Although I think prof. Wolff is presenting a fair picture of what has happened in USA, not all of it, but some of the key issues, I would like to warn about is the fact that not everything in the EU countries like France or Germany is all that good. There is a lot of hierarchy here, and a lot of the say is in the hands of few big and powerful families. When you are at the end of a ladder, you end up staying there for the rest of your life. They don't like it when you move up.
That's not Marxism, not one of those nations took it to real socialism, meaning workers owning the means of production. In the USSR , China, and Cuba it is state officials who run companies, instead of CEOs, no changes for the workers. Venezuela it is capitalists causing the problems there, like every other Latin American country. However today China has a 6.6% growth rate vs the USA 2.2%, and China had a 5 year plan to slow the growth rate and focus on social issues such as access to education, pollution, and poverty. The plan was to slow growth rate to 6.5%, and they are doing better then expected. Bolivia is another country with very fast growth rate, over the years. Cuba has the best healthcare system in the world. And Russia is no longer communist, so that is not relevant.
Absolutely another Masterpiece speech by Dr. Wolff. As a PHD student I am getting ready to join Dr. Wolff movement to build a better America for all and not the selfish evil 1% rulling class.
The primary reason the unions are in decline is that they have been shooting themselves in the foot by alienating would be members supporting initiatives unrelated to labor rights. For example, I have refused to join the NEA because they support LGBT dominance and Planned Parenthood, culture war agendas that have nothing to do with the right of teachers to be paid on par with other professionals. If the unions would stay out of the culture wars and stick to worker rights, which would cover LGBT and abortion workers under the umbrella of all workers, they could easily double or triple their membership and clout.
Can something be reported about how stray cats are breeding and our local government doesn’t help citizens who trap, neuter and get them rabies shots, cares for them, etc? It takes a village. Letting them suffer, going into garbages, or killing them isn’t the answer. Passing a TNR amendment doesn’t help. Real, practical help of hiring people, and paying rescuers/trappers will help. It is a community issue!
@thegreatmonster I agree, but the US is also quite rigid in its hierarchy. We speak of a mythical social mobility, but study after study shows we have comparable mobility to that of Western European countries. The thing is, in Europe it is recognized, so help should be given to people stuck on the lower rungs. In the US, we pretend to be upwardly mobile, so no help should be given (i.e., if you don't rise, it's your fault because we are mobile).
I find it exciting to know that someone like Richard Wolff teaches at one of my two Alma Maters, the Univ. of Massachusetts! I am one of the few alumni of U. of M. (B.A.) and Kent State University living up here in Québec. Rock on, Richard!!
Mr. Wolff is a very persuasive fellow... He might have a point that the brand of capitalism that we have had in the past twenty five years with the advent of the "Fantastic Four": Greenspan, Summers, Rubin and Levitt in the Clinton years, has created an abysmal mess with the sovereign debts around the world, but I I would like to call on him an oxymoron he used in the very beginning of his speech... Apparently, the University professors he spoke with in Athens were complaining that they were getting 20% less salary being part of a Public Education system (read: totally free to all, including in most cases free room and board!) and at the same time they were wondering how they would be able to pay(?) for their children's (FREE!) education!..
funny how the elitists never openly address the exploitation necessary to capitalism. also funny how they say socialism requires external force, as if the implementation and perpetuation of capitalism did not require external force as well.
Capitalism is not perfect by any means, but it is far better than any form of Socialism or communism . The only example you need to look at is North & South Korea . On one side you have 60% of the poulation starving , and unless you enroll in the military there is no way to make a living. On the other side you have one of the fastest growing economies in the world , much higher living conditions and much less regulations and restrictions . and over 5 times the paying wages per person . You decide which is best
If we're going to use bureaucratic dictatorships as examples, can I use Saddam Hussein and Mubarak and Gaddafi and so on as examples of what's wrong with capitalism? Or can we agree that dictatorships are bad and get back on the topic of economics?
joe jarden The real problem lies with you hipster pajama boys , who want a socialist system in place because you're too lazy and stupid to hold a job, so you would rather have money taken from people who actually work and have it handed out to you through services like food stamps and free housing . That way you can spend what little of your own money you have on horn rimmed glasses and skinny jeans. And if your ideas of " progress " is continuing to raise the national debt after Obongo has more that doubled it , then yes ! I am against it. Move to France if you want socialism , quit trying to destroy my country with your liberal extremism .
