Ethiopia - ESAT ድሮና ዘንድሮ - "የኦነጉን መሥራቹ ባሮ ቱምሳን ማን ገደለው? ..." | Jan 2022

  • Опубліковано 27 жов 2024


  • @Dagne-ub4vx
    @Dagne-ub4vx 2 роки тому +5

    I have to say I enjoyed and learnt from this interview. What an excellent journalist and interviewer. I hope others learn from her. She is such a breath of fresh air. Thank you so much. Please teach others how to do it.

    • @Dagne-ub4vx
      @Dagne-ub4vx 2 роки тому +1

      I have to add that the interviewee cams across as someone who is open to tell his story in a way that tells he is for united Ethiopia. I take my hat for you, Sir! Thank you for your positive reaction in the interview. You stood tall. Btw, I’m not Oromo but I liked the way you told your story..

  • @kassag3139
    @kassag3139 2 роки тому +2

    ለአባ ብያ ረጅም እድሜ እመኛለሁ

  • @muugetaooo6778
    @muugetaooo6778 2 роки тому

    I personally don't like to listen to ESAT but I lave this particular program holding a great time with this person.

  • @aminaahmed4180
    @aminaahmed4180 2 роки тому +5

    አባሳደር አባብያ እዉነተኛ ትልቅ የሃገር ሃብት እድሜና ጤና ይስጦት!!

  • @geteasfaw-goop789
    @geteasfaw-goop789 2 роки тому +4

    በነበረው፣ወቅት፣የፖለቲካውን፣አቐም አናውቅም።

  • @zenebezinabu3602
    @zenebezinabu3602 2 роки тому +1

    Aba Jiffar's great great grand son Ambassador Aba Beya sounds royal. He is dropping bombs if you really listen. The journalist is also very good.

  • @malex3337
    @malex3337 3 місяці тому

    ግጥም እስቲ ንገሩኝ በባሮ ቱምሳ የተፃፈ ኢትዮጵያዊ ማነው የሚለውን

  • @alemayehuayyiso4226
    @alemayehuayyiso4226 2 роки тому +1

    መፅሐፍ ፅፈው ከሆኑ የሚናገኝበት አድራሻ እባካችሁ አሳውቁን ዳግሞም ጥሩ ዝግጅት ነው።

  • @tesfaytesfazgy6502
    @tesfaytesfazgy6502 2 роки тому +5

    አምባሳደር አባቢያ ከግብፅ አምባሳደርነታቸው ከተነሱ በኋላ ካይሮ ውስጥ ለነበሩት ኢትዮጵያውያን ስደተኞች ዘርና ሃይማኖት ሳይለዩ ወደ
    አውስትራሊያና ካናዳ እንዲሄዱ የተባበሩና የረዱ ቅን ሰው መሆናቸውን ስምቻለሁ ።

  • @rosariovettrano4995
    @rosariovettrano4995 2 роки тому +1

    አባ ቢያ ረጂም አድሜና ጤና አመኛለሁ 👍🙏

  • @meskeremhabtegebreal6362
    @meskeremhabtegebreal6362 2 роки тому +2

    አባ ቢያ እረጅም ዕድሜና ጤና ይስጥዎት።

  • @yphanneslechebo6450
    @yphanneslechebo6450 2 роки тому

    Thank you girl

  • @addis1395
    @addis1395 2 роки тому +1

    የሚያሳዝነው እንደ አቶ አባ ቢያ እና ሌሎችም የተመሰረቱ ዘር ተኮር ድርጅቶች የብዙ ደሀ ገበሬ ልጆች እየቀጠፉ ብዙ ወላጆች መሐን አድርጎአል ። ሌንጮ ለታም እና ጉዋደኞቻቸው እድሜ እየጠገቡ ነው ። ለመሆኑ ከጅ ወደአፍ ለሚኖረው ገበሬ በሽታ ለምን ታመጣላችሁ

