Biden Refuses To Use This Key Metric When Discussing The Economy: Steve Forbes

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024


  • @UniversalPatriots
    @UniversalPatriots 5 місяців тому +39

    Obidens 3rd term didn't age well.

    • @markbaum9615
      @markbaum9615 5 місяців тому +4

      Barry was able to do all this dismantling with zero accountability
      Oh wait.isn't crazy joe running the show

    • @jumpupdown2556
      @jumpupdown2556 5 місяців тому +2

      ​@@markbaum9615 Barry needs to start being given his VERY considerable share of blame for the current state. After we got him into power in 2009, we started being taken apart and the federal government grew ridiculously huge as it became more authoritarian. This is Obama's America. The "fundamental transformation" he told us we could all be a part of, if we hoped for some change.
      Yes we can!!

    • @ssuwandi3240
      @ssuwandi3240 5 місяців тому

      Well the heist partially worked though... Billions cashed in by Pharma Swamp. Not a dime from me

  • @rollokline4692
    @rollokline4692 5 місяців тому +24

    0% of economy 100% of corruption knowledge 😅😅😅

    • @stephenhomseydgi3693
      @stephenhomseydgi3693 5 місяців тому +1

      Hey Forbes, Did you ever use that metric when you Orange Cult Master was in office? I think not. LMFAO!

    • @james-kh7oi
      @james-kh7oi 5 місяців тому

      @@stephenhomseydgi3693 we shall see, just wait. thanks

  • @augustwest8559
    @augustwest8559 5 місяців тому +26

    My life was better in every way when Trump was president. Even during the pandemic fauci started my work increased.
    Now everything sucks

    • @zDoubleE23
      @zDoubleE23 5 місяців тому

      We are living in Trumps economy. Trump was the first wave of printing money and sending it to Main Street. Any economist with half a brain would have said it was a stupid idea and cause a significant amount of inflation. Trump has his 4 years. Big flop. Passed every huge omnibus bill that came in his desk. No fiscal responsibility.

    • @NancyK-cu6xj
      @NancyK-cu6xj 5 місяців тому +2

      Really, you liked the COVID lock downs?

    • @augustwest8559
      @augustwest8559 5 місяців тому +3

      @NancyK-cu6xj I didn't participate in a "lock down ".
      Did you ? Are you a sheeple?

  • @NHLblkgurl
    @NHLblkgurl 5 місяців тому +18

    “Don’t”... that’s OUR fearless leader!

    • @richierich3194
      @richierich3194 5 місяців тому

      You guys have so much hatred the scary thing is you don't even see it

    • @NHLblkgurl
      @NHLblkgurl 5 місяців тому +1

      @@richierich3194I do hate watching neo Marxists destroy our economy, private freedoms, national security and community safety, and global stability.. NO argument there..

    • @zytebac
      @zytebac 5 місяців тому +5

      @@richierich3194 Says the dem who has Never stopped attacking 45.

    • @NancyK-cu6xj
      @NancyK-cu6xj 5 місяців тому

      I'm not against Trump I just don't think he's a very good leader. He made so many mistakes when he was president. He's also divisive. I'm voting for the most qualified and level headed candidate. I do think Trump followers are to aggressive and are actually losing votes for Trump because of the way they act. They turn people people off and they're seeking an alternative. I don't think Trump will end up winning in Nov and I think that it will be legit.

    • @zytebac
      @zytebac 5 місяців тому +2

      @@NancyK-cu6xj So you think the guy who told half of the country that they were terrorists, who fired people who refused a vax, and said that if blcks didn't vote for him, then 'they ain't blck' is Less divisive?

  • @goosecouple
    @goosecouple 5 місяців тому +25

    Dem voters priorities
    1. Give money to other countries.
    2. Abortion right
    3. Race
    4. Gender
    5. Free stuff
    6. Pronouns
    998. Cost of living
    999. Economy
    1000. Border

    • @Dixie.1818
      @Dixie.1818 5 місяців тому +4

      Well done...!

    • @zytebac
      @zytebac 5 місяців тому +4

      1001. Over spend the budget on wasteful projects and then just print more money so they can keep spending.
      1002. Laugh at the taxpayers who want representation.

    • @NancyK-cu6xj
      @NancyK-cu6xj 5 місяців тому +2

      Oh, I think the long term future for the Democratic Party is very grim.

