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mugsofdoom minis
United Kingdom
Приєднався 10 жов 2019
Hi I'm mugs! This channel is for mini painters of all skill levels to experiment and learn miniature hobby stuff. Beginners your welcome and experienced hobbyists well you might get some new ideas
The ethos is to be clear and useful as possible to painters of all budgets and experience. You will not hear the phrase " so I grabbed my airbrush here "
I have real sensory things for loud noise and lights and know that others do too, so you won't see any flashing graphics, I won't shout or rant and the background audio is soothing rain
So grab your favourite drink, cosy up and let's slap paint on things
The ethos is to be clear and useful as possible to painters of all budgets and experience. You will not hear the phrase " so I grabbed my airbrush here "
I have real sensory things for loud noise and lights and know that others do too, so you won't see any flashing graphics, I won't shout or rant and the background audio is soothing rain
So grab your favourite drink, cosy up and let's slap paint on things
How to Paint: Tan Boots and Cloth
In this video I continue looking at painting the 143rd siege regiment of krieg
Paints used
Steel legion drab, reikland flesh shade, tallarn sand, karak stone
Paints used
Steel legion drab, reikland flesh shade, tallarn sand, karak stone
Переглядів: 112
How To Paint: Non Metallic Metal -Silver
Переглядів 350Місяць тому
In this video I will discuss how I go about doing nmm on my dark angels Paints used Scalecolor Matte black, petroleum grey, graphene grey, matte white
How to Paint: Desolated Plains Bases
Переглядів 3542 місяці тому
In this video, I cover how to make super easy desolated plains bases Products Used Games Workshop rakarth flesh, armegeddon dust Vallejo wash fx rust Warlord games slate pieces
How To Paint: Mars Bases
Переглядів 2793 місяці тому
In this video, I cover how to paint bases to look like the barren wasteland of mars Paints Used Games Workshop khorne red, evil sunz scarlet, tallarn sand, ushabti bone misc crackle paint. texture paint. scale razorwire
How to Paint: Death Korps of Krieg - 143rd Siege Regiment Greatcoats
Переглядів 5173 місяці тому
In this video, I cover how to paint the greatcoats in the blue of the 143rd siege regiment death korps of krieg Paints Used Games Workshop The fang, thunderhawk blue, russ grey Vallejo VMC Black
How To Paint: Inner Circle Companion Robes
Переглядів 1,6 тис.4 місяці тому
In this video, I cover how to paint the robes on the new dark angels inner circle models Paints Used Games Workshop Screamer Pink, Pink Horror Vallejo Matte Black, Warlord purple
How To Paint: Urban Rubble Bases
Переглядів 8615 місяців тому
In this video, I cover how to paint a dusty rubble finish on a sculpted ruins base from Unreal Wargaming Studios. I'm not affiliated with them I just like their stuff. If you want to grab your own urban rubble bases you can find them here: unrealwargamingstudios.co.uk/ Paints Used Games Workshop mechanicus standard grey, dawnstone, grey seer Vallejo light grey
How to Paint: Goffs Armour
Переглядів 2745 місяців тому
In this video, I look at painting scuffed black goffs armour with a purple tint Paints Used Games Workshop Naggaroth Night, Celestra Grey Vallejo Matt Black, Music Virtual Underworld Dylan Sitts Epidemic Sound
Combat Ready: Ravenwing Banners
Переглядів 2665 місяців тому
In this video, I look at a super fast method of painting white feather banners on ravenwing bikes Paints Used Games Workshop Ulthuan Grey, Pylar Glacier Vallejo Matt White Music Virtual Underworld Dylan Sitts Epidemic Sound
How To Paint: White Armour
Переглядів 2556 місяців тому
