Yup. Just take Bob's burger recipes and overall cooking experience, add it with Linda's fun, outgoing people skills with Louise's skill and she'd definitely make the restaurant boom into the money making success it deserves to be. She's definitely the smarter Belcher out of her siblings. No offense to Tina and Gene.
I love Bob because he's not just nice to his kids, literally ALL the kids in the show, Rudy, the Pesto kids, Tammy, he lowkey treats all his kids friends as his own and to me that is so sweet
Remember when Linda throw a slumber party for Louise and he gave them a ride home even tho it’s late, and he even let one of the girls braid his hair and he actually appreciate it when Linda ask what happen to his hair…
@@Guppyta16 yes! Yes, like that, or when he literally SHAVED his mustache in season one for Tina so she could have Jimmy Jr. at her party. Like Bob is unlike the rest of the animated dads
@@roxassora2706Pugsley and Wednesday would’ve been obsessed with the storyboard of the scrapped pilot! So glad the writers didn’t completely scrap the human meat idea because the episode with it is hilarious
I looove this episode, its so stupid but I get in my feelings cuz he's such a good dad and close to his kids, him going back to take Gene cuz he feels left out is hilarious and great hahahahha
Bob Belcher. The only Adult Cartoon Dad in the last 50 Years to not be a complete idiot or a horrible jerk. Edit: I should have clarrified and said ADULT Cartoon.
He's so realistic, he says some bad things like "if you weren't my family, I'd fire you all" but he obviously cares about his kids and family. It's refreshing to see, especially in flash backs he's actively trying to give his kids a good childhood.
I love this! And they have such unique personalities, it’s great to see a working class dad and quirky weird mom being great parents. They’re not cookie cutter TV parents (Plus they accept and embrace their weirdness in their kids)
there really aren't any "cookie cutter" parents on tv anymore, if you look around they're all very weird and quirky. that trend kinda died out in the early 2000s. even kid's shows don't have normal parents anymore. what sets this show apart is that the parents actually treat each other with _some human decency_ and love, even if not very often. other shows just have these extremely toxic relationships where the parents hate each other and just put up with the other one for their own personal reasons, and the family is broken and dysfunctional for laughs/drama. and that, needs to be protected and encouraged. now more than ever with the way the world is behaving today.
Eh, I've been re-watching the show recently and while Bob is a great dad, Linda is honestly a horrible parent for the most part. She basically just lets the kids do whatever they want and even seems to encourage their bad behavior at times. Bob can be a pushover but he does at least know when to put his foot down when it calls for it and he regularly disapproves of the kids' antics when they go too far. Seriously if Bob ever died the kids would probably end up in juvie or even dead and Linda would probably be put in jail for child endangerment. Bob is basically the anchor that holds the family together. I get that Linda's character is supposed to be positive and supporting and I understand that it comes from a good place but sometimes you've gotta be responsible and know when to tell your kids no when they're about to do something stupid or dangerous.
Bob is great but not Linda. Linda always tries to change Louise and force herself onto Louise. She doesn't help Tina develope properly at all and makes it worse. And she's emotionally incest with Gene, to an almost flat out incest extent. She's a terrible mom. A guy like Bob wouldn't even love her IRL. Bad character design. I wish Bob stepped in more to defend Louise from her at LEAST.
Right!! (My favorite moment is when they’re doing Narts and suddenly it occurs to him that he can’t wish for her to lose, and he just looks at her and you hear the music of just “Liiinnnnndaaaaa”.)
Bob being a great dad is like the heart of this show. I love how the family genuinely love each other, it makes for a very positive and wholesome watch.
The worst person objectively is Louise and even she isn't terrible. When I saw her pants someone in Season 8 it seemed out of character until it was revealed she did it to a bully in defense of a friend. Then again maybe Linda is worse.
yes! and the episode where linda gets a part time job, and bob isn’t upset because he’s missing a “worker” but because he misses his wife! so wholesome and positive
Theory: Tina likes horses because she associates them with security and affection, just like her dad. Tina never censors herself in front of Bob, and seeing him supporting Tina from afar on the carousel horse since she was a baby makes me think that Tina associates horses with Bob and that's why she loves them.
bob is the king of gentle parenting!! turning around so gene could wax his legs, ditching with louise (also taking care of rudy who isn’t even his kid) , letting the kids pretend beat him up, shaving his mustache for tina?? god he’s such a good dad
The thing that makes this different from other shows is the fact that this family genuinely loves eachother unlike Family guy or Simpsons, this franchise continues to be heartwarming and wholsome.
@@tayk.t.523 the old seasons of the Simpsons is the only show I can think of where I've seen the father kiss his son on the cheek (albeit, rarely). It's a really sweet thing you hardly see on TV.
@@UJEvans In the beginning, even between Bart and Homer who bickered a lot, it was so obvious they loved each other. I miss that close family love in modern sitcoms. Another example I can think of is Malcolm in the Middle, Hal calls his sons things like honey and is honest about how much he really loves them. I think we should bring that back personally.
My favorite line in general: Gene : Channel Six News, they'll finger anything with a pulse! Bob : I'm pretty sure they're slogan is 'their finger's on the pulse', Gene. Gene : No!
