Let's Play Final Fantasy Mystic Quest #10 - Jinn & Tonic

  • Опубліковано 1 лют 2025


  • @TylerDelynn
    @TylerDelynn 13 років тому

    The fact you do these videos simply because you love doing them is what I believe gets you the most respect as a person and as an LPer. When you love and enjoy it, it's much more enjoyable for the viewers, too.
    I appreciate your hard work and time put into these videos. You're one of my favorite LPers, HCBailly.

  • @NantoShin
    @NantoShin 13 років тому +1

    I would have never imagined that this classic RPG has more replay value, more exploration, better music and even a better story (simple) than any new RPG (FF13). I love this game.

  • @HCBailly
    @HCBailly  13 років тому +1

    @drunyon214 Thanks, I appreciate the support for the shorter episodes. I'm going to try to stick to 10-12 minutes for most episodes in the future. With FF13, I'll stick to 15 minutes, not so much because of the length of the game (it's moving by way faster than I thought it would), but because it takes so long to accomplish anything of value in modern games.

  • @NintendoCapriSun
    @NintendoCapriSun 13 років тому +1

    The Mine is probably my favorite area in the game, plus it is home to Jinn, who is responsible for my first internet handle ever, flamepillar. I bet people get sick of seeing me leave this comment on every single LP when it gets to this part.

    • @SheonEver
      @SheonEver 3 роки тому

      Someone read it 10 years in the future.

    • @novamaster0
      @novamaster0 2 роки тому

      @@SheonEver And someone read it 5 months later than that

  • @PlasticRequiem
    @PlasticRequiem 13 років тому

    Woot! I love Lava Dome. Cool environment and one of the best tracks in FFMQ,

  • @SirVyre
    @SirVyre 13 років тому

    >_> You know you must be doing it right when people really want your side LP more than your main LP. The way I pictured it is that you savior the side LPs and give them your all, because they might get overshadowed by the main LP if you didn't. Besides, we younger audience members could use a little delayed gratification. It builds character. That being said, I already cannot wait for the next Mystic Quest episode D:!

  • @FullMetalLineage
    @FullMetalLineage 13 років тому

    To HCBailly, i know you didnt want to discuss it, but a mace is a sort of club with a large blunt end, a flail is like a mace on the end of one or more chains tied to the part you hold onto, and a morning star is just a flail with spikes attached to the blunt balls on chains (meant to resemble the sun rising in the morning, the spikes being the suns rays)

  • @indignation01
    @indignation01 13 років тому

    considering the amount of effort it takes (or seems to take) making your FF13 LP, I don't know how anyone's surprised the side LP isn't a daily project... so much prep and off-screen material goes into your projects its amazing.

  • @robser2k
    @robser2k 13 років тому

    In my opinion the boss music fits HC's "FOR BOSS TIME!" just perfectly! I lllllike it! :)

  • @BrankoPlays
    @BrankoPlays 13 років тому

    wow , i miss you hc , haven't been on your channel in a while , i remember when side lp's were a new thing ! :)

  • @HCBailly
    @HCBailly  13 років тому

    @TheDragoon9713 Thanks. I appreciate the compliment. When I say "big names", I mean people who make internet videos for a living. To my knowledge, most of them seem to make about a video or two per week, and put a whole lot more production value per video. Obviously, such a format would not work for what I am doing, but this is what is fun for me, and that's more important to me than making a living from this.

  • @lackin124
    @lackin124 13 років тому

    Domes, solid flames, I'm having Chrono flashbacks!

  • @drunyon214
    @drunyon214 13 років тому

    @HCBailly I like the episode length for this LP. I often have trouble finding 15 minutes to watch an FF13 episode, but 10-11 for this LP is just right.

  • @MsBigB777
    @MsBigB777 13 років тому

    You are freakin' good at this game!

  • @AGregtothePast
    @AGregtothePast 13 років тому

    Great video as always. :D

  • @heroman7X
    @heroman7X 13 років тому

    man, the life spell seems so overpowered.
    healing, revive, instant kill, cures status ailments.

