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[Moon-Viewing Recital] Instrumental.
Переглядів 7 тис.7 років тому
[Moon-Viewing Recital] Instrumental.
[Fantasy Forest/Imagination Forest] Instrumental.
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[Fantasy Forest/Imagination Forest] Instrumental.
[Ayano's Theory of Happiness] Instrumental.
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[Ayano's Theory of Happiness] Instrumental.
[Lost Time Memory] Instrumental.
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[Lost Time Memory] Instrumental.
[Konoha's State of the World] Instrumental.
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[Konoha's State of the World] Instrumental.
[Headphone Actor] Instrumental.
Переглядів 15 тис.7 років тому
[Headphone Actor] Instrumental.
[Yesterday Evening] Instrumental.
Переглядів 6 тис.7 років тому
[Yesterday Evening] Instrumental.
[Kagerou Daze] Instrumental
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[Kagerou Daze] Instrumental
[Mekakushi Code] Instrumental
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[Mekakushi Code] Instrumental
[Children Record] Instrumental.
Переглядів 21 тис.7 років тому
[Children Record] Instrumental.


  • @mochinagayeo
    @mochinagayeo 2 місяці тому

    이거 혹시 퍼가도 되나요..?

  • @buthang_
    @buthang_ 3 місяці тому

    「夢の消えた毎日を繰り返していたって意味などないよ」と 유메노 키에타 마이니치오 쿠리카에시테이탓테 이미나도 나이요토 「꿈이 사라진 매일을 반복하고 있어봤자 의미 따윈 없어」라니 素晴らしいこと言うね 스바라시이 코토 이우네 대단한 말을 하네 君もそう 키미모 소- 너도 그렇게 「非現実を愛してます」 히겐지츠오 아이시테마스 「비현실을 사랑하고 있어요」 なんて指では言うけど 난테 유비데와 이우케도 라며 손가락으론 말하지만 口では何も言えないのにね 쿠치데와 나니모 이에나이노니네 입으론 아무 말도 못 하네   顔も声もない人と 카오모 코에모 나이 히토토 얼굴도 목소리도 없는 사람과 繋がってるなにかを感じてる 츠나갓테루 나니카오 칸지테루 연결된 듯한 무언가를 느끼고 있어 それはきっと 소레와 킷토 분명히 그건 相思相愛じゃないけど 소우시 소우아이쟈나이케도 서로 사랑하는 건[의역] 아니겠지만 そうやって今日もまた 소-얏테 쿄우모 마타 그러면서도 오늘도 一日が終わるけど 이치니치가 오와루케도 하루가 끝나지만 君は生きたようなフリをして 키미와 이키타요우나 후리오시테 너는 살아있는 척하면서 そして眠る 소시테[8] 네무루 오늘도 잠들어 ああ つまらないなと 아아 츠마라나이나토 아- 정말 시시하다고 目を背けてみても 메오 소무케테미테모 눈을 애써 돌려보려 해도 閉じることは出来ないくせに 토지루 코토와 데키나이쿠세니 끊어내는 것은 못 하는 주제에 ねぇ 네 있지 そんなことを認めもしない割りに 손나 코토오 미토메모시나이 와리니 그런 걸 인정하지도 않으면서 今日もまた厭らしい顔で 쿄우모 마타 이야라시이 카오데 오늘도 또 싫증난 듯한 얼굴로 画面の奥の私を見てるよ? 가멘노 오쿠노 와타시오 미테루요 화면 속의 나를 보고 있는 거야?[9] それが最善策じゃないことを 소레가 사이젠사쿠쟈나이 코토오 그것이 최선책이 아니라는 걸 きっと君は知ってる 킷토 키미와 싯테루 분명 너는 알고 있어 萎んだ暗い毎日に 시본다 쿠라이 마이니치니 늘어지고 어두운 매일에 溺れてるのは苦しいよね 오보레테루노와 쿠루시이요네 빠져 있는 건 괴롭겠지 嘘じゃない現実が何なのか 우소쟈나이 겐지츠가 난나노카 거짓이 아닌 현실은 무엇인가 解らないのなら一緒に 와카라나이나라 잇쇼니 모르겠다면 함께 人が造りだした世界で 히토가 츠쿠리다시타 세카이데 사람이 만들어 낸 세상에서 生きるのはどうかな? 이키루노와 도-카나 살아 보는 건 어떨까?   君を否定するような場所なんて 키미오 히테이스루요우나 바쇼난테 너를 부정하는 듯한 장소엔 いる意味が無いでしょ? 이루 이미가 나이데쇼 있을 의미가 없잖아? もう全てNOにして 모- 스베테 NO니 시테 이제 모두 NO 해버리고 私だけを見てよ 와타시 다케오 미테요 나만을 바라봐 줘 「ああ素晴らしいね」と 아아 스바라시이네토 「아아 대단하네」라며 手を叩いてみても 테오 타타이테미테모 손뼉을 쳐 보지만 全部嘘で外はゴミだらけ 젠부 우소데 소토와 고미다라케 전부 거짓말에 밖은 쓰레기뿐 ねえ 네에 있지 苦しいほどそれに 쿠루시이호도 소레니 괴로울 정도로 거기에 埋もれた君が 우즈모레타 키미가 파묻혀 있는 네가 何で今あっちにむける冷たい顔で 난데 이마 앗치니 무케루 츠메타이 카오데 왜 지금 저쪽을 향하는 차가운 얼굴로 私を見てるの? 와타시오 미테루노 나를 보고 있는 거야? それが最善策じゃないことを 소레가 사이젠사쿠쟈나이 코토오 그것이 최선책이 아니라는 걸 きっと君も知ってる 킷토 키미모 싯테루 분명 너도 알고 있어 それの先にあるのはきっと 소레노 사키니 아루노와 킷토 그것의 앞에 있는 건 분명 底無しの孤独感 소코나시노 코도쿠칸 끝없는 고독감 光の射さない毎日を 히카리노 사사나이 마이니치오 빛조차 들지 않는 매일을 繰り返してた部屋に 쿠리카에시타 헤야니 반복해 왔던 방에서 崩れ始めている私の 쿠즈레하지메테이루 와타시노 무너져 내리기 시작하는 나의 ノイズが響いてる 노이즈가 히비이테루 노이즈가 울려 퍼져 「こんなの全然解らないよ」叫んだ私に君は 콘나노 젠젠 와칸나이요 사켄다 와타시니 키미와 「이런 거 전혀 모르겠어」외친 나에게 너는 「喋るだけのおもちゃはもう飽きた」と言った 샤베루다케노 오모챠와 모- 아키타토 잇타 「말할 뿐인 장난감은 이제 질렸어」라고 말했어

  • @sbibo
    @sbibo 5 місяців тому


  • @MADKapo
    @MADKapo 6 місяців тому

    I know the music video and the lyrics by memory (no pun intended) from how many times I've rewatched. But just having Shintaro look at me directly while I listen to the song without the visuals somehow strikes me differently. Like he's telling me "when are YOU gonna get off your ass and become your best self like I did?"

