It is so moving that the great singer follows up her MantRam -- her KeeRtanam -- with an appropriate Mudra by joining her palms in an an^jali at 2:38! Her bhakti is as ecstatic as her singing!
In her later years, MSS was performing this gesture, i.e, joining of hands in respect, or Anjali, as you call it, much more often, including when the deity was being mentioned, such as Amba. But usually, as seen even from her earliest videos, she used to reserve that gesture to when the composer mudra is sung in the composition, such as Thyagaraja, Guruguha, Shyamakrishna or in this case, Srividya. Those gestures in this video are at 13:25 and 14:07
Meaning: I worship the one who resides in the heart of the one who lies in the ocean of milk (“Vishnu”). The mother of kama (“smara”). The one who makes the mind happy. The one who removes the sins. The one who is the mother of the universe. The pure one.
The one who is in the form of the 36 (“shat-trim-shat”) tatvas [ containing tatvas like (“aadi”) Kshiti and ending (“anta”) with Shiva]. The one who makes Shiva happy (“modinim”). Who is the form of mayamalavagowla. The one who gives results (“prasaadinim”) immediately (“kshipra”). The one who is trusted (“viswasinim”) by Brahmins (“vipra”). The one who is self-effulgent (“swa prasha teja prakashinim”). The one who enlightens (“prakasha dayinim”) the self (“chit”). The respected lady (“maninim”).
The one who is adorned with many ornaments (“mani mayaabharana) such as the anklets (“kankana”). The one who is known as maatangi (daughter of matanga rishi: saraswati). The one who bears the goad (“ankusham”), the arrow (“chaapa”), the bow (“bana”) made of sugarcane (“ikshu”) in her hands (“hasta”). The fascinating one (“mohinim”). The daughter (“nandinim”) of the mountains (“shaila”). The one who was appeased (“toshinim”) by Kumbha Saambhava (a maharishi) and Lopaamudra (wife of Agastya rishi)’s worship (“archana”). Who resides (“vaasinim”) in Kaanchi. One whose eyes are like the lotus-petals. The one who emanates love from her eyes. The one who is appeased by the inner worship (“antaranga pooja”). The embodiment of the identity of the self with the Brahman. The one who is the embodiment of sri vidya.
MS Amma sung this in Chaturasra jathi Dhruva thalam. I also referred books and given as Chturasra dhruvam. it is possible to sing in Chaturasra Jampa but the Kruthi construction suggests Dhruva Thalam
@@kriiy528 MS ammaa sung this in Chaturasra Jathi Dhruva thalam. I also referred books and given as Chturasra dhruvam. it is possible to sing in Chturasra jampa buit the Kruthi construction suggests dhruvathalam
Well said.....MS amma hd sung in Dhruva talam 2K/ .. Of course it cn be sung in Chaturasra Jhampa also as 7×2 = 14 !.....Very superb Niraval. ...Pranaams. 🙏
It is so moving that the great singer follows up her MantRam -- her KeeRtanam -- with an appropriate Mudra by joining her palms in an an^jali at 2:38! Her bhakti is as ecstatic as her singing!
In her later years, MSS was performing this gesture, i.e, joining of hands in respect, or Anjali, as you call it, much more often, including when the deity was being mentioned, such as Amba. But usually, as seen even from her earliest videos, she used to reserve that gesture to when the composer mudra is sung in the composition, such as Thyagaraja, Guruguha, Shyamakrishna or in this case, Srividya. Those gestures in this video are at 13:25 and 14:07
Its wonder full for ever
i am also sad because i am a late born ....... so i loss my chance to see the Queen of Carnatic Music
I am also not seeing directly
Superb by MSS Amma ! Ksheera saagara shayana vakshasthala Ragam mayamalagowla Chatushra Jhampa Talam Jayachamaraja Wodeyar Krithi
Ksheera saagara shayana vakshasthala nivaasinim pranamaami
Smara jananim manonmanim paapavimochanim loka jananim niranjanim
Kshityaadi shivanta shat-trim-shat tatva swarupinim
Shivamodinim maayaamaalavagoula swarupinim
Kshipra prasaada daayinim vipra viswaasinim
Swa prakaasha teja prakaashinim chit prakaasha dayinim maaninim
Kankana Mani mayaa-bharana yuta maatangim mechakaangim
Ankusha chaapa baanekshu hasta mohinim shaila nandinim
Kumbha saambhava lopaa mudra archana toshinim
Kaanchipura vaasinim Kanjadalaaya taakshim Kaamaakshim
Antaranga pujaa toshinim twam-brahmaa khyaakaasha tatva shaalinim
Ambaa sri vidya rasaa swaadinim
I worship the one who resides in the heart of the one who lies in the ocean of milk (“Vishnu”).
The mother of kama (“smara”). The one who makes the mind happy. The one who removes the sins. The one who is the mother of the universe. The pure one.
The one who is in the form of the 36 (“shat-trim-shat”) tatvas [ containing tatvas like (“aadi”) Kshiti and ending (“anta”) with Shiva]. The one who makes Shiva happy (“modinim”). Who is the form of mayamalavagowla. The one who gives results (“prasaadinim”) immediately (“kshipra”). The one who is trusted (“viswasinim”) by Brahmins (“vipra”). The one who is self-effulgent (“swa prasha teja prakashinim”). The one who enlightens (“prakasha dayinim”) the self (“chit”). The respected lady (“maninim”).
