I am his To-Dai since 1986 and Si-Fu Emin is always in shape.There are days when he trains harder and days when he trains less hard,depends on his flight shedule.He is a very special Master
Been a few years but I've had the honor of training with him. This was when he was the head of Wing Tsun Sweden. It's always learning (and sometimes painful) training with sifu Emin.
Hey Dr. Tzeus, I saw my old friend and student Richard on your video! Tell him Hello from Ponsau. He'll know who I am. Thanks for uploading your videos and good luck with your continued training in Sacremento.
This song was a free download in the early days of internet, a remix of the theme from the movie Platoon. It recieved a copy right violation tag in Europe for a while and became hard to find. I think KRK was trying to shut us down as this video had audio blocked from it....I no longer have that PC hardrive,....but I will see if I can figure it out. Might take some time but if I do I will comment here.
Does Boz practice grappling all the time and if so where is he getting his grappling training? I'm familiar with Chi'na (I believe it's called) which is supposed to be complimentary with WC and is a Chinese grappling style. I can see beating someone down so they don't have to grapple, but any1 can go to the ground, even if they slip, what happens when you get to the ground?
ah ok. so what lesson would you say has taught you the most? sometimes you train with a special teacher and you get this insightfull moments, you know what i mean?
Find this on You Tube - Sifu Keith Mazza seminar NJ 3/14/09 In this scene he's speaking about having your arms in a position which allows you to either strike or defend as I first mentioned to you. This is a technique which can be pulled off quickly, it may not look pretty but it's effective.
I said I agree with you in that if someone teaches you to do something counterproductive. What I am also saying is that if you examined WC techniques, you can see where the techniques are often quite excellent, there just isn't a lot of people use to applying it on a regular basis in a real life setting. MA's in the states is not used like it was used when people did nothing else but MA as their life-style. Also, I believe combining non-conflicting arts is best (JJ w/MT for example)
I believe I told U I did do WC w/MT. It's not hard to combine. The toughest thing: MT U typically use your arm to protect ur head as strikes come in, whereas WC you use your body weight behind your arms to DEFLECT incoming strikes while mov'g to blind side, hence the Bong Sao/Wu Sao I told you about. As far as knee strikes, clinch maneuvers, kicks, switch kicks, etc.., all MT. Not sure what you mean by stepping into a punch, of course I will step in, but not directly, rather to one side.
you said earlier that martial arts is a legit business. really dood? integrity dont pay bills but it keeps the gym open and gets trainers to fly across the world to train for a few months at most, and shortly after you see them on youtube with sifu in front of their name. real legit business.
In Italy Emin Boztepe was already a myth at the end of the 80's... I have always wanted to see him in action and finally I did. My impressions is of a good teacher with a nice sense of humor. I dodn't train in wing tzun so I can't say anything about the technical part but honestly I loved the video and the man. Ok, now all the haters will kill me! :) Thanks for posting and sorry for my bad english... May I ask the name of the song?
@silicon605 I am training in EBMAS Wing Tzun for years. Now if you critisize Sifu Emin Boztepe you should have same knowledge as he does... Okay. I assume you do. I believe Sifu Fred Kwok is a great person and martial artist. But I ask you silicon605 have you watched Sifu Emin's other videos? Besides have you ever seen him in action or in seminar? Have you practiced chi sau with him? Well... He is very fast and his senses are amazing. I can say this because I trained with many sifus.
Oh, they do have copies of the contracts from when the UFC started you can look at if you want to check it out. Nothing anyone says is provable, other than what is seen on TV I suppose. As I said, I understand your point from your perspective, however, I've experienced both WC & MT & regardless of WC position in the MMA, I do like the techniques Maza teaches, a lot!
Well, the small guy apparently trains a few world class boxers & he likes what Maza offers, but I suppose a video clip is only going to show so much. Good luck in the MMA, it's awesome stuff, I just wish the school I found in my area had more classes. Daddis fight camps are really great but I live so far from them now!
Think of this, if someone strikes at your head or body in a night club, does it necessarily make sense to just place your arm in the typical guard you do in the ring? In the ring, people are squaring off to do battle. In a night club some guy is just attacking you to do as much damage with their first move. In such a scenario, Bong Sao/Wu Sao is more effective as far as I'm concerned. If I could show u, I'd think you'd realize this.
