Hi ho, Loving your work, found your channel via urban van life. Getting funds together for a van build next year hopefully 🤞so will definitely be re-watching for advice and tips. The beards ok just needs time😆
sorry for the delay hope this link helps www.ebay.co.uk/itm/163652415143?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=WapsIZ-PRYy&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=qkhVtACcQ9q&var=463100254914&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
One of the first jobs on my list after the teardown and clean up. Nice job ;)
I still have the doors to do I was going over my outstanding job list this evening and came across it will this van ever be finished 😁
Hi ho, Loving your work, found your channel via urban van life. Getting funds together for a van build next year hopefully 🤞so will definitely be re-watching for advice and tips. The beards ok just needs time😆
That's great any questions just get in touch
Id be worried about heat loosening the matting, everything that goes on top of it might also be affected. How's it been Sam ?
Nothing to report everything is still where we pit it 3 years ago, great question 😁👍
Hey! Loving your videos. Just a quick question about what brand the blue sound deadening is?
sorry for the delay hope this link helps
Wot is the name of the prudes
Sorry not sure what you mean?