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What Happens if You Get Hit By Trains in Video Games? (2001-2024)
In this video, I will show you what happens if you run over by trains in 18 video games.
• 00:00 Red Dead Redemption
• 00:52 Driv3r
• 02:06 Just Cause 4
• 03:08 Cyberpunk 2077
• 04:11 Red Dead Redemption II
• 05:24 Saints Row
• 06:27 Mafia I
• 07:12 Just Cause 3
• 08:17 Grand Theft Auto V
• 09:13 Saints Row 2
• 10:01 Mafia: Definitive Edition
• 10:49 Grand Theft Auto IV
• 11:25 Driver: Parallel Lines
• 12:16 Watch Dogs
• 13:04 Grand Theft Auto III
• 13:41 GTA III - The Definitive Edition
• 14:22 GTA San Andreas
• 14:55 GTA San Andreas - The Definitive Edition
Getting hit by trains in video games
What happens if you get run over by trains in games
Train physics in video games
#games #videogames
Переглядів: 7 688


Attention to Details in GTA Games (2001 - 2025)
Переглядів 23 тис.4 місяці тому
In this video, I will show you some insane small details I’ve found in Grand Theft Auto games, including GTA III, GTA Vice City, GTA San Andreas, GTA Liberty City Stories, GTA Vice City Stories, GTA IV, GTA Chinatown Wars and GTA V. The details: • 00:00 A functional windsock can be found in the desert • 00:30 Analog and digital clocks are functioning correctly • 00:59 Wearing a military outfit ...
Why GTA San Andreas is Better than GTA V?
Переглядів 4,5 тис.9 місяців тому
In this video, I will show you why a 2004 game (GTA San Andreas) is better than a 2013 game (GTA 5). Chapters: • 00:00 Fighting • 01:39 Character customization • 03:16 Interiors • 05:08 Car customization • 06:32 Parkour • 08:34 Vehicles • 09:43 Side missions • 10:55 Buying safehouses • 11:44 Map and weather GTA San Andreas vs GTA 5 GTA 5 vs GTA San Andreas GTA SA is better than GTA 5 #gta #gta5...
Attention to Details in Just Cause Games (2006 - 2018)
Переглядів 5 тис.9 місяців тому
In this video, I will show you some insane small details I’ve found in Just Cause games, including the first Just Cause game, Just Cause 2, Just Cause 3 and Just Cause 4. The details: • 00:00 Water can be used to clean dirty cars • 00:56 Vegetation flattens under the force of helicopter winds • 01:47 The tornado’s base alters its color based on the surface beneath it • 02:49 The animation of Ri...
GTA Trilogy Mobile vs PC - Graphics and Details Comparison
Переглядів 20 тис.11 місяців тому
In this video, I will show you the differences between Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition PC, console version (2021) and the Netflix, mobile version (2023) in terms of physics, details and graphics. Netflix has released GTA: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition, which includes Grand Theft Auto III, Vice City, and San Andreas. These three games have been updated for mobiles a...
Attention to Details in Mafia Games (2002 - 2020)
Переглядів 217 тис.Рік тому
In this video, I will show you some insane small details I’ve found in Mafia games, including the first Mafia game, Mafia II, Mafia III and Mafia: Definitive Edition. The details: • 00:00 Bullet shells and gun clips don’t disappear • 00:43 Cars can get dirty when driven on dirty roads • 01:50 Fire hydrants physics • 02:33 Driving a patrol car triggers a reaction from police • 03:04 Windscreen w...
GTA Trilogy Release vs Now - Physics and Details Comparison
Переглядів 1,5 млнРік тому
In this video, I will show you the differences between the old Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition version (2021) and the new version 1.04.5 (2023) in terms of physics and details. The free update 1.04.5 for GTA Trilogy: Definitive Edition includes fixes for individual games and specific platforms, as well as general improvements across the entire collection. Timings: 00:00 A...
Counter-Strike 2 vs Rainbow Six Siege - Physics and Details Comparison
Переглядів 15 тис.Рік тому
In this video, I will show you the differences between the new free-to-play FPS game Counter-Strike 2 (2023) and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege (2015) in terms of physics and details. Counter-Strike 2 is a 2023 game developed and published by Valve. It is the fifth main installment of the Counter-Strike series. Timings: • 00:00 Smoke • 01:18 Glass physics • 02:47 Water physics • 04:06 Planting ...
