Les Twins - Laurent's IG Live 1/27/19

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @teresaclayton2268
    @teresaclayton2268 3 роки тому +13

    He's amazing love me some Laurent💖💖💋

  • @Shugdean
    @Shugdean 2 місяці тому

    It was amazing Laurent Bourgeois and Crew!❤

  • @ravensimmons3335
    @ravensimmons3335 5 років тому +12

    Thank you Soo much Laurent for letting your fans know about you on a almost daily basis, but get your rest as well💥💥

    • @arnettagary2256
      @arnettagary2256 Рік тому

      Laurent rest Rest REST, YOGA STRETCH .....❤ 🙏❤️‍🩹🥣 🍜🥣

  • @cminneapolis4553
    @cminneapolis4553 3 роки тому +5

    Love it Laurent, you are amazing! Thank you.

  • @m.t.shiphopblogandmore...007
    @m.t.shiphopblogandmore...007 3 роки тому +5

    Only Laurent could kill a freestyle while sick. That was good enough for a choreo class.

  • @ItsNessaTho
    @ItsNessaTho 5 років тому +10

    Aww Lau and Paname is double cuteness 😩❤

  • @RossinBama1982
    @RossinBama1982 5 років тому +10

    Aww...get well soon suga! They both need to rest frfr!! Love you,Lau... 😘❤😍 #LesTwinsFan4Life

  • @Shugdean
    @Shugdean 2 місяці тому

    Awwww feel better Laurent 😌 💕

  • @miasmith5021
    @miasmith5021 5 років тому +5

    Get well soon my beautiful Laurent..Love you so, much so, damn talented, and never stop You 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 and your brother Larry.. Are fantastic.Les twins forever baby....

  • @danaberry2
    @danaberry2 5 років тому +3

    Awww Lau!!! So vibrant 🤗🤗

  • @rosecaramel5038
    @rosecaramel5038 5 років тому +12

    Great video😍. I wish my baby Larry will do video live often like Laurent ; we want to see him also😘

    • @rosecaramel5038
      @rosecaramel5038 5 років тому +3

      Yvette Lee yes sweetie ; he's more private . I miss him also😔😘

    • @rosecaramel5038
      @rosecaramel5038 5 років тому +3

      Yvette Lee 😀 i can't blame you sweetie. That little piece of caramel name Larry is Hot ; and those hips move 😍💦

  • @lucybel3615
    @lucybel3615 5 років тому +17

    I wish I could dance with you sugar. Get well soon!!!

  • @rachelbrennan22
    @rachelbrennan22 5 років тому +27

    Omg he look so different with his hair like that

    • @ladyswagg412
      @ladyswagg412  5 років тому +3

      He definitely do 💕

    • @annemayseyfried8907
      @annemayseyfried8907 5 років тому +7

      Those lips, tho, lol!🔥

    • @danaberry2
      @danaberry2 5 років тому +6

      His skin looks amazing. Like he sits in the sauna daily! 🥰🥰

    • @marilynjoyce2343
      @marilynjoyce2343 2 роки тому

      I thought this was Larry for a moment because how I tell them apart from 1 of their features is Larry's full arm length tatt is on the right arm and Lau's is on the left arm

  • @ThePrincesspickle88
    @ThePrincesspickle88 4 роки тому +3

    Aw, Lau! Poor baby was sick! I can assure u that if I was sick, I wouldn't be looking that great! Admire ur dedication!

  • @assalaumagalaikum927
    @assalaumagalaikum927 5 років тому +5

    Les twins i love you 💙 сендерди жаксы корем

  • @toipurple3080
    @toipurple3080 5 років тому +3

    Te Amo Lau 💜

  • @torriedennis7665
    @torriedennis7665 5 років тому +2

    Feel better soon Laurent. Looking good, but like your hair better in twists or fro. I love the way you speak.😍

  • @lizydarcy1740
    @lizydarcy1740 5 років тому +4

    Hola....saludos desde Tijuana, Baja Calironia, Mexico...no se ingles, ni frances, pero me encanta lo que hacen y ustedes son muy guapos...ojala un dia me manden un saludo...Espero te sientas mejor pronto..
    Felicidades a los

  • @teamcoolteamcool6133
    @teamcoolteamcool6133 5 років тому +8

    Hello Iove u both

  • @missygatlin7303
    @missygatlin7303 5 років тому +5

    I guess when I get sick I guess I find me music to dance off of cuz he's surprised to see you dancing while you're sick but that's good I hope you be alright feel alright

  • @joselynwilliams1432
    @joselynwilliams1432 5 років тому +3


    • @bossteamentertainment6836
      @bossteamentertainment6836 5 років тому

      "MEN IN BLACK: INTERNATIONAL" came out in June; the new one "Cats" will be out December 20, 2019

  • @nancyc.simpson5830
    @nancyc.simpson5830 3 роки тому

    I just love you❣️☺️

  • @mimzyLassiter
    @mimzyLassiter 5 років тому +8

    Get some sleep, Laulicious, 😊😘✌🏽

  • @daphmathelier6162
    @daphmathelier6162 4 роки тому +1

    Il est beaux même malade waw

  • @ireneruhana2764
    @ireneruhana2764 5 років тому +2

    Thanks lau i love you Man

  • @teresaclayton2268
    @teresaclayton2268 4 роки тому +1

    This my very first attempt of dancing his Choreo and then the song girlfriend😭😭💖💖💖i did well to i must say😁😙💪🙌🙏

  • @annemayseyfried8907
    @annemayseyfried8907 5 років тому +6

    Amazing choreo, just like that (even sick he's sexy) & his boyzz picking it up so quickly!
    He still amazes me + I wonder which movie they're working on now? Thx 4 this vid!😊

