Guys can you believe the flak I get for liking games like Wolfenstein, I have banned over 20 people in the last 12 hours or so, it's disgusting the racist abuse I have read in these comments and the pure hate directed at me. I think after this video i will be leaving the comments for a long time and just let people get on with it, am not going to read it anymore.
Mack I love you. I just did not like where I saw this going. What happens when you start being critical of inclusiveness in games is that people, like the eugenics guy, take this as an open door to spew their hateful non sense. I didn't want to see your channel turn into that. I am sorry if I was rude.
He criticized the SJW in the review - did you even watch the video by any chance, and you some sort of right winger, both sides of the political spectrum ( many of the big proponents of are on other spectrum's mind you) have big issues I have no idea why people are coming at him for whining about Nazis - mack mentions he find it really enjoyable - it is wolfenstein - would you jump in the sea and be surprised to get wet - and this "SJW" shite is not ruining games in the way of making them drone-like boredom sims - but they actually divert attention away from bugs, cheap story and awfully developed games, a part of the industry which we actually need to focus on and need to be reformed. And by the way are you actually defending racism, not even a joke in good taste but just abuse - that is by my standards pretty morally disgusting - what has that got to do with with good video games anyway?
Yeah but this shit with Nazis was more recent in done in a way we've never seen before. Doesn't make any of them any better or worse than the other though.
DatGrunt well going by that criteria, even more recent was the us troops killing god knows how many in the middle east. Wont see any games villifying them though. The victors write history
I have the cd, played it after Wolf 2 announcement. It's a good game, but the worst Wolfenstein game. But hey, the worst Wolfenstein is still a good game.
I like Mac, but I don't trust TB, because he doesn't like others who have a different opinion and yes I wasn't expecting to see you here. Get the word out there brother!
yeah ...I only like TB because he is well spoken and has less autism then other game reviewers on youtube ... but he has become less interesting to me with these co-op casts ... still he has interesting opinions when he is just himself... good to see you btw
Wolfenstein 3d may have also been my first big PC game I played. Can't remember but it was between Doom, Duke Nukem and Wolfenstein. I had all of them at around the same time. Man, good memories.
People seem to be forgetting the irony of the characters in Wolfenstein. You have a pretend-priest that follows Karl Marx's ideology that refused to fight the Nazis (also avoided the draft) until persuaded by BJ (who gladly joined in the draft). You have a black woman resistance figurehead that thinks she's hot shit but got her ass handed to her by a fat aryan lady. You have a black man that wants that fat white woman, but ends up deciding to switch ladies. You have an Alex Jones tier mad man where his conspiracy theories are likely to be right. You have a young veteran turned hippy. I can go on. The only character without that irony is Fergus. Ignoring the political and societal implications, though, this felt more or less just a dlc for the previous game. $60 for 55gbs with less than 20 hours of content? I think I'll pass.
StringStorm this is starting to sound more and more like deus ex levels of over the top BS! I fucking love it! Just whish the movement was more like mankind divided as well!
You hate on the perks of The New Order and go on a rant about them in that video, but in this one they're perfectly okay to you. Really makes you think. Same thing with the dual wielding. Same thing with the hours:cost ratio...You thumbed this up while sugarcoating the fact that it has all the things that made you thumb the first one down.
The "gunplay" is literally the same. There's slightly different sounds, slightly different guns, and 120% more camera bob, but the fucking thing plays EXACTLY the same way as the two previous titles, including LoTR length cut-scenes.
Speedy Gonzales and he said the game is 14 hours which me and my friend both beat it in 6 hours. I don't know if someone's paying him to say this or? I really do agree with macks reviews but this is the only one that I didn't. Seems a bit odd to me.
Elex is a pretty fun game. The combat will annoy you at the start, but once you get use to it and upgrade your weapons, it gets better. The feeling of being scared of every thing, every noise at night can make your heart race. You have to role play it, or you just get annoyed. If you want to know what it feels like to be underpowered and alone, the first 5 hours in Elex pretty much sum it up.
Can’t believe you thumbed this up and slated new order and old blood Mack! I suggest you replay them, as this game is pretty much the same continuous formula.
Don’t take Mack too seriously, he contradicts himself all the time. It’s the same fucking game! Don’t get me wrong I liked the other two games I just don’t see how this is different to the two previous games. I don’t trust any reviews I just buy what I fancy and refund them if they’re shite.
