According to Imitation of Christ by St Thomas a Kempis humility is meditating day and night about how I am a worm and not a man. Maybe this makes us shine in Heaven but it sure is hard to make a living, find a spouse, discipline children, or be a good boss to subordinates at work.
I just cooked and cleaned up after 6 kids and 7 adults ( roast dinner), not happy about being left alone to clean up -until I listened to this, after a couple of prayers I’m ok
Private Use Only. O Jesus, meek and humble of heart, Hear me. From the desire of being esteemed, Deliver me, O Jesus. From the desire of being loved, Deliver me, O Jesus. From the desire of being extolled, etc. From the desire of being honored, From the desire of being praised, From the desire of being preferred to others, From the desire of being consulted, From the desire of being approved, From the fear of being humiliated, From the fear of being despised, From the fear of suffering rebukes, From the fear of being calumniated, From the fear of being forgotten, From the fear of being ridiculed, From the fear of being wronged, From the fear of being suspected, That others may be loved more than I, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. That others may be esteemed more than I, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. That, in the opinion of the world, others may increase and I may decrease, etc. That others may be chosen and I set aside, That others may be praised and I go unnoticed, That others may be preferred to me in everything, That others may become holier than I, provided that I may become as holy as I should,
If anyone is curious how to deal with pride and to get humility, Saint Benedict's 12 steps to humility are a very good start:) I was praying for the gift of humility from the Lord and I went on social media and was led to this I recommend it so much! God bless❤
Help me Lord, I want to be a Saint and yet I am so far from it, send me all I need to be your Saint, I want to love you with all my heart, my soul, my mind. Correct me, direct me give me the graces I need. 🙏🙏🙏
I learned humility in front of Veronicas veil. It was on display at a museum. I took a picture with my camera even though it wasn't allowed. The security guards arrested me and announced to everyone while I stood in front of hundreds of people that I was caught. My friends and the priests that I was with all looked on me with distain. I heard Christs voice in my heart to humble myself and except the punishment. The museum didn't press charges but kicked me out. Many years after I still have a deep humility everyone tells me. I got this virtue from the face of Christ. When you stare into the face of Jesus and except your sinfulness He will teach you humility. God always Your Will!
Lord, enthroned in Humility in the Blessed Sacrament, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, truly grant me the grace of true humility without which I cannot be pleasing to You.
Humility is the gift of God Almighty. "But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me has not been ineffective. Indeed, I have toiled harder than all of them; not I, however, but the grace of God [that is] with me." [1 Corinthians 15 : 10 - 10] "For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen." [Romans 11 : 36 - 36]
'I cannot talk about being humble and be humble at the same time.' Anon. Nobody needs to tell me about the faults of others. I can see them every time I take my eyes off my own.
Private Use Only. O Jesus, meek and humble of heart, Hear me. From the desire of being esteemed, Deliver me, O Jesus. From the desire of being loved, Deliver me, O Jesus. From the desire of being extolled, etc. From the desire of being honored, From the desire of being praised, From the desire of being preferred to others, From the desire of being consulted, From the desire of being approved, From the fear of being humiliated, From the fear of being despised, From the fear of suffering rebukes, From the fear of being calumniated, From the fear of being forgotten, From the fear of being ridiculed, From the fear of being wronged, From the fear of being suspected, That others may be loved more than I, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. That others may be esteemed more than I, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. That, in the opinion of the world, others may increase and I may decrease, etc. That others may be chosen and I set aside, That others may be praised and I go unnoticed, That others may be preferred to me in everything, That others may become holier than I, provided that I may become as holy as I should,
Oh my beloved Jesus, help me to love you more and to love my neighbor the way You love them. Jesus have mercy on me am a poor sinner help me to grow in the virtue of humility🙏 and I Pray for all my sisters and brothers to grow in great love for you and that we all love each other’s as sisters and brothers in Christ. Amen.
Thanks. This is food. I want to add that the teaching on not judging, is in reference to not judging the eternal state of another’s soul, and to not making rash judgements. To judge and discern evil from good is a must. Passivity towards evil is a sin.
This is one of the best thing that I ever longing ro hear. Today I in my prayer time bagged my lord to teach me what is becoming empty and lower before him. So I accidentally came across this Serman. Praise the Lord Praise the Lord for giving this priest to the world. Don from Australia
Humility is for holy people or I never really understood it.. that's the way my brains functioned ..till I heard this sermon I feel like a worm!! Thank you for this eye opener ♥ got a difficult goal now (but not impossible) to work at 😁
Prayer for the Reign of Glory on Earth (27 July 1998) “Children, live the life of your consecration now. You will learn much from Me . . . you will go safely in the hour that is coming . . . you will know when, who, and what to do . . . The manifestation of the Red Dragon and the antichrist in this last hour of this age pierced My Heart greatly during My ministry on earth and even more when I was about to breathe My last on the Cross. 106 As I hung on the Cross, I envisaged the proud Dragon. It boasted to reign on earth forever . . . I silently offered My Father this prayer for the downfall of the enemy of the Cross...My children, through this prayer the antichrist and the Red Dragon and his agents will have a short hour of reign on earth. The more you pray, the shorter the hour of their reign on earth.” O loving and merciful Father. You are all knowledgeable and all-powerful. Oh Alpha! Oh Omega! Creator of all things. You are eternal, Father. Father, why are you forsaking me? Look kindly on Your only-begotten Son Jesus Christ, Who came to save your people and bring Your Kingdom down on earth. I offer You all the agonies, tortures, pains, and Precious Blood of Your only Son, Jesus Christ, for the defeat of all the enemies of the Holy Cross of salvation; the antichrist and the Red Dragon who are fighting or will fight against the truth now and in the end of the age. May they, through the Precious Blood of Our Redeemer and His last breath on earth, disappear like foam exposed under the sun, so that Your Kingdom will quickly come on earth. Amen. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ - Thy Kingdom come. Amen. 107 Prayer Against the Sins of the Flesh (28 July 1998) “Pray much for My youth . . . many will be lost due to (this) sin . . . I was naked in the sight of all men so that you shall defeat and kill the desires of the flesh which lead to this sin of fornication and adultery. Children, My adversary used this sin to claim all men to himself...Any sinner who constantly prays this prayer will gain true repentance...The more you pray it, the more (souls) will return to me and leave fornication and adultery. Many people will be lost due to the sins of the flesh. Work hard to save souls...” Holy and merciful Father, Your only- begotten Son is standing naked in the sight of all men, so that Your people will know and fear Your holy law. Accept my humble prayer for all Your people who are living under iniquity, fornication and adultery, that through all the shame and disgrace of Your only-begotten Son, You will touch their lives for repentance and save them. May they, through the Precious Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ, which I plead to fall on their hearts, gain repentance and be saved. Through His shame make them bold for repentance. Amen. 108 Prayer for the Baptism of Aborted Babies (29 July 1998) “Today the blood of innocent children has filled heaven. Their number is too great, too great . . . the wrath of the Eternal Father is about to fall on mankind...Their blood disturbs My Agonizing Heart and increases My agony...Through this prayer, large numbers of innocent unborn babies will be saved. Pray it daily and make it known to the world. Anyone who teaches it will not be lost. Innocent souls in heaven will not let them become lost. I, with My Love and Mercy, will protect them from falling into mortal sin.” Heavenly Father, Your love is eternal. In Your ocean of love, You saved the world through