Islam is meant to be local. A Pakistani Muslim, isn't like a Chinese Muslim, who isn't like a African Muslim, who isn't like a Indonesian Muslim, who isn't like a Arab Muslim, who isn't like a Turkish Muslim, who isn't like a Malaysia Muslim, who isn't like a Bosnian.... Your culture is unique, but you're united in faith. The Holy Qur'an states, “He made so many tribes and races and cultures among you so that you might recognize one another” (Al-Qur'an 49:13). Alhumdullallah🤲
True. And we should be united upon the Qu'ran and Sunnah according to the way and understanding of the salaf( pious predecessors). The beauty of Islam how it assimilates different cultures, takes on board what doesn't go against it and leaves out what does.
Yup. You don't have to change your name to Muhammad, dye your hair black or start wearing a turban and long robes. You can pray in a suit just fine. You make a few adjustments according to Islam and that's it (i.e. dropping pork & alcohol).
yes exactly! Also following sunnah doesn't also mean abandoning our original culture. It's just that we are leaving our bad culture such as drinking alcohol, displaying women without cover, etc..)
A culture, based on the Disbelievers, those who are so evil that the will face eternal punishment in hell... according to your belief, would never survive Islamisation. Hopefully, we never have to find out.
I suspect they were pretty good to have reverted/converted in the first place. I agree it’s not necessary to change your change your appearance to believe.
I love your originality and the fact that you show that you have not lost your culture and traditions. Proof that Islam does not destroy cultures but enriches them.
@@RealTalkPodCast7 Tell that to all the previous non muslim countries that were invaded and taken over by Islam. Now hardline clerics rule the roost. Not very good news for women.
Islam has not enriched or destroyed British culture. Islam is irrelevant. What is not irrelevant is the low skilled, poor people we seem to allow in from everywhere and anywhere.
As an Arab, I've always respected and admired the notion of the good English Gentlemen. A Muslim English Gentleman however is on a whole other level. Masha Allah. Islam is the natural way for mankind and the Aalameen. Jazakum Allah kheir brothers for this message and your efforts.
Same here. As a Pakistani born in England, I really miss the English gentleman who treats women with respect. I think any man can treat a woman with respect.
@@misbahailia3345me too. I haven’t married yet because I want a kind chivalrous English Muslim gentleman but those things don’t exist in the Muslim men of my community
I am a 23-year-old Muslim who grew up in a predominantly Muslim culture in Turkey. However, I cannot say that I was a deeply devout believer during my early years. Identifying as Muslim felt more like a cultural norm. Around the age of 15, I became curious and enthusiastic about Islam, which led me to study the religion more deeply. To be honest, I approached it with a sense of urgency, as if I were racing to catch up with my worship practices. Initially, I struggled to navigate my interactions with others, especially with my new sense of religious identity. I was overly concerned with how people perceived my actions. For example, when I refused to shake hands with women, I felt immense pressure and discomfort. However, as I have grown older, especially now at 23, I’ve learned to express my religious beliefs more comfortably. I no longer rush into decisions or feel the same internal pressure. Instead, I seek to explain my beliefs in a more gentle manner and integrate them into my life more easily. Now, I’ve realized that much of the pressure I felt came from within rather than from others. I believe that striving to find balance in life is what Allah wants from us. While I acknowledge that this is a lifelong journey, I am committed to continuously working towards that balance with patience and faith. By the way, I just got engaged and I'm getting married soon! Please keep us in your prayer hoping for a beautiful and peaceful family life together. Praying that we can have a healthy partnership both physically and mentally, and that we can build a strong and happy future. Your good wishes mean a lot to us! Salam Aleikum :)
I would just like to say that I’ve been following you two for a while now & I really appreciate the work you both do you to spread positivity about the Deen & keeping your British culture, May Allah increase you both.
Good point that you raised is not to change your cultural things as long as they do not oppose Islam (Haram). You do not even have to change your name. Dress modest but as you like. If you visit muslim countries, you will find muslims in africa dress african, in Malaysia dress Malaysian, in China Chinese, in Arabia Arabian. So in Europe should be European. This is a great video.
Dan kami di Indonesia berpakaian layaknya sebagai orang Indonesia, hanya sedikit yang mengenakan pakaian seperti orang arab, bahkan yang keturunan arab pun rata rata tidak berpakaian arab.
Saya pernah memiliki gubernur di ibukota Jakarta yang keturunan arab Yaman, namanya Anies Rasyid Baswedan dan beliau dari sejak kakeknya sudah tidak mengenakan pakaian arab
I'm also British and I always respected English culture for its politeness and manners and always felt that is mirrored in the teachings of morals and manners in islam.
I know this video is mostly directed to new Muslims and people who are thinking about Islam but even someone like me 31 years born into Islam within the Arabic world, I needed to hear this also. In the modern world of rushness we tend to forget that Islam is about moderation and inner peace from within. It's very warmy knowing we all share the same faith and far from across continents we can remind each other to take it slow and be at peace. May we all be united in Jannah insha Allah.
Alhumdulilah for the blessing of Islam. I too embraced Islam in 2010 in Cornwall of all places and have found such joy in seeing our indigenous English Muslims become a significant Muslim demographic in the mosques. I've regularly prayed in mosques around the country and found myself stood in a row with 5, 6 or 7 other Englishmen.
