Steven Berry
Steven Berry
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Rene Girard on Peter's Denial
Rev. Dr. Steven E. Berry interviews theoretical anthropologist Rene Girard on the subject of Peter's Denial.
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Rene Girard Interviews 2.wmvRene Girard Interviews 2.wmv
Rene Girard Interviews 2.wmv
Переглядів 10 тис.12 років тому
Rev. Dr. Steven E. Berry interviews theoretical anthropologist Rene Girard.
Rene Girard Interviews 1.wmvRene Girard Interviews 1.wmv
Rene Girard Interviews 1.wmv
Переглядів 26 тис.12 років тому
Rev. Dr. Steven E. Berry interviews renowned theoretical anthropologist, Rene Girard.


  • @LauraLou-w9s
    @LauraLou-w9s 12 днів тому

    How can I order (watch) this film?

  • @binra3788
    @binra3788 23 дні тому

    A true gift of love cannot be a sacrifice in the sense of a denial or loss of truth. The mindset of sacrifice can only 'see' in the frame of its own judgement as denial of love or love lost. Such a world is always an alloy of fear and love, where love is necessarily victim to & yet worshipful of power set over life, love and light. Sharing in true with-ness and worth-ship invites the Holy Spirit of a true discernment of love into whatever we think, see and do. Thus sharing in sustenance of a true appreciation is a remembrance not of a past, but of living presence. Recognition of another in truth is the foundation from which to give and receive freely. Setting up a self-specialness is always cultic, conferring insider status against hatred and fear projected without on the 'others'. Exchange of energy and information (life) is not a bargain or contract but that we limit to the quantifiable under rules of engagement. That society has concretised such rules is not to say life is absent, but it may be socially denied or masked out under contractual obligations (to sacrifice). "Now do I know my brother not - yet am I free to learn of him anew" (ACIM) This points to a movement of true willingness in place of a mimetic contract to a realm of 'conflictive meanings'.

  • @binra3788
    @binra3788 23 дні тому

    To take unto ourself an image of God, Self or Reality is the basis for a false or 'perverted desire' - as it is the basis for a sense of self-lack set to external seeking. To want what does not belong to you is to deny that it has rightful belonging IN you. So we seek for love or power outside ourselves in the getting of things or states that not only cannot fulfil a sense of separateness, but must reinforce it as the social order of needs, under cultural judgements of values set. The commandments are best seen as witnesses for a true alignment and not as prohibitions set under a god of terror. The loss of Felt Connection sets up the attempt to regain or recover what was lost from the belief it must be earned or propitiated by sacrifice, because loss or sacrifice is the experience of self-consciousness at odds with natural function - or out of balanced alignment. Persistence of self as an image, symbol, mythical derivative and conceived experience correlates an object model of powers, forces, thinks and things persisting through time. Repetition seems to be continuity, yet behold - I make all things new! Persistence of attention establishes value, as a conditioned identification, that becomes internalised or subconscious to the creation of an experience of self and world by which we can become 'unconscious' of the underlying programming of judgements rules and filters that effectively operate beneath what we take as 'our mind' or consciousness as a focus of attention. Creation is a gift of seeing miraculously - that is of a self or mind and world renewed. The 'seeing' is not a passive perception to an externalised other, but a total engagement - for the beam that goes forth, alights in the extension of truth as the movement of being - not in time - but as synchronicity or alignment of time and space as an unfolding fulfilment. Such is the nature of the ordinary moment as a specific expression of Infinity. There is no thing else to be of. 'Falling into imaged reality' frames us in the body, in formed identity of the phished 'angel' of a Timeless knowing cast out or projected in the wish for getting. But wishing is not willing, and it is the restoration of the true will that redeems or dispels what wishing made real to the mind of a mis-taken inheritance. To want only what is truly belonging us, is to accept truth as our belonging - instead of seeking to add to or get rid of a self made by judgement, that suffers its own measure unwitting. That we suffer pain of life is witnessed by our self-medicating adjustments by which to make tolerable what would rightly be attended as a call to heal. This does not make us wrong or faulty, but indicates conflicts of thought that are masked over or projected into false 'solutions' as attempts to solve conflicts externally (magically).