@@RockabellaSterrrn the best scene is the one where gene forgets to mention bob's burgers at the baseball game ad break and bob is screaming across the stadium at him XD
My fave was when Tina thanked him saying she owed him her life, and Gene was like "No, thank you. I've seen it and im not impressed." Or something. Hehehe
He is an ordinary man in a world filled with fanatics, and has learned how to balance his chaotic relationships with his own goals and dreams for a long time. I wonder if anything could have changed between him and his family if there was any kind of upgrade to his business
Love how Tina is turning to her dad more in recent episodes. It’s hard enough being a teenager, then also being the “different” one in the group. Great to see Bob being her support
I love that Bob and Linda are actually in love and not horribly toxic towards one another like Family Guy or The Simpsons. It just makes the show more complete and sensible. Which makes the comedy even stronger.
For real! Like, I love the episode where Bob and Linda get into a fight and Linda is then a guy with a seaplane tries to seduce Linda. In any other cartoon (even some kids' shows) she'd have given in or at least thought about it, but in the episode, Linda was outright furious once she found out. It was just wholesome and pretty funny to see her reaction and how it felt so different from other couples
Should include the moment in season 10 episode 20 when Bob tells Louise he’s always available to pick her up including on her honeymoon. It’s just so cute I love that moment it’s such a good parent thing to say
Copyright issues🙁 I wanted to include the community garden episode where Bob's like' My babies! Wait did I just say that in front of my actual baby?' Curse you copyright laws😣
@@Impericallyfrozen Oh thats... Really sad actually It would make sense because a lot of child survivors have bathroom issues I doubt that's what they actually did but... Damn
1:45 A father actually playing and enjoying time with his children IN AN ADULT ANIMATED SITCOM!?!? What sorcery is this? Love how he pretends to be pinned down by Louise. Moments like this are the soul of this show.
Oh come now Homer is that bad. He usually doens't do anything too mean spirited to his kids. I mean he strangles bart as a running joke but he only does it as a punishment.
They're dysfunctional, but they're not toxic. Bob is always less than thrilled with getting caught up in his family's shenanigans, but he always remains patient with them and never tries to change them.
He’s kind of like that one guy who doesn’t want to do something everybody else is but has to since there is nothing else and eventually learns to accept it
I like how this show shines light on what a healthy family is, sure it gets dysfunctional at times but at the end of the day you still love your family, fart and all
Bob having sleep walking dreams about potty training his babies was absolutely the cutest thing I’ve seen from an adult cartoon hands down, it was so sweet especially it being his first born 🥺
When Bob says “I love you but you’re terrible”, we can all agree that he doesn’t mean that in a negative or mean way. He loves his wife and kids, and will do what he can to support them with the occasional “oh my God”s and whatnot. It always makes me happy to see Bob smile. Bob’s Burgers is a comical cartoon classic in my opinion. I wonder what it would’ve been like if they kept the idea of the Belcher family being cannibals. I’m honestly REALLY glad that it didn’t go in that direction. Another feature I like about this show is the relatable dialogue and most situations the Belcher family find themselves in and that it can be related to other people. Bob’s Burgers will always hold a special place in my heart and I pray that it’ll provide outstanding content for years to come.
This cartoon has 12 seasons already and is one of the few that hasn't overstayed it's welcome by far. It's so wholesome and I love they acknowledge and keep character development and little story details from earlier episodes.
@@DuskLegend tbh I don't think that's a bad thing Given the landscape of adult cartoons being...not too great and least nowadays feel like they all have the same shtick, the route they've gone has done wonders imo makes for a great change of pace tonally compared to other adult cartoons and clearly striking the right cords with the majority of the fanbase
Bob: Tina play with the horse Tina: I dont really wanna play Bob: PLAY WITH THE HORSE Linda: tina do as your father says Bob:make it jump Tina: it cant jump Yea you know how I know because I spent 12 hours on equestical CRAP
@@ChristopherSobieniak >when you get MLP toys for christmas but your brony dad won't let you play with the rainbow dash one *_I USED TO WONDER WHAT FRIENDSHIP COULD BE_*
It's the best! I love my partner to bits, but we agreed long ago that our kid comes first. In a life or death situation, we agreed not to hesitate to save her first. Wanting your s.o. to love you more than your kids is just narcissistic.
@@OzCroc Then maybe you shouldn't have kids. Parents should ALWAYS put their kids first. ALWAYS. People go through divorces and find a new partner all the time. Lovers are replacable. Your children are not.
You can really see the chemistry with the characters as the show moves into later seasons. The voice actors seem very close, and it gives that family vibe that we all love.
"Kids I love you. Linda I love you too, not as much as the kids but-" No but really, that is some quality parenting right there! Lord knows I wish my dad loved me more than my step mother
@@walqqr1 I agree is toxic if people out right ask someone who they love more, or if they demand someone else to love you more than the other. but here is the thing: is also toxic when you put someone else above your own child, someone you were meant to care for and protect. some parents just put their new significant other above everything and that is toxic too. is not like the child demands the parent to love them more, the problem comes when the parents choose to ignore or abandon their child over someone else
@@XSlimSxadyX you are right. thank God for that, or else we would have another issue on our hands. I didn't say that because I think love should be a competition, I said because parents should always put their children first, and love them more than their significant others. I believe that, if you can't put your child needs first, you shouldn't have a child. and if you are the type of parent that would offend or abandon your child constantly over a person that isn't even your other parent, than you definitely shouldn't have a child
Bob leaving the laser concert because Gene was overwhelmed by it, genuinely made me a little emotional. Gene wasn't in danger, he wasn't hurt, he was just scared, and nonetheless, Bob didn't think twice before leaving the concert that he'd been looking forward to. He didn't hold it against Gene, he didn't act resentful towards Gene, his only priority was his child's happiness. Other cartoons aren't like this.
