I think this shows how the hand buff mechanic really works best from instant/battlecry effects. The deathrattles and secrets are too slow to get the buffs going. Warrior also has the same problem. It's why we only see Buffadin since they have effecient, fast buffs with Smuggler's Run and Grimstreet Outfitter.
Jaco i feel like that it is mosly because of the fact that the hunter handbuff mechanic is to inconsistent on the minions you really want to buff. Palladin had the fact going for it that your whole hand got buffed so your minions you want to get buffed alsways get buffed.
Hunter is officially the worst class in the game atm. Worse than priest was before this expansion. There's literally nothing hunter does better than any other class apart from having the best non legend 6 drop. You can't even exploit the secret + eaglehorn anymore as everyone has swamp ooze and it's too slow for use with the early pirates. Hunter desperately needed a 1 or 2 mana weapon.
Funny considering how resilient hunters were. Nerf after nerf, everyone was sure hunter would finally be dead in the water but the class proved to be the top SMOrc class time and time again. It was eventually overshadowed by another op class that toppled hunters and took their title of top SMOrc. They took away the one thing they are consistently good at and as a result, the class lost its identity.
+Mojo Jojo so true! It's patches or Reno now basically, so hunter needs a cheep weapon for the patches gameplan. But then again we get another hyper-Aggro class which I'm not a fan of honestly (well, hunter IS the hyper Aggro class of Hs, so It'd make sense and everything; it's just that even warrior, the epitome of control is now hyper-cancer, meaning - as you said - basically the developers fucked it up on oh so many levels here...). I loved playing mid range hunter, but 2 years of face hunter froze my compassion for hunters completely, so to say. ^^
Mojo Jojo sad but true against aggro pirates he too slow ang freeze trap is almost useless because some charge minion like patches or deckhand Against reno (especially renolock) it like first match in this vid, guldan now can clear anything hunter play then build taunt to prevent charge, really hopeless
Get aggroed down and if not then lock and load is useless because you used your spells to clear. You get outvalued by both dragon and reno decks so no?
WHAT ARE YOU THINKING with Genzo? I thought there was a rule about expecting your opponent to have removal for anything you play!? AKA WHY WE DON'T PLAY BIG MINIONS WITHOUT A POWERFUL BATTLECRY/END OF TURN EFFECT! Seriously though, I'd love to hear you explain the logic of Genzo because of how prevalent removal has been through the history of the game.
My hunter deck has been working out well. It is a variant on the Tundra Rhino, Scavenging Hyena combo deck that a few others have messed around with. Some personal editions to it are: Infest (good card draw, but be careful. Easy to overdraw with this card.) and Piranha Launcher (No seriously. The additional 1/1 piranha has put me over the edge with the scavenging hyena combo.) Single copy of both those cards.
When you build decks in your collection manager, you can choose not to finish building a deck, like leaving it with 27 cards only for example, that makes the deck non-playable and it ends up being crossed out in the play menu 😁
I actually might want to try a Secret Hunter sometime. I've been using a pretty balanced Beast Hunter (can you even say that since Hunter is all about Beasts anyway?) and so far it's my best deck as a FTP.
the best starting point for hunter imo is abusive sergeant, dire wolf alpha, rat pack. Maybe also Cult master and snake trap to rectify the draw problem.
I've tried these things, along with scavenging hyena. The main problem I ran into was still that you can't outrace the pirate decks. Also, as you arent as fast as those decks, it gives more controlly decks time to repeatedly clear your board of all the weak minions. But to be fair it didn't feel like it was too far off... maybe the next expansion will give the magic 1-3 more cards that deck needs to shine.
Problem is that Hunter doesn't have a great way to make it to the end game to make use of N'zoth. I have tried deathrattle decks with Hunter and the only time you win is when your opponent doesn't have answers to your minion curve...which is rare in Constructed. Unfortunately, the Hunter class is designed to push for face damage and ignore the board.
With an empty hand, you take 3 fatigue ticks. With 2 cards, you take 1 fatigue tick. Genzo basically draws (3 - X) cards, where X is the number of cards you have in your hand.