  • @-caocao-1709
    @-caocao-1709 6 місяців тому

    Thai lyrics by joker Loss time memory กาลเวลาหมุนผ่านเลยไปนานสักเเค่ไหน เงามืดมิดกลับมาทำให้กล้าเเกร่ง เป็นคนหนึ่ง ตัวคนเดียว ที่สิ้นหวังอยู่อย่างนั้น อาทิตย์เเดงฉานส่องประกายบนเนินทางเดินนี้ ภาพเราเดิน กลับดูเเล้ว ช่างเลือนลาง ความร้อนสะท้อน ในดวงตายังเเผดเผาอยู่เเบบนั้น "อย่ามาเข้าใกล้เลย" "เธออยากจะไปที่ไหนก็ไปซะ" ปล่อยผละมือของเธอหลุดพ้นไป "ไปไม่ได้หรอก" เธอบอกเเบบนั้น เเล้วเอิ้อมมือเธอนั้นกลับที่เดิม "มันน่ารำคาญ" ผมจึงเริ่มเดิน ออกไปจากตรงนี้ โดยไม่ยอมเหลียวมองทางพ้นผ่าน ในใจของเธอ มันเป็นเช่นไร ความเป็นจริง ไม่ได้คิดเป็น อัจฉริยะ มันไร้เหตุผล จนตัวเราเริ่มตายจาก มันคงจะดี ถ้าหากเรากลับไปช่วงเวลานั้น เวลาล่วงเลย ก็ยังมีชีวิตอยู่ตรงนี้ เเละใช้ชีวิตด้วยความหวังที่ริบรี่ ในตอนนี้เราก็คงทำได้เพียงก้าวต่อไป ไม่ต้องสนใจ ตายก็ดี ตายก็ดี ผมพูดได้เเค่นี้ กุมจับสองมือไว้ ด้วยคำสาปนั้น มันไม่มีสิ่งที่ผมทำได้เลย คือความคิด ชีวิตผมจึงเป็นธุลี ในฤดู เเห่งฝันลวง ก่อนที่เธอ จากลาเลือนลางหาย ถ้าหากผมรั้งเธอไว้ก็คงดี หากตอนนั้นผม เก็บซ่อนตัวตนไว้ข้างใน เเสงอันเจิดจ้าคงไม่มา เเผดเผาทำร้ายใจดวงนี้ เด็กรุ่นราวอายุเพียง 18นั้น กำลังเฝ้ารอ ที่ไหนรอสักเเห่ง ยังคอยนึกถึง ภาพเงาเลือนลาง เเต่รูปร่างปรากฎนั้น ยังชัดเจน สาดเเสงที่เเห่งนี้ให้มันโชกโชน เเสดงยิ้มเธอให้เห็นสักคราหนึ่ง "กลับมาด้วยกัน" พูดไป ตัวผมก็ยังเอาเเต่สั่นเครือ "กังวลนะ" ด้วยใบหน้าเขินอาย พูดออกมา เพื่อนคนนี้ ก็ยังคงไม่เข้าใจ ท่าทางอย่างนั้น หยุดเลิกทำมันสักครั้งได้ไหมนะ ทำวันนี้ ให้ประหลาดเเตกต่างจากที่เคย เส้นทางของผม จะปกป้องไว้ให้เอง เพื่อความทรงจำ อบอุ่นนั้นไม่มีทางเลือนจางหาย ตามความต้องการ ฝันที่ไม่ เป็นเรื่องจริง ยังตามมาหลอกหลอน ทำได้เพียงยอมรับความเจ็บปวดนั้น มันไม่มี ทางที่ผม จะลืมตา ตื่นจากฝัน เหมือนตัวผมตอนปิดกั้นตัวเอง "เเบบนั้นเอง มันเหมือนราว กับว่าคุณ ไม่อยากเห็นพรุ่งนี้" ถ้ามันเป็นเหมือนเคยได้ก็คงดี อยากจะทำลาย ทุกวันที่น่าเบื่อเเละหน่าย เพียงตัวของผมมันต้องการ อยู่ตัวคนเดียวอยู่อย่างนี้ เด็กผู้ตายจากไปอายุ 18 นั้น ได้สวดอ้วนวอนขอร้องสักครั้งหนึ่ง ตัวตนของผมได้ถูกรอยยิ้มของความสุข ดึงชีวิตนี้เข้าไป ภายใต้ดวงอาทิตย์ เเสงสาดรุ่มร้อน ให้ตัวผมพาเธอหนีไปสักที เป็นเพียงถ้อยคำ ลวง หลอก ตัวผมไม่รู้ควรทำอย่างไร อ่า... ไม่อาจย้อนคืน (สิ่งที่เฝ้ารอ) ต้องทุกข์และทน ไม่สามารถคืนให้เหมือนเช่นเคย ได้ยินตัวฉันไหม เป็นถ้อยคำที่ค่อยๆจางหาย เเละเเล้วตัวผม ในที่สุดก็เข้าใจ เอืั้้อมมือไปค้นหา เพียงอุ่นไอ ในหน้าร้อน ของตอนนั้น ภายใต้ในไอร้อน ของเด็กหนุ่มนั้น คำอธิฐาน ภาพเวลาจงหยุด ด้วยรอยยิ้มเธอ อบอุ่น ใจนี้ ดูราวกับเป็นหน้าร้อน ไม่เคยเปลี่ยน "ที่ฉันตาย จากไปต้องขอโทษนะ" "เเล้วกล่าวคำลาตรงนี้ ของพวกเรา" อย่าเอ่ยถ้อยคำดูเหงา เเล้วก็อย่าจากหายไป ภาพลวงก็ยังมองมาที่ผม คงจะกลับมาอ่อนโยนอีกครั้ง

  • @annaa3380
    @annaa3380 8 місяців тому

    THESE ARE MY LYRICS! You may use them as you want, but please make sure to credit me! Thank you. With my earphones booming music in my ears, I signal what we all have to do I knocked on that door all of a sudden, I'm swallowed whole by the bursting heat It fills my soul, see, I guess, you'll never, ever find It's a no blinking challenge when our eyes are red Won't you see? I had blinked, the chord loudly rang, "Now's the time, so just go and take it back!" To my mind and to my soul This wonderful place, although it is hard to love Some people hate it so They're building their own game to complicate No way we'll get our future just as long as I abide So let's go we're fighting this heat We'll win the end game, fight on boys and girlies! "Soon we'll bring it back!" "Soon, without a doubt!" It rises far, this crescent moon, burns red it's so bright Write the code all in 0's, are you done now? Come now, outside the imaginary world right there Over the fictional lies, yeah "As you plead, just go." As you stick your tongue out You look at me, a smirk on your face "It's my turn now!" The password is yelled out, Chaotic, this child and They won't stop 'til tomorrow night More and more the night consumes the day For the "children", well, they're still awake and safe Don't you know? Problems can be cool, yeah I know. I can't sleep, come on, come on, I say hurry up, hurry up!- In-tempo, we're face-to-face, and can you feel that High touch with that beat, they go so well together It's too late to even question it, Come on up and take our hands! One cord's all it takes for us to connect our gazes When the bouncing groove brings us and sparks out Won’t you understand it’s all the truth Through the high end see the view and everything that you can sound… Bound your lies, tell me what you thought About this heat, and our burning souls “Not all that bad, I’m right?” We’ll open our eyes, Clasping our hands, we’ll swear! Write these cheap words, then they’ll become Completed passwords, make our dreams come true No looking back, look forward to the blue So let’s go, to all boys and girls We’ll find our hope and welcome this shining heat, so See the memories, feelings on repeat The skies tell our hello’s, byes and see you next times Hey, that topic, I know much about it I say that world is just too harsh and all of that I end the signal now So let's go we're fighting this heat We'll win the end game, don’t give up, boys and girlies! "Hold it in our hands” "Don’t give up, no chance!” The rising sun goes burning red, the night will fade now Hear your calling, don’t ignore it, say your answer Come now, one by one our endings will be bright for once Over the fictional lies, go beyond emotions humans will always bare!

  • @betuna9487
    @betuna9487 11 місяців тому

    Gotta love this one. Got introduced to it through the PER5ONA 5: Imagining Project

  • @三角木馬-i2j
    @三角木馬-i2j Рік тому

    i love it!!!! i feel like fighting last boss

  • @三角木馬-i2j
    @三角木馬-i2j Рік тому

    omg amazing...

  • @tomie8946
    @tomie8946 Рік тому

    “Yume no kieta mainichi o kurikaeshiteitatte imi nado nai yo.” to Subarashii koto iu ne Kimi mo sou, “higenjitsu o aishitemasu."nante yubi de wa iu kedo, Kuchi de wa nani mo ienai no ni ne Kao mo koe mo nai hito to tsunagatteru nanika o kanjiteru Sore wa kitto soushisouai ja nai kedo Sou yatte kyou mo mata ichinichi ga owaru kedo Kimi wa ikita you na furi o shite shite soshite nemuru “Aa, tsumaranai na.” to me o somukete mite mo Tojiru koto wa dekinai kuse ni Nee, sonna koto o mitome mo shinai wari ni Kyou mo mata iyarashii kao de gamen no oku no watashi o miteru yo? Sore ga saizen saku ja nai koto o kitto kimi wa shitteru Shibonda kurai mainichi ni oboreteru no wa kurushii yo ne Uso ja nai genjitsu ga nanna no ka, wakaranai no nara issho ni Hito ga tsukuridashita sekai de ikiru no wa dou ka na? Kimi o hitei suru you na basho nante iru imi ga nai desho? Mou subete “NO” ni shite Watashi dake o mite yo “Aa subarashii ne.” to te o tataite mite mo zenbu uso de soto wa gomi darake Nee, kurushii hodo sore ni umoreta kimi ga nande ima acchi ni mukeru tsumetai kao de Watashi o miteru no? Sore ga saizen saku ja nai koto o kitto kimi mo shitteru Sore no saki ni aru no wa kitto sokonashi no kodokukan Hikari no sasanai mainichi o kurikaeshiteta heya ni Kuzure hajimeteiru watashi no NOIZU ga hibiiteru “Konna no zenzen wakaranai yo” sakenda watashi ni kimi wa “Shaberu dake no omocha wa mou akita.” to itta

  • @Echopurple35
    @Echopurple35 Рік тому

    Been looking for this thank you

  • @mrkoroshiya2321
    @mrkoroshiya2321 Рік тому

    Thank you!