I don't know if he'd have to stop teaching. Kru Balsamico is a Muay Thai Kru who trains and teaches. He was just in Thailand and competed in some sort of Queens Match and he won. I respect his acknowledgment of the need to train though before entering such a match. Even were he to lose in a match, if he just put on a good showing in an environment he wasn't used to, it would be good for him.
yes, behind your head, but if you truly study the techniques in WC they DO make sense in every way, the problem is that the average person is working to develop their timing and speed in the ring; something they will never do unless they fight regularly. Master Keith Mazza is 1 person who grew up using WC in the streets of NY & he competed many years ago, so he was one who can use his techniques for the fight. Most schools seem to be geared toward weekend warriors
Firstly, I can't comment on Boztepe's techniques, I don't use them. I did WC for a few years, then I did Muay Thai and I just now returned to Muay Thai, but I live in an area where I can only attend MT 1 day per wk & bjj 1 day per week. The WC tech I was describing is via Keith Mazza. What I'm saying is that you can visualize for yourself the techniques & see for yourself it's applicability. You don't need to see an MMA fighter use it to c the obvious benefit to it. Its pretty straight forward.
Yes. There must be some way these type of people can find a way to directly comment to the person they have a beef against. BTW, Are you a student of Jesse?
When I speak of self defense, I am referring to the unexpected attack on the street that often occurs by those who are not MMA fighters or the like. Most people who mug people aren't getting into a fighting posture to fight someone, they are the ones lunging in to steal something and the self defense techniques are incorporated. In any even, I agree that people should be able to use the fighting tech in the ring, if you don't, you won't be much of a street fighter.
My opinion is,internal power is developed over the years through external workouts such as body weight exercises and of course WT and weapon training.Dont cocentrate to much on it just do your workouts.
I saw a post elsewhere by someone who claimed to be there & related Boz pulled his pants down to his ankles 1st & he related some other details, edited film, etc.. I certainly don't know. One can always lose to another, it doesn't mean the tech. is inferior. I think most teachers teach as they often are too old to compete & would lose. Some keep sharp by sparring or ring fighting; if either 1 of them haven't been doing that, it's no surprise they would lose control.
You went to a WC school? Combing WC in with MT is not hard, it's not like you have to use all your WC techniques. If you have time, check out something called Bong Sao with a Wu sao on top. I know, sounds funny, but this is a great technique for unexpected strikes. You step to one side while simultaneously protecting your center. It covers you whole body, groin on up & it's easy to pull off quickly; I've had to use it before at a night club several years ago. There are other such techniq.
I think Boz's followers understand, or should understand, that no matter who the person is or how great they are at what they do, they can't enter an unfamiliar environment & expect to do well. He would have to practice for quite some time in the ring 1st, fight many others 1st, get use to the environment & then give it a go while understanding there's no shame in defeat as the best of the best have been defeated & they get back up and fight again.
Even if he lost, I don't think it's a reason to lose face; it just means the other guy might be better at what he does or it could be luck, whoever got the best shot in; it's not necessarily a judgement of the art if one loses. LIke when Boztepe attacked GM Cheung (edited video),it doesn't change how good Cheungs art is, it might just have to do with him growing older in the art. Not too many older masters can beat their younger students in a fight, but they 'know' more & can teach the younger.
That is true about judo groundfighting being what BJJ was based on, apparently, as I've read practitioners of both BJJ and Judo refer to it. However, I've never heard of any of the Gracies walk into someone else's school and attack them, or ever seen them trying to impress students with their physique.
While I see your point, there is no way he would even have a chance if his endurance isn't trained to undertake the time and energy required of the ring. I figured that if Dr.T feels he needs to the time to build stamina, well, that's better then not competing at all.
My point is that some things you don't need to be proven, they are rather obvious if you examine it yourself. That doesn't mean the person is going to win an MMA fight, as if he doesn't train for this, he'll have little to no possibility of winning.
There's a guy who was into BJJ for 30 years. He took down a WC guy and had little respect for it. Then he tried the same thing to Keith Mazza, but Mazza would not be taken down. As a result, the BJJ guy studied with Mazza and now he teaches WC along with BJJ, so it does matter who's using it. This is the kind of guy I believe WC students need to work with so they can experience anti-grappling techniques in a real situation.
Well, you are suppose to be controlled and we have trained by raising our thumb up to the persons eye and compressing lightly to let him know we have him. I was in a head hold by an Aikido expert, but as soon as he grasped me I threw my thumb up to his eye ball. His response was, "Why is everything so dangerous with WC?" His point was that in Aikido, they are trained to stop the fight & try to get the guy to just give it up unless they are given no choice.
Consider this:.In ring, it makes sense to cover your head from incoming strikes (elbow/forearm etc). In streets, this 'may' help, but w/a barrage of strikes coming in, 'to me' it doesn't seem as practical.I've had people throw strikes at me&most of time it's not difficult to place your arms out there protecting your center, not chasing their hands as they come in at U, but just leaving them where they act as a barrier guard'g ur center as u side-step. People who start a fight w/u (continued.)