Great advice. As a new revert, I recently struggled with this burnout. One thing I found out however during my eagerness to learn, memorizing and learning the Qur’an never felt like a burden. It came naturally, and thats one thing i never burned out from in my journey
just take it is easy brother born and raised muslims are still trying to figure things out let alone reverts one step at the time as long as your intention are clear and pure and you believe in the oneness of god with all of your heart the should be enough for now cause i promise you none of us will ever be good enough as Chris and Ben said "take it easy and don't rush it"
I had never heard of you guys and was very sceptical when clicking on this video but masha'Allah, great job! May Allah reward you for this wonderful input 🙏🏼✨😊
Thank you for addressing the "burnout". It is a tough issue. Even muslims who decide to practice in a more committed way end up experiencing this. I would recommend the works of Ghazzali. I was surprised tbat he'd addressed this. If you overwhelm yourself you may end up thinking too much of yourself and thinking you deserve a lot more than you do! And the prophet صلی الله علیه و آله even said small but consistent acts are more beloved to Allah عز و جل than big ones that one abandons after a while.
Subhanallah. This is one topic I've been struggling with. I accepted islam a little over a year ago after a year of studying and deprogramming western indoctrination against Islam.
What these fine gentleman say is right. Take it slow and don't deminish your culture. The only thing you'd leave out of your culture in your life would be what is considered haram in islam. That's it. No more no less. The companions of our beloved Muhammed (SAW) would also wear the clothing of the those of Rome when they were there to spread islam. May Allah make your journy easy and increase you in your iman, amin!
Wisdom.. as an Arab from Gulf, born and raised as Muslim.. i only heard wisdom here.. indeed this is the true reflection of the beauty of islam.. Well done mates and may Allah bless you and protect you both.🤲🏻
I think I will enjoy watching your stuff. I am a recent revert, but as a scouser im not the gentleman that you guys are. Your content does resonate with me.
MashAllah may Allah reward you a high place im jannah for the steps you have taken. Praying for ease in your life brother and hope everything in life is blessed for you in the best way. Peace be on you!😊
This is the most Islamic/English content I've watched on UA-cam :) I love it! I love your vibe and how you beautifully integrated English culture with being Muslim. Love and respect from Syria.
"اذا جاء نصر الله و الفتح و رأيت الناس يدخلون في دين الله افواجا فسبح بحمد ربك و استغفره انه كان توابا" سبحان الله و بحمده و استغفر الله ❤ I was born Muslim in a Muslim country, and seeing people with different appearance and same belief feels pretty nice ❤
لذا فمن وجهة نظر الإيمان المسيحي، من الأفضل نظريًا ونفسيًا أن تكون مسيحيًا من أن تكون مسلمًا حتى لو لم تكن المسيحية صحيحة. إن وضع المرأة في العهد الجديد أفضل بكثير. باختصار، لا توجد فائدة في اعتناق الإسلام حتى لو كان صحيحًا. ستكون هناك فائدة نفسية كبيرة في اعتناق المسيحية حتى لو كانت خاطئة. لحسن الحظ، الخبر السار هو أن الإنجيل صحيح. نحن لسنا في الظلام بشأن قضية ما إذا كان الإسلام أو المسيحية صحيحًا. لا نحتاج إلى بناء قرارنا على أفكار تخمينية أو قيود إحصائية. تؤكد شهادة التاريخ الوثنية واليهودية والمسيحية أن يسوع قد صلب. وتؤكد شهادة الأناجيل ووثائق الكنيسة الأولى أن يسوع قام من بين الأموات. تؤكد شهادة الروح القدس في قلب المؤمنين أن يسوع هو الرب. انظر إلى الكلمات الكريمة في العهد الجديد: "لقد فعل الله كل شيء! لقد أرسل المسيح ليصنع السلام بينه وبيننا، وقد أعطانا عمل صنع السلام بينه وبين الآخرين. ما نعنيه هو أن الله كان في المسيح، يقدم السلام والمغفرة لشعب هذا العالم. وقد أعطانا عمل مشاركة رسالته عن السلام. لقد أرسلنا لنتحدث باسم المسيح، والله يتوسل إليكم أن تستمعوا إلى رسالتنا. نحن نتحدث باسم المسيح ونطلب منكم بإخلاص أن تصنعوا السلام مع الله." (2 كورنثوس 5: 18-20) لن نكتسب فوائد نفسية عظيمة فحسب، بل سنحظى أيضًا بالثقة الكاملة في عيش حياة ملتزمة بيسوع والتي تقوم على الحقيقة الراسخة. لقد جاء الله في هيئة بشرية في يسوع المسيح، وفي موته وقيامته صنع عهدًا جديدًا لكل من يقبله. تذكر كلمات يسوع، "أقول لكم بالتأكيد أن كل من يؤمن بي له حياة أبدية." (يوحنا 6: 47) يا لها من فرحة!
@@W.Khairi 14 لا تضطرب قلوبكم. أنتم تؤمنون بالله فآمنوا بي. 2 بيت أبي فيه منازل كثيرة وإلا فهل كنت أقول لكم إني ذاهب لأعد لكم مكاناً؟ 3 وإن مضيت وأعددت لكم مكاناً أعود وآخذكم معي لتكونوا أنتم أيضاً حيث أكون أنا. 4 أنتم تعرفون الطريق إلى حيث أنا ذاهب. يسوع الطريق إلى الآب 5 قال له توما: يا سيد لسنا نعلم إلى أين أنت ذاهب فكيف نقدر أن نعرف الطريق؟ 6 أجاب يسوع: أنا الطريق والحق والحياة. لا أحد يأتي إلى الآب إلا بي. 7 إن كنتم تعرفونني حقاً ستعرفون أبي أيضاً. "من الآن تعرفونه وقد رأيتموه." 8 قال فيلبس: "يا رب، أرنا الآب وهذا يكفينا." 9 أجاب يسوع: "أما تعرفني يا فيلبس بعد أن كنت بينكم زمانًا طويلاً؟ من رآني فقد رأى الآب. كيف تقول أنت: أرنا الآب؟ 10 ألا تؤمن أني أنا في الآب وأن الآب فيّ؟ الكلام الذي أقوله لك لا أتكلم به من نفسي. بل الآب الساكن فيّ هو الذي يعمل عمله. 11 صدقوني عندما أقول أني أنا في الآب والآب فيّ؛ أو على الأقل صدقوا من خلال الأعمال نفسها. 12 الحق الحق أقول لكم: من يؤمن بي سيعمل الأعمال التي أعملها أنا، وسيعمل أعظم من هذه، لأني ذاهب إلى الآب. 13 وكل ما طلبتم باسمي أفعله، ليتمجد الآب في الابن. 14 كل ما طلبتم مني باسمي أفعله.