  • @patrizzystradllin2314
    @patrizzystradllin2314 Рік тому


  • @nalogman
    @nalogman Рік тому

    Aku terjebak dalam mimpi

  • @astaganaga1906
    @astaganaga1906 2 роки тому

    That intro omg love it

  • @masakitakao
    @masakitakao 2 роки тому

    ptn les 5 premières secondes sont magiques, cette basse omg

  • @CometCereal
    @CometCereal 2 роки тому

    It was an awfully ordinary day Without a single account of anything in affray Until I then, in a moment of annoying blasé Turned on the radio and I heard a voice that would say: “It is a troubling thing, but I have to relay, That the end of the world’s a reality today” The president of a country I don’t know conveyed With a lament that could be heard in their voice anyway A never-ending array of fluttering birds awry I saw the way it dared to cover the massive sky The moon awash in a sea of feathers and a feeling I can’t deny Without a moment to save in the game, perplexed And all the judging I could know from a book of text I leave it there on the desk, a shiver in my body Only my headphones are the relief And as I was tuning in to a number- The artist and the title never occur A sudden sound I heard in my ear would then arrive and inquire: “Do you want to survive?” Wavering in a world with an endless shaking The scenery, the skyline, everything was trembling And I hear the voice, I knew without a doubt that the one calling out Could only be my own being “Now if you go ahead, over that hill, ascend For better or for worse, you will know what I mean then in the end Without any amount of doubt, go on in twenty seconds about, I recommend” In the intersection, a crowded lot It was another reminder the chaos brought A man, a woman, a child, I heard the panic all around they begot A riot over there while a crying girl had to bear A praying holy priest and all of the unease I move ahead away from all the clamor there until I’m all alone, On the road to the hill Then again, hearing “me” the voice said it out: “There’s only 12 remaining minutes” in a shout If everything here was gonna vanish in the end Then there’s no way I can ever pretend The never-ending chorus of all their despair Became a sea of tears in the eyes of them everywhere Doubting in my mind, reason I could never find, as everyone tried to be alright but then resigned “You’ve got to hurry now that you have one minute” But by then all I heard said to me didn’t matter, not a bit When the hill that I thought to go over to live another day lies before my eyes Finally, out of breath I was there at a wide wall The sky was all an image invented here after all On the other side I could hear an endless applause Coming from the cause of all this: many scientists I feel so appalled From there, I saw that all that I had underwent Was but an operation, another experiment “Finally, complete” said a scientist in deceit and threw a bomb at the town, the “end” that was guaranteed They told me my whole life was a manmade delusion All inside a box, I was living inside an illusion So, I could only look on the world as everything around blew up in smoke, erasing all the town, And from my headphones I could hear a tiny “sorry” as it all faded away

    @INULYCAN 2 роки тому

    "No puedo dejar mi mediocridad" Miré tu cara de tristeza sé que palabras como "no te rindas" ¡no serán suficientes! Aún asi la energía debemos elevar O te quedarás sufriendo Así que vamos, juntos afuera a disfrutar bajo este sol, me siento azúl Quiero demostrarte mi preocupación Tus ojos aún quieren gotear "Para un cobarde como yo...nada nunca servirá" "¿por qué no caminar hacía al mañana?" Yo seré tu esperanza Confíare si se trata de vos Siempre alegraré A tu corazón Pedirte y repetirte No es una opción te digo Hey, "¿sigamos juntos okay?" Destruyendo toda la soledad, ¡vamos! "¿Que es lo que pasa? No logro entender" Con fuerza aguantas tu llanto cierras tus ojos mientras suspiras ¡pero eso no es bueno! ¡Tienes que esforzarte cada vez más! O quedarás en el pasado Corramos los dos, aunque no quieras, te hara bien. Anochece, y me siento azul Cuando la luz desaparece al instante La tristeza, se desbordó En una lágrima cayó, y desapareció Este mundo tan cruel y pequeño Sus fauces son las que reinan "Mi deseó era contigo estar" Tu espíritu se va, deprimido cayo Incluso si mis palabras No te llegan para nada Yo, te quiera acompañar "¡yo solo ser de ayuda ¿okey?! ~~ CONFIARAS EN EL MAÑANA MI VOZ TE DARÁ ESPERANZA Puedo sentirlo, todo irá bien Si vos crees así, se volverán a ver Tomando un fuerte suspiro Gritas a la luna desafiante "¡Yo...Nunca me rendiré! supongo que...eso fue... Lo que dicen...tu verdadero ser.

  • @yumezipfile
    @yumezipfile 2 роки тому

    Got my headphones on its time to call it in And as I signal I start to grin The dance with fate is hot and slow I'm knocking on her door now it's about to blow Look now can you see open wide It's a stare-down in the street with bloodshot eyes take it back three words ringing out like a chime they remind me of my first hesitation, my first time We all lose a turn cause in this world, some men just want to watch it burn they've set up the system the game is fixed and if they win, the future very well may not exist Boys and girls it's time to wake up the heat is too intense and you've had enough so bring it back around bring it back around the moon's on fire and it's burning down so come on children write the code to 0 dreams are weapons and I'm telling you to take a stand get ready cause this is no mans land Taking point, you hide your sense of dread stick out your tongue and go ahead now it's your turn just say the word and then we can't stop no, we won't stop no never again who cares if the day's getting dark for the children of the night this is just the start so much fun so cool when there's no rules allowed you can sleep when you're dead so just hurry up, hurry now one by one in tempo our eyes they meet high fives around and dapping to the beat too late to think first no getting off the bus you're one of us one chord in the chorus it's time to move and just like magic you're bouncing in a groove so mind the gap cause it's real what you imagine is what you really feel the heat tell me what do you think? is it coincidence or our destiny? it's really not so bad this hellish weather no sweat when we stand together in the moment small things we say turn into seed of strength that grow every day keep you grounded when you lose your way boys and girls its time to grow up you gotta find that hope when the heat gets tough so put it into words think of all our times the first hello and every last goodbye the world is mean when you have to face the music so damn mean but now you have face it with a laugh End of the signal Boys and girls it's time to wake up you gotta find that hope when the heat gets tough so take it with your hands take it with your hands the sun is rising its a fire so grand so come now children answer to your calling right before you lies the message with the final plan get ready cause this is no mans land lets get the score and stop the infinte war

  • @CometCereal
    @CometCereal 2 роки тому

    Dreaming living thinking dying all stuffed into here Made to last but surely not last for very long So they put me back together in a body so I that could see So we tell his story even if we start at the end Crying crying just a tear will billow down from her face "Will I see him again?" as she mutters a bit Haribote is the city where another test is ending their A hundred hours were just passing by and killing time then Really now, I think they've had enough I just don't see a real point to this Then just a boy and girl were dreaming a blue-ish whirl And leaping their cries until it hit those park trees Blood dripping everywhere and bowling over fated snare His tiny body flying out into the street there Right before her eyes so blinded by the heat and by tears she cried out Trapping in cycles never ticking of the second hand Blinding a world of ever sleeping pacifists so for now Midsummer night dreams wont come to an end Dreaming seeing thinking dying all stuffed in my head Beating beating way too loud in this brain of mine Don't you think this kind of world is just a little bit too bad for me So we tell their story even if we start at the end Trying trying just a heart that never will understand Such sensitive words will never get through Another note from the dying sun Another glare in heated air I don't know why but this town really seems to burn me up along with them I think they've had enough And even if I heard a cricket cry With my now fading hand I reach out to pull them back But their running far ahead it just won't make in time! Blood dripping everywhere and bowling over fated snare That ticking second hand is stopping me from helping Right before my eyes they died and helped to kill such a happy ending Breaking me out into a scenery of falling leaves Leaving behind a world so bent on keeping time but I know It's all in your eyes Laughing in the heat has disappeared and gone to elsewhere And August 14th now is like any other day When will "See you later" ever come? I hope they will be smiling on that day. Fighting away at the fates in such a blinded small town Pouring down a rain that no one ever thought to see now And all of the time, and all In that time Even if we could just go rewrite the future I know It's all in those eyes

  • @capitalchirp2418
    @capitalchirp2418 3 роки тому

    You know, it's a little interesting to hear the instrumental of this song and how it also has a cool melody going on with it. The chorus melody probably would do for an awesome extra kagepro song, maybe from kuroha's perspecitve of the events in hibiya's daze.

