Nudge Podcast
Nudge Podcast
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Irrational pricing strategies that actually work
Every year $342 billion is spent on bottled water. And yet, for many of those customers a safer version, that tastes the same, is 300x cheaper. Our collective thirst for bottled water is largely irrational. It doesn’t make sense. But so, it seems, are the pricing strategies of several major brands, from fashion, to food, to flights, irrational prices often trump rational approaches. Today, Melina Palmer, host of the Brainy Business, explains why irrational prices surprisingly sell.
Melina’s podcast:
Melina’s book (with free chapters):
Fiji ad:
Cleveland Utilities Response:
Переглядів: 208


“How McDonald’s Make Men Binge” Rory Sutherland
Переглядів 49114 днів тому
In today’s episode of Nudge, Rory Sutherland explains: - When to tell smokers to quit smoking - How to double McDonald’s orders - Ways to make Londoners recycle - Why pensions schemes are broken - How to make high earners pay more tax Rory’s book Alchemy: Sign up to the Nudge Newsletter:
The (sexual?) symbolism in McDonald's logo
Переглядів 18021 день тому
Is there a hidden sexual symbolism behind the famous golden arches? Yes (apparently). I laughed at this, thinking it was BS, but today I realise I’m probably wrong. See subtle tweaks in logo designs dramatically change how they’re perceived. Today, I talk to Professor Nazuk Sharma as she explains how tweaks to design can make people buy. Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter:
The £500 million marketing mistake
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In 1991, CEO of one of the UK’s largest high street brands lost £500m in value overnight. He almost caused his company to go bankrupt, which ultimately led to his dismissal and a complete company rebrand. In today’s episode of Nudge, I share his story, explaining the psychology behind why this happened and some messaging advice that every marketer needs to know. Sign up to the Nudge Newsletter:...
The Europeans Who Danced to Their Deaths
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In the middle ages hundreds of thousands of Europeans danced themselves to exhaustion. Some danced for weeks on end, many ended up dying of heart attacks and heat stroke. But why? What strange illness was causing this oddity? Turns out, it was all psychological. The dancing epidemic of the middle ages was one of the first noted examples of mass hysteria, a phenomenon where these individuals exp...
Britain’s Most Persuasive Text Message
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In 2021, the NHS sent a text message to every single Brit. This wasn’t a normal text. It was jam-packed with six world-famous persuasion techniques designed to shift behaviour. In today’s episode of Nudge, famed behavioural scientist Patrick Fagan walks through the six techniques, and explains that everyone, from the NHS to a 6-year old selling lemonade can apply them. Listen to Nudge Podcast: ...
Why Balenciaga Looks Crap
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Why Balenciaga Looks Crap
What Makes A Song Popular?
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What Makes A Song Popular?
Mourinho’s Mind Game Obsession Explained
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Mourinho’s Mind Game Obsession Explained
Why this ad sticks in your head
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Why this ad sticks in your head
This Ad is Smarter Than You Think
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This Ad is Smarter Than You Think
How to change someone’s mind
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How to change someone’s mind
How Steve Jobs Persuaded The World
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How Steve Jobs Persuaded The World
The secrets behind Steve Jobs' success
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The secrets behind Steve Jobs' success
Modern leaders must learn this from Churchill
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Modern leaders must learn this from Churchill
The psychology behind EVERY movie trailer
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The psychology behind EVERY movie trailer
Scientific tips for living a happier life
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Scientific tips for living a happier life
Will this subliminal ad work on you?
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Will this subliminal ad work on you?
The persuasive effect of mere exposure
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The persuasive effect of mere exposure
How a teenager caught the world's attention
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How a teenager caught the world's attention
How this taxi driver memorised 25k roads
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How this taxi driver memorised 25k roads
Why card counters can’t bankrupt casinos (with Steven Bridges)
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Why card counters can’t bankrupt casinos (with Steven Bridges)
Elizabeth Holmes: Why people believed her (part 2)
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Elizabeth Holmes: Why people believed her (part 2)
Elizabeth Holmes: The psychology of a liar
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Elizabeth Holmes: The psychology of a liar
Five ads that changed the world
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Five ads that changed the world
The worst ways to spend your money
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The worst ways to spend your money
How to get a raise (according to Dan Pink)
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How to get a raise (according to Dan Pink)
Could you fall in love with AI?
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Could you fall in love with AI?
How MrBeast Captured Your Attention
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How MrBeast Captured Your Attention
Can money buy happiness?
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Can money buy happiness?


