Ted DiBiase on Ultimate Warrior

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • Including his thoughts on Jake Roberts & The Undertaker.


  • @Byzantios1
    @Byzantios1 11 років тому +6

    Warrior had a brain in his head. He had a plan, he saved his money and took care of himself. He helped WWE make lots of money, but made sure he took care of his future. There's nothing wrong with that. Look at how many of the others kept going and wound up destroying themselves. You can't blame Warrior for being successful.

  • @codedtestament9914
    @codedtestament9914 9 років тому +11

    His charisma might just be unmatched.He gave so much energy and the crowd loved it.Regardless of how you felt on him he still kept you entertained with all of his energy.He played his Warrior character pretty well in my opinion.He was so over with the crowd.When the crowd cheered for him it was amazing the loud reaction he always got.

  • @Steambull1
    @Steambull1 8 років тому +8

    Ted was the only one that Warrior actually called out during his Hall of Fame speech. DiBiase was always very vocal about negative things regarding the Warrior, and thus he was heavily featured on the "Self-Destruction" DVD.

  • @TerrellMCG115
    @TerrellMCG115 12 років тому +5

    I met warrior and he was an real guy, upfront about himself, his bigggggest critic, but he gave me an free autograph and a hug , so whatever

  • @steve2toes
    @steve2toes 10 років тому +19

    I find it funny how they always talk shit about Warrior, when he drew more money than they ever could. They may be right about some things especially his wrestling ability, but he put asses in seats and made Vince some pretty serious money

    • @EuchridEucrow1
      @EuchridEucrow1 10 років тому +7

      The money Hogan and Austin, Ted's protege, drew make Mr. Warrior's contributions look like a stream of piss in the ocean.

    • @Plexpara
      @Plexpara 10 років тому +1

      Euchrid Eucrow but...... a shark can smell that from 1,242742 miles

    • @roymartin500
      @roymartin500 5 років тому

      One side of a multifaceted situation in which you are correct but there's definitely more to the situation than his drawing ability.

    • @machomadness762
      @machomadness762 3 роки тому

      Euchrid Eucrow Austin was never big as Warrior. Austin was only over because of Mcmahon.

    • @machomadness762
      @machomadness762 3 роки тому

      Euchrid Eucrow Hogan nevet drew a dime in the 1990s until nWo and if austin was over then why didnt he draw a dime in 1997

  • @charliechaz1982
    @charliechaz1982 9 років тому +11

    Get sick of people twisting Warriors legacy to make it look like he couldn't work. Who gives a fuck about a 1 minute squash match in 1989. Fact is Warrior was involved in the best match on the card regularly when he had to step up at big ppv's. Warrior/Hogan wrestlemania 6 Warrior/Savage wrestlemania 7 warrior/savage summerslam '92. Most of these matches were around the 30 min mark to so that knocks 'he can only last 2mins' on the head.

    • @BOBBYSOX86
      @BOBBYSOX86 9 років тому

      Would Jack Brisco have star power nationally?

    • @RobtheTerrible
      @RobtheTerrible 9 років тому +2

      I think Hogan was underrated as a worker. He was by no means a "great" worker but he was at least average. If he was a bad worker then WM6 would have been a disaster.

    • @MrMuaythai84
      @MrMuaythai84 9 років тому +3

      take warrior out and put in beefcake or marty janety vs hogan at mania would that match mean anything or sell? NO so warrior was the man at that time

    • @MrMuaythai84
      @MrMuaythai84 9 років тому +1

      if wwe pour money into those wrestler it would been money wasted they dont have the it factor and put beefcake or any of those guys in the warrior charactor and it would also suck and fail.

    • @MrMuaythai84
      @MrMuaythai84 9 років тому

      really you got fucking issue if you think a barber gimmick is better then a warrior gimmick. whats so cool at beefcake? whats so hype about his charactor? let me guess you also think mae young is better then trish stratus

  • @bumoffhtestreet
    @bumoffhtestreet 11 років тому +2

    Austin maybe, but he was using a launchpad that was paved by hogan. The venues, the WWE marketing system, the entire infrastructure there was founded by hogan and vince. As for Taker, he has a respectable legacy, but if you notice, he always plays second fiddle to whoever the main star is at the time. What he's really got going is his consistency and longevity. He's a mainstay foil to the main star.

  • @h0ckeyd
    @h0ckeyd 8 років тому +6

    Hogan told the audience in the UK last year that he pleaded with McMahon to turn him into a heel at the end of the WM6 match with warrior; that would have been superb.

    • @loufournier5397
      @loufournier5397 2 роки тому

      Hogan is full of shit because he didn’t want to turn heel originally when Bischoff posed the NWO angle to him. Hogan just makes up crap to make himself look good especially after guys are dead and gone and can no longer defend themselves.