Subhanallah. I’ve been a muslim since i know my self Alhamdulillah and never thought i’ll be learning stuff about Islam from two British gentleman in country clothing and boots sipping from their English tea. Seriously this brought tears to my eyes. This is the voice we need. May Allah bless you ❤ And also your love for the Prophet SAW is exemplary ❤
you're doing a great job please keep it up. what Christopher said about going slowly and don't take rush decisions (changing name extra ) is true and it happens also for people born Muslims too, there is hadith from prophet PBUH please check it out قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: " إن هذا الدين متين، فأوغلوا فيه برفق ". قال المناوي في شرح هذا الحديث: "إن هذا الدين متين" أي: صلب شديد، فأوغلوا: أي سيروا فيه برفق، ولا تحملوا على أنفسكم ما لا تطيقونه، فتعجزوا وتتركوا العمل
Thank you for making this video. A short explanation but covers some very vital information about Islam.. delivered in a “western-friendly” way and not in arab-centric way that scares people even when they only read the title. Good luck! Wish you all the best brothers.. ! ❤
Subhanallah, it's wonderful to have contact with other British Muslims! I reverted to Islam recently, and it can be very lonely. We need a defined British cultural Islam; a 'proper' British Ummah. May Allah reward you for your courage, particularly in light of recent events. This is the best way of dealing with islamophobia. Jazakallah Khairan my brothers ❤️
Graham clan scarf there. I'm wearing mine too. I don't dress Muslim, Salaams are very rarely returned to me, but three times over the last 14 years Muslim elders that I have never met before; Somehow know that I am Muslim & have greeted me with Salaams. It feels very special to be recognised for my din, I feel most grateful to Allah for those remarkable experiences.
Im from Turkiye , and I want to say that I truly appreciate both of you. There’s so much I could say, but I’ll keep it simple.Thank you for your words, which I genuinely believe come from the bottom of your heart.
You guys are so refreshing..U guys doing in style but still keep it down to earth. I’m a modern Muslim from Singapore of Yemeni origin , no beards & I don’t covered my head. You guys on the other hand spotting a beautiful beard and your head covered in such gentlemanly fashion. You guy don’t forget where u come from & respect it. U guys keep & appreciate your own culture. U guys really care about what your families are saying about your convert. U guys did a fabulous job integrating back into the English society & we All know that must be very painfull but u guys did it with a smile.Bravo … Syurkur Alhamdulilah… May Allah always show u this beautiful way that u have chosen to represent yourself as a Muslim….aaaaamen 😄🤲
You guys are fun! I'm an Arab and born as a Muslim in a country that it's nation is 99.9% Muslims (Oman). But there is some magic and fascination from seeing new reverts. One of my biggest dreams in life is managing to make someone revert to Islam. I mean and talk a lot with non-Muslims on the web, and many like/love me and I do to them as well, but never try to be pushy about the religion unless someone askes about a matter. Always try to be my best self as an Ambassador of the religion. May Allah grant me my wish, what an achievement to be causing generations of Muslims that you earn reward from Allah from them! Best business model if you ask me.
Essalamu aleikum, May Allah keep you on his straight path and help you for this nice effort to spread true understanding of Islam. Islam is for all mankind to embrace following the teaching of the Prophet peaces be upon him
Being moderate is encouraged by Pbuh Prophet Muhammad. It's called "wasatiah" in Arabic. To have a good balance between your wordly obligations with your religion. ❤
Thank you very much brothers ❤ I'm not British or new Muslim I'm Egyptian and Muslim from birth but I'm so happy to see people from the other side of the planet carry the same concern of Islam and Da3wa of Mohamed بسم الله ماشاء الله ❤
This video is absolutely incredible and heart warming, two young lads who've been infused with the wisdom of Islam, talking to eloquently. Bless you brothers; from Dubai
May Allah bless you both and elevate you. Seeing muslim brothers and sisters around the world with different and same struggles, help each other help and be there for each other always makes me emotional. BarakAllahu fique!
This approach is so important to spread. Switching your whole life in every aspect all at once is definitely a rushed decision, especially considering how important family and culture are in Islam. I really appreciate the effort put into making this video. There's definitely overlap between religion and culture in a lot of people's minds.
assalamualaikum, i would appreciate an episode about marriage! i never thought it would be relevant for me but recent developments have left me quite confused :( thank you for your good work. barak Allahu feekum
SubhanaAllah! This made my day! This is what Islam is, diverse and doesn't get rid of your identity and culture! May Allah increase you both my brothers in Islam, ameen
Islam is Moderation , There is only Moderate Islam / Peaceful Submission , " you have been created a middle nation " " enjoining good / righteousness & rejecting evil/ falsehood " Al Quran
Excellent advice. The quran was revealed in 22 years. So what you advising is quite in conformity with how the prophet peace be upon him brought Islam. May Allah reward our abundant. Appreciation from South Africa.
New to the channel, and wow! Amazing quality content, and beautifully spoken advises. I was born a Muslim Arab, I'm 40, and I find your material refreshing, and extremely important to portray Islam as the beautiful religion and method of life that it is.
I really enjoyed listening to you brothers! Appreciate the way you talk about Islam and sharing the awareness of it. Looking forward to see more content from you!🍀
Alhamdulillah, for today i found this channel. This is how a muslim supposed to be, no matter you're recently converted or born muslim, manners matters.