Good keep on contributing to driving purchasing power of the people down. The less money people have to spend, the less profits there are, people with little money are angry people. Hopefully we will start removing copyrights to corporations who don't do business here.
You know what the biggest problem in the work force is? It's the ability to borrow money. Just think, What professor Wolf said is basically true, except for one thing. If there were no lenders, where would these corporations gain their wealth? If the people have no money to buy goods, than what ever little money they have will go to essentials. That means you won't be able to buy a car, pay a mortgage, go to school, or most other things people do. The US has the third highest population in the world, so without banking you wouldn't be able to save money for future endeavors.Think on how much money the US spends on military, where would they get their money if not from the bank? No, corporations and governments not only allow those that are debters to go more into more debt, they push it like a pusher pushes drugs. In the end, it won't be the rich nor the government that will have to pay the bill when it comes due, it will be whomever left over in the country because all the others that have means have moved out.
Shame that the Portuguese "social-democratic" party, PSD, won the elections with the help of the other neo-liberal party CDS, after the events described by Professor Richard D. Wolff in the beginning of this talk . Their main policies after taking power were extremely dubious. The PSD/CDS pro market government consequently carried on with the next round of austerity measures, going even further than what was initial demanded by the "troika". Solidarity from Portugal!
Then you don't have a social democracy. You have the phrase social democracy, but it is still neolibs at the helm. Don't worry though in the USA we have both the neocons and neolibs at the helm.
you talk out of both sides of your mouth. yes corporations should pay their fair share, but the government is too big and spending wildly on too much evrywhere but you want the government to redistribute the wealth like robinhood. we want all the benefits but not pay for them. cant have you cake and eat it too.
Good Thinking, maybe we can understand why statistics are false ? How can they be correct when money shrinks or gets to grow more than enough on other periods ? We could not have a universal standardized measure in working time ? Could any one of economists compensate for mecanization, total time for working , resources and minerals' standardized prices, varying taxes , shadow economy ...... ouufffff , it's a mess how can you standardize a mess like that ??? So statistics are bullshit for me , until you get a standardized measure for economic values !!!! The social activity has an important influence on that too !!!
have labor movements of the past 100 years powered the growing technological unemployment now faced in the 21st century? Especially for developing countries? Creating diversions, stalling growth and misframing conditions. personalities as much as protocols perpetuate systems
Good point. So losing battle. But no reason to give up fight would be your position? Ever considered that it was misapplication of energy from onset? And still is No reasoning with mechanical windmills right? Or angry mobs The kind that accelerated timber processing like never before, so we could start exporting wooden clogs. To put shoes on feet and money in banks. Just so we could build harder roads, to transport heavier materials, in order to build higher walls, so we could grow larger and angrier mobs? Makes sense.
But what (it seems) you're arguing is that because of "Big labour"'s errors of the past, they are somehow contributing to the problem now. Did they make errors? Yes. Any organizational or ideological group will have such examples, given long enough. But to hint that somehow they have as much share in this issue as the groups he's critiquing is asinine. And if what the issues were before are largely inconsequential now, there's no reason to bring it up. In other words, it's a complete red herring. This is especially true given that he's not espousing the return of that specific form of labour.
labor capital dichotomy is outmoded in present day circumstances, and thus is misleading, and so yes, is part of the problem if you ask me. Given that most people are born into debt, because the most basic keys to a living is an education that costs money, which needs to be borrowed and then paid back with interest. Something that previous generations (in totality) never fully finish doing How about directly tackling issues of personal wealth or trans-generational wealth transmission then, or even how monopolies and oligarchies are formed with the backing of state apparatuses and military might? If you're going to insist on forwarding us versus them mentality. between so-called haves and have nots that is. Ok good day. BTW you're not a communist pinko are you?
