Good to see that hazard is still alive here.. 😂 As a Chelsea fan he will always be a legend in my eyes. And as for KDB he is literally turning into a Zidane my goodness
Youngest player starting, Castagne is about to turn 26. What a disgrace Martinez kept De Ketelaere, Doku, Theate and Lokonga away from the Belgian U21 to watch demotivated entitled players perform averagely against Estonia. 😕
I think Belgium should consider firing Koeman 2.0 to have any chance in the WC. Such a World class Squad and haven't won a single trophy? Unbelievable !
That's an illusion. Belgium don't have a world class squad. You must regard fame as world class, those are different things. 3rd place in WC is what they can do best.
Belgium is overrated for being the first in the FIFA ranking, so it is the team most watched by the big teams in the tournament, and this can hurt more than help Belgium in the next competitions, if you don't get smart, Belgium could end up falling in the group stage and France passes, if that happens it will be a complete humiliation, I don't want that to happen, but it's not impossible, don't be fooled.
@@portalpolidimensional6450 where did I say that Belgium is the best team in the world? I am just cheering up our national football team that's it, just love watching playing them, no need to write this under every comment, most people are here for the fun and because they enjoy football.
Belgium has always been an amazing team. I am talking (since) 80's here. It was a twist of fate that they haven't won any major trophies meanwhile. This having been said, on this match the mix of French and (!?) is horrendous. And the French commentator seemed he had consumed too much 'shrooms. "3-0!"
Belgium is overrated for being the first in the FIFA ranking, so it is the team most watched by the big teams in the tournament, and this can hurt more than help Belgium in the next competitions, if you don't get smart, Belgium could end up falling in the group stage and France passes, if that happens it will be a complete humiliation, I don't want that to happen, but it's not impossible, don't be fooled.
@@sulebalujang4165 Belgium is overrated for being the first in the FIFA ranking, so it is the team most watched by the big teams in the tournament, and this can hurt more than help Belgium in the next competitions, if you don't get smart, Belgium could end up falling in the group stage and France passes, if that happens it will be a complete humiliation, I don't want that to happen, but it's not impossible, don't be fooled.
DDD - DDD - The Omicron soldier is playing the trumpet, in the band of the hearts regenerated by multiform grace!!! Le Soldat omicron joue de la trompette, dans la bande des cœurs régénérés par la grâce multiforme !!! Der omicron Soldat spielt die Trompete, in der Band der Herzen durch multiform Gnade regeneriert!!! Il soldato omicron sta suonando la tromba, nella banda dei cuori rigenerati da multiforme grazia!!! Солдат омикром играет на трубе в кругу сердец, регенерированный многогранной благодатью !!! Солдат Омикрон играет на трубе в полосе сердец, возрожденных многогранной благодатью !!! The poetic hunchback, in the dome of the cathedral of reason, vociferate a clutter, looking at the concave mirror of thoughts!!! Le bossu poétique, dans le dôme de la cathédrale de la raison, vocifère un fouillis, regardant le miroir concave des pensées !!! Il poetico gobbo, nella cupola della cattedrale della ragione, vocifera un disordine, guardando lo specchio concavo dei pensieri!!! El jorobado poético, en la cúpula de la catedral de la razón, ruge con estrépito, mirando el espejo cóncavo de los pensamientos !!! Поэтический горбун в куполе собора разума хрипло кричит, глядя в вогнутое зеркало мыслей !!! Поэтический горбун в куполе храма разума кричит беспорядком, глядя в вогнутое зеркало мыслей !!!The collection of female anatomical fantasy menus is the thrilling anthology of the fire of libido of the imagination!!! La collection de menus de fantaisie anatomique féminine est l'anthologie passionnante du feu de la libido de l'imagination !!! La collezione di menù fantasia anatomica femminile è l'emozionante antologia del fuoco della libido dell'immaginazione!!! Die Sammlung von weiblichen anatomischen Fantasie-Menüs ist die spannende Anthologie des Feuers der Libido der Vorstellung!!! La colección de menús de fantasía anatómica femenina es la emocionante antología del fuego de la libido de la imaginación !!! Коллекция женских анатомических фантастических сборник является захватывающей антологией огня либидо воображения!!! The truth is a civilization on the ascension in the empire of thoughts!!! La vérité est une civilisation en ascension dans l'empire des pensées !!! La verità è una civiltà in ascensione nell'impero dei pensieri!!! Die Wahrheit ist eine Zivilisation auf dem Aufstieg im Reich der Gedanken!!! ¡La verdad es una civilización en ascensión en el imperio de los pensamientos! Правда это цивилизация на восхождении в империи мыслей !!! The verses of the orchestral measure of beauty exceeds the stanzas composition of the aesthetic prettiness!!! Les