[TAS] Pokémon Blue and Red - Coop Diploma in
- Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
- This is a tool-assisted run of Pokémon Blue and Red, both completing their Pokédex and obtaining the diploma. No glitches are used.
This submission: tasvideos.org/5...
For more information about tool assistance, visit tasvideos.org.
Today, in things you'll only see in a TAS: removing Ice Beam for Horn Drill.
And using a Squirtle up against Lt. -Guile- Surge
Lpoeser actually, the non tas run uses horn drill, cause they use x accuracy to make it always hit.
Lpoeser Well actually Pokemon Red Glitchless uses Horn Drill since with X Accuracy and enough speed it has 100% accuracy and can swipe teams you couldn't swipe otherwise. The old Blastoise route used Fissure the same way, but since you can Red Bar (below 20,83% you can skip battlecrys to save 1-3min) with Nidoking route it's faster.
This took 3 hours.
(No.) B Pokemon R (No.)
(21) 52:53 Bulbasaur 49:01 (1)
(72) 2:16:17 Ivysaur 3:37:05 (137)
(145) 3:43:30 Venusaur 3:39:55 (141)
(16) 45:50 Charmander 52:53 (2)
(62) 1:52:15 Charmeleon 1:00:00 (6)
(74) 2:21:20 Charizard 3:21:36 (121)
(1) 1:27 Squirtle 1:31:44 (27)
(64) 1:54:03 Wartortle 1:36:01 (31)
(71) 2:14:01 Blastoise 3:45:20 (147)
(8) 29:04 Caterpie 55:20 (5)
(10) 29:54 Metapod 1:43:57 (33)
(12) 39:49 Butterfree 3:46:15 (148)
(11) 30:21 Weedle 54:30 (3)
(13) 40:04 Kakuna 1:09:41 (15)
(15) 44:12 Beedrill 1:11:02 (16)
(27) 1:13:06 Pidgey 1:01:45 (7)
(51) 1:43:13 Pidgeotto 2:20:08 (63)
(76) 2:24:11 Pidgeot 3:22:31 (122)
(79) 2:31:12 Rattata 1:07:12 (12)
(52) 1:43:39 Raticate 2:20:34 (64)
(2) 13:00 Spearow 1:07:37 (13)
(80) 2:32:42 Fearow 3:15:23 (111)
(28) 1:13:59 Ekans 1:06:46 (11)
(122) 3:24:19 Arbok 3:14:56 (110)
(26) 1:12:12 Pikachu 54:54 (4)
(110) 3:06:10 Raichu 3:39:25 (140)
(6) 19:01 Sandshrew 1:53:09 (38)
(114) 3:08:16 Sandslash 3:30:46 (131)
(46) 1:39:46 Female Nidoran 2:12:26 (51)
(38) 1:36:42 Nidorina 2:10:56 (47)
(141) 3:40:45 Nidoqueen 2:17:52 (61)
(44) 1:39:02 Male Nidoran 2:11:16 (48)
(50) 1:41:30 Nidorino 2:14:57 (57)
(140) 3:40:28 Nidoking 2:31:49 (75)
(5) 16:00 Clefairy 1:04:19 (10)
(7) 21:54 Clefable 1:34:37 (30)
(24) 1:00:23 Vulpix 1:52:15 (37)
(139) 3:40:10 Ninetales 2:16:28 (60)
(3) 13:25 Jigglypuff 1:02:10 (8)
(113) 3:07:42 Wigglytuff 1:08:40 (14)
(81) 2:34:11 Zubat 3:17:53 (115)
(84) 2:35:27 Golbat 2:51:07 (88)
(66) 1:55:51 Oddish 1:30:10 (25)
(77) 2:30:13 Gloom 2:34:11 (77)
(103) 3:02:03 Vileplume 3:27:07 (126)
(42) 1:38:15 Paras 2:12:04 (50)
(39) 1:37:04 Parasect 2:10:10 (45)
(40) 1:37:27 Venonat 2:09:49 (44)
(49) 1:41:05 Venomoth 2:15:26 (58)