Iron Lion I think he’s that obsessed with going against the grain that he trips himself up when it comes to consistency. I find him funny but always take what he says with a huge pinch of salt.
How the hell was this a thumbs up when the last two games were huge thumbs down games? It's pretty much exactly the same as the previous games! What the hell Mack, you've atleast gotta stay consistent!
Yeah so he just says the shooting is better and suddenly all the other problems he's always mentioned don't matter. And this pos cutscene fest rides off into the sunset? Mack is supposed to be the glimpse of light in this void of existence. He's the one reviewer that is supposed to be honest and force devs to bring proper level design/game design back into modern gaming. The shooting in the new colossus is the exact same as it was in the previous two games. Mack just turned himself into a total "Yes Man" in this video it came out of nowhere and doesn't make any sense.
Someone else has probably answered but you can go to the mission map thing and go to a region and every region will spawn 2 officers in the level so you will never run out of the codes.
I just got the game and I am enjoying it, indeed the story can be ridiculous at times, but none the less, combat is good, the weapons are great and gameplay overall is fun. I did however completely facepalm when Blazkowicz was fixed up after his near death experience
I think he just likes games where he can find upgrades and perks etc. Both games have pretty similar combat. Difference is stealth is a much less viable option in New Colossus and now you can mix and match weapons, which makes selecting the weapons you want even more that's awesome.
I think when New Order first came out Mack was very disappointed that it was Call of Dutyfied, like the first Black Ops where there's so many interactive cutscenes and linear levels. This game has more open levels with more enemies to kill.
You are so right about the padding Mack. Jesus this game. You always make me laugh Mack. Sometimes i need that badly. Keep up the great videos and thx!😂
I felt like Mack changed his mind like 15 times throughout the whole video before settling on a thumbs up. I did enjoy the first one so if someone didn't like the first one but liked the second one, seems like an upgrade to me.
i agree with what you said about the Story, its all over the Place! is it a Pansy Emo Drama? a Badass 1980s Action Movie? or is it just the most Mental Pile of Comic Book inspired Madness ever seen in Gaming ? it just cant make up its Mind, and Good Greif is it..."cucked" to Death by the Extreme Left. I think even a Lame-Brain like Me could have done a better Job!
Whether you like Mac's opinions on games or not you have to appreciate the brutally honest reviews. Too many reviewers are sellouts and too many fanboys are blindly buying the next installment of a series only adding to this big pile of shit that is now known as the gaming industry.
I can tell you loads of good stuff about this game even without playing it: 1) it has no microtransactions 2) it is not in early access 3) it's actually a finished product 4) the main protagonist is not a non-binary-gender-fluid-anti-male atrocity 5) it is not open world
Anyone with a PC that has an SLI configuration are going to experience great hardship while attempting to run this game, the game barely runs in SLI, the constant fluctuation in frame rate is so erratic it may induce an epileptic fit, it is totally unplayable. Disabling SLI and playing the game using only one card will fix it, the frame rate will be much higher and it will run much more smoothly.
"You should get access to it anyway" I totally disagree, developers are so scared of making content not accessible to everyone they dumb it down to make sure everyone experiences every last bit. This is refreshing to see you have to actually try to get access to it
Sad that they kind of ruined this game with that sjw shit. I too love the original Wolfenstein series. And I like killing Nazis as much as I like killing but I had to give this one a pass.
I'm surprised you thumbed this up Mac. I personally find Wolf 2 just more of the same.. Judging by your complaints, Old BLood had almost no cutscenes the whole game. There are 5 if I'm not wrong, and all short. Way shorter than RTCW. Gunplay was similar. I guess in this you decided to explore levels and find its secrets while in TNO you just rushed to the exit. That could've been remedied if you picked a higher difficulty coz you'd need that extra max health and armor.
hey Mack can you please review Elex ? its an open world rpg by a small german studio (gothic games), i think the game is kinda special because its abit low budget, abit clunky compared to triple A titles, but still decent, oppinions about this game are all over the place atm, angry joe bashing it on his stream, on the other hand i see ppl streaming it for more than 24 hours, playing it like zombies, so it must be good somehow, im also quite enjoying it so far, its harder than skyrim or witcher, at lvl 1 you are very weak and get wreckt by everyone :) you are also the reviewer i trust the most, only you can do justice to that game and please dont stop reading comments on youtube, we need you
Bloody Panther Piss! It's the bleedin' same as the last two! You're confusing my tiny mind with your thumbs up mate..😯. That being said, love your work.....👍
Watched some guy stream yesterday and he got major fps drops at some parts of the game =/ like doom 2016 kind of drops when it first came out. Thanks for good video.