vers de la mesure orchestrale de la beauté dépassent la composition des sétrophes, de la beauté de l'esthétique !!! I versi della misura orchestrale della bellezza superano la composizione dei setrophes, della bellezza dell'estetica!!! Стихи оркестровой меры красоты превосходят композицию строф красивости эстетики !!! Stihovi orkestralne mjere ljepote nadilaze kompoziciju strofa, ljepote estetskog!!! There are no mistakes that contain incalculable liabilities to roll back!!! Il n'y a pas d'erreurs qui contiennent des passifs incalculables à faire reculer !!! Non ci sono errori che contengono responsabilità incalcolabili da ripristinare!!! In the square of the anonymity of the heart, the birds of freedom from the verses of the sky are flying!!! Sur le carré de l'anonymat du coeur, les oiseaux de la liberté des vers du ciel s'envolent !!! En la plaza del anonimato del corazón, vuelan los pájaros de la libertad de los versos del cielo !!! Nella piazza dell'anonimato del cuore, volano gli uccelli della libertà dai versi del cielo!!! The Man of the Words proclaims the revolution of the assembly of poetry verses!!! L'Homme de Parole proclame la révolution de l'assemblage des vers de poésie !!! Der Mann der Worte verkündet die Revolution der Versammlung der Gedichte!!! «Человек слова» провозглашает революцию собрания стихотворений !!! L'Uomo di Parole proclama la rivoluzione dell'assemblaggio di versi poetici!!! The letter is the radiant star of the inspirational firmament of the alphabet!!! La lettre est l'étoile rayonnante du firmament inspirant de l'alphabet !!! ¡La letra es la estrella radiante del firmamento inspirador del alfabeto!!! Der Buchstabe ist der strahlende Stern des inspirierenden Firmaments des Alphabets!!! Буква - сияющая звезда вдохновляющего небосвода алфавита !!! Pismo je blistava zvijezda nadahnutog abecednog svoda!!! The perineum is the pleasure frontier of the human anatomy, the neutral zone of the truce of fantasies!!! Le périnée est la frontière du plaisir de l'anatomie humaine, la zone neutre de la trêve des fantasie!!! Il perineo è la frontiera del piacere dell'anatomia umana, la zona neutra della tregua delle fantasie!!! El perineo es la frontera del placer de la anatomía humana, la zona neutra de la tregua de las fantasías !!! Das Perineum ist die Lustgrenze der menschlichen Anatomie, die neutrale Zone des Waffenstillstands der Fantasien!!! Промежность - это граница удовольствий анатомии человека, нейтральная зона перемирия фантазий !!! The eternal King teaches eternal words!!! Le Roi éternel enseigne des mots éternels !!! El Rey eterno enseña palabras eternas !!! Vječni kralj uči vječne riječi!!! Вечный Царь учит вечным словам !!! L'eterno Re insegna parole eterne!!! O Rei eterno ensina palavras eternas!!! De eeuwige koning onderwijst eeuwige woorden!!! The glasses are the eyewitness of the miracle of the healing verses!!! Les lunettes sont le témoin oculaire du miracle des vers de guérison !!! Очки - очевидцы чуда исцеляющих стихов !!! Очки - очевидцы чуда целительных стихов !!! The poetic stethoscope listens to the heartbeat of the verse!!! Lo stetoscopio poetico ascolta il battito cardiaco del verso!!! El estetoscopio poético escucha el latido del corazón del verso !!! The strong contractions of the tribulation disturb the soul!!! Les fortes contractions de la tribulation perturbent l'âme !!! Die starken Wehen der Drangsal stören die Seele!!! The poet proceeds with formality and informality, in the composition of the known and unknown verses of the stanzas of life!!!! Il poeta procede con formalità e informalità, nella composizione dei versi conosciuti e sconosciuti delle strofe della vita!!!! El poeta procede con formalidad e informalidad, en la composición de los versos conocidos y desconocidos de las estrofas de la vida !!!! The subway of the underground of thoughts takes the heart down the escalators in the depth of darkness!!! Le métro du souterrain des pensées fait descendre le cœur par escalators dans le fond des ténèbres !!! Метро подземелья мыслей уносит сердце на эскалаторах в глубину тьмы !!! The rapier shines the eagle's eye brightness at the speed of thoughts!!!! La Epee brille d'un éclat de l'oeil d'aigle à la vitesse des pensées !!!The Tennis Game exposes and denude the anatomy of the geometric lines in the dynamic gala acting of the players on the court, and the conviction of the performance of the psyche of thoughts!!!!! Le Jeu de Tennis expose et dénude l'anatomie des lignes géométriques dans le jeu de gala dynamique des joueurs sur le court, et la conviction de la performance de la psyché des pensées !!!! Теннисная игра раскрывает и обнажает анатомию геометрических линий в динамичной гала-игре игроков на площадке и убежденность в исполнении психики мыслей !!!! Игра в теннис раскрывает и обнажает анатомию геометрических линий в динамичной гала-игре игроков на корте и убежденность в исполнении психики мыслей !!!! Il Gioco del Tennis espone ed spoglio l'anatomia delle linee geometriche nella dinamica prestazione di gala dei giocatori in campo, e la convinzione della prestazione della psiche dei pensieri!!!!