In this video I cover how I’d go about painting neutral white details on ultramarine space marines for warhammer 40K Paints Used Vallejo Matt White, Light Grey Gw Ulthuan Grey Music Virtual Underground Dylan Sitts Epidemic Sounds
How to Paint: Warm Gold
Переглядів 3377 місяців тому
In this video I cover how I’d go about painting warm gold details on ultramarine space marines for warhammer 40K Paints Used SC75 Elven gold, red leather, heavy metal Gw reikland fleshshade Music Virtual Underground Dylan Sitts Epidemic Sounds
Hobby Techniques: Tufts and Stuff
Переглядів 2068 місяців тому
In this video I cover some information on getting hold of tufts and other basing gubbins for miniatures Music Virtual Underground Dylan Sitts Epidemic Sounds
How To Paint: Cream Cloth
Переглядів 9698 місяців тому
In this video, I cover how I’d go about painting cream cloth to match the space marine box art in an approachable manner for all your wargaming needs. Paints Used Gw Karak Stone, Ushabti Bone, Steel Legion Drab Scalecolour Iroko Miscellaneous White Music Virtual Underground Dylan Sitts Epidemic Sounds
How to Paint: Edge Highlight Ultramarines Armour
Переглядів 2,3 тис.9 місяців тому
In this video I cover how I’d go about edge highlighting the blue armour of ultramarine space marines for warhammer 40K Paints Used Gw Macragge blue, kantor blue, Calgar blue, blue horror Miscellaneous Black Music Virtual Underground Dylan Sitts Epidemic Sounds
How To Paint: Ork Wooden Signs
Переглядів 55910 місяців тому
In this video, I cover how I painted the signpost on the ork deffkopta miniature. Paints Used SC75 Black Leather, Brown Leather, Iroko, Birch Games Workshop Agrax Earthshade misc White Music Virtual Underworld Dylan Sitts Epidemic Sound
How To Paint: Skabbik's Plaguepack Plaguemonk Rusty Weapons
Переглядів 53811 місяців тому
How To Paint: Skabbik's Plaguepack Plaguemonk Rusty Weapons
How To Paint: Skabbik's Plaguepack Plaguemonk Flesh and Skin
Переглядів 1,4 тис.Рік тому
How To Paint: Skabbik's Plaguepack Plaguemonk Flesh and Skin
How To Paint: Skabbik's Plaguepack Plaguemonk Robes
Переглядів 2,3 тис.Рік тому
How To Paint: Skabbik's Plaguepack Plaguemonk Robes
How to Paint: Skabbik's Plaguepack Sewer Bases
Переглядів 1,3 тис.Рік тому
How to Paint: Skabbik's Plaguepack Sewer Bases
How To Paint: Glass Vials & Test Tubes
Переглядів 1,1 тис.Рік тому
How To Paint: Glass Vials & Test Tubes
How To Paint: Hive Fleet Behemoth Tyranids
Переглядів 283Рік тому
How To Paint: Hive Fleet Behemoth Tyranids
How To Paint: Death Guard Robes and Cloth
Переглядів 3,3 тис.Рік тому
How To Paint: Death Guard Robes and Cloth
How To Paint: Death Guard Power Armour
Переглядів 9 тис.Рік тому
How To Paint: Death Guard Power Armour
How to Paint: Space Marine Bike Screens
Переглядів 1,7 тис.Рік тому
How to Paint: Space Marine Bike Screens
How to Paint: Cyberpunk Bases - No Airbrush!
Переглядів 12 тис.Рік тому
How to Paint: Cyberpunk Bases - No Airbrush!
Great video
Glad you enjoyed it
Awesome video. And so simple to follow. This is exactly what I was needing thank you!
Glad you found it helpful 🙂
This axe and guide was absolutely beautiful and I'll be using this quite a bit thank you!!
Thank you for your kind words. I bet your minis look great 😃
Great video, doing all my blood raven tabards in this method! Having the color you are using in the timestamp or as an overlay when you are doing them would be a great help.
Ooh noted.. il try and work out how to do the timestamp thing and I did a colour Swatch overlay thing on a short so I will look into it. I may add a before we start list of paints and materials " slide " I'm looking at revamping the edits a bit for the new year :)
This is exactly what I was looking for, thank you! If you make a video tutorial about the ICC armour, that would be awesome.
