Words of Wisdom
Words of Wisdom
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ITHAKA! - A Poem Of Life's Journey By C.P. Cavafy
Read by Shane Morris
C.P. Cavafy, was a Greek poet. He is considered one of the most important figures in modern Greek poetry. Cavafy's work combines elements of Hellenistic and Byzantine traditions. Cavafy lived most of his life in Alexandria, where he worked as a civil servant and led a quiet existence. During his lifetime, Cavafy's work received little recognition, but after his death, his poems became quite famous.
"Ithaka" is one of Cavafy's most well-known poems. It is inspired by the mythological journey of Odysseus. The poem is a reflection on life's journey and the pursuit of fulfillment. Cavafy advises the reader not to be overly concerned with reaching the destination, Ithaka (representing a goal or achievement), but to embrace the experiences, challenges, and knowledge gained along the way.
The poem encourages the reader to savor the adventure, embrace the unknown, and overcome obstacles with courage and determination. It emphasizes the importance of personal growth and the wisdom gained through the journey itself, rather than focusing solely on the destination.
Author: C.P. Cavafy
Poem: Ithaka
Video by Dream Editing
Music by Artlist
Audio by Adian
Переглядів: 7 783


What did you do today to get better? - By George Eliot
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Read by Shane Morris George Eliot was a writer and novelist. Known for her insightful and detailed storytelling, she captivated readers with her understanding of human nature and societal complexities. "Count that day lost," implores you to evaluate your daily actions and prioritize acts of kindness and selflessness. The poem encourages you to find fulfillment in bringing joy and light into the...
Robert Frost - In A Disused Graveyard
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Read by Shane Morris Robert Frost (1874-1963) was a poet known for his vivid imagery, precise language, and profound exploration of rural life and nature. Frost's works often reflect his deep understanding of human experiences, the complexities of existence, and the choices individuals face in life. "In a Disused Graveyard," was published in 1914. This poem explores the theme of death and the p...
My Creed by Edgar Albert Guest - Inspirational Poetry
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Read by Shane Morris Edgar Albert Guest (1881-1959) was a prolific American poet and journalist, known for his sentimental and inspirational verse. He wrote more than 11,000 poems during his career, and his work was widely published in newspapers and magazines. "My Creed" is one of Guest's most famous poems, in which he sets out his personal philosophy of life. The poem consists of a series of ...
So you want to be a writer? - Charles Bukowski
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Read by Shane Morris Charles Bukowski (1920-1994) was an American writer and poet known for his gritty, raw, and often autobiographical writing style. Bukowski's work is characterized by his exploration of the underbelly of society, his use of profanity, and his unflinching portrayal of the darker aspects of life. He is considered one of the most influential writers of the 20th century and his ...
If You Forget Me by Pablo Neruda | Deeply Meaningful Poetry
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Read by Shane Morris Pablo Neruda is a poet and diplomat who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971. Pablo Neruda is known for his passionate and lyrical poetry that explored themes of love, nature, and politics. "If You Forget Me" is one of his most famous poems in which he expresses his desire for his lover to remember him always, even if they must part. The poem's vivid imagery and emoti...
Winds Of Change - Powerful Poem For Hard Times
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Read by Shane Morris We have carefully selected this poem. This poem in this video are narrated by Shane Morris (an award winning voice actor). We then take care to edit the audio as perfectly as we can,. It took us months of learning before we were able to edit the voice like this. The video was created by Dream Editing. This is a very iterative process and we test out a lot different footage ...
A Poem Brought To Life - Alone by Edgar Allan Poe
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This video was originally created as a short research film. The director gave us permission to share this video on our channel. The 3D animation took extensive work by Carlos Fueyo and Jacek J. Kolasinski. The video contains a narration of Edgar Allen Poe's Poem "Alone". Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer and poet who is widely considered to be one of the most important figures in American ...
True Manliness - Life Changing Words From Our Ancestors
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Read by Shane Morris The text in this video was taken from the famous essay ‘Self-Reliance’ by Ralph Waldo Emerson. In this essay, Emerson argues that we should get to know our self rather than looking to other people to create our individual thoughts and ideas for us. Our primary goal is to inspire you. We do this by bringing historical texts like these to life. We have carefully selected the ...
Life Changing Poetry To Make You Fearless - Henry van Dyke
Переглядів 12 тис.Рік тому
