horrid to say the least NO WAY IM I EVER HAVING A BAG COMING OUT OF MY STOMACH TEMP OR PERM , he scared me so much and then offered me to either stay in Hospital over night with painkillers or go home, i came home of course but had a job to stand up and still in severe pain
My husband had excruciating pain after his colonoscopy in 2019 and now he is in the hospital with diverticulitis with a perforation. No surgery yet trying to heal with antibiotics.
Thanks for sharing this. I went to the hospital in agoe a few days ago I thought I had appendicitis. Dr said it's diverticulitis infection take strong antibiotics. I found it strange that they didn't stop me from eating to let my bowels rest, although I had zero appetite anyway. They also didn't explain which foods I should be able to digest easily and which would irritate the stomach and bowel lining 🤬. I'm due to return after 8wks for the colonospy but they nervy mentioned these risks you shared. I don't trust hospital much it's just a business & they need returning customers! 😡🤬😔
@@aprilgraham4490my aunt had no breast lumps but went to the routine mammogram & got the all clear, three weeks later she felt a lump. She said the mammogram machine was brutal, it traumatised her breast tissues causing the cancer lump! 😮😢She has survived the cancer and lost one breast. Just makes you think twice, im declining about their exploratory and screening tests!
@@aprilgraham4490Thanks for sharing this. I went to the hospital in agoe a few days ago I thought I had appendicitis. Dr said it's diverticulitis infection take strong antibiotics. I found it strange that they didn't stop me from eating to let my bowels rest, although I had zero appetite anyway. They also didn't explain which foods I should be able to digest easily and which would irritate the stomach and bowel lining 🤬. I'm due to return after 8wks for the colonospy but they nervy mentioned these risks you shared. I don't trust hospital much it's just a business & they need returning customers! 😡🤬
Funny, I never suffered from it till my colonoscopy
I've been suffering for 2 years with divaticulitis! Thank you so much for the info! I was told to increase fiber and thanks to this I now know that's not the case! Again thank you for the info
Hi Bong,
Would you like a free low FODMAP food list for diverticulitis?
Kindly download it here: rb.gy/aalk5m
Not easy I been doing healthy food for 4 years it doesn’t work all the time if you strain your colon you be sick it is not just food or constipation
Too much fibre is the worst for Diverticulitis. My stomach gets so bloated and distended, pain is terrible, feels like something eating through my bellybutton to my back. Keep away from broccoli and little seeds, they get stuck in the pockets of your colon and can cause terrible flare up. 2 DROPS COLD PRESSED HEXANE FREE CASTOR OIL IN BELLYBUTTON HAS SAVED ME LATELY. IT REALLY IS NATURES MIRACLE.😊😊
What does that do exactly?
@janne2744 once you have s flare up, I put 2 drops in my belly button and massage my tummy anti clock wise. It relieves the swelling and is great for the pain, BUT you have to keep little seeds out of your diet that get caught in your intestine, Chia seeds are the worst for me unfortunately. Remember, your umbilical cord still has part of it attached behind your belly button, so it is a significant part of our body. I learnt so much about this from a doctor. Unbelievable, I never thought of it before. Namaste Louise Australia.
@louise7552 Thank you. I'll try it. Who'd have thought it. I use olive oil in cooking.
@@janne2744 hi, it has to be Castor Oil friend. Cold pressed if possible, but NOT Olive Oil, totally different product. You can get Castor Oil from any pharmacy, I buy Soodox Organic Hexane free cold pressed Castor Oil from my pharmacy. This is a great brand, but buy what ever brand, as long as it is cold pressed, Hexane free. Cheers Louise Australia. Let me know how you go please. Remember go easy when you first use it. Xx
@@louise7552Well you are so very misinformed, your belly button doesn’t lead to your intestines, not at all, not ever, it contained blood vessels which attached to your mother’s circulatory system, and when the umbilical cord was cut they closed off and healed over, what ever this doctor told you is blatantly false, ask a real doctor, and rubbing castor oil on your belly button will do nothing other than make it oily, if you feel improvement when you do it then go for it, the massage you are doing is what is helping your pain, not the castor oil, how do you people function on a daily basis
ive just found you finally i heard the magic words, i cannot take fiber thank you when I've told my drs that the fiber makes me worst they look at me like im strange ,im laying in bed with a flare up and I'm on antibiotics now I've got a bad headache why???????