  • @boliussa
    @boliussa 10 років тому +4

    Warrior made that Hall Of Fame appearance so big, it was like a Wrestlemania! Dibiase was so boring, watching him wrestle was like watching the adverts in between the matches. Dibiase's idea of working, is making the audience feel like they're working just to watch him! Warrior was a pleasure to watch mostly.. i.e. when he was kicking ass.

  • @daw162
    @daw162 12 років тому +1

    DiBiase probably doesn't like hellwig, but when I was a kid, we tuned in to see hellwig, his interview rants and energy that dibiase and a lot of other formulaic wrestlers didn't have. The most I could think of dibiase's character when i was a kid was "he's annoying and probably doesn't really have that much money".
    Hellwig filled arenas, dibiase didn't. The belt goes to people who fill arenas. The rest of the guys are just there to put over the guys who fill arenas.

  • @noveltybobel
    @noveltybobel 12 років тому +1

    Ted Dibiase was one of the best workers in the business, and one of the best technical wrestlers of all time. The fact he never had a world title run is nothing short of a travesty. Some of the comments below were clearly made by people who know nothing about wrestling.

  • @TheCocky69
    @TheCocky69 12 років тому +3

    I'd love to see a DVD on the Million Dollar Man.

  • @keithvnumber1
    @keithvnumber1 12 років тому

    mr debiase, i've always felt you were a very wise man and this proves it. you said everything i felt about mr helwig without me even knowing the business very well. i totally respect you.

  • @javelin1010
    @javelin1010 12 років тому

    Heel or face Ted, you were always a class act. The Warrior and Hogan had charisma but neither of them could wrestle themselves out of a wet paper bag.

  • @Beefache
    @Beefache 11 років тому +1

    1:37 Dibiase knows way more about the business than I do, but as a fan I would disagree in that the warrior was not all spent up after the entrance. Summerslam 89 was a perfect example of Warrior being more than an entrant. Great match with Rude that the two of them could take equal pride in. Wrestlemania VII was also a classic. Give Warrior someone to work with and he and they would create wrestling gold.

  • @rustykuntz94
    @rustykuntz94 3 роки тому

    It’s almost universal how everyone buries Warrior. He just wasn’t a nice guy & didn’t care either, Hellwig himself said “I didn’t get into that business for friends”. Teddy here said it best The Warrior used the business as a means to a end.

  • @Antrizzle2009
    @Antrizzle2009 12 років тому +1

    Yea cuz Warrior had the look that Vince was in love with at the time and it got him over to his credit. But in the long run he was exposed as a guy who couldn't work, couldn't be relied up on as champion and was quickly forgotten once he left other than to be made fun of.

    • @davekemp1808
      @davekemp1808 3 роки тому

      Thank! You! I am so tired of seeing so many people proverbially sucking The Warrior's d!ck. He was interesting to see if you've never seen him before, but as Ted said, if you've seen one Warrior match, you've seen them all. Jim Helwig was ridiculously unsafe, injured many guys because he was so stiff (re-injured & made the greatest manager ever go to commentary, to point out one) & yet the amount of times I see stupid know-nothings calling Warrior a Top 10 worker is saddening.
      Long story short, again... thank you.

  • @JuniorLewingKoo
    @JuniorLewingKoo 3 роки тому

    Warrior were a character. He fit in well with the Fans. He were good for Pro Wrestling Fans.

  • @powerlinegf
    @powerlinegf 12 років тому

    When I was growing up, Ted and JYD were big rivals in the Mid-South. Now as I watch the old footage of those 2 wrestling, I can see how good they both were.

  • @nick0mac
    @nick0mac 12 років тому

    Speaking of technical superior wrestlers,,,Dibease never gets the credit he deserves in that aspect, his moves were always right on target every match and in my opinion maybe the biggest heel ever ,especially when he was travelling with the big guy.

  • @Blackson187
    @Blackson187 10 років тому +2

    In other words, "He was bigger and more popular than me, so he sucks." For a born again Christian, Ted seems like a bitter asshole. I'm glad warrior called him out in his speech.

  • @Expertmental69
    @Expertmental69 11 років тому +1

    "Came in, shock the ropes..." and it was f#cking awesome!

  • @MaskedRider83
    @MaskedRider83 12 років тому

    i wasnt there personaly but my comments are from experience at my own job. every one at my job talks mess about each other. what i mean if you know your the best you dont need to be concerned or need to be talking crap about any one else.at the end these two are my favorite wrestlers of all time.

  • @CookieMangler
    @CookieMangler 12 років тому

    A "Script" includes actions and or words and when a wrestler goes off script it's called a "Shoot". Therefor, if it's not a "Shoot" then pick any synonym for "fake" but i like to call it a "fairytale sporting event" with a predetermined ending. I really just like to argue this point cause it still amazes me that "fake" is such a special word.