Cyberpunk 2077 Release vs Patch 2.0 - Details and Physics Comparison
Переглядів 10 тис.Рік тому
In this video, I will show you the differences between the old Cyberpunk 2077 version 1.0 (2020) and the new version 2.0 (2023) in terms of physics and details. The free update 2.0 for Cyberpunk 2077 brings an overhaul to a number of gameplay mechanics and core game features along with various fixes and improvements. Timings: 00:00 Cops 01:10 Tires physics 02:13 Bailing out of a moving car 03:0...
Attention to Details in Watch Dogs Games (2014 - 2020)
Переглядів 10 тис.Рік тому
In this video, I will show you some insane small details I’ve found in Watch Dogs games, including Watch Dogs, Watch Dogs 2 and Watch Dogs Legion. The details: • 00:00 Marcus earbuds physics • 00:53 Clocks show the correct time • 01:30 Leaf physics • 02:12 Getting out of a car with blocked doors • 02:52 You may faint if you drink too much • 04:09 NPCs behaviour • 04:55 NPCs can be seen entering...
Why GTA San Andreas is Better than Watch Dogs 2?
Переглядів 4,6 тис.Рік тому
In this video, I will show you why a 2004 game (GTA San Andreas) is better than a 2016 game (Watch Dogs 2). Chapters: • 00:00 Vehicles • 01:08 Character customization • 02:18 Map boundaries • 03:35 Car customization • 04:59 Mini-games and side activities • 06:14 Vertical mobility GTA vs Watch Dogs Watch Dogs vs GTA #watchdogs #gta #gtasanandreas
Why GTA Vice City is Better than Saints Row?
Переглядів 7 тис.Рік тому
In this video, I will show you why a 2002 game (GTA Vice City) is better than a 2022 game (Saints Row). Timestamps: • 00:00 Bike crash • 01:30 Car explosion • 02:55 Entering a bus • 04:39 Clothes details • 05:26 Getting on a bike • 06:09 Explosion vs main character • 07:03 Car door animation GTA vs Saints Row Saints Row vs GTA #saintsrowreboot #gtavicecity
GTA V Android vs GTA V PC - Physics and Details Comparison
Переглядів 295 тис.Рік тому
In this video, I will show you the differences between GTA 5 PC (2015) and GTA 5 Android (2023) in terms of physics and details. Timestamps: • 00:00 Walking and running • 00:40 Falling from a high place • 01:51 Changing characters • 02:47 Parkour • 03:27 Graphics • 04:21 Character model • 04:47 Crouching • 05:14 Getting in and out of a vehicle • 05:53 Stealing a vehicle • 06:21 Driving • 06:52 ...
Sons Of The Forest vs The Forest - Physics and Details Comparison
Переглядів 3,4 тис.Рік тому
In this video, I will show you the differences between the new survival game Sons Of The Forest (2023) and The Forest (2018) in terms of physics and details. Timestamps: • 00:00 Fire propagation • 01:19 Cutting trees • 02:42 Jumping from a high point • 03:54 Water physics • 05:35 Explosion • 06:46 Inventory • 07:44 Making a fire • 08:39 Graphics • 09:18 Building a tent • 10:24 Fighting an enemy...
Cyberpunk 2077 - RELEASE vs NOW
Переглядів 393 тис.Рік тому
In this video, I will show you the differences between the release version of Cyberpunk 2077 (2020) and the 1.61 version (2023) in terms of physics and details. Timings: • 00:00 Fire physics • 00:55 Bullets vs water • 01:25 Pointing a gun at a driver • 02:50 Punching an npc • 03:56 Explosion vs water • 04:28 Fire hydrants • 05:22 Bullets vs car tires • 05:59 Character shadow • 07:03 Blocking tr...
171 vs GTA V - Physics and Details Comparison
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171 vs GTA V - Physics and Details Comparison
GTA IV Android vs GTA IV PC - Physics and Details Comparison
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GTA IV Android vs GTA IV PC - Physics and Details Comparison
What Happens if You Cross Map Boundaries in Video Games? (2001-2022)
Переглядів 304 тис.2 роки тому
What Happens if You Cross Map Boundaries in Video Games? (2001-2022)


  • @adrianbalboa5353
    @adrianbalboa5353 2 дні тому

    Ghost Recon Wildlands has trains and I know my Ai teamates always die from them.