There is a good experimental deck that Trump as made on the last expansion?, haven't seen all the videos but all the one I saw had a good start then it goes to the trash
I tried a deck like this a few days ago. The biggest issue I ran into was the fact that you tend to get hands full of spells with no minions to buff. I ran more of the classic hunter cards though due to my f2p nature which resulted in a ton of spells.
Good starting example of how we can distinguish between low and high ranked aggro players out there. But ofc the crybabies will just label them 'low skilled' because they lost and need to maintain their elitist control attitude up all the times.
+Will Sm sure, Aggro players can be great as well. But let's be honest; there aren't many streamers supporting Aggro greatly (means: it isn't fun to watch/play), neither are there many players truly saying "hey, let's have some fun here and play hyper Aggro with games lasting 20seconds and do just one thing!". That's just grind, rush, insult - a game can and should be more than that, even when it is competitive!
How can you display the deck on the right? I mean,does Hearthstone provide a way to do that or you have to use a secondary program? I'm sorry,I started to play few weeks ago :(
I have been playing hunter for the past 3 months or so (i have my hunter at level 55 and my nearest other class is 19) so i have alot of experience with it!, currently, the highest i have got on ranked with hunter was rank 9 at the end of the december season. The deck i am running is: Secret keeper x2 Fiery bat x2 Grandmother x2 Explosive trap x2 Freezing trap x2 Cat trick x2 Quickshot x2 Eaglehorn bow x2 Cloaked huntress x2 Animal compainion x2 Release the hounds Kill command x2 Houndmaster x2 Stranglethorn tiger x2 Leeroy jenkins Savanah highmane x2 With this deck i have enough early game with fiery bat and it works well with houndmaster, the houndmaster itself ensures i have something to play on 4 and the stranglethorn tiger and the burn cards allow me to deal the last bits of damage i need even if i go behind on board or have little cards in hand! This is the only way i have found success and the buff mechanic just doesnt work and hunter has no catch up or draw power! I think in the gadgetzan meta, rank 9 with hunter, the least played class currently, isnt too bad 😊
So something I noticed watching this video and testing myself. A lot of death rattles. so N'zoth an option? But also most of the hand buff mechanics in hunter has to have beast synergy. so why not just do a control nzoth beast buff. or something along those lines +trump
Funnily enough, the only hunter you see (once in a blue moon, when the planets align) in Wild is N'zoth hunter, a deck that plays minions and minions that you have to remove, and then, when you are out of removal... BOOM, old god to the rescue, and they win next turn... if they did not win with all those deathratles and call of the wild already. It is... not that great, I don't think (although I play Reno Inspire Priest, or N'zoth Priest, so I usually eat hunters alive), but when they start winning, that's it, you can say goodbye to that game, because you have already lost. So you are not that far off, to be honest.
This is gonna sound nuts but could you turn this deck into a reno? Add in a mistress of mixtures for aggro, can add all sorts of things for anti-aggro like second rate bruiser etc. If you're gonna do science you may as well go full science!
I want the krush :( I can see hope in charge mechanic for hunter. stone tusk bour, King krush are nice with buffs, but when you have knuckles and tundra rino that is where the fun starts rolling with a don buff on one of them you really get silly. Draw seems to still be the problem. You need those fight promoters who else is going to see a 6/6 pig. Seems like a good attraction to draw for!
-2 Highmane, +1 Call of the Wild and either another Call or something earlier game. Call gives you a catch up mechanism and is better for the hand buff stuff, plus it may be heavy but Highmane wasn't getting played before 8 much anyway and was too slow on board.
TheSlick44y LnL secret-yogg hunter has been played before, pre-msog. Forgot how good/bad it was. But judging by the meta I remember back then, I guess it was bad. Don't think anyone tried it recently as msog didn't provide anything to the deck.
Genzo is a good card, unfortunately in the control/pirate-shaman meta we have now it's going to be killed everytime it hits the field. 4 health, usually, is too low to survive the aggro barrage and they're gonna drop that removal to get rid of it.