Read by Shane Morris The poems that are used in this video were written by Henry van Dyke. Henry Van Dyke was born on November 10, 1852. He was a famous novelist, poet, short story writer, and essayist in the early decades of the 20th century. We have carefully selected these poems from the other poems Henry van Dyke has written. The poems in this video are narrated by Shane Morris (an award wi...
The Greatest Men On Earth - Life Changing Poem by Edgar Albert Guest
Переглядів 45 тис.Рік тому
Read by Shane Morris This video aims to bring the poem "Equipment" of Edgar Albert Guest, to life. Edgar A. Guest was born in Birmingham, England on August 20, 1881. His work has been published in many books, starting in 1909 in the book, Home Rhymes and up until 1949 in his book, Living The Years. We have carefully selected this poem from the other poems Edgar Albert Guest has written. The poe...
Life Changing Poem For Sad Times
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Read by Shane Morris This video aims to bring the poem "To a Skylark" of William Wordsworth, to life. William Wordsworth was an English poet who is considered one of the most important figures in the development of English Romanticism. He was born on April 7, 1770, in Cockermouth, Cumberland, England, and died on April 23, 1850. We have carefully selected this poem from the other poems William ...
Caged Bird by Maya Angelou - Life Changing Poem
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Read by Shane Morris This video aims to bring the poem "Caged Bird" of Maya Angelou, to life. Maya Angelou was an American writer, poet, and civil rights activist. She was born on April 4, 1928 and died on May 28, 2014. We have carefully selected this poem from the other poems Maya Angelou has written. "Caged Bird" is a poem that explores themes of oppression, freedom, and the power of the huma...
To be or not to be - William Shakespeare (Powerful Life Poetry)
Переглядів 53 тис.Рік тому
Read by Shane Morris This video aims to bring the soliloquy "To be or not to be" of William Shakespeare, to life. William Shakespeare was an English playwright, poet, and actor who is widely regarded as one of the greatest writers in the English language and one of the most important figures in world literature. He was born in 1564, and died in 1616. "To be or not to be" is a soliloquy from Wil...
THE GREAT AIM - Inspirational Life Poetry
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Read by Dave Luukkonen This video aims to bring the poems "Will", "A Builders Lesson" and "The Invetitable", to life. The poem "Will" by Ella Wheeler Wilcox is a testament to the power of determination and will. Ella Wheeler Wilcox asserts that fate, chance, and destiny are powerless against the strength of a determined soul. The poem "A Builder's Lesson" by John Boyle O'Reilly is about breakin...
TYGER! TYGER! BURNING BRIGHT! - Powerful Poetry by William Blake
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TYGER! TYGER! BURNING BRIGHT! - Powerful Poetry by William Blake
Love Poetry From The Heart | Robert Burns
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Love Poetry From The Heart | Robert Burns
Khalil Gibran On Work - Powerful Life Poetry - Spoken Word
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Khalil Gibran On Work - Powerful Life Poetry - Spoken Word
True Nobility | Inspirational Life Poetry
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True Nobility | Inspirational Life Poetry
Life Lesson From A Wise King About The Value Of Time - King Solomon
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Life Lesson From A Wise King About The Value Of Time - King Solomon
Hard Choices by R.W. Emerson - Inspirational Life Poetry
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Hard Choices by R.W. Emerson - Inspirational Life Poetry
The Man In The Glass by Peter Dale Wimbrow (Powerful Life Poetry)
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The Man In The Glass by Peter Dale Wimbrow (Powerful Life Poetry)
Our Heroes - Inspiring Poetry About How To Become A Real Hero
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Our Heroes - Inspiring Poetry About How To Become A Real Hero
Can You Do It? - Powerful Life Poetry
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Can You Do It? - Powerful Life Poetry
A Psalm Of Life by H.W. Longfellow | Inspirational Life Poetry
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A Psalm Of Life by H.W. Longfellow | Inspirational Life Poetry
Talking Is Thinking Half Murdered | Khalil Gibran | Deep Life Poetry
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Talking Is Thinking Half Murdered | Khalil Gibran | Deep Life Poetry
The Poem About The Empty Sky by W.H. Auden - The More Loving One
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The Poem About The Empty Sky by W.H. Auden - The More Loving One
I Sit Beside The Fire And Think by J.R.R. Tolkien - Deep Poetry
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I Sit Beside The Fire And Think by J.R.R. Tolkien - Deep Poetry
Inspirational Poem To Keep You Going - ANYWAY By Mother Teresa
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Inspirational Poem To Keep You Going - ANYWAY By Mother Teresa
Deep Inspirational Poem About The Mind With No Fear - By Rabindranath Tagore
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Deep Inspirational Poem About The Mind With No Fear - By Rabindranath Tagore


