You think this is hilarious which it is but you MUST watch "A home of your own" I do hope it's been downloaded because it's the FUNNIEST thing I have ever seen and it has a "Who's Who" of EVERY funny person you can imagine!
This is a remake of a remake. Original gags are either overdone or only given lip service. Had the original on a family vhs tape. Saw it in shop on cd, but it was a remake very similar to first one. One of the unique things about the original is that there are only 2 spoken words. If you want to watch the original in 2 parts here is a link to another channel
SYKES you plank! :p
It was made in 1967. The Plank is fucking hilarious!
You think this is hilarious which it is but you MUST watch "A home of your own" I do hope it's been downloaded because it's the FUNNIEST thing I have ever seen and it has a "Who's Who" of EVERY funny person you can imagine!
This is a remake of a remake. Original gags are either overdone or only given lip service. Had the original on a family vhs tape. Saw it in shop on cd, but it was a remake very similar to first one. One of the unique things about the original is that there are only 2 spoken words. If you want to watch the original in 2 parts here is a link to another channel
@7754349200 It's an MG