Triste de s'extasier sur une victoire contre l'Estonie comme le fai Vincent Langendries. Chez moi, ça ne procure plus aucune émotion. J'attendais bien plus de cette équipe lors des événements majeurs auxquels elle a participé. Mais je suis resté sur ma faim.
Il faut voir le bon côté des choses. La Belgique s’est qualifiée alors qu’il y a plusieurs grandes Nations qui devraient se battre aux playoffs pour y arriver. Donc, remercions nos joueurs et vive la Belgique 🇧🇪
Belgium is overrated for being the first in the FIFA ranking, so it is the team most watched by the big teams in the tournament, and this can hurt more than help Belgium in the next competitions, if you don't get smart, Belgium could end up falling in the group stage and France passes, if that happens it will be a complete humiliation, I don't want that to happen, but it's not impossible, don't be fooled.
DDD - DDD - DDD - The Insatiable dissatisfaction is a paraphrase of the sepulchral palate of the mourning perennial elegy !!! Die Unersättliche Unzufriedenheit ist eine Paraphrase des Grabes der ewigen Trauerelegie!!! Die Unersättliche Unzufriedenheit ist eine Paraphrase des Grabgeschmacks der ewigen Trauerelegie!!! Die unersättliche Unzufriedenheit ist eine Paraphrase des grabeskranken Gaumens der ewigen Trauerelegie!!! L'Insatiable Insatisfaction est une paraphrase du goût sépulcral de l'élégie pérenne du deuil !!! The Love are silencious words practiced by the attitudes of the heart's feelings!!!! L'Amore sono parole silenziose praticate dagli atteggiamenti dei sentimenti del cuore!!!! El Amor son palabras silenciosas practicadas por las actitudes de los sentimientos del corazón !!!! If the verse goes pear-shaped, the poet does not celebrate life!!! The branches of faith will always come back to live in death!!! Les branches de la foi reviendront toujours vivre dans la mort !!! As vergônteas da fé sempre voltarão à viver na morte!!! I rami della fede torneranno sempre a vivere nella morte!!! Ветви веры всегда будут возвращаться к жизни в смерти !!! Ветви веры всегда будут возвращаться, чтобы жить смертью !!! Die Glaubens Zweige werden immer wiederkommen, um im Tod zu leben!!! Die Zweige des Glaubens werden immer zurückkommen, um im Tod zu leben!!! Las ramas de la fe siempre volverán a vivir en la muerte !!! Pupoljci vjere uvijek će se vratiti u život u smrti!!! The poetic shepherd pushes his flock of verses before him!!! Le berger poétique pousse son troupeau de vers devant lui!!! Il pastore poetico spinge davanti a sé il suo gregge di versi!!! The Restlessness is the emotional imbalance of the soul's thoughts!! ¡¡La Inquietud es el desequilibrio emocional de los pensamientos del alma !!! Беспокойство - это эмоциональная неуравновешенность мыслей души !!! ich verstehe nur bahnhof, aber der Dichter versteht alles!!! Uma parte de nós quer ser a que a outra não quer!!! One part of us wants to be the one the other doesn't!!! Une partie de nous veut être l'une et l'autre pas!!! ¡Una parte de nosotros quiere ser la otra, la otra no quiere ser!!! The human being has to swim against the current of time to reach his ideal!!! Der Mensch muss gegen den Strom der Zeit schwimmen um sein Ideal zu erreichen!!! L'essere umano deve nuotare contro la corrente del tempo per raggiungere il suo ideale!!! The train inspired by the poetic machinist will always travel along the verses of the tracks of the childhood world!!!! Le train inspiré du machiniste poétique sillonne toujours les vers des pistes du monde de l'enfance !!!! Поезд, вдохновленный поэтическим машинистом, всегда будет путешествовать стихами по следам мира детства !!!! Поезд, вдохновленный поэтом-машинистом, всегда будет путешествовать стихами по следам детского мира !!!! The cinnamon fern ornaments and adorns with poetic verses in dazzling colors, such as the fertile bright green, the spring splendor of swamps, bogs and woodlands!!! La fougère cannelle orne et se pare de vers poétiques aux couleurs éclatantes, comme le vert brillant fertile, la splendeur printanière des marécages, des tourbières et des bois !!! La felce cannella orna e adorna