  • @anuradhamondal1952
    @anuradhamondal1952 19 годин тому

    Speech: “To be, or not to be, that is the question” By William Shakespeare Share (from Hamlet, spoken by Hamlet) To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. To die-to sleep, No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep; To sleep, perchance to dream-ay, there's the rub: For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause-there's the respect That makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, Th'oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of th'unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, The undiscovere'd country, from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience doth make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry And lose the name of action.

  • @anuradhamondal1952
    @anuradhamondal1952 19 годин тому

    বক্তৃতা: "হতে হবে বা না হতে হবে, এটাই প্রশ্ন" উইলিয়াম শেক্সপিয়ার দ্বারা শেয়ার করুন (হ্যামলেট থেকে, হ্যামলেটের দ্বারা বলা) হওয়া বা না হওয়া, এটাই প্রশ্ন: মনে মনে কষ্ট পেতে হয় কিনা অপ্রীতিকর ভাগ্যের গুলতি এবং তীর, অথবা কষ্ট সাগরের বিরুদ্ধে অস্ত্র নিতে এবং বিরোধিতা করে তাদের শেষ করুন। মরতে - ঘুমাতে, আর নেই; এবং একটি ঘুমের দ্বারা আমরা শেষ বলতে হৃদয়-ব্যথা এবং হাজার প্রাকৃতিক ধাক্কা সেই মাংস উত্তরাধিকারী: 'এটি একটি পরিপূর্ণতা ধার্মিকভাবে কামনা করা হবে. মরতে, ঘুমাতে; ঘুমাতে, স্বপ্ন দেখার সম্ভাবনা-অ্যা, এখানে ঘষা আছে: কেননা সেই মৃত্যুর ঘুমের মধ্যে কি স্বপ্ন আসতে পারে, যখন আমরা এই নশ্বর কয়েলটি এলোমেলো করে ফেলি, আমাদের বিরতি দিতে হবে - সম্মান আছে যে এত দীর্ঘ জীবনের বিপর্যয় তৈরি করে। সময়ের চাবুক আর তিরস্কার কে সহ্য করবে, অত্যাচারীর অন্যায়, অহংকারীর অপমান, বিচ্ছিন্ন প্রেমের যন্ত্রণা, আইনের বিলম্ব, অফিসের ঔদ্ধত্য, এবং অপমান অযোগ্যদের সেই ধৈর্যশীল যোগ্যতা লাগে, যখন সে নিজেই তার নিস্তব্ধতা তৈরি করতে পারে একটি খালি bodkin সঙ্গে? কে সহ্য করবে, ক্লান্ত জীবনে ঘামতে ও ঘামতে, কিন্তু মৃত্যুর পর কোন কিছুর ভয়, অনাবিষ্কৃত দেশ, যার জন্ম কোন ভ্রমণকারী ফিরে আসে না, ইচ্ছাকে ধাঁধাঁ দেয়, এবং আমাদের বরং আমাদের সেই অসুস্থতাগুলি সহ্য করে তোলে অন্যের কাছে উড়ে যা আমরা জানি না? এইভাবে বিবেক আমাদের সবাইকে কাপুরুষ করে তোলে, এবং এইভাবে রেজোলিউশন নেটিভ বর্ণ চিন্তার ফ্যাকাশে কাস্টে অসুস্থ হয়ে পড়েছে, এবং মহান pith এবং মুহূর্তের উদ্যোগ এই বিষয়ে তাদের স্রোত বিভ্রান্ত হয় আর কর্মের নাম হারায়।