  • @binra3788
    @binra3788 23 дні тому

    Personal & social masking seeks mutual reinforcement to maintain and defend self-image against perceived threat, by joining with social agreements contracts and definitions that operate as behavioural dictates of sacrificial demand and compliance. Until the masking 'self' or mind has been 'revealed and undone of its false claim we have yet to open to the Holy Spirit of true recognition, From the Heart of a Wholeness of being and have no basis for extending or embodying such freedom while reacting to fear and threat of exposure as a personal survival within a socially active conflict. Seeking to describe how the Self reveals through the synchronicity of past and future as the presence of eternal love is likely to muddle more than clarify - unless you already understand that love waits on welcome, not on time (in which to earn, qualify or justify a self made in our own image). I am companioned by A Course in Miracles - which speaks directly to the nature and trick of denial and projection from entirely different premises than that established BY such a mindset. I welcome Girard's recognition of scapegoating as both our personal consciousness and as basis for a social order that normalises sacrifice. "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do" is releasing self-illusion (judgement set over life) to God. It is the privilege of the forgiven to forgive - that is to look past the masking presentations of a mis-taken self image to the recognition of the Eternal. That we associate the Timeless with death, is because we make time and space to act out our own creative un-foldments in which we become identified in conflicts that effectively deny awareness of our true being, as a complex of defences set over conflict as a-tempt to 'scape it - OUT and away from a 'self-defended' countermeasure - that becomes our guide, guard and protection in a world of fear, threat and treachery. It is a self-protecting of conflict from healing that projects denial onto the other, and counters it as a basis for mitigating or escaping fear, of pain, of loss, to save 'the little that ye hath'. Not in truth, but as the temporal 'security' of relative respite. We teach and learn all the time, and what we teach, we learn. Learning is our fruit of experience of being or perspective within being. Giving and receiving are one, but a split mind knows not what it is nor does.

  • @kenmick7
    @kenmick7 2 місяці тому

    Deep 🎉

  • @geoffreynhill2833
    @geoffreynhill2833 4 місяці тому

    M. Girard is so right about Advertising. It's a massive power in the world today, its latest manifestation the NeoLiberal so-called "Revolution", an attempt to restore people's faith in Capitalism; Orwell's "Newspeak" now coming from the Right. 🤔 ("Green Fire", geoff nelson hill, any bookshop, UK / USA.) 🌈🦉

  • @forestgrump2168
    @forestgrump2168 6 місяців тому

    this explains why perfectly rational people became vax and lockdown lunatics during covid . when you add fear to this crowd pressure it drives people completely mad to conform. losing all reason.

  • @forestgrump2168
    @forestgrump2168 6 місяців тому

    Jus a colossal brilliance !

  • @Koko161081
    @Koko161081 7 місяців тому

    Call me shallow, but I think it's fairly obvious that Peter's denial is simply due to fear of the hostile crowd surrounding him.

    • @iphang-ishordavid2954
      @iphang-ishordavid2954 2 місяці тому

      You are right, and he too is essentially saying that. There is fear and he is showing the mechanism behind that fear. Consider that it isn't just mere hostility, because it is something Jesus already warned him I'm particularly about. So Peter's denial is showing something to us and Girard is uncovering it in a sense

  • @61757
    @61757 8 місяців тому

    Nightmarish backgrpund noise

  • @chinchillaer
    @chinchillaer 10 місяців тому

    This seems like a part from a long form conversation. Is the rest of the interview available somewhere?

  • @ryanlunde2291
    @ryanlunde2291 10 місяців тому


  • @hahag-zw6qn
    @hahag-zw6qn 11 місяців тому

    Parables 😂❤ got to be this way cause they got caught i got them in their CODE WORDS !who give who away???? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @hahag-zw6qn
    @hahag-zw6qn 11 місяців тому

    Im not oaranoid now😂 liers liers is it gettin tobe diers! ? Gettin thick with ur lies is what im sayin!!!!!

  • @hahag-zw6qn
    @hahag-zw6qn 11 місяців тому

    Sir i must ask both,how is it that cimmy knows renae with blond and peter know rannnnaaaaaaa but in a longview seeing WOW IS HE STILL WALKING UP THAT STREET U SAID CIMMMY HE WAS UR BOY FRIEND HOW DID MOMMA KNOW!??? PRAY ! GOTHCHA!!!!!

  • @jakecarlo9950
    @jakecarlo9950 Рік тому

    Excellent. A post like a fine wine, even better with age.

  • @antonmeemana1261
    @antonmeemana1261 Рік тому

    One of the most original thinkers of our era.

  • @TheApprentice007
    @TheApprentice007 Рік тому

    Could you reupload it with fixed audio? It's panned left and very low without great speakers. Making it mono and normalizing it would help!

  • @timothykuring3016
    @timothykuring3016 Рік тому

    The spirit of the crowd. I think that's why it was a sin for David to number Israel. Right and wrong are not determined by numbers so the numbers of people are given no consideration in making judgements. A king like David may hesitate to attack an enemy which has greater numbers when it is the right thing to do, or he may choose to attack a much weaker enemy when it is not the right thing to do. Jesus escaped from a crowd that would seize him and make him king because the kingdom of heaven doesn't come by a crowd. Mob rule is Satan's tactic.