Nice we have to same GPU. My CPU is a old one thou i7 2600 =D maybe i should give it a try. In that stream he had it locked 60 aswell like 90% of the time but somepoint it dropped below 30 and he had to restart the game. Not being fps fuckboy just think that this game does not have much to give at storywise you just shoot things up like in the review =D and smoothness plays a big part there if it does not have anything else to give.
Mack, I think your reviews are brutally honest and very amusing. I bought this for my PS4 Pro following your endorsement of it. It’s mint, apart from the disturbing bit involving the dog; not cool :(
Modern games in a nutshell. Visuals, gunplay and physics we would have killed (or sold friends and family) for back in the day. Gameplay, level design, story and AI so simplistic that any 7 year old or game commentator (but not journalist) can complete with one hand on the controller (the other tickling the corporate balls).
multiplayer?.. "return to castle wolfenstein" ,and the mod "enemy territory" was a geat fun. i played well over a 1000 hours and hosted multiple servers for my clan back in the day!. personaly i always see wolfenstein world war 2 first person shooter, all these modern weapons and things...i many game that have that already!.
@@MilataB32 The new order was better but not the old the blood which was still a good game. This games the middle ground for the wolf reboot with new order being its absolute best
It did and I only found out it was originaly a sx25 when I eventually upgraded. Happy days with 2 meg ram and and a 50 meg hard drive As for the gpu it was some Trident ISA bus with less than a meg of ram.
What are your thoughts on the difficulty of Wolf 2? Do you find it lacking even on the higher difficulties? I know you mentioned good AI which may be refreshing considering your recent review of RTCW, my first wolf game which I still have fond memories of. Scared me shitless when I was a kid.
i will try the game in a few months, i still need some performance updated and drivers, hitting 144fps on 1440p with a 1070 is very difficult. and im not paying to be stuck in cutscenes all day ffs.
Watched it, a bit harsh, but I get what you're saying. The big bummer for me is not game itself, it's the fact there is no Sli support, not even Directx support, it's Vulcan only. Few months back the actually announced they would put Vulcan, Open GL and Directx in the games month. So kind of a shitty move from Bethesda.
BJ's poetic commentary somehow worked in the first game but in this one the whole "I feel your wings" crap just felt so corny and out of place, they really didn't handle it well.
Looking forward to your Assassin's Creed Origins WAB. I bought it and I am having a good time with it but I know there are people out there not liking it
I guess that's 2 Star Wars single player experiences out his year. This one I will buy after I finish the other 2, Star Wars:EA can wait for a free weekend or 75-90% off sale.
The combat of this game is good but it has some drawbacks in the form of overdose of lengthy cutscenes; sjw stuff; performance issues and some unbalanced maps. I still recommended the game after a first price cut. The reviewer mentioned his preference over its predecessors. Indeed the combat is better but the spam of cutscenes here is totally out of place. Sometimes one gets the feeling that it's more a movie than an action fps. In that sense I prefer 'The Old Blood' which had better pacing and fewer cutscenes.
Played a bit over an hr. Way too many cutscene moments at the start, nobody wants that stuff I have no idea why they put it in there. Looking forward to playing a bit more, as a shooter it's pretty solid.
This game was up there with Prey, Half Life 2, Inside and Witcher 3 for me as one of the greatest games of all time. This review is off the mark. Mack doesn't look like a great player either, his situation awareness from those clips is pretty bad.
Love your reviews Mack. Have you tried Heliborne? World of Tanksish with Helicopters without grind or paywall! Cheap ($20) on Steam. Possible review with bells?
heh yea I made a mistake and took the New Order seriously, because the game genuainly tried to be serious. With BJ being atrophy resistant walking m1Abrams, who survives about 5 plane crashes, but gets taken by absolutely retarded plot device. It was like unfunny comedy, whole time BJ is whisperin to him self the cheeziest cheeze, all thru out. While all my frineds were jizzing about how awesome that was, I was facepalming my self in to coma.
Yeah I was LMAO at so much stuff in the story, that said I was laughing so hard at the combat in Assassins creed it almost got me killed. Good to see this new comedy in modern games ;)
I cant believe you are not playing The ways of history. At least i would like to know what do you think of it. I would love to see a review from you of it. I think is the best strategy game i ever played... way better than Civs.