This video came up on my feed, first time seeing you guys. I wasn’t sure what to expect honestly, but hey I really liked it. I’m sure this will help a lot of new reverts. Continue to good work 👏
Aa i’ve been Muslim for over 30 years and I find your show absolutely hilarious, entertaining, such a stereotype breaker!!! and the content is marvelous as well.
Wow didn’t expect that 😅 thank you and bless you guys for sharing your journey and the beauty of Islam 🤲🏼💐💐💐 Got yourselves a new subscriber for the fantastic content which I shall share 🥳
This was so good! Thank you for showing moderate Islam.. being a Muslim does not entail we have to lose our cultural identity. Alot of people become extreme… but you explained yourself beautifully… keep up the great work ❤
@@JahilExposedmaybe what he mean is modern, moderate muslim achieve golden age in the past because they are more open with new idea and knowledge from all over the world
Everyone who is Muslim because of their family should know these two wonderful guys. You are fabulous... Masaallah... May Allah Almighty bless your journey. Your energy and perspective on Islam will hopefully be a means for many people to believe in Islam.
Such an important message that you are spreading. Islam is YOUR spiritual journey it's importsnt to take your time and 'smell the roses' along the way. Wishing you all brothers and sisters peace Salaam
I love everything about this. Please post more often. I’m gonna sit here and wait for all the quality content. Alhamduillah I just bumped into this channel. Salam from Germany. Dounia🤍🍉
I love it that u kept yr anglo saxon culture (dress etc) & still a Muslim. A lot of reverts try to charge too much as i know they r not used to our culture & worry they end up setting themselves bk. Keep yr name, culture /dress as long as its within islam. Its beautiful havng all these different cultures English, Scottish, Welsh , Irish. U have beauti in yr culture too to bring to us
I am born Muslim but I learn humility and discipline from reverts all the time. You guys have a special place with Allah ❤ may we grow closer and closer to Him inchallah
Excellent Excellent Excellent advice. So timely and yet so overdue. We love our English brothers and sisters as they are, with their English tradition. Love from Pakistan. You’re spot on. Islam teaches all round justice based optimising beautiful Ethics; Personal, Social, Political, Economic, Environmental, Spiritual etc.
WATCH OUR LATEST VIDEO: The Truth About Islam! Head over to our Channel to watch or visit:
Islam is meant to be local. A Pakistani Muslim, isn't like a Chinese Muslim, who isn't like a African Muslim, who isn't like a Indonesian Muslim, who isn't like a Arab Muslim, who isn't like a Turkish Muslim, who isn't like a Malaysia Muslim, who isn't like a Bosnian.... Your culture is unique, but you're united in faith.
The Holy Qur'an states, “He made so many tribes and races and cultures among you so that you might recognize one another” (Al-Qur'an 49:13). Alhumdullallah🤲
True. And we should be united upon the Qu'ran and Sunnah according to the way and understanding of the salaf( pious predecessors). The beauty of Islam how it assimilates different cultures, takes on board what doesn't go against it and leaves out what does.
Yup. You don't have to change your name to Muhammad, dye your hair black or start wearing a turban and long robes. You can pray in a suit just fine. You make a few adjustments according to Islam and that's it (i.e. dropping pork & alcohol).
yes exactly! Also following sunnah doesn't also mean abandoning our original culture. It's just that we are leaving our bad culture such as drinking alcohol, displaying women without cover, etc..)
Well Said
Hello, Ive recently accepted Islam, this video is very helpful ❤ thank u all the way from Los Angeles CA, USA
Thank you for your support!
Bienvenidos ❤
@@goodputin4324 Gracias camarada! De donde es udsted?
Islam will brings out the best Englishman in you❤
A culture, based on the Disbelievers, those who are so evil that the will face eternal punishment in hell... according to your belief, would never survive Islamisation. Hopefully, we never have to find out.
You’ve been radicalised,
I suspect they were pretty good to have reverted/converted in the first place. I agree it’s not necessary to change your change your appearance to believe.
@@alhaqiquhOfficial Radicalised? oohhhh buzz word alert. I dare you to explain.
Islam will turn you into a clone.
May Allah swt accept your efforts and spread the message of Islam. Love from brother in Lahore.
This image comes to my mind when I was outside of UK and we were talking about English men. Alhamdulillah they are Muslims NOW 😅🥸🎩🎩❤❤
I’m Pakistani born in England, and only visited Karachi and Pindi since my parents are from there.
I’d love to visit Lahore.
Love it gents. From an Australian revert 🩵
Good on ya, mate ❤
Alhamdulillah. Crikey!
I love your originality and the fact that you show that you have not lost your culture and traditions. Proof that Islam does not destroy cultures but enriches them.
fucking cope
They will lose their culture and worship Islamic pedo worship culture
@@RealTalkPodCast7 Tell that to all the previous non muslim countries that were invaded and taken over by Islam. Now hardline clerics rule the roost. Not very good news for women.
Islam has not enriched or destroyed British culture.
Islam is irrelevant.
What is not irrelevant is the low skilled, poor people we seem to allow in from everywhere and anywhere.
They’ve still got their British humour and banter
As an Arab, I've always respected and admired the notion of the good English Gentlemen. A Muslim English Gentleman however is on a whole other level. Masha Allah.
Islam is the natural way for mankind and the Aalameen. Jazakum Allah kheir brothers for this message and your efforts.
go back
It's satire. Look up 'Gilbert and George'.
@@torquemaddertorquemadder2080 satire in what sense?
Same here. As a Pakistani born in England, I really miss the English gentleman who treats women with respect.
I think any man can treat a woman with respect.