Your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Now look at Your only Son on the Cross Who is constantly bleeding for love of His people, and forgive Your world. Purify and baptize aborted children with the Precious Blood and water from the Sacred Side of Your Son, Jesus Christ, Who hung dead on the Cross for their salvation; in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. May they, through the holy death of Jesus Christ, gain everlasting life, through His wounds be healed and through His Precious Blood be freed. There to rejoice with the saints in heaven. Amen. 109 SHORT & EFFICACIOUS REPARATION PRAYER TO THE ETERNAL FATHER (22 July 1999) “All who adore My Precious Blood console My Father Who loves His Son the most. As you adore My Blood, the pains of My Sacred Heart lessen. The Sorrowful Heart of My Mother will also be consoled. Children, adore My Precious Blood always and offer it to My Father for mercy. Hear this prayer. Pray it always in reparation for the sins of the whole world. Pray it three times each time you pray it. I assure you that the Divine Mercy will multiply. Pray it always and many times a day, since you are living in these ungodly days. Pray it so that you shall be safe from the purification fire. Children, make it known to the whole world.” Eternal Father, I offer to You all the wounds of Your dearly beloved Son, Jesus Christ; the pains and agony of His Sacred Heart and His Most Precious Blood, which gushed out from all his wounds, for the reparation of my sins and those of the whole world. Amen. (repeat 3 times)
THE MYSTICAL PRAYERS Of Our Lord Jesus Christ Prayer to Vanquish Satan and his Agents (5 July 1998) “My children, I drink this cup for your sake . . . rejoice that you are called to this great devotion . . . There is no need for you to fear those numerous populations of the enemy. Children, simply offer the wounds, pains and blood of My left hand for their downfall; you will see them disappear like ashes...I assure you, many kingdoms of the enemy will disappear in the twinkle of an eye. Pray it and teach it to all men. My Precious Blood will save.” All you great numerous enemies; the enemy of the holy death of my Master Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary; the prince of darkness and iniquity, the father of all liars; I stand on the death of my Master Jesus Christ and offer His pains, wounds, and the Precious Blood of His left hand to the Eternal Father for your downfall, your destruction and your scourging. Amen. Precious Blood of my Master Jesus Christ - reign in me and in the lives of all men. Amen. 97 Prayer for the Protection and Unity of the Flock (6 July 1998) “With love I offered...the Precious Blood from my sacred feet...for the unity of My Church. I mean all who call on my name. As the nail held my feet together, so it held all my people to become one. My children, whenever you say this prayer you are making the hour of My Kingdom on earth come sooner. Through this prayer, My Father will let it come down soon; the hour of the Second Pentecost when My prayer will be fulfilled that all shall be one... All who carry out this devotion will rejoice greatly when My Kingdom comes. I will protect them always.” Eternal Father, I offer You all the wounds, pains, and the Precious Blood from the sacred feet of Your Son, Our Lord and Master, for all Your children who are wandering like sheep without a shepherd in this terrifying forest. Protect them against wild predators and give them peace that they might be one and united in the same way as the nail held fast the feet of my Master and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ - reign forever. Amen. 98 Prayer for Refuge in the Sacred Side of Jesus Christ (7 July 1998) “My children, this era is that of darkness. The prince of darkness is ruling the earth. All who belong to the light will suffer great attacks from the enemy . . . this hour is exactly the mirror of the hour of the day I was crucified . . . My children, these evil days will swallow many souls. That is why I teach this mysterious prayer to you in order that you all might be saved. My Sacred Side is open for all men. Pray it and make it known to all men. All who teach this prayer to others will be protected. I love you all. Run for your lives.” O loving Father, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Who protected the Israelites of old in His holy wings in the dryness of the cold and hot desert; I offer You the holy death of my Master and Savior, Jesus Christ, for the protection of Your people who are scattered all over the world. May the Blood and water wash and strengthen, save and cleanse us that we might find home in the Sacred Side of Your Son which opens for all men. Amen. Sacred Side of Jesus Christ - be our home for safety. Amen. 99 Prayer for Release from Ancestral Curses (8 July 1998) “All who are under curses and constantly say this prayer shall be free from their curses. Any family that is suffering from the curse of sins made by their forefathers and makes a 144 day novena through this prayer, will be freed. All who break a covenant and are supposed to die shall be saved and also be released from their curse if they constantly say this prayer and repent. My children, how terrible will it be to fall into God’s anger! Turn from your sins and live. I love you all. Be healed.” Eternal Father, You are the only Immortal God, God Who is love, merciful and kind. Look at Your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and have mercy. I offer You the pains of His scourging at the pillar, His wounds and blood, for all Your people who are under the weight of the curse due to the sins of their ancestors and their disobedience for breaking the covenant they made with You. May You set us free through the scourging of Your Son, heal us through His wounds and save us through His Precious Blood. Amen. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ - release us from curses. Holy wounds of Jesus Christ - heal our wounds. By Your scourging - seal us. Amen. 100 Prayer for the Sustenance of the Faith (9 July 1998) “Many will betray me. I mean those who eat with Me from the same plate and drink with Me from one cup will hand Me over to those that will crucify Me. Listen well, My children, and meditate on these words. For how terrible it will be for those who will deny Me, who loves them . . . When I was about to leave My people on earth, My agony grew greater when I remembered their unfaithfulness. I also remembered the period that is coming is terrible and fearful; that many will betray me like Judas while others will deny that they know me...Children, pray this prayer always for faith and make it known to the whole world before the perilous era comes in full force. If you have little faith, even as small as a mustard seed, you will overcome this period. This mysterious prayer is powerful. Teach it to the whole world. I love you all.” Omnipotent and Omniscient God, God of Elijah and the prophets, look at the Sacred Head of Your only-begotten Son and have mercy. Arise and save Your people. I offer You all the shame, the pains, the wounds and the Precious Blood from the Sacred Head of Your Son for all Your children who are living in these perilous 101 times. Strengthen our faith through the mockery of Your Son, Jesus Christ, and save us through the Precious Blood from His Sacred Head. May we, through the sufferings of Your Son, Jesus Christ, learn to suffer in You and die in You. Amen. Holy tortures of Jesus Christ - increase our faith. Amen. Prayer for the Manifestation of the Divine Will (10 July 1998) “My children, the fight between you and the adversary is coming to its climax now . . . With great determination they have shut a large number of My children down . . . My agony...grew worse and worse when I entered Gethsemane. I looked at my people and saw that they were asleep while their enemy was fast approaching and gaining ground . . . My Agonizing Heart broke (out) with these words . . . “Why are you sleeping? Can’t you watch with Me even one hour? Pray that you will not fall into temptation.” When I knelt down again in prayer the burden of My death weighed Me down. Before I thought about it, I said, “Father, take this cup away from Me, but not My Will, rather, Yours be done.” That 102 hour was the hour of My greatest temptation which might have hindered me from fulfilling the Will of My Father. Finally, I looked up and prayed to My Father thus...make it known to the whole world for the reign of My Father on earth . . . I say, these are my mysterious prayers. They are very powerful.” Eternal Father, You are the creator and author of life. You love the world You made. That is why You sent Your only-begotten Son to come for its redemption, so that Your Kingdom will come. Look upon Your Son and rise up on Your throne. Raise Your right hand and save Your people. I offer all the suffering, pains, and death of Your only-begotten Son Whom You love, for Your triumph and Your reign on earth. May You, through the Precious Blood of Your Son, make a new covenant and bring all Your children back to Your Holy Will. Amen. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ - reign forever. Agonizing Jesus Christ - Thy Kingdom come. Amen.