  • @mofrakker
    @mofrakker 11 років тому

    DAAAH! I wanted to keep hearing more! I always love listening about the inside of the business from these legends.

  • @millcityflexxx4770
    @millcityflexxx4770 10 років тому +6


  • @ThaCorporate
    @ThaCorporate 12 років тому

    Warrior is in shape and he is alive, not like these other dead wrestlers (suicide or overdose). Also, he is mentally stable and he promote good health. Also, he understood the business and didn't want to be the "victim". These haters (specially vince mcmahon) hate him because he was master of his own self, he owns his name, his gimmick and his dignity. Like it or not, he will never be a slave or the bitch of no one. LONG LIVE THE WARRIOR!

  • @rustykuntz94
    @rustykuntz94 3 роки тому

    Jake’s Promo at Mania 6 when he faced Ted was an all timer, that was EPIC.

  • @eddyd115
    @eddyd115 9 років тому +2

    Check out Summerslam '89 vs Rick Rude, Wrestlemania XI vs Hogan and Wrestlemania XII vs Savage, each match was a classic with contrasting opponents styles with a variety of different moves UW utilised in a match which lasted more than 2 minutes. The style back then was to have all kinds of squash matches to get characters over and I can site dozens of matches in the late 80's early 90's that had wrestlers put over who had matches that lasted less than a minute. I have no idea why Ted has taken this road as he comes across as bitter and jealous which is a shame because I loved the million dollar man!

    • @corymcelvogue5607
      @corymcelvogue5607 9 років тому +1

      Maybe before you comment you should do your research and learn wrestling history. Maybe you know history and need to learn Roman numerals. Wrestlemania 11 was Diesel and Shawn Michaels and Wrestlemania 12 wasn't Warrior and Savage.

    • @eddyd115
      @eddyd115 9 років тому +1

      You know it was suppose to be a V instead of an X. Rest of what you say doesn't relate to my post - a little repressed?

  • @MaskedRider83
    @MaskedRider83 12 років тому +2

    I think i'll end this whole warrior/deserving the title controversy right now. All the wrestlers who talk crap about Warrior are just jeolous at him, ive seen warrior in plenty of classic wrestling matches(including againts debiase) Debiase is one of my favorite wrestlers but him and all the others are all just hating on warrior.

    • @davekemp1808
      @davekemp1808 3 роки тому

      You see Warrior in classic matches with heels like DiBiase & Rude because those guys could work incredibly well & make Warrior look good. It's really that simple.
      If a few wrestlers say someone is an untalented/unskilled worker, sure... sour grapes could come into play. When dozens, and I mean dozens, of legit, good, hard working workers say he was a trash worker... that's a different story. There are hours upon hours of videos on here of wrestlers saying how Warrior couldn't work. It's not a conspiracy of any kind at that point, it's an industry fact.

  • @FerretJohn
    @FerretJohn 11 років тому

    (cont) while his short WCW run was pure nostalgia, and all four runs ended with him being fired. DiBiase wrestled consistently for 20 years wordwide and was successful everywhere he went. I don't know what Warriors net worth is today and neither do you, his heyday was 20 years ago and there's only so much he can make sponging off what's left of the nostalgia.
    My dinner was Italian Sausage & Rigattoni with corn, quite delicious. Hot Pockets are just a cheap snack.

  • @johnlewisbrooks
    @johnlewisbrooks 11 років тому +1

    Man, I have looked all over the web for it, but the only mention I found of it was when Bobby Heenan spoke of it in the film documentary "Self Destruction Of The Ultimate Warrior" which can be found on youtube.

  • @rufus566
    @rufus566 12 років тому

    Meaning his valid, honest, genuine opinion is on the side of Vince and there is nothing wrong with that. Vince is his friend and longtime boss and the one who is now giving his son a job. He is a company man because he is loyal to the company. He is not going to speak out against the company. He has worked on and off for Vince since he returned in 2005 (the year he appeared on the Self Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior DVD). I didn't watch those years either and questionable with the new stuff

  • @FerretJohn
    @FerretJohn 12 років тому

    Ted never had a problem with pointing out McMahons faults, he will do so if the conversation ever swings that way. But he also see's Vince McMahon as a whole, all the good and all the bad, and doesn't just focus on the bad like the online wrestling geeks do.

  • @WaitingtoHit
    @WaitingtoHit 12 років тому

    Warrior's match with Macho Man at Summerslam was even better than those. It might be my favorite.

  • @rufus566
    @rufus566 12 років тому

    Ted is respected, but we all know he is a company man, so he will honestly and genuinely side with Vince every time. Vince is against Warrior because of obvious legal and business issues, so he will not go beyond Vince's boundaries. WTBS, like BobbyUK said Dibiase has a deep respect and reverence to the values of the craft that he did not see Warrior living up too. Warrior was Vince Russo - great when being controlled but crazy when not given direction. Too much too soon (WM6)? Love Warrior BTW

  • @Vacuumscam
    @Vacuumscam 11 років тому

    I think what it is is that he doesn't give a crap about those that made him what he was...the fans, McMahon, and the other wrestlers that willingly put him over, even when he really didn't appreciate it. The guy didn't get the business, or commitment(showing up to wrestle), and that's why Vince fired him(well, he did demand a ton of money last minute before the Warrior/Hogan Vs. Sheik/Slaughter.) He just didn't get it....