con versi poetici dai colori smaglianti, come il fertile verde brillante, lo splendore primaverile di paludi, torbiere e boschi!! The Planet Pluto is the poetic, eccentric, retrograde and revolutionary dwarf and homunculus of the solar system verses!!!! Планета Плутон - поэтический, эксцентричный, ретроградный и революционный карлик и гомункул стихов солнечной системы !!! Planet Pluto ist der poetische, exzentrische, rückläufige und revolutionäre Zwerg und Homunkulus der Verse des Sonnensystems!!! O Planeta plutão é o anão e homúnculo poético, excêntrico, retrógrado e revolucionário dos versos do sistema solar na sua órbita elíptica !!! Whoever does not have the good pleasure and approval of fruitful grace, through the fecund faith of the verses of salvation, is a poor creature, wandering in the superficial poetry of life!!! Celui qui n'a pas le bon plaisir et l'approbation de la grâce féconde, par la foi fructueux des versets du salut, est une pauvre créature, errant dans la poésie superficielle de la vie !!! ¡¡¡ Quien no tiene el beneplácito de la gracia fecunda, por la fe fructuosa de los versos de la salvación, es una pobre criatura, errante en la poesía superficial de la vida !!! JJJSSS
It's a shame to see E. Hazard become a fat lazy player..... Look at minute 2 on this video in case you disagree. Slow, heavy just not the same since he left Chelsea.
Good to see that hazard is still alive here.. 😂
As a Chelsea fan he will always be a legend in my eyes.
And as for KDB he is literally turning into a Zidane my goodness
The consistency on DeBruyne is incredible, he is by no doubts the brain of this team!
The Maestro ❤️💥💥
Just like in City. IMO he is among the best or even the best right now. This guy is the spine of a team.
Benteke score and create goals... Martinez make him look better than usual.
Why is no one talking about Benteke shows how good he really is with good players
Two language in commentary, cool👍
Eden and Thorgan, the Dukes of Hazard
BENTEKE perform this games AWESOME...👍👍👍
He comeback to madrid city at that time
Youngest player starting, Castagne is about to turn 26. What a disgrace Martinez kept De Ketelaere, Doku, Theate and Lokonga away from the Belgian U21 to watch demotivated entitled players perform averagely against Estonia. 😕
Excited for tommorow game 🇧🇪🇧🇪
I think Belgium should consider firing Koeman 2.0 to have any chance in the WC.
Such a World class Squad and haven't won a single trophy? Unbelievable !
Thank God Laporta doesn't pick This Koeman 2.0
That's an illusion. Belgium don't have a world class squad. You must regard fame as world class, those are different things. 3rd place in WC is what they can do best.
Defence is definitely very average
@@niceperson6412 right now yes but being 3rd with the team they had in 2018 isnt they can do best
@@niceperson6412 it was with france the best team itw
That left foot pass from de bruyne is absolutely magical
I didn't understand a word of the commentary but I have a feeling the language kept changing as the video went on
Because in belgium talk two language is for respect for country simply
Its indeed in 2 languages, dutch and french beacause Belgium is half dutch- and half french-talking
@@user-kl1do3cx6y there's also à part that speaks german. We shouldn't forget them 😜
@@user-kl1do3cx6y thats actually badass
@@sarahpondant7034 yeah but thats like 3people so nobody really cares about them
freed from desireはゴールソングでは無くなったのですか?
Congrat....belgium,big score🔥
Hazard lov u
I am Somalian but I am Belgium fan too and I like Kevin de Bruyne and Charles de ketelaere and Hans vanaken too
As a Chelsea fan, I miss Lukaku 😍
Great performance
no boyata ?
Who's the girl?
Was da nu weer voor nen stream
Belgium 🇧🇪 forever De Bruyne the one and only my favorite football star in my planet earth 💥👍
im here after the draw . i want to spy the belgium team xD
u from canada
This may be De Bruyne last World Cup😥
What happened to hazard 🧐😕
Where is Lukaku 🤔🤔
Amazing goal by Belgium
5:10 Benteke holds defender back and prevent him. Look at his smile!! This should have been a foul play. But Belgium deserved it.