    • @lackofmotivation9810
      @lackofmotivation9810 3 роки тому

      I think there’s already a song like that, it’s titled “Konoha’s state of the world”

    @TW1LGHT_MOVIE 3 роки тому


  • @meta__1564
    @meta__1564 3 роки тому

    August 15th at 12:30 noon I don't see a cloud above The sun is shining down, what a pretty day So sick of this summer heat I cant beat away the haze the rays are giving way And spending all of my time having conversations sitting next to you "Hey but I...don't really like the summertime" And as you were petting on that cat you said such a daring thing right from under your breath Ah, and as that cat had ran away You tried to chase it in the end Jumping right out in front of a traffic light that poured a shade of red bright red Crashing in and breaking you to bits That truck a heard a scream a little bit too late Blood dripping everywhere and choking your smell of hair I breathe in a gulp of air and just cant take it Are these lies? The heat is mocking me "What you see is exactly what you're gonna get!" And with the blue of sky I hear singing crickets cry and fall right back into another dark sleep Sitting up in my bed I could hear ticking clocks the shock will mock my ever ringing head I look to see the time August 14th at 12 something noon I don't see a cloud above The sun is shining down And yet I hear a cry of a cricket singing loudly in my head "Hey but I...I really have to wonder why Because in the dream I had last night we sat in the same old park we are sitting at now "Hey, I think the two of us should leave." But stepping slightly off the path, their heads turned up towards sky and were gaping pointing struggling to keep away a scream Stabbing holes and splitting you in two, the beam made seam as it fell straight from the sky Ringing an old wind chime and shaking a passerby then filling the air until they hit those park trees Are these lies? The heat is mocking me "Bet you wish you were asleep, but it's not a dream!" Vision it blurred away and keeping my thoughts at bay I swear you stood there while keeping such a dark smile Endlessly I see that over heated haze And again the laughing will repeat on through the days You've been dying for the past ten years We are trapped in cycles and the end is never clear But a story is a story all the same And today like any has an ending so to say Far away and out beyond that scorching summer day Crashing in and hitting me instead you I pushed you aside to nearly dodge a truck Blood dripping everywhere and choking my smell of hair You breathe in a gulp of air and just cant take it Are these lies? I haven't heard him say "What you see is exactly what your gonna get" Maybe this summer day has finally gone away But that's all I'll say so this is where it ends now August 14th and sitting alone on a bed a girl awakes repeating just the same Muttering again "Guess I failed again.." as she sat all alone and held a cat still cradled in her arms

  • @kuroha964
    @kuroha964 3 роки тому

    tempo is different from the ia song bruh

    • @ScutoidStudios
      @ScutoidStudios 3 роки тому

      i think this is the same tempo as the one in the anime?

    • @regglime
      @regglime Рік тому

      this is the song they used in anime

  • @nevergonnagiveyouup1180
    @nevergonnagiveyouup1180 3 роки тому

    Kibō no kieta sekai wa Futorisugite chotto mo tobenai. Izen boku ni machigai O inpōto suru. Zubon no suso nobikitte iPod no kōdo ga yureru Iyahon o ategatte Toriaezu wa fūdo kōmutteokeba Mondainaiya. "Mekakushi kanryō." Itsumo dōri mienai genjō. Hijōtō akaku hikareba Mata shūruna keshiki ni naru. Angai kyō ga konakute mo, Rōfai na fūkei o tsurete Shōgai fuanshō na kimi to Asu e saki ni ikesō kamo ne. "Sā sā, nankanai mono ka." to Yure-gimi ni bīto o kizameba Sō sō warui mon jā nai sa. Mā, akinai uchi wa. Kyoeishin o nomi konde Futatsume no shadanki o migi e. Kitai ni mune ga tsumatte Kuchimoto ga chotto niyatu to shisō da. Gurūbī ni narikitte Hashirigimi ni rīdo surukedo Gazen kūki ni najinde Dare ni mo kizukareteinai no nara Danzen ōrai "Ninmu zokkō." Ato nijuppun. Hikenaideshō? Sunīkā musubi naoshite "Hora, aizuda. Kūru ni ikō." Jōshō-chū no taion nara, Hai pasu de ikki ni tobashite En'en hidai-chū no machi o Nishi e, kita e, kimi no soba e. "Oi oi, chotto ōbā daro?" Kinpatsu no hīru ga waraeba, Zan'nen, wakaranaidarōne. Kakushi kirenai kimi ja. Boshū ninzū museigen. Muron, tochū sanka mo kangei. Boshū yōkō mujōken. Fukusō wa jiyū. Jishō ubu na kimi datte Ai kotoba hasande soku kanyū. Soryā sōsa boku nante Niji ota komyushō hikinīto. Daga mondainaize? "Kibun saikō" Fureru pīkī yamanai keishō Neon ga fui ni ochireba Sā, fūdo o nuide misete. 「READY」 Angai kyō ga konakute mo, Rōfai na fūkei o tsurete Shōgai fuanshō na kimi to Asu e saki ni ikesō kamo ne. "Sā sā, donna monna nosa " to Akai me kosutte miwataseba Nan dai, tsumannaku mo nai na. Jā, samenai uchi ni Itadaite shimaō ka.

  • @thewock8006
    @thewock8006 3 роки тому

    Login See who's singing “Kagerou days - Thai ver.” See All Lyrics: Kagerou days - Thai ver. Ia Vocaloid SAUMAGUST วันกลางเดือนสิงหาวนมาอีกครา สิบห้าวันและคืน เวลา สิบสองครึ่งนาฬิกา “อากาศก็คงจะดี” ดวงไฟเบื้องบนที่ส่องมา สาดแสงทอแสบตา จนเราไม่อาจแหงนมองขึ้นไป ก็ไม่รู้จะทำอะไร ก็เลยหันไปคุยกับเธอ “ร้อนจังนะ” เธอเอ่ยคำบางคำขึ้นมา อุ้มลูกแมวภายในอ้อมกอด พร้อมโทษหน้าร้อน ได้เพียงพูดและบ่นพร่ำไปพลาง อา.. เจ้าลูกแมวได้วิ่งหนีไป เธอเริ่มออกตัววิ่งตาม พลาดไป รู้ว่าไม่ทันการ เพราะว่าไฟดวงนั้นได้เปลี่ยนกลายเป็น “สีแดง” ปัง! เสียงปะทะ รถบรรทุกได้วิ่งเข้ามา ได้ยินเสียงเธอเริ่มกรีดร้อง ร่างเธอแหลกสลาย อวลด้วยกลิ่นอายจากกายของเธอ เลือดสาดไหลกระจายทั้งใจ ต้องสั่นไหว ว่าภาพนั้นเป็นแค่ภาพลวง? อา.. แค่ภาพซ้อน กระจกเงาที่มันลวงหลอก เมื่อภาพลวงพลิกกลับมา แล้วมันก็เปลี่ยนเรื่องจริง เสียงร้องหริ่งไรจากปลายข้างทาง แสงสดใสจากบนฟ้าไกล สะท้อน จนหายเลือนไป จากใจฉัน ลืมตาขึ้นมาในอีกวัน ที่หัวเตียงตัวเราก็คง ได้ยินเสียงนาฬิกา “ตอนนี้กี่โมงแล้วล่ะ?” เพิ่งจะเลยเที่ยงคืน ของอีกวัน ก่อนหน้าวันและเดือน ปฏิทิน จารึกไว้ตรงกลางปี ยังคงจำลึก ว่าได้ยิน เสียงกรีดร้องของแมลงหริ่งไร ฝันคืนนั้น มันย้อนกลับมาจนไม่เข้าใจ ที่ๆเราเดินยังคงไม่ต่าง เรื่องราววนซ้ำเดิม ตอนนี้ดู ราวกับเป็นเรื่องเมื่อวาน “เรา..คงได้เวลากลับกันซะที” บนทางที่เดิน เจอเหล่าผู้คน แหงนมอง ขึ้นบนฟ้า แล้วก็ร้อง พึมพำ สบถคำบางคำขึ้นมา เสา เหล็กไหลจากเบื้องบนได้ร่วงลงมา เสียบทะลุตั้งแต่ปลายลิ้นลงไปสู่ปลายเท้า เสียงเธอกรีดร้องคงไม่ได้ยิน กระดิ่งลมอันเคยคุ้นชิน โดนบดบังไปด้วยมวลไม้นับพัน อา.. ภาพสะท้อน กระจกเงาที่มันลวงหลอก เมื่อฝันลวง พลิกกลับมา แล้วมันแปรเปลี่ยนเรื่องจริง แม้ตาจะเบลอจนมองไม่ทัน ภาพตอนนั้นยังคงชัดเจน ดูเหมือนเธอหัวเราะไห้อยู่ใช่ไหม? โลกใบนี้ที่ยังหมุนไปอย่างดูพร่ำมัว ภาพสั่นไหว ลวงตายังคงหลอกลวงให้ใจเต้นรัว แม้จะผัน เวลาผ่านไป ครึ่งพันสัปดาห์แล้ว เรื่องราวซ้ำเดิมก็ยังได้แต่วนซ้ำ เคยได้ยินว่าในตำนาน เรื่องเล่าที่ดี อวสานด้วยทางเลือกเดียว ได้เพียงแบบเดียวเท่านั้น ตอนจบในคืนคิมหันต์กาลได้แต่วนซ้ำ ปัง! เสียงปะทะ รถบรรทุกได้วิ่งเข้ามา ผลักเธอล้มลงที่ทางเท้า ร่างเราแหลกสลาย อวลด้วยกลิ่นไอ จากกายของเรา เลือดสาดไหลกระจายทั่วไป ภาพสั่นไหว สะท้อนภายในสายตาเธอ อา.. อยากหัวเราะ ให้ภาพลวงที่มันลวงหลอก เรื่องราวที่ผ่านมา นั้นมันจะจบซักที! วนมาอีกครา “อากาศร้อนดี” ที่เธอว่า “มันไม่ค่อยดี” ตอนนี้ มันสูญ สิ้นสุดลงแล้ว!! ลืมตาขึ้นมา ในอีกวัน ที่หัวเตียง ตัวเธอ ก็คง ได้ยินเสียงนาฬิกา เธอนั่งอยู่เพียงลำพัง “ทำไมมัน ต้องวนมาแบบนี้” บ่นพร่ำให้เจ้าแมวหนึ่งตัว ผู้เดียวนั้นได้รับฟัง…