    @TheSYPHERIA 2 роки тому

    AD Vic never mentioned that after the Warrior won the championship he went to the locker lock a room and cried tears of joy you're so joy for the championship he always wanted. The Warrior refused to play the bullshit games and the politics and end up barely able to walk or talks by the time he's 50 just to help somebody out in the business but he also was an asshole during the time and changed his life a few years later And became a better person

  • @Freddyphelp
    @Freddyphelp 11 років тому

    Well it was officially the co-main event so he ain't lying. Sure more people were interested in the Yokozuna but that's irrelevant. Ted wasn't bragging, the point Ted was making that seems to have gone over your head is that his favorite match at WM was with Jake rather than his WM match that had the highest billing on the card.

  • @nick0mac
    @nick0mac 12 років тому

    I was ripped off in Halifax for the match on the ticket on this video when I was a kid.WARRIOR NO SHOWED! To top it all off Bret came down and wrestled for a second time that night just to somewhat please the audience. However at that point Bret was still a mid card workhorse and most the kids were hyped for the Warrior. Looking back the Hitman went out of his way for the fans and never truly got the respect of a hogan or Warrior, but on the flip side they never had the boys respect like Hitman

  • @CLewey44
    @CLewey44 8 років тому +4

    Wasn't wrestling a means to an ends for most guys? I know a lot were underpaid, but they would've took more money if offered and he did what he had to do to get to the top.

    • @walka112
      @walka112 8 років тому +4

      +CLewey44 I think what he meant was that wrestling wasn't in his blood, so to speak. Most of the guys in that era were guys who gave their blood sweat and tears to a business that (when they started out} was nowhere near the commercial monster it eventually became. The WWF/WWE wads and is, basically, a travelling circus. But for Jim Hellwig, he couldn't care less about wrestling, he never watched it before he became one and he rarely watched it after he left it. By calling it a means to an end, Ted is just saying that Warrior (quite brilliantly to his credit) saw a way to turn himself from a bodybuilder into a multi millionaire superstar, and the way to do that was wrestling. But no matter what the ideal vehicle would've been to make him into that, he'd have taken it, whether it was wrestling, acting, or standing on his head upside down, the point is that's what Jim would have done.

    • @rustykuntz94
      @rustykuntz94 3 роки тому

      @@walka112 Very well said in regards to who you replied to & Ill add (especially PRE guaranteed $$$) the business took away far more 85/90% of the time than it gave out.

    • @rustykuntz94
      @rustykuntz94 3 роки тому

      @@walka112 Him and Steve Bordin (Sting) are body builders in 1985 and trying to cut their teeth in the business & both defy the odds & not only make it but become Iconic, Hall of Fame characters. Think about the heights they go to just 3-5 years later from 85 when they were green as shit.
      THE BIG (massive) difference was Steve is a nice, very like able guy who had respect for the business and was eager to learn more and more even as he became successful where as Warrior never was eager or cared about learning the ropes and became more & more of a malcontent as his stature grew.

  • @joachim713
    @joachim713 11 років тому

    Hogan treated his fans with respect and didn't try to hold up promoters on the night of a ppv. So there's two things.

  • @Lectricfuneral
    @Lectricfuneral 12 років тому

    I agree with everything you said except that 1 bit about Warrior having his mind intact... The man's a fucking nut.

  • @donovanjd3
    @donovanjd3 12 років тому

    When I was young I would travel with my father. We'd stay at a hotel that the wrestlers stayed at when they were in Halifax. Most of them were nice. DiBiase was so nice to the kids. He and Haku offered to buy my friend and I lunch at the hotel restruant. He was always nice to the kids. he'd talk to them in the lobby. The Warrior would cover his face and tell the kids to "fuck off" he was a lunatic. He was rude to the hotel staff..He really thought he was the "Warrior".

  • @shadowman2192
    @shadowman2192 11 років тому

    DiBiase is a true legend.

  • @johnlewisbrooks
    @johnlewisbrooks 11 років тому

    My favorite wrestling moment involves Ultimate Warrior. He was going up against Andre T. Giant. He started the match throwing REAL punches on Andre. At first Andre looked like "...are you serious?" Then he went from looking confused, and they he started looking angry at about the fifth punch! He then grabbed Ultimate Warrior's head reared back and knocked him across the ring! Warrior was then grabbing his head in pain.
    Andre then pointed his finger and said "Now you know!"