I also think more fibre makes it worse. But everyone looks at me too like I'm mad.👍
Can’t believe I just spent a boatload of time listening to this windbag and haven’t gotten the info I need!!!
Everyone has to adapt to suit there own symptoms. I can’t eat what other people can, who have with same symptoms as me!!🤦♀️😢
Agree with you 100%! We find what works for us as individuals- hopefully!
@@DarylannCampbell So true!
I’ve taken ACV capsules and slippery elm to prevent diverticulitis flare ups for years.
Do you take them every day?
Can you share the slippery elm you took?
@@JuliaCantley bye organic powder form ! I use it 4 days a week in decaf coffee and apple cider vinsgar on the other 3 days ! I was bad and its controlled it praise God !
My mother of 78 years old has had diverticulitis for many years. Her appendix was removed in her mid 20’s. Biggest culprit is seeds in certain foods, or too much roughage (vegetables and such) other than that, pretty healthy.
I was having flare ups so bad I’d almost pass out, it took strong antibiotics to get mine under control then a completely new diet!
Please share what diet?
What diet plan please share!
@@balanceskateboarding8807 Hello, I completely reworked my diet removing red meat, pork, all dairy, alcohol, I reduced my sugar intake by 50%, I stopped using seed oils like canola and use avocado oil exclusively. I also reduced my bread intake by 50%. My day starts with an apple cider vinegar drink, I use spring water not tap and add 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar with mother (be sure to shake the bottle really well), 1 tablespoon of fresh squeezed lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of organic honey, and about an 8th of a teaspoon of ground turmeric powder, mix all that well in warm spring water, I heat mine for 1 minute in the microwave, drink that on an empty stomach! An hour or so later I’ll cook breakfast and I always eat 3 eggs cooked in avocado oil and season with Morton’s Himalayan sea salt, nothing else. Lunch is vegetable medley, I like cauliflower, broccoli and carrots but eat whatever you prefer, broccoli is high in protein. Then supper s either fish cooked in a skillet with avocado oil and sea salt or boneless skinless chicken breast with rice and vegetable medley. The best part of my diet is the hardest and that dry fasting 3 days a month for 24 hours, this is the game changer because it triggers autophagy in your organs so they can rebuild themselves! Since I started that I haven’t had a single flare up! In addition to all this I exercise regularly, that is very important! Keep yourself on a schedule, I know it sounds boring but believe me it really helps! Best of luck to you!
I have passed out a few times and vomited in the faint once..very scary.
Recently a UA-cam gastroenterologist responded that the cause of my diverticulitis must be genetic, because I have led a healthy lifestyle for years. He knew nothing about my genetics, what a cop-out.
Thanks I have this also and high hernia . Blessings from NC just found you I have diverticulitis 😢
I have had part of my colon removed because of a fistula, and have constantly had flair ups. I have had diverticulitis for over 30 years according to my surgeon.
May I ask you if you are ok now? Because I have to decide now pretty soon, wether or not to let them operate (they want to cut out the part where it always gets inflamed)..
I d love to have some feedback from people who had that surgery, thanx! :) Hope you are very well.
@@healthyellowfishI had some colon taking out do to colon cancer. They went robotic surgery and went through my belly button. I had no problems,a no scarring. And cancer free for 7 yrs now.
ended up with sepsis, abcess burst,even tho i tried to do the right thing, so becareful at what you are saying, some of us may end up losing parts of our colon or worse our lives
Yes .diverticulitis can worsen.
That is what happened to my mom, she died from the sepsis via diverticulitis.
UGH 🙄 I'm so sorry😢
I’m so sorry about your mom. I just barely survived septis from diverticulitis attack. Please… it’s deadly serious. I’m doing all I can to navigate and funnel all of the information I need to become healthy and never go through that again.