(20) 49:21 Diglett 1:17:49 (22)
(19) 48:54 Dugtrio 1:17:16 (21)
(23) 59:55 Meowth 1:13:59 (19)
(63) 1:53:09 Persian 1:43:44 (32)
(92) 2:56:10 Psyduck 2:48:21 (82)
(98) 2:59:01 Golduck 2:49:09 (84)
(33) 1:32:37 Mankey 1:30:35 (26)
(89) 2:46:06 Primeape 3:23:25 (123)
(34) 1:33:31 Growlithe 1:29:44 (24)
(35) 1:34:37 Arcanine 2:33:09 (76)
(78) 2:30:45 Poliwag 3:09:41 (105)
(67) 2:03:31 Poliwhirl 2:06:13 (43)
(138) 3:39:52 Poliwrath 3:40:42 (142)
(9) 29:29 Abra 1:12:12 (17)
(108) 3:05:02 Kadabra 3:27:47 (127)
(131) 3:32:36 Alakazam 3:28:33 (128)
(87) 2:36:56 Machop 3:18:17 (116)
(125) 3:27:47 Machoke 3:17:28 (114)
(126) 3:28:33 Machamp 3:35:16 (135)
(22) 59:30 Bellsprout 1:32:37 (28)
(68) 2:07:11 Weepinbell 3:12:06 (106)
(132) 3:34:23 Victreebel 3:19:55 (118)
(54) 1:44:44 Tentacool 2:21:37 (66)
(75) 2:22:55 Tentacruel 3:43:30 (145)
(85) 2:35:53 Geodude 3:18:44 (117)
(86) 2:36:19 Graveler 3:42:19 (143)
(150) 3:48:04 Golem 3:43:05 (144)
(57) 1:47:20 Ponyta 2:26:12 (73)
(119) 3:21:36 Rapidash 3:12:19 (107)
(93) 2:56:35 Slowpoke 2:51:33 (89)
(90) 2:55:20 Slowbro 2:52:00 (90)
(135) 3:36:11 Magnemite 2:58:20 (97)
(109) 3:05:28 Magneton 3:00:06 (100)
(14) 41:52 Farfetch'd 1:13:06 (18)
(45) 1:39:23 Doduo 2:13:35 (54)
(106) 3:04:11 Dodrio 3:36:11 (136)
(96) 2:57:56 Seel 2:52:32 (91)
(97) 2:58:21 Dewgong 2:50:00 (86)
(56) 1:46:55 Grimer 2:24:40 (70)
(58) 1:47:54 Muk 2:25:14 (71)
(95) 2:57:28 Shellder 2:48:44 (83)
(105) 3:03:25 Cloyster 3:39:08 (139)
(148) 3:46:15 Gastly 1:45:02 (35)
(143) 3:42:19 Haunter 1:44:36 (34)
(144) 3:43:05 Gengar 3:48:04 (150)
(83) 2:35:01 Onix 3:17:02 (113)
(18) 48:20 Drowzee 1:18:21 (23)
(107) 3:04:36 Hypno 3:32:36 (133)
(91) 2:55:45 Krabby 2:56:55 (96)
(99) 2:59:31 Kingler 3:13:29 (108)
(130) 3:31:42 Voltorb 2:58:47 (98)
(112) 3:07:12 Electrode 3:01:17 (101)
(36) 1:35:58 Exeggcute 2:11:38 (49)
(142) 3:41:03 Exeggutor 2:31:29 (74)
(65) 1:54:57 Cubone 1:45:31 (36)
(82) 2:34:36 Marowak 3:16:37 (112)
(73) 2:18:56 Hitmonlee 3:37:59 (138)
(127) 3:28:58 Hitmonchan 2:45:18 (81)
(136) 3:37:05 Lickitung 2:55:53 (95)
(59) 1:48:45 Koffing 2:24:14 (69)
(61) 1:49:42 Weezing 2:25:42 (72)
(37) 1:36:20 Rhyhorn 2:10:34 (46)
(111) 3:06:43 Rhydon 3:31:42 (132)
(48) 1:40:40 Chansey 2:14:31 (56)
(53) 1:44:05 Tangela 2:20:59 (65)
(43) 1:38:37 Kangaskhan 2:13:12 (53)
(100) 3:00:36 Horsea 2:49:36 (85)
(115) 3:08:53 Seadra 2:50:30 (87)
(101) 3:01:08 Goldeen 2:53:32 (92)
(116) 3:09:25 Seaking 3:14:04 (109)
(94) 2:57:01 Staryu 2:54:05 (93)
(104) 3:03:07 Starmie 3:20:59 (120)
(32) 1:31:44 Mr. Mime 1:16:08 (20)
(147) 3:45:20 Scyther 2:12:47 (52)
(146) 3:44:24 Jynx 2:19:02 (62)
(129) 3:30:46 Electabuzz 2:59:15 (99)