  • @tonyd7601
    @tonyd7601 11 років тому

    This is a great clip. Ted DeBiase was a great worker and he had a great gem ni

  • @harrydaniels2788
    @harrydaniels2788 Рік тому +2

    The Ultimate Warrior was the drizzling shits 💩!! His entrance was the best thing about him when the bell rang it was over. He couldn't even cut a good promo. He had a good look but his ring work was the shits.

  • @KungFuRascals3
    @KungFuRascals3 11 років тому

    I believe that the phrase "There is a time and a place for everything." comes to mind. When he held Vince up for money owed just before a PPV main event it was the worst time to bring it up. He should have waited until after the PPV to bring it up. If he no showed the main event, it would have affected everyone's bottom line, not just his.

  • @DUBtheTIGER
    @DUBtheTIGER 12 років тому

    Well, Rock was a decent wrestler up until about 1999, then he realized that he was making more money as a "sports entertainer", so to speak. But he sure as hell isn't crap. He put asses in seats at the snap of his finger, command the crowd like none other except Hogan, and that's really what it's all about at the end of the day. The best "worker" isn't the best technician, it's the guy who gets the loudest reactions. Oh and his 2003 "Hollywood" heel gimmick was fuckin spectacular

    @BOBBYSOX86 12 років тому

    In the poster,Warrior looks like he's trying to shit out a cinder block

  • @Monarchos
    @Monarchos 11 років тому

    He didn't hold Vince up for money that was owed him. They agreed on a contract and at Summerslam Warrior demanded more than what they agreed on or he wasn't going to perform.

  • @peterp21
    @peterp21 12 років тому

    When you get done polishing the Dibiase knob, let me know of one memorable match of Dibiase in the WWF that folks still speak of today. Seems like BRet, Bulldogs, Hogan, Macho, Warrior, HBK and the Rockers ,Piper, etc. all had them. Ted? Couldn't tell ya. There's a reason Ted was a lower midcarder after his Megabucks run, stuck feuding with Virgil and the Nasty Boys and Dusty Rhodes and not Savage at WM7 (unlike Warrior) or Hogan at WM6 (unlike Warrior), etc.

  • @ECWnWWF
    @ECWnWWF 12 років тому

    Ultimate Warrior's character was for him to run to the ring and destroy someone . that's what made the gimmick work, that's why people got behind the Warrior character. People payed their money to see the Ultimate Warrior run to the ring and destroy someone. They weren't paying to see a scientific, highly competitive wrestling match. they wanted to see Ultimate Warrior go into the ring against the scientifuc guys and destroy them. Warrior had the look and mannerism to make that work. Warrior HOF

  • @DUBtheTIGER
    @DUBtheTIGER 12 років тому

    THANK YOU! I hate the fact that some fans today (particularly indie fans) think that the more flashy a spot monkey is, the more technically inclined they are. Idgaf how many spinny flipty twirls you do, you don't have shit on guys like Curt Hennig because it's not about what you do, it's why you do it. Hell, in that sense, Hogan "gets it" more than most of these tools that think they're "today's real wrestlers".

  • @scarface7142
    @scarface7142 12 років тому

    your right he never fucked up with his money either hes actually a succsess of the buisness as hes still talked about and a big fan favourite i loved him when i was younger look how downhill hoganas gone aswell says it all

  • @Calbenmike
    @Calbenmike 12 років тому

    The Ultimate Warrior is my all time favorite wrestler.

  • @valuecalc
    @valuecalc 7 років тому

    I would have loved seeing Ted pinning Warrior.

  • @DeSeanBrownShow88
    @DeSeanBrownShow88 9 років тому +2

    Wells here's the truth. A lot of these guys were jealous because they didn't take time to get their bodies in shape. Secondly Vince admitted to doing bad business with Warrior and said they both were wrong. These guys always come out and diss people who got a push they wanted. Warrior admitted before he died on his dvd that he didn't appreciate it. He didn't know enough.

    • @mbriancohen
      @mbriancohen 9 років тому +1

      DeSean Brown So what's you're point? You're basically admitting that Ted was right.

    • @boomcat4473
      @boomcat4473 9 років тому

      DeSean Brown No, here's the truth; IF these guys were jealous, it's because they KNEW that they were better workers, and in many cases, if it came down to a shoot, they would tie the Warrior into knots. As for being in shape, there are SHOW muscles, and there are GO muscles. Warrior was ALL show. By the time he had ran down to the ring, ran around the ring, inside and out, and then shook the top rope (for some reason), he was halfway to being blown up, and way more often than not, had to be carried by the other guy, who also had to job to him! It's all about the Warrior giving these guys more respect than he did.
      After all.....they MADE him look good.

    • @brucehauge1391
      @brucehauge1391 6 років тому

      The Warrior had a little help from the roids and no doubt contributed to his death. Was it worth it? I doubt it. He will never see his girls grow up have families etc.