    • @stephenhomseydgi3693
      @stephenhomseydgi3693 5 місяців тому +1

      Hey Forbes, Did you ever use that metric when you Orange Cult Master was in office? I think not. LMFAO!

    • @Dixie.1818
      @Dixie.1818 5 місяців тому +1

      @@NancyK-cu6xj I sure hope so...
      But doubt it

  • @NHLblkgurl
    @NHLblkgurl 5 місяців тому +8

    Maybe he just forgot about it (like 100% of everything else he’s ever known)

  • @SOz-uf5yq
    @SOz-uf5yq 5 місяців тому +17

    STOP Dividing this lovely Nation with any EXCUSE. GO TRUMP > MEGA

    • @stephenhomseydgi3693
      @stephenhomseydgi3693 5 місяців тому

      Hey Forbes, Did you ever use that metric when you Orange Cult Master was in office? I think not. LMFAO!

  • @celicagt007
    @celicagt007 5 місяців тому +2

    Let's go Brandon!

  • @FrankensteinDIYkayak
    @FrankensteinDIYkayak 5 місяців тому +1

    this was so predictable so incredibly long ago. the constant outsourcing and such ultimately gets there. the military wants an industrial base that can support the needs with a reliable supply chain. will it get there? whats up with Boeing? anyone really know what autarky means without looking it up and the historical context where it became relevant?

  • @andrehoude3490
    @andrehoude3490 5 місяців тому

    I am a Mark Skousen Forcast& Strategies .

  • @hawleygriffin1800
    @hawleygriffin1800 5 місяців тому

    Translation: The economy is doing great. Retail sales numbers were released this morning and again came in higher than expected, so we need to come up with novel ways to undermine the truth that the economy is doing so well.

    • @james-kh7oi
      @james-kh7oi 5 місяців тому

      the economy is doing well because the people are Paying more for goods...and digging a hole.

    • @hawleygriffin1800
      @hawleygriffin1800 5 місяців тому

      @@james-kh7oi The hole is not the fault of Joe Biden though. The hole began when the Fed took rates to almost zero beginning in 2008 to help us out of the recession. The economy immediately started to do better but every time the Fed tried to raise rates back to normal, the stock market took a dump and they panicked and backed off. So we went from 2008 all through Obama and Trump with Fed Funds at basically .5 to .75 percent. You know all that cheap money was going to create problems eventually. What happened? Big oil used the invasion of Ukraine to raise prices and keep them there. Notice how BP announced their 2nd biggest profit in 10 years last quarter? Their biggest profit came in 2022 after the invasion. Oil wasn't costing them anymore but they were charging more for gasoline and products. THEY raised prices to gouge us NOT Joe Biden. Big consumer good manufacturers like P&G used the broken supply chains of the pandemic to raise prices and kept them there. P&G just released their earnings on Monday and admitted they had raised their prices on the consumer goods they sell 9 quarters in a row. The President has zero control over the economy. Business are gouging us and making huge profits and that's keeping the stock market up while WE pay for it.

  • @austincooper7282
    @austincooper7282 5 місяців тому

    is the metric truth?

  • @robertgagne1274
    @robertgagne1274 5 місяців тому

    Omg go is still going up

  • @robertgagne1274
    @robertgagne1274 5 місяців тому +1

    Lies GOis still above 2%

  • @robertgagne1274
    @robertgagne1274 5 місяців тому

    Senile old man

  • @robertmiller6444
    @robertmiller6444 5 місяців тому +1

    70% of the economy is consumer sales - I take issue with that as well. People say that as if there is 30% of the economy that exists to serve something other than the people that make up that economy. 100% of the economy is for consumption. If there is some economic activity that is not in support of the production and providing of goods and services to "consumers" (meaning the people), then what is it's purpose? How is that not waste? Building a factory is done in the service of producing goods and services for consumers. R&D is done in the service of developing some future goods and services to produce and provide to consumers. 100% of an economy exists to produce and provide some form of goods and services to "consumers" be it directly or indirectly. If it does not then it is maladaptive or waste. Even Elon's "wealth" (Tesla), for example, exists to (and because of) produce and provide an abundance of electric vehicles to consumers.

    • @zytebac
      @zytebac 5 місяців тому

      Exactly, and most of their socialist programs only serve to spend the majority of our taxes that does nothing to improve the overall economy.
      Sort of like subsidizing Big Pharma billions of tax dollars in order to produce a product that did nothing to eradicate the spread of a virus.