Same here, over a week in hospital in I’ve antibiotics,sent home with orals,after few days my condition deteriorated back at the hospital via emergency dep. now they are frightened that they might messed up again and keep me. Still having abscess fluid in my tummy. Hopefully that will desolve with more antibiotics. This time it’s almost a month that I am fighting this disease
I've just been diagnosed with it, so this video is pertinent for me now.
Thanks for sharing this. I went to the hospital in agony a few days ago I thought I had appendicitis. Dr said it's diverticulitis infection take strong antibiotics. I found it strange that they didn't stop me from eating to let my bowels rest, although I had zero appetite anyway. They also didn't explain which foods I should be able to digest easily and which would irritate the stomach and bowel lining 🤬. I'm due to return after 8wks for the colonospy but they didn't mention high risks of the colonoscopy. I don't trust hospitals much it's they are a business company & they need returning customers! 😡🤬
Very angry with advice from my GI md who said I needed fibre supplement daily which only made things worse. Stopped the fibre and it is great!
oh. that sounds right. so much for doctors
Malpractice, shameful and ignorant
Ok, if I eat something that potentially gives me a flare up how would I know if it was something I had for breakfast, lunch or dinner? How long before food gets to that point in the intestines?
Treat the inflammation that occurs.
I still dint understand what food I would write down. If I ate something in the morning but then dinner. Would it be the dinner that caused my flare up? I've been so bad since I got this I don't think the antibiotics worked. And I'm having a colonoscopy on the 16th of this month so it's been almost 2 months now. Some days some days I'm okay on the days I'm so bad
I agree. Hard to figure out what food is the real culprit.
I just eat the same thing everyday , however no red meats as I can’t digest it . Also I have cottage cheese and Greek yogurt for breakfast an apple , and a banana . Then for lunch I eat 2 Salmon steaks broccoli, carrots,green beans boiled , and sweet potatoes that I don’t peal , and I’m not having problems now with my stomach . Then for my dinner I just eat sweet potatoes , green beans , carrots , then for my supper I eat a breast of chicken sandwich on whole meal bread and that’s it , I know it’s boaring but that’s the price I have to pay of having Diverticulites
@@titanicjones374does the fiber flare you up at all?
At 38 I got a horrible case of smoldering diverticulitis. Then at 44 I started traveling for work and was under extreme stress. I almost collapsed with pain. This time I got on antibiotics, prebiotics, and probiotics. In about four days I was good and still take pro and prebiotics
Thanks Joe
You're welcome!
I was diagnosed years ago and had some polyps cut out, I can't face my Doctor anymore all he does is tell me to eat more fibre and send me away with laxatives.
Very painful condition. My mum had it.prompt hospital admission is crucial before the condition worsens.
Thank you for saying that fibre increases the problem. I've tried eating red meat but have trouble digesting it. It seems to bung me up. So what now?? I can eat chicken and fish with no problem.
1- Fasting is good , eating one time in 24 hours.
2- fasting for 3 days only water, green tea, and coffee.
3- fasting for one week. Only water coffee green tea.
4- fasting for 23 days just water. Every 3 to 5 months.
It’s makes your body get rid of any illnesses or diseases.
And helps body get rid of any nutrition that your body needs to be health and survive.
@@johnbarnett2804 From what I've read, our bodies will eat itself, and it targets the bad cells in our body first, like those nasty cancer cells, which is very healing.
I was diagnosed with diverticulitis when I was 28 just two years ago. One year later I ended up in the hospital with an abscess and sepsis. My flare ups are reoccurring more often. I have a colposcopy scheduled in August. A part of me is afraid they will recommend surgery, but another part of me feels like that may be best. I’m 30 and this is a hard life with multiple flare ups per year.
How are you??
You eat alot of red meat
Was told eating aloe Vera and sea moss will help your gut
I drink cold aloe vera juice, it seems to help.
Sea moss I was doing 1 tsp à week makes my eye twitching
So besides surgery, the treatment is don't eat foods that trigger pain? I can go several months " almost 6 the longest " without symptoms but then something like a purple lettuce slips in my salad, green or red pepper on a sandwich or my other trigger of certain dairy items and I double over in pain until empty my bowel. Once it's out it's like magic switch is flipped until I slip up again...