I think the bully thing was because he simply attacked cheung during a seminar instead of simply setting up a meeting with him. The Gracies could do the same thing to Boz and you'd rightly say that Box didn't have any time to train his endurance to undergo such a battle. As you said, he would take a year to train for such an event and then he'd be ready for it. Maybe Cheung would have faired better had he too take time to train and not teachl
Actually, MT fighters may spend the majority of their time in one gym, but they also go away for months at a time going to other gyms and many even go to live in Thailand for several month at a time to train.From what I recall, the gracies loved to fight. 1 got word of some bad mouth'g & he fought some guy on the beach in Brazil. It's hard for me to imagine that the two camps couldn't come to some sort of agreement on a match. Boz can have his year to train after they agree on the details.
Understand that WC is often taught to weekend warriors, professionals w/other lives; it involves a lot of self defense. It does including fighting, however, as you know, people who are attracted to MMA via TV go to places that advertise MMA which typically include MT & JJ. I've trained in both MT & WC, I can personally see value in WC & I would use WC along with MT during bouts. Again, I understand your take, however, considering the lack of representation in the MMA.
google phillymma I trained here for a couple of years. then I bought a business and moved away. Everything in this area sucks, so I haven't done anything for quite a while. There is a place that opened up not to far which is associated with the Bullpen in Egg Harbor Township, NJ, However, they only have 1 night per week of MT & 1 night per wk of bjj,other nights I'd have to travel over an hr to get to the other school & I run a bus..,, don't have time for all of that now. Where do you train?
Hey doc, believe itor not. If you do a tag search with all the key words _ing __un, this clip would not show up. I only found this out on you own page. I like the part when your camera got rip out. What was that question about? The few seconds of you being smacked was just sad. Why weren't you doing some serious CS with Bozo? If you did, can you post the serious CS stuffs later?
I agree that people need to put up or shut up. What I was getting @ was for U 2 examine techniques & see how it is used personally, as someone who is really into MMA would be able to C for themselves their potential value. 4 example,some1 tries to strike U w/their right; simple hand tap w/out chasing hands makes sense, however, the other arm is already raised guarding you if the other hand comes in, you can either strike w/that hand or it can defend another strike, & it's already there.
(continued )usually try to take you out w/their first strike.. probably over-commit, or just think they can land 1 good 1 to take u down. Pak Sao or Bong Sau is very easy to use to guard your center & stop whatever is coming in especially if your weight supports your arm (not relying on arm power which would collapse otherwise). The strike comes in,U deflect it&you're in w/your own strike. If someone just comes up & says 'OK let's fight' & u have warn'g, then U need to decide which wrks best 4 U
@silicon605 Wing Tzun is about training hard and developping skills,senses and soul combined. silicon605 does your words sound like some true martial artists critics? If you criticisize somebody by his/her character is one thing, but if you do that by his work or art is another thing. Please decide which one do you want to do? I can't answer for my Sifu about his character but I can answer for his style or art. And I am trusting in his skills. Well do you really trust in your skills? I do...
The little guy he was working out with is actually involved with training some world class boxers. Sorry, can't recall their names, but Maza can tell you. The little guy wouldn't be wasting his time with Maza if he didn't think Maza had something of value to contribute.
Since I experienced WC, I feel it does have extremely useful technqs, but such techniques don't mean anyth'g if your'e not use to the 'fight.' As I said before, schools promoting MMA invariable include bjj&MT.WC schools don't advertise as MMA. People who want to fight naturally go to what they see as MMA. Many who are just there for self defense & a hobby r more likely to go into WC unfortunately. In any art, U need the ones who want to fight, in order to get 'fighter types' for the MMA.
I agree with you, however, there is a difference between self defense & using your fighting skills in the streets. The MT school I went to even related a difference between self defense and fighting. Google Daddis Fight Camps in Philadelphia, Pa.. There are specific tactics to deal w/weapons, etc.. Your fighting skills might be enough, but then again, they might not be.
Yeah, he felt Mazza had what it takes as he was a NY street fighter.. He actually feels MT is a great art, however, he says what works for him is WC, it's what he used in the streets & it's what works for him now. You might like Sanshou kung fu. I like what I see on UA-cam with it.
Unless Boz got better since attacking Cheung, there is no way he could grapple with gracies. I have to ask Boz's students if they ever see him actually spar or fight real fights in at least the ring on a regular basis. There's no way he can win without such continual practice.
Sounds to me like kommisar knows what he's talking about. I've noticed also that he is very careful to be respectful to WC, he's just disdainful of some of its practitioners. Speaking of balls, has your sifu ever stepped into the octagon?