(60) 1:49:15 Magmar 1:54:03 (39)
(41) 1:37:49 Pinsir 1:55:51 (41)
(47) 1:40:16 Tauros 2:14:07 (55)
(4) 14:07 Magikarp 1:02:50 (9)
(149) 3:47:09 Gyarados 3:08:45 (104)
(70) 2:12:55 Lapras 2:40:21 (80)
(69) 2:07:37 Ditto 2:34:35 (78)
(17) 46:44 Eevee 2:35:26 (79)
(133) 3:34:41 Vaporeon 3:44:24 (146)
(123) 3:25:14 Jolteon 3:20:42 (119)
(31) 1:31:06 Flareon 1:33:31 (29)
(118) 3:20:39 Porygon 3:24:19 (124)
(55) 1:46:00 Omanyte 1:54:57 (40)
(121) 3:23:25 Omastar 3:04:55 (103)
(120) 3:22:31 Kabuto 2:22:53 (67)
(124) 3:26:49 Kabutops 3:29:52 (130)
(137) 3:37:59 Aerodactyl 2:23:29 (68)
(29) 1:24:20 Snorlax 1:59:25 (42)
(102) 3:01:36 Articuno 2:54:33 (94)
(128) 3:29:52 Zapdos 3:01:55 (102)
(88) 2:38:38 Moltres 3:47:09 (149)
(25) 1:11:19 Dratini 2:15:57 (59)
(30) 1:30:04 Dragonair 3:28:58 (129)
(134) 3:35:16 Dragonite 3:34:00 (134)
(117) 3:10:13 Mewtwo 3:25:14 (125)
They forgot mew
Mew is not possible to get through legit ways, it was given away once at an event 20 years ago
I have but one Like to give.
@@TheArsenic_ They did a second one for the virtual console releases on the 3DS, but even then, still hard to get w/o glitches.
I actually saw someone used Arbitrary Code Execution to make a red/blue VC save file that can produce infinite Mews with the correct OT and ID to be transferable to Pokemon Bank, though :)
Every so often I have to rewatch the greatest TAS ever made, just to appreciate it again
Same, just wish the commentary was spoken. If I could commentate over this with someone and post it to UA-cam, I would.
2:53:23 Red is casually fishing for goldeen with articuno right behind him...
Dude, this TAS is wild. It's incredible how the two games are at different points most of the time, but it all magically comes together in the end. Insane routing.
That's without any doubt the best TAS I've seen in my whole life. It's just mind-blowing to imagine the amount of preparation that was required to create all the perfect routes, congratulations.
Hi I'm answearing 3 years later...congrats!
Honestly the only tas I find more impressive is the yellow ACE..... By the exact same person who made this one
No way, 226 million rerecords? Also, this is hands down the best piece of routing I have ever seen
Brute Force scripts.
TAS is such a good player. Wish he played Pokémon more.
Is this a joke comment?
He's no match for AAA, the greatest arcade player of all time.
All of you are forgetting that PB has great times in so many more games than either of those people.
Pffff, amateurs! Have you ever heard of WR? He's the real deal! The guy has the best times in more games than you can count.