  • @JohnRayJr
    @JohnRayJr 13 років тому

    Actually not after Mystic Quest, but after XIII. It's a main LP. I'm psyched for it. :)

  • @Nagoragama
    @Nagoragama 13 років тому

    I never noticed the FFL2 Dad connection either until I watched your video just now, and I've played this game a bunch of times. Weird. I noticed it immediately this time though, and I was about to bring attention to it until you mentioned it yourself.

  • @ElfSponge
    @ElfSponge 13 років тому

    I've always liked the cave music in this game.

  • @LlanosDR
    @LlanosDR 13 років тому

    AND WE LIKED IT! haha your so awesome HCBailly

  • @BygPhattyPlus
    @BygPhattyPlus 13 років тому

    I've probably said this before, but that cave music where the boulder was sounded like it was from Narshe in FF6! Makes me wonder if Uematsu just recycled it for that game.

  • @SaviorGabriel
    @SaviorGabriel 13 років тому

    @HCBailly Yeah, in watching your LPs, you've always had just the right pace for everything.

  • @neoegg104
    @neoegg104 13 років тому

    10:15 - Going off the fact that the guy Benjamin and Reuben rescued looks like Dad from FFL2, (spoiler alert!!)
    There's the point in FFL2 when you have to go into the Cafe and play the jukebox to gain access to the rebel base. The jukebox costs 10GP to play a tune.

  • @JohnRayJr
    @JohnRayJr 13 років тому

    Could be right. He's over half-way done with the game though and it's episode 10. I can't see it taking more than 18 or 19. None of these dungeons take significant time with 95% of the battles cut out.
    I haven't played in something like 12 years, though. :)

  • @HCBailly
    @HCBailly  13 років тому +1

    @MWaser Don't people who have a normal job sell themselves? That's what everyone does. We exchange hours for dollars. They've simply managed to significantly reduce that ratio.

  • @HCBailly
    @HCBailly  13 років тому

    @lsthatadeer Thanks. I've corrected it.

  • @Burialhound
    @Burialhound 13 років тому

    the blizzard spell reminds me of the snowy spell from Super Mario RPG.

  • @neoegg104
    @neoegg104 13 років тому

    Also, have you ever heard this remix of the battle theme?
    Well, I can't paste a link, but it's on Newgrounds and titled "FinalFantasy MQ - Battle Theme" by DerHato.

  • @RamblingJosh
    @RamblingJosh 13 років тому

    It amuses me that I knew that boss was named Jinn just by looking at it... I mean I have played this game before, but the whole fire world is basically a giant blank in my memory, so it's not like I remembered x_x
    I guess when you spend your entire life playing RPGs you just learn the tendecies

  • @Leogon255
    @Leogon255 13 років тому

    You know HCBailly, if you like the music in this game you should check out Treasure of the Rudra. It's a Squaresoft RPG on the SNES with the same composer as Mystic Quest.

  • @XManiKKnightX
    @XManiKKnightX 13 років тому

    Reuben's dad looks a little like a video game sprite of Indiana Jones lol.

  • @HCBailly
    @HCBailly  13 років тому

    @toaker I probably misspoke there. I'm probably about halfway now. Still, it is very short.

  • @venomcoopa626
    @venomcoopa626 13 років тому

    They do get rid of Dad's hat in SaGa II! I was so upset to see that!

  • @Kato86
    @Kato86 13 років тому

    @JohnRayJr Not too argue but that calculation doesn't really hold up. The next area has more 2.5+ minor dungeons and then there's the final dungeon as well (come on, as if that's a spoiler) Depending on the video length he'll take a bit more than your estimate I assume.

  • @sonofdeleniel007
    @sonofdeleniel007 13 років тому

    Getting the claw reminded me of a super-easy way to kill a future boss. I'll tell you when you get within 3 or so episodes of that boss.

  • @OddtypeLPs
    @OddtypeLPs 12 років тому

    and here i thought i was being clever and original with my title for this part of my let's play of mystic quest! haha (Oddball)

  • @CottidaeSEA
    @CottidaeSEA 13 років тому

    The weapon is a flail I think. A morning star is just a mace with spikes... if I remember correctly. Then again, I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure it's a flail that Reuben uses though. Someone else probably already said it. I personally don't care what it's called. They are awesome, the end.

  • @spybloom
    @spybloom 13 років тому

    Does the charm claw increase magic like the cat claw does?

