Kas ir miomas? | WHAT ARE FIBROIDS? By Gynaecologist Dr. Vija Plume (English Subtitles)

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
    Miomas ir dažādi veidi. Būtībā tas ir saistaudu mezgls. Un atkarībā no tā, cik šis mezgls ir liels un kur tas ir novietots dzemdē, arī izriet sūdzības sievietei un arī ārstēšana. Ja miomas mezgls ir lokalizēts dzemdes dobumā. Saucamais submukozais mezgls. To veiksmīgi var izoperēt histeroskopijas operācijas laikā. Ja miomas mezgls ir dzemdes muskuļu slānī. Tā saucamais intramurālais mezgls. Tad atkarībā no izmēra un lokalizācijas var spriest par to, ko ar to darīt. Vai operēt, vai novērot, vai lietot medikamentus. Ja miomas mezgls ir virs dzemdes. Tātad vairāk slānī, kas saucās serozais slānis. Medicīniski to saucam par subserozo mezglu. Šādus mezglus ļoti veiksmīgi var izoperēt laparaskopijas laikā.
    Fibroids are of various types. Essentially it is a node of connective tissues and depending on how large this node is and the location of the node in the uterus, woman respectively have complaints and appropriate treatment. If the fibroid node is located in the uterine cavity, the so-called submucosal node, this can be successfully removed during a hysteroscopy surgery. If the fibroid is in the layer of the uterine muscle layer, the so-called intramural node, then depending on its size and location one can decide what to do with it, whether to remove it during a surgery, to follow-up or take medications. If the fibroid is located above the uterus, hence more in the layer, called serous layer, medically named subserous node. Such nodes may be successfully surgically removed during laparoscopy.