Big Brody kek nice. will see. no weeb ofcause... edit: mother on son... that sure slap me in the face XD (**** agains my own will) this is gonna be interesting.
Hunter can't find a patch because there is so much board clear out there now and the deathrattles aren't strong enough. That and no card draw means you fizzle on any long games
i think dopplegangster is the problem, it's too inefficient, too often does it sit in your hand and doesn't get buffed, you said yourself hunter has no catch up, so it can't afford to be messing around with cute synergies, dispatch kodo is obviously amazing though so i'd probably keep some buffs in i dunno but that's what i think and what i've gathered from what i played with similar decks previously still haven't perfected anything, i just think the gangster is too greedy
That first statement in the video should prove how much hearthstone has changed. Beta and the first few season it was "oh no nerf face hunter op op" now "you can't make it as aggressive as pirate decks, it doesn't have the tools" What a shame. The class with deal 2 face damage not strong enough for aggro deck.
I want to see Trump return to his Buff Paladin but - and hear me out - with Dirty Rat. Dirty Rat sacrifices tempo in that it gives your opponent a free minion, but it often makes up for it by costing your opponent value, considering how many high value Reno battlecries there are. Buff Paladin is unique in that you pretty equally match tempo and value, playing on curve but also getting high-stat minions. The weakness is that of course you are neither high tempo nor high value. But with Dirty Rat, your tempo is high enough that you don't fall too far behind, and against infinite value match-ups you might rob them of enough value that you outvalue them. Also, and I'm sure the Brodes planned this, but it triggers Fight Promoter.
I already made a better version of this deck on launch, remove unnecessary minions such as Genzo and Highmane since you really don't want to buff those, replace with Kill Command etc. It's a fun deck, has two ways to play out -- as a secret hunter start that overruns with tempo or you get a great combo off where you basically only have Kodo/Dopplegangster in your hand so the buffs hit, and those carry you to a win. With that said, it's not a strong deck at all, just a fun one.
Rat pack is terrible, it's an unleash that your opponent can see coming and thus dismantle. My best results with hunter is control with optional early secret aggro, dependent on a good opening hand of course... heh.
Yeah it is, and if you have two evolves in hand or pair it with Brann (10 mana combo so good luck) it can get pretty sweet. Right up until the Kazakus potion makes them all go baaaaa!
The fact that hunter is an utter dumpster fire of a class really sucks bc its always been "that class that has the best price-to-viability ratio" making it one of the go-to classes for F2P players along with Zoolock, but with Zoolock being almost completely dropped in favor for the pricier Renolock and Hunter just being dead entirely, F2Pers are gonna be permanently locked in the 20-12 ranks unless they either get stupid lucky with their packs or spend a LOT of time playing this game
Manassa Music The meta getting more aggressive, it's incredible value but there are more versatile cards out there that can be played earlier if needed to
In this meta I have got a constant deja vu. Every time, I play against the three same decks and get rekt after turn 6, Reno gg, Greetings LEEEEEEEEEEEEEROY, drood with 20 mana 12 Jade gg
This deck needs Brann. You're making a hand buff hunter with secrets being your counter to aggro. Brann/buffed gangster causes people to quit. It's about your only chance of winning with this deck.
i dont understand why he kept trading against that hunter 2nd match, when he had complete board control with a taunt minion... he couldve won a turn earlier instead of almost losing with 1 hp and getting off luckily
Julian Heske Kripp did a video with one recently, I actually liked it enough to play a homebrew version for quests...lost 70% of games but the surprise value was worth
Max Johnstone he just said that highmane was bad in the deck but he didnt wanna remove it cos highmane was still just good in its own but it needed taunt or heal ......................
Good deck , just replaced the whole deck with Midranged Shaman and switched to the Shaman class and it works great.
I think this shows how the hand buff mechanic really works best from instant/battlecry effects. The deathrattles and secrets are too slow to get the buffs going. Warrior also has the same problem. It's why we only see Buffadin since they have effecient, fast buffs with Smuggler's Run and Grimstreet Outfitter.