  • @olinadhufe4338
    @olinadhufe4338 2 роки тому +2

    You raised issue of region against Federal government
    It is extremely impossible to accept unitary government in countries like Ethiopia because of the following scientific truth
    1. Unitary system of government is unsuitable for a multi-ethnic country:- Unitary system of government is not suitable for a multi-ethical nation.
    In fact, it is unfeasible to practice unitary system in such kind of nation. This is so because; in a multi-ethical nation people have different beliefs and religion. Conversely, if political powers are concentrated in the hands of just one central government, leaving people at the local level aside, there will definitely be crisis and power struggle in the country.
    2. It does not create room for wider participation in government:
    In a unitary system of government, powers are concentrated in the center, making it difficult or even impossible for people at the local level to be able to participate in government. This is unlike a federal system because it does not allow for a wider participation of government.
    However, in a federation, powers are clearly share and the local government system is employed to ensure that there is a government at the grassroots level. Thus, even if people cannot participate in the activities of the nation from the national level, they can still participate from the local level.
    3. Unequal growth and development in the state:
    Another demerit of unitary system of government is the unequal growth and development which the system causes. This is so because the central government cannot possibly develop every part of the nation at the same time without sharing its powers. Definitely some parts of the nation will be left aside.
    Conversely, this will lead to an unequal development in the nation. As a result of this demerit, unitary system of government can also cause crisis in a nation.
    4. The central government is burdened with too many functions and responsibilities:
    In a unitary system of government, the central government is usually burdened with so many functions and responsibilities because there is no other unit of government to share those functions with.
    5. Slow growth and development of the country:
    Unitary system of government usually causes a slow economic growth and development in the country, especially in a heterogeneous economy.
    This is so because only one central government can not possibly bring about develop in a country with different tribes and religion.
    But if the powers are shared between different units, each government will be able to focus and ensure rapid growth.
    For this reason, many scholars are of the view that; rapid economic development is more feasible in a federal system of government than in a unitary system of government.
    Okay! This is where I am going to end on the merits and demerits of unitary system of government. Like it is always said, anything that has advantages also has disadvantages too. There is no doubt that unitary system of government is a good system, especially when it is practiced in a small and homogeneous state. Nonetheless, it still has disadvantages too.

  • @tesfayetafesse9866
    @tesfayetafesse9866 2 роки тому +1

    Please don’t delete when you see a comment that you don’t like.

  • @kassag3139
    @kassag3139 2 роки тому +2

    ምርጥ ኢሳት ጋዜጠኛ

  • @seifuhuluka431
    @seifuhuluka431 2 роки тому +2

    ጋዜጠኛዋን ሳላደንቅ አላልፍም። ነገር ከስሩ ውሃ ከ......እንደሚባለው ጥያቄሽ መሠረታዊ ነወ።

  • @beletetom107
    @beletetom107 2 роки тому +8

    እስክንድር ነጋ ማለት የሚከተሉት ነው።
    (1)የአአማራ ጽንፈኛ
    (2)ተናግሮ የማያሳምን
    (3) ሲናገር ቃላት የማይገጣጠምለት
    (4) ፖለቲካ የማይሆንለት የማይሞላለት
    (5) አስር ቤት አሟቂ
    (6) ለሀገሩ ምንም ያልሰራ ለመስራትም ምንም ችሎታ የሌለው። ብዙ ጊዜ በመታሰር ብቻ የታወቀ። አሁንም ለተጨማሪ እውቅና ለመታሰር እየሰራ ያለ ግለሰብ ነው።
    (7) ለሀገሩም ሆነ ለሚስቱ ወይም ለልጁ ምንም ፍቅር የሌለው ግን ለእስር ቤት ብቻ ፍቅር ያለው ሰው ነው።
    ጠ/ሚር። አብይ እና እስፍንድድ ነጋ አንድ አይነት አመለካከት እያላቸው እስፍንድድ አብይን የማይደግፈው አማራ እና ኦርቶዶክስ ስላልሆነ ብቻ ነው።
    እስክንድር በቁሙ የሞተ እሱን ሰምቶ መስኪድ የሚያቃጥሉ ደግሞ በሙታን የሚመሩ ናቸው።
    እስክንድር የትርጉም ጽፈት ቤት ከፍቶ ከአማርኛ ወደ እንግሊዝኛ ከእንግሊዘኛ ወደ አማርኛ መተርጎም ቢሰሪ ይሻለዋል። እርሱንም በቅጡ አይሰራም ምክኒያቱም 1996 (Gregorian) የተረጎመውን ወረቀት አይቻለው። አማራ ስለሆነ ቀባብታችው አሳምራችው ምሁር አድርጋችው አዋቂ አድርገችው የምታቀርቡበት እና የምትሰሙበት ጊዜ አክትሞዋል