  • @NatalieBorzin
    @NatalieBorzin 4 дні тому

    📖I Trai to andestend proprieti of oll new vocabulari..🕯🕯🕯🕯

  • @juanbull92
    @juanbull92 5 днів тому

    I'd llike to understand all text but I'm not english.

  • @christinacosgrove6151
    @christinacosgrove6151 10 днів тому

    Who's reading?

  • @kme321
    @kme321 17 днів тому

    Only a dad is one of the greatest poems ever written, it described my dad perfectly. He has always been our hero in the family

  • @tejaslambade8080
    @tejaslambade8080 19 днів тому

    Brilliant 👍

  • @purposelypoetic
    @purposelypoetic 21 день тому

    Have I earned my tomorrow? I used to believe I had. Now I am not so certain. And with each new tomorrow, I see the things I've done, reflecting in my eyes like an early setting sun.

  • @АлександрРусаков-в4с

    Allen Angela Gonzalez Daniel Perez John

  • @АлександрРусаков-в4с

    Clark Matthew Thompson Ronald Lopez Anna

  • @TeriHamilton-o4e
    @TeriHamilton-o4e 24 дні тому

    Anderson Christopher Thompson Ronald Young Susan

  • @doring4579
    @doring4579 28 днів тому


  • @offxcialmelody.4834
    @offxcialmelody.4834 Місяць тому

    Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines. And often is his gold complexion dimmed. And every fair from fair sometimes declines. By chance or natures exchanging course untrimmed

  • @mdrajibhossan5216
    @mdrajibhossan5216 Місяць тому

    Amazing Voice! I really love it!

  • @eugeniasantoyo3024
    @eugeniasantoyo3024 Місяць тому

    My favorite poet William sheakpare I love poetry.

  • @jackalbright4599
    @jackalbright4599 Місяць тому

    Not my "dad"..

  • @RhythmEchoes-y3d
    @RhythmEchoes-y3d Місяць тому

    I like sonnet 116 a lot, it’s like he’s lost or wanting to be like other people but at the same time more or less observing others and wishing he had their cooler traits.

    • @RhythmEchoes-y3d
      @RhythmEchoes-y3d Місяць тому

      I feel like at first he’s saying he doesn’t want to judge, but I think he’s just trying to keep himself humble.

    • @RhythmEchoes-y3d
      @RhythmEchoes-y3d Місяць тому

      I think he’s also saying that you have to be strong to overcome and turmoil that comes your way.

    • @RhythmEchoes-y3d
      @RhythmEchoes-y3d Місяць тому

      I love what he says about love, because to me it sounds like he’s saying that no man can take that away from you!

  • @AnthonyChristopherHernandez
    @AnthonyChristopherHernandez Місяць тому


  • @SiphosethuSipho-h4n
    @SiphosethuSipho-h4n Місяць тому


  • @pradeeppandey7228
    @pradeeppandey7228 Місяць тому

  • @sanamih3944
    @sanamih3944 Місяць тому


  • @anuradhamondal1952
    @anuradhamondal1952 2 місяці тому

    WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer’s lease hath all too short a date; Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimm'd; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance or nature’s changing course untrimm'd; But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st; Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st: So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

  • @VoltoreCorvino
    @VoltoreCorvino 2 місяці тому

    For those who do not know, this is actually a line Hamlet says in "Hamlet" the play by Shakespear. Hamlet is wondering whether one should commit suicide or put up with the pains and shocks of this world. He then concludes that the only reason people bear this never-ending pain called life rather than suicide is because they are not certain about the afterlife. We don't know what's after death, hence we would rather bear this nasty world than walk ourselves to the Unknown.

