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Correction: when you say that the Garibaldi was the smallest aircraft carrier until the Thai navy got the Chukri Narbat that’s false. The Chukri Narbat is an export production sister ship of the Principe de Asturias (Prince of Asturias) aircraft carrier made in Spain. That was the smallest aircraft carrier, prior to the Garibaldi. @WeaponDetective
@@Rnd_rkus The Indonesian government has been negotiating with Italy for several months regarding the possibility of acquiring Garibaldi and even high-ranking Indonesian navy officials visited Garibaldi
I got to see this carrier and a few other Italian warships on a 2 week med cruise with my wife in 2009. She was a sharp looking ship then and her crew that I met in port were top notch men. Thanks for the video and history.
I visited the Garibaldi when it entered service in the 80s. I was just 12 years old and the guide was my cousin who was the second in command, so It was an exceptional experience. I also had dinner at the officers' mess and the menu was also excellent :)
One of the most efficient warship designs of the post war era. So much capability on such a modest displacement. I would be very interested in how those who served on her found her to function day to day, operationally. How were their jobs affected by the compromises made in her creation?
I am retired US NAVY and served on 4 aircraft carriers. Three are also retired. The USS Eisenhower CV69 is still active. I cried when the other 3 retired and were scrapped. I'll cry when the IKe is scrapped. I felt the same heart pains when your aircraft carrier was being retired. A lot of men put their blood and sweat into your ship. It's too bad you couldn't retire your carrier and sold her to one of your water front cities as a war museum. The US has several of the these museums with a lot of the types of aircraft they carried. The ships give yours as well. I have great respect for your NAVY and am proud our two countries are allies. I love Naples too. Thank you.
Yes, you are right, because there were at least two italian carriers during WW2 (Aquila and Sparviero) that were in advanced state of completion but never entered service.
She's still a fine ship and good value for money. Countries as Indonesia and Vietnam could be doing a fantastic deal acquiring it, with full Sea Harrier crew. The ship is still perfectly capable.
No diga memeces. En Argentina aún hay soldados que llevan cascos M1 de la 2GM. Hay en servicio camiones Mercedes de la serie 11 de los años 60. La flota de cazas necesita más adquisiciones. Hay que recuperar la flota submarina. Y un largo etc. Déjese usted de sueños imposibles de porta aviones y céntrese en la realidad.
Little big ship , in 180 mt siamo riusciti fargli stare gli av8 plus ll, Helicopters, 8 Teseo anti-ship launchers (until 2003), 2 Albatros/Asp systems, 2 triple torpedo launchers, 3 twin 40 mm Dart turrets.In 1994/95 in an exercise with the 6th American fleet with the Nimitz (if I'm not mistaken) the American fleet had to find the Garibaldi and face it, when the Americans saw the Garibaldi, They laughed at how small she was, assuming it would be an easy mission to find and confront her. But soon they stopped laughing and Garibaldi made them sweat 7 shirts before being discovered She was hiding under the coast where the super aircraft carrier couldn't reach, it took them a long time to find her, and from that day on nobody laughed anymore 😅
Correction: when you say that the Garibaldi was the smallest aircraft carrier until the Thai navy got the Chukri Narbat that’s false. The Chukri Narbat is an export production sister ship of the Principe de Asturias (Prince of Asturias) aircraft carrier made in Spain. That was the smallest aircraft carrier, prior to the Garibaldi. @WeaponDetective
Prince of Asturias was nearly 2,000 tons heavier and 15 meters longer than Giuseppe Garibaldi. HTMS Chakri Naruebet is based on Prince of Asturias but smaller than her.
@@WeaponDetective Not really, because although the Prince of Asturias is longer in lenght is shorter in beam. The Garibaldi is 180m x 33m (which equals to 5940 square m) and the Prince of Asturias is 196m x 24m (which equals to 4704 square m). Almost a 25% difference in deck size.
US CVs are Cruisers, aViation. Calling a carrier a Cruiser was intentionally an insult by the battleship admirals in pointing out they were only supporting ships
Quindi la trasformazione in una sorta di porta-droni (avevo sentito chiacchiere su questo) non avverrà? Forse il gioco non valeva la candela (il costo e la resa).