Keith Maza has had many enter his facility w/the same attitude & w/witnesses present. It really does boil down 2 who's applying it. Maza use to compete in Thailand (U could ask him of his winnings). MMA came around, Maza has copies of original contracts & they wouldn't let him compete w/his guys @the time as they were apparently promotg bjj.Don't quote me on this,it is info. u could check out if u want via Maza. These days when a school opens up it's for MT/BJJ, that is where fighters R directed
@silicon605 Good grief, why so harsh man? Cant the man have a bit of fun on camera? BTW, if you think his wing chun is no good, why don't you take one of his classes? Or challenge one of his students to a friendly sparring match? Just a thought. Peace :)
ok i didnt know sorry its just how it seems from this vid and the comments posted i didnt mean anything bad any fighter desereves respect i was just making a point on another comment really cause it said somethin like hes just using ppl for money or something along those lines any way sorry if i offended you
If he's had 300 fights, one would have to think he's out to be a troublemaker.Maybe a bar room brawler.If people challenge him because of his claims, this might be Y he would get into a # of fights,but 300 sounds ridiculous to me, unless he just goes out looking for fights. I think he should just admit that he is not accustomed to the ring&say he needs time to practice that sort of fighting;he can't possibly have endurance for this if he isn't training for this. He would be taken down & tied up.
Yeah, there's no way to see how good someone is unless you actually fight them in a real fight and perhaps even on several occasions like they do in hockey. 7 matches in a row, if they are still alive. All I can say is that the WC tech. have come through for me when I needed it, if I relied only on that in the ring, I don't know, but it doesn't matter to me as I have other options to use. However, I must admit being out of practice due to living in a shit area that doesn't have real schools.
I love WC, but, I also realize unless someone knows what it's like to be hit&to hit in a competition, they R going 2 have less of a chance of overcoming adrenaline rush in midst of a real fight on streets.There's enough involved w/WCthat it can be used in ring. I personally think there might be a belief that if he loses, he might lose credibility & it could hurt him financially & possibly lose /respect. I'm not going to judge intentions, but it seems a cop out to say one won't fight for $
It seems possible that self defense tech for self protection is different than ring fighting.I can understand being really good @ defending oneself, but this does not nec transfer into a great ring or street fighter.I don't see how Boz can be great, despite his yrs in the art, if he isn't use to fight'g on a reg basis&I don't think he's a bar room brawler.Were I him,I'd let people know that I'm entering a realm I'm not accustomed to&I will gain experience so I learn how to bring WC to the ring.
I can see Y U would say that based on what U visualize on youtube videos. However, I would wager $ that if U met Master Keith Maza, & U just C what he personally does w/ WC, U would change your mind, certainly, don't take my word for it.He was a NY street fighter, he made use of WC , however, he's may be too old now for MMA (my assumption).In early days of the MMA they were promotg BJJ, he has original application, they never let he & his school in.You can discuss this w/him to verify.
if u see him again tell him to whoop william cheungs ass again. actually hurt him this time so "Grandmaster" and i use that VERY loosly cheung cant make up an excuse.
if this guy is makin so much money how come he has to train in his backyard why cant he go out and get a space and make an academy and i admit it looks cool but i doubt i t would do much against a well traind fighter
lol. I heard all your excuses for emin and wc before. If you want to believe emins 300-0 record go ahead. I think you are very naive though. But hey, Im not stopping you.
I am his To-Dai since 1986 and Si-Fu Emin is always in shape.There are days when he trains harder and days when he trains less hard,depends on his flight shedule.He is a very special Master
Been a few years but I've had the honor of training with him. This was when he was the head of Wing Tsun Sweden. It's always learning (and sometimes painful) training with sifu Emin.
Hey Dr. Tzeus, I saw my old friend and student Richard on your video! Tell him Hello from Ponsau. He'll know who I am. Thanks for uploading your videos and good luck with your continued training in Sacremento.
yo, your a lucky guy, just be gratefull you got people who could teach this
What is the name of the Song
This song was a free download in the early days of internet, a remix of the theme from the movie Platoon. It recieved a copy right violation tag in Europe for a while and became hard to find. I think KRK was trying to shut us down as this video had audio blocked from it....I no longer have that PC hardrive,....but I will see if I can figure it out. Might take some time but if I do I will comment here.
HA! Found it easy! Platoon - Adagio For Strings ( Tiesto remix ) Thanks, now i can add it to my playlist!!!!
Does Boz practice grappling all the time and if so where is he getting his grappling training? I'm familiar with Chi'na (I believe it's called) which is supposed to be complimentary with WC and is a Chinese grappling style. I can see beating someone down so they don't have to grapple, but any1 can go to the ground, even if they slip, what happens when you get to the ground?
whats the song called?
tiesto, adagio for strings
I'm curious as i study wing tsun, how does EBMAS differ from wing tsun?
