This Ancient LETTER of PAUL has the Most ACCURATE depiction of Jesus

  • Опубліковано 14 тра 2024
  • Paul, also known as the Apostle Paul or Saint Paul, was one of the most influential figures in early Christianity. Born Saul of Tarsus, he was a devout Jew and a Pharisee who initially persecuted followers of Jesus. According to Christian tradition, Paul underwent a profound conversion experience on the road to Damascus, where he encountered the risen Jesus Christ. This experience led him to become one of the foremost advocates and missionaries for the fledgling Christian movement.
    Paul's missionary journeys took him throughout the eastern Mediterranean, where he established numerous Christian communities and churches. Alongside his missionary work, Paul wrote numerous letters, or epistles, to these communities, offering guidance, instruction, encouragement, and theological insight. These letters make up a significant portion of the New Testament and are essential for understanding early Christian beliefs and practices.
    Paul's letters cover a wide range of topics, including theology, ethics, church organization, and eschatology (the study of end times). They address issues such as the nature of salvation, the role of faith and works, the relationship between Jews and Gentiles in the Christian community, the importance of love and unity among believers, and the hope of resurrection.
    Some of Paul's most well-known letters include:
    1. Romans: This letter provides a comprehensive exposition of Paul's understanding of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. It explores themes such as righteousness, sin, justification, and the role of the law.
    2. 1 Corinthians and 2 Corinthians: These letters address various problems and conflicts within the Corinthian church, including divisions, immorality, lawsuits among believers, and questions about marriage, spiritual gifts, and the resurrection.
    3. Galatians: In this letter, Paul defends the doctrine of justification by faith alone and opposes those who advocate for circumcision and adherence to the Jewish law as necessary for salvation.
    4. Ephesians: This letter emphasizes the unity of believers in Christ and explores themes of grace, redemption, spiritual warfare, and the role of the church as the body of Christ.
    5. Philippians: Written from prison, this letter expresses Paul's joy and gratitude to the Philippian church and encourages them to stand firm in their faith despite persecution.
    6. Colossians: This letter addresses the supremacy of Christ and warns against false teachings, emphasizing the sufficiency of Christ for salvation and spiritual maturity.
    7. 1 Thessalonians and 2 Thessalonians: These letters address issues related to the second coming of Christ, including the resurrection of the dead and the need for readiness and perseverance in anticipation of Christ's return.
    Paul's letters are not only valuable historical documents but also serve as foundational texts for Christian theology and ethics. They continue to be studied and interpreted by theologians, scholars, and believers today, shaping Christian understanding of faith, salvation, and the Christian life.
  • Розваги


  • @thevoiceofthelordpastorkei7165
    @thevoiceofthelordpastorkei7165 Місяць тому +86

    Paul was the man! Such a great teacher/ preacher of christ after the Lord saved him! Paul is the PERFECT example of how TRUE SALVATION changes ones life from the worldly relm to the glorious spiritual life! WE NEED MORE PAULS OF TODAY!

    • @scottw112358
      @scottw112358 Місяць тому +6

      Paul lied.
      Roman's 3:7

    • @Prayerwarrior777
      @Prayerwarrior777 Місяць тому +9

      Paul was a fraud… no one has ever seen or heard the father except the son. (Jesus) John 1:18 John 5:37… Paul saw an angel of light aka Lucifer.

    • @ronaldeglewski3073
      @ronaldeglewski3073 Місяць тому +9

      @@Prayerwarrior777 Paul changed his story three times and no names of the men that was with him , he never followed the words of the Lord ,has his own gospel , Jesus said he will never return until the end .

    • @zlatkassivakova5163
      @zlatkassivakova5163 Місяць тому +4

      To je jedno jestli byl bilej nebo tmavěj on je náš spasitel i buch je náš stvořitel co pořat řešíte jakou mněl barvu oni sou naší srdíčka i Marie oni sou naší spása amen

    • @theafricanjumbee4057
      @theafricanjumbee4057 Місяць тому +2

      Oh, my. Some people love fiction

  • @FaithAndMystery
    @FaithAndMystery Місяць тому +19

    🙌🌟 In the depths of despair, Jesus' love was my guiding light. His unwavering presence led me from bondage to freedom, transforming my life with His boundless grace. Forever thankful for His miraculous intervention!

  • @Green.Country.Agroforestry
    @Green.Country.Agroforestry Місяць тому +24

    I read the bible. I read Mathew 19, and heard what Jesus had to say about salvation .. then I read Romans 10, and heard Saul's way.
    Jesus' way sounds harder, but doesn't sound like an attempt to dodge responsibility.
    I think I'll believe Jesus, and keep worshiping and obeying the God of creation, thank you.

    • @theargoslads8803
      @theargoslads8803 Місяць тому +4

      I’m intrigued what you’re talking about here? How do you think Paul contradicts Jesus?

    • @Green.Country.Agroforestry
      @Green.Country.Agroforestry Місяць тому

      @@theargoslads8803 Do please read the full chapter for context, but the relevant portion here is Mathew 19:16-19
      16 And, behold, one came and said unto him, "Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?" 17 And he said unto him, "Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments."
      18 He saith unto him, "Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness,
      19 Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."
      But when Saul preaches, this is HIS path to salvation in Romans 10, the difference is stark: Romans 10::9-13
      9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. 12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. 13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
      Jesus already had an answer to this, because he forewarned us of Saul's deception in Mathew 7:15-27
      15 "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
      24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: 25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. 26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: 27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.
      The Christian church today is full of the rotten fruits of Saul, and the teaching of Jesus is all but forgotten.

    • @susangreninger1989
      @susangreninger1989 Місяць тому +2

      I was about to ask the same question.

    • @rossdaboss1959
      @rossdaboss1959 Місяць тому

      Saul's way was the same gospel as all the rest. He didn't curse himself. Galatians 1:6-9. There is no other gospel. Paul in the 10th chapter was talking about his people Israel. Read the beginning of the chapter to see who he was talking about.

    • @Jesusandcoffee3382
      @Jesusandcoffee3382 Місяць тому

      The gospel of Salvation is 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 to believe on the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and his blood atonement as our payment for our sins. Period.

  • @kingbrutus1804
    @kingbrutus1804 Місяць тому +37

    We all will soon know the true identity of Jesus Christ 🧔🏿‍♀️🙏🏾🕊️

    • @tomrudolsen6235
      @tomrudolsen6235 Місяць тому +2

      If you read your Bible it says he's the Son og God. No need to wait. 😎😏👌

    • @user-ce8ep8nj2s
      @user-ce8ep8nj2s Місяць тому

      No my lol , you must accept this truth😎God won't do anything without warning His people😌so He warned you before He come👉HE IS BLACK🙌😆🙃Jesus is BLACK🙌 and that's what matters🙃God didn't create white people😱so where did they come from🤔? white people are lucifer's DNA😈😱 now whay tea people are saying that brown skin is not black😂😂 brown is white😂😂because they think that jesus is brown🤣😂😂Jesus is BLACK lols accept it😂THE TRUE NAME OF SON OF GOD IS 😚YAHUSHUA🙌🤗👼AND HE IS ALREADY COMING BACK TO FREE AND SAVE HIS TRUE PEOPLE THE BLACKS🙃😂🙌😆GOD WILL ONLY RAPTURE AND SAVE THE BLACKS😍🙌because there's ONLY BLACKS IN HEAVEN😱😆🙌BLACKS ANGELS👼BLACK GOD🙏😌😆YAHUSHUA SON OF GOD IS ALREADY COMING BACK🙌😍🙃😂👼

    • @queenwere1
      @queenwere1 Місяць тому

      Nothing is going to happen 😂😂😂😂We're already in hell😅

    • @theargoslads8803
      @theargoslads8803 Місяць тому +2

      @@queenwere1 you okay? Just stop putting the burden on yourself and put your faith in Jesus 👍

  • @ChildofGod98765
    @ChildofGod98765 Місяць тому +18

    Father keep me encouraged because being a single mother with two special needs children is overwhelming and challenging especially now because I’m homeschooling them, so now my hours to work are limited. I’m desperately trying to provide for them. Lord give me strength as I continue to struggle to buy groceries and as I struggle to pay rent.
    Please Lord change my situation. 💕

    • @noahebrimoni4816
      @noahebrimoni4816 Місяць тому +1

      God will answer all your prayers in a profound way and give you financial breakthroughs in Jesus's name

    • @pilarrusso9883
      @pilarrusso9883 Місяць тому

      Sorry about your situation everyday I pray for the necessity of people. I suggest to send a letter to the President J.Biden,see what he will do becouse there more many and this situation
      God Bless you and your family.