weewilly2007 You seem to be arguing against something that isn't there. I just said that he's not espousing the former model. And you then slam the former model. Guess what, so is he. :P It's still a red herring because you're bringing up issues that simply aren't issues anymore. It's bogeyman syndrome. We need to deal with what we have now. And veiled communist ad-hominems are rather ironic here, especially given that a large portion of what he's saying is that we need to learn from socialist enterprise. Adopt it wholesale? Certainly not. But there are lessons to learn there that we are missing because people like you buy into McCarthyist rhetoric. The middle portion of your rant is largely true. Overly expensive education is a problem. The push to remove the estate tax is ridiculous. The Oligolopolies are a massive issue. As is Citizen's United and the blatant buying of power. Given that most of that is true, and that a small cadre of super-rich are corrupting the system to keep it that way, it's hard *not* to have an us-vrs.-them mentality. It's going to drive the entirety of North America into the ground if it's not reversed.
I think they are on the verge of tears because they have listened to what Professor Wolff has said and they are scared. If there is anybody who is not afraid then they haven't been watching or listening to what is happening to the world economy.
wariswrong1 they're just nervous. We're not used to seeing Americans struggling with public speaking, but these guys are. Probably because they're intellectuals rather than psychopaths and assholes.
No tears please, it is not necessary, just look up class struggle, a word eliminated from american great culture since 1947 / 1949 , by big corporations and polititians and parties in Washington !
That governor of Ohio he mentioned... was John Kasich. The moderate, sane candidate of the GOP (which he is) still believes in beating down labor, austerity, well austerity for most, of course lower taxes on rich.
?? and that make him the sane candidate of the GOP. no wonder Trump won.. because if you haven't notices in Greece and most of Europe Austerity isn't exactly a very popular idea
Corporations and businesses in general pay no taxes, at all. All their "taxes" are simply paid by their patrons. I'm in favor of all people paying less of their money to our bloated government. People "hoarding" their own money seems unfair to you. You are greedy. American corporations who cut labor to increase their profits also increase the value of their stock, which benefits anyone who owns that stock. That can be anyone, even you. It is Capitalism that has made this country great.
richard wolff is spot on. my one disagreement would his comment about the republicans pushing things too far and the anger resulting. Because both parties are veering to the right, because there is no alternative in the political system, unlike greece, portugal etc. So the anger, politically speaking, has no where to go. It's the same here in Australia, sadly.
There is just 1 programming rule needed in a banking application, and we all have life entrance (some call it basic income, but it is not income). This costs nothing, not even time. Just one programming rule. And let with every transaction the money dissolve automatically for a part, like 1/1000. With this, everybody can make new choices in own life and no dependancy on 'outside economy' anymore. Taxes will vanish by itself, 90% of the structures too, all collective problems too. Costs nothing.
The one thing I disagree with is the corporate tax. In todays globalized world, I think its just difficult to do (unless we get some global corp tax) and right or wrong, talks of more will justify shipping more jobs away. I'd rather eliminate the corporate tax (along with universal healthcare so employers no longer need to pay for insurance) so we can instead raise cap gains/dividends taxes, top income tax rates, enact a financial transaction tax and a higher estate tax
I'd rather eliminate copyrights, because copyrights don't exist in the constitution. However taxing businesses does exist in the constitution. Capitalists don't want to be accountable for anything, profit at all costs. They steal the people's tax dollars in the form of tax refunds, subsidies, tax breaks, and bailouts. The also steal our tax dollars by privatizing public services. Our tax dollars are there to benefit the people, they are not for corporate profits period. If a corporation wants to do business overseas let them, but remove their copyright charter here. Remove any tax cuts here, they're no longer are interested in serving public interest. We can then promote worker owning the means of production. Healthcare needs to be not for profit, which is the most cost effective way to approach healthcare? That would be cures for pains and diseases, something a for profit healthcare system will not do. In order to make universal healthcare succeed, you have to make healthcare not for profit.
hey Wolff give my prototype Wolfgang (SH) a kiss on the belly button with a manuscript on Gramsci - be careful what you read, use Lawrence & Wishart texts (upto 1986); the journal "Praxis"; publications of the International Gramsci Institute; and any stuff by Italian so-called "Stalinists". Avoid Pathfinder Press, Zed Books, Bookmarks, etc., that deliberately counterpose Gramsci with Lenin (in reality Gramsci was a bloody good Leninist) and of Gramsci's own works - only use L&W and International Publishers to avoid triangulation. Really all you need to begin with is "Selections From the Prison Notebooks" and his commentary on "The Prince"
Horsifer I know Wolfgang's Tepra-propralite mind is wierd on paper because he lacks Aristole backup and Gramsci frontpage in his wiring. He's another lovely talker but on paper he has grammer-prerexrical disfunction. With wider wiring in materialism he could beat Lukacs and Mao ... he has very logical inputs but dragspag outputs on his drive page.