I really have to agree I tried to get buff hunter to work but the meta is too fast
Jaco i feel like that it is mosly because of the fact that the hunter handbuff mechanic is to inconsistent on the minions you really want to buff. Palladin had the fact going for it that your whole hand got buffed so your minions you want to get buffed alsways get buffed.
Jaco i have found a working nzoth warrior with 2 grimy gadgeteers, havent used the deck much but im currently 6-0
I was trying pirate hunter in wild with glaivezooka, but pirate warrior is still stronger. Also sludge and annoyotron make aggro a pain to play.
could also be becouse paladin cards actualy buff all minions in your hand and not just a random one
8:50 That delicious moment when u have explosive trap, anda the oponent have little annoying pirates, hehe
"Back to the dumpster!" such a perfect way to sign off
Hunter is officially the worst class in the game atm. Worse than priest was before this expansion. There's literally nothing hunter does better than any other class apart from having the best non legend 6 drop.
You can't even exploit the secret + eaglehorn anymore as everyone has swamp ooze and it's too slow for use with the early pirates. Hunter desperately needed a 1 or 2 mana weapon.
Funny considering how resilient hunters were. Nerf after nerf, everyone was sure hunter would finally be dead in the water but the class proved to be the top SMOrc class time and time again. It was eventually overshadowed by another op class that toppled hunters and took their title of top SMOrc. They took away the one thing they are consistently good at and as a result, the class lost its identity.
+Mojo Jojo so true! It's patches or Reno now basically, so hunter needs a cheep weapon for the patches gameplan. But then again we get another hyper-Aggro class which I'm not a fan of honestly (well, hunter IS the hyper Aggro class of Hs, so It'd make sense and everything; it's just that even warrior, the epitome of control is now hyper-cancer, meaning - as you said - basically the developers fucked it up on oh so many levels here...). I loved playing mid range hunter, but 2 years of face hunter froze my compassion for hunters completely, so to say. ^^
Mojo Jojo sad but true
against aggro pirates he too slow ang freeze trap is almost useless because some charge minion like patches or deckhand
Against reno (especially renolock) it like first match in this vid, guldan now can clear anything hunter play then build taunt to prevent charge, really hopeless
Well, well, well.
I think this deck could have used the Lock and load, turn 5 draw a bunch of cards if you have secrets + Huntress.
kinda true, but then again lock and load have proven to be so unreliable with the card quality
Get aggroed down and if not then lock and load is useless because you used your spells to clear. You get outvalued by both dragon and reno decks so no?
This deck helped me to reach 500 wins with Hunter! Thanks Trump for sharing this!
This sucks, hunter was my favorite class :/
WHAT ARE YOU THINKING with Genzo? I thought there was a rule about expecting your opponent to have removal for anything you play!? AKA WHY WE DON'T PLAY BIG MINIONS WITHOUT A POWERFUL BATTLECRY/END OF TURN EFFECT! Seriously though, I'd love to hear you explain the logic of Genzo because of how prevalent removal has been through the history of the game.
Wow, that concede from pirate warrior is very funny. I laugh so hard hahaha
My hunter deck has been working out well. It is a variant on the Tundra Rhino, Scavenging Hyena combo deck that a few others have messed around with. Some personal editions to it are: Infest (good card draw, but be careful. Easy to overdraw with this card.) and Piranha Launcher (No seriously. The additional 1/1 piranha has put me over the edge with the scavenging hyena combo.) Single copy of both those cards.
A hunter must hunt
Have you seen my eyes? Must be in a puddle.
A hoonter must hoont*
Must be in a poodle*
26:09 why is the Shaman crossed out? im new to Hearthstone
When you build decks in your collection manager, you can choose not to finish building a deck, like leaving it with 27 cards only for example, that makes the deck non-playable and it ends up being crossed out in the play menu 😁
"We gonna get some cash money yo!" - Prison Trump 2017 #PrisonTrump4Prezz2020
True Harambi, True....