    • @markelmslie6832
      @markelmslie6832 Місяць тому

      You bring tears to my eyes. I live with a paranoid schizophrenic son and understand that our burdens can be hard to bear. May you find strength in your life.

    • @peverilngehngeh8536
      @peverilngehngeh8536 Місяць тому

      I know what I will tell might be unorthodox, but do it and thank me later. Every Saturday trim your finger nails and toes nails do it on a white sheet of paper, gather all the nails and bury them under the root of any plant growing in your yard. Do at 5:00 am, you don't say anything while trimming and burying the nails, you will see wonders.

  • @ElizabethNisha7
    @ElizabethNisha7 Місяць тому +4

    The fact that Saul went from persecuting and killing Christians to being a immovable pillar for Christ after an encounter with Him on his journey to Damascus, proves that the love of God can truly transform an individual. I used to believe that there were some individuals that were too far gone for God to reach them. But I was mistaken. All that is needed is a humble heart to recognize that they are in need of a savior. Thank you History guy for reminding us that we are all in need of a savior❤🙏

  • @rsmith7589
    @rsmith7589 Місяць тому +13

    Salvation Prayer for you,
    LORD JESUS, I am a sinner and I Repent of all my sins, Please wash my sins with the Precious Blood of JESUS today, I turn away from all sin, and I receive you into my heart today as my Lord and Saviour, Please write my name in the Lamb's Book of Life, and please send me the HOLY SPIRIT to help me live in holiness, and establish your Word in my heart and protect my heart. Amen

  • @janetwatson7966
    @janetwatson7966 Місяць тому +32

    It does not matter what skin color jesus had/has. What we need to be thankful for is the fact he died for us. He lovs us. Be appreciative that he gave us the best gift anyone can give all of us..

    • @adryellehastings4675
      @adryellehastings4675 Місяць тому

      Well blacks have accepted a genetically impossible white "Jesus" for how many hundreds of years?..So are you talking to White people?

    • @aimmortalslegacy2189
      @aimmortalslegacy2189 Місяць тому

      Unfortunately, faith runs hand and hand with politics.. would you agree? Of course you would! Even the priesthood in Jesus' day stood by as Rome crucified Christ.. and you want to tell me that his skin color does not matter? The modern day Rome painted Jesus white because it does matter. The government used missionaries with their white image of Jesus to make indigenous countries bow to a white "God" while they broke every commandment ever written.. SO DONT TELL ME HIS SKIN COLOR DOESN'T MATTER!

    • @denisewest3858
      @denisewest3858 Місяць тому +12

      If it doesn't matter what skin colour he is, then why hide it and white white wash all the old painting. His hair was like wool and feet like burn bronze .

    • @blackmessiah8703
      @blackmessiah8703 Місяць тому +4

      I agree, it does matter what color he was.

    • @Jkklkhggggggfggy
      @Jkklkhggggggfggy Місяць тому

      @@denisewest3858white like wool

  • @simphiwemzemaa3910
    @simphiwemzemaa3910 Місяць тому +10

    Jesus was born a Jew to fulfil prophecies in the old testament, he had a dark complection, for David himself had a dark skin. But what is important is the blood he shed on the cross for sinners to be saved.

    • @sion1677
      @sion1677 Місяць тому +2

      I don't know about David having a dark sin though, that's a contradiction with regards to how genes work you will never find a person with red hair that have dark skin, they are very pale usually.

    • @thronesofgaming5240
      @thronesofgaming5240 Місяць тому

      @@sion1677 the bible never said David had red hair so where you get that lie from and it a known fact that people in that region had dark skin and we even have 1 century drawing showing David as a brown skin man just because the white man in America teaches lie you believe them because you probably white and them fake jew in the land today is not the real Israelite that a fact and the bible said when the Israelite get remove from the land that it will be trodden down with the gentile.

    • @yadiah4319
      @yadiah4319 Місяць тому +1

      Dawid was ruddy

    • @boondocks8002
      @boondocks8002 Місяць тому

      David was rudy...I agree. Also in the book of enoch Noah was so white and bright that the child scared his father. Noah was described to like the angels. What's Important is the heart not the color of the skin. In all near death experiences where Jesus was seen he was neither white nor black but light brown with eyes like jewels. I think there is a reason for that. So no one could claim Jesus Belongs to one group. He is for all mankind. Blessings

    • @davidcooper1201
      @davidcooper1201 Місяць тому

      I am not saying he didn't, but where are we told that David had dark skin? Current day Jews do not have dark skin. Not that it maters, but I see no clear argument depicting what shade of color skin David had and the sun can affect the color of our what is the point?

  • @chriswilliams5982
    @chriswilliams5982 Місяць тому +34

    How interesting since Paul never met Jesus, and on the road to Damascus he heard his voice and certainly didn’t see a man his own disciples didn’t recognize when he first appeared to them.

    • @MelaninWay
      @MelaninWay Місяць тому +1

      From Paul's teachings, I've learnt that our lives hv to be centered around Christ.

    • @jeffreylatham3307
      @jeffreylatham3307 Місяць тому +4

      I'll take Peters word that Paul was correct. 2 Peter 3:15-16

    • @nonya411
      @nonya411 Місяць тому +7

      ‭Acts 9:26-27 NKJV‬
      [26] And when Saul had come to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples; but they were all afraid of him, and did not believe that he was a disciple. [27] But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. And he declared to them how he had SEEN the Lord on the road, and that He had spoken to him, and how he had preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus.
      By the way, Paul was "Black", too. An Israelite from the Tribe of Benjamin.
      God's chosen people are Black. Deuteronomy 28:68 describes one of the curses on God's Chosen People, it mentions slavery and and being returned to another Egypt... see the pyramid on your dollar.

    • @MelaninWay
      @MelaninWay Місяць тому +3

      @@nonya411 Hahahaha! That truth is well 💤 known! It ds not allow us to make our own pics or any form of model of God! Bcos that leads to idolatory! By so doing, ppl end up worshipping the pic or the model mos! What's happening in the Catholic church?

    • @chriswilliams5982
      @chriswilliams5982 Місяць тому

      @@nonya411 the Bible contradicts itself a lot, and this is a perfect example.

  • @S.R.M.
    @S.R.M. Місяць тому +93

    When Paul met Christ, he did not hear the name "Jesus" when he asked, "Who are you, Lord?" [see Acts 26:15] Paul heard the name of Christ, and he heard "the name which is above every name" (Philippians 2:9). Christ told the people that He is YAH, which means the "I AM" (John 8:58). Moses asked God for His name, and He said, "HaYAH Ashar HaYAH," meaning I AM Who I AM. Isaiah 12:2 NKJV, tells us the YAH is the name of salvation. Halleluyah means Praise YAH. Halleluyah Praise YAH Praise YAHSHUA, and this is the only name by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12). The name Jesus has only existed since the 17th century, in the 1611 KJV, His name is not Jesus (gee-sus), but Iesus (ee-sus). Iesus came from Iesous! Iesous is a transliteration of Yeshua, which was a common name among the Jews in the 1st century. Behold YAH is the name which is above every name, and "shua" means, "my help," as in my salvation. He who calls upon the name of YAHSHUA will be saved, but he who rejects the name of YAHSHUA is condemned already (John 3:18).

    • @akcandlemaker8786
      @akcandlemaker8786 Місяць тому +10

      I'm fairly certain that God can speak and understand English. 🤔
      The earliest Hebrew spelling of God's name is YHVH and pronounced Yehovah according to most Rabbis. YHWH is a later spelling.

    • @brianrich7828
      @brianrich7828 Місяць тому +3

      And this is Heretical. And Cultish. No thanks. I’ll stick with the Historical Way. Not your weird new age cult.