Più chè altro non ci guadagna Fincantieri... è quello il punto !!! certo ché varrebbe la pena rinnovarla e risparmiare un sacco di soldi,non penso sia un opinione chè lo scafo possa durare altri 20 anni senza problemi!!!
@@massimobernardo- Non c'è bisogno l' ESA ha mollato i Vega C che sono ora in gestione autonoma Italiana ad eccezione dei contratti già in essere, ovvero l'Italia dovrà lanciarli e seguire il lancio a spese proprie ,da proprie basi di lancio (o affittare spazi altrui ) e con propri centri di controllo (o farsi aiutare a pagamento) È per questo che si sta riaprendo il centro Broglio a Malindi che al momento è ridotto a semplice struttura di controllo e per fortuna che non l'abbiamo ceduta alla NASA non che gli servisse necessariamente ,ma se controlli una struttura di controllo puoi tenere segrete parecchie cose nel suo range e da lì si controllano le orbite dell'Indo Pacifico anche degli altri , Just saying Noi spenderemo buona parte del budget per ripristinare la piattaforma di lancio , se dovesse essere sufficiente , i Vega non sono gli Scout che lanciavamo da lì e comunque la Garibaldi poteva fornire un ottimo supporto, solo che è galleggiante , la piattaforma invece si sostiene sul fondo ,indifferente alle mareggiate , se non c'è vento o pioggia per quanto sia mosso il mare da Malindi si lancia , dalla Garibaldi no , al massimo può fare da sostegno logistico e di controllo , ma non da base di lancio a meno di metterla in secca oppure usarla come centro di controllo mobile , ma il costo di tenere una portaerei operativa anche se non grande si mangerebbe il budget ASI.
Oddio, non è il mio campo, però viste le commesse di Fincantieri (militari e civili), troverei molto strano che dipendesse da quello la scelta (che una azienda del genere dipenda dall' ammodernamento o meno di una nave la vedo difficile). A me sembrano scelte politiche (come sempre), oppure come intendevo col primo commento, che i costi tra il rendere quella nave una porta-droni moderna e averne invece una nuova non sia così diverso (nel senso che devi spendere molto di più ma la nave "nuova" è molto migliore, quindi vale la pena farlo). Comunque sono discorsi fatti così per fare, come scritto non ho le competenze adatte per giudicare, spero non si facciano cazzate. Detto questo però mi sembra che Marina e Aeronautica stiano lavorando bene in considerazione del nostro budget ridicolo, dall'altronde in Italia non si capirà mai che per quanto non piacciano, qualsiasi investimento (quasi, escludiamo quelli per i papponi) fatto in tecnologia militare ha un ritorno enorme (insomma farà schifo ma genera soldi e soprattutto è necessario, ovvio se poi piace credere alle favole possiamo pure non farli, basta poi non piangere però). Vabbè, io so abbastanza vecchio, difficilmente mi riguarderà (mi spiace per voi giovani, si va verso un mondo di merda purtroppo e niente sembra poter fermare la corsa). Fine del poema (ammesso qualcuno lo legga).
@@lazios Secondo te per cosa preme Fincantieri???.... guadagnare 2 spicci insieme ad altre imprese per modernizzare il Garibaldi...o per farsi ordinare una nave nuova ???....pensa all'interesse nazionale patrioticamente o al suo ritorno economico....???...e per cuanto è un'impresa in maggioranza a partecipazione statale !!!!
Mi auguro che il Garibaldi sia protagonista del progetto anziché essere trasformata in un museo sarebbe infatti riduttivo per la storia di questa unita
Yes and the Cavour and Trieste are way bigger, Italy started Building small ships but in time the Marina militare Is Building the same Number of ships but bigger
Pure aircraft carriers do not have any serious fighting capability once you remove aircraft. CVNs only have some anti-aircraft missiles and heavy machineguns. Thats all. Aircraft carrying missile cruisers like Kuznetsov-class can work even without aircraft for example in some disgusting weather. Kuznetsov has large silos for heavy anti-ship long range missiles (P700) and also huge battery of long range anti-aircraft missiles capable of providing cover for the battlegroup. Some silos can also be used for various cruise missiles. Older smaller Kiev class had similar layout, just less anti-ship missiles.