  • @joendrsn
    @joendrsn 4 години тому

    Did anyone wonder what would've happened if she were a male of similar age and background?

  • @maximillianomartinez
    @maximillianomartinez 8 годин тому

    Very ironic that the main thing I remember from this video is that the research is supplemented by Dan Ariely

  • @mattheusser1390
    @mattheusser1390 13 годин тому

    In the 11 minute time range he said the scores went up by a little proving everyone cheats a little. What if a very few people cheat a lot?

  • @ImGettinWeird
    @ImGettinWeird 22 години тому

    Im a dealer and and not only do i not care if youre counting, i hope you are and would never tell on you lol

  • @ZeldaVStheworld
    @ZeldaVStheworld 5 днів тому

    I think of Rain Man and Hangover

  • @AkramAlodini
    @AkramAlodini 6 днів тому

    the best content i have ever watched

  • @bolgacgulen9359
    @bolgacgulen9359 7 днів тому

    You know, I actually will go and listen to the podcast. Well made advertisement

  • @TheVFXbyArt
    @TheVFXbyArt 7 днів тому

    13:34 I disagree. It has more to do with the culture and Silicon Valley of fake it until you make it.

  • @TheVFXbyArt
    @TheVFXbyArt 7 днів тому

    1) she only cared about being a billionaire, not about saving lives. 2) attrition. Anyone who challenged her was fired, all that was left was a believers. Plus, it’s the culture of Silicon Valley: the cult of the personality. 3) people who believed her, especially her investors, was because of greed. they wanted to be on the ground floor of whatever this is before this scam was revealed when they exit. The same script was repeated with crypto and with NFT’s. Rinse and repeat. This has been the history in this country.

  • @kostadingramatikov9692
    @kostadingramatikov9692 7 днів тому

    I like how he measured in skyscrapers...

  • @marm.8469
    @marm.8469 8 днів тому

    great video

  • @showbizcasinoparties
    @showbizcasinoparties 8 днів тому

    Hasn’t the automatic shufflers eliminated this advantage

    • @trade_iv
      @trade_iv 7 днів тому

      most places don’t use those

  • @qa4898
    @qa4898 8 днів тому

    Fake moonlanding

    • @eXe09
      @eXe09 8 днів тому

      Who told you that? :D

  • @mohddanish7566
    @mohddanish7566 8 днів тому

    Every epic

  • @merediths2cents
    @merediths2cents 11 днів тому

    Zelensky has dirt on Biden so we’re giving him billions. Putin is intelligent. Enjoyed every word of part one and this video until you made the ignorant statement. Zelensky is scamming the US because he had videos of Biden being naughty with little girls. Bidens own daughter wrote about her father abusing her. Wow. Just wow. It is quite sad the media lies to us now, but is more sad that anyone believes the media Good luck. I ended watching once you praised zelensky. Biden had started two wars and is funding every side.

  • @merediths2cents
    @merediths2cents 11 днів тому

    I once missed a doctor appointment and I told the doctor that I simply forgot. He immediately called his secretary and told her to remove my late fee or my cancel fee. He then told me most people make up excuses and I appreciate your honesty.

  • @susanrudge5817
    @susanrudge5817 11 днів тому

    Antibiotics were discovered when Fleming noticed mould was inhibiting the growth of bacteria in discarded petrie dishes. Jenner noticed dairy maids who had cow pox rarely caught small pox. This was a very interesting presentation.

  • @lefteriseleftheriades7381
    @lefteriseleftheriades7381 12 днів тому

    Another trick offer candy with the bill to trigger reciprocity

  • @analogdistortion
    @analogdistortion 12 днів тому

    And are you going to post anything about these other tricks?