    • @sereanaduwai8313
      @sereanaduwai8313 Місяць тому +4

      @@akcandlemaker8786which Rabbis from the Old Testament times? The present lot have no ties what so ever to the ancient Israelites. The Hebrew their speak is not what was spoken in ancient times, in fact much of it is made up to suit their claims. As for Paul he never met Jesus. The present day Christianity follows Paul’s teaching and nothing to do with Jesus. Jesus Christ followed the teachings of the Old Testament because he followed the Law. If Jesus Chris returned tomorrow do you think he will recognise the Christianity of today’s Churches that thrive more businesses.

    • @keneflucas937
      @keneflucas937 Місяць тому +2

      I found in multiple Hebrew Bibles that it was Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh

    • @keneflucas937
      @keneflucas937 Місяць тому
      I Am that I Am" is a common English translation of the Hebrew phrase אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה‎‎ (’ehye ’ăšer ’ehye; pronounced [ʔehˈje ʔaˈʃer ʔehˈje])- also "I am who (I) am", "I will become what I choose to become", "I am what I am", "I will be what I will be", "I create what(ever) I create", or "I am the Existing One".
      The spelling is a lil different in this Wikipedia article but close enough.

  • @tavahbenyah9600
    @tavahbenyah9600 Місяць тому +28

    Burnishing bronze according to the KJV

    • @brianrich7828
      @brianrich7828 Місяць тому +3

      Common description for a person in the Middle East.

    • @donovans6472
      @donovans6472 Місяць тому +12

      @@brianrich7828 oh is that what we're settling on now....can't accept the Black Christ so let's just settle for he's middle eastern. how about we just stick with Cesare Borgia the White Christ for now since we're already use to it.

    • @brianrich7828
      @brianrich7828 Місяць тому +4

      @@donovans6472 yeah, because He’s literally middle Eastern. What about Cesare Borgia? We don’t mess with the Catholic Church and their weird idols. What does that have to do with Jesus being middle Eastern?

    • @booboo1343
      @booboo1343 Місяць тому

      @@brianrich7828 Wrong answer. People in the Middle East today are of Arab decent. When Paul and the other disciples were alive there was no place called the Middle East. The Middle East was part of Africa and no the people in Egypt today are not the same people who were there back then. Remember the Greeks/Romans and the Ottoman Empire conquered Egypt and the area around Egypt, hence the Arabs today in that region. Research the Middle East and you see it was invented not too long ago. Another thing, Joseph and Mary were sent to go hide in Egypt with baby Jesus when the Ancient Egyptians were black. How come they weren't sent to hide in any of the lighter skinned countries? It would be easier to hide amongst people who look like you. So, when you think about it , Joseph , Mary and Jesus were more than likely black people.

    • @easybandzofficial6456
      @easybandzofficial6456 Місяць тому

      @@brianrich7828burnished bronze is literally darker than majority of black people actual skin pigment.. look at the little ancient bronze idols/ statues. It’s always dark complexion not representing light/white skin. Stop lying because there has always been black skinned people in the Middle East especially in Jesus day and more ancient times.. google images of the medo persian immortal guard. They left they’re depictions in colour and they were all black skinned people/burnished bronze

  • @user-td4zp4gq2p
    @user-td4zp4gq2p Місяць тому +14

    No one has encouraged me in my faith journey as much as saint Paul's letters. I find his Love and devotion to christ to be overwhelmingly moving. His love for the early church is astonishingly moving.

    • @rrichards31
      @rrichards31 Місяць тому +1

      He wasn't a saint by far nor are we but God used him miraculously and change the course of history. He went for my murderer and a persecutor to the man who wrote the majority of the New testament. Shows what he can do with any of us. Matter how bad we are.

    • @TexasBlues-123
      @TexasBlues-123 Місяць тому +1

      You got encouraged onto the wide path to destruction by a false apostle. You're not saved by grace through faith. Paul was a liar who contradicted himself and Jesus.

    • @jeffreylatham3307
      @jeffreylatham3307 Місяць тому

      @@TexasBlues-123 So you say Pual taught a different gospel than peter and jesus? explain?

    • @TexasBlues-123
      @TexasBlues-123 Місяць тому

      @@jeffreylatham3307 The core differences are:
      ♦Salvation by grace through faith is from Paul, not Jesus.
      Paul said:
      _"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-“_ (Ephesians 2:8)
      Jesus said:
      _" ...... If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.”_ (Matt 19:17)
      _"But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.”_ (Matt 7:26)
      _Anyone who doesn’t love me will not obey me. And remember, my words are not my own. What I am telling you is from the Father who sent me._ (John 14:24)
      ♦Christians not being under the Law is Paul's other great lie.
      Paul said:
      _For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace._ (Romans 5:14)
      _"BY ABOLISHING IN HIS FLESH THE LAW OF COMMANDMENTS AND DECREES. He did this to create in Himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace”_ (Ephesians 2:15)
      Jesus said:
      _"For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.”_ (Matt 5:18)
      _Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of LAWLESSNESS!’ (Matthew 7:23)
      Old Testament
      _If one turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination._ (Proverbs 28:9)
      ♦That's why not all Christians will enter the Kingdom.
      _But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it._ (Matthew 7:14)

    • @jeffreylatham3307
      @jeffreylatham3307 Місяць тому

      @@TexasBlues-123 Not to mention Peters own writing contradicts you. 2 Peter 3:15-16 shows that clearly Peter took Pauls writings as accurate.

  • @Yeshuaschosen
    @Yeshuaschosen Місяць тому +9

    The man who sentenced him to death was converted later and claimed Jesus came to him in a vision .He also gave a physical description of Jesus unlike the spiritual description here

    • @diorshakur7745
      @diorshakur7745 Місяць тому

      Its a lie Jesus christ was not white men cause in Israel that time its was not white people!The fake white Jews come after and Rom Church and fake Jews change everything white like people of bible and the pictures.But everything is coming out now

    • @YeahCain2
      @YeahCain2 Місяць тому

      I'll take it from Paul, thanks

    • @jeffreylatham3307
      @jeffreylatham3307 Місяць тому +1

      @@YeahCain2 and Peter even confirms Paul in 2 Peter 3:15-16

  • @carlosjuarez7449
    @carlosjuarez7449 Місяць тому +16

    Kids, I've always prayed this way, and it has led me to see the Love and Power of God! It's the best decision of my life. Please commit.

  • @Carlparishhonda
    @Carlparishhonda Місяць тому +17

    The apostle Paul look like an Egyptian to a Roman commander. Egyptian was dark skin complexion people thousands of years ago. ( ACTS 21:37-38 )

    • @jamesdenney1605
      @jamesdenney1605 Місяць тому +1

      Lamentations people was cursed and their skin was turned black for rebelling against God

    • @godfirstnpg7245
      @godfirstnpg7245 Місяць тому +2

      Take it or leave it, God is black and Jesus is black. I have seen Jesus more than four times.

    • @brianrich7828
      @brianrich7828 Місяць тому

      @@godfirstnpg7245Lie. And heretic.

    • @casper12365
      @casper12365 Місяць тому +10

      @@jamesdenney1605 Oh, stop spreading lies. When God cursed Mirian (Moses' sister) for speaking against Moses, her skin was turned White.

    • @booboo1343
      @booboo1343 Місяць тому

      @@jamesdenney1605 Can you please give me a bible verse that confirms what you say. I have looked all through the bible and have never heard of a person being cursed with dark skin. Every time people were cursed their skin was turned white. The lie about Ham being cursed and turned black is a lie. If you read the bible, Ham was not cursed, but his son Canaan was cursed. The curse on Canaan had nothing to do with his skin being turned black either. Noah was a negro Albino, that married a black woman and had black children. Ham, Shem and Japheth were black . Ham is the father of Cush (Ethiopia), Mizriam ( Ancient Egypt), Put (Ancient Libya), Canaan ( Ancient Israel) not the established 1948 Israel.

  • @cradleofrelaxation6473
    @cradleofrelaxation6473 Місяць тому +7

    Why will I rely on Paul to tell me about the physical appearance of Jesus?
    Whatever happens to Peter? Mathew? John? And even Judas❓

    • @jskyg68
      @jskyg68 Місяць тому

      Yeah Revelations says head and hairs as white as wool as white as snow, I guess that's not good enough when all you see is black and white...

