Depression Hiding Behind the Smile: Therapy Tuesday



  • @marquita83
    @marquita83 9 років тому +1

    yess that is my song! i def got chills def trust him continue to trust him he is there always keep the faith always and forever you will be ok i know its easier said than done and you are a strong person from what i have seen even though i havent known you for long time, i feel like i have known you forever continue to be strong and listen to that song and keep pushing through you will be ok, trust in him, prayer is always the key to anything keep praying you will get through this love you sis thankz for sharing this :) and keep smiling love you

  • @dibsimmons
    @dibsimmons 9 років тому +1

    Continue to trust Him, he won't leave you or forsake you. Powerful video!

  • @ahallm3
    @ahallm3 9 років тому +3

    Thank you Mama Daye....I need this I suffer from depression, I was on meds for a short time(been off for years) but the last two weeks it hit me like a ton of breaks. I'm working thought and its funny b/c I don't say anything to my girls but my baby girl has picked up that something is wrong. I just take it one moment and a lot of pray. Tonight I add one more person to my pray list you. Thank you again

  • @Simplyterri
    @Simplyterri 9 років тому +2

    Thanks for being so transparent in this video. I just wanted to HUG you. Prayer always helps you get though things. Thanks for sharing your testimony. Sending prayers your way for peace in your weak moments sis.

  • @LisaRoseTMBMakeup
    @LisaRoseTMBMakeup 9 років тому

    Girl, this is how you turn your test into a testimony!!!! He sees you, is working for you, through you and through every life you have and will continue to touch! Your bravery to share is amazing. It's not easy bearing your soul... #testify Love you Sis!

  • @BB-xv2xk
    @BB-xv2xk 7 років тому

    I can completely relate. Thank you for this sister!! Depression is a true struggle for me always looking at the bright side and being positive!!

  • @coilsoflove2012
    @coilsoflove2012 9 років тому

    Hugs sis. I know Depression very well. I have been diagnosed with Major Depressive disorder and it's not a joke. I see a therapist and I am so happy to have been able to seek help. I was ashamed, embarrassed, and felt so alone at one point. A few months ago I too made a video about my suffering with depression. Watching this really made me realize how far I have come from that day. I am glad you are able to talk about your depression and share your highs and lows with me. It really does take a neutral party to help you gather the insight others cannot. Thanks for sharing sis ♡♡♡

  • @TabithaSpeaksTVandLocs
    @TabithaSpeaksTVandLocs 9 років тому

    I love girl. Prayers going up for you darling. God Bless You.... Muah!!!

  • @go4thandconquer
    @go4thandconquer 9 років тому +1

    I'm so...happy you have someone to talk to that can help you right were you are. I trust you will overcome with the help of your counsel and the Lord. We all need to cleanse ourselves of secrets because they can be toxic. I've learned that people treat us the way we teach them to treat us. If we're always acting strong they don't know we need help nor do we give them the opportunity to demonstrate that they can and are willing to help us. Thanks for opening up and sharing. You are in my prayers. Be blessed and continue to Go4thandconquer!!!

  • @treasurednecessity489
    @treasurednecessity489 9 років тому

    Stacy, thank you thank you thank you! I have struggled with clinicial depression since I was 13. I understand your battle all too well. I have watched a few of your videos and love your sense of humor and silliness. It really helps to brighten my day. I'm easily amused so I laugh at almost anything lol I don't have the same condition as you but I do have mild cerenral palsy and after a surgery in 05 I believe developed some nerve damage. I have regretted having that surgery since then and I'm reminded daily due to the scars and the lack of feeling. I pray often! I pull on the Lord in prayer often. I cry often. There was a time where all I did was cry. But I'm so much better now. Dealing with the condition and this is very hard but I look foward to the day that Christ returns so that I can have my glorified body and be free from all this. Keep sharing and believe God to restore your body back to proper health. That's what I'm doing. God bless you for your transparency. Please know that your NEVER alone and that God is always with you! He is close to the broken hearted. Remember that. I wrote a blog series on depression where I got transparent and shared my story. If you would like to check it out, let me know I can will give you the link. This has really helped me and i know it has and will many many others! God will use you in this state and with this condition just as He has before but even greater! Hugs. I will be praying for you.