Dads like Peter and/or Stan would've left their kids tramatized in a situation like that. Bob would never ever let that happen. For Bob, his family comes first.
Why I love Bob's Burgers, a adult animation where the parents are loyal to each other and love each other. I'm so sick of watching comedy shows where the parents are divorced or stay married and fight constantly.
In my opinion, one of the best adult family cartoons. The main reason being how good bob and Linda are at being parents. They aren’t perfect, they have their issues, but they REALLY love their kids. They have their flaws, but it’s not like other parent characters like in Family guy or American Dad. This show is wacky but real somehow.
I always thought that too. I hope they do a flash foward kind of episode and we get to see a little of that. (Although I kind of fear that will be their last episode. Hopefully that wo t happen for quite some time!!) Despite how aloof to her family she pretends to be, I think she cares the most about the restaurant out of the three kids. She complains a lot, sure, but she's also 9 years old, and trying to keep up her bad girl persona (probably because she's so small). I always love the Bob/Louise centered episodes - it shows just how kind they really are and we get more in depth character development from her.
Their polar chemistry works perfectly in the opposites attract trope, Bob is more rooted and wants to keep things according to plan while Linda is always getting Bob to branch out but is always there for him when things go awry
İ love how bob has different kind of relationship dynamics with his children With tina she is her first child he gets kinda sad when she grows up and becomes more independent and does everything she askes he cant bare to see her sad With louise she is the future of bobs burger they have also a work relationships With gene he is his only son and gene is more like her mother in a lot of ways so he kinda tries to keep gene in line but still allows him to do his own things And he never judges her kids and tries his best to make them happy ah i love this cartoon dad so much
i kept expecting to see that scene from the ghost boy episode where tina falls asleep against his hand and he’s like okay i’m gonna move my hand!! and then he’s like nevermind go back to sleep. so friggin cute
My favorite Bob being a good dad scene was when he took Tina and her “friends” to the movies and he missed the movie to make sure Tina was ok 🥺 I wish there were more good parents like Bob and Linda in adult-geared cartoon shows
Bob and Tina always have my favorite interactions. It’s obvious that Tina inherited Bob’s calm and stoic personality, so they seem the closest out of the family. Whenever they talk it’s so hilariously deadpan and awkward and I love it 😂. It’s kinda like how Gene inherited Linda’s loud and musical personality, so having them paired up is always fun and chaotic. Louise is a happy medium lol
A very interesting theory on how Tina and Gene bear a striking resemblance to their parents personalities, but Louise is the one in between- calm but always spreading chaos as if she was satan incarnate
bobs burgers is at the top of the comedy and cartoon game. people love it and identify with it so much because its a loving family. not a group of sociopaths (like family guy)
@NinjaStyle King of the Hill and Bob's Burgers are the only animated shows from Fox I enjoy. The Simpson's bores me to tears and Family Guy is just... gross.
Bro the scene of Tina and Bob waving at each other while Tina was on the carousel was just adorable I don’t know why, you can just tell that Bob loves seeing his daughter so happy.
Okay but Bob literally shouting "I love you guys!" Without hesitation as he's tied up and actually in danger is sweet. Like from the delivery of the line to the animation you genuinely feel his care for his family.
this show is a fckn gem. it's so wholesome, chaotic, & funny. even after over ten seasons, bob's burgers is still worth a watch (especially if u adore bad jokes/puns)
H. Jon Benjamin somehow pours so much heart into this character with nothing but deadpan. Honestly the voice acting in this show is beyond stellar, especially John Roberts.
It was so cute when he smiled when louise talks about calling the restaurant Louises burgers and her saying i dont know daddy he just smiled it was so sweet to see him smile of happiness
“Admit it! You look up to me!” “Oh my God, am I your hero?” I love how Bob is teasing Louise, but at the same time he is happy that the daughter that’s always ragging on him at the restaurant deep down respects him and wants to be just like him when she grows up. I hope Louise does take over and the family business and kicks ass while doing it.
I love that bob is the OPPOSITE of every other "dad" in cartoon sitcom. Hes a smart, loyal, loving father who ACTUALLY CARES ABOUT HIS FAMILY!! I hate how in media every dad is just Homer Simpson. They're good fathers in this world. And Bob's one of them.
Louise saying she’ll run the the restaurant someday is so wholesome
Right? And she's the last one I'd expect to want to do that so it makes it extra cute
Gene and Tina would 100% work for her
Yup. Just take Bob's burger recipes and overall cooking experience, add it with Linda's fun, outgoing people skills with Louise's skill and she'd definitely make the restaurant boom into the money making success it deserves to be. She's definitely the smarter Belcher out of her siblings. No offense to Tina and Gene.
Despite how chaotic she is, she clearly have lots of fun working at the restaurant
Nice that Bob and Linda are one of the few animated couples in adult animation where they’re actually happy to be married and have kids
Quick stop ✋ get
Same. I was worried in the pilot because Bob forgot their anniversary, but it cleared up quickly.
It reminds me of how loving and caring I was toward my penis.
I'm having trouble thinking of a better cartoon family.