  • @rickiejohnson9744
    @rickiejohnson9744 Місяць тому +44

    Europeans will say and willingly believe the lie that Yahusha was white or even " middle eastern", than to ever believe that he's black. Him being black is what's going to be the main catalyst for the " Great Falling Away" that the Bible speaks of 💯💯💯

    • @mixitup888
      @mixitup888 Місяць тому

      DNA research shows that Jews of today have European origins.

    • @yl5020
      @yl5020 Місяць тому +4


    • @Moneyline3
      @Moneyline3 Місяць тому

      It shouldn't matter if he was Black Brown Red Yellow or Paleskin White. It's the New Black Hebrew teaching that Salvation is only for Blacks thats the lie. This is all a part of the AC spirit to divide and conquer. It's deception.

    • @Tellzel107
      @Tellzel107 Місяць тому +14

      ⁠​⁠​⁠@@Moneyline3 Well it does matter, it matters because only the truth can set us free. How come we accepted when he was depicted as white and whites are making a big deal out of it now that He is portrayed as black? For the record, I disagree with the Black Hebrew teachings for I believe that Jesus Christ came to save all mankind irrespective of their colour.

    • @JakeIannarino
      @JakeIannarino Місяць тому +1

      Cesar saw him in person preaching. White man with blonde hair and a booming voice.

  • @MelaninWay
    @MelaninWay Місяць тому +9

    People pls stop showing pics claiming them to be Jesus! That idolatory! Whether dark skinned, pink or pale, it's wrong b4 Abba!

  • @claraoshodin1808
    @claraoshodin1808 Місяць тому +3

    Amen, all SAINTS & Angels pray for us all. Amen

    • @LoveAndBoxingWW
      @LoveAndBoxingWW Місяць тому

      The saints and the angles are blessed but Jesus is the only way to the Father in Heaven

  • @tomdouge6618
    @tomdouge6618 Місяць тому

    I wish I could remember the name of the book but around my high school days, early 1970s, I came across a book that featured illustrations and photos of the time of the earliest Christians. What has always stuck in my mind were the simple drawings of Jesus and Paul found in the catacombs of Rome. The Romans really DID have the talent to bring out the personalities of depictions, even in line drawings. The Jesus one seemed to radiate compassion. Jesus had a bearded, long nose with small eyes; Paul with large, troubled eyes, round face. Physically opposites in many ways

  • @billstandifer4318
    @billstandifer4318 Місяць тому +11

    I suppose that we are expected to believe the words of a man who never met Christ except to have talked to a specter he is supposed have met on the road to Damascus. I only know that he became quite wealthy preaching to the rich of Rome. In his life, he live with and stayed with rich Romans. Haven’t seen any evidence that he spent any time with the poor as did all those who were chosen by Jesus himself.

    • @jeffreylatham3307
      @jeffreylatham3307 Місяць тому

      well I'll beelive random people instead of Paul or ya know even Peter , unless you find fault in him as well. He confirms Paul in 2 Peter 3:15-16

    • @charlesduke9750
      @charlesduke9750 Місяць тому +1

      Oh yeah? And what is the evidence you have seen that he became wealthy preaching to the rich in Rome? You don't have to believe anything but don't spew BS either.

  • @gerrythorington7332
    @gerrythorington7332 Місяць тому +7

    Saul's name was not changed after he met Jesus. He used his Roman name when interacting with Gentiles and his Hebrew name when interacting with Judeans.

  • @CT-ob2bw
    @CT-ob2bw Місяць тому +1

    Well Done! Amen.

  • @mamertonayabis1292
    @mamertonayabis1292 Місяць тому

    Is it mentioned the name jesus in the original letter of paul?

  • @MDCB1
    @MDCB1 Місяць тому


  • @Saba_Thomas_Seth_Holt
    @Saba_Thomas_Seth_Holt Місяць тому

    There's a problem though. Most scholars agree that of the thirteen letters attributed to Paul, he actually wrote only 7. The others are pseudepigraphic, in others words someone else wrote them later and used his name. So that really undercuts their authenticity and undermines their authority as scripture or "the word of God".

  • @soniabambe741
    @soniabambe741 Місяць тому +20

    In the Book of actes
    A roman asked Paul are You a Égyptian and you speak greek
    At that time Égypte was black descendant of cush great grand son of Noah
    The nubians who are égyptians are black peoples (have you visited Égypte)
    Why in your vidéo all these peoples are white ????

    • @Konsciousking1
      @Konsciousking1 Місяць тому

      I was thinking the same these white hypocrites want Christ but not his true identity becuz it exposes their evil lies and destruction over the years.

    • @edsonchuma9654
      @edsonchuma9654 Місяць тому

      Exactly they make all people white when we know historicaly and scripturally these people were black

    • @PitchToTheRhino1
      @PitchToTheRhino1 Місяць тому

      Mummies are proving all the time that Egyptians weren't negroes.

  • @paulgicheru2476
    @paulgicheru2476 Місяць тому

    Where do we read that his name changed to Paul after conversion? Both names are used before and after conversion. There are several examples to prove this.

  • @SOG-xb4qh
    @SOG-xb4qh Місяць тому +11

    Paul is the perfect example of such a person so educated & knowledgeable & loving The Almighty,,,yet so rigid & fixed by tradition,,,& blinded by the letter of the Law. Paul was only able to truly see when The Lord blinded him & opened his heart. I pray He grants me the same. 🙏

    • @BiblicalFE
      @BiblicalFE Місяць тому

      Saul of Tarsus was a terrorist murderer.

  • @RachaelMorgan-om4xw
    @RachaelMorgan-om4xw Місяць тому +5

    Saul never met Jesus. Road to Damascus he saw lights, and decided to become an agent for "Christianity" for no apparent reason. So he called himself Paul, then went around giving everyone his 'Opinions' of what Jesus, the rabbi, meant by his altruism. I refute "St Paul", on accout of his deeply erroneous ideas which are far from anything Jesus preached: Jesus taught that everyone, whatever their beliefs, to be decent to each other, to worship in peace and quiet, and to avoid pissing each other off, by using empathy, not agression. So... your man, Saul.. now he saw it differently, and made such a fuss he actually created Christianity himself. Also he had very low opinion of women...oh yes. Jesus must be well vexed , but he's such a nice bloke, he probably forgave that t owering narcissist for mucking everything up , so we ended up with Holy Wars courtesy of The Vatican`

    • @kathrynpassmore5425
      @kathrynpassmore5425 Місяць тому +1

      I use to think that I was the only one who viewed Paul in a narcissistic light. Like I must be a heretic or something. The comments in videos like this have helped me know that I am not alone. Thanks for sharing

    • @lavougriffin6302
      @lavougriffin6302 Місяць тому +1

      Paul didn't create Christianity, It was Emperor Constantine. What Yeshua(Jesus)taught, and proclaimed was "The Way" ( Acts 9:2, of this way was the common reference to the true faith in the NT is to those of "The Way", not Christians. Acts 19:23, 22:4, 24:14, Mark 0:00 . Isaiah 35:8. Study to show your self, approved unto The Father, a work man who needed not to be ashamed, as he rightly divides the WORD of The Father ❤

    • @lavougriffin6302
      @lavougriffin6302 Місяць тому

      There's a difference between Jews(Hebrews) and Christians. Paul was a Jew, not Christian, that's why Yeshua (Jesus) spoke to him in Hebrew Acts 26:14. In Acts 11:26, shows another mis- interpretation of words. The word Christian, was used instead of Messianics. It should read; And the disciples were called Messianics first in Antioch, not Christians😂 May The Father bless you in your further studies of the word!❤️

    • @raimondspadaro8211
      @raimondspadaro8211 Місяць тому

      Wow!! Do you have a very different opinion and view of Paul that doesn't have anything to do with his writings. Your view is made of whole cloth and is not what historical accounts describe. I think that you know that. I would urge you to read the New testament again for some clarity, but you seem to have your mind made up.

