Next cleaning go outside with a fire extinguisher, torch,and pliers. Hold the screen with the pliers and torch the junk off. There will still be some scrubbing involved for a complete cleaning but it will be easier. I had my screen on my '17 250xc clog so bad the bike would barely run.
I freekin love you for the torch idea... I had soaked and scrubbed and got nowhere.... Torched em for 1 min, brushed and air hose blow.... perfect. Was about to order new screens for $30. Thanks to both of you!
could you possibly just burn off the residue with a torch?
I did this after my was hesitating when on hard acceleration. I also had 65 hours and won't wait that long again. Runs like new again
What did you use to clean it?
Next cleaning go outside with a fire extinguisher, torch,and pliers. Hold the screen with the pliers and torch the junk off. There will still be some scrubbing involved for a complete cleaning but it will be easier. I had my screen on my '17 250xc clog so bad the bike would barely run.
I freekin love you for the torch idea... I had soaked and scrubbed and got nowhere.... Torched em for 1 min, brushed and air hose blow.... perfect. Was about to order new screens for $30. Thanks to both of you!