  • @reallifefaith
    @reallifefaith 5 місяців тому

    If the best you can do is stare off screen and read the cards, you probably don't belong in front of the camera.

  • @Bubby4myTummy
    @Bubby4myTummy 4 місяці тому

    But my cousin says it’s the corporations 😂

  • @stephenhomseydgi3693
    @stephenhomseydgi3693 5 місяців тому +2

    Hey Forbes, Did you ever use that metric when you Orange Cult Master was in office? I think not. LMFAO!

  • @calvinhobbes6118
    @calvinhobbes6118 5 місяців тому +13

    Just another example of the saying, "There are lies, there are damned lies, and then there are statistics."
    Its why politicians and bureaucrats who run DC always use the UE3 measure of unemployment instead of the UE6 measure which includes more statistical measures that lead to a higher unemployment number.

    • @timsmith1125
      @timsmith1125 5 місяців тому

      The other number that both parties ignore is the labor participation rate. That one has been steadily declining for decades. If the federal government is handing out money for not working, there’s no incentive to get off the couch and get a job.

    • @navret1707
      @navret1707 5 місяців тому +1

      Statistics don’t lie but liars use statistics.

  • @centurione6489
    @centurione6489 5 місяців тому +6

    You don't expect that Joe Biden actually understands the GDP/GO problem, do you?!?!?

  • @mushy2bc482
    @mushy2bc482 5 місяців тому +11

    What are we selling are feelings and opinions .. because i dont see anything getting built in america. We cant even supply are own food its all imported ..

    • @zDoubleE23
      @zDoubleE23 5 місяців тому

      Why build anything when the federal reserve just pumps the stock market and real estate? There’s no incentive to build.

  • @ardentenquirer8573
    @ardentenquirer8573 5 місяців тому +2

    Interesting topic thanks for the info

  • @betsydonato6817
    @betsydonato6817 5 місяців тому +1

    Here you go,,just apply a little nano tech to the micro mini machine economy and get a faster talker.We are in the stands, watching the race but not one person is interested in a sponsor. We just watch mesmerized, as these little shits put on a show around us, but by the time we realise that we're watching the race from the center of the track,,those sponsors will have quided us for a novel disease,,that we sponsored.

  • @saved217
    @saved217 5 місяців тому +1

    Normals not coming back, but Jesus is.

  • @richierich3194
    @richierich3194 5 місяців тому +2

    GDP is always been used. If GO really works it will take time to transition

    • @zytebac
      @zytebac 5 місяців тому

      If they used GO then they couldn't justify spending our taxes to support the rest of the world.

  • @johnkay4701
    @johnkay4701 5 місяців тому

    GO & GDP both can be manipulated by the importing of hundreds of thousands of immigrants annually, in the USA, Europe & particularly in my home country of the UK. Just bring in more immigrants & given a lag period, total gross data starts to pick up. Immigration just like QE is the magical solution, the go-to solution in most scenarios for the politicians.
    However the average person is concerned about their personal wellbeing. So, GO/Capita & GDP/Capita are far more relevant to whether ordinary people are prospering or in decline. The politicians stuffing ever more people into western nations are manipulating the figures that would otherwise show the decline of the average person. They cherry-pick the stats that favour themselves & their mantras whilst the ordinary Joe (myself definitely included) are quietly going down the 'plug-hole'.

  • @TonyTitleGuy
    @TonyTitleGuy 5 місяців тому +1

    Very informative Steve. Unfortunately, I think it is over the heads of the average democrat. I have some experience in writing and delivering reports. Therefore, I would respectfully suggest that you try to include the following: (!) The "EF" Word should appear at least one time in every sentence. (2) Added short film clips of pornography, by way of explaining any financial charts. (3) A number of gratuitous remarks about transgender and LBGT stuff, which seems to be of monumental importance, these days. (4) Use everything in your bag of tricks to malign the former President. (5) Try to think of a nickname for the former President that will associate him with some horrible epidemic, or any issue which strikes fear in the hearts of men, such as the systematic elimination of the Jews, colon cancer, etc. I hope this helps you in some way.

  • @Nic-kh9kr
    @Nic-kh9kr 5 місяців тому

    They knownhow to break it down when they gettin caught!