    • @RachaelMorgan-om4xw
      @RachaelMorgan-om4xw Місяць тому

      @@raimondspadaro8211 I do, Raimondo, and it's because I don't take rap from towering, narcissistic misogynists such as yourself. And, just so you know; I am very well-read. The Bible fascinates me,and I did my Masters in Theology. Both Testements are very revealing, and I know them inside out. I find your observations condescending and combined with your patronising assumptions about my opinion of Saul, and your ludicrous claims about Constantine, I would politely suggest that you think first and make snotty comments later 🤭

  • @judahisrael3939
    @judahisrael3939 Місяць тому +12

    Why do you show European people in your video when you know it's not historically correct?

    • @HistoryGuy247
      @HistoryGuy247  Місяць тому

      Because that's what we are familiar with....Besides, the pathway to eternal glory is not about which location your redeemer came from. Most importantly, the action that you will take after hearing the word.🙂

    • @jamesdenney1605
      @jamesdenney1605 Місяць тому

      Job was a Edom king since blacks think edomites are white but Job was a prophet

    • @blackculturepodcast
      @blackculturepodcast Місяць тому +3

      ​@@HistoryGuy247if the reverse was true, you would create content with the right skin tone, trust me.

    • @EternalSoldierGaming
      @EternalSoldierGaming Місяць тому

      It’s more historically, correct than using Black people. The hammites are not Israelites.

    • @PhilFestusApologetics
      @PhilFestusApologetics Місяць тому

      Can you stick to the message and leave the human representation?

  • @goofygranny1020
    @goofygranny1020 Місяць тому

    He represents & loves everyone .

  • @andrewangelopacheco9960
    @andrewangelopacheco9960 Місяць тому

    I have an interest in the approved Gospel of St. James the Apostle by the Catholic Church. My understanding is that the Catholic Church when putting the Bible together recognized the Gospel of St. James as truly inspired by the Holy Ghost, but it being a repetition of what the other four gospel writers wrote, it was not included in the Canonical books of scripture. It's not too late for the Church to place it in the divinely inspired sacred books.

  • @saladdays180s9
    @saladdays180s9 Місяць тому


  • @SOG8014
    @SOG8014 Місяць тому +6

    Amen 🙏🏻 👍🏻💯

  • @birgittabirgersdatter8082
    @birgittabirgersdatter8082 Місяць тому +8

    Letters attributed to Paul might not necessarily have been written by him.

  • @i_vision_iconic
    @i_vision_iconic Місяць тому +1

    The son of the most high is A BLACK MAN FROM THE TRIBE OF JUDAH!!!!!! ALL PRAISES TO THE MOST HIGH!!!!!

  • @heatherprice588
    @heatherprice588 Місяць тому +2

    Jesus was a Jew & looked like a Jew he didn't stand out he looked like everyone else.

  • @marvinwalker9459
    @marvinwalker9459 Місяць тому +4

    It's time to cross the Red Sea. People I've been to heaven. I've set before Christ and now I'm back. God has sent me to deliver a message to Black America and to tell Pharaoh the system that have lied to you about everything including who you truly are to let my people go out of Egypt USA.

    • @jamesdenney1605
      @jamesdenney1605 Місяць тому +1

      My message is no prophets was Cushites why doesn't it state they was Cushites only time when a prophet married a Cushite was Moses but none of the prophets was described as Cushites( job was a Edomite because he was king of Edom) king David was described as ruddy which means red and the name Adam means also red Zephaniah explains God will do something bad to the Cushites (Africans) but I don't want to go that far(Jesus is explained to have a white head with like white wool hair wool doesn't mean he had wool hair a lambs hair is white or white as snow) and Jesus had a darker hue from his head and his hairs which is tan because a hue isn't black (so in terms Jesus had a white head (face) with white as snow facial hair and white as snow hair) his face would be white as snow and his body will be tan there's no actual real photos of Jesus

  • @johanroberts9995
    @johanroberts9995 Місяць тому +1

    Without being born again by the Holy 11:50 is the author of the word of God no one can truly comprehend the word Religion without Christ is a disaster to humanity So please believe in Christ and His saving gospel read 1 Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 Ephesians 1 : 11 - 13 & 2 :1 & 8 -10 Titus 3 : 5 Esp Romans 10 : 9 - 13 Thank you God bless you

  • @sacredwaters9
    @sacredwaters9 Місяць тому +3

    This video is clickbait. You got the melanin correct though on the thumbnail.
    Which also means Paul and the Disciples were and are the same complexion. Black.
    As for all those scoffers who want to say " it doesn't matter" what Messiah looked like, think again it DOES matter because the chosen people, Messiah's [not idol jesus] inheritance is very important to him and the FATHER. AND IF YOU DON'T HELP OR PROSPER HIS CHILDREN YOU WILL BE TURNED AWAY. READ THE SCRIPTURES IT'S ALL IN THERE.
    Christianity is not of the father or any religion. The so-called New Testament should not be read alone
    That Old Testament is still in effect.

  • @bubbawubba2307
    @bubbawubba2307 Місяць тому +12

    There are ancient writings talking about what he looked like. It doesn't matter what he looked like. He died for our sins . Accept him as your savior so you will be saved as well

    • @sandraanderson-lf4yu
      @sandraanderson-lf4yu Місяць тому +2

      As I understand Paul could not see what color skin tone of Jesus He was a bright blinding light

    • @MrMathoks
      @MrMathoks Місяць тому

      If he's indeed black like the scriptures say, lot of y'all so called "Christians" are screwed

    • @user-il4jl6ww5l
      @user-il4jl6ww5l Місяць тому +1

      😂😂😂😂 PLEASE STOP

  • @Tellzel107
    @Tellzel107 Місяць тому

    Are the Indonesians the Corinthians?

  • @matthewjandecka9362
    @matthewjandecka9362 Місяць тому

    Jesus? God incarnate. Good sense of humor and never incorrect. What he said he said. Truth.

  • @slottibarfast5402
    @slottibarfast5402 Місяць тому +1

    Actually we have a d scription of Paul that looks nothing like the photos and drawings. He was bald, short and bowlegged. Considering that Paul claims to know Jesus and states that if he had to choose accounts of Jesus he would choose his visions over the disciples, he seemed to know very little. No virgin birth or birth story, no miracles, no sermon on the mount, no parables. Jesus died for our sins and was resurrected. Paul also believed that Jesus would return in his lifetime.

  • @user-hx7uj5ck9y
    @user-hx7uj5ck9y Місяць тому

    The Archaix UA-cam channel which has read an enormous amount of historical books stated that Paul came after Jesus. I do not profess to know if this is true or not.

  • @2tell99
    @2tell99 Місяць тому

    It’s not what he looks like that important it’s who he is!

  • @anthonyjones4846
    @anthonyjones4846 Місяць тому +1

    stop it all this is is someone trying to disprove russia's depiction of Jesus now anyone who has read Paul's encounter with Christ knows that he never actually saw Christ because of the brightness of the light that shown around him but he did hear his voice now find me something concrete

  • @RonaldTolar-pg8uh
    @RonaldTolar-pg8uh Місяць тому +1

    These other gospels and letters wrre written by, according to St.Justin, anti-Christ jews who were "" everywhere subverting and undermining the faith "" !!!! St. Paul was refering to these when he told the churches "" If anyone brings you a different Gospel, let them be accursed "" !!!

  • @ezkl9424
    @ezkl9424 Місяць тому +1

    Revelation 1:1 says that it is an angel that Jesus sent to John. So the person described at Revelation 1:14 through 16 is not Jesus, but this supernatural angel. Jesus did not have a double-edged sword for a tongue!
    So what did Paul see when he was struck blind and knocked from his horse? Did he see that angel sent by Jesus in Revelation? This is the same angel who in the 22nd chapter of Revelation tells John not to worship him, but to worship God because this angel is only a servant.
    It is possible that this angel is an avatar of Jesus, but not Jesus himself. Or the angel may simply be a representative.

    • @danielossygexon
      @danielossygexon Місяць тому

      You have tried in decoding me kindly keep it low key.i do not like to be worshipped however am a ruler n the first.The sun of man.