@@misbahailia3345me too. I haven’t married yet because I want a kind chivalrous English Muslim gentleman but those things don’t exist in the Muslim men of my community
I am a 23-year-old Muslim who grew up in a predominantly Muslim culture in Turkey. However, I cannot say that I was a deeply devout believer during my early years. Identifying as Muslim felt more like a cultural norm. Around the age of 15, I became curious and enthusiastic about Islam, which led me to study the religion more deeply. To be honest, I approached it with a sense of urgency, as if I were racing to catch up with my worship practices.
Initially, I struggled to navigate my interactions with others, especially with my new sense of religious identity. I was overly concerned with how people perceived my actions. For example, when I refused to shake hands with women, I felt immense pressure and discomfort. However, as I have grown older, especially now at 23, I’ve learned to express my religious beliefs more comfortably. I no longer rush into decisions or feel the same internal pressure. Instead, I seek to explain my beliefs in a more gentle manner and integrate them into my life more easily.
Now, I’ve realized that much of the pressure I felt came from within rather than from others. I believe that striving to find balance in life is what Allah wants from us. While I acknowledge that this is a lifelong journey, I am committed to continuously working towards that balance with patience and faith.
By the way, I just got engaged and I'm getting married soon! Please keep us in your prayer hoping for a beautiful and peaceful family life together. Praying that we can have a healthy partnership both physically and mentally, and that we can build a strong and happy future. Your good wishes mean a lot to us! Salam Aleikum :)
have a good marriage my beloved borther assalaamu3likum! your brotehr from pakistan!
I would just like to say that I’ve been following you two for a while now & I really appreciate the work you both do you to spread positivity about the Deen & keeping your British culture, May Allah increase you both.
Thank you for your long-standing support, I'm sure Christopher and Ben appreciate it immensely.
My brain can't trust or process what I am seeing/hearing. These fine exemplary gentleman speaking of Islam, pray tellme more 👂
suited n booted class that 😇
@@ChrisandBenFilms Wait, who are you then?
I love your videos, 😊! From Birmingham
Good point that you raised is not to change your cultural things as long as they do not oppose Islam (Haram). You do not even have to change your name. Dress modest but as you like. If you visit muslim countries, you will find muslims in africa dress african, in Malaysia dress Malaysian, in China Chinese, in Arabia Arabian. So in Europe should be European.
This is a great video.
Dan kami di Indonesia berpakaian layaknya sebagai orang Indonesia, hanya sedikit yang mengenakan pakaian seperti orang arab, bahkan yang keturunan arab pun rata rata tidak berpakaian arab.
Saya pernah memiliki gubernur di ibukota Jakarta yang keturunan arab Yaman, namanya Anies Rasyid Baswedan dan beliau dari sejak kakeknya sudah tidak mengenakan pakaian arab
@@rubyyanto9881 except the women, it seems.
@@Okeezy-v7gwomen should be modest, that's the main point. You don't have to be culturally like Arabs, you can do that in your own culture/style.
@@hermontarmand2404 tell that to the women in Afghanistan.
I'm also British and I always respected English culture for its politeness and manners and always felt that is mirrored in the teachings of morals and manners in islam.
it’s the other way around no?
I know this video is mostly directed to new Muslims and people who are thinking about Islam but even someone like me 31 years born into Islam within the Arabic world, I needed to hear this also. In the modern world of rushness we tend to forget that Islam is about moderation and inner peace from within. It's very warmy knowing we all share the same faith and far from across continents we can remind each other to take it slow and be at peace. May we all be united in Jannah insha Allah.
I’m grateful to have found this channel. Newly reverted Muslim here. Alhamdulillah! Christopher and Ben seem like some great guys.
Welcome ❤
Welcome to the brotherhood ❤
@@nihilistPenguinz what brotherhood? Islam is universal
Welcome home brother
Alhumdulilah for the blessing of Islam. I too embraced Islam in 2010 in Cornwall of all places and have found such joy in seeing our indigenous English Muslims become a significant Muslim demographic in the mosques. I've regularly prayed in mosques around the country and found myself stood in a row with 5, 6 or 7 other Englishmen.
Alhamdullilah so pleasing to see English men looking like English men, and yet they're Muslim. Salam and cheers from Kyrgyzstan!
Great advice. As a new revert, I recently struggled with this burnout. One thing I found out however during my eagerness to learn, memorizing and learning the Qur’an never felt like a burden. It came naturally, and thats one thing i never burned out from in my journey
just take it is easy brother
born and raised muslims are still trying to figure things out let alone reverts
one step at the time
as long as your intention are clear and pure and you believe in the oneness of god with all of your heart the should be enough for now
cause i promise you none of us will ever be good enough
as Chris and Ben said "take it easy and don't rush it"
I had never heard of you guys and was very sceptical when clicking on this video but masha'Allah, great job! May Allah reward you for this wonderful input 🙏🏼✨😊
I feel very lucky for having such a beautiful brothers like you. Thank you!
Thank you for your support!
I'm am a reverted Muslim and I like you both to much, you make me loving. Mascha Allah
May Allah bless you
May Allah swt accept your efforts and spread the message of Islam. Love from brother in Istanbul ❤🤲🇹🇷
Thank you for addressing the "burnout". It is a tough issue. Even muslims who decide to practice in a more committed way end up experiencing this. I would recommend the works of Ghazzali. I was surprised tbat he'd addressed this. If you overwhelm yourself you may end up thinking too much of yourself and thinking you deserve a lot more than you do! And the prophet صلی الله علیه و آله even said small but consistent acts are more beloved to Allah عز و جل than big ones that one abandons after a while.
Subhanallah. This is one topic I've been struggling with. I accepted islam a little over a year ago after a year of studying and deprogramming western indoctrination against Islam.