Belgian golden generation is this the last?
Belgiuuuuuuuum 🇧🇪
Belgium is overrated for being the first in the FIFA ranking, so it is the team most watched by the big teams in the tournament, and this can hurt more than help Belgium in the next competitions, if you don't get smart, Belgium could end up falling in the group stage and France passes, if that happens it will be a complete humiliation, I don't want that to happen, but it's not impossible, don't be fooled.
@@portalpolidimensional6450 where did I say that Belgium is the best team in the world? I am just cheering up our national football team that's it, just love watching playing them, no need to write this under every comment, most people are here for the fun and because they enjoy football.
KDB is just unreal
Insane mate
Waarom wisselt het de hele tijd om naar het Frans?
En en Belgique on parle français et néerlandais, because in belgium we speack french and dutch
bravo la Belgique qui seront les prochains CPM aux Qatar et peut être face à ??
Bravo Martínez
Allez les Dianes Rouges, il faut que sabouge! Xavier obtenga xx!
Lukaku need to show eden how to shoot the ball
Belgium has always been an amazing team. I am talking (since) 80's here. It was a twist of fate that they haven't won any major trophies meanwhile. This having been said, on this match the mix of French and (!?) is horrendous. And the French commentator seemed he had consumed too much 'shrooms. "3-0!"
Mach is Furnished, 4 goal is regular. Half of Europe was waiting 5+
En Belgique on parle français et néerlandais
i heard the commentator speak german, dutch, and french
Hehehe, i love the language switch.
One language pls 😫
No in belgium we speack french and dutch
E.Hazard's new look
It seems like Belgium is playing itself
What The Hell Happened to Eden Hazard??
madrid. barca. chelsea and psg :
benteke's quotation please.
Jika pelati gagal membawa mental juara gantikan saja dengan pelati yg lebih bagus lagi dan punya mental juara 🇧🇪🇧🇪🇧🇪🏆🏆🏆🏆🏅🏅🏅
Belgium is overrated for being the first in the FIFA ranking, so it is the team most watched by the big teams in the tournament, and this can hurt more than help Belgium in the next competitions, if you don't get smart, Belgium could end up falling in the group stage and France passes, if that happens it will be a complete humiliation, I don't want that to happen, but it's not impossible, don't be fooled.
Keep dreaming..
@@sulebalujang4165 Belgium is overrated for being the first in the FIFA ranking, so it is the team most watched by the big teams in the tournament, and this can hurt more than help Belgium in the next competitions, if you don't get smart, Belgium could end up falling in the group stage and France passes, if that happens it will be a complete humiliation, I don't want that to happen, but it's not impossible, don't be fooled.
Nothing to wax !
sur le 3e but c'est pas un écran que Benteke fait, c'est une faute
Carrasco is on form 4 Red duivels nowaday's.
ل جا هنا مغربي من بعد القرعة يدير مشاركة فالقناة ب كل روح رياضية
DDD - DDD - The Omicron soldier is playing the trumpet, in the band of the hearts regenerated by multiform grace!!! Le Soldat omicron joue de la trompette, dans la bande des cœurs régénérés par la grâce multiforme !!! Der omicron Soldat spielt die Trompete, in der Band der Herzen durch multiform Gnade regeneriert!!! Il soldato omicron sta suonando la tromba, nella banda dei cuori rigenerati da multiforme grazia!!! Солдат омикром играет на трубе в кругу сердец, регенерированный многогранной благодатью !!! Солдат Омикрон играет на трубе в полосе сердец, возрожденных многогранной благодатью !!! The poetic hunchback, in the dome of the cathedral of reason, vociferate a clutter, looking at the concave mirror of thoughts!!! Le bossu poétique, dans le dôme de la cathédrale de la raison, vocifère un fouillis, regardant le miroir concave des pensées !!! Il poetico gobbo, nella cupola della cattedrale della ragione, vocifera un disordine, guardando lo specchio concavo dei pensieri!!! El jorobado poético, en la cúpula de la catedral de la razón, ruge con estrépito, mirando el espejo cóncavo