  • @LordWiggle
    @LordWiggle 12 днів тому

    Another waiter trick: go work in Europe and you don't need tips.

  • @user-oj4lx3sy5g
    @user-oj4lx3sy5g 12 днів тому

    as someone that used to work in the hospitality industry as a waiter from every type of restaurant from a silver service restaurant all the way down to a cafe, I can tell you this is BS. Tips depend on two things, culture and the person tipping. Some people do, some dont. Where I live and work tip is not expected like in the USA. If you are a good waiter/ress you read the order back for confirmation if you dont you probably make a lot of errors and the kitchen staff hate you.

  • @MrCloakandpoke
    @MrCloakandpoke 12 днів тому

    Why not say tips increase by 9000% ur lying either way

  • @debacofzomb9889
    @debacofzomb9889 12 днів тому

    Nonsense. I had a table eating out of my hand. They all wanted to be my friend. Super charisma 20 rolls all night.... The tip was not memorable. People usually already know how much they intend to tip before they sit down. Usually that number will only go down depending on service, quality et cetera.

  • @korbin4674
    @korbin4674 12 днів тому

    Jokes on them I never tip 😂

    • @debacofzomb9889
      @debacofzomb9889 12 днів тому

      You would if you ever had to work a job where you were tipped at any point in your life. At the very least you should tip your food server. "It's not my fault they get paid $2.13 per hour, blame the owner." I don't disagree, but it is the way it is, if you choose to go to a restaurant.... Leave a tip if the service is good and you enjoyed your food. And FFS if you say you need a refill, and your server says "anything else?" Don't wait for them to return to the table to say "can I get some ranch dressing?" They walk like 12 miles per day while at work.

    • @brianruto8055
      @brianruto8055 12 днів тому

      Then you are part of the 30% 😂

  • @CptSpears007
    @CptSpears007 12 днів тому

    Horse shit

  • @LMB222
    @LMB222 12 днів тому

    I find it hard to believe.

  • @benlatimer9823
    @benlatimer9823 13 днів тому

    An interesting little trick you’ve pulled

  • @uncommonradio7562
    @uncommonradio7562 14 днів тому

    Greetings, always a fun ride to hear Rory, mostly his perspective is appreciated even if most of his 'facts' are entirely inaccurate, its really about behavior of the masses on an individual level, so cudos for that, say inaccurate 'cause its 'fiat' currency, money supply is expanded by lending and funds are literally drawn off of one's signature on paper, re; health facts, just about 90% of what is taught in medical school is simply 'medical-fiction', life expectancy increase is simply due to running water and sanitation, human body is not a pressurized filter bag as taught, all the best

  • @MegaMARLEEN1
    @MegaMARLEEN1 14 днів тому

    And than the truth will.set u free, ...for her within a decade now. I find her lies not only despicable, but the irresponsable behavior towards the healthcare system makes me feel so angry , that i wonder why noone of the system itself double or triple checked regularly on this so called wonder invention of her. ?????

  • @poeticmic6219
    @poeticmic6219 14 днів тому

    This video was good, but could you at least edit it so that watching it doesn't make us feel sick! The constant camera movement in the shot is horrible. I get you never shot it, but at least make it so we can watch it without sea sickness please.

    • @nudgepodcast
      @nudgepodcast 14 днів тому

      Sorry, that’s actually a strange feature that Rory had on his camera at time of recording. There was no way to remove it in the edit (believe me I tried).

  • @anastasiszaroliagis5066
    @anastasiszaroliagis5066 14 днів тому

    Because she told them what they want to hear...and take an advandance for their health, their wish to live more...idiots...😊

  • @samlazar1053
    @samlazar1053 15 днів тому

    They called her next Steve Jobs...Next Sergei Brinn,,,Next Elon Mosk

  • @StrategicCIS
    @StrategicCIS 17 днів тому

    She's a psycopath for sure, but she wasn't a good talker or convincing in any other way. Psycopaths don't necessarily recognize other psycopaths, and the non-psycopaths didn't do any due diligence because they play with other people's money and don't care.