May Allah keep you steadfast on the straight path brother
@@asifsadiqas Alhamdulillah brother thank you for your encouraging words of kindness
What these fine gentleman say is right. Take it slow and don't deminish your culture. The only thing you'd leave out of your culture in your life would be what is considered haram in islam. That's it. No more no less. The companions of our beloved Muhammed (SAW) would also wear the clothing of the those of Rome when they were there to spread islam. May Allah make your journy easy and increase you in your iman, amin!
@@kreater120 What is your reference to the companions wearing the clothing of those in Rome? Thanks
Assalamu Alaikum brother. This is a little muslim brother from Bangladesh in Finland.
Love from Indonesian Muslims ❤❤ 🇮🇩❤️🇵🇸
Wisdom.. as an Arab from Gulf, born and raised as Muslim.. i only heard wisdom here.. indeed this is the true reflection of the beauty of islam..
Well done mates and may Allah bless you and protect you both.🤲🏻
I think I will enjoy watching your stuff. I am a recent revert, but as a scouser im not the gentleman that you guys are. Your content does resonate with me.
MashAllah may Allah reward you a high place im jannah for the steps you have taken. Praying for ease in your life brother and hope everything in life is blessed for you in the best way. Peace be on you!😊
Welcome ❤
I love this. :) May Allah make you the lighting lantern for all British people, guiding them to the straight path.
Ma shaa Allah
Congrats ! I am muslim since birth and I'm very happy for you two 🤍
The way they do salawat on the prophet saws at 5:48 with such love and softness ❤ mashallah
I melted sis
This is the most Islamic/English content I've watched on UA-cam :) I love it! I love your vibe and how you beautifully integrated English culture with being Muslim.
Love and respect from Syria.
"اذا جاء نصر الله و الفتح و رأيت الناس يدخلون في دين الله افواجا فسبح بحمد ربك و استغفره انه كان توابا"
سبحان الله و بحمده و استغفر الله ❤
I was born Muslim in a Muslim country, and seeing people with different appearance and same belief feels pretty nice ❤
لذا فمن وجهة نظر الإيمان المسيحي، من الأفضل نظريًا ونفسيًا أن تكون مسيحيًا من أن تكون مسلمًا حتى لو لم تكن المسيحية صحيحة. إن وضع المرأة في العهد الجديد أفضل بكثير. باختصار، لا توجد فائدة في اعتناق الإسلام حتى لو كان صحيحًا. ستكون هناك فائدة نفسية كبيرة في اعتناق المسيحية حتى لو كانت خاطئة.
لحسن الحظ، الخبر السار هو أن الإنجيل صحيح. نحن لسنا في الظلام بشأن قضية ما إذا كان الإسلام أو المسيحية صحيحًا. لا نحتاج إلى بناء قرارنا على أفكار تخمينية أو قيود إحصائية. تؤكد شهادة التاريخ الوثنية واليهودية والمسيحية أن يسوع قد صلب. وتؤكد شهادة الأناجيل ووثائق الكنيسة الأولى أن يسوع قام من بين الأموات. تؤكد شهادة الروح القدس في قلب المؤمنين أن يسوع هو الرب.
انظر إلى الكلمات الكريمة في العهد الجديد: "لقد فعل الله كل شيء! لقد أرسل المسيح ليصنع السلام بينه وبيننا، وقد أعطانا عمل صنع السلام بينه وبين الآخرين. ما نعنيه هو أن الله كان في المسيح، يقدم السلام والمغفرة لشعب هذا العالم. وقد أعطانا عمل مشاركة رسالته عن السلام. لقد أرسلنا لنتحدث باسم المسيح، والله يتوسل إليكم أن تستمعوا إلى رسالتنا. نحن نتحدث باسم المسيح ونطلب منكم بإخلاص أن تصنعوا السلام مع الله." (2 كورنثوس 5: 18-20)
لن نكتسب فوائد نفسية عظيمة فحسب، بل سنحظى أيضًا بالثقة الكاملة في عيش حياة ملتزمة بيسوع والتي تقوم على الحقيقة الراسخة. لقد جاء الله في هيئة بشرية في يسوع المسيح، وفي موته وقيامته صنع عهدًا جديدًا لكل من يقبله. تذكر كلمات يسوع، "أقول لكم بالتأكيد أن كل من يؤمن بي له حياة أبدية." (يوحنا 6: 47) يا لها من فرحة!
@@denecroxford2475 إن كنت مؤمنا حقا فعليك إتباع أخر الرسل، هدانا الله وإياكم لصراطه المستقيم.
14 لا تضطرب قلوبكم. أنتم تؤمنون بالله فآمنوا بي. 2 بيت أبي فيه منازل كثيرة وإلا فهل كنت أقول لكم إني ذاهب لأعد لكم مكاناً؟ 3 وإن مضيت وأعددت لكم مكاناً أعود وآخذكم معي لتكونوا أنتم أيضاً حيث أكون أنا. 4 أنتم تعرفون الطريق إلى حيث أنا ذاهب.
يسوع الطريق إلى الآب
5 قال له توما: يا سيد لسنا نعلم إلى أين أنت ذاهب فكيف نقدر أن نعرف الطريق؟
6 أجاب يسوع: أنا الطريق والحق والحياة. لا أحد يأتي إلى الآب إلا بي. 7 إن كنتم تعرفونني حقاً ستعرفون أبي أيضاً. "من الآن تعرفونه وقد رأيتموه."
8 قال فيلبس: "يا رب، أرنا الآب وهذا يكفينا."