de los pensamientos !!! Поэтический горбун в куполе собора разума хрипло кричит, глядя в вогнутое зеркало мыслей !!! Поэтический горбун в куполе храма разума кричит беспорядком, глядя в вогнутое зеркало мыслей !!!The collection of female anatomical fantasy menus is the thrilling anthology of the fire of libido of the imagination!!! La collection de menus de fantaisie anatomique féminine est l'anthologie passionnante du feu de la libido de l'imagination !!! La collezione di menù fantasia anatomica femminile è l'emozionante antologia del fuoco della libido dell'immaginazione!!! Die Sammlung von weiblichen anatomischen Fantasie-Menüs ist die spannende Anthologie des Feuers der Libido der Vorstellung!!! La colección de menús de fantasía anatómica femenina es la emocionante antología del fuego de la libido de la imaginación !!! Коллекция женских анатомических фантастических сборник является захватывающей антологией огня либидо воображения!!! The truth is a civilization on the ascension in the empire of thoughts!!! La vérité est une civilisation en ascension dans l'empire des pensées !!! La verità è una civiltà in ascensione nell'impero dei pensieri!!! Die Wahrheit ist eine Zivilisation auf dem Aufstieg im Reich der Gedanken!!! ¡La verdad es una civilización en ascensión en el imperio de los pensamientos! Правда это цивилизация на восхождении в империи мыслей !!! The verses of the orchestral measure of beauty exceeds the stanzas composition of the aesthetic prettiness!!! Les vers de la mesure orchestrale de la beauté dépassent la composition des sétrophes, de la beauté de l'esthétique !!! I versi della misura orchestrale della bellezza superano la composizione dei setrophes, della bellezza dell'estetica!!! Стихи оркестровой меры красоты превосходят композицию строф красивости эстетики !!! Stihovi orkestralne mjere ljepote nadilaze kompoziciju strofa, ljepote estetskog!!! There are no mistakes that contain incalculable liabilities to roll back!!! Il n'y a pas d'erreurs qui contiennent des passifs incalculables à faire reculer !!! Non ci sono errori che contengono responsabilità incalcolabili da ripristinare!!! In the square of the anonymity of the heart, the birds of freedom from the verses of the sky are flying!!! Sur le carré de l'anonymat du coeur, les oiseaux de la liberté des vers du ciel s'envolent !!! En la plaza del anonimato del corazón, vuelan los pájaros de la libertad de los versos del cielo !!! Nella piazza dell'anonimato del cuore, volano gli uccelli della libertà dai versi del cielo!!! The Man of the Words proclaims the revolution of the assembly of poetry verses!!! L'Homme de Parole proclame la révolution de l'assemblage des vers de poésie !!! Der Mann der Worte verkündet die Revolution der Versammlung der Gedichte!!! «Человек слова» провозглашает революцию собрания стихотворений !!! L'Uomo di Parole proclama la rivoluzione dell'assemblaggio di versi poetici!!! The letter is the radiant star of the inspirational firmament of the alphabet!!! La lettre est l'étoile rayonnante du firmament inspirant de l'alphabet !!! ¡La letra es la estrella radiante del firmamento inspirador del alfabeto!!! Der Buchstabe ist der strahlende Stern des inspirierenden Firmaments des Alphabets!!! Буква - сияющая звезда вдохновляющего небосвода алфавита !!! Pismo je blistava zvijezda nadahnutog abecednog svoda!!! The perineum is the pleasure frontier of the human anatomy, the neutral zone of the truce of fantasies!!! Le périnée est la frontière du plaisir de l'anatomie humaine, la zone neutre de la trêve des fantasie!!! Il perineo è la frontiera del piacere dell'anatomia umana, la zona neutra della tregua delle fantasie!!! El perineo es la frontera del placer de la anatomía humana, la zona neutra de la tregua de las fantasías !!! Das Perineum ist die Lustgrenze der menschlichen Anatomie, die neutrale Zone des Waffenstillstands der Fantasien!!! Промежность - это граница удовольствий анатомии человека, нейтральная зона перемирия фантазий !!! The eternal King teaches eternal words!!! Le Roi éternel enseigne des mots éternels !!! El Rey eterno enseña palabras eternas !!! Vječni