You mean Russias barely floating scrap heap that's only completed 7 deployments, spent the last 7 years in repairs and refit where its been plagued by accidents including fires, death of dock workers and massive cranes embedding themselves in the flight deck when the floating dry dock sank with the vessel moared inside aaaaand its crew was reasigned to combat duty in Ukraine so if it ever does see the sea again the Russians are likely to have to train a new crew up from scratch with a shortage of personnel experienced in operating a carrier to serve as trainers/teachers.
The Garibaldi will be, in the future, used to bring migrants to Italy so they can dance on the statue of the King in Piazza Duomo in Milan on New Year's Eve.
Ah, l'Italia, un paese con 5.000.000 di poveri, 24 mesi consecutivi di calo della produzione industriale, lavoratori con un'ora di lavoro nella settimana precedente spacciati per nuovi assunti..con due portaerei in servizio e una da dismettere. Fantastico.
@extremathule982 ho un'idea migliore, potresti arruolarti in fanteria e andare sul fronte russo con Lollobrigida e i figli di Crosetto e di La Russa, così vediamo se ti passa la spocchia militarista.
@extremathule982 quindi credi che nasconderti dietro uno pseudonimo ti consenta una minaccia da criminale psicopatico come questa? Staremo a vedere se ti trovano o no.
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Please click the link to watch our other Italian Systems videos
Please click the link to watch our other Weapon Legends-Sea videos
Correction: when you say that the Garibaldi was the smallest aircraft carrier until the Thai navy got the Chukri Narbat that’s false. The Chukri Narbat is an export production sister ship of the Principe de Asturias (Prince of Asturias) aircraft carrier made in Spain. That was the smallest aircraft carrier, prior to the Garibaldi. @WeaponDetective
Italian here! the Giuseppe Garibaldi is actually gonna be transformed into a museum ship in genova!
Thank you for this information. I would love to visit her. Can you or where I can information when it will they will open it as museum?
Theres talk and insider information that the carrier gonna be acquired by the Indonesian Navy
@@Rnd_rkus The Indonesian government has been negotiating with Italy for several months regarding the possibility of acquiring Garibaldi and even high-ranking Indonesian navy officials visited Garibaldi
good we, europeans have WAY too much of the habitude of dsmantling good ships with histories
I actually genuinely agree with you @@kira68200
I got to see this carrier and a few other Italian warships on a 2 week med cruise with my wife in 2009. She was a sharp looking ship then and her crew that I met in port were top notch men. Thanks for the video and history.
I visited the Garibaldi when it entered service in the 80s. I was just 12 years old and the guide was my cousin who was the second in command, so It was an exceptional experience. I also had dinner at the officers' mess and the menu was also excellent :)
Very informative video. We will miss Giuseppe Garibaldi, honest, useful, multipurpose and well done ship. To me her best definition is light carrier
One of the most efficient warship designs of the post war era. So much capability on such a modest displacement. I would be very interested in how those who served on her found her to function day to day, operationally. How were their jobs affected by the compromises made in her creation?
I am retired US NAVY and served on 4 aircraft carriers. Three are also retired. The USS Eisenhower CV69 is still active. I cried when the other 3 retired and were scrapped. I'll cry when the IKe is scrapped. I felt the same heart pains when your aircraft carrier was being retired. A lot of men put their blood and sweat into your ship. It's too bad you couldn't retire your carrier and sold her to one of your water front cities as a war museum. The US has several of the these museums with a lot of the types of aircraft they carried. The ships give yours as well. I have great respect for your NAVY and am proud our two countries are allies. I love Naples too. Thank you.
Congratulations on 100 000 subscribers! Cheers from Sweden!
Nice video. I feel old. I remember the commissioning of Giuseppe Garibaldi.
We all, my friend
Indonesia is reported interested in acquiring Garibaldi, her fate is still a grey since Italians also plans to turn her into a museum ship.