I can't post for some reason. I understand where you are coming from, from your perspective. Did you see the video I recommended?
ah ok.
so what lesson would you say has taught you the most?
sometimes you train with a special teacher and you get this insightfull moments, you know what i mean?
Find this on You Tube - Sifu Keith Mazza seminar NJ 3/14/09
In this scene he's speaking about having your arms in a position which allows you to either strike or defend as I first mentioned to you. This is a technique which can be pulled off quickly, it may not look pretty but it's effective.
I said I agree with you in that if someone teaches you to do something counterproductive. What I am also saying is that if you examined WC techniques, you can see where the techniques are often quite excellent, there just isn't a lot of people use to applying it on a regular basis in a real life setting. MA's in the states is not used like it was used when people did nothing else but MA as their life-style. Also, I believe combining non-conflicting arts is best (JJ w/MT for example)
I believe I told U I did do WC w/MT. It's not hard to combine. The toughest thing: MT U typically use your arm to protect ur head as strikes come in, whereas WC you use your body weight behind your arms to DEFLECT incoming strikes while mov'g to blind side, hence the Bong Sao/Wu Sao I told you about. As far as knee strikes, clinch maneuvers, kicks, switch kicks, etc.., all MT. Not sure what you mean by stepping into a punch, of course I will step in, but not directly, rather to one side.
Was he challenged to a NHB fight on national TV? I didn't see this, although I'd like to.
you said earlier that martial arts is a legit business. really dood? integrity dont pay bills but it keeps the gym open and gets trainers to fly across the world to train for a few months at most, and shortly after you see them on youtube with sifu in front of their name. real legit business.
In Italy Emin Boztepe was already a myth at the end of the 80's...
I have always wanted to see him in action and finally I did. My impressions is of a good teacher with a nice sense of humor.
I dodn't train in wing tzun so I can't say anything about the technical part but honestly I loved the video and the man.
Ok, now all the haters will kill me! :)
Thanks for posting and sorry for my bad english...
May I ask the name of the song?
@silicon605 I am training in EBMAS Wing Tzun for years. Now if you critisize Sifu Emin Boztepe you should have same knowledge as he does...
Okay. I assume you do. I believe Sifu Fred Kwok is a great person and martial artist.
But I ask you silicon605 have you watched Sifu Emin's other videos? Besides have you ever seen him in action or in seminar? Have you practiced chi sau with him? Well... He is very fast and his senses are amazing. I can say this because I trained with many sifus.
Oh, they do have copies of the contracts from when the UFC started you can look at if you want to check it out. Nothing anyone says is provable, other than what is seen on TV I suppose. As I said, I understand your point from your perspective, however, I've experienced both WC & MT & regardless of WC position in the MMA, I do like the techniques Maza teaches, a lot!
hey Drzeus do you know wtzun school in los angeles ?
Well, the small guy apparently trains a few world class boxers & he likes what Maza offers, but I suppose a video clip is only going to show so much. Good luck in the MMA, it's awesome stuff, I just wish the school I found in my area had more classes. Daddis fight camps are really great but I live so far from them now!
Think of this, if someone strikes at your head or body in a night club, does it necessarily make sense to just place your arm in the typical guard you do in the ring? In the ring, people are squaring off to do battle. In a night club some guy is just attacking you to do as much damage with their first move. In such a scenario, Bong Sao/Wu Sao is more effective as far as I'm concerned. If I could show u, I'd think you'd realize this.
I don't know if he'd have to stop teaching. Kru Balsamico is a Muay Thai Kru who trains and teaches. He was just in Thailand and competed in some sort of Queens Match and he won. I respect his acknowledgment of the need to train though before entering such a match. Even were he to lose in a match, if he just put on a good showing in an environment he wasn't used to, it would be good for him.
has he done any mma fights?
yes, behind your head, but if you truly study the techniques in WC they DO make sense in every way, the problem is that the average person is working to develop their timing and speed in the ring; something they will never do unless they fight regularly. Master Keith Mazza is 1 person who grew up using WC in the streets of NY & he competed many years ago, so he was one who can use his techniques for the fight. Most schools seem to be geared toward weekend warriors
@jomushin7 I train 22 years Martial Arts. I did Kyokushin (brown belt), Muay Thai, Jiu Jiutsu and now I train and teach JKD.
sifu boztepe is a hero
What's going on at 2:50?
how old is he and i want this guy to meet my sifu
so then that would mean people are handing out sifu titles like its another paycheck huh?
Firstly, I can't comment on Boztepe's techniques, I don't use them. I did WC for a few years, then I did Muay Thai and I just now returned to Muay Thai, but I live in an area where I can only attend MT 1 day per wk & bjj 1 day per week. The WC tech I was describing is via Keith Mazza. What I'm saying is that you can visualize for yourself the techniques & see for yourself it's applicability. You don't need to see an MMA fighter use it to c the obvious benefit to it. Its pretty straight forward.