Wicked review. Near the end about 11:11 that weapon looks super over powered, I mean, it disintegrates them FFS. It's like something off Ratchet & Clank 😆😅 And that suit you're wearing there looks like the precursor for the suit that the two girls are outfitted with on Young Bloods.
It's a shame that people dis this channel or any others because a reviewer is able to see past all the bullshit every reviewing company praises the game for. The gaming industry at the moment is shit (with some exceptions), and ignorant gamers still pay into all the bullshit DLC's, micro transactions, pre-order bonuses. Then, they shit on good reviewers, because they know that they're the ones that keep spending $99 on a 'gold' edition of a game, that should have all the 'bonuses' included with the standard game. At any rate, it's ridiculous that $60 is the bar for all AAA release games. Keep up the good work Mac! Show less
Guys can you believe the flak I get for liking games like Wolfenstein, I have banned over 20 people in the last 12 hours or so, it's disgusting the racist abuse I have read in these comments and the pure hate directed at me. I think after this video i will be leaving the comments for a long time and just let people get on with it, am not going to read it anymore.
Bless you.
Mack I love you. I just did not like where I saw this going. What happens when you start being critical of inclusiveness in games is that people, like the eugenics guy, take this as an open door to spew their hateful non sense. I didn't want to see your channel turn into that. I am sorry if I was rude.
Where what was going, I never said anything at all wrong, please tell me wtf I said that was so evil?
He criticized the SJW in the review - did you even watch the video by any chance, and you some sort of right winger, both sides of the political spectrum ( many of the big proponents of are on other spectrum's mind you) have big issues
I have no idea why people are coming at him for whining about Nazis - mack mentions he find it really enjoyable - it is wolfenstein - would you jump in the sea and be surprised to get wet - and this "SJW" shite is not ruining games in the way of making them drone-like boredom sims - but they actually divert attention away from bugs, cheap story and awfully developed games, a part of the industry which we actually need to focus on and need to be reformed.
And by the way are you actually defending racism, not even a joke in good taste but just abuse - that is by my standards pretty morally disgusting - what has that got to do with with good video games anyway?
It doesn't have to do with Mack people are just waking up to the lies and getting sick of the communist agenda
"And if I ever did see a German I wouldn't mention the war at all! ... ... ... Much."
William Brinkman its funny because the brittish empire killed far more people than the nazis lol
Helter Skelter i didnt know there was a competition
It doesn't make anyone less guilty in any way that someone killed others too...
Yeah but this shit with Nazis was more recent in done in a way we've never seen before. Doesn't make any of them any better or worse than the other though.
millions of german civilians were killed in churchill's bombing campaign
DatGrunt well going by that criteria, even more recent was the us troops killing god knows how many in the middle east. Wont see any games villifying them though. The victors write history
"If I ever see a German I wouldn't mention the war at all...... much." LMAO
Danke lol
I laughed my ass off at that too :D
Social Justice Worrierstain
I died.
I was going to say that if nobody else did. So funny!
Social Studies Warriors
yeah, that was hilarious!
"2 racist parties talking to each other, which was a nice touch" --Mack 2017 haha
XD Its highly ironic, leftists, rightwingers, everyone actually racist :D
Does anyone else remember Wolfenstein 2009? That was quite fun, shame you can't buy it anymore.
Weaponsandstuff93 I have that on 360,pretty good game.
It at least continued the occult theme which was way more interesting than this crap
You can find it by... "Other" means 😉
I have the cd, played it after Wolf 2 announcement. It's a good game, but the worst Wolfenstein game. But hey, the worst Wolfenstein is still a good game.
The sniping was the tits!
2017: The Year Of The Lootbox
This game was the start of the rapid decline for this series.
" it's return to castle social justice warriorstein " spot on !
Didn't think I'll found you here :)
Mac is my favorite game reviewer along with Total Biscuit
I like Mac, but I don't trust TB, because he doesn't like others who have a different opinion and yes I wasn't expecting to see you here. Get the word out there brother!
yeah ...I only like TB because he is well spoken and has less autism then other game reviewers on youtube ... but he has become less interesting to me with these co-op casts ... still he has interesting opinions when he is just himself... good to see you btw
Yes I have gone by many names on youtube XD
I thought you were going to rip this game to shreds.
Wolfenstein 3d may have also been my first big PC game I played. Can't remember but it was between Doom, Duke Nukem and Wolfenstein. I had all of them at around the same time. Man, good memories.