For me it’s nuts.
I have those same issues.😢🙏🇺🇸🖐️😊
@deniceeverham9467 same with me. Not all but quite a few. I've found smuckers natural peanut butter for instance doesn't trigger it like say Jiff. If they are salted it really makes me double over.
@1171 If I feel it coming I sit on the toilet with my wrist gently pressed against my belly and gently rock it to kinda massage the blockage to help it pass. Usually less painful.
I used to have diverticulitis. Also had diarrhea for a number of years. Then also had bloody stool for a number of years. I went to doctors who helped me for a time. That is until I ended up having a major part of my colon removed. It has been a long journey and now 9 years in I still have pains and can’t eat too much.
Though this site says my husbands name I am his wife. It’s been very hard on me and I have struggled for a long time. When you make a mistake as I did it has been hard.
What mistake did you made?
I’m so sorry you’re going through this, praying for you ❤️
So sorry to hear that it sounds like a nightmare! Plz share with everyone what your mistakes were? Was it taking too much fibre?
I agree about the fiber, I hate kale and I am having flare up since 3 days
I have diverticulitis and found taking a good quality olive oil teaspoon of it in the morning first thing helps pooping easier and more often helps so much and I eat a stock of celery daily for fiber and sometimes apple cider vinegar twice a week has help me and eating apples (or making applesauce from my apples).
So what's the best fiber you recommend?
Candida was my problem. Doctors kept loading me up with antibiotics. Caprylic acid was the solution. I haven't had a digestive problems since.
How do you take caprlyic acid?
Did you take it during a flare?
Please explain more Russell
OK, I was having severe pain in my abdomen under my belt. I went to the emergency room. The doctor diagnosed me with diverticulitis. They prescribed very strong antibiotics. I went home and was OK for a while. About 3 weeks later, the pain was back, only worse. Red blood in my stools. I went back to a different emergency room. They also said diverticulitis. They upped the antibiotics, and I was OK. Two weeks later it started happening again. I was away from home with my kids and telling them about my problem. A sweet lady was listening. God bless her. She was into alternate medicine. She went home and brought me back Caprylic acid. She gets it from Amazon or from Sprouts. I took it as directed, and I was feeling better in 24 hours and completely free of issues in 3 days time. I hope this helps you. Cut down your sugar and put coconut oil in your tea.
One more thing. I took the whole recommended dosage until I got it under control. I still take half a dose in the morning and half in the evening. Capryl is the name brand I use.
Great video thank you
This is great information.I know a natural protocol that keeps me flair free..everything you said is pretty accurate
Thank you!
And by the way, if want more information about Diverticulitis Diet.
Kindly go here: www.dietvsdisease.org/diverticulitis-diet/
This is the most confusing disease..I was told to eat NO fiber and most meats so have been eating a lot of white things and the BRAT for over a year. How am I supposed to go on a pretty much all meat diet. I love nuts and seeds, popcorn but was told to avoid as well. I'm really scared to try eating them at this point everything I eat scares me
Definitely no popcorn, or nuts or seeds. Popcorn put me in the ER twice. I was dehydrated no matter how much electrolytes I drank. Diarrhea has finally stopped and its going to take awhile to "firm up". I have so many other medical problems, I needed this like a hole in the head. Its so hard to find something to eat. Fiber usually kills me anyway, so no problem there, but what to eat?
The carnivore diet has definitely fixed my diverticulitis. Eat mostly fatty red meat. Ribeye and burger. The real herd part is restaurants and vacations. When I cheat on vacation my symptoms come back.
Also a month after on carnivore I had an electrolyte crash, use Redmans real salt on your meat and some in your drinking water occasionally. If you have to eat lean meat like fish or chicken add butter or some kind of fat. Stay away from carbs, sugar, vegetables, salads and alcohol
Carnivore isaved me too!!@@nickferraro5704
@@nickferraro5704thank you Nick for sharing. What does an electrolyte crash look like?! 😮
I have found that red meats, or any meats cause serious flareups blockages for me, making me very sick.
