Foreign companies have their products built in China for one reason. :) It's CHEAP to build there. But they also risk inconsistency. So the larger multi-million dollar companies like Nikon have to keep a team there to stay on top of things. Maintain some sort of QC. If you're less than a Nikon, or Samsung...And you have no one staying there to oversee things... As a consumer...we are for now biased against...buying anything made in China given the choice. Even from Taiwan...which isn't part of China. Till they manage to establish themselves as the Japanese have in producing reliable and high quality products. Or the Koreans. Till then...picky customers will look elsewhere... I would...even if I do like the sound from a cello made in China...Jay Haid brand or your Struna....most of us can't throw around our money mindlessly...on an intrument...
I have a factory-made Scott Cao import and I love it madly! He is magic!
Very informative yet again. Thank you.
+Y Kuku Thanx :)
Great videos but please cut down the screen time of the captioning at the bottom. It blocks the ability to see the instruments
+Brandon Smith Thanks for the suggestion. Will Do for the next ones. Glad you are enjoying the vids.
I prefer the sound of the Struna Maestro over the Scott Cao :)
Foreign companies have their products built in China for one reason. :) It's CHEAP to build there. But they also risk inconsistency. So the larger multi-million dollar companies like Nikon have to keep a team there to stay on top of things. Maintain some sort of QC. If you're less than a Nikon, or Samsung...And you have no one staying there to oversee things...
As a consumer...we are for now biased against...buying anything made in China given the choice. Even from Taiwan...which isn't part of China. Till they manage to establish themselves as the Japanese have in producing reliable and high quality products. Or the Koreans. Till then...picky customers will look elsewhere... I would...even if I do like the sound from a cello made in China...Jay Haid brand or your Struna....most of us can't throw around our money mindlessly...on an intrument...