There is no way this game is better than New Order and Old Blood.
Mack does perfect game reviews.
is it actual nazis that you fight or just people who aren't an SJW?
There's this level full of enemies who dared to assume your gender
both. Everything SJWs don't like are ebil nahtzees
There's another level where you are combating cultural appropriation by killing enemies who are white people that are running taco stands.
The flame-throwing mechanical dogs are powered by white privilege engines.
Haha, Gothic Wigga, great comment!
People seem to be forgetting the irony of the characters in Wolfenstein.
You have a pretend-priest that follows Karl Marx's ideology that refused to fight the Nazis (also avoided the draft) until persuaded by BJ (who gladly joined in the draft).
You have a black woman resistance figurehead that thinks she's hot shit but got her ass handed to her by a fat aryan lady.
You have a black man that wants that fat white woman, but ends up deciding to switch ladies.
You have an Alex Jones tier mad man where his conspiracy theories are likely to be right.
You have a young veteran turned hippy.
I can go on. The only character without that irony is Fergus.
Ignoring the political and societal implications, though, this felt more or less just a dlc for the previous game. $60 for 55gbs with less than 20 hours of content? I think I'll pass.
StringStorm this is starting to sound more and more like deus ex levels of over the top BS! I fucking love it! Just whish the movement was more like mankind divided as well!
"$60 for 55gbs with less than 20 hours of content?"
The New Order had less than 20 hours of content depending on how you played it.
You hate on the perks of The New Order and go on a rant about them in that video, but in this one they're perfectly okay to you. Really makes you think. Same thing with the dual wielding. Same thing with the hours:cost ratio...You thumbed this up while sugarcoating the fact that it has all the things that made you thumb the first one down.
The "gunplay" is literally the same. There's slightly different sounds, slightly different guns, and 120% more camera bob, but the fucking thing plays EXACTLY the same way as the two previous titles, including LoTR length cut-scenes.
Speedy Gonzales and he said the game is 14 hours which me and my friend both beat it in 6 hours. I don't know if someone's paying him to say this or? I really do agree with macks reviews but this is the only one that I didn't. Seems a bit odd to me.
@@milesmiles9058 so, not literally
Elex is a pretty fun game. The combat will annoy you at the start, but once you get use to it and upgrade your weapons, it gets better. The feeling of being scared of every thing, every noise at night can make your heart race. You have to role play it, or you just get annoyed. If you want to know what it feels like to be underpowered and alone, the first 5 hours in Elex pretty much sum it up.
Can’t believe you thumbed this up and slated new order and old blood Mack! I suggest you replay them, as this game is pretty much the same continuous formula.
leon pellington This game has way better gun play, thanks to DOOM I'm guessing.
what... its literally the exact same gameplay, could not be more identical
Don’t take Mack too seriously, he contradicts himself all the time. It’s the same fucking game! Don’t get me wrong I liked the other two games I just don’t see how this is different to the two previous games. I don’t trust any reviews I just buy what I fancy and refund them if they’re shite.
Yeah I'm confused by this. It really is basicly the same game
Iron Lion I think he’s that obsessed with going against the grain that he trips himself up when it comes to consistency. I find him funny but always take what he says with a huge pinch of salt.
Your are the best review maker this side of youtube, you focus on what really matters.
How the hell was this a thumbs up when the last two games were huge thumbs down games? It's pretty much exactly the same as the previous games!
What the hell Mack, you've atleast gotta stay consistent!
Conspiracy TV opinions can change in the span of like 4 years
did u even watch the video?
Yeah so he just says the shooting is better and suddenly all the other problems he's always mentioned don't matter. And this pos cutscene fest rides off into the sunset? Mack is supposed to be the glimpse of light in this void of existence. He's the one reviewer that is supposed to be honest and force devs to bring proper level design/game design back into modern gaming.
The shooting in the new colossus is the exact same as it was in the previous two games. Mack just turned himself into a total "Yes Man" in this video it came out of nowhere and doesn't make any sense.
Can't agree more. It's the same pile of shit on a slightly different plate.
Who tf cares lmao dont play if you dont want
Someone else has probably answered but you can go to the mission map thing and go to a region and every region will spawn 2 officers in the level so you will never run out of the codes.
ah cool
I just got the game and I am enjoying it, indeed the story can be ridiculous at times, but none the less, combat is good, the weapons are great and gameplay overall is fun.