  • @TDashLIVE
    @TDashLIVE 3 роки тому

    0:26 Good Enough, anybody?

  • @bloodyyice
    @bloodyyice 3 роки тому

    i really love this instrumental

  • @유을-l5b
    @유을-l5b 3 роки тому

    「もう、どうやったって無駄かもな」 「모-, 도-얏탓테 무다카모나」 「이제, 뭘해도 소용없으려나」 泣きそうな顔 見ていた 나키소-나 카오 미테이타 울것 같은 얼굴을 보고있어 「諦めないでよ」みたいな 「아키라메나이데요」미타이나 「포기하지 말아줘」같은 言葉じゃ 全然足りない! 코토바쟈 젠젠타리나이! 말로는 너무 부족해! 「そしたらもっと元気を出さなきゃ、 「소시타라 못토 겐키오 다사나캬, 「그렇다면 좀 더 힘을 내지 않으면, 明日も眩んじゃう!」って 아시타모 쿠란쟈웃!」테 내일도 어두워질거야!」라며 君を連れ出していく 키미오 츠레다시테 이쿠 너를 데리고 다녀 無理やりかなぁ 무리야리카나- 너무 억지부리는 걸까 日差しにブルーになる 히자시니 브루-니 나루 햇살에 우울해져 君のこと やっぱ正直心配だ 키미노 코토 얏파 쇼-지키 심파이다 솔직히 역시 네가 걱정이야 瞳が潤んでいく 히토미가 우룬데이쿠 눈물이 글썽거려 「弱虫な僕には、ダメだよきっと・・・」 「요와무시나 보쿠니와, 다메다요 킷토…」 「겁쟁이인 나는, 못할거야 분명...」 だけど信じる、君だから。 다케도 신지루, 키미다카라. 그래도 믿을거야, 너니까. 真っすぐ前を向いて? 맛스구 마에오 무이테? 똑바로 앞을 봐줘 ホントにダメな時は、君の心を支えてあげる。 혼토니 다메나 토키와, 키미노 코코로오 사사에테 아게루. 정말로 안될때는, 너의 마음을 받쳐줄게. 「いっそ」なんて諦めちゃ 「잇소」난테 아키라메챠 「차라리」라며 포기해버리면 絶対ダメだから 젯타이 다메다카라 절대로 안된다구 ねぇ、一緒に進もう? 네-, 잇쇼니 스스모-? 있잖아, 함께 나아가자 「独りぼっち」を壊しちゃおう、ほら! 「히토리봇치」오 코와시챠오-, 호라! 「외톨이」를 부숴버리자, 자! 「どうなっているんだか解らない」 「도-낫테 이룬다카 와카라나이」 「어떻게 된건지 알 수 없어」 君はまだ泣きそうだ 키미와 마다 나키소-다 너는 아직도 울 것 같아 溜め息ばっかで 目を瞑っちゃ 타메이키밧카데 메오 츠뭇챠 한숨뿐만 내쉬며 눈을 감아버리면 ほら、絶体絶命! 호라, 젯타이 제츠메이! 봐, 절체절명! 「もっと頑張んなきゃ想いも 「못토 간반나캬 오모이모 「좀 더 힘내지 않으면 마음도 昨日に消えちゃう!」って 키노-니 키에챠웃!」테 어제에 사라져버려!」라며 街を駆け出して行く 마치오 카케다시테 이쿠 거리를 달려나가 無理矢理だね 무리야리다네 내 멋대로네 夕暮れ ブルーになる 유-구레 부루-니 나루 해 질녁 우울해지는 日差しが閉ざしていく 히자시가 토자시테 이쿠 햇살이 사라져 가는 その一瞬で 소노 잇슌데 그 일순간에 たちまち嘆いた顔 타치마치 나게이타 카오 갑자기 슬퍼하는 얼굴이 되는 너 音も無く 涙が零れて消えた 오토모 나쿠 나미다가 코보레테 키에타 소리도 없이 눈물이 흘러서 사라졌어 酷く小さなこのセカイが 히도쿠 치이사나 코노 세카이가 매우 작은 이 세상이 大きく牙を剥いて 오오키쿠 키바우 무이테 커다랗게 엄니를 들어내 「一緒に居たかったな」と 「잇쇼니 이타캇타나」토 「함께 있고 싶었는데」라며 君の心を俯かせる 키미노 코코로오 우츠무카세루 너의 마음이 고개를 숙여 小さな言葉じゃ 치이사나 코토바쟈 작은 말들로는 もう全然届かなくても 모- 젠젠 토도카나쿠테모 이제 전혀 닿지 않아도 力になりたい 치카라니 나리타이 힘이 되고 싶어 「助けたいんだよ。叶えてよ、ねぇ!」 「타스케타인다요. 카나에테요, 네-!」 「도와주고 싶어. 이루게 해줘, 제발!」 「信じる、君だから。」 「신지루, 키미다카라.」 「믿고 있어, 너니까.」 本気の声出して 혼키노 코에 다시테 진심의 소리를 내어 「絶対ダメなんかじゃない! 「젯타이 다메난카쟈 나이! 「절대로 소용없지 않아! 君が望めば、また出会える!」 키미가 노조메바, 마타 데아에루!」 네가 바라면, 다시 만날 수 있어!」 大きな深呼吸で 오오키나 신코큐-데 크게 심호흡하고 遠くのお月様に 弱気な君が 토오쿠노 오츠키사마니 요와키나 키미가 멀리 있는 달님에게 나약한 네가 「やってやるさ!」と 「얏테야루사!」토 「해 주겠어!」라며 叫んでいた 사켄데 이타 외치고 있었어 ・・・少しかっこいいかな。まぁ。 …스코시 캇코이이카나. 마-. …뭐, 조금 멋질지도.

  • @prez2694
    @prez2694 3 роки тому

    the instrumentals slap hard damn

  • @Mendas_Drainova
    @Mendas_Drainova 3 роки тому

    Don't you guys think that it would fit like hell in a Sonic game ? Like, in a eggmanland like zone.