103 Prayer for Endurance through the Coming Chastisement (13 July 1998) “My children, pray that this period you are living in now will be shortened. Pray also that your faith will not fail. Be on your guard. Be alert and watch always...Many will give up their faith at the last minute when everything is about to pass . . . This period will suddenly catch up with many people because they are not prepared . . . How many of you will fight and drive back My adversary, conquer, and bring the captives home?...My children, learn this prayer and pray it always especially during the hour of trials... When My people rejected Me and condemned Me and said, “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” I looked up to heaven and prayed to My Father and said...” Merciful and loving Father, Your wish is that all men shall be saved. Kindly look on Your rejected and condemned Son Who suffered many tortures and will suffer many through the sins of Your people. Look and see what sin has done to your only-begotten Son. I offer for all Your people who are living in these ungodly and wicked days, all the tortures, pains, rejection and 104 shame of your Son, Jesus Christ, to You, for the faith to withstand trials and patience to withstand long torture. May they through the suffering of Your only Son, fight to the end. Amen. Our Lord’s torture - increase our faith. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ - save us. Amen. Prayer for Fallen Sheep and Against a Fall in Faith (22 July 1998) “I envisaged constant abandonment of faith in my people and how they will constantly reject their God and crucify Me daily. The pains grew in intensity when I saw how hard it will be for them to return...Many there were who would stop on the way because they thought the way was too hard and long ...How large the number of My people who will lose hope and fall... I say to you, My children, wake up and stand firm! During My fall, I remembered all these things and offered them to My Father through this prayer... Through it, My Father will pour on you all the needed graces to endure until the end. All who pray it devotedly will possess the fullness of the Holy Spirit and learn to be obedient and humble.” 105 Eternal and loving Father, look kindly on Your only-begotten Son. See the heavy Cross prepared for Your only Son and have mercy on Your people. I offer to You all the pains, suffering, and Precious Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, for all Your people who have abandoned their faith and will abandon their faith in the mountainous hills and deep valleys of this world. May they, through the falling of Your Son under the Cross, have strength to rise again and stand firm in the true faith. Through the ocean of His Precious Blood dumped under the Cross on the streets of Jerusalem strengthen all who are eager to do Your Will. Amen. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ - strengthen our weakened souls. Amen
Private Use Only. O Jesus, meek and humble of heart, Hear me. From the desire of being esteemed, Deliver me, O Jesus. From the desire of being loved, Deliver me, O Jesus. From the desire of being extolled, etc. From the desire of being honored, From the desire of being praised, From the desire of being preferred to others, From the desire of being consulted, From the desire of being approved, From the fear of being humiliated, From the fear of being despised, From the fear of suffering rebukes, From the fear of being calumniated, From the fear of being forgotten, From the fear of being ridiculed, From the fear of being wronged, From the fear of being suspected, That others may be loved more than I, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. That others may be esteemed more than I, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. That, in the opinion of the world, others may increase and I may decrease, etc. That others may be chosen and I set aside, That others may be praised and I go unnoticed, That others may be preferred to me in everything, That others may become holier than I, provided that I may become as holy as I should,
@@JeepGuy3 Don't worry - it doesn't need to hurt! Knowing what we're doing wrong / our flaws is a good thing, since we know what suffocates us from being fully free & alive. And we always have God's grace ready to cleanse us from our sin & strengthen us - so no need to beat ourselves up too much, just look at His love to heal us. Just like a parent allows his child to scrape his knee so he can know that pain is bad, so too does God allow sin so we can know it's badness and appreciate goodness all the more.
I think this virtue is the greatest because it's hard to be humble, to be slave, to give our will to God...and this virtue is the land of others virtues. I admire this virtue in Jesus and I asked to learn from the heart of Jesus. I think that the door to heaven is too little and we should be humble... I don't think that if I recognize me as a humble person, Will am I a really humble person?! I' m afraid of this virtue... It causes aflictions.. I think to get it I should have a big grace from God...To know myself, to know God and to be reduced to dust.. But when we ask, it's coming from heart..?! I really desire this..?! I should ask this- to desire.. I needed to hear that.. What can I do to be humble.. There is some mortification, exercises.... to practice it ?! The exercise is accept the situations..I watched this vídeo a por of times and my heart is thankfull to God..
Don't worry - humility is not torture! It doesn't take anything away - how could something that was good for us make us lack? Self-knowledge is simply about knowing we need God to grow in virtue since we're powerless to do it of ourselves - when it's said that we are "reduced to dust" that doesn't mean humility destroys us! It's just a bit more hyperbolic way of describing things. Just as a child isn't embarrassed (or at least shouldn't be) that he can't get to the cookie jar by himself, so too we don't need to be bothered by our need and dependence on God.
I am walking through the fire right now, I have a community that is afraid of the supernatural... I cannot judge them but I can be humble and increase my virtue for God. 🙏❤
this works in theory but in reality one sould pray for humility otherwise will fall into scrupules, humiliations and unhealthy fake humility. This is what modern Church people do to eachother too much. That is not humility at all, that's imposing humiliation
Private Use Only. O Jesus, meek and humble of heart, Hear me. From the desire of being esteemed, Deliver me, O Jesus. From the desire of being loved, Deliver me, O Jesus. From the desire of being extolled, etc. From the desire of being honored, From the desire of being praised, From the desire of being preferred to others, From the desire of being consulted, From the desire of being approved, From the fear of being humiliated, From the fear of being despised, From the fear of suffering rebukes, From the fear of being calumniated, From the fear of being forgotten, From the fear of being ridiculed, From the fear of being wronged, From the fear of being suspected, That others may be loved more than I, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. That others may be esteemed more than I, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. That, in the opinion of the world, others may increase and I may decrease, etc. That others may be chosen and I set aside, That others may be praised and I go unnoticed, That others may be preferred to me in everything, That others may become holier than I, provided that I may become as holy as I should,
*Puntos clave:* -Pride is refusing to suffer poverty. -There no real love without humility. -3 aspects of sin of Adan and Eve: they’re all pride, encapsulate all posible sins. >*Lust of the flesh*: Grasping after body desires (sleep, food, sex), instead of accepting my poverty when I lack any, I rebel and demand it for myself. >*Lust of the eyes*: Gain things that please our eyes (money, power, possession), I’m refusing to be poor and take them for myself. >*Pride of life*: Having your own way, your will. You cannot suffer the poor opinion of others about you, you run to defend yourself. Instead you have to accept it willingly and humbly and suffer it. -Much easier to resist tempation for your habitual sin because that sin has pride as root. -Ask for the grace and desire to be lowly. -If you love the Lord you must want his attributes including pride. If you don’t want humility you don’t love the Lord or don’t know Him.