  • @RayWihak-nw3sv
    @RayWihak-nw3sv Місяць тому

    Jesus was a Palestinian Jew. From the line of King David. This means that he had the complexion of any typical middle eastern man at that time

  • @damon3347
    @damon3347 Місяць тому

    Proverbs 20:3,2nd Timothy 2:23-25😃

  • @lavougriffin6302
    @lavougriffin6302 Місяць тому +1

    His skin color does matter, so much in fact that it has been lied about all these years. That's because the slave masters, wanted the slaves to think He (Yeshua) was the same color as them. That's another reason why slaves were killed or maimed for knowing how to read. The true color of Yeshua is in the bible, not only that but a description of His hair. There is no way He(Yeshua) could go and hide with the Egyptians, being white. Every thing that has been hidden will be revealed, and brought to the light! I want you to read Jeremiah 8:8(the lying Pen's of the scribes), meaning all scripture was inspired by the Father, but the scribes could only write what they were told to write, by the Catholic Church, Emperor Constantine, king James, the different Councils at that time! There were certain mis- interpretations( the word conversation in Ephesians 2:3 means life style)not having a conversation! Now the Father is bringing all things to the light, and boy some people who are prejudiced against other non-white ethnicities, are going to be in for an abrupt awakening! The Pope himself goes down under the Vatican, and prays to a Black Yeshua. Did you see the president of Russia, bringing out of the vaults pictures of the real Yeshua. He said his people will only be worshipping, a Black Yeshua(whom is called Jesus). Well, The Father is so merciful that He is revealing all lies in this hour, so that people who are prejudiced can repent before He returns, which you now know is shortly imminent ❤

  • @user-gx8nf8cf9s
    @user-gx8nf8cf9s Місяць тому

    AMEN 🙏💕

  • @travisbradley9103
    @travisbradley9103 Місяць тому +5

    More lies from Caucasians : his feet was not glowing that’s not what the scripture says!! (Revelation 1: 15, and his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.) GODS word will always step on man’s lies 🎉

    • @ronwells5375
      @ronwells5375 Місяць тому

      If/ or, when you burn fine brass. It glows, burn doesn’t mean charred. If, you just have to argue. Find an actual source working with a heat source and, metal… burning metal and, be advised. You’ll see the difference between your version and, the actual visible truth

    • @brianrich7828
      @brianrich7828 Місяць тому

      @@ronwells5375I work in a foundry, metal does indeed glow a yellowish red when it’s hot enough, and it glows. People could look up videos of it on UA-cam as well. The end result of a burnished bronze is a beautiful honey brown color. The Bedouin and many Israelis today match it perfectly.

    • @donovans6472
      @donovans6472 Місяць тому +5

      @@ronwells5375 but it says burned in a furnace not burning in a furnace. key word is burned. for example when you have cooked something it is now ready to eat. when you are cooking something it is still on the fire and not ready to eat as yet...
      the ED in the word burned means... the process is done therefore burned would mean black and finalized.
      however you are using the word burning, the ING means in the process of , so with your description it could possibly mean white, blue, or orange.
      Didn't we all learn the difference with words like, run, running, ran, and runs....................burn, burned, burning, burns

    • @ronwells5375
      @ronwells5375 Місяць тому

      @@donovans6472 apparently, the meaning burn/burned/charred. Has different meanings to individual persons.
      If, you burn your skin, your flesh turns into a blister, with color is a blister?! the ending or, healing leaves a scar of what color?!… burned/ means what? Have you burned your hand before, what color did your flesh turn? Did you char your hand black?.. if, you did, you couldn’t use your hand. No one could.
      If, you burn, metal. It glows yellow, the higher the temperature. The brighter the glow is/ white.
      Metal is described here, not flesh, it’s describing brass. Not flesh. The glow of metal in a furnace will glow bright, it isn’t dark or, black until, it is removed from the furnace.
      Once, metal is removed and formed. You wipe off the black ash, metal/ brass doesn’t stay black. You polish the metal to a quality shine. Brass is what color, it’s not burnt nor, is it black. It’s not white either. You can’t compare meat/flesh/skin to the to metal. Find something made of brass, look at the color.
      You have to consider, the terminology used in the description. In the comparison of the explanation of the color of the times.
      Like women coloring their hair, it can turn brassy over time. It’s descriptive of hair tone. Yet, again. The statement is clearly referring to a furnace/ heat. Burned, reddened by fire.
      You burned your hand on the skillet. It turned red. For your sake, I hope it didn’t turn black and, withered.
      Think of this spiritually. Is your soul black or, white. Pure or, dark, Good or, Evil.
      Don’t think about the flesh/skin. The outer layer doesn’t matter, it’s your soul.
      But if, it’s a color you want. Read the scripture of the transformation of Yeshua, he glowed bright on the Mount of transfiguration. Peter, James and John witnessed the transformation of Christ into a brilliant blinding light.
      It’s the end goal, for you and I. Too transform into a brilliant light of purity with the grace of Christ.
      There’s no shades in heaven, it’s described as light (your soul/spirit)
      If, you see an evil person of any color. What color do you see?…
      If, you see an innocent, pure, loving person. What color do you think, their spirit/soul would be?
      Does it matter the fleshly color . No. Don’t get hung up on the terminology, you’ll miss the point of being pure of heart! Being forged of the impurities.

    • @tsgtezzy
      @tsgtezzy Місяць тому

      The wood burned is not strictly past tense, but instead the event itself is. Ex; ‘The wood burned in the fire.’ I’m telling you a story in the past of what happened. Doesn’t mean the wood was done burning during the event. I’m telling you a story about how the wood burned.

  • @Mccalldiana4545
    @Mccalldiana4545 Місяць тому +2

    They can band the Bible every one know gods is black

  • @praveenUFO
    @praveenUFO Місяць тому


  • @pabloashan-deleon3088
    @pabloashan-deleon3088 Місяць тому +2

    🥸 History Guy,
    Who CHANGED,
    MORE Than The CREATOR, ❓️🤔💭
    Why Does The JESUS,
    In This Video
    Look Like,
    *Cesare BORGIA* ❓️🤔💭⏱️

  • @wrinkleneckbass
    @wrinkleneckbass Місяць тому +6

    Why do so many UA-camrs make thumbnails with their hands on their face like Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone.

    • @loripiontek
      @loripiontek Місяць тому +1

      I agree. The thumbnails are disgusting. If they're trying to get me to watch, just the 1 at picture and the nonstick bait title are all I need.

  • @Malisti04
    @Malisti04 Місяць тому +1

    5:03 I gave at this point. You take too long to get to your point. We know who Paul is.

  • @adroberson29
    @adroberson29 Місяць тому +2

    Apostle wrote 3 letters to the Corinthians, which is called the severe letter but it was lost.

  • @redit5332
    @redit5332 Місяць тому +1

    This was interesting. Thank you. It was my understanding Paul's mother was an Ebionite Jew and his father a Gentile foreign merchant, who was granted Roman citizenship as a landowner in Tarus.

    • @koreyoneal2623
      @koreyoneal2623 Місяць тому

      Paul's mother was an "Ebionite Jew" ???? Are you kidding me ?!?!?! The Ebionites could not stand Paul , they correctly called him "The Spouter of Lies" , "The Man That Is My Enemy" , an apostate and a false apostle

  • @obadiahyasharahla7704
    @obadiahyasharahla7704 Місяць тому +1

    You YT people need to stop lying!

  • @supportmyjesse
    @supportmyjesse Місяць тому

    Who from was gods prophet?

  • @dochilliard2434
    @dochilliard2434 Місяць тому

    Yeah but what did Paul see?...Who did Paul see?... What did He look like? Was He All Light? Was He Anglo/Caucsian? Was He African? Some where in between?