History wise he is right on point.. we May don’t like it… but still holds true… most people will never see it that way
Solidarity from Portugal!
there are marxists in a capitalist countries. but there are no capitalists in a marxist / socialist / communist countries! wonder why?
He tells it like it is!! 👍👍👍
Although I think prof. Wolff is presenting a fair picture of what has happened in USA, not all of it, but some of the key issues, I would like to warn about is the fact that not everything in the EU countries like France or Germany is all that good. There is a lot of hierarchy here, and a lot of the say is in the hands of few big and powerful families. When you are at the end of a ladder, you end up staying there for the rest of your life. They don't like it when you move up.
USSR china cuba cambodia venezuela..the joys of Marxism...
That's not Marxism, not one of those nations took it to real socialism, meaning workers owning the means of production. In the USSR , China, and Cuba it is state officials who run companies, instead of CEOs, no changes for the workers. Venezuela it is capitalists causing the problems there, like every other Latin American country.
However today China has a 6.6% growth rate vs the USA 2.2%, and China had a 5 year plan to slow the growth rate and focus on social issues such as access to education, pollution, and poverty. The plan was to slow growth rate to 6.5%, and they are doing better then expected. Bolivia is another country with very fast growth rate, over the years. Cuba has the best healthcare system in the world. And Russia is no longer communist, so that is not relevant.
Absolutely another Masterpiece speech by Dr. Wolff. As a PHD student I am getting ready to join Dr. Wolff movement to build a better America for all and not the selfish evil 1% rulling class.
The primary reason the unions are in decline is that they have been shooting themselves in the foot by alienating would be members supporting initiatives unrelated to labor rights. For example, I have refused to join the NEA because they support LGBT dominance and Planned Parenthood, culture war agendas that have nothing to do with the right of teachers to be paid on par with other professionals. If the unions would stay out of the culture wars and stick to worker rights, which would cover LGBT and abortion workers under the umbrella of all workers, they could easily double or triple their membership and clout.
Can something be reported about how stray cats are breeding and our local government doesn’t help citizens who trap, neuter and get them rabies shots, cares for them, etc? It takes a village. Letting them suffer, going into garbages, or killing them isn’t the answer. Passing a TNR amendment doesn’t help. Real, practical help of hiring people, and paying rescuers/trappers will help. It is a community issue!
So like every great Empire, they progress until they can't progress anymore and then collapse. Is that what he's saying?
SAD 😭🥺 ABOUT this situation for you he AMERICAN PEOPLE....
@thegreatmonster I agree, but the US is also quite rigid in its hierarchy. We speak of a mythical social mobility, but study after study shows we have comparable mobility to that of Western European countries. The thing is, in Europe it is recognized, so help should be given to people stuck on the lower rungs. In the US, we pretend to be upwardly mobile, so no help should be given (i.e., if you don't rise, it's your fault because we are mobile).
The talks start at 6:40
Yes, it's true what is said of Germany. They are true communities.
I find it exciting to know that someone like Richard Wolff teaches at one of my two Alma Maters, the Univ. of Massachusetts! I am one of the few alumni of U. of M. (B.A.) and Kent State University living up here in Québec. Rock on, Richard!!
It would be nice to see more people watching these type of videos instead of kittens! The views should be in the 10s of millions!
America's just too darn Greedy and self-fish how can one 1% of the people have all the money 🤔 your greed is going to sink your
Mr. Wolff is a very persuasive fellow... He might have a point that the brand of capitalism that we have had in the past twenty five years with the advent of the "Fantastic Four": Greenspan, Summers, Rubin and Levitt in the Clinton years, has created an abysmal mess with the sovereign debts around the world, but I I would like to call on him an oxymoron he used in the very beginning of his speech... Apparently, the University professors he spoke with in Athens were complaining that they were getting 20% less salary being part of a Public Education system (read: totally free to all, including in most cases free room and board!) and at the same time they were wondering how they would be able to pay(?) for their children's (FREE!) education!..