I love Bob because he's not just nice to his kids, literally ALL the kids in the show, Rudy, the Pesto kids, Tammy, he lowkey treats all his kids friends as his own and to me that is so sweet
When he was the sub for Tina’s home ec class he genuinely wanted the kids to learn and even motivated Zeke, he’s so sweet
That's one of the many things I love about Bob
@@sagittariusbeauty No, for real. It's like no matter what it is, or how much he says no/wants to say no, he still does it because he's so kind
Remember when Linda throw a slumber party for Louise and he gave them a ride home even tho it’s late, and he even let one of the girls braid his hair and he actually appreciate it when Linda ask what happen to his hair…
@@Guppyta16 yes! Yes, like that, or when he literally SHAVED his mustache in season one for Tina so she could have Jimmy Jr. at her party. Like Bob is unlike the rest of the animated dads
Bob's burgers is the modern day Adams family. Not in an aesthetics sense. But in the way of making a family that loves each other.
You are so accurate oml
Well it was supposed to be a show about Cannibals, I think Morticia and Gomez would love it.
@@roxassora2706Pugsley and Wednesday would’ve been obsessed with the storyboard of the scrapped pilot! So glad the writers didn’t completely scrap the human meat idea because the episode with it is hilarious
@@annikamundy9619 Fr.
Nice !!
Bob getting his legs waxed with Tina is so hilarious and wholesome. When she started to cry, how could he not? Bob is a fucking gem.
What episode was it?
@@indiawalker-ward4327 s3 epsidoe 10
'Yeah that was brave of me' 🤣
I looove this episode, its so stupid but I get in my feelings cuz he's such a good dad and close to his kids, him going back to take Gene cuz he feels left out is hilarious and great hahahahha
@@Nameless82284 They probably hurt an equal amount
"You don't even have leg hair"
"Tell that to my HEART"
My fave line from Tina is “I know I act tough but I’m not” *sobs*
was looking for this
@@mari6ka2010 "Oh my god, the crying."
He's amazing. Just the right amount of responsible and goofy
Bob Belcher. The only Adult Cartoon Dad in the last 50 Years to not be a complete idiot or a horrible jerk.
Edit: I should have clarrified and said ADULT Cartoon.
He's so realistic, he says some bad things like "if you weren't my family, I'd fire you all" but he obviously cares about his kids and family. It's refreshing to see, especially in flash backs he's actively trying to give his kids a good childhood.
It's genuinely very refreshing. He's a good man and he does right by his family.
Well hank hill is another example, but bob's more understanding and open to emotions
Well there’s Greg Universe and a bunch of other cartoon dads that are great from the last 50 years.
@@highvoltage7797 Greg is great, but Bob takes the cake in the adult comedy genre
Bob and Linda being great parents is what makes this one of my favorite shows
I love this! And they have such unique personalities, it’s great to see a working class dad and quirky weird mom being great parents. They’re not cookie cutter TV parents
(Plus they accept and embrace their weirdness in their kids)
there really aren't any "cookie cutter" parents on tv anymore, if you look around they're all very weird and quirky. that trend kinda died out in the early 2000s. even kid's shows don't have normal parents anymore.
what sets this show apart is that the parents actually treat each other with _some human decency_ and love, even if not very often. other shows just have these extremely toxic relationships where the parents hate each other and just put up with the other one for their own personal reasons, and the family is broken and dysfunctional for laughs/drama.
and that, needs to be protected and encouraged. now more than ever with the way the world is behaving today.
@@heyidaroo I like that they flip the straight laced mom and goofy dad trope around. More fun to see
Eh, I've been re-watching the show recently and while Bob is a great dad, Linda is honestly a horrible parent for the most part. She basically just lets the kids do whatever they want and even seems to encourage their bad behavior at times. Bob can be a pushover but he does at least know when to put his foot down when it calls for it and he regularly disapproves of the kids' antics when they go too far. Seriously if Bob ever died the kids would probably end up in juvie or even dead and Linda would probably be put in jail for child endangerment. Bob is basically the anchor that holds the family together. I get that Linda's character is supposed to be positive and supporting and I understand that it comes from a good place but sometimes you've gotta be responsible and know when to tell your kids no when they're about to do something stupid or dangerous.
Bob is great but not Linda. Linda always tries to change Louise and force herself onto Louise. She doesn't help Tina develope properly at all and makes it worse. And she's emotionally incest with Gene, to an almost flat out incest extent. She's a terrible mom. A guy like Bob wouldn't even love her IRL. Bad character design. I wish Bob stepped in more to defend Louise from her at LEAST.
Bob saying he loves the kids more than Linda really means something, since he obviously loves Linda so much, LOOOL
(My favorite moment is when they’re doing Narts and suddenly it occurs to him that he can’t wish for her to lose, and he just looks at her and you hear the music of just “Liiinnnnndaaaaa”.)
i mean that's kind of normal for parents like most parents love their kids more than their partner that's basically primal
I mean you can always find a new partner, but your babies are your babies
@@nationalinstituteofcheese3012wrong but anyways
@@berserkk76 how is that wrong? -__-
You can't convince me baby Tina isn't the cutest character design in the world
teeny tina is absolutely the most adorable baby in history of babies
I don't know, there was one episode where it showed a baby Linda sitting on her grandpa's lap and that gives baby Tina a run for her money.
@@lukeayres9312 which ep?
@@OohhSoZoee The Quirk-ducers (season 7, episode 6)
Yes!! So cute
Bob being a great dad is like the heart of this show. I love how the family genuinely love each other, it makes for a very positive and wholesome watch.
