Yayyyyy a Miranda vlog!! What a fab video, sorry the weather was horrible. That sucks. Congrats on getting all the shinies, seems more variety than the ones for Liverpool, our new shiny was Chinchou btw. Loved this ❤️
i did GoFest last year. I had Saturday, the day that they shut it down for a couple hours. so I got to do it in Chicago...then in home. it was awesome. also, very big congrats on your Safari haul!
New Blog Hype !!!
Yay for a pogo vlog!!!!
I just started getting back into Pokémon go again after an extended break and I’m so excited for more poke vids from you ✨🌸
wow lots of shinies this time! congrats ^^
Yayyyyy a Miranda vlog!! What a fab video, sorry the weather was horrible. That sucks. Congrats on getting all the shinies, seems more variety than the ones for Liverpool, our new shiny was Chinchou btw. Loved this ❤️
i did GoFest last year. I had Saturday, the day that they shut it down for a couple hours. so I got to do it in Chicago...then in home. it was awesome. also, very big congrats on your Safari haul!
Let’s be friends on Pokémon GO
hi big fan.
Yeet ^^