  • @jaydee11.11
    @jaydee11.11 2 місяці тому

    Only a dad face whatever comes his way 🖤 The best of men

  • @OfCourseICan
    @OfCourseICan 2 місяці тому

    Profound. Thanks for posting. Grateful Aussie.

  • @galaxy9radio664
    @galaxy9radio664 2 місяці тому

    This sounds like Master Chief, delightful.

  • @morganellius6191
    @morganellius6191 2 місяці тому

    What she actually believed in, was making others suffer, by withholding donated pain meds ( “it will bring them closer to god,”), while giving herself, the best treatment that money could buy, via European doctors, flown to via private jets. My aunt and grandmother volunteered in Calcutta, and what she did to impoverished, dying people was cruel beyond measure.

  • @Karl-lz2bj
    @Karl-lz2bj 2 місяці тому

    This is by far my favourite poem in the beginning makes me cry 😢 I’m a father of 4 two girls and two baby boys ❤❤

  • @CharanS777
    @CharanS777 2 місяці тому

    Who missed ur school life when u see the first poem😢😚

  • @BGMIporsche
    @BGMIporsche 2 місяці тому

    Dad sacrifices a lot silently...

  • @Yacine-e9p
    @Yacine-e9p 2 місяці тому

    La communication par esprit qui est une force absolue développe un savoir ou un recueil de proverbes.

    • @CharanS777
      @CharanS777 2 місяці тому

      Memories hit me back 😔💕

  • @zendt66
    @zendt66 2 місяці тому

    The title of the video is misleading. "Dreams" is by Langston Hughes, the Blake poem read is "A Poison Tree". I like the pace and tone of the reader, very embracing.

  • @danam7172
    @danam7172 2 місяці тому

    this poem makes my heart ache so much because idk if i can even answer “Yes” to any of those questions

  • @NkanyeziZwane-m1o
    @NkanyeziZwane-m1o 2 місяці тому

    William one day I will be like you not only that but greater a 13 yr old Swazi African child❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @taufeeqnadeem3745
    @taufeeqnadeem3745 2 місяці тому

    After a long death, the darling bought me back to this man

  • @markovvoz8849
    @markovvoz8849 2 місяці тому

    If anyone is trying to find the author for the first poem, don't, it from paper written in 1903 called The Lutheran Observer, you can do a Google book search with the poem text to see it. Wish there was a single video of the poem.

  • @lordlucifer4471
    @lordlucifer4471 2 місяці тому

    Omg....that is soooo goooood.....❤❤❤

  • @PhyllisChrist
    @PhyllisChrist 2 місяці тому

    You see it's a very special bra I have to have! All the ones in the market, even though , that's been over a space of a lifetime, are a torture to me. I try to redo them to fit these jugs , only to be disappointed, and my new bra, that's taken me years to buy, is destroyed! So, I always end up with only one bra; and carrying around these heavy, feel like jars! The bras, either make my breast swing down and dangle like a balloon, build a hill of tension in my shoulders and neck, that send me into a world of pain, and stress! So much these different types of bras do, to torture me! Most of all, they unlock my sciatic nerve, bang on my hamstrings all day! Then my buttocks and knees seem to go to the mountains and play, causing all kinds of inflammation, making me bend over with scrutiny pain!!!! I still have to give my daily offering and sacrifice to Jehovah God, my High Priest Jesus Christ ,perform all of my duties, care for my Sister, Seek the kingdom, seek relief; and at the end of each day, touching base with my closest contacts, even though only two, answer back! They are my encouragement and joy, along with our God given Bible study I share! Scrolling down UA-cam lane, stopping occasionally at LMN Christian Movie - Fame, hoping to hear someone who can relate, to what I am facing, and can help me run this race! A glass of grape or white grape 100% juice will do, hot coco, or black coffee, wait a minute, I still have clothes soaking in the sink, to ring out too! This is an every day life of hell, including the dangerous fireworks outside, I've cut my own grass and the hedge bushes and limbs too; for twenty years, up until last year! That's when they started sending a dog to stop my joy, and since the Holy Scriptures say: beware of and evil workers, and dogs! I have to pay someone else to do it, and still can't find anyone to trim my hedges and cut the tree limbs. So, every day , it's meditating on Jesus' words, that feeds my soul, telling him my problems, and hoping once again, he heals me, have mercy, and make me whole! Still Waiting for him and his presence, to show up as I praise him! So he can still the enemy of my soul; and cause him to fall down and go back! Even though tomorrow is a new day, They will be back again; but I will still cry Holy and thank you Lord Jesus! Even through all the pains and trials, Lord God Jehovah, I give you the Glory; and thanks to Lord Jesus and his followers! He has still, been so good to me! Even while I sleep, he makes it a gift to me, with sweet, peaceful, sleep! Adventurous, dreams and so I give thanks, to thee oh Lord, my healer, savior, deliverer, and great Friend I am still waiting on you! In Christ Alone! PDW in Christ