Same here. And anything with raw vegetables , nuts, seeds, raisins, peels, etc. can get caught in a diverticulum and create serious problems. Really serious.
If inflammation is a problem suggest you check out using Curcumin tablets. It is the active ingredient of Turmeric and I use it for Ulcerative Colitus inflammation instead of prescribed drugs which my body reacted to. The Curcumin assists with inflammation throughout the body, also "cured" my Fibromyalgia problem.
@@wyattfamily8997I drink tumeric teas daily and peppermint tea for spasms. Helps. Yes
I no longer eat meat too hard to digest. Fish and eggs are ok. 16 years with this.
Thank you! I was just diagnosed with diverticulitis. I've been reading fiber, fiber, fiber! Ugh...fiber kills me! So when I go to dietician appt I'm sure I'll have a disagreement.
Good luck!
You don't need more fiber. Forget about that. Just eat more meat and eggs. Meat( especially beef) and eggs have everything you need.
Artificial fiber is basically cardboard and is indigestible.
Look into a carnivore diet or at just cut out sugar, and cut out carbs as much as possible. Hope this helps.
I recommend listening to Dr.berry on UA-cam for more information on this subject.
God bless!
@@borg386yes, that saved me
@@borg386this can get very limited and who can actually do this all the time? Do you have diverticulitis? I hear meat is harder and takes longer to digest and stays in the system longer. Therefore can slow down digestion and elimination. Just curious how eggs and meat are the best.
Eggs and meat get digested and absorbed in stomach. Carnivore diet saved me from decades of pain. Worth a go, see if it helps, can’t hurt right? It’s now a lifestyle not a diet, no more pain is worth millions!
Whats the method for 2023?
I had 12 " of colon taken out 20 yrs ago. The Dr said you can eat anything you want except food w/nuts or seeds like bananas! True. Lastly I've also given up raw vegetables. Works
I've read bananas have those little seeds and they're like glass. Have you heard something like this?
@@buckeyelady65😮😮😮😮😅I've been eating bananas daily!! 😢
There’s a difference between diverticulitis and diverticulosis. Diverticulosis is the condition of having multiple pouches in the colon that are not inflamed. Multiple pouches are called diverticula.
Diverticulitis is inflammation of the diverticula.
Fiber in the food helps prevent diverticulosis in turning to diverticulitis. But once you get diverticulitis that is caused by some specific trigger, then fiber must be removed from the diet to allow the colon to heal smoothly. Once healed, then go back to add fiber.
I agree that medical professionals often give poor advice regarding dealing with this condition and it is usually the you need to eat more fibre route that they push mostly. I discovered the hard way that suddenly consuming more fibre than usual usually always makes things worse and the sudden bulking up due to an excess of fibre results in constipation. I keep a food and symptoms diary and record my bowel movements and whether I have help them happen. Anything and everything pertaining to my diet, medication, alcohol consumption, bowel movements, any new medical conditions, I record in my large page a day diary. I never self medicate and always run everything I do as a supplement past my GP first. I discovered long ago that fibre needs to be added gradually into the diet and as well as trigger foods being identified trigger medications also need to be identified. Because I also manage GERD, I am prescribed PPI medication for that, have been diagnosed with Barrett's Esophagus and a Hiatus Hernia I have to be extra careful and that helps regulate my Diverticular Disease.
Any thoughts if any benefits from digestive enzymes?
Hi Joe. Im on the clear diet right now. Im starving.
What about Carnivore?
Finally someone talking about this. I need more info. I'm about to do keto. I don't know if that is going to be ok for me with this condition
Hi it could be okay in the short-term, i don't see it being a long term solution though is the issue. In terms of more info, I have an article here also: www.dietvsdisease.org/diverticulitis-diet/
Keto will definitely work, but it is difficult. Keeping your carbs under 59 grams a day isn't easy.
But just cutting out the processed foods and sugar will help any ailment tremendously.
Good luck!
