How safe do Lambeth’s young people feel in the borough?

  • Опубліковано 29 бер 2020
  • As part of its Lambeth Made Safer strategy, which seeks to address serious youth violence in the borough through a number of connected interventions, we sought out the views of young people in Lambeth.
    Without them telling us about their lives, all our work will be in vain.
    With the help of Lambeth Made, we have been actively engaging them through a series of interviews, surveys and events.
    We asked them to talk about their experiences growing up in Lambeth and to give us ideas for how to Make Lambeth Safer.
    They told us that crime and violence are both major factors that stop them from feeling safe on the streets of the borough.
    They also revealed that because of the fear of violence, often from their own peers, they abstain from certain activities such as going to the cinema or even just riding a bike on the street.
    Asked how to solve the problem, they identified education for both adults and young people together as being needed to help us to counter knife and other crime.
    Find out what our young people told us by watching this video.