The worst person objectively is Louise and even she isn't terrible. When I saw her pants someone in Season 8 it seemed out of character until it was revealed she did it to a bully in defense of a friend.
Then again maybe Linda is worse.
@@FernandoMartinez-pv1id in my personal opinion Linda’s the best she never fails to make me laugh
Yes and so funny and silly!! Not mean spirited like others….
@@Naramiss2396 same!!!
yes! and the episode where linda gets a part time job, and bob isn’t upset because he’s missing a “worker” but because he misses his wife! so wholesome and positive
Theory: Tina likes horses because she associates them with security and affection, just like her dad. Tina never censors herself in front of Bob, and seeing him supporting Tina from afar on the carousel horse since she was a baby makes me think that Tina associates horses with Bob and that's why she loves them.
That's so wholesome 🥺
I love this
also with that tv show she likes (I forgot what it's called)
That show would be called the equestrianauts (basically this shows version of My Little Pony)
Not a bad theory. It's actually plausible.
bob is the king of gentle parenting!! turning around so gene could wax his legs, ditching with louise (also taking care of rudy who isn’t even his kid) , letting the kids pretend beat him up, shaving his mustache for tina?? god he’s such a good dad
Best dad in adult cartoon history ever!
This show is somehow so absurdly hilarious yet so wholesome all at once.
Exactly ! Also love that it's a show that anyone can watch and it not just another raunchy adult cartoon.
I know! It’s hard to believe the original pitch for this show was Bob and Linda as cannibals who sell human flesh burgers
@@Mugruncher is that true????? ahahaha what
@@Dan-pd9ys yup. The original bob’s burgers concept (which you can watch on UA-cam) has Bob and Linda grinding up human body parts together
Honestly at a really dark lonely time in my life I would watch this over and over. It's such a wholesome comforting show.
The thing that makes this different from other shows is the fact that this family genuinely loves eachother unlike Family guy or Simpsons, this franchise continues to be heartwarming and wholsome.
Well, the modern Simpsons. I'd say the classic is just as loving and closely knitted as Bobs Burgers.
@@tayk.t.523 the old seasons of the Simpsons is the only show I can think of where I've seen the father kiss his son on the cheek (albeit, rarely). It's a really sweet thing you hardly see on TV.
@@UJEvans In the beginning, even between Bart and Homer who bickered a lot, it was so obvious they loved each other. I miss that close family love in modern sitcoms. Another example I can think of is Malcolm in the Middle, Hal calls his sons things like honey and is honest about how much he really loves them. I think we should bring that back personally.
@@tayk.t.523 Hey can you say from which season to which that is considered "old simpsons"? Because I wanna know where to stop watching.
@@lukeayres9312 I personally heard some people say S9 was the downfall. Personally I loved S9, so I would say maybe S10 to S11?
Kinda sad how Bob being a good father is breaking the trope for these shows
It’s true but that’s why bobs burgers is one of my favorite shows
I don't see it as a bad thing.
@@charliepremostudios8869 it’s not a bad thing but with shows like these, the family treated each other like shit
@@charliepremostudios8869 he’s saying the fact that the family loving each other being what makes this show unique compared to most is sad.
@@archinspide2652 no he's saying that it's "kinda sad how bob being a good father is breaking the trope for these shows." didn't you read? 💀
Tina: why does dad think im a turkey?
Gene: your cocky strut! 😂😂
We really need to appreciate gene's one liners more
My favorite line in general:
Gene : Channel Six News, they'll finger anything with a pulse!
Bob : I'm pretty sure they're slogan is 'their finger's on the pulse', Gene.
Gene : No!
@@RockabellaSterrrn the best scene is the one where gene forgets to mention bob's burgers at the baseball game ad break and bob is screaming across the stadium at him XD
"UFO didn't!"
Tina: "Finally the rain is gone. I can see clearly now."
My fave was when Tina thanked him saying she owed him her life, and Gene was like "No, thank you. I've seen it and im not impressed." Or something. Hehehe
Bob is dad of the year considering the kind of shit he has to deal with on a daily basis
guess he was dealing with it quite literally, considering that first part of the video LOL!
He is an ordinary man in a world filled with fanatics, and has learned how to balance his chaotic relationships with his own goals and dreams for a long time. I wonder if anything could have changed between him and his family if there was any kind of upgrade to his business
He's a realistic and relatable kind of a dad
Love how Tina is turning to her dad more in recent episodes. It’s hard enough being a teenager, then also being the “different” one in the group. Great to see Bob being her support
I love that Bob and Linda are actually in love and not horribly toxic towards one another like Family Guy or The Simpsons. It just makes the show more complete and sensible. Which makes the comedy even stronger.
Like not all adult shows need to be so fucking depressing
I know it's not an animated show, but Black-ish literally had a fuck divorce arc
@@CormDaCrow Its not even just adult shows either which is sad
@@cofffee817 True
For real! Like, I love the episode where Bob and Linda get into a fight and Linda is then a guy with a seaplane tries to seduce Linda. In any other cartoon (even some kids' shows) she'd have given in or at least thought about it, but in the episode, Linda was outright furious once she found out. It was just wholesome and pretty funny to see her reaction and how it felt so different from other couples
"The kids aren't here to bother usss~"
Should include the moment in season 10 episode 20 when Bob tells Louise he’s always available to pick her up including on her honeymoon. It’s just so cute I love that moment it’s such a good parent thing to say
Copyright issues🙁 I wanted to include the community garden episode where Bob's like' My babies! Wait did I just say that in front of my actual baby?' Curse you copyright laws😣
@@reitekaredacted2787 youtube says: *DO WHAT WE TELL YOU TO OR BE CANCEL-CULTURED. >:(*
@@reitekaredacted2787 you can put an overlay video at the bottom corner. It magically opens up the opportunity to put special episodes
Toilet training the worst 7 years of my life. I almost spit out my tea. Such a cute show.
from 7 to 14
@@isq6672 SA?