  • @drunyon214
    @drunyon214 13 років тому

    @toaker That was actually Raijin, ya know?

  • @Scarecrow2004
    @Scarecrow2004 13 років тому

    I actually like the magic animations in this game. I actually think they should of used it more often in their other other games but it's too late now.

  • @raddudeguy
    @raddudeguy 13 років тому +1

    Am I the only one who sees that Benjamin looks like Bartz? Or am I crazy?

  • @HCBailly
    @HCBailly  13 років тому

    @lecmg Do battlefields count?

  • @masamune1992
    @masamune1992 13 років тому

    hey HC are you still planning on doing a lets play of ff tactics? if you do that would be great you really can't find a really good lets play of tactics yet...

  • @chocobomog123
    @chocobomog123 13 років тому

    IIRC, if you fail to pick up the second tier claw, then get the third one, you can later replace the third tier claw with the second one.
    Also, you didn't happen to be in Florida this weekened, were you? I met someone with a voice that was very similar to yours.

  • @JohnRayJr
    @JohnRayJr 13 років тому

    **Spoiler Alert**
    Four main areas, with a minor dungeon and major dungeon in each. He has two major dungeons and one minor dungeon left. Should be done in 16 episodes: 17 tops.

  • @Kato86
    @Kato86 13 років тому

    Hu, Arion only reminded me of adventure archaeologists like Indy or Lemezs, but yeah, he does look just like dad. Lazy sprite thefts ;)
    The size of the gap alway irritates me much more than the size of the boulder, actually...
    And finally: I think it was just a really stupid joke, nothing else with the old prophet guy...

  • @NantoShin
    @NantoShin 13 років тому

    I actually did finish Persona 4 and loved it. However, it really doesn't have much that exploration. Just dungeon crawling a bit but thats it.

  • @SirJoelsuf1
    @SirJoelsuf1 13 років тому

    @TheDragoon9713: I think he is talking about Darksydephil and others who upload several videos per day.

  • @toaker
    @toaker 13 років тому

    @314Marvin He has Fuujin syndrom

  • @Implotion
    @Implotion 13 років тому

    Have you ever played Final Fantasy Adventure (Also known as Mystic Quest in Europe)?

  • @teckworks
    @teckworks 13 років тому

    Djinn and Tonic? Do they mix? :V

  • @HCBailly
    @HCBailly  13 років тому

    @mamatamba2 I'll probably LP Final Fantasy X someday, but not this year.

  • @midevil656
    @midevil656 13 років тому

    Do you plan on doing Lufia 2, Bailly?

  • @ErzieThe8
    @ErzieThe8 13 років тому

    @raddudeguy You're not the only one. I've been playing a lot of FF5A lately. You might be crazy though. I'm crazy in every situation. :D

  • @corjonbett
    @corjonbett 13 років тому

    Jinn has trouble if you hit him with a Charm Claw...

  • @RabTaylor
    @RabTaylor 13 років тому

    "Kiss me fat boy!" - nice IT reference :)

  • @soramuro
    @soramuro 13 років тому

    @HCBailly yes

  • @meteorite1209
    @meteorite1209 13 років тому

    @lecmg It's terribly linear, but it's still a very fun game. I'm not sure why, you really only need to mash the a button to beat most battles.

  • @CottidaeSEA
    @CottidaeSEA 13 років тому

    @Darlos9D Maybe. Oh well, doesn't matter. It hurts to get hit!

  • @venomcoopa626
    @venomcoopa626 13 років тому

    @Namegoesthere Yeah I can see that, but still, it was his thing.

  • @novamaster0
    @novamaster0 2 роки тому

    Pretty odd a cup of coffee is 10 GP whereas Ben's allowance is 2 GP a month.
    The average cup of coffee is $2.70 right now divided by 5 means that Ben's allowance is 54 cents/month...
    That's $6.48 a year.... or about a Quarter every 2 weeks.

  • @DestinyQx
    @DestinyQx 13 років тому


  • @bingostar826
    @bingostar826 13 років тому

    @TheDragoon9713 i cant help but agree i consider hc a big name..

  • @Hawlo
    @Hawlo 13 років тому

    Almost done with the game? Wait, what?

  • @toaker
    @toaker 13 років тому

    wait yor almost done? is the game that short?