kralj uči vječne riječi!!! Вечный Царь учит вечным словам !!! L'eterno Re insegna parole eterne!!! O Rei eterno ensina palavras eternas!!! De eeuwige koning onderwijst eeuwige woorden!!! The glasses are the eyewitness of the miracle of the healing verses!!! Les lunettes sont le témoin oculaire du miracle des vers de guérison !!! Очки - очевидцы чуда исцеляющих стихов !!! Очки - очевидцы чуда целительных стихов !!! The poetic stethoscope listens to the heartbeat of the verse!!! Lo stetoscopio poetico ascolta il battito cardiaco del verso!!! El estetoscopio poético escucha el latido del corazón del verso !!! The strong contractions of the tribulation disturb the soul!!! Les fortes contractions de la tribulation perturbent l'âme !!! Die starken Wehen der Drangsal stören die Seele!!! The poet proceeds with formality and informality, in the composition of the known and unknown verses of the stanzas of life!!!! Il poeta procede con formalità e informalità, nella composizione dei versi conosciuti e sconosciuti delle strofe della vita!!!! El poeta procede con formalidad e informalidad, en la composición de los versos conocidos y desconocidos de las estrofas de la vida !!!! The subway of the underground of thoughts takes the heart down the escalators in the depth of darkness!!! Le métro du souterrain des pensées fait descendre le cœur par escalators dans le fond des ténèbres !!! Метро подземелья мыслей уносит сердце на эскалаторах в глубину тьмы !!! The rapier shines the eagle's eye brightness at the speed of thoughts!!!! La Epee brille d'un éclat de l'oeil d'aigle à la vitesse des pensées !!!The Tennis Game exposes and denude the anatomy of the geometric lines in the dynamic gala acting of the players on the court, and the conviction of the performance of the psyche of thoughts!!!!! Le Jeu de Tennis expose et dénude l'anatomie des lignes géométriques dans le jeu de gala dynamique des joueurs sur le court, et la conviction de la performance de la psyché des pensées !!!! Теннисная игра раскрывает и обнажает анатомию геометрических линий в динамичной гала-игре игроков на площадке и убежденность в исполнении психики мыслей !!!! Игра в теннис раскрывает и обнажает анатомию геометрических линий в динамичной гала-игре игроков на корте и убежденность в исполнении психики мыслей !!!! Il Gioco del Tennis espone ed spoglio l'anatomia delle linee geometriche nella dinamica prestazione di gala dei giocatori in campo, e la convinzione della prestazione della psiche dei pensieri!!!!
Where LUKAKU at smh
Yes smh
Lukaku been injured. he only just returned to training for chelsea today.
Guys, this isn’t the game ,don’t be fooled 👍
It what then
Triste de s'extasier sur une victoire contre l'Estonie comme le fai Vincent Langendries. Chez moi, ça ne procure plus aucune émotion. J'attendais bien plus de cette équipe lors des événements majeurs auxquels elle a participé. Mais je suis resté sur ma faim.
Et oui, les années 2000-2012 étaient un vrai régal. Là nous avions de quoi à célébrer.
Il faut voir le bon côté des choses. La Belgique s’est qualifiée alors qu’il y a plusieurs grandes Nations qui devraient se battre aux playoffs pour y arriver. Donc, remercions nos joueurs et vive la Belgique 🇧🇪
a bah ca a l'air plus facile que contre la France Courtois va être heureux
Vivement la belle au Qatar, France/Belgique !
Tout ça pour se faire éliminer en demi finale
LOL so unfortunate that Saelemaekers got robbed of a beautiful outside of the foot curler because the buildup play was offsides
Ban kapten cocok buat kiper saja agar permaian di lapang bukan tentang ban kapten tetapi kerja sama tim😎😎😎
De bruyneee
they r always favourites but never win the matches that counts....
padu benteke
Never will be 🏆
Belgium is overrated for being the first in the FIFA ranking, so it is the team most watched by the big teams in the tournament, and this can hurt more than help Belgium in the next competitions, if you don't get smart, Belgium could end up falling in the group stage and France passes, if that happens it will be a complete humiliation, I don't want that to happen, but it's not impossible, don't be fooled.