@@Impericallyfrozen Oh thats... Really sad actually
It would make sense because a lot of child survivors have bathroom issues
I doubt that's what they actually did but... Damn
@@Impericallyfrozen I thought the same thing with the way they worded it 😞
@@CannibalisticRapscallion Nah, the running joke is just that Teddy is a sweet but dim manchild
1:45 A father actually playing and enjoying time with his children IN AN ADULT ANIMATED SITCOM!?!? What sorcery is this?
Love how he pretends to be pinned down by Louise. Moments like this are the soul of this show.
"Lemme up--" In that weak voice gets me every time
Yeah, just about every father in a Western adult animated sitcom is another Peter Griffin
Oh come now Homer is that bad. He usually doens't do anything too mean spirited to his kids. I mean he strangles bart as a running joke but he only does it as a punishment.
@@destroyerblackdragon he's done it unprovoked several times, but its not like he's been particularly grounded the past 15+ years
Oh he’s not acting. He genuinely can’t get up
louise saying "haha got you to think i'm crying" while literally sobbing is the most relatable thing ever 😂
wow a year ago
They're dysfunctional, but they're not toxic.
Bob is always less than thrilled with getting caught up in his family's shenanigans, but he always remains patient with them and never tries to change them.
He’s kind of like that one guy who doesn’t want to do something everybody else is but has to since there is nothing else and eventually learns to accept it
They ARE functional. Healthy marriage, healthy bro-sis relationship, healthy relations parent-child
I like how this show shines light on what a healthy family is, sure it gets dysfunctional at times but at the end of the day you still love your family, fart and all
the way i think of it is that most sitcom families are dysfunctional, the belchers are dysfunctional people that make up a functional unit
Bob having sleep walking dreams about potty training his babies was absolutely the cutest thing I’ve seen from an adult cartoon hands down, it was so sweet especially it being his first born 🥺
Homer looks like a relatively good parent compared to Peter. Bob, however, is a straight up saint compared to him.
Is stan smith better than peter?
@@keithharrissuwignjo2460 stan bullied his own son in one episode
Yes not saying alot though.
@@Stephanie-pt6vv yeah but he did it out of love
@@keithharrissuwignjo2460 Every Cartoon dad is better than Peter.
When Bob says “I love you but you’re terrible”, we can all agree that he doesn’t mean that in a negative or mean way. He loves his wife and kids, and will do what he can to support them with the occasional “oh my God”s and whatnot. It always makes me happy to see Bob smile. Bob’s Burgers is a comical cartoon classic in my opinion. I wonder what it would’ve been like if they kept the idea of the Belcher family being cannibals. I’m honestly REALLY glad that it didn’t go in that direction. Another feature I like about this show is the relatable dialogue and most situations the Belcher family find themselves in and that it can be related to other people. Bob’s Burgers will always hold a special place in my heart and I pray that it’ll provide outstanding content for years to come.
"We can all agree"? Please don't speak for everyone.
@@tarag7292 it’s just a thing people say
A thing YOU say
@@sparxskywriter2589 I’ve seen a lot of people say it
He meant at the jobs in the restaurant
4:40 bob when he screams Tinas name sounded so genuine. you can tell he loves his kids, unlike other modern cartoon dads😭
H Jon Benjamin has had a loooooooot of practice emphatically screaming bisyllabic names
Bob getting a flu shot to make Tina feel better about getting one is pretty wholesome considering how scared he is of needles and blood.
4:00 is one of my favourite moments- the way Bob just immediately turns around so that Gene doesn’t feel left out :’)
teddy being a third wheel between linda and bob is so funny to me
Uncle Teddy belongs in this family
They are a dynamic trio.
He really does deserve his spot in the family for keeping Bob from going out of business
He needs a therapist but he's great and hilarious
Proof you dont need shock humor to be funny, this is the funniest show out there!
This cartoon has 12 seasons already and is one of the few that hasn't overstayed it's welcome by far. It's so wholesome and I love they acknowledge and keep character development and little story details from earlier episodes.
In one episode, you can see that Bob still has his tattoo from the brony episode.
True but I will say the earlier seasons had more edge. They’ve been leaning into the wholesome chungus thing lately
@@DuskLegend tbh I don't think that's a bad thing
Given the landscape of adult cartoons being...not too great and least nowadays feel like they all have the same shtick, the route they've gone has done wonders imo
makes for a great change of pace tonally compared to other adult cartoons and clearly striking the right cords with the majority of the fanbase
bob's such a dilf i'm crying
I think you need some professional help
absolutely not
The characters look like literal muppets
Why are you booing her she's right
What 😀
I was NOT prepared for "when life gives you lemons, tuck them!"
For some reason i was imagining gene saying this?
