Judo vs Muay Thai



  • @knauhaurk
    @knauhaurk Місяць тому

    You speak a lot of sense. Of course, Judo can injure. It just doesn't have to. Over the years as a Judoka I learned more about controlling my opponents than attacking them. Judo trows are really hard and quite situational. They require proper setup and often come with risk that make them undesirable in a self defense sitation. Luckly in randori one picks up a lot of wrestling softskills as well as some fighting insticts. It's only people who are good at wrestling, that I have to attack proper with zeal. For the rest, good leverage and trips tend to suffice to guide them down and control them. In fact, its properly the more safe option in a self defense situation anyway. Unless its desperate and even then, control, distance and run would be my strategy and my strength. Unless I would have to defend something, only then it would be smash. ;)