    • @Lepua2009
      @Lepua2009 2 роки тому

      አብይ ማለት የሚከተሉት ነው::
      የሴጣን ልጅ
      የሰው ውሻ
      አደለም የኢትዮጵያ የበሻሻ መሪ እንኳን መሆን የሌለበት ህፃን ነው አደለም ከእስክንድር ከአንድ ተራ መሀይም ጋር መወዳደር አይገባውም 🤣

    • @abrahamt2356
      @abrahamt2356 2 роки тому

      Dedeb Koshasha Tenagreh Motahal

    • @kokikokiki5945
      @kokikokiki5945 2 роки тому


    • @beletetom107
      @beletetom107 2 роки тому

      አብይ በድሮን በመከላከያ ሠራዊት በአየር ኃይል በመታገዝ ከአማራ እና በትግራይ ጦርነት ውስጥ አማራን ረድቶ የትግራይ ሕዝብ ላይ ላደረሰው ጉዳት ተጠያቂ ነው። ሆኖም ግን በምንም በምንም በቁሙ ከሞተ የአማራ ጽንፈኛ እስክንድር ነጋ ጋር አይወዳደርም። አሁን አንተ እስክንድርን ሰው አድርገ የምትጎተግተው እንዲታሰርልህና ያቺን ሚስቱን ለማማገጥ እንዲመች ነው አይደል? አንተስ አፈር ብላ ደምበኛው የአድጊ ብራንድ ነህ።

    • @Lepua2009
      @Lepua2009 2 роки тому

      @@beletetom107 እስከሸዋ ፈርጥጦ ድረሱልኝ ያለውን ጦር ማለትክ ነው አማራን እና አፍርን ነፃ ያወጣው የአማራና የአፋር ጀግኖች ናቸው የአቢቻን ጦርማ አየነውኮ 🤣

  • @yphanneslechebo6450
    @yphanneslechebo6450 2 роки тому +3

    The army of O L f the 20000 you said are massacred by TPlf

  • @yphanneslechebo6450
    @yphanneslechebo6450 2 роки тому

    You ''girl you very wise

  • @gc5004
    @gc5004 2 роки тому +2

    የትግራይ ፡ወራሪ ቡድን እንዲሁም ሸኔ፡ አሉበት።?

  • @sodaarabbii8811
    @sodaarabbii8811 2 роки тому

    ጠያቂዋ ምርጥ ጋዜጠኛ ነች ። ተጠያቂው ትልቅ ግን ?????

    • @halimamuhammed1063
      @halimamuhammed1063 2 роки тому

      Please Abbaa Biyaa Abbaa jobir I repect you who killed Mohammed Teyib? at that time
      He was your friend please,plse

  • @tsige_d6685
    @tsige_d6685 2 роки тому +5

    እስከ ዛሬ ድረስ ችግር እየፈጠረ ያለው የአማራ፣ የኦሮሞ፣ የትግሬ ፓርቲ የሚሉ የጎጠኝነት ስሜቶች ናቸው፡፡ በየትኛውም ድርጅት፣ ፓርቲ፣ ወይንም ምንም ይሁን ምን በዘር የሚደራጅ ከሆነ በዘር ውስጥ ያሉትን ብልጣብልጦች ሽፋን ከመሆን በስተቀር ለሐገር እድገት ከማዋጣት ይልቅ አፍራሽ ጎኑ ያመዝናል፡፡