  • @Willchannel90
    @Willchannel90 2 дні тому

    Facts: In cartoons, most fictionals become like Wile e coyote until bam. In video games, sometimes bounces and teleports same spawns.

  • @mikynachomiguelangel8032
    @mikynachomiguelangel8032 2 дні тому

    You forgot Gta Liberty City Stories but good video.

  • @Pybik_C3H6O3
    @Pybik_C3H6O3 3 дні тому

    I think the fall didn’t kill John. It was water

  • @KasraSeifi-cb6dl
    @KasraSeifi-cb6dl 3 дні тому

    Red dead redemption 1 is best❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @Homeminboss
    @Homeminboss 3 дні тому

    alternate title: you listen to the voices in your head

  • @BonnieSmall-dn7ew
    @BonnieSmall-dn7ew 4 дні тому

    indians when they found this video: PLES LINK WHERE LINK

  • @FinsPlayofficial
    @FinsPlayofficial 4 дні тому

    Well done

  • @latbat58
    @latbat58 4 дні тому

    did u limit fps on gta3?

    • @WBD-894v
      @WBD-894v 4 дні тому

      Does it matter

    • @latbat58
      @latbat58 4 дні тому

      @WBD-894 yeah. it effects physics alot

    • @WBD-894v
      @WBD-894v 4 дні тому

      @@latbat58 alright

    • @playzz_yt
      @playzz_yt 3 дні тому

      Yep, it's capped at 60 fps

    • @latbat58
      @latbat58 3 дні тому

      @playzz_yt u shouldve capped frames with ingame settings. that one caps it to like 30. anything over that messes with stuff. especially physics. idk if there are mods to fix it. nice vid. take care.

  • @SadewSithmina-fi3ov
    @SadewSithmina-fi3ov 6 днів тому

    whats the best

  • @Fifapesoficial2
    @Fifapesoficial2 16 днів тому

    Gta 5 pero calidad media😂

  • @KingRoyale_
    @KingRoyale_ Місяць тому

    They update the shit recently

  • @flies9244
    @flies9244 Місяць тому

    Tires still leave black marks in grass instead of dirt tracks. Immersion gone

  • @siyam_lvl100
    @siyam_lvl100 Місяць тому

    Fake thumbnail.

  • @BlazerWaves
    @BlazerWaves Місяць тому

    10:20 OMG he is walking on water!

  • @GustavoCOD4
    @GustavoCOD4 Місяць тому

    F0ck this ahit thumbnails

  • @jsrrishi6008
    @jsrrishi6008 Місяць тому


  • @samfletcher8338
    @samfletcher8338 Місяць тому

    This release gives me doubts for gta 6, that plus the terrible handling of rdr online

  • @Zielonix666
    @Zielonix666 Місяць тому

    Where can i download this

  • @Superglitch13
    @Superglitch13 Місяць тому

    how to get mobile edition

  • @pkerry12
    @pkerry12 Місяць тому

    the new vice city has none of the music the original one did so, the new one is shit.

  • @orengamingshort
    @orengamingshort Місяць тому

    Why gta iv mobile its no cars and no NPC's

  • @Sprunkipovbrudwenda
    @Sprunkipovbrudwenda Місяць тому

    Ðàĺà Àķò ɓàĥàÿ

  • @rodrigopalmerin
    @rodrigopalmerin Місяць тому

    Im sure with mods this will be even better if rs lets em

  • @WinstonWilliamsofficial
    @WinstonWilliamsofficial Місяць тому

    Im so glad I never bought or played GTA V

  • @SikkandarS-cg2sc
    @SikkandarS-cg2sc 2 місяці тому

    GTA 5 link ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @AmazingOnex33
    @AmazingOnex33 2 місяці тому

    They fixed a lot of these things now. The game looks very good when maxed out in graphics as well.

  • @sarkasmt2
    @sarkasmt2 2 місяці тому

    Too little too late.

  • @MyEarsHurts
    @MyEarsHurts 2 місяці тому

    Tfym GTA 4 android this dogshit is just a gta san andreas reskin

  • @NikoBellic-pv6gf
    @NikoBellic-pv6gf 2 місяці тому

    People keep shaming on Rockstar Games for the remaster when in reality GROVE STREET GAMES DID THIS REMASTER.