@@Jimmyzation Ever Heard Of Sum Of Best? Now He Gets The Best Times Ever
Little does Brock know that the level 31 Charmander is from an alternate timeline.
Pokémon Red in Blue done in 0.5x A presses
Hyrule Legend Pokemon A Button Challenge has, indeed, been done. I believe it's down to 47.
@@ENCHANTMEN_ The 47 A presses run is outdated, it's at 33 now.
Awesome video! Knowing the "human" route for this really makes me appreciate some these TAS strategies. So much crazy optimization here lol. Keep up the great work!
+Shenanagans Smash Thanks! Great work on the Catch 'em all route and runs btw, I feel I need to get on improving the TAS for that at some point, before you end up beating it in RTA, like I suspiciously did when you were close to its time last time ;)
+MrWint I'd love to see what you could do using our current ruleset. Its always great to see what you come up with for your runs, so that I can steal your strategies :p (I think you saved us 10+ minutes after you posted the 1:54 lol)
We're currently in the process of rerouting the game after banning a few glitches we deemed "too polarizing" like LGFly and oobLG. Before we banned those a few of us managed to overtake your previous TAS time, but now we are working on breaking the 2 hour barrier again. Catch 'em all is such a hard category to define, because we want a category that is entertaining to run, but doesn't arbitrarily ban too much so we just made 2 categories, one with arbitrary bans and one with no restrictions.
+Shenanagans Smash I haven't kept up with the developments and am a little out of touch with the lingo, but from what I could read up on pokemonspeedruns (which could use some sort of glossary and explanation for all these terms for someone to catch up on; or maybe I just haven't found it), some of these new glitches seem to be dangerously close to ACE (again, hard to say without having any detailed explanations on how they work, I'd love to have some pointers). In my TAS I was very careful to avoid glitches that have ACE potential, even if I wasn't intending to use it. E.g. I could have set the HoF map at the end directly to trigger the credits, but I chose to use a slower wrong warp instead since changing the map script pointer is arguably ACE, even if I happen to point it to a valid ROM location. The idea was that being able to directly influence the executed code locations is just as bad as ACE, even if it's original game code, so I only tried to only change the game's basic data structures (like the connecting map IDs) and have the game logic (mis-)handle it. I'm aware that there isn't a clear line to draw (e.g. changing the text pointers is borderline because of inline asm in the texts), but it seems that some of the new methods break the self-imposed rules I used back then, and loosening them opens a can of worms and can easily break the category, as LWA apparently did.
You'd need to try and identify characteristics of glitches that make them permissible instead of playing whack-a-mole with banning very specific gltiches, as there will be new ones taking their place. I'm sure this has been discussed in length already and I'm not planning to stir up any new discussions around this, but reading up about this definitely lowered my interest in going back to improving the TAS, since I know this is something I'd need to deal with.
***** www.twitch.tv/surrealguy/v/84155210 current record, before manips got discovered. Still really good.
To be fair if I won literally every single time, I'd be crippingly addicted to gambling as well xD
Try real-life rng xD
If you only ever win, is it gambling? Or is It free money?
Even beginning to think through the routing of this run is mind-boggling. All of the variables that you had to keep track of in two separate games simultaneously must have taken some serious time to work out into an efficient run. I guess what I'm trying to say is that this is really impressive. Great job!
This is a really awesome run, made even better by the super informative annotations. I just can't imagine the amount of planning and effort which must have gone into it.
This is one of the best tool assisted speed runs ever! It is a right up there with Yoshi's Island 100%. Thank you for doing this
Have you seen Zelda OOT 100% TAS ?
B. Clarenc I don’t think I have. I must watch!
After five years I came back to rewatch it. It's still a masterpiece! See you in another five years!
I hope this run is published, it is amazing and the annotations helps a lot to understand how this game works!
+Yuri I love this kind of TASes where author writes a lot stuff about how game works, and how can some things be manipulated etc. If you like this kind of stuff too, I recommend you to watch Final Fantasy TAS by TheAxeMan :)
+Marcin Kralka I guess I watched it once a long time ago, I'll look at it again.