Don't do Keto...please that's what caused my diverticulitis...if you do stay away from all the fats & broccoli & cauliflower...gassy foods & cause inflammation.. You don't want any inflammation..Good luck🤗
@@jillcalvo6678 I have to stop it. After 4 months doing it and clean, it didn't work. I end up at the hospital and with 2 more flare up. So I stop. I was crying and upset but. 🤦🏽♀️🤷🏽♀️
@@borg386 It was not difficult for me but with diverticulos it's was not easy and I did 20 to 25 grams.
how about chicken broth with nothing else in it? I have never had a major flare up but lots of pain and gas at times . I have never had a fever antibiotics help me totally. About once every two months I'll get an annoying stomach ache and gas. No diarrhea ever and no constpation.
I need help with this I can't figure out how to get under control if you can help me please it's been flaring up lately
ive had so many flare ups over the last few years entire left hand side has diverticular disease its running me down all i do now is sleep and work quality of life is 0
Mine too
Try the carnivore diet.
I feel you on this...
had a colostomy 6wks out haven't looked back since ive got a life back. yes i agree it may not be for everyone but it was the right decision and treatment for me. I was back working on modified duties 4weeks after surgery
Praying for you🙏
I basically live on seeds and nuts...I make my own granola and have it every day with yougurt for breakfast. Chocolate chip cookies with crunchy almond butter and pecan pieces, protein shakes sometimes with nuts...I've been eating like this for maybe a year now. 'm having my first div attack and freaking out. I don't feel like eating anything right now. I have a physical job so I can't afford this pain and cramping. I think I will go liquid for the next few days at least.
Last week I was diagnosed and told to eat more fruits, vegetables and fiber.
Had it under control for 10 yrs. I added a raw loaded salad 2 days in a row. Bam, E.R. my diet has been balanced, and I noticed the undigested greens & diced raw red peppers. Too much raw, too soon. Unable to digest it.
I also find that too many raw vegetables at once causes a flare up
Same thing just happened to me! I usually eat carnivore diet but decided to be healthy at a bbq😮😢😮😢
@@DarylannCampbellthank you for sharing your experience I'm learning so much! I've just left the hospital with antibiotics no advice given just eat fibre Kmt
Salad leaves, tomato seeds are my triggers. Love salads, but had to switch to cooked veg
I’ve been to five different gastroenterologist over the past three years and my symptoms just keep getting worse. They are all completely worthless! They just want to run the test to take your money and then tell you to take Prilosec any smaller portions. It’s disgusting the way these people operate in my area.😡
Fibre definitely makes the condition worse for me so I eat very little of it. I also take slippery elm bark capsules, drink golden tea, and occasionally will eat raw garlic, mixed in my food, as it’s antibiotic and anti microbiobial
I am A neurologist and a neurosurgeon. I deal with the nerves all around the body. But mainly in the brain . But I had to become a doctor first. And I know I’ll let you eat can play a factor and diverticulosis and diverticulitis. I’m not a Nutritionist or a gastrointestinal doctor. I love doctor I can I understand it.
My wife suffered from constipation for years and ended up with diverticulitis. She has been trying to deal with it through diet and ginger teas, . Maybe castor oil will help. Thanks for the info
I’m on my 3rd round of antibiotics for my first time ever having acute diverticulitis. I’ve logged all of my food diligently for over FIVE years (so step 1- check)! This came “out of no where” as I eat relatively healthy, no medications, stable life. Is there ANY possibility that menopause can be a trigger for this? I’m 54, and believe it or not, in the early stages of menopause. I’ve also leaned that I have multiple large fibroids (also new). I’m really struggling here- and simply looking for answers. It’s a lot to share in a public forum like UA-cam - so I’ll stop here. Thanks for the video. Obviously the algorithms are working! 😊
I have just been discharged from hospital with diverticulitis and uterine fibroids also. I have been under stress for 6 years my diet has been abysmal so not surprised. But I'm also cutting back from my thyroid medication as I'm hypothyroid from 50mgs to 25mgs..I wonder if that played a part in the fibroids.