The reason God can be humble is that He already has everything - pride arises in a soul which is lacking in some respect. Likewise, a Christian in a state of grace - which is to say a Christian who bears the Trinity within him or her - doesn't really need anything because he or she already has everything and, from that vantage point, can 'afford' to be humble.
But if any one have bad thought but he Don t want them and fight to stop having it a sin.i tell God that I Don t want them.but it keep camping and fight with my self
I wonder though if God places things in your life so that you can reach out and take it. I'm not talking about sinful things but perhaps not also the most charitable. Like think of St. Emperor Henry II and how he had to be involved in immoral things in order to serve the greater good.
So if I am very disciplined in what I eat and drink during weekdays, but allow myself to actually satisfy my appetite on weekends (rather than stop short of satisfaction as I do throughout the week), is that sinful? (not to the point of stuffing myself or getting drunk, but just not being as strict as I am during the week...and by the way, I don't drink at all during the week) and worse, I look forward to it on the weekends. Is that sinful? I struggle with this and am very anxious about it. Is the anxiety a sign that it's a sin, or could the devil be tormenting me by telling me that something allowable is actually sinful, thereby destroying my enjoyment? Can somebody please weigh in? Thanks.
Self humility means living in the truth about our strengths and weaknesses, virtues and vices before God and men. Everything good in us comes from God and everything sinful in us is due to our own weakness.
What I don't understand is why did satan tempt Adam and Eve in the first place? If he hadn't, they wouldn't have needed a redeemer, Jesus wouldn't have to become man and therefore there would be no God/man for Satan to have to bow down to.
I find this confusing. Not sure, but it seems that he does not start with definitions, and so ends up saying things that contradict each other. In Modern thought, humility is a moral virtue and judgment is a moral act, that is, acts aimed at an end. Therefore humility is the "indidivual's power to make oneself (feel) small" and judgment is the "individual's power to make someone else (feel) small or make himself (feel) big". In Traditional thought, humility has to do with knowledge. I can't be humble or make myself humble if my vices are hidden from me. And if judgment was an act of the will, you'd be all guilty of "judging" the Pharisee. In reality, judgment is an act of the reason. There's a description or an idea and there's an individual, and judgment is a statement of fact, opinion or viewpoint, whether these two match. Bad judgment is not about the act per se, but about the content of the act.
Your vices will not remain hidden if you sincerely with love pray the Litany of Humility. This prayer exposes the dark and brings to light all the Lord requires for each soul. If you pray the litany closely and desire what you pray for you will become as Christ like as he wills for you. He loves us that He has given us this teaching... “ Learn of me for I am meek and humble of heart. Come to me all you who labor and are heavy burdened..” This is a school of perfection The paradox is profoundly perfected for the light of humility has defeated the dark abyss of “the sin” pride and was accomplished on the Cross by our Redeemer Jesus Christ Who destroyed death sin and hell by His Most Precious Blood. He purchased our salvation and consoled Our Eternal Father with every adorable and honorable drop. God was nailed to a tree for all eternity to see..Jesus on the Cross is humility and Divine Charity!!! Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I love You! Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,Thy Kingdom come.
I think the priest was referring to Satan’s intellect which is a natural attribute. As in, Satan, being the highest created angel, has a higher intellect than Mary and Jesus’s human nature but not His divine nature
Humility is nice up to a point----respect for others, respect for authority, not poking one's nose in other people's business----but if we take humility further than that humility becomes toxic. I have heard it said that humility is the foundation of all the other virtues. This of course is absurd. If you want to advance in the spiritual life concentrate on chastity and charity. Saying over and over again "I am a worm and not a man " might have made the monk Thomas a Kempis a saint but it is a recipe for disaster for people who live in the real world.
Me upon seeing the title: I know so many people who need to hear this.
Me after listening: Man, I really needed to hear this.
Beautiful reflection though, I too needed to hear this.
Humility isn't thinking less of yourself. It's thinking of yourself less
CS. Lewis
According to Imitation of Christ by St Thomas a Kempis humility is meditating day and night about how I am a worm and not a man. Maybe this makes us shine in Heaven but it sure is hard to make a living, find a spouse, discipline children, or be a good boss to subordinates at work.
@@GeorgePenton-np9rh Fr. Dave Nix (Sensus Fidelium) spoke SO wisely on this very thing...
@@GeorgePenton-np9rh He is not a Saint.
I just cooked and cleaned up after 6 kids and 7 adults ( roast dinner), not happy about being left alone to clean up -until I listened to this, after a couple of prayers I’m ok
I’m guilty of that too.
Wonderful you 💛
Wow, that's heroic
You have the most important job in the world, a Mother. God bless you.
@@l.nelson5892 😭😭😭
Jesus Christ, son of God, have Mercy on me a poor sinner. Help me Lord to be humble 🙏
I need a lot of a big grace..
❤ Amen 🙏
I need to listen to this repeatedly.
This was probably the best thing I could have ever needed to hear praise God honestly genuinely praise God
Oh snap.
The most hardest and toughest practice is being humble. It's very tough to follow this in day today life. Only with grace of God we can attain it.
Private Use Only.
O Jesus, meek and humble of heart,
Hear me.
From the desire of being esteemed,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being loved,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being extolled, etc.
From the desire of being honored,
From the desire of being praised,
From the desire of being preferred to others,
From the desire of being consulted,
From the desire of being approved,
From the fear of being humiliated,
From the fear of being despised,
From the fear of suffering rebukes,
From the fear of being calumniated,
From the fear of being forgotten,
From the fear of being ridiculed,
From the fear of being wronged,
From the fear of being suspected,
That others may be loved more than I,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be esteemed more than I,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That, in the opinion of the world, others may increase
and I may decrease, etc.
That others may be chosen and I set aside,
That others may be praised and I go unnoticed,
That others may be preferred to me in everything,
That others may become holier than I,
provided that I may become as holy as I should,
Pray to Mary, the most humble. She will make humility taste sweet.
If anyone is curious how to deal with pride and to get humility, Saint Benedict's 12 steps to humility are a very good start:) I was praying for the gift of humility from the Lord and I went on social media and was led to this I recommend it so much! God bless❤
God bless you thank you
Thank you so much
This is what I was waiting to hear from a priest for 40 years THANK YOU 🙏 FATHER !
Help me Lord, I want to be a Saint and yet I am so far from it, send me all I need to be your Saint, I want to love you with all my heart, my soul, my mind. Correct me, direct me give me the graces I need. 🙏🙏🙏
Pray for inner heal ing first,close the door to b evil,open the door to the Spirit surrender
I strongly recommend a Marian devotion.