Glad you liked it. I had lots of people on Reddit asking for the recipe so I had to make the video. I have made a video on black armour where I used a ravenwing outrider for the model but I can add blue / black power armour to the list
Great video! Do you have a product name or link to the flock you showed in the video? My searches are very confusingly turning up products that call themselves 'flock static grass'
Hi thanks for your comment In the video I use a mixed green flock from woodland scenics. I believe they call theirs " turf " for some reason. Comes in fine and corse mixes with single or blended colour Javis scenics are also good and a lot cheaper than woodland scenics and they call theirs " scatter " Geek gaming scenics can be worth a look too and I haven't provided links due to not knowing global location. But in the UK I'd grab these from Amazon, Hobbycraft and the odd independent hobby shop or railway modelling shop
Wonderful result, I love painting but never have the patience to spend hours to do nnm correctly, but I'm amazed by people who can
Thank you. I only started doing nmm recently. I struggle on vertical cylinders like pistons. I think doing tmm is the way forward for most people, where you use nmm theory on metallic paints. You get great results, looks fancy and a lot less stressful on models with complex / large metallic areas. I'd never want to paint a nmm tank!! It's a good thing to practice on a spare sword etc though. It does wonders for brush control even if it doesn't work out as nmm
Great video
Glad you enjoyed it 😄
Amazing tutorial!
Really glad you like it 😄
Are you going to do a part two?
I certainly can do 🙂 which areas of the model would you like to see as a priority? I will add it to my list to do!
@mugsofdoomminis I leave that to you it's my first time painting and I found that your video is the most helpful
I shall see what I can do 😀
@@mugsofdoomminis my hero
Really Like your Work and your choice to Put Rainsounds in the background of your Tutorials. As a ADHS Person, the rain Sounds makes it easy for me to concentrate on your content. I really would Like to see your take on a djungel Base.
I'm glad you like it. My partner has said the videos are calming to listen to so I learned into it and I think it's a refreshing change from all the shouty channels. I will add jungle bases to the list :)
Hello, do you have the complete list of all the paints and pigments that you use with the brands? Please. otherwise great tutorial
I always put materials used in the description and here's the paints. I didn't list the pigments cos they are old forgeworld ones not made anymore but any hobby companies pigment will do. I've had good experience with " ammo by mig " for weathering effects Paints Used Games Workshop mechanicus standard grey, dawnstone, grey seer Vallejo light grey
thank you for your answer but you use 4 different shades at 1 minute 35 seconds and I don't see them in the description
@@AlexandreSevic-qv2cvmy apologies on the late reply, studio didn't send me a notification! The shades where drakenhoff nightshade, Athenian camo shade, reikland fleshshade and seraphim sepia The actual shades here don't matter in their specificity. The idea is your adding colour undertones into the grey so to nuts with different colour washes. You could add yellow or red in. Basically anything other than black is fine, the more the better really unless you are looking for a warm tone or cold tone then use a single wash
Awesome video, thanks for sharing your method! I will be copying it mostly, however I will make it a little bit more purple and less pink. For tufts I will probably use a beige tuft with a bleached bone overbrush and dark wash.
Always looking to share ideas with the community. That's the point of the channel I haven't made a single penny and it's all about inspiring others. I bet yours are going to look great 😃
Once again, great work !
Thank you. Always looking to help out other painters 😊
Thanks, that was just what I needed to know 👍🏻
Glad it helped
I probably would have advised ink instead of paint for the glow, maybe even flouro inks
I didn't own any inks and this is a method that's accessible to everyone and no ot reliant on specialist products or stuff that might not be available in their area
@@mugsofdoomminis its all relative, i order all my supplies online due to being in the country, so no one paint is harder to get than any other, besides those japanese enamels and laquers ofc
That’s a fantastic effect & looks really accessible for new painters.
Thank you. That's the ethos here. Make everything accessible
Looks amazing! Just found your channel thanks to your evil sunz armor tutorial and i love it.
Glad that you liked it 😀
I search for idoneth beach base. Opening line...perfect for idoneth...I find idoneth beach base 😊
Thank you for your kind words. Glad it was exactly what you were looking for ☺️
Defs gonna try this on my grey knights Not entirely sure how to tie all the colours together, but I'm damn gonna try
You got this 🙂 I believe in you. These grey knights are gonna look super cool
^You've probably saved my Bheta Decima terrain!
Glad to hear that I've inspired an entire terrain box!!!
Excellent tutorial, thank you so much!