TAXATION without REPRESENTATION is not allowed any more!
Taxation with representation is not allowed either man !
funny how the elitists never openly address the exploitation necessary to capitalism. also funny how they say socialism requires external force, as if the implementation and perpetuation of capitalism did not require external force as well.
Wolff starts at 6:45
We had better 🙏. Our country is under attack by some of our OWN.
Capitalism is not perfect by any means, but it is far better than any form of Socialism or communism .
The only example you need to look at is North & South Korea .
On one side you have 60% of the poulation starving , and unless you enroll in the military there is no way to make a living.
On the other side you have one of the fastest growing economies in the world , much higher living conditions and much less regulations and restrictions . and over 5 times the paying wages per person .
You decide which is best
If we're going to use bureaucratic dictatorships as examples, can I use Saddam Hussein and Mubarak and Gaddafi and so on as examples of what's wrong with capitalism? Or can we agree that dictatorships are bad and get back on the topic of economics?
inuyashaxx Gaddafi wanted his own currency ....They froze his acts of us dollars and took him out ...Governments don't rule banker do
Reginald Fitzpatrick North and South are not Socialism nor communism. People have nothing to say about product or anything else.
joe jarden You are correct. Some people have no idea of what they are talking about.Trouble connecting the dots I guess.
joe jarden
The real problem lies with you hipster pajama boys , who want a socialist system in place because you're too lazy and stupid to hold a job, so you would rather have money taken from people who actually work and have it handed out to you through services like food stamps and free housing . That way you can spend what little of your own money you have on horn rimmed glasses and skinny jeans.
And if your ideas of " progress " is continuing to raise the national debt after Obongo has more that doubled it , then yes ! I am against it.
Move to France if you want socialism , quit trying to destroy my country with your liberal extremism .
I'm decreasing the labour supply to help push wages up :D cheers!
Good keep on contributing to driving purchasing power of the people down. The less money people have to spend, the less profits there are, people with little money are angry people. Hopefully we will start removing copyrights to corporations who don't do business here.
You know what the biggest problem in the work force is? It's the ability to borrow money. Just think, What professor Wolf said is basically true, except for one thing. If there were no lenders, where would these corporations gain their wealth? If the people have no money to buy goods, than what ever little money they have will go to essentials. That means you won't be able to buy a car, pay a mortgage, go to school, or most other things people do. The US has the third highest population in the world, so without banking you wouldn't be able to save money for future endeavors.Think on how much money the US spends on military, where would they get their money if not from the bank?
No, corporations and governments not only allow those that are debters to go more into more debt, they push it like a pusher pushes drugs. In the end, it won't be the rich nor the government that will have to pay the bill when it comes due, it will be whomever left over in the country because all the others that have means have moved out.
@kearyda You need to watch again, you didn't get it...
Glib but rife with contradictions. But he's a collectivist so that is expected.
Because they think we are stupid mr.woulf .
WBAI stopped broadcasting in Oct of 2019
Shame that the Portuguese "social-democratic" party, PSD, won the elections with the help of the other neo-liberal party CDS, after the events described by Professor Richard D. Wolff in the beginning of this talk . Their main policies after taking power were extremely dubious. The PSD/CDS pro market government consequently carried on with the next round of austerity measures, going even further than what was initial demanded by the "troika".
Solidarity from Portugal!
Then you don't have a social democracy. You have the phrase social democracy, but it is still neolibs at the helm. Don't worry though in the USA we have both the neocons and neolibs at the helm.
you talk out of both sides of your mouth. yes corporations should pay their fair share, but the government is too big and spending wildly on too much evrywhere but you want the government to redistribute the wealth like robinhood. we want all the benefits but not pay for them. cant have you cake and eat it too.