+Yuri it is published. you're watching it. tasvideos isn't the be-all and end-all of tases.
+Arkarian01 I know, yet I was saying it because it was a submission in TASVideos and it was indeed published :D
I really do hope this get accepted. The ending kinda scaring me though, wouldn't be the first time a run got rejected because it was 100% glitchless and therefore deemed too boring for the TAS crowd. Hopefully the fact it is Pokemon and catching em all was always a main goal that most people skip will help it. I may be in the minority here but breaking a game to the point where you can turn Mario into pong isn't entertaining to me, I want to watch a TAS of a game for the fastest possible (even if unrealistic) time for that game. Yet the response I always get is "well there are categories for those". Not very useful when it is a pain in the ass to find rejected runs on the site. Judges really need to be reminded that TAS exist for entertainment and not everyone have as short attention spans as them.
Personally, I love seeing games broken to a ridiculous extent, but everyone has their own tastes
I know that rude comments on the internet are kind of a given, but I don't think that the judges pick short games for the TAS block just because they have "short attention spans".
I agree. TAS Master's Ocarina of Time "All Medallions" Run was deemed too boring because it didn't go to each dungeon to get the medallions. Like, who the fuck cares? He did it in under an hour, I'd say that's super impressive.
@Ace King Damp are there categories for those categories? Also, hi
This whole speedrun was amazing, but seeing a mankey sweep through Agatha's team was the highlight of the run for me.
I was going to question why Blue's audio was quieter than Red's, but I realised for myself after seeing and hearing all those payouts during Blue's gambling streaks. Plus, hearing the eerie cave music playing in the Red version of Mt. Moon over the start of Blue's first gambling streak was kinda funny in a juxtaposed way, almost making it sound like Blue was increasingly succumbing to gold fever every time he won the jackpot at the slots.
Professor Oak finishs his morning coffee. He then entrusts two young boys, B and R to help him in his lifelong task of completing his Pokedex (of which he hasn't even registered a single Poke.)
Three and a half hours later his colleagues in Celedon are calling him to tell him not only have both boys finished his life work, they also dismantled a criminal organisation, obtained all gym badges, and B also scored huge on the slots and became Pokemon Champion.
Wonder how this would look with 3d glasses..
It didn't do anythig
Liked your comment
I mean you could a vr head set
I figure you would only see in red and blue anyways
45 minutes in and the two runs make it to the Pokemon center within a second of each other. Amazing!
The annotations are greatly appreciated!
"Taking the stairs is faster than taking the elevator in almost all circumstances."
I'm gonna use that one on my family next time they try and take an elevator up to the second floor.
Turns out to be pretty true to real life as well.
This might be my favorite TAS ever made
Hi! is there a pastebin of this route, or notes you could provide making the route?
Just saw your Pokemon Yellow arbitrary code execution TAS run and was amazed. Had to find more of your runs; this is fantastic.
This TAS is the equivalent of whenever they constantly scream "DODGE IT" in the anime.
3:41:55 After Red's magic trick, everyone in the Pokémon Center crowds around him in wonder
I watched this whole thing all the way through and never want to hear the evolution/trade theme again...
Did they really need to make it so long? It's not like sending the data actually takes very long, that all happens during the "please wait" part...
Silph Co. President: "Wait! Take our Master Ball before you leave. It's a secret prototype ball that never fails."
Red: "Poké Balls can fail?"
Aka. Tate & Liza Play Pokémon Red and Blue
Good job getting this run submitted during Pokémon's 20th Anniversary. It's a fitting tribute, even more so since it isn't a glitch TAS.
Just the idea of this run was already super intriguing, but the Ember critical hit chain at 8:11 was the moment I hit pause, grabbed a drink, and got comfy.
This is incredible.
Can you maybe explain why that happened? That doesn't seem right at all.