Great Vid but the music spoils it!
do ye reckon ye posted dat on enough videos yet nearly everyone has dat comment
Yes. There must be some way these type of people can find a way to directly comment to the person they have a beef against. BTW, Are you a student of Jesse?
When I speak of self defense, I am referring to the unexpected attack on the street that often occurs by those who are not MMA fighters or the like. Most people who mug people aren't getting into a fighting posture to fight someone, they are the ones lunging in to steal something and the self defense techniques are incorporated. In any even, I agree that people should be able to use the fighting tech in the ring, if you don't, you won't be much of a street fighter.
My opinion is,internal power is developed over the years through external workouts such as body weight exercises and of course WT and weapon training.Dont cocentrate to much on it just do your workouts.
Here is a grappling style some in WC study as an adjunct to WC. Search for Chin Na Demo on you tube.
I saw a post elsewhere by someone who claimed to be there & related Boz pulled his pants down to his ankles 1st & he related some other details, edited film, etc.. I certainly don't know. One can always lose to another, it doesn't mean the tech. is inferior. I think most teachers teach as they often are too old to compete & would lose. Some keep sharp by sparring or ring fighting; if either 1 of them haven't been doing that, it's no surprise they would lose control.
You went to a WC school?
Combing WC in with MT is not hard, it's not like you have to use all your WC techniques. If you have time, check out something called Bong Sao with a Wu sao on top. I know, sounds funny, but this is a great technique for unexpected strikes. You step to one side while simultaneously protecting your center. It covers you whole body, groin on up & it's easy to pull off quickly; I've had to use it before at a night club several years ago. There are other such techniq.
I think Boz's followers understand, or should understand, that no matter who the person is or how great they are at what they do, they can't enter an unfamiliar environment & expect to do well. He would have to practice for quite some time in the ring 1st, fight many others 1st, get use to the environment & then give it a go while understanding there's no shame in defeat as the best of the best have been defeated & they get back up and fight again.
Even if he lost, I don't think it's a reason to lose face; it just means the other guy might be better at what he does or it could be luck, whoever got the best shot in; it's not necessarily a judgement of the art if one loses. LIke when Boztepe attacked GM Cheung (edited video),it doesn't change how good Cheungs art is, it might just have to do with him growing older in the art. Not too many older masters can beat their younger students in a fight, but they 'know' more & can teach the younger.
That is true about judo groundfighting being what BJJ was based on, apparently, as I've read practitioners of both BJJ and Judo refer to it.
However, I've never heard of any of the Gracies walk into someone else's school and attack them, or ever seen them trying to impress students with their physique.
While I see your point, there is no way he would even have a chance if his endurance isn't trained to undertake the time and energy required of the ring. I figured that if Dr.T feels he needs to the time to build stamina, well, that's better then not competing at all.
My point is that some things you don't need to be proven, they are rather obvious if you examine it yourself. That doesn't mean the person is going to win an MMA fight, as if he doesn't train for this, he'll have little to no possibility of winning.
There's a guy who was into BJJ for 30 years. He took down a WC guy and had little respect for it. Then he tried the same thing to Keith Mazza, but Mazza would not be taken down. As a result, the BJJ guy studied with Mazza and now he teaches WC along with BJJ, so it does matter who's using it. This is the kind of guy I believe WC students need to work with so they can experience anti-grappling techniques in a real situation.
Well, you are suppose to be controlled and we have trained by raising our thumb up to the persons eye and compressing lightly to let him know we have him. I was in a head hold by an Aikido expert, but as soon as he grasped me I threw my thumb up to his eye ball. His response was, "Why is everything so dangerous with WC?" His point was that in Aikido, they are trained to stop the fight & try to get the guy to just give it up unless they are given no choice.
He is still young (45),whats wrong with working pysicly.when he is in his 60th we can talk about internal WT.But he will be fit even at 60.
Consider this:.In ring, it makes sense to cover your head from incoming strikes (elbow/forearm etc). In streets, this 'may' help, but w/a barrage of strikes coming in, 'to me' it doesn't seem as practical.I've had people throw strikes at me&most of time it's not difficult to place your arms out there protecting your center, not chasing their hands as they come in at U, but just leaving them where they act as a barrier guard'g ur center as u side-step. People who start a fight w/u (continued.)