  • @wearejudah3473
    @wearejudah3473 Місяць тому +3

    Same deceptive tactics. Talk about an Accurate description of Paul. While showing images of a white man with white followers, following a White Messiah!😂 Acts 21:38 Shows Paul was a Black man who surprised a Roman Soldier by speaking Greek! Because he assumed by his looks he was Egyptian who spent years in the desert! All this color deception, because color doesn't matter.!!! 😂

  • @claraoshodin1808
    @claraoshodin1808 Місяць тому

    Amen!!!! IJMN Amen

  • @tommynoble685
    @tommynoble685 Місяць тому

    jesus had been gone a long time before paul was born

  • @bronxpatriot7059
    @bronxpatriot7059 Місяць тому +12

    It's high time the world knows the bible is not Lord of the Rings or King Arthur's Court. It goes back much further in time and much further east.
    It is the story of mostly (not exclusively) black and brown people. The Catholic church, and Napoleon did their fair share of bleaching the bible and other people in history. But the truth always prevails.
    While a lot of the images in this video come from my favorite bible flick "A.D. the Bible Continues", the casting is still not exact as it could be. And this series had more brown skinned actors in it than any other bible flick, kudos to Roma Downy and Mark Burnett. But the series was still cancelled after one season and most likely due to some exec not liking Mary Magdalene, John, Andrew and several others being cast as dark skinned people.
    But don't think your faith lies in someone's skin color. The only reason we have new life in Christ is because of the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. We are not saved by any man's flesh. We are saved by grace from believing on the Lord Jesus through his crucifixion and resurrection. If he didn't get up from the grave it wouldn't mean a hill of beans what his skin color was.

    • @soniak2865
      @soniak2865 Місяць тому

      "The Catholic church, and Napoleon did their fair share of bleaching the bible " Prove it. The Catholic Church is the original and preserved the message of God for 2000 years

    • @yes2day100
      @yes2day100 Місяць тому

      The Catholic faith is huge in Asia, Africa and South America, and is not responsible for how followers view Jesus. All cultures and ethnic groups depict Jesus with their own features. The Ancient Greeks depicted him as a Greek. The ancient Romans depicted him as a Roman. Asians depict Jesus with Asian features. African Christians depict Jesus as a black man. Hispanic followers depict him as Hispanic. Why is it wrong for Caucasians to view Jesus as Caucasian? It is how all people relate to Jesus - it is why he touches so many lives. I'm so over this stupid DEI stuff - divide and conquer. He was born in Judea, and in reality he no doubt had a Mediterranean complexion like most Israelis and Palestinians today. He lived on the road in the desert as an itinerant preacher, and this no doubt darkened his skin due to exposure to the elements in a very hot climate. Big surprise. Modern depictions of Jesus in the last 40 years have shown Jesus as a man with brown hair, brown eyes, and brown skin. Robert Powell in the early '70s was the last blue-eyed Jesus in movies. Jim Caviezel wore brown contact lenses and had his skin darkened for his portrayal. Jonathan Roumie, who portrays Jesus in The Chosen, is of middle-Eastern descent. His father is Egyptian. So most people nowadays know very well what Jesus probably looked like.

    • @brianrich7828
      @brianrich7828 Місяць тому

      The New Testament has the Apostles go out into the Gentile world. The first places were Greece and Rome. Who ruled Israel and Judea at that time? Rome. And who before them? Greece. The book of Acts is based on Rome. The Epistles of the Apostles are all addressed to European Churches as they literally say. You haven’t read it aside from some of the red letters and a verse in the OT here and there. Very few black people in the Bible mentioned of them were Queen of Sheba (Ethiopia). And the Ethiopian on the way to Damascus. But, I agree that the older movies certainly had way more white folks in them than what would have been accurate. Like depicting the Jews as Caucasians. Plenty of middle Eastern people would have fit those roles. In the OT there are tribes of Caucasians and interactions for sure, but at that time they were pagan and usually busy attacking Egypt. But again, the New Testament is full of Jews and Europeans.

    • @casper12365
      @casper12365 Місяць тому


  • @user-fw2to9rk2v
    @user-fw2to9rk2v Місяць тому

    Amen 🙏

  • @galeogle
    @galeogle Місяць тому +1

    Well, let's look in scripture in the Bible in the book of Gen.10 to see if what you are saying is correct and true or not. Now back to Gen.10:2-3 The sons of Noah's son Japheth to Gomer and his son Ashkenaz. As one Jewish teacher says that Ashkenaz was a Japhethite and not a Hebrew/Israelite's. Now back to Gen.10:6 The sons of Noah's son Ham and his sons are, Cush and Mizraim and Phut and Canaan. And in the strong's concordance the name Cush means Black = ethiopian = Cushite's Num.12:1. Now back to Gen.10:21-32; Gen.11:10-32 The sons of Noah's son Shem to Eber to Abram. Gen.14:13 Abram the hebrew, this is the first time of anyone being called a Hebrew. Gen.17:5 The Lord changed Abrams name from Abram to Abraham. And this is where the Lord promised the land of Israel to Abram/Abraham. And his son Isaac. And his son Jacob, see Rom.9:13 the Lord loved Jacob but hated Esau. And then the Lord changed Jacob's name from Jacob to Israel. Gen.32:28; Gen.35:10; and the twelve tribes of Israel. Gen.49; And the twelve tribes of Israel, Exodus chapter's 1-11 Aaron and Miriam and Moses and the twelve tribes of Israel, they were called, Hebrew/Israelite's. Now see Mat.1:1 The book of generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. See 1Sam.16:12 David was ruddy in body. And in the strong's concordance the word ruddy means, red hair, or red whitish complection. See Lam.4:7 Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies, their polishing was of sapphire. See Dan.7:9; Rev.1:14 His head and his hair were white like wool, as white as snow.

  • @sptomase
    @sptomase Місяць тому +9

    There is no where in the Bible that says we are saved by faith alone. In fact the only place in the Bible that you will find the words ‘faith alone’ is preceded by the words ‘not by’

    • @TimberPickle
      @TimberPickle Місяць тому +1

      Ephesians 2:8-9.

    • @sptomase
      @sptomase Місяць тому

      @@TimberPickleThat does not say faith alone. It says you’re not saved by your own doing. There nothing we could have done to deserve the opportunity to be saved, or made it happen. It’s not by works alone either. No one believes that we can be saved by works without faith.
      Jesus clearly disagrees with Sola Fide in his separation of the lambs and goats discourse in Matthew 25:25-31 He literally says he will be watching for your works.
      James 2:14-26 Faith without works is dead.
      Sole Fide is a very dangerous doctrine for your soul.

    • @TimberPickle
      @TimberPickle Місяць тому +1

      @@sptomase Ephesians 2 absolutely does teach faith alone. If our works saved us, we could claim in pride that we saved ourselves. The James passage teaches that our works are evidence of our faith. Even if our works are nothing more than prayers or scripture reading. Consider the thief on the cross who was promised paradise by Christ. What good work was he able to do in that moment? Isaiah 64:6 ". . . All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags . . ."

    • @sptomase
      @sptomase Місяць тому

      @@TimberPickle I literally just said we don’t believe works can save you. Like word for word. Its works and faith. I think there might be some comprehension issues there. Ephesians doesn’t even say faith alone. You’re adding that. You’re taking a few sentences of Paul’s flipping it to what you want it to say then ignoring what Christ said. Also liking your own comments doesn’t make them true.

    • @susangreninger1989
      @susangreninger1989 Місяць тому

      " What does faith without works is dead" mean to you?

  • @ManyGods
    @ManyGods Місяць тому

    Please , someone send this video to Tucker Carlson

  • @user-ci6dc5vq9m
    @user-ci6dc5vq9m Місяць тому +1

    Stop making the gentiles mad

  • @cherylereadus4497
    @cherylereadus4497 Місяць тому +3

    Why did ssy
    Paul gave the best description of Jesus,?

  • @jameshhenderson8243
    @jameshhenderson8243 Місяць тому

    His name was never changed to Paul.

  • @Dr.Smith8067
    @Dr.Smith8067 Місяць тому +1

    How can one be "jewish" from the tribe of Benjamin?
    If that's the case, then all of the tribes of Israel are named after judah.
    For instance, " I'm a Jewish Simeonite" or "I'm a Jewish danite."
    Does anyone see the problem with this type of teaching?
    There were twelve tribes of (ISRAEL), not just the "JEWS," but Dan, gad, Ruben, naphtali, and so forth.
    So I call, BS on this so-called teaching!

  • @sandraanderson-lf4yu
    @sandraanderson-lf4yu Місяць тому


  • @sharonsmith1505
    @sharonsmith1505 Місяць тому

    Paul never seen, christ, he heard him on the road. He received the word in the spirit. No bible was written at that time.