  • @Allay-px9pt
    @Allay-px9pt Рік тому

    I think Peter cut off my right ear.

  • @IskalkaQuest2010
    @IskalkaQuest2010 2 роки тому


  • @lizardspiral
    @lizardspiral 2 роки тому

    You can tell who hasn't read the Bible here. Not in a "churchy" theological way , but as a literary masterpiece. These philosophies are really biblical stories being instrumented and broken down through a relatively modern analytical view. Read your Bible kids, like analyzing an essay.

  • @josea.deleon2222
    @josea.deleon2222 2 роки тому

    They do say a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link....need I say more?😁

  • @OxenHandler
    @OxenHandler 2 роки тому

    Isn't this part of what the Cathers were doing, renouncing covetousness? The Albegensian heresy rises again?

  • @christophmahler
    @christophmahler 3 роки тому

    Comparing Peter's denial to Paul's revelation at Damascus and call it a 'second conversion' is certainly interesting and probably tells more about Girard's 'scapegoatism' than other sources.

  • @clearintentions6182
    @clearintentions6182 3 роки тому

    " I speak in parables " " do not take these works as literal" allegorical as the Kingdom of Heaven is within.

  • @samirmatar8794
    @samirmatar8794 3 роки тому

    Un des rares philosophes à maîtriser l'anglais. Sa vision de l'homme mimétique et du bouc émissaire est très profonde et inégalée, mais surtout porteuse car décrit la société de tous les temps, d'où son extrême importance. Merci René Girard!!!

    • @joaov.m.oliveira9903
      @joaov.m.oliveira9903 3 роки тому

      He's incredibly more popular in the Americas than in France. I wonder why why why.

  • @samirmatar8794
    @samirmatar8794 3 роки тому

    What's really impressive is his admitting that mimetic desire is already in the Ten Commandments and that he only got to its knowlegge later than his first book on mimetism. Actually René Girard (re)became Christian late in his life, so it's a genuine thing the honors him. OUI, VRAIMENT UN GRAND PENSEUR.

  • @OxenHandler
    @OxenHandler 4 роки тому

    Sacrificial objects are not scapegoats. The scapegoat in the old testament story of the two he-goats literally escapes into the wilderness with the sins of the jews and the non-scapegoat, the innocent one, is sacrificed. Girard appears to deliberately ambiguate the scapegoat with the sacrificial victim.

    • @unclejj13er75
      @unclejj13er75 Рік тому

      Leviticus 16:15. He shall then slaughter the people's goat of sin offering , bring its blood behind the curtain, and do with its blood as he has done with the blood of the bull; 16:16. Thus he shall purge the Shrine of the uncleanness and transgression of the Israelites, whatever their sins.

    • @OxenHandler
      @OxenHandler Рік тому

      @@unclejj13er75 The people's goat of sin offering is sacrificed while the scapeoat has escaped with the sins of the jews. They get away with their sins for another year.

  • @betobsbf
    @betobsbf 4 роки тому

    03:28 I fell off the chair here slightly but I'm fine

  • @androidpitanga9846
    @androidpitanga9846 4 роки тому

    This thinker has actually made discoveries

  • @jhonviel7381
    @jhonviel7381 4 роки тому

    worst fucken audio quality. i hate you so much.

  • @androidpitanga9846
    @androidpitanga9846 4 роки тому

    Some thinkers just leave you with a sense of "wow"

  • @rydercleary
    @rydercleary 4 роки тому

    “Peter’s denial is a more powerful explanation of what society is than any other text” 🤯 4:56

  • @thomassimmons1950
    @thomassimmons1950 4 роки тому

    Is this prescient or perhaps perpetual?..genius nonetheless!!!

  • @nelsano3
    @nelsano3 4 роки тому

    The greatest thinking Frenchman of our time.

  • @nelsano3
    @nelsano3 4 роки тому

    This is mind bendingly brilliant.

  • @yodrewyt
    @yodrewyt 4 роки тому

    No one believes in god today? What rock does he live under? Of course most people follow what most people do. But this is precisely what makes them near-irrelevant. The crowd, in turn, follows the most charismatic, the most alive person around. This is a function of the independence of that leader's soul. The choice to think for oneself makes someone and his actions and ideas worth paying attention to, not the resignation and surrender Girard is stuck on. Anyway, it is philosophy begun midstream. What is the context, the foundation? We'll never know. Astounding that Peter Thiel looks up to this 4th rate philosopher.