Your all the same to me, you damn dirty ape, GETS HANDS OFF OF ME!
DRAGONMASTER :*( you're mean
Harambe died for a reason :^)
I actually might want to try a Secret Hunter sometime.
I've been using a pretty balanced Beast Hunter (can you even say that since Hunter is all about Beasts anyway?) and so far it's my best deck as a FTP.
is genzo a good pick for aggro-decks?
13:01 He lost 1 damage to face and finally he lost the game by 1 damage... This is hearthstone
the best starting point for hunter imo is abusive sergeant, dire wolf alpha, rat pack. Maybe also Cult master and snake trap to rectify the draw problem.
I've tried these things, along with scavenging hyena. The main problem I ran into was still that you can't outrace the pirate decks. Also, as you arent as fast as those decks, it gives more controlly decks time to repeatedly clear your board of all the weak minions. But to be fair it didn't feel like it was too far off... maybe the next expansion will give the magic 1-3 more cards that deck needs to shine.
I've played a similar deck when the expansion came out. Highmane was in but it felt really slow.
@TrumpSC what about a Nzoth Deathrattle Buff Hunter?
Problem is that Hunter doesn't have a great way to make it to the end game to make use of N'zoth. I have tried deathrattle decks with Hunter and the only time you win is when your opponent doesn't have answers to your minion curve...which is rare in Constructed. Unfortunately, the Hunter class is designed to push for face damage and ignore the board.
The worst problem is that blizzard gives us control and buff cards in a class without healing or shielding and only waveclear good against murlocs
What will happen if genzo attack and your oponent is in fadigue ?
Vitor Queiroz that actually kills the opponent (if they have less than 3 cards in their hand). Jeeves does the same too.
With an empty hand, you take 3 fatigue ticks. With 2 cards, you take 1 fatigue tick. Genzo basically draws (3 - X) cards, where X is the number of cards you have in your hand.
There is a good experimental deck that Trump as made on the last expansion?, haven't seen all the videos but all the one I saw had a good start then it goes to the trash
I tried a deck like this a few days ago. The biggest issue I ran into was the fact that you tend to get hands full of spells with no minions to buff. I ran more of the classic hunter cards though due to my f2p nature which resulted in a ton of spells.
how do you get that "overview" of your card wich is located to the right in the game? it looks really helpful
I don't get why people don't run Jade Golem cards with all the Grimy Goom buff cards. Would be OP.
.. its not the jade class
That sounds OP! Maybe even toss in Kazakus and pre-nerfed warsong commander.
pretty sure this is a troll comment but how would that be op anyway.
jade is OP by istelf, adding buff cards would make it more inconsistent
JBroMCMXCI you're trolling right?
Second win against shaman, that shaman was absolutely foolish to waste 3 damage with jade claws on the 2/2 kodo
Right? He put a lot of damage into minions. I think the problem started with killing the high mane. Too much damage into minions.
Hes just too good of a player to play face decks
Ah. Remember when the measure of good player was how much you WON? I miss those days.
Good starting example of how we can distinguish between low and high ranked aggro players out there. But ofc the crybabies will just label them 'low skilled' because they lost and need to maintain their elitist control attitude up all the times.
+Will Sm sure, Aggro players can be great as well. But let's be honest; there aren't many streamers supporting Aggro greatly (means: it isn't fun to watch/play), neither are there many players truly saying "hey, let's have some fun here and play hyper Aggro with games lasting 20seconds and do just one thing!". That's just grind, rush, insult - a game can and should be more than that, even when it is competitive!
Does Anyone know the music around 11:30?
Jack Stewart it's the stormwind city music
How can you display the deck on the right?
I mean,does Hearthstone provide a way to do that or you have to use a secondary program?