  • @posmmm_
    @posmmm_ 3 роки тому

    8月15日の午後12時半くらいのこと hachigatsu juugonichi no gogo juunijihan kurai no koto 天気が良い tenki ga ii 病気になりそうなほど眩しい日差しの中 byouki ni narisou na hodo mabushii hizashi no naka することも無いから君と 駄弁だべっていた suru koto mo nai kara kimi to dabetteita 「でもまぁ夏は嫌いかな」猫を撫でながら "demo maa natsu wa kirai kana" neko o nadenagara 君はふてぶてしくつぶやいた kimi wa futebuteshiku tsubuyaita あぁ、逃げ出した猫の後を追いかけて aa, nigedashita neko no ato o oikakete 飛び込んでしまったのは赤に変わった信号機 tobikonde shimatta no wa aka ni kawatta shingouki バッと通ったトラックが君を轢きずって鳴き叫ぶ batto tootta torakku ga kimi o hikizutte nakisakebu 血飛沫の色、君の香りと混ざり合ってむせ返った chi shibuki no iro, kimi no kaori to mazariatte musekaetta 嘘みたいな 陽炎かげろうが「嘘じゃないぞ」って 嗤わらってる uso mitai na kagerou ga "Uso ja nai zo" tte waratteru 夏の水色、かき回すような蝉の 音ねに全て 眩くらんだ natsu no mizu-iro, kakimawasu you na semi no ne ni subete kuranda 目を覚ました時計の針が鳴り響くベッドで me o samashita tokei no hari ga narihibiku beddo de 今は何時? ima wa nanji? 8月14日の午前12時過ぎ位を指す hachigatsu juuyokka no gozen juuniji sugi kurai o sasu やけに 煩うるさい蝉の声覚えていた yake ni urusai semi no koe oboeteita でもさぁ、少し不思議だな。 demo saa, sukoshi fushigi da na 同じ公園で昨日見た夢を思い出した onaji kouen de kinou mita yume o omoidashita 「もう今日は帰ろうか」道に抜けた時 "mou kyou wa kaerou ka" michi ni nuketa toki 周りの人は皆上を見上げ口を開けていた mawari no hito wa minna ue o miage kuchi o aketeita 落下してきた鉄柱が君を貫いて突き刺さる rakka shite kita tecchuu ga kimi o tsuranuite tsukisasaru 劈つんざく悲鳴と風鈴の音が木々の隙間で空廻り tsunzaku himei to fuurin no oto ga kigi no sukima de karamawari ワザとらしい陽炎が「夢じゃないぞ」って嗤ってる wazatorashii kagerou ga "Yume ja nai zo" tte waratteru 眩む視界に君の横顔、笑っているような気がした kuramu shikai ni kimi no yokogao, waratteiru you na kigashita 何度世界が眩んでも陽炎が嗤って奪い去る。 nando sekai ga kurande mo kagerou ga waratte ubaisaru. 繰り返して何十年。もうとっくに気が付いていたろ。 kurikaeshite nanjuunen. mou tokku ni ki ga tsuiteitaro. こんなよくある話なら結末はきっと1つだけ。 konna yoku aru hanashi nara ketsumatsu wa kitto hitotsu dake. 繰り返した夏の日の向こう。 kurikaeshita natsu no hi no mukou. バッと押しのけ飛び込んだ、瞬間トラックにぶち当たる batto oshinoke tobikonda, shunkan torakku ni buchiataru 血飛沫の色、君の瞳と軋む体に乱反射して chi shibuki no iro, kimi no hitomi to kishimu karada ni ranhansha shite 文句ありげな陽炎に「ざまぁみろよ」って笑ったら monku arige na kagerou ni "Zamaa miro yo" tte warattara 実によく在る夏の日のこと。 jitsu ni yoku aru natsu no hi no koto. そんな何かがここで終わった。 sonna nanika ga koko de owatta. 目を覚ました8月14日のベッドの上 me o samashita hachigatsu juuyokka no beddo no ue 少女はただ shoujo wa tada 「またダメだったよ」と一人猫を抱きかかえてた "mata dame datta yo" to hitori neko o dakikakaeteta

  • @quirkykawaii4626
    @quirkykawaii4626 4 роки тому

    Lyrics(will stetson) August 15th at 12 afternoon Not a single cloud had stained the sky so bright and blue Such a mellow hue Those days with nothing to do I had sat within the park so calmly next to you And swaying to and fro we had chatted softly burning through our youth “But I’m done… I really hate the summer sun.” You said and softly pet a cat you found on the streets of the town looking down on your luck Ah, the cat had broken from your arms And chasing after it you found yourself in the street there as well as the traffic lights had showed that you had gone too far Suddenly the streets were painted red As I screamed at the stain that used to be my friend Sweet you had smelled to me now blood dripping agony It strangled my mind and every thought intensely Haze of lies sunk deep so far beneath the eyes Turned and laughed as the clouds had covered the sky Cries of cicadas now had died in their final bow The world around me was twisted as I broke out Worn out in my bed I had woke From a dreadful sleepless night more real than I know Where’d the hours go? August 14th at 12 afternoon not a single cloud had stained the sky so bright and blue My mind was shaken to the core by cicadas loudly singing out of tune But you know, is all this really how it goes? It was just yesterday, I had a really strange kind of dream of us two on this road No, I think it’s time we’re going home And then the second that we turned around on the street going down there were screams as something fell upon us running bellow All around the pipes they all were falling down As they broke through your body pressed into the ground Chimes of a summer day had mixed with the ripping pain The screams and the agony I couldn’t burn away Laughing on as if it all was just a game As his eyes shining bright pierced deftly through the haze Light fading out of sight I turned to what’s left behind The thought alone there had given me a peace of mind Time again my heart was swallowed by the heat As you died a thousand times just barely out of reach Tens of years it seems we never win But in truth I know the story ends where it begins In this story that’s as simple as it seems There was only ever just this ending we could reach Somewhere far beyond this summer day again we’ll meet Suddenly I push you out from in the street While the truck bearing down had trampled all the heat Shocked you had turned to me the blood dripping agony It strangled your mind as you had cried so helplessly Laughing on the spite had clouded up my eyes It’s the game you had made it only serves you right Praying it all would end I look to your side again The summer days each had withered all away then August 14th at 12 afternoon there the girl awoke again the sky still burning blue What an ugly hue “Guess I failed again” she had cried as she pet the cat that softly clung onto her side

  • @rocket_1288
    @rocket_1288 4 роки тому

    August 15th at 12:30 noon I don't see a cloud above The sun is shining down, what a pretty day So sick of this summer heat I cant beat away the haze the rays are giving way And spending all of my time having conversations sitting next to you "Hey but I...don't really like the summertime" And as you were petting on that cat you said such a daring thing right from under your breath Ah, and as that cat had ran away You tried to chase it in the end Jumping right out in front of a traffic light that poured a shade of red bright red Crashing in and breaking you to bits That truck a heard a scream a little bit too late Blood dripping everywhere and choking your smell of hair I breathe in a gulp of air and just cant take it Are these lies? The heat is mocking me "What you see is exactly what you're gonna get!" And with the blue of sky I hear singing crickets cry and fall right back into another dark sleep Sitting up in my bed I could hear ticking clocks the shock will mock my ever ringing head I look to see the time August 14th at 12 something noon I don't see a cloud above The sun is shining down And yet I hear a cry of a cricket singing loudly in my head "Hey but I...I really have to wonder why Because in the dream I had last night we sat in the same old park we are sitting at now "Hey, I think the two of us should leave." But stepping slightly off the path, their heads turned up towards sky and were gaping pointing struggling to keep away a scream Stabbing holes and splitting you in two, the beam made seam as it fell straight from the sky Ringing an old wind chime and shaking a passerby then filling the air until they hit those park trees Are these lies? The heat is mocking me "Bet you wish you were asleep, but it's not a dream!" Vision it blurred away and keeping my thoughts at bay I swear you stood there while keeping such a dark smile Endlessly I see that over heated haze And again the laughing will repeat on through the days You've been dying for the past ten years We are trapped in cycles and the end is never clear But a story is a story all the same And today like any has an ending so to say Far away and out beyond that scorching summer day Crashing in and hitting me instead you I pushed you aside to nearly dodge a truck Blood dripping everywhere and choking my smell of hair You breathe in a gulp of air and just cant take it Are these lies? I haven't heard him say "What you see is exactly what your gonna get" Maybe this summer day has finally gone away But that's all I'll say so this is where it ends now August 14th and sitting alone on a bed a girl awakes repeating just the same Muttering again "Guess I failed again.." as she sat all alone and held a cat still cradled in her arms -by JubyPhonic-

    • @GrimmShane
      @GrimmShane 4 роки тому

      God I love this song's lyrics...

  • @PoochiePookie12
    @PoochiePookie12 4 роки тому

    2:55 <3

  • @karmenkrma
    @karmenkrma 4 роки тому

    200 likes, 0 dislikes, keep it that way.

    • @tekkadan1971
      @tekkadan1971 3 роки тому

      300 likes and 0 dislikes*

    • @mug489t5
      @mug489t5 3 роки тому

      @@tekkadan1971 379 and 2.....