DDD - DDD - DDD - The Insatiable dissatisfaction is a paraphrase of the sepulchral palate of the mourning perennial elegy !!! Die Unersättliche Unzufriedenheit ist eine Paraphrase des Grabes der ewigen Trauerelegie!!! Die Unersättliche Unzufriedenheit ist eine Paraphrase des Grabgeschmacks der ewigen Trauerelegie!!! Die unersättliche Unzufriedenheit ist eine Paraphrase des grabeskranken Gaumens der ewigen Trauerelegie!!! L'Insatiable Insatisfaction est une paraphrase du goût sépulcral de l'élégie pérenne du deuil !!! The Love are silencious words practiced by the attitudes of the heart's feelings!!!! L'Amore sono parole silenziose praticate dagli atteggiamenti dei sentimenti del cuore!!!! El Amor son palabras silenciosas practicadas por las actitudes de los sentimientos del corazón !!!! If the verse goes pear-shaped, the poet does not celebrate life!!! The branches of faith will always come back to live in death!!! Les branches de la foi reviendront toujours vivre dans la mort !!! As vergônteas da fé sempre voltarão à viver na morte!!! I rami della fede torneranno sempre a vivere nella morte!!! Ветви веры всегда будут возвращаться к жизни в смерти !!! Ветви веры всегда будут возвращаться, чтобы жить смертью !!! Die Glaubens Zweige werden immer wiederkommen, um im Tod zu leben!!! Die Zweige des Glaubens werden immer zurückkommen, um im Tod zu leben!!! Las ramas de la fe siempre volverán a vivir en la muerte !!! Pupoljci vjere uvijek će se vratiti u život u smrti!!! The poetic shepherd pushes his flock of verses before him!!! Le berger poétique pousse son troupeau de vers devant lui!!! Il pastore poetico spinge davanti a sé il suo gregge di versi!!! The Restlessness is the emotional imbalance of the soul's thoughts!! ¡¡La Inquietud es el desequilibrio emocional de los pensamientos del alma !!! Беспокойство - это эмоциональная неуравновешенность мыслей души !!! ich verstehe nur bahnhof, aber der Dichter versteht alles!!! Uma parte de nós quer ser a que a outra não quer!!! One part of us wants to be the one the other doesn't!!! Une partie de nous veut être l'une et l'autre pas!!! ¡Una parte de nosotros quiere ser la otra, la otra no quiere ser!!! The human being has to swim against the current of time to reach his ideal!!! Der Mensch muss gegen den Strom der Zeit schwimmen um sein Ideal zu erreichen!!! L'essere umano deve nuotare contro la corrente del tempo per raggiungere il suo ideale!!! The train inspired by the poetic machinist will always travel along the verses of the tracks of the childhood world!!!! Le train inspiré du machiniste poétique sillonne toujours les vers des pistes du monde de l'enfance !!!! Поезд, вдохновленный поэтическим машинистом, всегда будет путешествовать стихами по следам мира детства !!!! Поезд, вдохновленный поэтом-машинистом, всегда будет путешествовать стихами по следам детского мира !!!! The cinnamon fern ornaments and adorns with poetic verses in dazzling colors, such as the fertile bright green, the spring splendor of swamps, bogs and woodlands!!! La fougère cannelle orne et se pare de vers poétiques aux couleurs éclatantes, comme le vert brillant fertile, la splendeur printanière des marécages, des tourbières et des bois !!! La felce cannella orna e adorna con versi poetici dai colori smaglianti, come il fertile verde brillante, lo splendore primaverile di paludi, torbiere e boschi!! The Planet Pluto is the poetic, eccentric, retrograde and revolutionary dwarf and homunculus of the solar system verses!!!! Планета Плутон - поэтический, эксцентричный, ретроградный и революционный карлик и гомункул стихов солнечной системы !!! Planet Pluto ist der poetische, exzentrische, rückläufige und revolutionäre Zwerg und Homunkulus der Verse des Sonnensystems!!! O Planeta plutão é o anão e homúnculo poético, excêntrico, retrógrado e revolucionário dos versos do sistema solar na sua órbita elíptica !!! Whoever does not have the good pleasure and approval of fruitful grace, through the fecund faith of the verses of salvation, is a poor creature, wandering in the superficial poetry of life!!! Celui qui n'a pas le bon plaisir et l'approbation de la grâce féconde, par la foi fructueux des versets du salut, est une pauvre créature, errant dans la poésie superficielle de la vie !!! ¡¡¡ Quien no tiene el beneplácito de la gracia fecunda, por la fe fructuosa de los versos de la salvación, es una pobre criatura, errante en la poesía superficial de la vida !!! JJJSSS
It's a shame to see E. Hazard become a fat lazy player..... Look at minute 2 on this video in case you disagree. Slow, heavy just not the same since he left Chelsea.
Africa vs Europe
We are not france xd
Its time to let the youngest player play, our team is getting older fucking Martinez.
We are stronger than you
belgium country football above average...
Ku kira CJM
Waar is lakaka
Hazard ovverated
Ye if he is a year injured and real dont let him play how can he go back at his prime if he only play matches 4 belgium ... idiot
On est là les français nous oubliez pas les voisins belges, on est ensemble 🇨🇵🏅🏆🇨🇵,allez les bleus 🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵
use russian if you guys are confused between dutch and french.
Why would someone wanna use Russian lol
Because in belgium we speack french and dutch
Vous avez vraiment pris un but contre l'estonie mdrrr
Mec l'Estonie c'est pas comme saint marin ou le Gibraltar