+Laud +Nacho No seriously someone explain that voodoo
It's plain luck(-manipulation). Each attack has a set chance (based on the Pokémon's speed) to be a critical hit, and the run manipulates them to happen when they are needed (by trying out different input sequences brute-force, using tool assistance, see the description). Each random event is independent from the others, so doing consecutive crits is not significantly harder than doing one crit.
+Laud Things like critical hits are supposed to be random, but it's hard to be completely random as a computer, since a computer is a machine that only works by people telling it exactly what to do. Because of this, computers have pseudo random number generators, which are designed to act like random, but can actually be manipulated (which is what's happening here).
Idk the specifics of the manipulation though.
windowsforvista I'm sure that instead of doing the math, an easier way would be to advance one frame at a time and try attacking each frame until you get a crit
Amazing concept for a TAS and so well routed and coordinated. That alone would be enough to make it interesting. But along with the insightful annotations, only having one side's audio going, and choosing not to use redbar makes this just a pleasure to watch. Thank you for this video!
Seriously good watch and category choice. Thanks and props for taking the mind boggling amount of time to not just route, but tas both sides. I can't begin to imagine.
This TAS literally added years to my lifespan!! I'm trying to tackle getting the diploma but in a long play format rather than a speedrun. Between this holy TAS and Shenanagan's 124 run I've learned so much!!!
I've never seen or heard of TAS. I'm glad my reccomended got this up. With pokemon runs (of any kind tbh) I'd rather watch the game be played than an endless amount of repetitive glitches. Speedy, sure. But not that fun for a random viewer.
While my fingers and luck could never be this fast, its rad to see how this is possible over two games.
This is glitchless. ua-cam.com/video/Ietk1-Wb7oY/v-deo.html
Most viewers are more impressed by glitches and enjoy it more, because it takes skill to pull them off, while playing glitchless like this is usually mostly memorization (though it's more fun to watch the Tas because of the insane routing). But yea, gimme a catchemall run over the glitchless run anyday, takes much more skill.
it took me this long to realize that the title is "co-op diploma" not "co-op dilemma"
All that work for a piece of paper. :^)
Clay Young ah college…
correction, two pieces of paper!
@@ImaginaryHuman072889 automatically better than collage
I can’t even begin to fathom the planning that went into this run. Everything just comes together so many times. One of the best TAS I’ve ever seen. Thank you for the annotations by the way
I'd love to see one of these with gen 2, a 249 (excluding mew and celebi) run would be really nice to see
Kanto starters are only obtainable through glitching or trading with RBY
You realize we'd need 4 games going at once for that.
Actually, there is a Gen 1 & Gen 2 249 run including Pokemon Red, Blue, Gold & Silver on Twitch.
Part 1: www.twitch.tv/crrool/video/213706153?filter=archives&sort=time
Part2: www.twitch.tv/crrool/video/213706167
These guys did an amazing job!
I want a 380 with all 5 handheld gen 3 games. Ho-oh and Lugia can only be found through an event or one of the Gamecube games, and isn’t required as well as Mew, Celebi, Jirachi and Deoxys. You would need to reset firered or leafgreen after catching 60 pokemon to get all 3 legendary beasts.
Quite an ambitious TAS, nice work.
42 minutes in, it JUST occurred to me that this is probably not "two games one controller."
... still very impressive, though. ^^;
The rerecord count is propably what makes this run so damn good to watch, so much time put in it, plus we have annotation, what else can we ask for ? :D
Great TAS !
Voice commentary would be nice.
Well done, nice TAS !
this was a blast to watch! thanks so much for your hard work!!
I'm impressed with this run,you did a great job. I hope this gets approved. Definitely worth a subscribe.
Gets approved? What?
This run is a lot of fun to watch! And the captions explaining what's going on are great... They're even colored depending on which game they're referring to!!
Kinda jealous of the winning at slots and instant captures though, even though I know its all down to RNG manipulation. :P
1:16:04 Red trades his abra for a Mr. Mime, not a Likitung. Can you jam an annotation over that?