  • @Panwere36
    @Panwere36 11 років тому

    I agree. I met him and told him to his face he should have had a WWE title belt run. Also... that thing he said about Vince not listening and thinking he knows after a time.... That is happening all over again...

  • @78bcat
    @78bcat 11 років тому

    I agree with everything you said...but my issue with Warrior is he has absolutely no gratitude for those who helped him make the money, which are the wrestlers he worked with and those who came before him and created the business that made him money. If he had just an ounce of self-awareness and gratitude, then I wouldn't think he was a putz.

  • @DavidDavidsonRhettEColumnSWN
    @DavidDavidsonRhettEColumnSWN 11 років тому

    Thanks for posting this video here I like Ted DiBiase, he's a good man, an honorable man, and if I wanted to get the skiddy on the business, old and new alike, I believe I could go, look Ted up, and get the unvarnished truth about it and those involved with it, the who's who as it were. BUT I have a be it all slight disconnect with him and the Ultimate Warrior issues. Those who complain, gripe, etc. about Warrior already cashed the checks twice over, and are still here to tell the stories, right

  • @IATM29
    @IATM29 12 років тому

    And he still is a real monster today. Have you heard about the rumours involving John Cena and Kelly Kelly and about Vince's backstage talk with Cena.

  • @jamminjackhammer
    @jamminjackhammer 12 років тому

    dibiase wasnt jealous of him either, just disappointed cos warrior got such a push given the fact he had no appreciation 4 it.

  • @84slaughter
    @84slaughter 11 років тому

    Ted's Highest Billed Match At Mania Was Against Savage, Jake Being His Favorite Didn't Go Over My Head

  • @FerretJohn
    @FerretJohn 12 років тому

    I would never call someone who legally changed his name to "Warrior" and spends half his time online ranting about everyone who ever helped put him on top, especially Hulk Hogan, "Mentally Stable". Warrior was very entertaining 20+ years ago, that hardly makes him a God of Wrestling or some sainted martyr today.

  • @dreamboynyc2
    @dreamboynyc2 12 років тому

    Wow. I don't know what to believe now. I just listened to a 24 minute interview Warrior did on his page with a radio station where he said no other wrestler was as thoughtful and giving to his fans as he is. Now, here's DiBiase saying he's telling kids to F off and making flight attendants cry. Guess one of em is full of it...just not sure who.

    • @davekemp1808
      @davekemp1808 3 роки тому

      I'd start off by seeing which one is credible (in the industry), loved/respected/talked about kindly by their peers, who seems to have their collective sh!t together & go from there.
      * the answer to all of those is Ted DiBiase, I figured I'd save you the trouble *

  • @ChuckHouse420
    @ChuckHouse420 12 років тому

    "The rest of the guys are just there to put over the guys who fill arenas." Your right they are and the "heros" from yours and my childhood like Warrior and Hogan would have been complete shit without guys like Ted Dibiase and Jake The Snake Roberts. The good guy gets the praise but it's the villain that makes them earn it. Batman would suck balls if his opponent was the Weather Wizard but The Joker The Penguin Two-Face they are what makes Batman so much fun.

  • @walruswasrob
    @walruswasrob 12 років тому

    You're misunderstanding Ted's comments. When he referred to having Warrior's back, he was talking about the beginnings of Warrior's career in wrestling. Ted probably had no way of knowing how Warrior would end up which explains what he told McMahon when the plans for Wrestlemania 6 were being hatched.

  • @jackiedegracia
    @jackiedegracia 11 років тому

    Anyone remember when Warrior called Hogan out for wife swapping? And people all acted like that was just absurd?
    And then the tape came out where Hogan banged his scumbag friend's wife while dude was in the next room?
    Yeah. Warrior was vindicated there. I'd be willing to bet there's a ton of dirt on Hogan that never sees the light of day because it might incriminate others. When Warrior speaks, you may not like what he says but he's genuine. With Hogan it's almost always a lie.

  • @DavidDavidsonRhettEColumnSWN
    @DavidDavidsonRhettEColumnSWN 11 років тому

    True, but when you consider the Attitude Era you have to take into account all the time, talent and money Vince went through before he found what he needed to get the brand that he had at that time over. Granted Warrior didn't, and probably still doesn't know the difference between a wrist lock and a wrist watch, BUT he put butts in those seats, made Vince money, money that he's still collecting on. I hear you, but Vince went through a lot of guys/gals before he got to Austin 3:16.

  • @brotherc.w.encino8716
    @brotherc.w.encino8716 11 років тому

    Yep to me Warrior till in shape but it just that he's not wrestling business anymore despite the legacy he carries like Hogan, Dibiase, Savage, Hart, HBK & Austin.