Really glad you like it
I've looked throu the half of the Internet to finde this, thank you ❤️ Ps love the rain in the background :3
Thank you 😊 I'm glad you like it. I'm sorry you had to trawl through so much to find it! The rain was part of my goal with the channel. Make a miniature painting help channel where the host doesn't shout at you or ram sponsors down your throat. Means a lot you like it :)
Just found this and now began looking through your base tutorials. Very good tutorial.
Glad it was helpful!
This is a beautiful effect. Im going to try something similar to this and see how it looks.
Thank you. Go for it. You got this! I believe in you :)
Wonderful video. Very informative. Did you varnish this as a final step? Thank you.
I didn't varnish it personally. With varnish I find you only really need to use it if your handling it a lot and roughly. Varnish can dramatically change a finish on something which as a painter I can find frustrating. I found the pigment mixed in a water wash rather than dusted does wonders for fixing in place There's nothing here that says you can't varnish
Cant wait to see more from your channel
Thank you!!
Nice tutorial on blending colours for robes. Unfortunately it was difficult to watch at times with the shaking camera. However, I'm looking forward to seeing future videos.
Thanks for the kind words. I don't have a fancy setup it's just my phone on a clamp. It was probably the fan on it cos it's kinda warm where I am right now 😔
That is a very striking recipe. Thanks!
Glad you like it!
thank you for this lovely tutorial!!!
You are very welcome
A superb and creative basing job!
Thank you for the kind words 😊
Your videos are so helpful! I love hearing your thought process. I would have liked to have heard about the rationale behind the base, the composition etc!
Thanks for your kind words. I can't comment too much on the branch composition on this base as it's part of the models sculpt
I love these relatively easy and quick techniques for doing the less detailed parts of the model.
Cheers for the kind words. It's the one thing I commend resin bases for especially the unreal wargaming ones. The sculpt does such heavy lifting that simple techniques really show them off and your mini
Just found your channel and subbed. These cyberpunk bases look amazing!
Glad you liked this tutorial 😁
I bought one of the rubber things and they are good. They are are even more stable if you stick 2 other pots in the other slots. Means if you are doing your 3 colour contrast battle ready, you can just chuck them all in it and they keep the open one more stable.
I've been painting deathguard for 3 years now and I still come back and watch these videos to get bqck into painting and remembering the video that took my painting to the next level. Thank you. Very good video that contains techniques that other deathguard painting videos lack. Thank you :)
This comment is exactly why I do this! I'm so happy you found this useful and felt it helped you improve as a painter ❤️
I had never thought about purple hue for a black armor.
A purple tint on goffs black armour is actually what the eavy metal team do, this tutorial is inspired by their recipe
excellent work mate. I really like the soft blue as a shadow for the feathers.
Thank you very much!
How do you paint white? That's the neat part. You don't.
Been stuck on a project for a few months trying to figure out a reddish sandstone basing scheme and this has been perfect. Thanks
Very glad this has helped you out :)
I would start with orruk skin for a green-yellow tone. How would you shade layer and highlight? Thanks for the high value tutorials .
If you're going to start with orruk flesh as a starting point there's a variety of colours you could use as highlights Nurgling green is similar but lighter for subtle stuff but ogryn camo followed by krieg khaki could keep the pale highlights Spending on tonal shades you could shade down with waagh flesh or wash with a tinned contrast like warp lightning or creed camo depending on tonal variation you might want
In your opinion, does this technique work well on base's without the detail complexity of yours?
At its core the main effect on the base is a gradient which would work on any base. Even a flat one. You could do the isometric vapourwave lines on top of it on a flat base for example Having a base with some industrial details even if it's just some wires or a bit of plastic that looks like corrugated steel glued down will make a difference in its appearance causing things to pop
Yeah so flat base is really not working out so well. Having a lot of pooling on the flat surfaces. Maybe with an airbrush, but I think this is a no-go for my arena surface. Still thanks for the great tutorial.
Ah that's a shame. It's always worth trying something though cos even if it doesn't work you learn something
Woot for Doomshorts!
Looking specifically for limestone recipes but I think this is gonna get me there
Glad you like it
Very cool 👍🏻
Glad you like it :)
Great video. I'm new to this and having trouble with leather. I'm having trouble with everything actually but I'm learning.
I have faith in you. Everyone starts somewhere and never compare yours to someone else’s. You should compare to previously painted by you. You will find that you are progressing much more than you think. Keep painting :)