I learned humility in front of Veronicas veil. It was on display at a museum. I took a picture with my camera even though it wasn't allowed. The security guards arrested me and announced to everyone while I stood in front of hundreds of people that I was caught. My friends and the priests that I was with all looked on me with distain. I heard Christs voice in my heart to humble myself and except the punishment. The museum didn't press charges but kicked me out. Many years after I still have a deep humility everyone tells me. I got this virtue from the face of Christ. When you stare into the face of Jesus and except your sinfulness He will teach you humility. God always Your Will!
Imagine a world with humility. Lord grant me this virtue.
I can imagine a world with humility in which nobody leads, nobody marries, and everybody is afraid to do anything except the most menial work.
Lord, enthroned in Humility in the Blessed Sacrament, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, truly grant me the grace of true humility without which I cannot be pleasing to You.
I realized how full of pride am i😮 from this talk... Lord, have mercy!
That's why our guardian angels love looking after us it's in imitation of God's humility
Viva christo Rey
Humility is the gift of God Almighty. "But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me has not been ineffective. Indeed, I have toiled harder than all of them; not I, however, but the grace of God [that is] with me." [1 Corinthians 15 : 10 - 10]
"For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen." [Romans 11 : 36 - 36]
Humility is knowing that God is our creator and we are His creation.🙏❤
Jesus have mercy on me.Jesus Forgive my sins.My Lord and My God.
Thank you Father for your accurate and meaningful explanations. It is so good someone teaches us such topics. GOD bless you fully.
Wow. This was one of the best homilies I’ve ever heard
'I cannot talk about being humble and be humble at the same time.' Anon. Nobody needs to tell me about the faults of others. I can see them every time I take my eyes off my own.
Jesus forgive me for I have sinned. Jesus deliver us sinners from your enemies. Jesus give me the gift I need to remain true to you!
Private Use Only.
O Jesus, meek and humble of heart,
Hear me.
From the desire of being esteemed,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being loved,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being extolled, etc.
From the desire of being honored,
From the desire of being praised,
From the desire of being preferred to others,
From the desire of being consulted,
From the desire of being approved,
From the fear of being humiliated,
From the fear of being despised,
From the fear of suffering rebukes,
From the fear of being calumniated,
From the fear of being forgotten,
From the fear of being ridiculed,
From the fear of being wronged,
From the fear of being suspected,
That others may be loved more than I,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be esteemed more than I,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That, in the opinion of the world, others may increase
and I may decrease, etc.
That others may be chosen and I set aside,
That others may be praised and I go unnoticed,
That others may be preferred to me in everything,
That others may become holier than I,
provided that I may become as holy as I should,
Great teaching, Father! The Litany of Humility is a prayer that helps me tremendously.
We all need to hear this, to be reminded, empty our selves, even HIM ,humbled,became a child,Jesus was the greatest example, amen
Lack of Humility indicates lack of wholehearted Faith in Omnipotent God.
Lack of humility shows someone with some self-respect who is trying to accomplish something in this life.
Oh my beloved Jesus, help me to love you more and to love my neighbor the way You love them. Jesus have mercy on me am a poor sinner help me to grow in the virtue of humility🙏 and I Pray for all my sisters and brothers to grow in great love for you and that we all love each other’s as sisters and brothers in Christ. Amen.
Pride is a refusal to suffer
'When you think you have humility, you have not and if you have it, you will never know it.' Anon.
I need to hear this every week to try and keep me humble and have humility!! Amen 🙏
Thank you Father Pray With the help of God s grace to grow in GOD'S Love
Thank you very much. And may God bless you MORE than me.
Oof I really needed this. God bless this priest and this channel.
Thank you Lord Jesus to open my ear to hear to open my eyes to see this post with the word of God Amen
Thank you Father, I really need to work harder on humility thanks for this teaching!
Me too
I'm in, guys...
Oooooh my God grant me grace to be truly humble
Thank God for homilies like this
We can not acquire humility on our own that is a certainty.
Thanks. This is food. I want to add that the teaching on not judging, is in reference to not judging the eternal state of another’s soul, and to not making rash judgements. To judge and discern evil from good is a must. Passivity towards evil is a sin.
This is one of the best thing that I ever longing ro hear. Today I in my prayer time bagged my lord to teach me what is becoming empty and lower before him. So I accidentally came across this Serman. Praise the Lord Praise the Lord for giving this priest to the world.
Don from Australia
Thank you very much, Father.... May God bless you... In the name of The Father.. and The Son.. and The Spirit.. Amen..
Thank God I got this recommended, I don't wanna seem arrogant because I am not
The world is currently pushing for more pride!! Let's combat it with humility.
I pray for more humility
Humility is for holy people or I never really understood it.. that's the way my brains functioned ..till I heard this sermon I feel like a worm!! Thank you for this eye opener ♥ got a difficult goal now (but not impossible) to work at 😁
Mind blowing sermon! May God be praised ALWAYS!
This is a total amazing. Thx so much.
Thank you for this blessing.
Father thank you this hits home.
Jesus my Lord the son of father protect me from the eyes of evil I pray through your name Amen
Prayer for the Reign of Glory on Earth
(27 July 1998)
“Children, live the life of your consecration now. You will learn much from Me . . . you will go safely in the hour that is coming . . . you will know when, who, and what to do . . . The manifestation of the Red Dragon and the antichrist in this last hour of this age pierced My Heart greatly during My ministry on earth and even more when I was about to breathe My last on the Cross.
As I hung on the Cross, I envisaged the proud Dragon. It boasted to reign on earth forever . . . I silently offered My Father this prayer for the downfall of the enemy of the Cross...My children, through this prayer the antichrist and the Red Dragon and his agents will have a short hour of reign on earth. The more you pray, the shorter the hour of their reign on earth.”
O loving and merciful Father. You are all knowledgeable and all-powerful. Oh Alpha! Oh Omega! Creator of all things. You are eternal, Father. Father, why are you forsaking me? Look kindly on Your only-begotten Son Jesus Christ, Who came to save your people and bring Your Kingdom down on earth. I offer You all the agonies, tortures, pains, and Precious Blood of Your only Son, Jesus Christ, for the defeat of all the enemies of the Holy Cross of salvation; the antichrist and the Red Dragon who are fighting or will fight against the truth now and in the end of the age. May they, through the Precious Blood of Our Redeemer and His last breath on earth, disappear like foam exposed under the sun, so that Your Kingdom will quickly come on earth. Amen. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ - Thy Kingdom come. Amen.
Prayer Against the Sins of the Flesh
(28 July 1998)
“Pray much for My youth . . . many will be lost due to (this) sin . . . I was naked in the sight of all men so that you shall defeat and kill the desires of the flesh which lead to this sin of fornication and adultery. Children, My adversary used this sin to claim all men to himself...Any sinner who constantly prays this prayer will gain true repentance...The more you pray it, the more (souls) will return to me and leave fornication and adultery. Many people will be lost due to the sins of the flesh. Work hard to save souls...”
Holy and merciful Father, Your only- begotten Son is standing naked in the sight of all men, so that Your people will know and fear Your holy law. Accept my humble prayer for all Your people who are living under iniquity, fornication and adultery, that through all the shame and disgrace of Your only-begotten Son, You will touch their lives for repentance and save them. May they, through the Precious Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ, which I plead to fall on their hearts, gain repentance and be saved. Through His shame make them bold for repentance. Amen.