    • @jasonleonard9776
      @jasonleonard9776 3 роки тому

      Don't be arrogant. Read the Golden Bough and then a Girard reader and you'll get a firm grounding in his thought. This snippet assumes a familiarity with his thought. It would be like reading the "God is dead" homily and then making a judgement about Nietzsche's status as a philosopher. Drop the derision! Girard is a fantastic thinker!

    • @epsilon3821
      @epsilon3821 3 роки тому

      Ironic the guy calling girard a phoney has a playlist of chakras and a reptillian shapeshifter. His videos are also pretty schizo.

    • @happygucci5094
      @happygucci5094 Рік тому


    • @ClayB05
      @ClayB05 Рік тому

      The person in a crowd follows the people around them. What is you talking about? No one is a crowd knows who the leader is.

  • @PeterShieldsukcatstripey
    @PeterShieldsukcatstripey 4 роки тому

    we have compassion for Jesus on the cross.

  • @zwatwashdc
    @zwatwashdc 4 роки тому

    This video could be re-titled to something like Girard on the Eucharist. These are important insights but will only be stumbled on by accident.

  • @qwertyqart
    @qwertyqart 4 роки тому

    when was it recorded?

  • @zaggy3110
    @zaggy3110 4 роки тому

    There are some jewish and evangelical nutjobs, who want to reintroduce animalsacrifces.

  • @anselman3156
    @anselman3156 4 роки тому

    I think it is ridiculous to suggest that Peter was influenced by the youth of the woman to make his denial, as if in that situation his thoughts would in any way be concerned with that. He was surely terrified of suffering the same violence being inflicted on him as was being inflicted on his Lord. He was terrified of being crucified himself, and probably concerned for the well being of his wife and family. He was not moved by the youth of the woman or by the mob to have a hostility to Jesus. He did not adopt the attitude of the mob. He simply showed cowardice in his fear of suffering alongside his Lord. However, he later received the grace of God to be able to willingly suffer and die for Him.

    • @mikeissjr
      @mikeissjr 4 роки тому

      anselman if it didn’t matter, it wouldn’t be mentioned.

    • @anselman3156
      @anselman3156 4 роки тому

      @@mikeissjr The Gospels simply record the matter of fact that two persons, both maid or damsel, paidiske or korasion spoke to St Peter. What other words might the Gospel writer have used to describe those persons who spoke him? There is no ground for Girard's ridiculous insinuation that St Peter was motivated by anything other than concern not to suffer torture and death along with his Lord.

  • @London_miss234
    @London_miss234 5 років тому

    I disagree with his thinking on Africa. He states, Europe is highly intellectual, intelligent, and non primitive, as opposed to Africa. Archaic thought.

  • @aco-alexnikolov6741
    @aco-alexnikolov6741 5 років тому


  • @Mario94177
    @Mario94177 5 років тому

    What does he mean exactly by "you want to be the victim"?

    • @rfly05
      @rfly05 5 років тому

      Mario Shtjefni He is the Mimetic Double and you want what he has which is why things escalated to violence. He means that you both wanted the same thing; you wanted to be (like) the victim.

  • @EdDodds
    @EdDodds 6 років тому

    He's almost gets it right... it isn't that there is no longer sacrifice, it is a continuation in the lesson that the sacrifice for sin must come from God -- not from humanity -- for it to be effective. Abram/Isaac is the same kind of "type" or allegory. Psalm 50 is another spotlight on this concept that it isn't God who wants the sacrifice, it is humanity. To put a very fine point on it -- imo -- it is the clergy part of humanity which uses their "spiritual authority" of the perceived need for forgiveness as a a cudgel against the congregant seeking forgiveness --- rather than teaching that the Eucharist's purpose is to remind the world that God has already provided that forgiveness in Christ. Denominations result from dueling gatekeeper claims around what the New Testament portrays as an initiation rite -- immersion for the signifying the receipt of the gift thru trust in God to recognize Christ as the sacrifice in the day of judgement... and the provision of the Holy Spirit as helper in the meantime.

  • @makermarx
    @makermarx 6 років тому

    I myself do drive the equivalent of a Donkey.

  • @aikeeemburney1562
    @aikeeemburney1562 7 років тому

    I always become to think that crowds came to conquer even if I am out of explanations when I explain there are a chain that is what god would want for land mass I daydream and see things that come to past in my life as I do what is the current modulation it is a time of appending God's as of right now. secrets are powerful but may we notice only_- that not all or the golden ones that send rebels arent true of the situation as it acts in perseverance

  • @yosefbushurskii
    @yosefbushurskii 7 років тому

    Wise grandpa

    • @androidpitanga9846
      @androidpitanga9846 4 роки тому

      Wise owl, perhaps? In the best, fantastic sense of the expression