    • @mebratl.abraha5022
      @mebratl.abraha5022 2 роки тому +2

      ያሳዝናል ! በዉኑ በአይንህ ባታይ፣ አማራ በአማራነቱ የሚደርስበት ግፍ አምስቱ የስሜት ህዋሳቱ በአግባቡ ለሚሰራ ሰዉ ስዉር ሆኖ ሊታይ አይቻልም ለማለት ይከብዳል! ቁስሉን ማንቆር እጅግ ያማል! አማራ ከተሀጋረጠበት የዘር ማጥፋት አደጋ፣ በቃ! አይናችን እያየ ታርደን፣ ተባረን፣ በገዛ አገራችን ተፈናቃይ መሆን የለብንም! በ ቃ! ከእንገሰዲህ ተደራጅተን ከመጣብን የጥላቻ ጥቃት መከላከለና መመከት አለብን ማለታቸዉ፣" የዙር " በሚባል መፈረጃቸዉ በእዉነት ያደማል! ከአይን ብርሃን፣ የልብ ብርሃን ይበልጣልና፣ መሆን የሚገባዉ እየሆነ አማራን ማጠልሸትና ማፈናቀለልን፣ አፈናቃዩ እስኪምበረከክ ድረስ ላያንቀላፋ፣ ነጋሪት ተመቷል! እምቢልታም ተነፍቷል! ጩኸታቸዉም፣ የፈሰሰዉ ደማቸዉም እስከ እግዚአብሔር ዙፋን ደርሷል! ጩኹታቸዉም ተሰምቷል! የእግዚአብሔር ቁጣም ነዷል! የአይኑን ብሌን የነኩት ያህል ቱቆጥቷል!ሕዝቤን በዙሪያዋ አስጨንቀዋታልና፣ ያስጨነቋትን አስጨንቃቸዋለሁ! ከምድር ገጽም አጠፋቸዋለሁ! ይላል የሰራዊት ጌታ እግዚአብሔር 🤲 አሜን ።

  • @geteasfaw-goop789
    @geteasfaw-goop789 2 роки тому +3

    አባ፣ቢያ፣አስተዋይ፣ትልቅ ሰው፣ግሩም ኢተርቪው።የጂማ፣አባጂፋር፣የአረንጒዴው፣ጂማ፣
    ይፈውሳልየኢትዮፒያ ሕዝብ፣አታወላውል።ትግሬ፣ብሬንዎሽ፣የጭ፣ቂጥ ላሽ።

    • @meskeremhabtegebreal6362
      @meskeremhabtegebreal6362 2 роки тому

      ትክክል ነህ እኔም እስማማለሁ።

    • @ኢትዮጵያትቅደም-ፐ6ኘ
      @ኢትዮጵያትቅደም-ፐ6ኘ 3 місяці тому

      ወሬ የነብሰ ገዳይ የአረመኔ ስብስብ ጠባቦች ምን ጭንቅላት አላቹ ቀንና ጊዜ አይቶ ሰውን መጉዲት እንጂ

  • @hullusawyitayal64
    @hullusawyitayal64 2 роки тому

    An important question raised between 32:21 and 33:23 has not been replied to.

  • @batiibirra889
    @batiibirra889 2 роки тому

    This journalist is trying to diminish the role of Oromoo struggle. Oromoo is significantly enlightened and United in asking its rightful question, thanks to all who raised the Oromo questions.

  • @XalaalSomalis
    @XalaalSomalis 2 роки тому +5

    I personally have learned a lot about the founding fathers and the foundation of OLF. It seems complicated for some Ethiopians to listen to the history of OLF. Yet, they are unaware about their hypocrisy and what they hold to be “the Ethiopian history” is mostly a painful memory for most non-Amhara nations and nationalities.

  • @fekadualeka3744
    @fekadualeka3744 2 роки тому

    It is very interesting. But why ABBA Biyyaa is hiding the details of Baroo Tumssaa's death. The "killer from Showa" was not a no name "Derg soldier ". He was the well known person who was well known to Oromo movement for a long time, as early as 1973. He was Badho Dachaassaa.