4:35 this is actually the first time I see a dad genuinely scared and worried for their child in adult animation
Ikr? The scream just gives the right energy "HOLY SHIT MY DAUGHTER IS DEAD"
And the way he ran to her fearing the worst
Bob: Tina play with the horse
Tina: I dont really wanna play
Linda: tina do as your father says
Bob:make it jump
Tina: it cant jump
Yea you know how I know because I spent 12 hours on equestical CRAP
😂😂😂 I would probably do the same as bob in that situation.
@@ChristopherSobieniak >when you get MLP toys for christmas but your brony dad won't let you play with the rainbow dash one
Given the crap he went through just to get her horse back, I do not blame Bob for doing that.
If my hypothetical husband said he loved me almost as much as the kids, I would fall in love with him all over again
It's the best! I love my partner to bits, but we agreed long ago that our kid comes first. In a life or death situation, we agreed not to hesitate to save her first. Wanting your s.o. to love you more than your kids is just narcissistic.
@@caitthecat plus, love between spouses is much different than the love between parent and child.
I would want my partner to love me more than the kids.
@@OzCroc Then maybe you shouldn't have kids. Parents should ALWAYS put their kids first. ALWAYS. People go through divorces and find a new partner all the time. Lovers are replacable. Your children are not.
@@diefluchendehexe5775 agreed!
You can really see the chemistry with the characters as the show moves into later seasons. The voice actors seem very close, and it gives that family vibe that we all love.
"Kids I love you. Linda I love you too, not as much as the kids but-"
No but really, that is some quality parenting right there!
Lord knows I wish my dad loved me more than my step mother
Same with my mom and my stepdad. One time I even asked her if she loved me more than him and she said no.
This whole "who you love more" thing is kinda toxic, tbh. Love is not supposed to be a competition.
@@walqqr1 and they’re two different types of love lol
@@walqqr1 I agree is toxic if people out right ask someone who they love more, or if they demand someone else to love you more than the other.
but here is the thing: is also toxic when you put someone else above your own child, someone you were meant to care for and protect. some parents just put their new significant other above everything and that is toxic too. is not like the child demands the parent to love them more, the problem comes when the parents choose to ignore or abandon their child over someone else
@@XSlimSxadyX you are right. thank God for that, or else we would have another issue on our hands.
I didn't say that because I think love should be a competition, I said because parents should always put their children first, and love them more than their significant others. I believe that, if you can't put your child needs first, you shouldn't have a child. and if you are the type of parent that would offend or abandon your child constantly over a person that isn't even your other parent, than you definitely shouldn't have a child
bob being the best dad in adult animation for ten minutes
Bob leaving the laser concert because Gene was overwhelmed by it, genuinely made me a little emotional.
Gene wasn't in danger, he wasn't hurt, he was just scared, and nonetheless, Bob didn't think twice before leaving the concert that he'd been looking forward to. He didn't hold it against Gene, he didn't act resentful towards Gene, his only priority was his child's happiness. Other cartoons aren't like this.
Dads like Peter and/or Stan would've left their kids tramatized in a situation like that. Bob would never ever let that happen. For Bob, his family comes first.
@hollyparry1210 Yeah because, unlike this show, for some reason adult animated comedies think treating everyone like shit is the pinnacle of funny
7:27 the ending of this episode always makes me smile because it's so sweet and a great example of father/daughter relations❤️
I absolutely love how he has all different but special relationships with all three of his kids
Why I love Bob's Burgers, a adult animation where the parents are loyal to each other and love each other.
I'm so sick of watching comedy shows where the parents are divorced or stay married and fight constantly.
I can't think of many other adult cartoons where the parents have a healthy relationship with each other and their kids.
This man isn't an example of Wholesome, He's the definition of Wholesome
Bob being a wholesome dad
Bob catching Tina before she falls off Mr Goiter is my favorite 😂
In my opinion, one of the best adult family cartoons. The main reason being how good bob and Linda are at being parents. They aren’t perfect, they have their issues, but they REALLY love their kids. They have their flaws, but it’s not like other parent characters like in Family guy or American Dad. This show is wacky but real somehow.
It’s amazing how loving and supportive they are despite having little to no understanding of their kids
Louise would still call the restaurant "Bob's Burgers" out of respect for her dad
I always thought that too.
I hope they do a flash foward kind of episode and we get to see a little of that. (Although I kind of fear that will be their last episode. Hopefully that wo t happen for quite some time!!)
Despite how aloof to her family she pretends to be, I think she cares the most about the restaurant out of the three kids. She complains a lot, sure, but she's also 9 years old, and trying to keep up her bad girl persona (probably because she's so small).
I always love the Bob/Louise centered episodes - it shows just how kind they really are and we get more in depth character development from her.
Goddamn Bob and Louise make a great dynamic
Their polar chemistry works perfectly in the opposites attract trope, Bob is more rooted and wants to keep things according to plan while Linda is always getting Bob to branch out but is always there for him when things go awry
İ love how bob has different kind of relationship dynamics with his children
With tina she is her first child he gets kinda sad when she grows up and becomes more independent and does everything she askes he cant bare to see her sad
With louise she is the future of bobs burger they have also a work relationships
With gene he is his only son and gene is more like her mother in a lot of ways so he kinda tries to keep gene in line but still allows him to do his own things
And he never judges her kids and tries his best to make them happy ah i love this cartoon dad so much
Tina at her bday: *gasp* I don’t believe it!
Jimmy Jr: 🧍
“You’re the best pimp I’m ever going to have 😃”
@@kuch1_k0pi"I've been waiting to hear those words all my life, Tina. Happy Birthday" 🥲
"Why does Dad think I'm a turkey?"