On a previous video I watch people were saying the same thing, and could only assume it was Covid related because it happened around the same time they got Covid
I'm 66 and way past menopause, but I've developed both of these conditions, too. I was in the hospital just yesterday, admitted to the ER because of intense abdominal pain. Diverticulitis diagnosed with CT scan! They prescribed antibiotics and wanted to keep me there to administer them with an IV, but I left against medical advice. I think it's too harsh a treatment, and I end up with a yeast infection every time. I'm on a liquid diet and will slowly introduce bland, safe foods while I wait for all the supplements I ordered to try and get my gut health back. Hopefully I can turn things around through natural means. The fibroids are less concerning, as I know it isn't cancer, but it's odd how these two conditions are somehow related?
Fasting 1-7 days water only, chew to turn everything into mush, seems like yogurt, kefir helps.
I think I have this I have trouble walking from it.
I have this disease And I've just come out of hospital with a really bad flare up Probably the worst one I've ever had And been told I will have to have a part of my Bowel removed i was on the carnivore diet and stopped it And that's when the flare up started So now I'm not sure what to do... I have bowel cancer in the family and lost quite a few of my family members because of this I don't know what to do now it sent me into a bad depression to be honest And I'm just looking for helping advice... the Hospital helpful getting the pain under control but i feel like they've just kicked me out and told me to get on with it
Can't drink dark cola drinks, no chocolate, ice cream. Bacon and peanut butter on toast, I can once in a while. Small amount of dairy. I am just very careful. Had to have a jp drain put in last time. I eat very small meals.
I tried to book in a session with you but the Timezone doesn’t work.
Can you please try again and check if theres available schedule that might fit for you?
Also, kindly email us @ hello@dietvsdisease.org if you need help regarding scheduling.
I have diverticulitis plus a fistula. Talk about pain and the disgusting symptoms that go along with it. Ugh.
Do you have a recommendation on the best book I can buy for general chronic gut issues? I don’t know what is wrong but I want to start with the low fodmap elimination phase of the diet. Thank you
Hi you should get the Monash fodmap book or their app and start with that 😊
Hi Majo,
You may want to download and try our free Low FODMAP foodlist as a start?
Download it here: rb.gy/aalk5m
My doctor said the same to take Metamucil 2 tsp twice a day. Don’t think it will help because I am in constant pain,suffer also from pancreatitis and stones in my duct. Had my gall bladder out many years ago. I am in constant pain. My doctor just laughed it off. I’m going for my 3rd ERCP in 3 weeks. At 67 I am miserable with this condition.
Should I stay away from Metamucil?
What to eat instead of fiber?
I just quit eating.
Ive called food a neccesary evil.
Yes, I've been there myself, only problem is after awhile you get hungry and have to eat something.
Food is the enemy when having a flare up
After 5 I don't eat☹️
If I get too hungry I try to eat bland.
I have been in so much pain that I'm going crazy that the doctors don't know what's wrong..
I have been having diverticulitis flare ups for several years and just had an MRI and they found diverticulosis. Having a flare up now but they have gotten better and less frequent since i can tell right away when they start and i immediately change my food intake to soft foods or just liquids. So not much pain or cramps. Right now my stomach is making lots of noise so hopefully things are starting to move. This info seems very confusing. Fiber and bananas and meat are good or bad ? I keep hearing different contradicting things.
My Doctor diagnosed me with Diverticulitis then gave me antibiotics that killed off my gut biom and gave me C. Diff and I have spent the last 4 months with fevers and diorea
What is c diff? My doctor told me they had to give me antibiotics because it is infected 😢
It's when most of your gut biom is killed off by antibiotics, it's a roller coaster of fever and diarrhea...not fun
@@rbo350 I’m sorry you’re going through this, it sounds crazy but have you heard of a fecal transplant? I heard it might help to restore healthy gut bacteria
@@rbo350 have they suggested anything to restore your healthy gut bacteria?
I have diverticulitis flare ups all the time but none of them are ever painful. I do have really bad bowel movements that are hard to deal with but I have to.
Had this for 25 yrs no mustard seeds no spag bols no Branston pickle get my drift
I’m in and out of the hospital with diverticulitis don’t know what to do the doctor recommended a high fiber
Meat and eggs is the solution. Not fiber.
I have a one third cup of Kellogg's bran buds daily which keeps regular. Constipation can be bad
The beans are the worst. Taking Beeno pils help very well
What kind of food should I eat, I don’t get it?????
