Don't Use ESP 32 For matter It has no matter support library for Arduino IDE and and other platforms are very very confusing. If Espressif release Matter library for Arduino IDE. They only provide 2-3 example Code. And such a lots of confusion in their example codes. For building a matter device use Silicon Labs microcontrollers. And silicon lab Arduino core provide lots of examples for building a matter device The better. Recently I shifted ESP => To Silicon Labs.
Don't Use ESP 32 For matter It has no matter support library for Arduino IDE and and other platforms are very very confusing. If Espressif release Matter library for Arduino IDE. They only provide 2-3 example Code. And such a lots of confusion in their example codes. For building a matter device use Silicon Labs microcontrollers. And silicon lab Arduino core provide lots of examples for building a matter device The better. Recently I shifted ESP => To Silicon Labs.
most awaited news from you. i impressed on your esp idf SDK
good solutions, I was using Esp32 for my iot devices and Matter are the complement for independent cloud integration
Don't Use ESP 32 For matter
It has no matter support library for Arduino IDE and and other platforms are very very confusing. If Espressif release Matter library for Arduino IDE. They only provide 2-3 example Code. And such a lots of confusion in their example codes. For building a matter device use Silicon Labs microcontrollers. And silicon lab Arduino core provide lots of examples for building a matter device The better. Recently I shifted ESP => To Silicon Labs.
Awesome sir
Sir how can I become a certified customer and reseller
Music is too loud
Don't Use ESP 32 For matter
It has no matter support library for Arduino IDE and and other platforms are very very confusing. If Espressif release Matter library for Arduino IDE. They only provide 2-3 example Code. And such a lots of confusion in their example codes. For building a matter device use Silicon Labs microcontrollers. And silicon lab Arduino core provide lots of examples for building a matter device The better. Recently I shifted ESP => To Silicon Labs.