  • @Tecnoninjatangreen
    @Tecnoninjatangreen 11 років тому

    the warrior deserspected the fans even little kids with cancer

  • @WaitingtoHit
    @WaitingtoHit 12 років тому

    You know, I find it awfully funny that a so-called Christian like Ted seems to have nothing bad to say about Vince McMahon, who by all accounts, some of them reputable news sources, was the real monster in the WWF in the eighties and nineties.

  • @TheCocky69
    @TheCocky69 12 років тому

    the best guys are them self with the volume up.

    @AClRCLEOFLlGHT 12 років тому

    Someone acknowledging themselves to be a hypocrite doesn't make them less of one, because hypocrisy isn't in the self awareness. Its about saying one thing and doing another. However, there is a difference between denying it and admitting it... but neither makes them less a hypocrite. It's actually safer to stay further away from people who openly admit they're hypocrites because they show themselves to also be narcissistic jackasses as well.
    Jake the Snake? Loved him too!

  • @Ma007rk
    @Ma007rk 2 роки тому

    I know that Ted DiBiase is a Christian, and I truly believe that he meant well and trying to go to Jim and talk to him, and shake his hand and apologize to him at Jim's Hall of Fame entering. But from everything I've heard about Jim Hellwig AKA The Ultimate Warrior, it seems like everybody says exactly the same thing about him. Is everybody wrong? The only one I ever heard say anything good about him was Kamala AKA James Harris. So far everything I've heard Ted DiBiase say is right about Jim Hellwig. I don't mean to speak ill of the Dead. And I do applaud Ted DiBiase for at least trying to do the right thing, but I don't feel like he owed Jim Hellwig an apology of any kind. For what it's worth.

  • @KingGemini87
    @KingGemini87 11 років тому

    No, it's actually true. He legally changed his name to Warrior in 1993.

  • @jackiedegracia
    @jackiedegracia 11 років тому

    Oh yeah, that would have set attendance records!
    That was sarcasm for those who need to be told. Warrior was over, he was getting bigger pops than Hogan everywhere EXCEPT Toronto, because Canucks are always about a decade behind the trends.

  • @DUBtheTIGER
    @DUBtheTIGER 12 років тому

    Hogan knew how to adjust to his opponents. Also, obviously the "same old shit" worked for Hulk for 15+ years. But if you watch Hogan/Warrior at WM6, you can tell that Hulk worked his ass off to get this guy over that he didn't even have faith in. Also, watch Rock/Hogan at WM18...was it the same as Michaels/Hart? No, but it was still awesome. I'm not a Hulkamaniac but I won't try to detract from what he did, either. He was THE MAN...changed EVERYTHING, better or worse

  • @MrBlazinerday
    @MrBlazinerday 11 років тому

    you can blame him for taking and not giving back. the wwe and all the wrestlers made him so impressive. and when it came time to help others he wouldnt even show up, or he would no sell the moves .

  • @valuecalc
    @valuecalc 10 років тому

    Ted was a great heel! I would have liked to have seen him trick Warrior into falling into a small-package pin. Virj probably would have caused a distraction with the ref to make it happen. Talk about the classic days of the WWF!

  • @IronTonyStark
    @IronTonyStark 11 років тому

    If he wasn't a wrestler, than what exactly did he do, because I could have sworn he competed in a wrestling ring? You say he didn't know how to wrestle, probably simply based on the fact that he developed a style and move set that suited his character and his character ran through people. He still had to learn like everybody else. Elaborate on this point please. You also say that he fucked everything up, and again elaborate step by step exactly how you reached this hypothesis.

  • @EGarrett01
    @EGarrett01 12 років тому

    The gimmick means nothing if you don't have the right guy to pull it off. The Renegade had the exact same gimmick as the Warrior and he was awful. All these cliched comments about the Warrior, "he sucked so bad, had 2 moves blahblahblah" will only confuse you if you don't realize that pro wrestling is about entertainment, and the Ultimate Warrior had insane charisma, looked like a million dollars and made kids go crazy. That's why he was pushed over and over and why he's remembered.

  • @user-uf3rh8kf9s
    @user-uf3rh8kf9s 7 місяців тому

    Dibiase's in ring acumen put his opponents over.🇺🇸

  • @Astraldragon1
    @Astraldragon1 12 років тому

    here's a question "where you there personnally? answer no you were not so you can't say 100% what really went on backstage no matter which wrestlers tells the stores about others. you either believe it or not. if your working with anyone no matter the job your going to get a good idea what your co-workers are like and what type person they are it doesn't matter if your friends or not.

  • @lemurdue
    @lemurdue 10 років тому +1

    Kind of weird that Dibiase is criticizing someone for being in wrestling for themselves. Is that really supposed to be unusual? I doubt he would've stuck with wrestling if he had to do it for free.