Prayer for the Baptism of Aborted Babies
(29 July 1998)
“Today the blood of innocent children has filled heaven. Their number is too great, too great . . . the wrath of the Eternal Father is about to fall on mankind...Their blood disturbs My Agonizing Heart and increases My agony...Through this prayer, large numbers of innocent unborn babies will be saved. Pray it daily and make it known to the world. Anyone who teaches it will not be lost. Innocent souls in heaven will not let them become lost. I, with My Love and Mercy, will protect them from falling into mortal sin.”
Heavenly Father, Your love is eternal. In Your ocean of love, You saved the world through Your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Now look at Your only Son on the Cross Who is constantly bleeding for love of His people, and forgive Your world. Purify and baptize aborted children with the Precious Blood and water from the Sacred Side of Your Son, Jesus Christ, Who hung dead on the Cross for their salvation; in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. May they, through the holy death of Jesus Christ, gain everlasting life, through His wounds be healed and through His Precious Blood be freed. There to rejoice with the saints in heaven. Amen.
(22 July 1999)
“All who adore My Precious Blood console My Father Who loves His Son the most. As you adore My Blood, the pains of My Sacred Heart lessen. The Sorrowful Heart of My Mother will also be consoled. Children, adore My Precious Blood always and offer it to My Father for mercy. Hear this prayer. Pray it always in reparation for the sins of the whole world. Pray it three times each time you pray it. I assure you that the Divine Mercy will multiply. Pray it always and many times a day, since you are living in these ungodly days. Pray it so that you shall be safe from the purification fire. Children, make it known to the whole world.”
Eternal Father, I offer to You all the wounds of Your dearly beloved Son, Jesus Christ; the pains and agony of His Sacred Heart and His Most Precious Blood, which gushed out from all his wounds, for the reparation of my sins and those of the whole world. Amen. (repeat 3 times)
Prayer to Vanquish Satan and his Agents
(5 July 1998)
“My children, I drink this cup for your sake . . . rejoice that you are called to this great devotion . . . There is no need for you to fear those numerous populations of the enemy. Children, simply offer the wounds, pains and blood of My left hand for their downfall; you will see them disappear like ashes...I assure you, many kingdoms of the enemy will disappear in the twinkle of an eye. Pray it and teach it to all men. My Precious Blood will save.”
All you great numerous enemies; the enemy of the holy death of my Master Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary; the prince of darkness and iniquity, the father of all liars; I stand on the death of my Master Jesus Christ and offer His pains, wounds, and the Precious Blood of His left hand to the Eternal Father for your downfall, your destruction and your scourging. Amen. Precious Blood of my Master Jesus Christ - reign in me and in the lives of all men. Amen.
Prayer for the Protection and Unity
of the Flock
(6 July 1998)
“With love I offered...the Precious Blood from my sacred feet...for the unity of My Church. I mean all who call on my name. As the nail held my feet together, so it held all my people to become one. My children, whenever you say this prayer you are making the hour of My Kingdom on earth come sooner. Through this prayer, My Father will let it come down soon; the hour of the Second Pentecost when My prayer will be fulfilled that all shall be one... All who carry out this devotion will rejoice greatly when My
Kingdom comes. I will protect them always.”
Eternal Father, I offer You all the wounds, pains, and the Precious Blood from the sacred feet of Your Son, Our Lord and Master, for all Your children who are wandering like sheep without a shepherd in this terrifying forest. Protect them against wild predators and give them peace that they might be one and united in the same way as the nail held fast the feet of my Master and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ - reign forever. Amen.
Prayer for Refuge in the Sacred Side
of Jesus Christ
(7 July 1998)
“My children, this era is that of darkness. The prince of darkness is ruling the earth. All who belong to the light will suffer great attacks from the enemy . . . this hour is exactly the mirror of the hour of the day I was crucified . . . My children, these evil days will swallow many souls. That is why I teach this mysterious prayer to you in order that you all might be saved. My Sacred Side is open for all men. Pray it and make it known to all men. All who teach this prayer to others will be protected. I love you all. Run for
your lives.”
O loving Father, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Who protected the Israelites of old in His holy wings in the dryness of the cold and hot desert; I offer You the holy death of my Master and Savior, Jesus Christ, for the protection of Your people who are scattered all over the world. May the Blood and water wash and strengthen, save and cleanse us that we might find home in the Sacred Side of Your Son which opens for all men. Amen. Sacred Side of Jesus Christ - be our home for safety. Amen.
Prayer for Release from Ancestral Curses
(8 July 1998)
“All who are under curses and constantly say this prayer shall be free from their curses. Any family that is suffering from the curse of sins made by their forefathers and makes a 144 day novena through this prayer, will be freed. All who break a covenant and are supposed to die shall be saved and also be released from their curse if they constantly say this prayer and repent. My children, how terrible will it be to fall into God’s anger! Turn from your sins and live. I love you all. Be healed.”
Eternal Father, You are the only Immortal God, God Who is love, merciful and kind. Look at Your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and have mercy. I offer You the pains of His scourging at the pillar, His wounds and blood, for all Your people who are under the weight of the curse due to the sins of their ancestors and their disobedience for breaking the covenant they made with You. May You set us free through the scourging of Your Son, heal us through His wounds and save us through His Precious Blood. Amen. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ - release us from curses. Holy wounds of Jesus Christ - heal our wounds. By Your scourging - seal us. Amen.
Prayer for the Sustenance of the Faith
(9 July 1998)
“Many will betray me. I mean those who eat with Me from the same plate and drink with Me from one cup will hand Me over to those that will crucify Me. Listen well, My children, and meditate on these words. For how terrible it will be for those who will deny Me, who loves them . . . When I was about to leave My people on earth, My agony grew greater when I remembered their unfaithfulness. I also remembered the period that is coming is terrible and fearful; that many will betray me like Judas while others will deny that they know me...Children, pray this prayer always for faith and make it known to the whole world before the perilous era comes in full force. If you have little faith, even as small as a mustard seed, you will overcome this period. This mysterious prayer is powerful. Teach it to the whole world. I love you all.”
Omnipotent and Omniscient God, God of Elijah and the prophets, look at the Sacred Head of Your only-begotten Son and have mercy. Arise and save Your people. I offer You all the shame, the pains, the wounds and the Precious Blood from the Sacred Head of Your Son for all Your children who are living in these perilous
times. Strengthen our faith through the mockery of Your Son, Jesus Christ, and save us through the Precious Blood from His Sacred Head. May we, through the sufferings of Your Son, Jesus Christ, learn to suffer in You and die in You. Amen. Holy tortures of Jesus Christ - increase our faith. Amen.
Prayer for the Manifestation
of the Divine Will
(10 July 1998)
“My children, the fight between you and the adversary is coming to its climax now . . . With great determination they have shut a large number of My children down . . . My agony...grew worse and worse when I entered Gethsemane. I looked at my people and saw that they were asleep while their enemy was fast approaching and gaining ground . . . My Agonizing Heart broke (out) with these words . . . “Why are you sleeping? Can’t you watch with Me even one hour? Pray that you will not fall into temptation.” When I knelt down again in prayer the burden of My death weighed Me down. Before I thought about it, I said, “Father, take this cup away from Me, but not My Will, rather, Yours be done.” That
hour was the hour of My greatest temptation which might have hindered me from fulfilling the Will of My Father. Finally, I looked up and prayed to My Father thus...make it known to the whole world for the reign of My Father on earth . . . I say, these are my mysterious prayers. They are very powerful.”