  • @faithwillwin
    @faithwillwin 9 років тому

    And.. Thank you for saying what I & many others feel.. It's so overwhelming at times, I can't find those words myself. "Putting your face on", to me, is twofold. First, its a way of protecting your loved ones from feeling your pain yet you want them to understand. It's so frustrating. The other is never wanting to appear out of control. After so many years & such extreme circumstances, I just don't have the energy for the "face" anymore. It takes all I have just to cope & stay sane.
    What is most sad is the loneliness, even in a crowd of friends & family & precious grandbabies because they're all having fun while I'm gritting my teeth just trying to sit up. I miss being normal soo much. It's a forever change in our lives tho & personally, I pray for grace to bear it. Praise GOD, He's coming soon to make us new.
    Bless you

  • @drapatjen
    @drapatjen 9 років тому

    Thanks for sharing your story. It really touched my heart. It will help others to know they are not alone. God bless you! Praying for you & your family. Sending virtual hugs!

  • @gacurlynatural1
    @gacurlynatural1 9 років тому

    TFS this personal video I know it wasn't easy to do. Depression is such a serious issue & hard to deal with & God will never let you down. You sharing this video let people know it's ok to share how your feeling. Also thanks for posting the hotline number this can save a life. Some people are more comfortable talking to a complete stranger because they feel less judged. God bless you & keep sharing your voice let the Lord use you.

  • @curlykiki8
    @curlykiki8 9 років тому

    oh my goodness, *****. my heart goes out to you. i had never heard of cauda equina syndrome before this video, but i just googled it. i'm so sorry. praying for you.

  • @siriyamwanamkemkakamavu
    @siriyamwanamkemkakamavu 9 років тому

    praying for you 😍

  • @michellemorris4530
    @michellemorris4530 9 років тому

    God bless you, you made a powerful statement with this video, I pray for you that God continue to give you strength and peace, and Blessing for your daughter as well as your entire family. God is seeing you through continue to trust him, believe in him, I will continue to keep you in my prayers, much live to you.

  • @evolutionofbeauty68
    @evolutionofbeauty68 9 років тому

    Thank You So Very Much for sharing Sis! I just wanna say I love you with the love of the Lord and God loves you even more, His love is eternal and I thank Him that he hears our cry and understands every tear even when words aren't spoken He knows and He Cares! When we are weak He is strong, the joy of the Lord is our strength I pray that God would encapsulate you in His Joy!!

  • @faithwillwin
    @faithwillwin 9 років тому

    I feel your pain sister. I know your pain so I pray our Lords blessing upon you.
    If ppl havnt experienced it, they can't understand it. I've been disabled due to uncontrollable pain for 30yrs now. It's stolen my life in so many ways. The nerve pain is like bee stings, paper cuts & shingles with a deep aching. The bottoms of my feet have been painfully numb for about 9yrs. The tops & toes feel like they're in a bucket of bees. The tenderest parts of your body, palms of hands, inner arms & legs are on cold fire & can't tolerate light touch, loose clothing, sheets, etc. Every morning is filled with excruciating, body numbing bowel & urinary pain that goes on for hours. That gets the rest of my body fired up for the rest of the day. Exhaustion and stress from that & living every day tolerating, gritting & bearing & coping the best you can becomes your daily routine. It's a very tough thing that takes a very strong person. A few doctors have suggested that I was depressed. I told them if they suffered like I do daily, they'd be depressed too. No one is pleasant while enduring pain. For me, pills aren't much help & I avoid them as much as I can because they cause more problems themselves so its really really hard. I was always a very physical & athletic person and I miss that so much. I miss calling my own shots & earning my own living. I believe our Creator is with me & is the ONLY one who understands ,& I can tell you, He's the only reason I've made it this long. There have been many times I didn't think I could go on but He is there to hold me in his arms.

  • @Nickyloveslove
    @Nickyloveslove 9 років тому

    wow...i just watched
    the video on
    "My Diagnosis of Cauda Equina Syndrome"
    .....i'm going to have to come
    back to this video!!!!....
    i want to just squeeze you~

  • @MsLanee89
    @MsLanee89 9 років тому

    Prayers and hugs to you. Like you said talking to God and seeking God in all that we do can make a world of difference. I don't have the same diagnosis as you, but trust me when I say I am praying for you. You stay strong and when you can't be strong you do what you can do in order to get to the next moment. Pray and ask for strength to be able to let those walls be torn down and let your husband in. I hope this doesn't come across as bossy or rude or anything of that nature just sharing what has helped me a little. Love!!!

  • @LadyDeevah
    @LadyDeevah 9 років тому

    I love you sooo much, you are so brave and courageous!!! I honor you for real!! If you get a chance to watch my Motivational Monday videos,
    Pls. Check them out!! You are in my prayers, and you are amazing!!!