I'm sorry,I started to play few weeks ago :(
you need to add 2 x that spell that draws hunter cards based on number of spells u cast. that way you can 5 drop cast drop traps, refill hand
I have been playing hunter for the past 3 months or so (i have my hunter at level 55 and my nearest other class is 19) so i have alot of experience with it!, currently, the highest i have got on ranked with hunter was rank 9 at the end of the december season. The deck i am running is:
Secret keeper x2
Fiery bat x2
Grandmother x2
Explosive trap x2
Freezing trap x2
Cat trick x2
Quickshot x2
Eaglehorn bow x2
Cloaked huntress x2
Animal compainion x2
Release the hounds
Kill command x2
Houndmaster x2
Stranglethorn tiger x2
Leeroy jenkins
Savanah highmane x2
With this deck i have enough early game with fiery bat and it works well with houndmaster, the houndmaster itself ensures i have something to play on 4 and the stranglethorn tiger and the burn cards allow me to deal the last bits of damage i need even if i go behind on board or have little cards in hand! This is the only way i have found success and the buff mechanic just doesnt work and hunter has no catch up or draw power! I think in the gadgetzan meta, rank 9 with hunter, the least played class currently, isnt too bad 😊
So now that priest is OP is hunter the new class we're gonna complain about?
SageTM where priest is op
Could you not use power shot as a catch up mechanism?
So something I noticed watching this video and testing myself. A lot of death rattles. so N'zoth an option? But also most of the hand buff mechanics in hunter has to have beast synergy. so why not just do a control nzoth beast buff. or something along those lines +trump
Kinda stupid question, but what`s the outro song?
(Maybe its from WOW or Diablo etc,but I spent a little time in these games)
does anyone know the name of the app that shows the deck and the win rate at the side
What would be a good replacement for Genzo? I know there isn't anything that can compare but still
SS-Leiter Davis buzzard lol
SS-Leiter Davis put in Moroes for UNLIMITED VALUE
Cult master or even acolyte of pain
Why not put N'zoth in the deck? I mean you already have 2 highmanes and 2 zipgunners.
Funnily enough, the only hunter you see (once in a blue moon, when the planets align) in Wild is N'zoth hunter, a deck that plays minions and minions that you have to remove, and then, when you are out of removal... BOOM, old god to the rescue, and they win next turn... if they did not win with all those deathratles and call of the wild already.
It is... not that great, I don't think (although I play Reno Inspire Priest, or N'zoth Priest, so I usually eat hunters alive), but when they start winning, that's it, you can say goodbye to that game, because you have already lost.
So you are not that far off, to be honest.
what about Avian watcher, Azure Drake and put in curator to get the drake and a beast.
what is that song at the end? love it
I'd definitely switch the highmanes for call of the wild(x2) or one copy and one more secret. You need more spells for you buffs to land...
This is gonna sound nuts but could you turn this deck into a reno? Add in a mistress of mixtures for aggro, can add all sorts of things for anti-aggro like second rate bruiser etc.
If you're gonna do science you may as well go full science!
graveeking I feel like it'd dilute the consistency of the deck and weaken it's current focus , but I agree that a Reno hunter would be really cool ;)
graveeking the problem with control hunter is and always will be that the hero power is entirely useless for control
But why play Reno Hunter if Reno Lock exists?
I want the krush :(
I can see hope in charge mechanic for hunter. stone tusk bour, King krush are nice with buffs, but when you have knuckles and tundra rino that is where the fun starts rolling with a don buff on one of them you really get silly. Draw seems to still be the problem. You need those fight promoters who else is going to see a 6/6 pig. Seems like a good attraction to draw for!
Well, this is what happens when decks get even more aggressive than old school hunter.
Been trying variations, but it always feels less reliable than the non-secret versions.
-2 Highmane, +1 Call of the Wild and either another Call or something earlier game. Call gives you a catch up mechanism and is better for the hand buff stuff, plus it may be heavy but Highmane wasn't getting played before 8 much anyway and was too slow on board.
Why do secret heavy and cloaked huntress enabled decks and not run the 2 mana play a spell get a hunter card card?
LnL secret-yogg hunter has been played before, pre-msog. Forgot how good/bad it was. But judging by the meta I remember back then, I guess it was bad. Don't think anyone tried it recently as msog didn't provide anything to the deck.