Eternal Father, You are the creator and author of life. You love the world You made. That is why You sent Your only-begotten Son to come for its redemption, so that Your Kingdom will come. Look upon Your Son and rise up on Your throne. Raise Your right hand and save Your people. I offer all the suffering, pains, and death of Your only-begotten Son Whom You love, for Your triumph and Your reign on earth. May You, through the Precious Blood of Your Son, make a new covenant and bring all Your children back to Your Holy Will. Amen. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ - reign forever. Agonizing Jesus Christ - Thy Kingdom come. Amen.
Prayer for Endurance through the Coming Chastisement
(13 July 1998)
“My children, pray that this period you are living in now will be shortened. Pray also that your faith will not fail. Be on your guard. Be alert and watch always...Many will give up their faith at the last minute when everything is about to pass . . . This period will suddenly catch up with many people because they are not prepared . . . How many of you will fight and drive back My adversary, conquer, and bring the captives home?...My children, learn this prayer and pray it always especially during the hour of trials... When My people rejected Me and condemned Me and said, “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” I looked up to heaven and prayed to My Father
and said...”
Merciful and loving Father, Your wish is that all men shall be saved. Kindly look on Your rejected and condemned Son Who suffered many tortures and will suffer many through the sins of Your people. Look and see what sin has done to your only-begotten Son. I offer for all Your people who are living in these ungodly and wicked days, all the tortures, pains, rejection and
shame of your Son, Jesus Christ, to You, for the faith to withstand trials and patience to withstand long torture. May they through the suffering of Your only Son, fight to the end. Amen. Our Lord’s torture - increase our faith. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ - save us. Amen.
Prayer for Fallen Sheep and Against a Fall in Faith
(22 July 1998)
“I envisaged constant abandonment of faith in my people and how they will constantly reject their God and crucify Me daily. The pains grew in intensity when I saw how hard it will be for them to return...Many there were who would stop on the way because they thought the way was too hard and long ...How large the number of My people who will lose hope and fall... I say to you, My children, wake up and stand firm! During My fall, I remembered all these things and offered them to My Father through this prayer... Through it, My Father will pour on you all the needed graces to endure until the end. All who pray it devotedly will possess the fullness of the Holy Spirit and learn to be obedient and humble.”
Eternal and loving Father, look kindly on Your only-begotten Son. See the heavy Cross prepared for Your only Son and have mercy on Your people. I offer to You all the pains, suffering, and Precious Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, for all Your people who have abandoned their faith and will abandon their faith in the mountainous hills and deep valleys of this world. May they, through the falling of Your Son under the Cross, have strength to rise again and stand firm in the true faith. Through the ocean of His Precious Blood dumped under the Cross on the streets of Jerusalem strengthen all who are eager to do Your Will. Amen. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ - strengthen our weakened souls. Amen
What a blessing to hear this honest, simple lesson - Thank you Lord Jesus. Prayers and blessings for this priest living his most authentic self.
Amen Amen !!!!!
Lord , help me not to see myself today , but only you .
Beautiful sermon. Thank you! I need this kind of guidance everyday
Pray for our humility.
This was excellent!! Thank you!🙏🏼❤️🌹
This hits home for me. Ouch!
Private Use Only.
O Jesus, meek and humble of heart,
Hear me.
From the desire of being esteemed,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being loved,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being extolled, etc.
From the desire of being honored,
From the desire of being praised,
From the desire of being preferred to others,
From the desire of being consulted,
From the desire of being approved,
From the fear of being humiliated,
From the fear of being despised,
From the fear of suffering rebukes,
From the fear of being calumniated,
From the fear of being forgotten,
From the fear of being ridiculed,
From the fear of being wronged,
From the fear of being suspected,
That others may be loved more than I,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be esteemed more than I,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That, in the opinion of the world, others may increase
and I may decrease, etc.
That others may be chosen and I set aside,
That others may be praised and I go unnoticed,
That others may be preferred to me in everything,
That others may become holier than I,
provided that I may become as holy as I should,
@@adamvernon2783 much appreciated brother!
@@JeepGuy3 Don't worry - it doesn't need to hurt! Knowing what we're doing wrong / our flaws is a good thing, since we know what suffocates us from being fully free & alive. And we always have God's grace ready to cleanse us from our sin & strengthen us - so no need to beat ourselves up too much, just look at His love to heal us. Just like a parent allows his child to scrape his knee so he can know that pain is bad, so too does God allow sin so we can know it's badness and appreciate goodness all the more.
@@AbsurdScandal well said. Thank you! God bless and may our Blessed Mother keep you and yours!
I think this virtue is the greatest because it's hard to be humble, to be slave, to give our will to God...and this virtue is the land of others virtues. I admire this virtue in Jesus and I asked to learn from the heart of Jesus. I think that the door to heaven is too little and we should be humble... I don't think that if I recognize me as a humble person, Will am I a really humble person?! I' m afraid of this virtue... It causes aflictions.. I think to get it I should have a big grace from God...To know myself, to know God and to be reduced to dust.. But when we ask, it's coming from heart..?! I really desire this..?! I should ask this- to desire.. I needed to hear that.. What can I do to be humble.. There is some mortification, exercises.... to practice it ?! The exercise is accept the situations..I watched this vídeo a por of times and my heart is thankfull to God..
Don't worry - humility is not torture! It doesn't take anything away - how could something that was good for us make us lack? Self-knowledge is simply about knowing we need God to grow in virtue since we're powerless to do it of ourselves - when it's said that we are "reduced to dust" that doesn't mean humility destroys us! It's just a bit more hyperbolic way of describing things. Just as a child isn't embarrassed (or at least shouldn't be) that he can't get to the cookie jar by himself, so too we don't need to be bothered by our need and dependence on God.
Powerful stuff!!! Thank you
Man..Lord have Mercy 💖
Humility, humility, humility
I am walking through the fire right now, I have a community that is afraid of the supernatural... I cannot judge them but I can be humble and increase my virtue for God. 🙏❤
Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner.
Thank you!! ❤ Ave Maria! ❤
This is a tough one for me. Mother Mary/St. Joseph pray for us.
Blessed are the poor in spirit
Diary of St Faustina # 1415
The Most Blessed Mother told St. Faustina...the three Virtues dearest to Her and Most pleasing to God are HUMILITY, CHASTITY AND CHARITY ( LOVE OF GOD)
Fantastic teaching! So rich ♠️🙏🏼🥳
This was so very helpful! Excellent! Thank you! Sharing!
Jesus Christ son of God have mercy on me a sinner. 😢🙏
15:58 This advice if acted upon will save many souls from damnation but only if sought out in perseverance unto death.