So it's basically him just telling the rng to suck it for 3 hours straight
1:46:36 - Wait, you went specifically into the Pokémon center to change boxes?? Dude, you passed those two computers that the revival scientists have which act exactly like normal Pokecenter computers. You could have changed boxes there and saved several seconds! (I remember TPP accidentally turning one of those on and almost losing team members...)
And again on the Red side at 2:23:09... more time to be saved!
+Tustin2121 not there yet in the video, but I'm going to guess it was to set his respawn so he could pass out and warp there
In gen 1, you had to heal in order to set a checkpoint. He did not heal. He keeps his checkpoint in Cerulean basically all game.
You: That damn Chansey!
TAS: The most freest catch in the game smh.
Note that blue registered meowth as owned the exact same time red registered charmeleon (1:00:09). Entries that register simultaneously aren't limited to trades between the games...
I wonder how much it would confuse the brain if the audio left and right were allocated to the blue and red, respectively.
wow this came out 8 years ago? man where DOES the time go?
I remember spending this long looking for a Pikachu in Viridian Forest. Nice work!
Ha, facing Pokémon League with a couple Level 20+ Pokémon. Good TAS!
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
If I pick a Pokemon,
I choose you!
(Go team blue!)
I'm so glad youtube removed annotations so I could watch this video way too late to know what they ever said. _sigh_
In watching this run, I realized that I've never seen the Gen I sprites for some of the Safari Zone Pokemon. Ever.
In case anyone is interested, here's a reference guide for all of the Pokémon in this run: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LOufRWnvH0XB-cUGMwjuXlgxaJQJMV2o75g12OQlIPU/
Now to see a Catch' em All Speedrun between all the Gen 1 and 2 games to try and complete the entire Pokedex including catching both mythicals.
I just want this run with vocal commentary so I can listen to it on the road.
That is exactly what I was looking for, thank you
Definitely an interesting TAS. One way to spend a day :V
U know the Floor's people and Camera's in the sky are watchin' Blue very close now haha
Red/Blue:Squirtle... Charmander.. dont evolve... bad pokemon... STOP EVOLVING ALREADY FOR LIKE THE 20TH TIME... I NEED YOU GO EVOLVE LATER
And this is why hold items are a thing starting from gen 2 onwards and why the everstone exists..
You mostly avoided redbarring because it was annoying even though it was faster. If you used redbar whenever it was faster, how much faster do you think the run would be?
I don't think it would be faster tbh, it would be far too hard to coordinate 2 games into redbar with how often he changes pokemon.
I wonder if someone made a romhack that was exactly the same, only redbar was silent (but would still cancel out sounds as usual) if that would be acceptable. I suppose for a TAS you could run it with the regular game then play the recorded inputs on the romhack to get a video for youtube, that way it's proven to be legit on the unmodified game.
@@SaintUrsinus Well, some Pokemon (like the starters and Dratini) are used almost exclusively for long stretches, so it could save a good bit of time if it were only done for them.
I found this on the TAS website. Rather I found the other encode. I like this one with the subtitles and capture bar better than the one over on the TAS channel. Great work. Im sure it took a lot of time. Im really glad you did take the time to do this. It really is a great run. How many man hours did it take to finish?
Several million re records. Each re record had to take at least a second, if not a minute. On average, that's 11 days, times 20 or so, times about 20 more... So I'd estimate about a year and a half.
@@SaintUrsinus MrWint writes bruteforce scripts for his TASes
@@gairisiuil ah, I didn't consider that that would be included in the rerecords.
OK so, probably more like 3-5 months or so then. It still takes time.
When blue teleports out of the Cinnabar island mansion the sprite turns in to ABCD backwards
I'd be awesome to see something similar for Gold and Silver. I wonder what tools were used for this TAS... was this with an emu with LUA scripting, or was another program used that could provide input to the emulators? Really cool to watch to the end!
I think it is done with LUA scripting. ua-cam.com/video/_GIzdYFi_4g/v-deo.html
And they said 65 million rerecords was too much...
i was surprised to see red enter the safari zone. i would have figured all the pokemon would be traded (blue can trade over pokemon that know surf and strength, preventing the need for red to get the surf HM or gold teeth which is required for strength HM), but i guess it is faster for red to just capture all those pokemon rather than trade them all
You can tell that this is TAS, because goalie guy actually stays out of your way.