Richard Woolf before kevin
wages peaked in 70's
so did oil in the us
Good Thinking, maybe we can understand why statistics are false ? How can they be correct when money shrinks or gets to grow more than enough on other periods ? We could not have a universal standardized measure in working time ? Could any one of economists compensate for mecanization, total time for working , resources and minerals' standardized prices, varying taxes , shadow economy ...... ouufffff , it's a mess how can you standardize a mess like that ??? So statistics are bullshit for me , until you get a standardized measure for economic values !!!! The social activity has an important influence on that too !!!
It's clear by the comments that the fans of capitalism simply aren't playing attention.
they've been pumped so full of self-righteous they cann't see past the end their nose.
MrJohnbatist However, mostly about how the rich been greedy.
It's all self affirming vicious cycle. one justifying the other.
Left a liars in my country 30 yrs , why not believing wolf crap . Free market grew middle class , big government destroy it
have labor movements of the past 100 years powered the growing technological unemployment now faced in the 21st century? Especially for developing countries? Creating diversions, stalling growth and misframing conditions. personalities as much as protocols perpetuate systems
weewilly2007 'cause that's the problem now, right? The massive power of these labour groups causing--- oh wait. Right...
Good point. So losing battle. But no reason to give up fight would be your position? Ever considered that it was misapplication of energy from onset? And still is
No reasoning with mechanical windmills right? Or angry mobs
The kind that accelerated timber processing like never before, so we could start exporting wooden clogs. To put shoes on feet and money in banks.
Just so we could build harder roads, to transport heavier materials, in order to build higher walls, so we could grow larger and angrier mobs?
Makes sense.
But what (it seems) you're arguing is that because of "Big labour"'s errors of the past, they are somehow contributing to the problem now. Did they make errors? Yes. Any organizational or ideological group will have such examples, given long enough. But to hint that somehow they have as much share in this issue as the groups he's critiquing is asinine.
And if what the issues were before are largely inconsequential now, there's no reason to bring it up. In other words, it's a complete red herring. This is especially true given that he's not espousing the return of that specific form of labour.
labor capital dichotomy is outmoded in present day circumstances, and thus is misleading, and so yes, is part of the problem if you ask me.
Given that most people are born into debt, because the most basic keys to a living is an education that costs money, which needs to be borrowed and then paid back with interest.
Something that previous generations (in totality) never fully finish doing
How about directly tackling issues of personal wealth or trans-generational wealth transmission then, or even how monopolies and oligarchies are formed with the backing of state apparatuses and military might?
If you're going to insist on forwarding us versus them mentality. between so-called haves and have nots that is.
Ok good day. BTW you're not a communist pinko are you?
weewilly2007 You seem to be arguing against something that isn't there. I just said that he's not espousing the former model. And you then slam the former model. Guess what, so is he. :P
It's still a red herring because you're bringing up issues that simply aren't issues anymore. It's bogeyman syndrome. We need to deal with what we have now.
And veiled communist ad-hominems are rather ironic here, especially given that a large portion of what he's saying is that we need to learn from socialist enterprise. Adopt it wholesale? Certainly not. But there are lessons to learn there that we are missing because people like you buy into McCarthyist rhetoric.
The middle portion of your rant is largely true. Overly expensive education is a problem. The push to remove the estate tax is ridiculous. The Oligolopolies are a massive issue. As is Citizen's United and the blatant buying of power.
Given that most of that is true, and that a small cadre of super-rich are corrupting the system to keep it that way, it's hard *not* to have an us-vrs.-them mentality. It's going to drive the entirety of North America into the ground if it's not reversed.
how many generations are dying a slow death from capitalism and democracy
the question ppl all sound on the verge of tears
I think they are on the verge of tears because they have listened to what Professor Wolff has said and they are scared. If there is anybody who is not afraid then they haven't been watching or listening to what is happening to the world economy.
wariswrong1 they're just nervous. We're not used to seeing Americans struggling with public speaking, but these guys are. Probably because they're intellectuals rather than psychopaths and assholes.
No tears please, it is not necessary, just look up class struggle, a word eliminated from american great culture since 1947 / 1949 , by big corporations and polititians and parties in Washington !
Thanks Prof, for the knowledge. We're in serious times!!!
That governor of Ohio he mentioned... was John Kasich.
The moderate, sane candidate of the GOP (which he is) still believes in beating down labor, austerity, well austerity for most, of course lower taxes on rich.