Hi you can get the list here: www.dietvsdisease.com/fodmap-food-list?
I ate cabbage and now my stomach is killing me! I have spent the day on the toilet and sick on my stomach. I feel like Im dying
Hi Joe. Have you ever tried the carnivore elimination diet and then reintroduce foods to see what causes issues ???
What do you eat if you have a lot of allergies. I have had diverticulosis since my early 30's. I am allergic to legumes, soy, corn, tomato, peanuts, walnuts, cherries, squash, potatoes, beans. Which means any other fruits and vegetables in that family. So, what can I eat? So many foods have these additives in them.
I was also told I cannot have anything with pulp, celery, nothing stringy. I have to have 50 grams of fiber a day.
Meat is the way to go for those who have allergies to food. Beef is a non allergic food.
The carnivore diet is recommended for those who have food allergies.
Dr.berry on UA-cam is the best resource for this subject. You'll like him.
You are having a stomach ulcers not diverticulitis.
Thanks borg386
@@borg386also recommended for people who have auto immune diseases, I wonder if diverticulitis is considered an auto immune disease?
So I was perfectly fine then one day to the next I woke up had wierd bowel movements and left lower abdominal pain for about a week now does it go away on it's own or do I gotta go to the doctors
What did you end up doing? did you see a doctor?
You need to see a doctor, and suggest you may have it, or a lymph problem.
Go see a few different doctors.
Second opinion is important before the cut you open.
Eat clean.
Drink water.
No calories in your liquid .
Just for awhile.
I don’t know if it will help you, but half a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of warm water - drink. Also a couple of tablespoons of a good, active probiotic yogurt ( I use honey flavor Greek yogurt - is super tasty) will stop an attack within an hour… usually much shorter time. Morning & evening until no more flare up. I eat yogurt in the morning for breakfast with a ‘great grains’ cereal - only about a half cup total. Small meals, food chewed super well. Gets kind of boring, but it’s WAY better than painful diverticulitis episode 👍
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i would take this with more than a pinch of salt
Anyone out there that have have the opp to remove that part and now living the life?
i was in hospital 4 days ago. they say its diverticulitis. i get soooo many informations about what to eat that i get more and more confusion in my head about what to do. i have sigmoid colon inflamation and i feel the best not eating anything now. i really don't know what to eat. some say eat fruits some say don't. only cooked vegetables. no raw fruits. no milk products... shiet bro
I was in hospital yesterday because of a flare up. Had a scan that showed I was inflamed. All my blood work was good thankfully. But I get the same old instructions, eat more fibre and take Metamucil. When I’ve taken Metamucil in the past I get a bellyache. So I stopped it and until last week I hadn’t had a flare up for two and a half years. Two and a half years ago was a perforation so I was hospitalised for two nights and filled up intravenously with antibiotics that I don’t think I’ve ever recovered from 😏. I was also eating a very low carb diet and that seemed to work for some time until recently
@tessleroy5313 but carbs are a must for energy, recovery and muscle growth
@@RA-lh9uh carbs just make me sluggish. I’m talking about the breads and pastas. I had more muscle definition when I cut carbs but I reckon we’re all a little different 😊
@tessleroy5313 I think that this is glutens fault. Yesterday I had some lasagna and it made me bloated like a fkn balloon. Not eating gluten my stomach is much more flat. I never have problem with rice carbs but pasta.. totally different story. I try to eat clean, lots of fruits carbs and some meat but less than I used to eat before I had this problem
What is the difference between diverticulitis and colitis?
Im facing it now, and the pain and bloating or inflamation is so much, antibiotics isnt working, and im on liquid diet 😢
Do not eat popcorn!!!!! It is best to not eat anything with seeds, for instance: strawberries, kiwi, raspberries, sesame seeds, etc.
But too late for me. I've just found this out the hard way! Now on antibiotics 🫣😮 I love raspberry and strawberry 😢
We won’t be able to eat anything 😩
So true, strawberries and kiwi agitated my condition
How long should I stay on a liquid diet with diverticulitis
Digestive enzymes with meals
digestive enzymes made my stomach cramp