I think the bully thing was because he simply attacked cheung during a seminar instead of simply setting up a meeting with him. The Gracies could do the same thing to Boz and you'd rightly say that Box didn't have any time to train his endurance to undergo such a battle. As you said, he would take a year to train for such an event and then he'd be ready for it. Maybe Cheung would have faired better had he too take time to train and not teachl
Actually, MT fighters may spend the majority of their time in one gym, but they also go away for months at a time going to other gyms and many even go to live in Thailand for several month at a time to train.From what I recall, the gracies loved to fight. 1 got word of some bad mouth'g & he fought some guy on the beach in Brazil. It's hard for me to imagine that the two camps couldn't come to some sort of agreement on a match. Boz can have his year to train after they agree on the details.
Understand that WC is often taught to weekend warriors, professionals w/other lives; it involves a lot of self defense. It does including fighting, however, as you know, people who are attracted to MMA via TV go to places that advertise MMA which typically include MT & JJ. I've trained in both MT & WC, I can personally see value in WC & I would use WC along with MT during bouts. Again, I understand your take, however, considering the lack of representation in the MMA.
google phillymma
I trained here for a couple of years. then I bought a business and moved away. Everything in this area sucks, so I haven't done anything for quite a while. There is a place that opened up not to far which is associated with the Bullpen in Egg Harbor Township, NJ, However, they only have 1 night per week of MT & 1 night per wk of bjj,other nights I'd have to travel over an hr to get to the other school & I run a bus..,, don't have time for all of that now. Where do you train?
You are right, like I said, good thing he shows his bicep.
Hey doc, believe itor not. If you do a tag search with all the key words _ing __un, this clip would not show up. I only found this out on you own page. I like the part when your camera got rip out. What was that question about? The few seconds of you being smacked was just sad. Why weren't you doing some serious CS with Bozo? If you did, can you post the serious CS stuffs later?
I agree that people need to put up or shut up. What I was getting @ was for U 2 examine techniques & see how it is used personally, as someone who is really into MMA would be able to C for themselves their potential value. 4 example,some1 tries to strike U w/their right; simple hand tap w/out chasing hands makes sense, however, the other arm is already raised guarding you if the other hand comes in, you can either strike w/that hand or it can defend another strike, & it's already there.
emin the best wt fighter in the world.
(continued )usually try to take you out w/their first strike.. probably over-commit, or just think they can land 1 good 1 to take u down. Pak Sao or Bong Sau is very easy to use to guard your center & stop whatever is coming in especially if your weight supports your arm (not relying on arm power which would collapse otherwise). The strike comes in,U deflect it&you're in w/your own strike. If someone just comes up & says 'OK let's fight' & u have warn'g, then U need to decide which wrks best 4 U
@silicon605 Wing Tzun is about training hard and developping skills,senses and soul combined.
silicon605 does your words sound like some true martial artists critics?
If you criticisize somebody by his/her character is one thing, but if you do that by his work or art is another thing.
Please decide which one do you want to do? I can't answer for my Sifu about his character but I can answer for his style or art. And I am trusting in his skills.
Well do you really trust in your skills?
I do...
Why doesn't he try ufc?
The little guy he was working out with is actually involved with training some world class boxers. Sorry, can't recall their names, but Maza can tell you. The little guy wouldn't be wasting his time with Maza if he didn't think Maza had something of value to contribute.
ESEK ,not Sifu.
i wisit the sllons he train in istanbul. he is fast . and has great endurance.
Since I experienced WC, I feel it does have extremely useful technqs, but such techniques don't mean anyth'g if your'e not use to the 'fight.' As I said before, schools promoting MMA invariable include bjj&MT.WC schools don't advertise as MMA. People who want to fight naturally go to what they see as MMA. Many who are just there for self defense & a hobby r more likely to go into WC unfortunately. In any art, U need the ones who want to fight, in order to get 'fighter types' for the MMA.
The bicep is the most used muscle in the human body. Of course it is vital!
As long as you feel fit,strong and healthy and your opponent goes down from your punch,who cares about chi.
Well, my understanding is that this Boztepe also studied Judo or BJJ.
luv d way kommisar knows everything bou martial arts but yet havnt seen him got d balls 2 challenge sifu or 2 upload vids of him.....
Hey, check out Daddis FIght Camps on web and youtube, Kru Balsamico. That's where I went for a while. Great Place!
I agree with you, however, there is a difference between self defense & using your fighting skills in the streets. The MT school I went to even related a difference between self defense and fighting. Google Daddis Fight Camps in Philadelphia, Pa.. There are specific tactics to deal w/weapons, etc.. Your fighting skills might be enough, but then again, they might not be.
i like the back yard.........
Yeah, he felt Mazza had what it takes as he was a NY street fighter.. He actually feels MT is a great art, however, he says what works for him is WC, it's what he used in the streets & it's what works for him now. You might like Sanshou kung fu. I like what I see on UA-cam with it.