The Giuseppe Garibaldi will be dearly missed!!!
@@Maximinus-j-70 true
The Italian Navy's military record shows its true worth as "Guardian of the Mediterranean Sea." Amazing!
The Charles de Gaulle and the Principe de Asturias aircraft carriers disagree
Love you guys, very informative!
I am Always Glad to 'Sub' this 'Channel'!!!
Great info on C551, sad to see her go.
Can you do video about new Italian carrier Trieste?
It is on the list
The first Italian aircraft carrier that was actually completed
Yes, you are right, because there were at least two italian carriers during WW2 (Aquila and Sparviero) that were in advanced state of completion but never entered service.
She's still a fine ship and good value for money. Countries as Indonesia and Vietnam could be doing a fantastic deal acquiring it, with full Sea Harrier crew. The ship is still perfectly capable.
No way. There is no production line of Harriers and the last ones in service will be retired in 2030. No spare line either.
Ciao Peppino!😭 thanks for all
Not "arrivederci" but "addio": she almost mirrored my military and civilian service life.
Thanks to her designers and crews.
GG should be rated as a light carrier.
Ciao Garibaldi!! Honest ship! Spero che la prenda l'Argentina..
É stata trasformata in museo galleggiante ed è ormeggiata nel porto di Genova
@@AlexBfetrop sono di Genova a ancora non si vede...
No diga memeces. En Argentina aún hay soldados que llevan cascos M1 de la 2GM. Hay en servicio camiones Mercedes de la serie 11 de los años 60. La flota de cazas necesita más adquisiciones. Hay que recuperar la flota submarina. Y un largo etc.
Déjese usted de sueños imposibles de porta aviones y céntrese en la realidad.
Argentina non ha soldi per comprare Garibaldi
@@AlexBfetrop sono di Genova e la Garibaldi non c'è a meno che non sia in cantiere.
Little big ship , in 180 mt siamo riusciti fargli stare gli av8 plus ll, Helicopters, 8 Teseo anti-ship launchers (until 2003), 2 Albatros/Asp systems, 2 triple torpedo launchers, 3 twin 40 mm Dart turrets.In 1994/95 in an exercise with the 6th American fleet with the Nimitz (if I'm not mistaken) the American fleet had to find the Garibaldi and face it, when the Americans saw the Garibaldi, They laughed at how small she was, assuming it would be an easy mission to find and confront her. But soon they stopped laughing and Garibaldi made them sweat 7 shirts before being discovered She was hiding under the coast where the super aircraft carrier couldn't reach, it took them a long time to find her, and from that day on nobody laughed anymore 😅
a tough little ship
There's some information that this carrier will be sold to Indonesian Navy
Though it's not certain yet
The Indonesian government has been negotiating with Italy for several months about the possibility of acquiring Galibardi
I believe it was partially canned. As in, the Garibaldi wont be sold, but indonesia can buy a new carrier from italy
excellent video, you can please talk about kitty hawk class supercarriers
Arrivederci mitica grai Garibaldi semy nl mio ❤️❤️
Do one on the Triste
Who's triste? Why mate, what happened?
@extremathule982 bruv the new italian carrier
@@extremathule982He mean the Trieste
@@SAMX4949Triste=Sad .... Trieste not Triste.... Trieste is a italian city name !!!
Can you make a video about the new Trieste Amphibious Assault Ship?
Correction: when you say that the Garibaldi was the smallest aircraft carrier until the Thai navy got the Chukri Narbat that’s false. The Chukri Narbat is an export production sister ship of the Principe de Asturias (Prince of Asturias) aircraft carrier made in Spain. That was the smallest aircraft carrier, prior to the Garibaldi. @WeaponDetective
Prince of Asturias was nearly 2,000 tons heavier and 15 meters longer than Giuseppe Garibaldi. HTMS Chakri Naruebet is based on Prince of Asturias but smaller than her.
@@WeaponDetective Not really, because although the Prince of Asturias is longer in lenght is shorter in beam. The Garibaldi is 180m x 33m (which equals to 5940 square m) and the Prince of Asturias is 196m x 24m (which equals to 4704 square m). Almost a 25% difference in deck size.