    • @ladyswagg412
      @ladyswagg412  5 років тому +2

      Their working on a musical movie "Cats" and some other movie I been trying to find lol💕

    • @mysticjewel6577
      @mysticjewel6577 5 років тому +1

      I think its men in black...I think

    • @bossteamentertainment6836
      @bossteamentertainment6836 5 років тому +1

      "Cats" will be out December 20, 2019 (Les Twins "Cats" interview and trailer out now)

  • @BeautifulEarthJa
    @BeautifulEarthJa 4 роки тому

    so much fun

  • @tiffanygloston1610
    @tiffanygloston1610 5 років тому +1


  • @NoNameGirl_101
    @NoNameGirl_101 5 років тому +5

    He gets sick and he decides to dance. lol. I miss larryyyy. And yess i agree with lots of people here, twists and afro def more suitable choices but i dont care, lau is

    • @bossteamentertainment6836
      @bossteamentertainment6836 5 років тому +3

      Remember he only wore the twists because his hair broke off very badly a few years ago so the twists allowed him to wear his hair similar to Larry's natural twists. His real hair has grown back so full and beautiful and he has gone back to his twists since he's so used to them and he knows how to work them lol

    • @bossteamentertainment6836
      @bossteamentertainment6836 5 років тому +1

      ❤Just for you (lol)

  • @dianabates9483
    @dianabates9483 Рік тому


  • @jwex93
    @jwex93 5 років тому +3

    I almost know the whole thing , jus gotta clean it up a bit

  • @barbaracrum9081
    @barbaracrum9081 2 роки тому


  • @momosam1646
    @momosam1646 5 років тому +3

    where can i find tickets for the workshops?

    • @bossteamentertainment6836
      @bossteamentertainment6836 5 років тому

      Follow him on Instagram @officiallestwins & on his direct page @lestwinsoff; his twin's page is @lestwinson

    • @bossteamentertainment6836
      @bossteamentertainment6836 5 років тому

      There is one coming up in January in Baltimore; its up on Eventbrite already.

  • @marilynjoyce2343
    @marilynjoyce2343 2 роки тому

    ? Do u have to be apart of group to be live with the twins

  • @andrepelletier1973
    @andrepelletier1973 5 років тому +6

    Bonjour du quebec

    • @loutre345
      @loutre345 5 років тому

      et autre bonjour du Québec. Je vous suis intensément depuis l'émission du 25 novembre de Révolution-TVA..... larmes et choc de ma vie.... un de mes 3 frères me manque tellement.....

  • @ОлесяКузнецова-з2о
    @ОлесяКузнецова-з2о 5 років тому +2

    Что простыл? И я тоже немного. Я очень рада тебя видеть. И у меня есть

  • @mariaeugeniaboyer6691
    @mariaeugeniaboyer6691 4 роки тому

    I love to see Paname with Laurent

  • @dadisig.3445
    @dadisig.3445 3 роки тому +1

    So nice looking and sweet. Les Twins forever forreal! I would love to meet them both simply amazing.
    I want to smell Larry but I have to get a hug from Laurent and I want him to pull my hair. lol I am not joking.
    But yeah, be careful with the live chat and things some people might be able to track your location. Not worth it.

  • @AgroFro
    @AgroFro 5 років тому +2

    The brother kinda looks like the twins

  • @drivenbythechills
    @drivenbythechills 5 років тому +1

    I've to be honest i love Les Twins style but some haircut you guys do i don't like much like this one right here you have °0°
    I don't think it's suiting you well Lau °0° but always a blast seeing you ! =)

  • @janieevans7732
    @janieevans7732 5 років тому +1


  • @marilynjoyce2343
    @marilynjoyce2343 2 роки тому

    IG live

  • @mango-peaches
    @mango-peaches 5 років тому

    Where is larry? Sleeping or messing around?

    • @ladyswagg412
      @ladyswagg412  5 років тому +4

      Who knows. Larry is an ambivert. One minute he wants to be bothered and be seen, just loving the attention, then the next he wants to hide. Lol

    • @ravensimmons3335
      @ravensimmons3335 5 років тому +4

      It's all good we're fine with just Lau

  • @effalatiffahaly1881
    @effalatiffahaly1881 4 роки тому

    Hi 😍

  • @dianabates9483
    @dianabates9483 Рік тому

    You need to go into meditation you need to cleanse yourself

  • @Oldmama70
    @Oldmama70 3 місяці тому

    I am just now seeing this. Larry, you said no one used the key to open the door? No one could. You and Lo are so talented that you made the key to unlock that door. You both have opened that door, and us fans are beyond happy that you walk through that door, no, y'all danced your way through the door. ❤❤. You said you hurt people? That you got physical with Laurent? I know at the moment, you were not thinking with a clear head. Because the Larry we see today is not like that. When a person can see these things without someone telling you means you took responsibility for your actions. ❤💪🏽🫶🏽. That makes you stronger than you think. With that, I have the utmost respect for you. People make mistakes, but you faced yours and from what I see, you're an amazing young. man for realizing it and doing what you needed to, to change. Social media seems to have come to the point where everyone seems to be there for all the gossip. It's sad that so many people believe everything they see on social media.
    I just wanted to say it may not mean much but I'm a huge fan that's old enough to be your mother, and I see 2 young men who have pushed through all the B's and have done everything they put their minds to. I hate to see you and Lo depressed. Some of us that have gone through this can tell even when you guys try to hide it. I am here for you and Lo if you ever need it. You don't need counseling, you just need some time for you, Larry Nicholas Bourgeois, and time with Lilo ❤❤. Be safe and love ya & Laurent so much ❤❤❤.