  • @solivagantroamer
    @solivagantroamer 4 роки тому

    Again those years run on by My mind filling up with only family "Ayano now 's your big sister everyone" "so try to get along with her for me please" Little house of crimson brick, we all had fit inside of that place To and fro they whispered back, making plans of their own so it seemed Looking deep into their eyes, so red in all three and then I see Hidden just beneath are memories grown ups never see Terror in his face he said "I'm a monster deep inside" filled with fear But they're wrong and so I said "That's not true at all, just look here" "That red you hate so much, a hero wears it proud! No really" "It's okay, no need to be afraid anymore" Thinking of what'd be fun, or might be dumb, I was a big sister and tried my best to "Hey guys, look over here!" A crimson muffler I wrapped around me "A secret brigade -er something" Dye it in madder of roses, so we can begin Just because we play heroes, it doesn't mean nothing "So maybe just a little we'll smile again" And always be one big happy family I hope they're happy and laughing at every new day And if they just couldn't take it, they wont run away "Now listen close, hear this secret for you" And so the sun sets on a day fun and new Blowing spring into the air, the adult world we knew was changing too Something wrong I couldn't see, like a plan of their own so it seemed Billow tears and fade away, the people that I love keep crying out No one seems to notice but it's all dying into black It's all gone wrong, but now I knew deep down I couldn't tell a single soul how I felt "God no, oh please don't destroy what I had found" In came a world where our happiness died and flew out Oh madder red no, I beg you, can take no more Why can't you stop breaking futures so there'll be tomorrow? The tears never stop falling the answer is clear Hiding behind smiles from ear to ear If they were my eyes, such red eyes, I wonder could I be their one and only hero who saves their future? I'm clumsy awkward and shameful no less But on this mission, I must go alone... Now I'm gone and wonder what the brigade is doing now and hope again They're smiling all the time and they're getting along with each other They probably hate me now or maybe just hurt I wonder, have I become for them their big sister by now? Will you remember the word I loved with every bit inside me? That "happiness" ah how strange it is, the feeling And as tomorrow breaks, I hope you love it too

  • @miorichan3546
    @miorichan3546 4 роки тому

    Masih ku ingat jelas Tentang keluarga kecil itu Ayano kau lah kakak mereka sekarang Oleh karena itu selamat datang Di dalam rumah kecil berdinding bata merah itu Saling berbisik pelan layaknya kelompok rahasia Di balik mata merah yang mereka bertiga miliki Masa lalu yang orang dewasa tak tahu Dengan wajah takut mu aku hanyalah seorang monster Lalu aku berkata "Kau tahu itu tak benar" Warna merah itu dikenalkan oleh pahlawan Karenanya kau tak perlu takut kepadanya Apakah hal yang engkau sukai Mencoba mencari kakak yang baik Coba lihatlah memakai syal merah Diriku ini satu regu rahasia Di dalam merah bersama kita memulai Walau ini hanyalah permainan belaka Tetaplah kau tersenyum walau sekejap Keluarga damai milik kita Kebahagiaan yang aku harapkan itu Bisakah dia bertahan untuk selamanya Anggaplah ini rahasia kita Tertawari bahwa langit senja Tanpa bisa ku jaga Dunia mulai tumbuh dewasa Dunia yang ku kenal mulai tidak aku pahami Air mata mereka yang sepenuhnya aku cintai Menetes pelan dan tak ada orang yang tahu Semuanya mulai berubah tetapi tak bisa aku mengatakan Jangan ku mohon jangan kau hancurkan Dunia yang penuh kebahagiaan berakhir Ku mohon merah jangan kau menghancurkan Masa depan yang mereka miliki sekarang Aku menangis pelan dan berfikir Bersembunyi dibalik senyuman Andaikan aku miliki mata merah mu Sanggupkah ku selamatkan masa depan mreka Tersenyum kecil Namun ku tahu kali ini aku sendirian Ketika aku pergi masikah regu rahasia itu Bermain bersama dan tertawa seperti dulu Pasti mereka kan marah kepada ku Tetapi masih kah mereka memanggil ku kakak Hey cobalah kau ingat kata yang aku sukai ini Kebahagiaan itu misterius karenanya mari kita sambut esok

  • @ToxicPais
    @ToxicPais 4 роки тому

    It was a day like any other day. There wasn't anything that ever tried to get in my way. Until I listened to pieces of radio show. And they were talking about a very touching depart "We are with heavy hearts bringing word of this news It seems the end of the world will be arriving today" So said a "so-and-so" leader from land far away Speaking a tone that barely covered the sound of cry Outside the window a murder of crows had appeared And they are covering the sky up two by two And conquering all the crescent moon All flying away from here Playing half finished game with no save now I leave a barely read textbook in the drawer When do the shakes ever stop? I'm barely breathing So put my headphones on instead And I don't know, what was the name of this song? The title always ends up being unknown Just then a whispering in my ear becoming louder "Hey do you wanna try and survive?" I think I feel the whole world around me is shaking I think I see the skyline above me falling down Now I think that I must really wrong about this voice Since it had sounded just like me "If you now run about twenty second that way And over past the hill and I know that you'll understand this soon And I swear that these words are never false it otherwise So run up the hill right ahead At the center the people had all crowded Although the crying and screaming had all mixed in Whether a man or woman Didn't really care since it is the end Another shriek from the crowd It was a ten year old girl He's all ready to pray An older priest And all alone I will follow through orders To go beyond that old hill ahead With headphones gotta listen to get outta this "And down to twelve" you've got no time to slow down But at this rate everything will be gone in a flash So I don't really have much of a choice I couldn't take the sound of it any longer The crying and tears were just starting to form now Doesn't matter why, but the song oh people would Never stop singing although now it was ending "You better hurry, now that you have one minute" But hearing now those words the didn't matter anymore Cuz that faraway hill now, that would save my life Was staring straight so me right in the face As all the breath inside had begun to move out Standing was a wall that was colored the shade of sky And behind that wall stood a murder of scientists that said "Oh how perfect!" with a standing ovation I don't understand And standing from above looking down on my titan It looked to be just like something out of a science test "Guess we don't need this" As threw in a bombshell and let the whole town Now just be gone in an instant They told me I had lived my whole in a small box I didn't even hear many words they were saying to me now I could just stare blankly at the bitter tenants of life That never taught me much about the world And the headphones still ringing in the slightest "I'm so sorry" and held back cry

  • @ToxicPais
    @ToxicPais 4 роки тому

    Sono hi wa zuibun to heibon de Atarisawarinai ichinichi datta Himatsubushi ni kiiteta RAJIO kara Ano hanashi ga nagaredasu made wa "Hijou ni zannen na koto desu ga, Honjitsu chikyuu wa owarimasu" to Dokoka no kuni no daitouryou ga Sono hi wa zuibun to heibon de Nakinagara hanashi o suru made wa. Mado no soto wa ooki na tori-tachi ga sora ooitsukushiteku juutaichuu Mikazuki o nomikonde dokoka e to mukatteru Yarikaketeta GEEMU wa NOO SEEBU Tsukue ni hobote tsukazu sankousho Furueru karada o inasu you ni sugu ni HEDDOFON o shita Fumei na AATISUTO koumoku no TAITORU fumei no NANBAA ga Totan ni mimimoto nagare dashita "Ikinokoritai deshou?" Ugomekidasu sekai kaijou o Namidatsu you ni yureru matenrou Magire mo nai kono koe wa dou kiite mo Kikiakita jibun no koe da "Ano oka o koetara nijuubyou de Sono imi o iya demo shiru koto ni naru yo. Utagawanai de, mimi o sumasetara nijuubyou saki e" Kousaten wa touzen daijuutai Mou rounyaku nannyo wa kankei nai Dogou yara akanbou no nakigoe de umotteiku Abaredasu hito nakidasu shoujo Inori dashita shinpu o oinuite Tada hitori mezasu no wa gyaku houkou Ano oka no mukou e to HEDDOFON kara izen koe ga shite "Ato juunibun da yo" to tsugeru Kono mama subete kiesatte shimau nara mou sube wa nai darou Zawamekidasu himei gasshou o Namidame ni natte kasumeru juubyou Utagaita kedo dare ga dou yatte mo Owaranai jinrui sanka "Kakenukero, mou nokori ippun da." Sono kotoba mo mou kikoenai kurai ni Tada mezashiteita oka no mukou wa Sugu me no mae ni Iki mo taetae tadoritsuita'nda Sora o utsushidasu kabe no mae ni Sono mukou hakui no kagakusha-tachi wa "Subarashii" to te o utta Utagau yo. Soko kara miru machi no fuukei wa Maru de jikken shisetsu no you de sa "Mou fuhitsuyou da." Kagakusha wa katatema ni bakudan o nageta Hako no naka no chiisana sekai de Ima made zutto ikite kita'nda na to Moetsukite iku machi datta mono o Tada, bouzen to miru mimimoto de HEDDOFON no mukou kara "Gomen ne" to koe ga shita