"Your cocky strut!"
Never change, Gene. (Also, Eugene Mirman is a blessing to humanity. His standup is amazing.)
A Damn cocky strut.
I think that episode where Bob went undercover as a brony to get back Tina's horse doll in the pony convention was also the sweetest xx
“Oh my god, am I your hero?”
“Ugh, SICK!”
i kept expecting to see that scene from the ghost boy episode where tina falls asleep against his hand and he’s like okay i’m gonna move my hand!! and then he’s like nevermind go back to sleep. so friggin cute
My favorite Bob being a good dad scene was when he took Tina and her “friends” to the movies and he missed the movie to make sure Tina was ok 🥺 I wish there were more good parents like Bob and Linda in adult-geared cartoon shows
“My dad toilet-trained me, it was the worst seven years of my life. Seven to fourteen.”
Lines like this are what make Teddy my absolute favourite
Bob and Tina always have my favorite interactions. It’s obvious that Tina inherited Bob’s calm and stoic personality, so they seem the closest out of the family. Whenever they talk it’s so hilariously deadpan and awkward and I love it 😂. It’s kinda like how Gene inherited Linda’s loud and musical personality, so having them paired up is always fun and chaotic.
Louise is a happy medium lol
A very interesting theory on how Tina and Gene bear a striking resemblance to their parents personalities, but Louise is the one in between- calm but always spreading chaos as if she was satan incarnate
His sarcasm, mom's crazy voice
"your farts smell like my farts"
bonding over farts, how sweet
bobs burgers is at the top of the comedy and cartoon game. people love it and identify with it so much because its a loving family.
not a group of sociopaths (like family guy)
@NinjaStyle King of the Hill and Bob's Burgers are the only animated shows from Fox I enjoy.
The Simpson's bores me to tears and Family Guy is just... gross.
@NinjaStyle facts. king of the hill is one of the greats and always will be, along with bobs burgers
When you don't have a loving family this is a very comforting show
2:05 lmao that little LET ME UP kills me
Bro the scene of Tina and Bob waving at each other while Tina was on the carousel was just adorable I don’t know why, you can just tell that Bob loves seeing his daughter so happy.
The fact that the family actually cares about each other is what truly puts this above most modern adult animated series
5:45 Gene Speaking normally it’s surprising
Probably because the moment was so serious
My favorite moment is when Rudy joins in at 7:35 🥺
Okay but Bob literally shouting "I love you guys!" Without hesitation as he's tied up and actually in danger is sweet. Like from the delivery of the line to the animation you genuinely feel his care for his family.
2:15 Baby Louise is killing me because she knows what she was doing to piss of her mother 😭🙏🏽
2:50 “Gene, Shut up”
4:44 the way his voice cracks 💔
I think that was gene
@@rikkifknrobinI rewatched it, I think you're right.
I love how they don't have to mistreat or neglect their kids in order to have funny moments in the show
this show is a fckn gem. it's so wholesome, chaotic, & funny. even after over ten seasons, bob's burgers is still worth a watch (especially if u adore bad jokes/puns)
I like the quick smiles and stifled laughs he does when he’s trying to be a stern dad but the kid just says something totally out there.
They are the best adult cartoon parents I’ve seen, like they really care about and love their kids.
Bob's a great dad, not because he always says or does the right thing, but because he cares and because he never stops trying.
H. Jon Benjamin somehow pours so much heart into this character with nothing but deadpan. Honestly the voice acting in this show is beyond stellar, especially John Roberts.
7:08 this whole scene is adorable
It was so cute when he smiled when louise talks about calling the restaurant Louises burgers and her saying i dont know daddy he just smiled it was so sweet to see him smile of happiness
I like how Bob is a great example that actually listening to your kids has them develop well
7:45 Perfectly cut scream💀
I love baby Tina it’s just a long hair and how little she is and then her small face just looks adorable
Lmfao gene getting upset for not getting his legs waxed too
2:33 - “Don’t worry Linda, she’s just going through a phase. . . A nine year phase”
2:20 imagine beefing with your baby 💀
Gene running in screaming at 3:34 always gets me XD
1:35 Bob has some good reflexes
he has them dad reflexes
This compilation is my new happy place.
After years of family guy and South Park this is a very welcome changed of paced.
its moments like these that always slip past my mind, so seeing them together really puts a smile on my face
“aww it’s nice! BLERGH-“
8:10 "when life gives you lemons, tuck them" thats my type of lady
Bob reminds me a lot of my dad a hardworking dad supporting his family
But did you have a bunch of crazy siblings?
@@lukeayres9312 I guess
Bruh this show makes me realize that having kids ain’t so bad I want a caring hubby like bob loool
“Admit it! You look up to me!”
“Oh my God, am I your hero?”
I love how Bob is teasing Louise, but at the same time he is happy that the daughter that’s always ragging on him at the restaurant deep down respects him and wants to be just like him when she grows up. I hope Louise does take over and the family business and kicks ass while doing it.
God, this show has such a wholesome family dynamic.
I love that bob is the OPPOSITE of every other "dad" in cartoon sitcom. Hes a smart, loyal, loving father who ACTUALLY CARES ABOUT HIS FAMILY!! I hate how in media every dad is just Homer Simpson. They're good fathers in this world. And Bob's one of them.
The fact that Bob had them turn around just so Gene could get his legs waxed too makes him the best dad haha