?? and that make him the sane candidate of the GOP. no wonder Trump won.. because if you haven't notices in Greece and most of Europe Austerity isn't exactly a very popular idea
Too bad nothing came of this .. The corporations got every dime they wanted
11 years ago. The anger you talk of did not amount to any action did it?
6:40 he finally starts
Excellent info!!! good job!! thanks
high taxes in Australia on everyone ' cars ' fuel ' homes ' food
Corporations and businesses in general pay no taxes, at all. All their "taxes" are simply paid by their patrons. I'm in favor of all people paying less of their money to our bloated government. People "hoarding" their own money seems unfair to you. You are greedy. American corporations who cut labor to increase their profits also increase the value of their stock, which benefits anyone who owns that stock. That can be anyone, even you. It is Capitalism that has made this country great.
The stock market is a gambling casino, and those without the money to cover the losses, are burned by it.
richard wolff is spot on. my one disagreement would his comment about the republicans pushing things too far and the anger resulting. Because both parties are veering to the right, because there is no alternative in the political system, unlike greece, portugal etc. So the anger, politically speaking, has no where to go. It's the same here in Australia, sadly.
Thanks i am Bangladesh i ok
Delete the 1%
at 1.45.46 Hong Kong Phooey asks a question
Great talk!
There is just 1 programming rule needed in a banking application, and we all have life entrance (some call it basic income, but it is not income). This costs nothing, not even time. Just one programming rule. And let with every transaction the money dissolve automatically for a part, like 1/1000. With this, everybody can make new choices in own life and no dependancy on 'outside economy' anymore. Taxes will vanish by itself, 90% of the structures too, all collective problems too. Costs nothing.
I say we have state banks like North Dakota and slowly pull ourselves away from debt based currency.
This is so fucking spot on analysis.
The 3 who dislike this are the rich people who are hoarding the money.
The one thing I disagree with is the corporate tax. In todays globalized world, I think its just difficult to do (unless we get some global corp tax) and right or wrong, talks of more will justify shipping more jobs away.
I'd rather eliminate the corporate tax (along with universal healthcare so employers no longer need to pay for insurance) so we can instead raise cap gains/dividends taxes, top income tax rates, enact a financial transaction tax and a higher estate tax
I'd rather eliminate copyrights, because copyrights don't exist in the constitution. However taxing businesses does exist in the constitution. Capitalists don't want to be accountable for anything, profit at all costs. They steal the people's tax dollars in the form of tax refunds, subsidies, tax breaks, and bailouts. The also steal our tax dollars by privatizing public services. Our tax dollars are there to benefit the people, they are not for corporate profits period. If a corporation wants to do business overseas let them, but remove their copyright charter here. Remove any tax cuts here, they're no longer are interested in serving public interest. We can then promote worker owning the means of production.
Healthcare needs to be not for profit, which is the most cost effective way to approach healthcare? That would be cures for pains and diseases, something a for profit healthcare system will not do. In order to make universal healthcare succeed, you have to make healthcare not for profit.
Every social ill we have can be tied directly to capitalism, money, and private ownership of land.
Get up My love
Print more money .......
Last commentator accept the facts ..take your meds !!
hey Wolff give my prototype Wolfgang (SH) a kiss on the belly button with a manuscript on Gramsci - be careful what you read, use Lawrence & Wishart texts (upto 1986); the journal "Praxis"; publications of the International Gramsci Institute; and any stuff by Italian so-called "Stalinists". Avoid Pathfinder Press, Zed Books, Bookmarks, etc., that deliberately counterpose Gramsci with Lenin (in reality Gramsci was a bloody good Leninist) and of Gramsci's own works - only use L&W and International Publishers to avoid triangulation. Really all you need to begin with is "Selections From the Prison Notebooks" and his commentary on "The Prince"
Horsifer I know Wolfgang's Tepra-propralite mind is wierd on paper because he lacks Aristole backup and Gramsci frontpage in his wiring. He's another lovely talker but on paper he has grammer-prerexrical disfunction. With wider wiring in materialism he could beat Lukacs and Mao ... he has very logical inputs but dragspag outputs on his drive page.