What's the name of program he uses for that overlay? :D
How do i get this decklist? how is the application called?
what if you try to use handbuff on king krush?
the catch up mechanic is the enemy face.
could someone tell me some great hunter decks that can get you to legend?
15:00 Shaman could've swung with Jade Claws then played Doomhammer, get 4 damage in, doesnt waste the 1 charge.
That stormwind theme makes me wanna go back to wow. Y U do this Jens.
We got past rank 15, bois!
Pirate Warrior* in description.
Trump's nose looks like a ghost from Halo lmao
wait so why is freezing the only one of secret here?
Is Zoo still good?
Diego Cardim it's trash now
zoo just get rekt by pirate warrior
The large amount of early game weapons make Zoo a lot worse currently.
thank you trump for exploring and experimenting
"So we're Gonna get some cash money here" why trump is my favourite youtuber
No kill command or call of the wild?
23:20 Taking the greedy play would have landed him a 5-mana, three 11-11's in turn 8.
Genzo is a good card, unfortunately in the control/pirate-shaman meta we have now it's going to be killed everytime it hits the field. 4 health, usually, is too low to survive the aggro barrage and they're gonna drop that removal to get rid of it.
Surely Barnes is bad right? Like the only good pay offs are huntress and high mane, dunno maybe change it for something else :)
what does trump mean wit mc tech? i only know mc ren
mind control tech
mind control tech, the 3 mana 3/3 if opponent has 4 or more minions slap him in the face with a 20 inch dildo
Simon Eklund man you really have to read the hentai called scarlet desire, i got a boner that went up to the sky when i read it
Big Brody kek nice. will see. no weeb ofcause...
edit: mother on son... that sure slap me in the face XD (**** agains my own will) this is gonna be interesting.
well i only said this is gonna be interesting :)
i didn't bail out.
Hey Secret Hunter, you're looking pretty buff today man.
Hunter can't find a patch because there is so much board clear out there now and the deathrattles aren't strong enough. That and no card draw means you fizzle on any long games
How'd he go from 0-1 to 3-0?
changed 2 cards, so the counter reset Kappa
finally, new season, finally, new experimental decks :D
Remove Grenzo and add hound master. Come on, Hound master synergy with rat? Not to mention EVERY OTHER beast in the deck? Plus, Grenzo sucks.
I agree, Trump has no clue what hes doing.
Patrick Allen like you do are you paid to play hs I don't think so
Same with Dopplegangster. It's gimmicky and unreliable.
You undeniably need cards though.
Rogelio? you can't be that damn stupid, I'm a fucking player Unlike that damn commercial idiot.
Chuck Evolve in where possible? Love that with Dopplegangster.
i think dopplegangster is the problem, it's too inefficient, too often does it sit in your hand and doesn't get buffed, you said yourself hunter has no catch up, so it can't afford to be messing around with cute synergies, dispatch kodo is obviously amazing though so i'd probably keep some buffs in
i dunno but that's what i think and what i've gathered from what i played with similar decks previously still haven't perfected anything, i just think the gangster is too greedy
That first statement in the video should prove how much hearthstone has changed. Beta and the first few season it was "oh no nerf face hunter op op" now "you can't make it as aggressive as pirate decks, it doesn't have the tools" What a shame. The class with deal 2 face damage not strong enough for aggro deck.
I want to see Trump return to his Buff Paladin but - and hear me out - with Dirty Rat. Dirty Rat sacrifices tempo in that it gives your opponent a free minion, but it often makes up for it by costing your opponent value, considering how many high value Reno battlecries there are. Buff Paladin is unique in that you pretty equally match tempo and value, playing on curve but also getting high-stat minions. The weakness is that of course you are neither high tempo nor high value. But with Dirty Rat, your tempo is high enough that you don't fall too far behind, and against infinite value match-ups you might rob them of enough value that you outvalue them. Also, and I'm sure the Brodes planned this, but it triggers Fight Promoter.