US CVs are Cruisers, aViation. Calling a carrier a Cruiser was intentionally an insult by the battleship admirals in pointing out they were only supporting ships
I wish they turned it into a drone-carrier, that would have been neat...
A beautiful ship, maybe the Philippines Navy?
ARA 25 de Mayo please!
They shouldn't make the mistake of getting rid of it put it in reserve status or sail it to another NATO nation like Greece.
I actually thought that l was the only one who actually thought that
if the greeks can pay why not
It’s too small to operate modern jets like F35B
What happened to cavor
What happened?
The Cavour is almost new, of course it's still in service.
@@WeaponDetective like after retirement what is it's faith
@@mrbharathkiran.1508 She continues to serve.
The Garibaldi is supposed to remain in service as launch platform for satellites for the Italian space agency.
When do you want to make a video about htms chakri naruebet?
Quindi la trasformazione in una sorta di porta-droni (avevo sentito chiacchiere su questo) non avverrà?
Forse il gioco non valeva la candela (il costo e la resa).
Più chè altro non ci guadagna Fincantieri... è quello il punto !!! certo ché varrebbe la pena rinnovarla e risparmiare un sacco di soldi,non penso sia un opinione chè lo scafo possa durare altri 20 anni senza problemi!!!
Sarebbe invece un alternativa per l'Italia e la UE per lanciare satelliti con i Vega senza andare in Guyana ,ma bisognerebbe convincere i Francesi .
Non c'è bisogno l' ESA ha mollato i Vega C che sono ora in gestione autonoma Italiana ad eccezione dei contratti già in essere, ovvero l'Italia dovrà lanciarli e seguire il lancio a spese proprie ,da proprie basi di lancio (o affittare spazi altrui ) e con propri centri di controllo (o farsi aiutare a pagamento) È per questo che si sta riaprendo il centro Broglio a Malindi che al momento è ridotto a semplice struttura di controllo e per fortuna che non l'abbiamo ceduta alla NASA non che gli servisse necessariamente ,ma se controlli una struttura di controllo puoi tenere segrete parecchie cose nel suo range e da lì si controllano le orbite dell'Indo Pacifico anche degli altri , Just saying
Noi spenderemo buona parte del budget per ripristinare la piattaforma di lancio , se dovesse essere sufficiente , i Vega non sono gli Scout che lanciavamo da lì e comunque la Garibaldi poteva fornire un ottimo supporto, solo che è galleggiante , la piattaforma invece si sostiene sul fondo ,indifferente alle mareggiate , se non c'è vento o pioggia per quanto sia mosso il mare da Malindi si lancia , dalla Garibaldi no , al massimo può fare da sostegno logistico e di controllo , ma non da base di lancio a meno di metterla in secca oppure usarla come centro di controllo mobile , ma il costo di tenere una portaerei operativa anche se non grande si mangerebbe il budget ASI.
Oddio, non è il mio campo, però viste le commesse di Fincantieri (militari e civili), troverei molto strano che dipendesse da quello la scelta (che una azienda del genere dipenda dall' ammodernamento o meno di una nave la vedo difficile).
A me sembrano scelte politiche (come sempre), oppure come intendevo col primo commento, che i costi tra il rendere quella nave una porta-droni moderna e averne invece una nuova non sia così diverso (nel senso che devi spendere molto di più ma la nave "nuova" è molto migliore, quindi vale la pena farlo).
Comunque sono discorsi fatti così per fare, come scritto non ho le competenze adatte per giudicare, spero non si facciano cazzate.
Detto questo però mi sembra che Marina e Aeronautica stiano lavorando bene in considerazione del nostro budget ridicolo, dall'altronde in Italia non si capirà mai che per quanto non piacciano, qualsiasi investimento (quasi, escludiamo quelli per i papponi) fatto in tecnologia militare ha un ritorno enorme (insomma farà schifo ma genera soldi e soprattutto è necessario, ovvio se poi piace credere alle favole possiamo pure non farli, basta poi non piangere però).