  • @onika6357
    @onika6357 18 днів тому

    If her family was rich, and she grew up having everything given to her without working for it, she probably thought college was too much work and she should have financial success more easily.

  • @MichaelMayhill
    @MichaelMayhill 18 днів тому

    He has so much good info!! Have been enjoying his pod cast, you will be surprised What you can learn.

  • @souxcasa
    @souxcasa 18 днів тому

    Higher brain connectivity is also a symptom of autism and ADHD. Autistic people are notoriously truthful to the point where they get into trouble so I wouldn't take brain connectivity to be the reason a person might be a liar

  • @waterwomaninFL
    @waterwomaninFL 19 днів тому

    How would her Stanford University professors even KNOW she had so much talent when she was was there for such a short time?

  • @mboehmer
    @mboehmer 22 дні тому

    Psychology is just stunning. It's like a whole parallel dimension that affects everything we do, yet we are not consciously aware of it.

  • @christineperkins4987
    @christineperkins4987 24 дні тому

    Reminds me of all the corruption in the medical field through Covid ….across the board

  • @TheDjcarter1966
    @TheDjcarter1966 24 дні тому

    Any dealer, pit boss and security experts can spot a card counter in about 30-60 minutes, then they just back you off and say you cant play anymore if they see you trying it again they ban you and inform other casinos and you are in the ban book.

    • @ochenhetree
      @ochenhetree 22 дні тому

      Beat the casino out of 750 k usd so far

  • @user-qj7bi1vz7y
    @user-qj7bi1vz7y 25 днів тому

    She’s got those Wendi adelson eyes 👀… two nut bags for sure

  • @Dadscap
    @Dadscap 26 днів тому

    I must say, this is a pretty amazing podcast. Super informative and a ton of great insights. Been following for a while now and it's amazing to see the quality (i.e. of the video AND the information) stay consistently up.

  • @Hallowsaw
    @Hallowsaw 29 днів тому

    So my house i bought for 347500 i should sell for 405287

  • @friendship9904
    @friendship9904 29 днів тому

    Why does prices go up then goes down big amount

  • @skewwhiff9423
    @skewwhiff9423 Місяць тому

    Interesting (and thoroughly recommend RS's books). A guy in a plum crew neck calling out high fashion as 'looks crap'? I mean... OK. Hasn't fashion for the disgracefully wealthy always been about outlandishness? Probably a reason Louis 14th was the 'king of couture'. Then there's the macroeconomics of the mega-wealthy. From $17m in 2001 to $2.3b in 2021 maybe speaks as strongly to the explosion in the billionaires club and appalling wealth gaps/growth in global millionaires. That's not to suggest the research doesn't underpin it - perhaps the greater the wealth gap, the more outlandish the style. On the other hand, you can find people dressed in similar ways at tiny fractions of the cost who have no proven success status (first year fashion students, for instance). People who become successful may be more likely to break norms because they always had the confidence to do so. The smart junior researchers mentioned may never become successful, because their conformity means they'll never have the maverick sensibilities to produce research that people are drawn to cite. Ironically, though, all of the successful academics you've pictured are dressed to norms. One even has a tie on. (You have a caption typo at 6.51 'poweful people').

  • @Tubes78
    @Tubes78 Місяць тому

    Speak for yourself, I never lie...

  • @user-yi5er5wq4s
    @user-yi5er5wq4s Місяць тому

    Aaaaaagggg you know me.... Take her out of jail she is too beautiful. We will help her with her business.

  • @EmergingEcho
    @EmergingEcho Місяць тому

    These eyes don't look shallow at all, I trust her, please take my 1000 billion $$$$

  • @rhueoflandorin
    @rhueoflandorin Місяць тому

    "Win more than half the games they play" is actually incorrect. The sum of their wins will OVERCOME the losses they have because with proper bet sizing and playing strategy, they can overcome the casino's edge in a fair game...and do so more quickly in a QUALITY game.

  • @briantbmoth6472
    @briantbmoth6472 Місяць тому

    I believe it. I’ve been guilty of ordering a side of hotcakes with my meal.