Unless Boz got better since attacking Cheung, there is no way he could grapple with gracies. I have to ask Boz's students if they ever see him actually spar or fight real fights in at least the ring on a regular basis. There's no way he can win without such continual practice.
Sounds to me like kommisar knows what he's talking about. I've noticed also that he is very careful to be respectful to WC, he's just disdainful of some of its practitioners. Speaking of balls, has your sifu ever stepped into the octagon?
Keith Maza has had many enter his facility w/the same attitude & w/witnesses present. It really does boil down 2 who's applying it. Maza use to compete in Thailand (U could ask him of his winnings). MMA came around, Maza has copies of original contracts & they wouldn't let him compete w/his guys @the time as they were apparently promotg bjj.Don't quote me on this,it is info. u could check out if u want via Maza. These days when a school opens up it's for MT/BJJ, that is where fighters R directed
wow i thought he was like 35 max
I wanna see him spar with a thai boxer...
even so...integrity should come first, not money.
@silicon605 Good grief, why so harsh man? Cant the man have a bit of fun on camera? BTW, if you think his wing chun is no good, why don't you take one of his classes? Or challenge one of his students to a friendly sparring match? Just a thought.
Peace :)
why is he flexing his muscles man..?
ok i didnt know sorry its just how it seems from this vid and the comments posted i didnt mean anything bad any fighter desereves respect i was just making a point on another comment really cause it said somethin like hes just using ppl for money or something along those lines any way sorry if i offended you
If he's had 300 fights, one would have to think he's out to be a troublemaker.Maybe a bar room brawler.If people challenge him because of his claims, this might be Y he would get into a # of fights,but 300 sounds ridiculous to me, unless he just goes out looking for fights. I think he should just admit that he is not accustomed to the ring&say he needs time to practice that sort of fighting;he can't possibly have endurance for this if he isn't training for this. He would be taken down & tied up.
very simple :)
I think the MMA schools attract real fighters, even if WC can be used for real fighters.
,,sorry, I didn't mean to say dangerous,.... he said ... lethal...
Yeah, there's no way to see how good someone is unless you actually fight them in a real fight and perhaps even on several occasions like they do in hockey. 7 matches in a row, if they are still alive. All I can say is that the WC tech. have come through for me when I needed it, if I relied only on that in the ring, I don't know, but it doesn't matter to me as I have other options to use. However, I must admit being out of practice due to living in a shit area that doesn't have real schools.
I love WC, but, I also realize unless someone knows what it's like to be hit&to hit in a competition, they R going 2 have less of a chance of overcoming adrenaline rush in midst of a real fight on streets.There's enough involved w/WCthat it can be used in ring. I personally think there might be a belief that if he loses, he might lose credibility & it could hurt him financially & possibly lose /respect. I'm not going to judge intentions, but it seems a cop out to say one won't fight for $
Emin flexes because Chuck Norris told him it looks cool.
It seems possible that self defense tech for self protection is different than ring fighting.I can understand being really good @ defending oneself, but this does not nec transfer into a great ring or street fighter.I don't see how Boz can be great, despite his yrs in the art, if he isn't use to fight'g on a reg basis&I don't think he's a bar room brawler.Were I him,I'd let people know that I'm entering a realm I'm not accustomed to&I will gain experience so I learn how to bring WC to the ring.
I can see Y U would say that based on what U visualize on youtube videos. However, I would wager $ that if U met Master Keith Maza, & U just C what he personally does w/ WC, U would change your mind, certainly, don't take my word for it.He was a NY street fighter, he made use of WC , however, he's may be too old now for MMA (my assumption).In early days of the MMA they were promotg BJJ, he has original application, they never let he & his school in.You can discuss this w/him to verify.
Good thing he shows his biceps as they are so vital in wt.............not
Well, I have noticed that BJJ has as many shit-talkers as any other MA.
if u see him again tell him to whoop william cheungs ass again. actually hurt him this time so "Grandmaster" and i use that VERY loosly cheung cant make up an excuse.
dr tzeus are u on facebook ? message me wit ur name if so tanx :))
@jomushin7 whahahaha
The ego has landed
People, i dont like emin boztepe too... I think he is a coward narcisist. But he got amazing skills, no doubt
if this guy is makin so much money how come he has to train in his backyard why cant he go out and get a space and make an academy and i admit it looks cool but i doubt i t would do much against a well traind fighter
@WUHELLRAZOR made le lol
Damn this guy Kommisar outta get another hobby or a girlfriend or something
lol. I heard all your excuses for emin and wc before.
If you want to believe emins 300-0 record go ahead. I think you are very naive though.
But hey, Im not stopping you.
@jomushin7 Cuz I think he s fake doing useless chi sao against nobodies!! A thaiboxer or a good boxer would knock him out.