9 أجاب يسوع: "أما تعرفني يا فيلبس بعد أن كنت بينكم زمانًا طويلاً؟ من رآني فقد رأى الآب. كيف تقول أنت: أرنا الآب؟ 10 ألا تؤمن أني أنا في الآب وأن الآب فيّ؟ الكلام الذي أقوله لك لا أتكلم به من نفسي. بل الآب الساكن فيّ هو الذي يعمل عمله. 11 صدقوني عندما أقول أني أنا في الآب والآب فيّ؛ أو على الأقل صدقوا من خلال الأعمال نفسها. 12 الحق الحق أقول لكم: من يؤمن بي سيعمل الأعمال التي أعملها أنا، وسيعمل أعظم من هذه، لأني ذاهب إلى الآب. 13 وكل ما طلبتم باسمي أفعله، ليتمجد الآب في الابن. 14 كل ما طلبتم مني باسمي أفعله.
Love you guys, I'm your Muslim brother from Bangladesh 🇧🇩💙
Subhanallah. I’ve been a muslim since i know my self Alhamdulillah and never thought i’ll be learning stuff about Islam from two British gentleman in country clothing and boots sipping from their English tea.
Seriously this brought tears to my eyes.
This is the voice we need. May Allah bless you ❤ And also your love for the Prophet SAW is exemplary ❤
you're doing a great job please keep it up. what Christopher said about going slowly and don't take rush decisions (changing name extra ) is true and it happens also for people born Muslims too, there is hadith from prophet PBUH please check it out قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: " إن هذا الدين متين، فأوغلوا فيه برفق ". قال المناوي في شرح هذا الحديث: "إن هذا الدين متين" أي: صلب شديد، فأوغلوا: أي سيروا فيه برفق، ولا تحملوا على أنفسكم ما لا تطيقونه، فتعجزوا وتتركوا العمل
Thank you for making this video.
A short explanation but covers some very vital information about Islam.. delivered in a “western-friendly” way and not in arab-centric way that scares people even when they only read the title.
Good luck! Wish you all the best brothers.. ! ❤
Subhanallah, it's wonderful to have contact with other British Muslims! I reverted to Islam recently, and it can be very lonely. We need a defined British cultural Islam; a 'proper' British Ummah. May Allah reward you for your courage, particularly in light of recent events. This is the best way of dealing with islamophobia. Jazakallah Khairan my brothers ❤️
Chaps keep this up! Let’s get that 100k play button ان شاء الله
Love the rural English vibe. Subs from Selangor, MALAYSIA.
Well done fellas, I think we’ve all been through the changes when we first come to Islam
Graham clan scarf there. I'm wearing mine too. I don't dress Muslim, Salaams are very rarely returned to me, but three times over the last 14 years Muslim elders that I have never met before; Somehow know that I am Muslim & have greeted me with Salaams. It feels very special to be recognised for my din, I feel most grateful to Allah for those remarkable experiences.
I have been a Muslim all my life Alhamdulillah, but the thing you mentioned about burnt out really resonated with me. Great video
Im from Turkiye , and I want to say that I truly appreciate both of you. There’s so much I could say, but I’ll keep it simple.Thank you for your words, which I genuinely believe come from the bottom of your heart.
Thank you for your support!
You guys are so refreshing..U guys doing in style but still keep it down to earth. I’m a modern Muslim from Singapore of Yemeni origin , no beards & I don’t covered my head. You guys on the other hand spotting a beautiful beard and your head covered in such gentlemanly fashion. You guy don’t forget where u come from & respect it. U guys keep & appreciate your own culture. U guys really care about what your families are saying about your convert. U guys did a fabulous job integrating back into the English society & we All know that must be very painfull but u guys did it with a smile.Bravo … Syurkur Alhamdulilah… May Allah always show u this beautiful way that u have chosen to represent yourself as a Muslim….aaaaamen 😄🤲
You guys are fun! I'm an Arab and born as a Muslim in a country that it's nation is 99.9% Muslims (Oman). But there is some magic and fascination from seeing new reverts. One of my biggest dreams in life is managing to make someone revert to Islam. I mean and talk a lot with non-Muslims on the web, and many like/love me and I do to them as well, but never try to be pushy about the religion unless someone askes about a matter. Always try to be my best self as an Ambassador of the religion. May Allah grant me my wish, what an achievement to be causing generations of Muslims that you earn reward from Allah from them! Best business model if you ask me.
Essalamu aleikum,
May Allah keep you on his straight path and help you for this nice effort to spread true understanding of Islam. Islam is for all mankind to embrace following the teaching of the Prophet peaces be upon him
Being moderate is encouraged by Pbuh Prophet Muhammad. It's called "wasatiah" in Arabic. To have a good balance between your wordly obligations with your religion. ❤
Beautiful conversation ❤
Thank you very much brothers ❤
I'm not British or new Muslim
I'm Egyptian and Muslim from birth but I'm so happy to see people from the other side of the planet carry the same concern of Islam and Da3wa of Mohamed
بسم الله ماشاء الله ❤
This video is absolutely incredible and heart warming, two young lads who've been infused with the wisdom of Islam, talking to eloquently. Bless you brothers; from Dubai
May Allah bless you both and elevate you. Seeing muslim brothers and sisters around the world with different and same struggles, help each other help and be there for each other always makes me emotional. BarakAllahu fique!
Love and respect from Bahrain ☝️
This approach is so important to spread. Switching your whole life in every aspect all at once is definitely a rushed decision, especially considering how important family and culture are in Islam. I really appreciate the effort put into making this video. There's definitely overlap between religion and culture in a lot of people's minds.
assalamualaikum, i would appreciate an episode about marriage! i never thought it would be relevant for me but recent developments have left me quite confused :(
thank you for your good work. barak Allahu feekum
We will pass the message on to C&B!
hey! do you have a discord? i can talk to you if you want :) you are my brother!
Wonderful content and energy from you guys!
The best advice I've seen to non-Arab reverts. BarakAllah to you two brothers. Aameen
Can you do a content with Paul at Blogging Theology ☺️ I love that good ol British humor and manners!!