I already made a better version of this deck on launch, remove unnecessary minions such as Genzo and Highmane since you really don't want to buff those, replace with Kill Command etc. It's a fun deck, has two ways to play out -- as a secret hunter start that overruns with tempo or you get a great combo off where you basically only have Kodo/Dopplegangster in your hand so the buffs hit, and those carry you to a win.
With that said, it's not a strong deck at all, just a fun one.
Replacement for Genzo the Shark?
Probably Coldlight Oracle, but the idea is to get synergies with the Barnes
Rat pack is terrible, it's an unleash that your opponent can see coming and thus dismantle.
My best results with hunter is control with optional early secret aggro, dependent on a good opening hand of course... heh.
Rat pack without a buff is a haunted creeper with +1 attack for +1 mana, so cutting it seems justified
whats the outro song
A really cool deck idea would be dopelgangster and evolve 6 mana 3 6 drops
Yeah it is, and if you have two evolves in hand or pair it with Brann (10 mana combo so good luck) it can get pretty sweet. Right up until the Kazakus potion makes them all go baaaaa!
The fact that hunter is an utter dumpster fire of a class really sucks bc its always been "that class that has the best price-to-viability ratio" making it one of the go-to classes for F2P players along with Zoolock, but with Zoolock being almost completely dropped in favor for the pricier Renolock and Hunter just being dead entirely, F2Pers are gonna be permanently locked in the 20-12 ranks unless they either get stupid lucky with their packs or spend a LOT of time playing this game
Why is Call of the Wild no longer being played?
Manassa Music The meta getting more aggressive, it's incredible value but there are more versatile cards out there that can be played earlier if needed to
Because you've already lost by turn 9 if you're playing hunter
+Realthx LOL
It's too slow. Most games against aggro are won or lost before turn 9 and the reno decks will be in control by then
Because Hunter is no longer being played so even priests can't thoughsteal it.
In this meta I have got a constant deja vu. Every time, I play against the three same decks and get rekt after turn 6, Reno gg, Greetings LEEEEEEEEEEEEEROY, drood with 20 mana 12 Jade gg
Kibler made two good hunter builds recently
Can't Trump the Trump
Trump the Trump Can't
Can't Hump the Stump
David Harris can't bump the thump
Can't dump the lump
David Harris Can't stump the trump
Do you think Hunter would become more viable if they unnerfed the nerf to Call of the Wild?
why not make it a bit more midrange and add nzoth?
i love these experimental decks
so Trump wants to "make hunter great again"?
This deck needs Brann. You're making a hand buff hunter with secrets being your counter to aggro. Brann/buffed gangster causes people to quit. It's about your only chance of winning with this deck.
i dont understand why he kept trading against that hunter 2nd match, when he had complete board control with a taunt minion... he couldve won a turn earlier instead of almost losing with 1 hp and getting off luckily
how did he not coin cloak, 3 secrets. Got lucky with the secretkeeper draw
Because then the minions would have just traded with the clocked huntress and he would have lost her for nothing.
Wtf, I really thought quick shot was added in nexramas, apperently not since it's still played in standard. Mandela effect much?
We are back to that stage: find the unicorn deck! lol good times
Try out malygos Hunter it's really good
So weird seeing Hunter win considering I have a ((3 or 4)-0) record against it with patchless shaman.
I know a Reno hunter would be terrible but i would love to see it.
Julian Heske Kripp did a video with one recently, I actually liked it enough to play a homebrew version for quests...lost 70% of games but the surprise value was worth
power shot is decent anti agro / catch up
Keep winning like 7 in a row with a similar deck then get countered all the way bavk to the start how fun
change savannahs to something with taunt probably the new ogre to counter aggro along with a buffed taunt is good vs aggro instead of woofs
MoDRun you're bad and that is a terrible idea. This is a curve deck to an extent and highmane finishes the curve.
Max Johnstone he just said that highmane was bad in the deck but he didnt wanna remove it cos highmane was still just good in its own but it needed taunt or heal ......................
MoDRun trump isn't always right, hunter doesn't need taunts and heals