  • @PiaPiaPierrot
    @PiaPiaPierrot 4 роки тому

    With my white headphones I look to the side And then I give a slight grin as I signal to you When I knock knock knock on a big empty doorway My heat is gone then instantly It overflows "Can you still not see with open eyes" Staring ever so blankly through the back of my mind I dont know ringing out a tone I don't hear "Nows the time in taking back what was already mine And then again, This life can be hard Although in a second I would give to give it up A sickening system that taunts fate Without me this whole world is very likely just to die Boys and girls its time to look ahead So we can fight that sun and live tomorrow Bring it back around Bring it back around A hazy crescent that is slowly burning away Now now, coding the messages with zeroes Now moving out to a world that we call real life Over to the warfront fantasies "Oh you first" as you were sticking your tongue out What a stupid way to hide away fear "I'm ready, let's go" a password is spoken Yet now that child can never sleep Ever again Day is fading faster than you know For the kids Burning away all the time they have left "Rise against" isn't that trendy thing now Never sleep in this heat so you better hurry up hurry up In tempo your eyes are staring straight at mine and High touching the beat is never everlasting then Don't you think that we were way too slow? So come on You're one of us. One chord and your eyes are staring straight at mine and Buttoned up the beat is never everlasting Cant you see that this is not a joke Look around. It like a dream but way to real to be Do you think we were destined to meet? It isn't weird that we are all thinking the same? "It aint so bad, is it now?" You open up your eyes and just hold out your lone hand Yell those cheap words and throw them away I don't know why but each word is calling my name And all this helps me to be moving forward Boys and girls its time to look ahead So we can fight that sun and look on forward Bringing back the words swallowed in my mouth Goodbye tomorrow, hello to another day and "Hey hey, this world was really pretty mean and Hey maybe I wasn't paying much attention but..." That's the end of that Boys and girls its time to look ahead So we can fight that sun and live tomorrow Take it in your hand Take it in your hand The hazy sunlight that is slowly burning away Now now, calling the messages to end now Now moving out to a world that we call real life Over to warfront fantasies that never end I guess it isn't a game Credit: Jubyphonic

    • @mug489t5
      @mug489t5 3 роки тому

      Sapphire’s are better imo

  • @vocafurnolongeruploading3079
    @vocafurnolongeruploading3079 4 роки тому

    **casually animating this after 8 years**

    • @Josuh
      @Josuh 4 роки тому

      The absolute madlad is doing it

    • @watrh
      @watrh 3 роки тому

      Where is it?

  • @Konez0
    @Konez0 4 роки тому

    Your Very brave to post Mekakucity Music !! Good job!!!

  • @nofun6083
    @nofun6083 4 роки тому

    Years pass by, yet your shadows still surround me Held up feelings, still crying blindly There crouched alone I had drawn up a sketch of the sky Towards the sun on a hilly road now distant The silhouettes had walked on persistent The summer heat of the day burning red in my eyes “You’re so damn bothering” “Just go off somewhere already” Brushing off the hand that saved me “Take me with you” You insisted and reached out for my hand ever kindly “How annoying” I took my stride a bit before you, never looking back at your warm face “Where’s your heart, lost in a daze?” If I’m smart then I’ll quit on looking forward And rot away ‘cause I care no longer How nice it’d be if my life could be just as before Years pass by as I live without an exit And whisper prayers though I never meant it Because I know that they can’t reach your ears anymore “I just don’t care!” “If I die, let me die!” While sighing faintly Grabbing at my wrist just to curse it If I can't change the past then I’ll just indulge in this life that I had forfeit “In this summer of dreams take me back into the past to all the days that you were still with me” Pitiful days I hid my eyes Are igniting in the sky And are burning up the back of my mind Boy, 18, continued waiting For her return he kept on living The ones he lost still scorch his mind Their silhouettes so warm, Yet blurring Towards the sun, the school behind me Today as well you smile kindly “Let’s play a game” You said while wavering just out of reach “You okay?” She had asked a breath with worry Things like her wouldn’t ever get me So don’t pretend that you’re sad for the life that I live In this haze I’ll continue without feeling Keep up the pace of the days repeating So that I won’t ever forget your burning skin If all I want is a lie of a time where I’m still with you then I’ll use the past as my shelter And go on in a dream that repeats those days so we could laugh on together “But you know, If it’s so, Then you’ll never face tomorrow” As if I desire the future... Staining these hands that always lied To leave boring days behind I will live and die alone in her eyes Boy, 18, Now cold and rotting Today as well had kept on praying While clinging on to empty dreams A bitter smile that’s escaping Crying out into the sunset “Take me away, Oh god just end it!” The breath he sighed, Now left behind, Had slowly stopped its pace Those summer days.... Won’t come again… I’m filled with pain… I won’t let it…. Be touched again…. “Can you hear my voice?” Disappearing in the twilight The reasons then were so clear in hindsight I reach my hand to the heat and the blur of the haze... Boy, 18, had prayed so kindly And stood up then to face his memory The summer smile I longed to see again is here, it never leaves me “Been so long…" "I died, I’m sorry” “Though now this time I won’t go blindly” Don’t leave me now to drown in dreams Your light is All I need The silhouettes were watching on as I At last was free...

  • @Josuh
    @Josuh 4 роки тому

    yes nice thank you this is very the epic i will now proceed to keep enjoying this song after 8 years

    • @Josuh
      @Josuh 4 роки тому

      Fuck you me from one week ago i fucking hate you fuck you give me your life

    • @Josuh
      @Josuh 4 роки тому

      hello my 3 weeks ago self, everythings getting better dont worry i will try to fix the rest

    • @oasisflurry9933
      @oasisflurry9933 4 роки тому

      Are you okay, dude?

    • @Josuh
      @Josuh 4 роки тому

      @@oasisflurry9933 Nah, i just constantly use comments like this one to vent on myself of things in my life, don't worry about it

    • @Josuh
      @Josuh 4 роки тому

      Actually 2 months after i had totally forgot about thing comment and now i realize how crazy it sounds, like wtf, sorry about i

  • @forsenfan69
    @forsenfan69 4 роки тому

    absolute kino

  • @gothkurata
    @gothkurata 5 років тому

    i literally cannot find a download anywhere.

    • @phineas837
      @phineas837 4 роки тому

      Search on Google: .MP3 UA-cam Converter, copy the URL video and Download.

  • @neverplayedx
    @neverplayedx 5 років тому

    Lost Time Memory Sombra que el tiempo no desaparece Solo quedan los sentimientos De una persona viviendo en la soledad, Bajo el ardiente sol de carretera Caminando, figuras borrosas El calor impregnando en la mirada. “Ya no importa” “Solo vete algún sitio” Dije al soltar tu mano “No me dejes” Dijiste mientras que Con fuerza me sostuviste “¡Que molesto!” Camine hacia adelante Sin voltear por ningún instante ¿Es en verdad… tu corazón? Con la verdad no veo hacia adelante Sin razones, me sigo Pudriendo Si tan solo el tiempo pudiera retroceder Los años pasan y aun así no muero Con ideas, esperanzadoras Aun si se que tu no estas aquí otra vez “No me importa” Tan solo muere maldigo fuerte Mientras que tomo mi muñeca, Sin poder hacer nada más casualmente Disfruto de esta vida Si el verano realmente puede mostrarnos sueños Volveré antes de que te marches Aquellos días que oculte por vergüenza Comienzan a invadirme Quemando mi mente Un chico de 18 Esperando eternamente Recordando la sombra de aquella, Silueta borrosa En el campo de la escuela aun sonriendo dijiste “Juguemos juntos” mientras te inclinabas, otra vez “Estoy preocupada” dice inquieta Ellos jamás comprenderían “No finjas que realmente sientes tristeza” Vida, innatural que se repite Protegiendo el ritmo del pasado Así jamás podre olvidar tu calidez, Si yo deseo un sueño que no puede cumplirse Aun continuare en el pasado Deseando un sueño del cual no despierte Aislándome eternamente “¿Así que tan solo no quieres ver el mañana?” Estoy realmente bien con eso Como si manchara mis manos Matando días aburridos esa es mi soledad Un chico de 18 Quien nuevamente ha orado tan fuertemente Aferrado a su cálida sonrisa Al ardiente sol susurra “Tan solo llévame contigo” Muy lentamente deteniendo su respiración “¿Puedes oírme?”, la voz desaparece De alguna forma entendí el motivo Extendiendo mi mano hacia la calima. Deseando bajo aquel sol Continuar en ese “entonces” Tu cálida sonrisa de verano nunca ha cambiado “Perdón, pero he muerto” Dices “Esto es el adiós” Dijiste No digas cosas tristes como esas ¡No me dejes! Ambas siluetas observaban a ese antiguo yo.

  • @karakross1000
    @karakross1000 5 років тому

    Dunno why but this reminds me neku from twewy

  • @yahikoakatsuki2152
    @yahikoakatsuki2152 5 років тому

    Cómo se llama la chica de la imagen :3