I did however completely facepalm when Blazkowicz was fixed up after his near death experience
Mack, you really didn’t dig The New Order nor The Old Blood. What was different this time around in this game - other than the “meatier” gunplay?
The gunplay was why he liked it. That's all.
I think he just likes games where he can find upgrades and perks etc. Both games have pretty similar combat. Difference is stealth is a much less viable option in New Colossus and now you can mix and match weapons, which makes selecting the weapons you want even more that's awesome.
I think when New Order first came out Mack was very disappointed that it was Call of Dutyfied, like the first Black Ops where there's so many interactive cutscenes and linear levels. This game has more open levels with more enemies to kill.
You are so right about the padding Mack. Jesus this game. You always make me laugh Mack. Sometimes i need that badly. Keep up the great videos and thx!😂
I felt like Mack changed his mind like 15 times throughout the whole video before settling on a thumbs up. I did enjoy the first one so if someone didn't like the first one but liked the second one, seems like an upgrade to me.
i agree with what you said about the Story, its all over the Place! is it a Pansy Emo Drama? a Badass 1980s Action Movie? or is it just the most Mental Pile of Comic Book inspired Madness ever seen in Gaming ? it just cant make up its Mind, and Good Greif is it..."cucked" to Death by the Extreme Left. I think even a Lame-Brain like Me could have done a better Job!
Spot on review Mack. Don't listen to the haters. Not enough people in the gaming media have a spine these days. Don't change man.
Oh god I've been waiting for this review...
Whether you like Mac's opinions on games or not you have to appreciate the brutally honest reviews. Too many reviewers are sellouts and too many fanboys are blindly buying the next installment of a series only adding to this big pile of shit that is now known as the gaming industry.
As a german im actually scared of Mack right now...
love the video :*
Push your lips out like Sylvester Stallone?! That's excellent! Hahahah, great review and a lot of fun to get your opinion.
wine + Wolfenstein camera sway = travel sickness, even while sitting.
best review on this game. Funny, on point and honest. Exactly what a gamer wants to know before buying a game. Thanks for being all of those!
Finally, a game where you play as the villain.
games like that don't exist.
ehh borderlands is kinda that if you believe fan theories lol
Not realy
umnh. Shooting nazis does not a villain make?
Mack you're great! Don't change a thing... you had me at "Old Meg".
I was experiencing crashes all the time on my RX 580. Turned off Async compute in the advanced video settings and it stopped it. Works fine now.
This channel is an awesome find! Your northern english banter, combined with the type of games i'm interested in, is a delicious mix
I can tell you loads of good stuff about this game even without playing it:
1) it has no microtransactions
2) it is not in early access
3) it's actually a finished product
4) the main protagonist is not a non-binary-gender-fluid-anti-male atrocity
5) it is not open world
I've been waiting for this for literally ever finally!!!
Mac can you pls do Wolfenstein (2009), you never mention it?
Anyone with a PC that has an SLI configuration are going to experience great hardship while attempting to run this game, the game barely runs in SLI, the constant fluctuation in frame rate is so erratic it may induce an epileptic fit, it is totally unplayable. Disabling SLI and playing the game using only one card will fix it, the frame rate will be much higher and it will run much more smoothly.
"You should get access to it anyway" I totally disagree, developers are so scared of making content not accessible to everyone they dumb it down to make sure everyone experiences every last bit. This is refreshing to see you have to actually try to get access to it
Schnell, schnell, schnell... You have got to be the funniest fuckin' game reviewer on UA-cam. Keep it up, Mack. Please. I beg you...
5:40 "Don't mention the war" - Mr Basil "Worth a Buy" Fawlty
Love your reviews Mac. Makes me smile 😊
I never thought it would get a thumb up I might give it a go when it's cheaper
Sad that they kind of ruined this game with that sjw shit. I too love the original Wolfenstein series. And I like killing Nazis as much as I like killing but I had to give this one a pass.
I'm surprised you thumbed this up Mac. I personally find Wolf 2 just more of the same.. Judging by your complaints, Old BLood had almost no cutscenes the whole game. There are 5 if I'm not wrong, and all short. Way shorter than RTCW. Gunplay was similar. I guess in this you decided to explore levels and find its secrets while in TNO you just rushed to the exit. That could've been remedied if you picked a higher difficulty coz you'd need that extra max health and armor.
Actually there were cut scenes at the beginning of each chapter in The Old Blood.