    • @bdr113080
      @bdr113080 10 років тому +1

      Ted's speaking more on the fact that legends like Hogan and Andre would do a job for him when a) he didn't even respect that stars that big were laying down for him and b) the guy really couldn't wrestle worth a flip and they handed him everything. After all the company had done for him, after all the good workers that put their whole life into being good pro wrestlers laid down for a guy who didn't care to learn......the guy goes to Vince the night of a PPV and says if he didn't write him out a 6 figure check he wasn't going to go out preform???

  • @brotherc.w.encino8716
    @brotherc.w.encino8716 11 років тому

    Can't forget Tito Santana & Texas Tornado

    @THEOUTLAW78 11 років тому

    funny thing is when everyone got a chance they would drop the ball and give it back to hogan anyway cause noone could run with the ball like hogan could..

  • @FerretJohn
    @FerretJohn 12 років тому

    Wrong, Warrior does not have the licencing rights to his character, not completely anyway, McMahon has full rights to "The Ultimate Warrior". Like alot of ex-WWE stars Hellwig can use any variation of the name he wants, he can call himself The Ultimate, he can call himself Warrior, he can call himself Shirley for all I care, but not Ultimate Warrior. By arrogantly thinking he was bigger than anyone else in the business Warrior only outsmarted himself.

  • @johnathandoe7499
    @johnathandoe7499 11 років тому

    Wow Ferret John, I wrote my comment and did not even see yours. I just wrote that about Vince (and I did not capitalize Saint, which I should have as a former Altar Boy). I would like to know, just about this business, what was the truth about this business? I read Brett Hart's book (Iron Sheik and coke, needle in his arm on the train tracks) and it seems like all the partying aside, some guys tried to destroy the business, which would have hurt families. Jesse, maybe a new episode?

  • @jackiedegracia
    @jackiedegracia 11 років тому

    Ted seems like a good guy but again, business wise he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. He never would have allowed the Austin 3:16 promo which led to the Attitude Era. So that kind of disqualifies him from being put on a list of "those with a clue." DiBiase was there to shut his mouth and play a role, which he did...well. But that, along with ringwork, was the furthest extent of his talents.

  • @LanceG007
    @LanceG007 12 років тому

    Be a great worker is not the same as a great performer dibiase were a good performer warrior was great

    • @davekemp1808
      @davekemp1808 3 роки тому

      Warrior had the look that Vince liked, and he had an unnatural energy that made him appealing to kids. Aside from that, he was one of the stiffest workers in the industry's history. So yes, Warrior was a good performer, but far from great. Savage, if you wanna look at someone from the same time with similar energy/feel, was equally captivating but was one of the most meticulous & strategic/safe workers ever.
      DIBiase, whether you liked it or not, had this incredible raw charisma where you hung off his words, you wanted so badly to see him get beat & he was an insanely safe worker. Ted was such an amazing heel/villain (and worker) that he made legit any baby face/hero look so much better than they actually were.

  • @johnathandoe7499
    @johnathandoe7499 11 років тому

    Have to say that I agree. These are entertainers, not role models (than you Charles Barkley). Hogan did make wrestling popular, as for what type of human being he was? Come on? Its one's personality. Vince and his family also helped the business, and he was no saint.

  • @CrissBurns
    @CrissBurns 12 років тому

    Warrior may be alive, but mentally stable? No way. Look up his personal youtube channel and watch just one of his videos and you'll see why.

  • @BRONX348
    @BRONX348 11 років тому

    Bro....you have to understand the kind of person warrior was on a personal level

  • @DUBtheTIGER
    @DUBtheTIGER 12 років тому

    That's just an opinion though. Up until a year or so ago, I would have agreed, too, but in recent time I've started to look at the Rock in a different light and have really started to enjoy his stuff. Again, it is all opinion, but the status he reached is undeniable. Though I will admit that he was obviously groomed that way from day one, but you don't get over by sheer luck

  • @dizeptikon
    @dizeptikon 12 років тому

    Warrior the "character" was one of my all time favorites. easily the top 5. But the reason why this man was so much hated by practically everyone in the business was because he wasn't a wrester or a player. this man did not know how to wrestle nor did he make an effort to learn. what kills me is his big fucking mouth to this day. this man had the potential to be even greater than hulk, but flushed everything down the toilet. again I love the warrior, but the man fucked everything up.

  • @WarriorKiyo
    @WarriorKiyo 12 років тому

    I met the Warrior twice in my lifetime, HE NEVER EVER Said F off :P.

  • @IronTonyStark
    @IronTonyStark 11 років тому

    Look okay, I get that people love Bobby Heenan and sing his praises, but he lied like most others from that time on the Self Destruction DVD. Warrior in his own interviews later stated that he got along fine with Andre the Giant in the interactions they had and had no problems with him. Also rightly stating that there's many occasions where Andre allowed himself to be Bodyslammed by Warrior, which he could have blatantly refused if he didn't like him. Also, It takes 2 people to wrestle a match.