  • @pravatiscookingcorner3852
    @pravatiscookingcorner3852 2 місяці тому


  • @heathermoore5382
    @heathermoore5382 2 місяці тому

    I would prefer to hear them spoken with an English accent.

  • @AbcDef-zf4gs
    @AbcDef-zf4gs 3 місяці тому

    This is a garbage poem imo

  • @sunilmane5816
    @sunilmane5816 3 місяці тому

    My great inspiration is William Shakespeare. These poems are so sweet and heartfelt

  • @h.a.2878
    @h.a.2878 3 місяці тому

    When you live in another country as a foreigner and don't know anyone, sometimes days go by without the opportunity to be kind to others, to see them and help them. You cannot help others because you yourself are trying to 'float'. When you count a lot of days, you wonder if it makes sense to live without all those "ordinary things" sincere smiles and grateful faces that you left at home and went further into the world chasing new goals. Then one realizes the value of all the things mentioned in the poem.

  • @amitsengupta5093
    @amitsengupta5093 3 місяці тому

    Pure genius - sheer class......Shakespeare will remain in my heart forever......

  • @YuliaGrushevskaya-bi6he
    @YuliaGrushevskaya-bi6he 3 місяці тому

    Big classique love it❤

  • @ВасилийДобрев-р8е
    @ВасилийДобрев-р8е 3 місяці тому

    All souls are healed by Love, It's the Holy Grace from above. When your heart feels sore, It will embrace you to the core. Diseases are cured by Love, All the heart's wounds, our soul's trove. And those among you who've befriended her, Will forever be on familiar terms, as it were. She's in the Soul, not made by hand, The most beautiful in the universe, so grand. God is Love!!! But if it's lacking, Purify your Mind - God's grace be asking. Vasiliy Dobrev

  • @ВасилийДобрев-р8е
    @ВасилийДобрев-р8е 3 місяці тому

    All bad things will pass away, And joy, my friend, won't always stay. Yet it's more productive, indeed, It supports the spirit that's in need. Without just rose-colored glasses, Where no illusions in goodness passes, Where you objectively heed Everything you see, indeed. Don't think of the bad in someone, You might miss the good that's done. Look for both, the bad and good, See in others what you should. Don't make an idol out of a soul, For no one's perfect on the whole. The meaning of life is in spirit's quest, Where many beautiful ideas rest. Vasyl Dobrev (Kyiv) Avoid any blow, dodge the strife, Troubles will pass by in life. For life has many troubles, indeed, I wish you well, that's my greet.

  • @apollocobain8363
    @apollocobain8363 3 місяці тому

    1:16 Amazing that these were published after Shakespeare's death, as he intended. He believes that the sonnets are his only chance to immortalize the fair youth, the dark lady and himself. In Sonnet 72 he tells us "my name be buried where my body is." He was right!

  • @VladisLava-yl8ko
    @VladisLava-yl8ko 3 місяці тому

    Thanks enough I will start a good day today

  • @davidrose3737
    @davidrose3737 3 місяці тому

    True Dad's but values today are warped and confused by lies and perversion