Tool assisted or not, the routing on this was beautiful. Tip of the cap, sir!
One question: Dratini is the biggest EXP sink the entire game, so why wasn't it traded for the EXP boost? I know it isn't much, but wouldn't it add up over the course of the run?
Great TAS, very very interesting, the strategy, the road.
Now the next level, a coop TAS with Red, Blue, Green and Yellow 😁!!!
I like this run, It's very good, 150 on both games, no glitches. Well done.
Do you think a Pokemon Gold and Silver Co-op Diploma run is possible? To get all Pokemon between the two games. It will have to include Red and Blue to get the starter Pokemon, Fossil Pokemon and legendaries but it could be used to get event Pokemon quicker like Lapras, Hitmonlee and HitmonChan also Eevee's without breeding. Some Pokemon and Item placements in Red and Blue would allow you to get certain Pokemon earlier than would they appear in Gold and Silver, this can work the other way around, trading Pokemon back to Red to blue help them progress faster. You could send pokemon with HM's moves over to Red or Blue to have skip places such as S.S.Anne or having them skip getting the Fly, Strength or Surf HM's.
A Gold and Silver Co-op Diploma run, does seem like it would be fun to watch how someone would tackle this challenge.
I'd always new somebody out there would complete their Pokedex even if it's not outside Generation I. I know somebody in the world has completed their Pokedex in every Pokemon game possible.
Imagine how many people there completing their pokedexs AND getting mythical event pokemon glitchless for every main entry!
Sidenote: I hate this model for the games. The base is great and all but the programmers and/or producers put too much technical limitations to enjoy owning a solo complete game without glitches/cheats.
do you think professor oak feels a little put off by the fact that you fulfilled a dream he worked all his life on and failed to fulfill himself in less than four hours
true beauty lies within this video
Blue's ID 00100
Red's IDs 19353 and 14598
I love the commentary! Would love it if it were audible, so I didn't have to move my eyes off the games.
1:03:50 how to game corner.
I couldn't even BEGIN to imagine the time and effort it took to make this!
Yet I can't help but wonder: since it involves 3 starters and 3 Eeveelutions, what if you did one with all 3 Gen 1 versions?
5:55 damn caterpie looks pissed
I'd love to see a side by side run of Gold and Silver next.. maybe even Crystal in there.
You deserve 100k subs atleast this is insane
This is awesome. Completely different feel!
They both caught Chansey while the other fought Giovanni.
This is so fucking interesting. I've been looking for a video or site like this to tell me about how the codes in these games work and how their probabilities are set. Super informative
Out of curiosity, how much time would remaining in redbar have saved?
Remaining in redbar here saved him upwards of 14 minutes. How much more he could have saved is probably almost nothing unless it was viable to, which is unlikely considering its a tas.
Welcome newcomers that won't ever be able to understand what was said in the annotations!
Are you going to more of these? I like this type of speedrun of the first generation.
Amazing! Please tell me you'll do this for at least Gold and Silver as well. You did great with this, and I wouldn't want to see you stop at this.
Bulbapedia says experience gets reset to the level minimum when a Pokemon gets taken out of the daycare. I guess that's wrong?
Is there a way to display that overlay like you did around 29:00?
It'd be cool if there was a diagram of all the pokemon in the black space at the top for each game that removes them as they got each one for easy tracking
trading a mewtwo for a jolteon? what a rip off
Hey atleast you get to complete your Pokedex
This is fantastic!
2:29 - Fighting doesn't change DVs, you're talking about Stat Exp.
+LunarRay I actually do mean DVs. They are manipulated to be high in order to have faster battles. Stat Exp does help as well, but they're not worth investing time in raising them apart from natually getting them through fights. I see that my wording might have been confusing though. Fighting does in fact not change DVs, but DVs change the fights.