  • @sodaarabbii8811
    @sodaarabbii8811 2 роки тому

    ለሆዳቸው ያደሩ ካሃዲዎች ሁሌም ዘኬ እየለቀሙ ይነገራሉ ።

  • @bekelesegni4674
    @bekelesegni4674 2 роки тому


  • @gamachubeyena2628
    @gamachubeyena2628 2 роки тому

    I met Aba-Biyya Abba-Jobire for the first time in Washington DC 1990-1992. Mr. Aba-Biyya ias a real jentile man and scholar States man personality demeanor highly educated judicious and Civic minded individual he has sense of humor makes you laugh 😂 all day. His younger brother Abaa- Faarroo Abaa- Jobire was UONA secretary General. He was assassinated in Atlanta Georgia by criminal thugs let his souls rest in peace.

  • @ephraimtik920
    @ephraimtik920 2 роки тому

    አስተውለቺ ተናገሪ!!
    ጀበሃ የ ለደን ድርድር ውስጥ አለነበረም።
    ጀበሃ በፈረጂ 80 ወቹ ተደመስሶ አብቅቶለታላ።

  • @sodaarabbii8811
    @sodaarabbii8811 2 роки тому +2

    ኦነግ አሁንም በኦሮሞ ህዝብ ልብ ውስጥ አለ ። ሌቦች የሆኑ አማራራቸው ተለይቶ ታውቋል ። ስለዚህ ኦነግ የበለጠ ጠንካራ አቋም ላይ ነው ያለው ።

  • @assefajudah8559
    @assefajudah8559 2 роки тому

    Wrong concept of Independence, from whom, they say they are majority, even to today this is the Idea, brought the country to destructions, borrowed concept, will never wirk, for no one, they need to chanfe, think one Ethiopia for all, think how to make it better together,, traders do need these, the unity of all.

  • @lubunaifilubinaifi9
    @lubunaifilubinaifi9 2 роки тому

    እውን እንደ ስሞ አበ ቢያ ኖት እድሜነ ጤነ ይስጦት

  • @sodaarabbii8811
    @sodaarabbii8811 2 роки тому +1

    ፕሮፌሰር ይስሐቅ ከመስመር አልወጡም ። ስለዚህ አትሳሳቱ ።

  • @assefajudah8559
    @assefajudah8559 2 роки тому

    The things oromoes do not want to tell is that, inside themselves , the Tullama group and Mecha group were and will never in one boat, the Mechas killed a lot of Tullamas, event up to Now. Mechas now in prosperity party.

    • @kemeriaseyaka4687
      @kemeriaseyaka4687 2 роки тому

      fes, as shewa tulema, we respect the Wellega Mecca people sometimes uncomfortable of their pride, high language skill, as a high IQ people of Africa, but we never kill each other. Fesamu judda, Let alone with twin brother mecca, we do think that we have the same blood with Borena of Mombassa, 2000 km south of Oromia.

  • @bekelesegni4674
    @bekelesegni4674 2 роки тому

    Enyufii enyu walitii busuff tataafatab eseniti damaqne afaan kesan qabadhaa ta aa

  • @jusapinajon5590
    @jusapinajon5590 2 роки тому

    Kengdih Agerun yemimera megist ONG new !!!!!!!

  • @ketselazelalem1646
    @ketselazelalem1646 2 роки тому +1

    መገንጠል ስለማይችሉ ነው ዋናው ሽፋን ነው ስልጣን ና ገንዘብ ነው የሚፈልጉ

  • @yphanneslechebo6450
    @yphanneslechebo6450 2 роки тому

    Ababya you are wrong

  • @jusapinajon5590
    @jusapinajon5590 2 роки тому

    Bilstignashin yizesh siol gibi kengdih bale betu agerun yastedadiral !!!!!!
    Tesfa kuretu

  • @yphanneslechebo6450
    @yphanneslechebo6450 2 роки тому

    Ababya you are hiding the truth

  • @mesfinbogale4678
    @mesfinbogale4678 2 роки тому

    እኚህ ሰው ማናቸው ?

    • @solomongerma2406
      @solomongerma2406 2 роки тому +1

      ሰው ናቸው።

    • @gc5004
      @gc5004 2 роки тому


    • @XalaalSomalis
      @XalaalSomalis 2 роки тому

      Who are you to pose such a stupid question? I personally have learned a lot about the founding fathers and the foundation of OLF. It seems complicated for some Ethiopians to listen to the history of OLF. Yet, they are unaware about their hypocrisy and what they hold to be “the Ethiopian history” is mostly a painful memory for most non-Amhara nations and nationalities.