  • @IcyknightDK
    @IcyknightDK 13 років тому

    Oh so smart HCBailly...

  • @toaker
    @toaker 13 років тому

    @HCBailly Dragon Quest 1 short?

  • @sithwinchester9221
    @sithwinchester9221 6 років тому

    Interesting fact: the Charm claw can break the game. If you ignore the charm claw, and then collect it after you get the Dragon claw, you actually can't complete the game. I found this out the very, very hard way. I'm glad you didn't do what I did.

  • @TheMelnTeam
    @TheMelnTeam 13 років тому

    having trouble getting it up eh =P.

  • @DivineMoogle
    @DivineMoogle 13 років тому

    @mamatamba2 yes i know that

  • @Trefitty1191
    @Trefitty1191 13 років тому

    HC.. What emulator do you use mate?

  • @Raltzer
    @Raltzer 13 років тому

    Big-Lipped Alligator NPC?

  • @Halcryder
    @Halcryder 13 років тому

    Are there any side quests in this game? Seems exceedingly linear.

  • @guyman34728
    @guyman34728 13 років тому

    Arion is the fater.

  • @AlterEgoX7
    @AlterEgoX7 13 років тому

    Hey HC? How's it going? :P

  • @leakeyboat
    @leakeyboat 13 років тому

    is this live commentary, or post commentary?

  • @UltimaKeyMaster
    @UltimaKeyMaster 13 років тому

    Damn, if only you had that claw in DW3. It'd be much easier to put enemies to SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEP without wasting a turn to do so.

  • @spudnspud
    @spudnspud 13 років тому

    SMT: Persona 4 is a new RPG and it's better than 95% of classic RPG's. If you haven't played it check it out.

  • @314Marvin
    @314Marvin 13 років тому

    I noticed HCBailly says "You know" alot. (Not that thats a bad thing since i say it in real life alot too.You know?)

  • @MWaser
    @MWaser 13 років тому

    Heh, true that. There's just a difference between people who have normal jobs and people about whom half of the world knows, isn't there?

  • @XhaosXin
    @XhaosXin 13 років тому

    @Implotion HC's already LP'd that game.

  • @MsBigB777
    @MsBigB777 13 років тому

    @HCBailly Uh..... I think you are a cool person and do you play a PSP game called, Dissidia Final Fantasy? If yes, who is your favorite character? If no, it is ok.

  • @Torqegood
    @Torqegood 13 років тому

    If you had to use your imagination...why even have a boulder on the screen?

  • @Brockcold
    @Brockcold 13 років тому

    the life spell is so broken in this game lol

  • @Tovath
    @Tovath 13 років тому

    @leakeyboat live

  • @DivineMoogle
    @DivineMoogle 13 років тому

    @mamatamba2 Actully not really its kinda the worst horrible plot. but awesome mages Lulu and Yuna are epic

  • @pious83
    @pious83 13 років тому

    Nice uses of word play aside, isn't that an old lady drink?

  • @MWaser
    @MWaser 13 років тому

    I'd say people who make a living out of Internet videos really need to rethink their lives. I can understand the ad revenues, but anybody selling T-shirts and things like these are just selling themselves. Especially if at the begging of the description you can see "like, comment and subscribe".

  • @RamblingJosh
    @RamblingJosh 13 років тому


  • @Sashgo
    @Sashgo 13 років тому

    Whats wrong with this games magic always going for the crotch of the enemies? Poor Sods.

  • @xercespriest
    @xercespriest 12 років тому

    The Hell?

  • @perspixx
    @perspixx 13 років тому

    Am I the only one who names my main character Muhammad?

  • @lsthatadeer
    @lsthatadeer 13 років тому

    sorry to be a nazi but if i'm not someone else will be, at the start you said lets rescue reubens father. but in the description you said arions father.

  • @needless1412
    @needless1412 13 років тому

    @perspixx well At Least it's Way Better than Adel XD

  • @dukeewen1092
    @dukeewen1092 8 років тому

    Lol says u know 15 time in one subject

  • @lucamibel
    @lucamibel 13 років тому


  • @jaysonwaterfalls
    @jaysonwaterfalls 13 років тому

    does your fiancee watch your videos?