  • @rangerpartners1971
    @rangerpartners1971 Місяць тому

    The Passion of the Christ was actually an ancient Samarian stage play performed in an amphitheater - long before the time of Jesus Christ - repurposed by rabbinical scribes centuries later into the JESUS CHRIST psychodrama we know today - The Greatest Story Ever Told. They combined the ancient play with elements of the life of the best known & documented healer of the time of Jesus - Apollonius of Tyana (Galilean/Israelite/Greek language, not a Jew/Judean - BTW, all the Disciples were Galilean - only Judas Iscariot was a Jew, as the story goes). Apollonius was grounded in Christic/Gnostic/Vedic root principles, born 2 BC (sound familiar?) & known for telling the grateful people that it was their own faith that healed them, not him (sound familiar?) - his story was hijacked & embellished with miracles by rabbinical biblical scribes to fit a new narrative. This is not the only discovery from interdisciplinary forensic chronology...PAUL is actually Apollonius of Tyana. The rabbinical scribes stole the Christ story from Egyptian & later roots of pagan blood-sacrifice of gods to the Sun God for salvation & wrapped it around Apollonius. See ARCHAIX here on YT (or the .com if you don't have YT Premium to avoid ads). ENJOY!

  • @A-childOfGod-pp4ge
    @A-childOfGod-pp4ge Місяць тому

    Amen and AMEN
    OnlyJesuSaves ✝👑📖🇮🇱👍🏼🙏🏼❤

  • @comeandletusreason
    @comeandletusreason Місяць тому

    Jésus Christ spoke to Saul, to whom He changed his name to Paul. Know that the light He was exposed to, he couldn’t see Christ Jesus as he looked like, he got to Him for Who Christ is .

  • @vincentanderson8435
    @vincentanderson8435 Місяць тому

    Paul went looking for the people carried off by the greeks not the European

  • @BiblicalFE
    @BiblicalFE Місяць тому

    Yet the Bible also states that there was nothing significant about the appearance of the human Jesus.
    Saul of Tarsus met a “vision” and he was blinded. The “risen” Jesus was not the human Jesus. Saul was BLINDED.

  • @anitareasontobelieve378
    @anitareasontobelieve378 Місяць тому

    He was Blinded? But he saw Jesus? You said it. Aninias prayed for him and he got the holy spirit or the baptism did it?...cause ya said both.

  • @PShawtx
    @PShawtx Місяць тому

    Do you think Jesus is pleased that you used a false title for your video? I believe that is called bearing false witness. I will pray God will forgive you. Please use accurate titles for your videos. Over all your videos are good.

  • @kijihigh6826
    @kijihigh6826 Місяць тому +2

    Thank you for including people with dark skin in your video. This is a blessing because they were very prevalent during Paul's time and they were true believers. Thank you.

    • @knothyselfknotruth
      @knothyselfknotruth Місяць тому

      Paul was Black as well the Israelites. Blacks were more than just prevalent they were the main "race" there. However race has NO significance in terms of Salvation as it is a man made social construct. All whom Believe are saved by faith through Christ

  • @ThereG0Pabl0Yt
    @ThereG0Pabl0Yt Місяць тому +1

    Why the characters depicted as white Europeans? This is historically inaccurate.

  • @randytusha1
    @randytusha1 Місяць тому

    This video has so many faults in just the first one minute it is astounding. Saul remains being called Saul up until his first missionary journey which is about 5 years after his conversion. Paul's father was a Roman citizen his mother was Jewish. We know this because Paul was his Roman name and Saul was his Jewish name. He also uses his Roman citizenship repeatedly in legal battles against the judaizers.
    Paul also was on the high council in Jerusalem, and not some kind of novice student. He even refers to himself as a Pharisee of Pharisees. Whoever wrote this has no idea how to study the Bible.

  • @SingItSandra
    @SingItSandra Місяць тому

    Paul made a lot of people sick interesting

  • @petersclafani4370
    @petersclafani4370 Місяць тому

    He never met Jesus. The Bible claims he heard Jesus calling him.
    Saying ...why you prosecute me

  • @rodricvgillen3110
    @rodricvgillen3110 Місяць тому +3

    Gee wiz why are all people in the pictures white? Come on.

    • @LennyCash777
      @LennyCash777 Місяць тому

      Just think of them as light-skinned black people, or albinos. Don't you guys say that your women are the ones who have the so-called "Eve gene" that can cause them to produce people of another race or color?

  • @vincentanderson8435
    @vincentanderson8435 Місяць тому

    Remember the greek carried the Egyptian and the Hebrews back to Greece and some gave them self over to rome turks also Roman ancestors same people

  • @felipekennedy3135
    @felipekennedy3135 Місяць тому +5

    According to the WORD, Paul never met Jesus.

    • @donnaturner4795
      @donnaturner4795 Місяць тому +1

      Perhaps in physical form..yet he knew of Him very well... in Spirit.. Paul had an up close and personal meeting...😊

    • @chevking4127
      @chevking4127 Місяць тому

      The best description of Jesus’s appearance I’ve seen is a letter byPontius Pilate

    • @oliviaswarden6077
      @oliviaswarden6077 Місяць тому

      And yet he was Jesus's hand picked disciple by himself and jesus picked his new name.

  • @beverlygriffin7168
    @beverlygriffin7168 Місяць тому

    All the people of the bible, came from God as we that are man.
    There is no color ever written of the color of God ,
    God is spirit, we are spirit cloth in skin. Colors that God created,
    Iam your sister ,and you are my brother. When iam cut ,I bleed Red blood, and when you are cut you bleed red blood, When Jesus wa cut He bleed red blood" We all are a part of God's one big FAMILY
    He is your Father, and he is my Father, z" God is love ❤️ 😍 ❤

    • @jameshodges3732
      @jameshodges3732 Місяць тому +1

      The Bible does give a color description of Yah, in the book of Daniel. Try actually studying the book before trying to instruct others.

  • @user-wh7fr9qe2s
    @user-wh7fr9qe2s Місяць тому +1

    Paul wasnt the only one.
    Matthew 15:24 I am not sent onto anyone but the lost sheep of ISREAL.
    Zechariah 2:8
    Revenge for Gods people
    Zephaniah 2:1,4 TV
    Gather yourself together old nation not desired.
    Gaza forsaken & desolate
    The first century Jewish writer Josephus (37-100 AD) penned the earliest non-biblical testimony of Jesus. In his work Halosis or the “Capture (of Jerusalem),” written around 72 A.D., 📕 According to Eisler’s reconstruction, the oldest non-Biblical description of Jesus read as follows:
    “At that time also there appeared a certain man of magic power … if it be meet to call him a man, [whose name is Jesus], whom [certain] Greeks call a son of [a] God, but his disciples [call] the true prophet … he was a man of simple appearance, mature age, black-skinned (melagchrous),
    prognathous dit. with a
    face [macropros osT).
    a long
    Nose with
    hair, but having a line in the midate
    of the head after the fashion of the Nazaracans with an undeveloped beard."
    (Halasis, 11.174:
    Flavius Josephus)
    Brown Stones
    Talmud Mishnah states that a Jews’ skin is unlike that of the germani. Rabbi Ishmael says the children of Israel … are like boxwood 📦 brown
    Get ready
    Obadiah 1
    Joel 3✅

  • @delancebeane5465
    @delancebeane5465 Місяць тому

    Believe the Gospel 1Corinthians chapter 15 1 through 4 is salvation for this dispensation of Grace...kjv

  • @blackwidowspider9852
    @blackwidowspider9852 Місяць тому +3

    Paul wrote his letters More than 56 years later after the death of Jesus

    • @tomrudolsen6235
      @tomrudolsen6235 Місяць тому +1

      And so ? 🤔😎

    • @jeffreylatham3307
      @jeffreylatham3307 Місяць тому

      well Peter himself confirms that Paul was correct though 2 Peter 3:15-16

    • @tomrudolsen6235
      @tomrudolsen6235 Місяць тому

      @@jeffreylatham3307 I Wonder what many Roman Catholics have against Scripture, as are the apostle Paul ? Do they dare ask the Pope such a question ? Or is the way to him, too complicated ? 🤔😎😏👌

  • @dilbertfirestorm4851
    @dilbertfirestorm4851 Місяць тому

    didnt know he was ex-pharisee. i can see why jesus chose him.