    • @ኢትዮጵያትቅደም-ፐ6ኘ
      @ኢትዮጵያትቅደም-ፐ6ኘ 3 місяці тому

      ​@@solomongerma2406ኦነግ ሆኖ ሰው የለም አውሬ እንስሳ አጋንንት ነው

  • @oromiafororomo7118
    @oromiafororomo7118 2 роки тому

    Leave as alone Habesha don't interfere in oromo issue Baro is hero don't worry about him ....down down neftagna

  • @jusapinajon5590
    @jusapinajon5590 2 роки тому

    Sile ONG alama min abatish agebash???anchi kedada komata

  • @alemayehuayyiso4226
    @alemayehuayyiso4226 2 роки тому

    Ergan kun Abba Biyyadhaf :- Badiiwan dhaloota duriiirra ykn baroota hatse fi hayle sillase irra jalqabee hanga harrat biyyatti kessati dubbin NATFTENYA jedhu dema jira. Kun Oromiyaa irra ka'umssa godhe gutumma biyyatti kessat babalacha jira, ta'us qaba. Ta'uyyu kan gaafatamu ykn qaamni hidhate saba biyyati kan garbomsse, numale kajedhaa ture akka gaafatamu gochudhafis ta'e gara fuldurat biyatti tokkomsudhaf maaf caljettu, marii biyolessat maaf yaada hin kenitani, mootumman didemo isinile quba hin qabdani, hamman kana biyyatin diigamte ilaalcha gandaafi gooxiti gargar baate fkn Wallagi Laga Dhidhessa hin ce'u ykn Jimmat jechudha. Jimmille akkuma kanan jibbame wallaga yoo ce'e hamma lubbu gaafadhu danda'a Kunis kan ta'uu hin qabnedha. Fakkenyaf isa ijaan argee gurran dhagahe kessa ishee muraasa isiniifan kaase male bakuma hundat kun baayata. Kanaaf maal jettu??? Abba Biyya hin badinaa!!!!!!!

  • @bluebirdRelaxation5720
    @bluebirdRelaxation5720 2 роки тому

    አይ የአባ ጅፋር ልጅ!
    አብይ የጅማ ሰው ስለሆነ ብቻ ትደግፋለህ!!? ከኦሮሞ ፖለትካ በጣም ሩቅ ነህ!

  • @solomonshura809
    @solomonshura809 2 роки тому


  • @roletose5430
    @roletose5430 2 роки тому +2

    እኛ አናዉቃለንና እዛዉ ቦታዉ የነበርኩኝ ስለ ሆነ ኦሮሞን ለመለያየት የምታደርጉት ነገር አይሳካላቹም አረመኔዎች አዉቀናቹኃል በደንብ

    • @ሰውነኝ-ኘ8ሰ
      @ሰውነኝ-ኘ8ሰ 2 роки тому

      "ኦሮሞን ለመለያየት" ምን ማለት ነው?

    • @gooroofuguugi5879
      @gooroofuguugi5879 2 роки тому +1

      ኡውነት እንድህ ነው ኒጹ ሰው ኒጹ ነው ጋፍ ሁለ ጋንቱ ganttuu jaaraan ganttuu akka hin taahin dhageesemi? Warraa qoqoodu feetuu

  • @solomonshura809
    @solomonshura809 2 роки тому


  • @alemayehuteklu3859
    @alemayehuteklu3859 2 роки тому

    አላማ ቢስ:: አቅመ ቢስ:: በራሳችን የማንመራ:: ሁል ጊዜ ጀሌ:: እውቀት የለህ; ምግባርና እምነት የለህ እንግዲህ ምን ትባላለህ?

  • @oromiafororomo7118
    @oromiafororomo7118 2 роки тому

    Baro is killed by neftagna....

  • @gc5004
    @gc5004 2 роки тому

    የትግራይ ፡ወራሪ ቡድን እንዲሁም ሸኔ፡ አሉበት።?