I enjoyed this game a lot, even though it was pretty short.
lol wut
I hate antifa but also enjoy killing virtual nazis. If there was a game where I killed them too I would buy it.
Stop making it hurt more than it already does ;((((
i beat 11 hours it was fucking amazing and fun
Just purchased this via your referral link, cheers Mack!
Loved the review mate 👍👍 subscribed.. Don't let the whingers get you down
hey Mack can you please review Elex ? its an open world rpg by a small german studio (gothic games), i think the game is kinda special because its abit low budget, abit clunky compared to triple A titles, but still decent, oppinions about this game are all over the place atm, angry joe bashing it on his stream, on the other hand i see ppl streaming it for more than 24 hours, playing it like zombies, so it must be good somehow, im also quite enjoying it so far, its harder than skyrim or witcher, at lvl 1 you are very weak and get wreckt by everyone :)
you are also the reviewer i trust the most, only you can do justice to that game
and please dont stop reading comments on youtube, we need you
Mack popping out the reviews like Old Meg when she had 15 kids in 1972.
Bloody Panther Piss! It's the bleedin' same as the last two! You're confusing my tiny mind with your thumbs up mate..😯.
That being said, love your work.....👍
shoot shoot shoot! cutscene, cutscene, shoot shoot shoot! cutscene, cutscene
Conspiracy TV lmfao it's sounds just exactly like call of duty 🤔
Watched some guy stream yesterday and he got major fps drops at some parts of the game =/ like doom 2016 kind of drops when it first came out. Thanks for good video.
Jan Glad Do not take streaming and playing from one rig for granted or even objective. A 970 stays at 60 for 4 hours that im in now.
Nice we have to same GPU. My CPU is a old one thou i7 2600 =D maybe i should give it a try. In that stream he had it locked 60 aswell like 90% of the time but somepoint it dropped below 30 and he had to restart the game. Not being fps fuckboy just think that this game does not have much to give at storywise you just shoot things up like in the review =D and smoothness plays a big part there if it does not have anything else to give.
But Mack if you didn't like the previous one or old blood...why do you like this one? It's pretty much the same thing just slightly polished lol.
If you ever do requests, please review Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines with fanpatch, this cult game would fit right into your portfolio.
"Bantha Piss?" that's worth a sub. I love this reboot of Wolfenstein.
"I get this just to shot germans with big guns". As a gamer with Polish roots i'd say, You made me buy the game with that sentence.
Mack, I think your reviews are brutally honest and very amusing. I bought this for my PS4 Pro following your endorsement of it. It’s mint, apart from the disturbing bit involving the dog; not cool :(
Modern games in a nutshell.
Visuals, gunplay and physics we would have killed (or sold friends and family) for back in the day. Gameplay, level design, story and AI so simplistic that any 7 year old or game commentator (but not journalist) can complete with one hand on the controller (the other tickling the corporate balls).
"return to castle wolfenstein" ,and the mod "enemy territory" was a geat fun.
i played well over a 1000 hours and hosted multiple servers for my clan back in the day!.
personaly i always see wolfenstein world war 2 first person shooter, all these modern weapons and things...i many game that have that already!.
wait mack arent the last 2 game just the same as this one ?
They were miles better.
@@MilataB32 The new order was better but not the old the blood which was still a good game. This games the middle ground for the wolf reboot with new order being its absolute best
Same here Wolf3d shareware was the first DOS game I installed on my over clocked SX33 486
Did yours have a turbo button :)
It did and I only found out it was originaly a sx25 when I eventually upgraded. Happy days with 2 meg ram and and a 50 meg hard drive As for the gpu it was some Trident ISA bus with less than a meg of ram.
Didn't mind the absurd amount of camera sway Mack? every time you move it's like you've drunk 30 bottles of guiness
I'm glad you're enjoying the game, it looks really fun :D
Good job mack!
I just wanna say i thought it was tim allen on the thumbnail for a second
What are your thoughts on the difficulty of Wolf 2? Do you find it lacking even on the higher difficulties? I know you mentioned good AI which may be refreshing considering your recent review of RTCW, my first wolf game which I still have fond memories of. Scared me shitless when I was a kid.
i will try the game in a few months, i still need some performance updated and drivers, hitting 144fps on 1440p with a 1070 is very difficult. and im not paying to be stuck in cutscenes all day ffs.
Watched it, a bit harsh, but I get what you're saying. The big bummer for me is not game itself, it's the fact there is no Sli support, not even Directx support, it's Vulcan only. Few months back the actually announced they would put Vulcan, Open GL and Directx in the games month. So kind of a shitty move from Bethesda.
you do great mac keep it up!