SubhanaAllah! This made my day! This is what Islam is, diverse and doesn't get rid of your identity and culture! May Allah increase you both my brothers in Islam, ameen
Malawi 🇲🇼 Muslims ☪️ what's the integrations there
Great video
May Allah (ﷻ) bless you both, and keep you steadfast - ameen
Islam is Moderation , There is only Moderate Islam / Peaceful Submission , " you have been created a middle nation " " enjoining good / righteousness & rejecting evil/ falsehood " Al Quran
Subahanallah, may Allah guide us all
The cinematography got me,,, Beaautiful video man,,, with valuable message.
Excellent advice. The quran was revealed in 22 years. So what you advising is quite in conformity with how the prophet peace be upon him brought Islam. May Allah reward our abundant. Appreciation from South Africa.
I think you got the date wrong bro.
Love from Libya🇱🇾 May Allah bless all Muslims around the world ❤.
New to the channel, and wow! Amazing quality content, and beautifully spoken advises. I was born a Muslim Arab, I'm 40, and I find your material refreshing, and extremely important to portray Islam as the beautiful religion and method of life that it is.
These two have single handedly surgically assasinated the stereotype point blank range ... 'a snipers dream' Bob Monkhouse ! lol
May Allah strengthen you to spread traditional Islam. (Love your outfits!)
I really enjoyed listening to you brothers! Appreciate the way you talk about Islam and sharing the awareness of it. Looking forward to see more content from you!🍀
😊 YT suggested your channel. You got a new subscriber. Salaam from Malaysia.
*Salam, not Salaam
Alhamdulillah, for today i found this channel. This is how a muslim supposed to be, no matter you're recently converted or born muslim, manners matters.
Great May Allah reward you for your hard work.
it's pretty eye opening! Thank you for such a great content
Thank you so much for making this video as a revert it really helps :) please continue to make more wonderful videos ❤
This video came up on my feed, first time seeing you guys. I wasn’t sure what to expect honestly, but hey I really liked it. I’m sure this will help a lot of new reverts. Continue to good work 👏
Great work brothers, love the cinematic and theatrical elements. JazakaAllah khair.
Aa i’ve been Muslim for over 30 years and I find your show absolutely hilarious, entertaining, such a stereotype breaker!!! and the content is marvelous as well.
Wow didn’t expect that 😅 thank you and bless you guys for sharing your journey and the beauty of Islam 🤲🏼💐💐💐 Got yourselves a new subscriber for the fantastic content which I shall share 🥳
Masha Allah ascertaining on ur British culture while being good Muslims is the best way to dawa, May Allah keeps all on his true path.
MashaAllah... our brothers in ummah from Britain. ❤
Mashaallah love to see some proper English Muslim blokes... U guys talk so well ❤
Glad I found your channel
This was so good! Thank you for showing moderate Islam.. being a Muslim does not entail we have to lose our cultural identity. Alot of people become extreme… but you explained yourself beautifully… keep up the great work ❤
“Moderate islam” and what does this mean?
@@JahilExposedmaybe what he mean is modern, moderate muslim achieve golden age in the past because they are more open with new idea and knowledge from all over the world
There is no such a thing as "moderate" , there is only Islam and that's it @@Aripuni1
@@TheBetterArgumentshow-pb4dyI think he’s trying to say don’t be a extremist and don’t be a minimalist
@@oop9751 that's exactly what Islam is. Islam despises extremism. And minimalism in some cases.
Everyone who is Muslim because of their family should know these two wonderful guys. You are fabulous... Masaallah... May Allah Almighty bless your journey. Your energy and perspective on Islam will hopefully be a means for many people to believe in Islam.
Such an important message that you are spreading. Islam is YOUR spiritual journey it's importsnt to take your time and 'smell the roses' along the way. Wishing you all brothers and sisters peace Salaam
I love everything about this. Please post more often. I’m gonna sit here and wait for all the quality content.
Alhamduillah I just bumped into this channel. Salam from Germany. Dounia🤍🍉
I love it that u kept yr anglo saxon culture (dress etc) & still a Muslim. A lot of reverts try to charge too much as i know they r not used to our culture & worry they end up setting themselves bk. Keep yr name, culture /dress as long as its within islam. Its beautiful havng all these different cultures English, Scottish, Welsh , Irish. U have beauti in yr culture too to bring to us
I am born Muslim but I learn humility and discipline from reverts all the time. You guys have a special place with Allah ❤ may we grow closer and closer to Him inchallah
You brothers have wisdom Manshallah. My Allah proserve the both of you.Ameeen 🙏🏾
Thanks for this! Great effort
One of the best islamic videos I´ve ever seen. May Allah bless you! Salams from Germany
Masha Allah, Masha Allah. This is what I call Genuine and pure. May All Mighty Allah bless you bothers more in knowledge and Emaan. Aameen.
Wow, que des facts !! Merci pour cette vidéo Baraka Allahou fikoum
what a great video, may god bless you both for sharing such amazing information
Keep it up guys loving the videos on this new channel, the topics are good. Longer videos?
Thank you! We will pass on the message!
I love it. Please keep making such content.
Welldone gentlemen, you both put Islam in the right perfective. Keep up the good work. Alhamdulillah
thanks you guys for this lovely and insightful video
love from Jeddah
Masha Allah, jazakumAllahKheir Brothers
I never knew I needed your channel til I did ❤
Excellent Excellent Excellent advice. So timely and yet so overdue. We love our English brothers and sisters as they are, with their English tradition. Love from Pakistan. You’re spot on. Islam teaches all round justice based optimising beautiful Ethics; Personal, Social, Political, Economic, Environmental, Spiritual etc.
May ALLAH grant you all the best here&in.the.hereafter as well.
May Allah gather us with them in the highest paradise (Jannat al-Firdaws) without any questioning or punishment beforehand.
Great work brothers 🔥