Vabbè, io so abbastanza vecchio, difficilmente mi riguarderà (mi spiace per voi giovani, si va verso un mondo di merda purtroppo e niente sembra poter fermare la corsa).
Fine del poema (ammesso qualcuno lo legga).
@@lazios Secondo te per cosa preme Fincantieri???.... guadagnare 2 spicci insieme ad altre imprese per modernizzare il Garibaldi...o per farsi ordinare una nave nuova ???....pensa all'interesse nazionale patrioticamente o al suo ritorno economico....???...e per cuanto è un'impresa in maggioranza a partecipazione statale !!!!
Not first
You are still the first in our hearts
This is actually why lm subbed @@WeaponDetective
Wonder if the Spanish will come knocking for the surplus Harriers.
Am I being dumb but what aircraft does it fly?
Roma Invicta! 🇮🇹
Too bad it wasn't 10 years earlier
What about a video about the Kiev Classe?
Ma perché non ci fanno una nave lancia droni?
Navy Indonesian interested
Mi auguro che il Garibaldi sia protagonista del progetto anziché essere trasformata in un museo sarebbe infatti riduttivo per la storia di questa unita
semoga Indonesia punya kapal induk 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
addio Peppino
In Mexico city we have a plaza named Garibaldi. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
That's very small for an aircraft carrier 🤔
It was called "the pocket aircraf carrier". Indeed very smal, But it served well and did its job as an aircraft carrier.
Yes and the Cavour and Trieste are way bigger, Italy started Building small ships but in time the Marina militare Is Building the same Number of ships but bigger
But formidable efficient !!!
Una bagnarola
Repetis como estupido el nombre giusepe garibaldy conque necesidad ya sabemos que es el mismo buque en todo el video
Pure aircraft carriers do not have any serious fighting capability once you remove aircraft. CVNs only have some anti-aircraft missiles and heavy machineguns. Thats all. Aircraft carrying missile cruisers like Kuznetsov-class can work even without aircraft for example in some disgusting weather.
Kuznetsov has large silos for heavy anti-ship long range missiles (P700) and also huge battery of long range anti-aircraft missiles capable of providing cover for the battlegroup. Some silos can also be used for various cruise missiles. Older smaller Kiev class had similar layout, just less anti-ship missiles.
Russian carriers 😂😂😂 they break down every day, and have no working toilets.
Kuznetsov is a smoking, rusting, broken down, dock bound joke.
You mean Russias barely floating scrap heap that's only completed 7 deployments, spent the last 7 years in repairs and refit where its been plagued by accidents including fires, death of dock workers and massive cranes embedding themselves in the flight deck when the floating dry dock sank with the vessel moared inside aaaaand its crew was reasigned to combat duty in Ukraine so if it ever does see the sea again the Russians are likely to have to train a new crew up from scratch with a shortage of personnel experienced in operating a carrier to serve as trainers/teachers.
The Garibaldi will be, in the future, used to bring migrants to Italy so they can dance on the statue of the King in Piazza Duomo in Milan on New Year's Eve.
Ah, l'Italia, un paese con 5.000.000 di poveri, 24 mesi consecutivi di calo della produzione industriale, lavoratori con un'ora di lavoro nella settimana precedente spacciati per nuovi assunti..con due portaerei in servizio e una da dismettere. Fantastico.
Hai ragione, in effetti ne servirebbero altre due da 63.000 Tons. Speriamo le costruiscano al più presto
@extremathule982 ho un'idea migliore, potresti arruolarti in fanteria e andare sul fronte russo con Lollobrigida e i figli di Crosetto e di La Russa, così vediamo se ti passa la spocchia militarista.
@@enzogreco9303 Mi piacciono le tue idee e le voglio acquisire: mangerò un pò del tuo cervello. Cucinato, ovviamente.
@extremathule982 quindi credi che nasconderti dietro uno pseudonimo ti consenta una minaccia da criminale psicopatico come questa? Staremo a vedere se ti trovano o no.
@ ...Via dei cantieri 120 Palermo: dai, vienimi a trovare ....