  • @johanlano9490
    @johanlano9490 2 місяці тому

    Fck you and your fake thumbnail

  • @BernardHill-oq9eu
    @BernardHill-oq9eu 2 місяці тому

    I never finished vice city definitive edition. Just something so bad about that game. I wish they did a better job with it.

  • @keithprice1950
    @keithprice1950 2 місяці тому

    Release it unfinished and fix it over a couple of years seems to be the new norm in gaming.

  • @Trailersreactions124
    @Trailersreactions124 2 місяці тому

    Link plss

  • @Trailersreactions124
    @Trailersreactions124 2 місяці тому

    Nice comprehension man🎉

  • @AC-kq5de
    @AC-kq5de 2 місяці тому

    Puh..i´m lucky to have the OG versions on PC and PS4 (Vice City and San Andreas as PS2 classics on PS4.. unfortunately they got removed , due to the release of the "Definitive editions".. disgrace for 3, VC and SA)

  • @ryuhoshi-p9w
    @ryuhoshi-p9w 2 місяці тому

    Basically the game had zero to minimal FQA testing done, embarrassing.

  • @ThePoopleMan
    @ThePoopleMan 2 місяці тому

    The game looks and feels like a re-skin so why wasn't it a reskin? why did they think to completely rebuild the engine if they didn't want to improve anything, if this was a reskin then all the problems wouldn't exist

  • @PsychoRaven
    @PsychoRaven 2 місяці тому

    Yeah so the woman in the thumbnail is basically left 4 dead 2 rochelle and bro thought we wouldn't notice

  • @donnygunawan123
    @donnygunawan123 2 місяці тому

    01:03 oh shit i don't ready for that jumpscare from CJ face lol

  • @bluestripetiger
    @bluestripetiger 2 місяці тому

    Is this game worth buying in its current state if you've never played any game in the gta trilogy?

  • @AjayGhale-c6n
    @AjayGhale-c6n 2 місяці тому

    Учись сын мияги

  • @user-dk2dc2vv7j
    @user-dk2dc2vv7j 2 місяці тому

    When a fuking unfinished texture is ther you knew you fucked up

  • @محمدالامريكي-ج9م
    @محمدالامريكي-ج9م 2 місяці тому

    pretty crazy how unpolished this game was upon release.

  • @shaungraham9137
    @shaungraham9137 3 місяці тому

    I love watch dogs 1 more. The story was good and the attention to detail was amazing. For example, there were fire stations, fire engines patrolling the city as well as paramedics. The police not as perfect as in watch dogs 2 but it will still detailed. The police vehicle variety was amazing. There were more police vehicles to choose from than watch dogs 2. You could even solve crime as Aiden. Like police chases and stopping crime before it happens.😍 In watch dogs 2 you didn’t see any of that they focused too much on making improvements to the first game that they didn’t add on what made the first game great in the second watch dogs. But because of the improvements I loved watch dogs 2. Solving crime was severely demoted to online events and you couldn’t boost your reputation to keep you solving the crimes for replay value.🙂 Watch dogs legion however made things worse. They didn’t represent the metropolitan, police very well by not involving them in police chases as well as not giving them metropolitan police cars as personal vehicles for the police constables or as a vehicle you would encounter at a police station. The cost game of the London ambulance was poorly represented as they replicated what the ambulances looked like in the 1990s rather than present day which had the yellow and green Brandenburg markings as well as being yellow instead of white. Solving crimes was there but wasn’t engaging enough and there were no car chases. Also, the London fire brigade is completely absent.😢

  • @MrGHOSTMAN133
    @MrGHOSTMAN133 3 місяці тому

    So on that last one, your car wasnt stalling because of the incline, you were out of gas! Lol

  • @LxstGalaxy2000
    @LxstGalaxy2000 3 місяці тому

    This goes too show that ubisoft are capable of adding neat details and great physics aswell in watchdogs like when explosions go off the character will roll or crawl on the ground. As of lately though mainly with the ac franchise and Starwars outlaws was very similar is that they'll create a beautiful world, characters, clothing etc. But the missions are just repetitive. Go here fetch that bring it back and so on.

  • @R_Aryan
    @R_Aryan 3 місяці тому

    💯 The best games I have ever played

  • @pyro_x-x
    @pyro_x-x 3 місяці тому

    Clean, Legit. Nice Ryder reference

  • @autistic_elite
    @autistic_elite 3 місяці тому

    Some of GTA6 is physics might just be for the trailer and it might be ironed out by the release