Accept your poverty and you will find it easier to resist temptation and sin
Ora pro nobis
Love the title...hooked me
At attention and waiting! 🙋♀️
Deo gratias
I wonder what the name of the priest is. He's really good, very eloquent explaining like he's blessed with the gift of tongue from the Holy Spirit.
Pride goeth before the fall.
this works in theory but in reality one sould pray for humility otherwise will fall into scrupules, humiliations and unhealthy fake humility. This is what modern Church people do to eachother too much. That is not humility at all, that's imposing humiliation
Private Use Only.
O Jesus, meek and humble of heart,
Hear me.
From the desire of being esteemed,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being loved,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being extolled, etc.
From the desire of being honored,
From the desire of being praised,
From the desire of being preferred to others,
From the desire of being consulted,
From the desire of being approved,
From the fear of being humiliated,
From the fear of being despised,
From the fear of suffering rebukes,
From the fear of being calumniated,
From the fear of being forgotten,
From the fear of being ridiculed,
From the fear of being wronged,
From the fear of being suspected,
That others may be loved more than I,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be esteemed more than I,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That, in the opinion of the world, others may increase
and I may decrease, etc.
That others may be chosen and I set aside,
That others may be praised and I go unnoticed,
That others may be preferred to me in everything,
That others may become holier than I,
provided that I may become as holy as I should,
Humility Rules. St Benedict’s 12 Step Guide to genuine self-esteem.
I like this priest... I remember him... He's Asian race but American...
I wish my parish priest would speak like this. Sin isn't mentioned. If we don't know it, how are we to avoid it (or the near occasion of it)?
Who was this wonderful priest/speaker?
Thank you Reverend Father but could you please put the volume up next time?
*Puntos clave:*
-Pride is refusing to suffer poverty.
-There no real love without humility.
-3 aspects of sin of Adan and Eve: they’re all pride, encapsulate all posible sins.
>*Lust of the flesh*:
Grasping after body desires (sleep, food, sex), instead of accepting my poverty when I lack any, I rebel and demand it for myself.
>*Lust of the eyes*:
Gain things that please our eyes (money, power, possession), I’m refusing to be poor and take them for myself.
>*Pride of life*:
Having your own way, your will. You cannot suffer the poor opinion of others about you, you run to defend yourself. Instead you have to accept it willingly and humbly and suffer it.
-Much easier to resist tempation for your habitual sin because that sin has pride as root.
-Ask for the grace and desire to be lowly.
-If you love the Lord you must want his attributes including pride. If you don’t want humility you don’t love the Lord or don’t know Him.
Fabulous homily...any one know the priest, where any more of his homilies may be?
i admit i despise those who do not believe in God or Jesus. working on it.
does it mean you have to have low self esteem? I'm not sure how to have this healthy balance mentally
The reason God can be humble is that He already has everything - pride arises in a soul which is lacking in some respect.
Likewise, a Christian in a state of grace - which is to say a Christian who bears the Trinity within him or her - doesn't really need anything because he or she already has everything and, from that vantage point, can 'afford' to be humble.
But if any one have bad thought but he Don t want them and fight to stop having it a sin.i tell God that I Don t want them.but it keep camping and fight with my self
What’s the name of this priest?
This is the best Sermon so far?
Anyone knows the name of this priest?
I wonder though if God places things in your life so that you can reach out and take it.
I'm not talking about sinful things but perhaps not also the most charitable. Like think of St. Emperor Henry II and how he had to be involved in immoral things in order to serve the greater good.
So if I am very disciplined in what I eat and drink during weekdays, but allow myself to actually satisfy my appetite on weekends (rather than stop short of satisfaction as I do throughout the week), is that sinful? (not to the point of stuffing myself or getting drunk, but just not being as strict as I am during the week...and by the way, I don't drink at all during the week) and worse, I look forward to it on the weekends. Is that sinful? I struggle with this and am very anxious about it. Is the anxiety a sign that it's a sin, or could the devil be tormenting me by telling me that something allowable is actually sinful, thereby destroying my enjoyment? Can somebody please weigh in? Thanks.
As long as it is not to excess it is ok to enjoy things in moderation
Humble before God. Yes.
Self humility ... Why?
Self humility means living in the truth about our strengths and weaknesses, virtues and vices before God and men. Everything good in us comes from God and everything sinful in us is due to our own weakness.
Is this fr bill?
What I don't understand is why did satan tempt Adam and Eve in the first place? If he hadn't, they wouldn't have needed a redeemer, Jesus wouldn't have to become man and therefore there would be no God/man for Satan to have to bow down to.
I've wondered about that, too. Could it be that God allowed Satan's temptation as a test for Adam and Eve, just as He tested the angels?
I find this confusing. Not sure, but it seems that he does not start with definitions, and so ends up saying things that contradict each other. In Modern thought, humility is a moral virtue and judgment is a moral act, that is, acts aimed at an end. Therefore humility is the "indidivual's power to make oneself (feel) small" and judgment is the "individual's power to make someone else (feel) small or make himself (feel) big". In Traditional thought, humility has to do with knowledge. I can't be humble or make myself humble if my vices are hidden from me. And if judgment was an act of the will, you'd be all guilty of "judging" the Pharisee. In reality, judgment is an act of the reason. There's a description or an idea and there's an individual, and judgment is a statement of fact, opinion or viewpoint, whether these two match. Bad judgment is not about the act per se, but about the content of the act.
Your vices will not remain hidden if you sincerely with love pray the Litany of Humility. This prayer exposes the dark and brings to light all the Lord requires for each soul. If you pray the litany closely and desire what you pray for you will become as Christ like as he wills for you. He loves us that He has given us this teaching... “ Learn of me for I am meek and humble of heart. Come to me all you who labor and are heavy burdened..” This is a school of perfection The paradox is profoundly perfected for the light of humility has defeated the dark abyss of “the sin” pride and was accomplished on the Cross by our Redeemer Jesus Christ Who destroyed death sin and hell by His Most Precious Blood. He purchased our salvation and consoled Our Eternal Father with every adorable and honorable drop. God was nailed to a tree for all eternity to see..Jesus on the Cross is humility and Divine Charity!!! Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I love You! Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,Thy Kingdom come.
@@adamvernon2783, what you said has nothing to do with what I said. So why did you say it?
Umm.. Satan was never at anytime greater than Jesus or Mary.. I think that's a serious error in this sermon
according to what I read. The blessed Mother is the greatest creation of God.
More than the Angels and Saints combined
@@gwenomegas9259 thank you ! That's what I'm saying.
I think the priest was referring to Satan’s intellect which is a natural attribute. As in, Satan, being the highest created angel, has a higher intellect than Mary and Jesus’s human nature but not His divine nature
In the order of nature, he is. But in the order of grace, he is least of all.
There is no humility in Hell...
Humility is nice up to a point----respect for others, respect for authority, not poking one's nose in other people's business----but if we take humility further than that humility becomes toxic.
I have heard it said that humility is the foundation of all the other virtues. This of course is absurd. If you want to advance in the spiritual life concentrate on chastity and charity. Saying over and over again "I am a worm and not a man " might have made the monk Thomas a Kempis a saint but it is a recipe for disaster for people who live in the real world.