BJ's poetic commentary somehow worked in the first game but in this one the whole "I feel your wings" crap just felt so corny and out of place, they really didn't handle it well.
Looking forward to your Assassin's Creed Origins WAB. I bought it and I am having a good time with it but I know there are people out there not liking it
Am one of them
Maybe you should give Wolfenstein 3D a shot again, it's still a blast.
I guess that's 2 Star Wars single player experiences out his year. This one I will buy after I finish the other 2, Star Wars:EA can wait for a free weekend or 75-90% off sale.
Haha Mac, Basil Fawlty wouldn't mention the war either.
he did tho
Yes, that was the joke.
"Oh you're German! I thought there was something wrong with you!"
That's Mesh's face from Mach and Mesh in your thumbnail... reason for that?
I love watching someone who will compare everything to old games while complaining about new ones. all my opinion
The combat of this game is good but it has some drawbacks in the form of overdose of lengthy cutscenes; sjw stuff; performance issues and some unbalanced maps. I still recommended the game after a first price cut. The reviewer mentioned his preference over its predecessors. Indeed the combat is better but the spam of cutscenes here is totally out of place. Sometimes one gets the feeling that it's more a movie than an action fps. In that sense I prefer 'The Old Blood' which had better pacing and fewer cutscenes.
Played a bit over an hr. Way too many cutscene moments at the start, nobody wants that stuff I have no idea why they put it in there. Looking forward to playing a bit more, as a shooter it's pretty solid.
great review! have u played planescape torment??? i hear it is really good lol
This game was up there with Prey, Half Life 2, Inside and Witcher 3 for me as one of the greatest games of all time. This review is off the mark. Mack doesn't look like a great player either, his situation awareness from those clips is pretty bad.
Which is closer to the Big Great "Social" One? The Colossus or COD WW2?
"SJWarriorstein" that sums it up!
Love your reviews Mack. Have you tried Heliborne? World of Tanksish with Helicopters without grind or paywall! Cheap ($20) on Steam. Possible review with bells?
heh yea I made a mistake and took the New Order seriously, because the game genuainly tried to be serious. With BJ being atrophy resistant walking m1Abrams, who survives about 5 plane crashes, but gets taken by absolutely retarded plot device. It was like unfunny comedy, whole time BJ is whisperin to him self the cheeziest cheeze, all thru out. While all my frineds were jizzing about how awesome that was, I was facepalming my self in to coma.
Yeah I was LMAO at so much stuff in the story, that said I was laughing so hard at the combat in Assassins creed it almost got me killed. Good to see this new comedy in modern games ;)
I cant believe you are not playing The ways of history. At least i would like to know what do you think of it. I would love to see a review from you of it. I think is the best strategy game i ever played... way better than Civs.
and if you are i wonder in wich country you are in... and in wich world hehe cheers
idk whats more entertaining, the pitty arguments in the comments or the actual video, anyways, good vid Mack
Wicked review. Near the end about 11:11 that weapon looks super over powered, I mean, it disintegrates them FFS. It's like something off Ratchet & Clank 😆😅
And that suit you're wearing there looks like the precursor for the suit that the two girls are outfitted with on Young Bloods.
Shame the ending is all over youtube (thumbnails)
Yeah no shit I mean everyone is spoiling the damn game i'ts annoying. Shit they spoiled most of with the day it was released.
Is assassins creed Origins coming next??
Have to wait for the GOTY version to get the full game in one go. Can't even trust the 'season pass' to contain all of the DLCs.
WORLD OF TANKS - X-ray vision and seeing your enemy through walls doesn't bug you???
I'd like the videothumbnail-montage as 4k wallpaper, pretty please? :D It's epic! ^^
Mack have you ever played Mount and Blade warband?
ever play singularity? the fps game, not to be confused with the more recent rts title
It's a shame that people dis this channel or any others because a reviewer is able to see past all the bullshit every reviewing company praises the game for. The gaming industry at the moment is shit (with some exceptions), and ignorant gamers still pay into all the bullshit DLC's, micro transactions, pre-order bonuses. Then, they shit on good reviewers, because they know that they're the ones that keep spending $99 on a 'gold' edition of a game, that should have all the 'bonuses' included with the standard game. At any rate, it's ridiculous that $60 is the bar for all AAA release games. Keep up the good work Mac!
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