The one who is adorned with many ornaments (“mani mayaabharana) such as the anklets (“kankana”). The one who is known as maatangi (daughter of matanga rishi: saraswati). The one who bears the goad (“ankusham”), the arrow (“chaapa”), the bow (“bana”) made of sugarcane (“ikshu”) in her hands (“hasta”). The fascinating one (“mohinim”). The daughter (“nandinim”) of the mountains (“shaila”). The one who was appeased (“toshinim”) by Kumbha Saambhava (a maharishi) and Lopaamudra (wife of Agastya rishi)’s worship (“archana”). Who resides (“vaasinim”) in Kaanchi. One whose eyes are like the lotus-petals. The one who emanates love from her eyes. The one who is appeased by the inner worship (“antaranga pooja”).
The embodiment of the identity of the self with the Brahman. The one who is the embodiment of sri vidya.
wonderful work Sir. would it be possible to give Devanagari script and some free source in web for the compositions of JayChamaraja wodeyar?
@@rsrswamy2916 Ji Yes Devanagiri Script I need to Check .
@@rsrswamy2916 Ji Part 1 LIST OF COMPOSITIONS OF
1 amba vindhy¯acalav¯asini r¯amapriya mi´sra jhampe
2 amba ´sr¯ı r¯ajar¯aj¯e´svari bh¯ogavasanta catura´sra triput.a
3 ambuj¯aks. i p¯ahi mam simhav¯ahini catura´sra triput.a
4 uma¯m˙ nama¯mi he¯mavati mis´ra jhampe
5 ¯o jagadamba n¯ar¯ayan. ad¯e´s¯aks. i khan.d.
a triput.a
6 kamal¯ambik¯em¯amava sad¯a n¯at.a khan.d.
a jhampe
7 k¯am¯aks. i p¯ahim¯amm¯ın¯aks. i ´sivak¯ambh¯oji khan.d.
a triput.a
8 k¯am¯aks. i p¯ahim¯am har¯ardh¯a˙ngi janaran˜jani r ¯upakam
9 ka¯ma¯ks.¯ım˙ varalaks.m¯ım vasanta ru¯pakam
10 k¯am¯e´svar¯ım k¯amavardhani mi´sra jhampe
11 gaja¯nanam˙ gan. apatim˙ bhaje
ham t¯od. i catura´sra mat.hyam
12 gauri man¯ohari p¯ahi gauriman¯ohari mi´sra jhampe
13 gam˙ ganapate namaste du¯ rva¯n˙ki tris´ra tripu.ta
14 ga ˙ mganapate sada namaste n¯agasvar¯avali khan.d.
a triput.a
15 c¯amun.d.
¯e´svari p¯alaya ˙rs.abhapriya khan.d.
a triput.a
16 cintaya sad¯a v¯aran. avadanam sindhur¯amakriya catura´sra triput.a
17 cintay¯ami jagadamb¯am hind¯ mi´sra jhampe
18 cintaya¯mi santatam˙ mu¯laprakr˙tisvaru¯pa¯m dhenuka tris´ra jhampe
19 cintay¯ami satatam hastivadanam v¯ıiravasantam catura´sra at.a
20 jaganmo¯hin¯ım˙ haramo¯hin¯ım jaganmo¯hini mis´ra jhampe
21 jagatpat¯e daks. in¯am¯urt¯e s¯uryak¯antam khan.d.
a triput.a
22 d¯evi ´sr¯ım¯ıin¯aks. i cakrav¯akam khan.d.
a triput.a
23 durga¯de¯vi sam˙ raks.ama¯m dharmavati caturas´ra tripu.ta
24 n¯agali˙ngamah¯e´svaram dh¯ıra´sha˙nkar¯abharan. am tri´sra jhampe
25 n¯adar¯upin. ¯ım vand¯e
ham k¯okilapa˜nhamam catura´sra triput.a
26 n¯ılakan. tha ˙ mmah¯ad¯evam gamakakriya khan.d.
a triput.a
27 padmana¯bham˙ bhaje
ham yadukulak¯ambh¯oji catura´sra triput.a
28 parip¯ahim¯a ˙ mmah¯ad¯evi mukhapriya mi´sra jhampe
29 paripa¯hima¯m˙ s´r¯ıvaralaks.mi s´hubhapantuvara¯.li caturas´ra tripu.ta
30 paripa¯hima¯m˙ sada¯ parade¯vate s´uddhadhanya¯s´i mis´ra jhampe
31 paripa¯hima¯m˙ siddhivina¯yaka¯bharan. am caturas´ra tripu.ta
32 p¯ahim¯a ˙ mvaralaks.mi gun.d.
akriya khan.d.
a triput.a
33 pa¯hima¯m˙ s´r¯ıpan˜cama¯tan˙gavadana suprad¯ıpam san˙k¯ırn. a tripu.ta
34 p¯ahim¯a ˙ m´sr¯ıparam¯e´svari hind¯ol.a darb¯ar khan.d.
a r ¯upakam
35 p¯ahim¯a ˙ m´sr¯ır¯ajar¯aj¯e´svari jayavardhani khan.d.
a triput.a
36 pa¯hima¯m˙ satatam˙ jagajjanani hindo¯.lade¯s´ika caturas´ra tripu.ta
37 b¯alak˙rs.n.
am˙ bhaje¯
ham n¯ıilav¯en. i catura´sra triput.a
38 b¯al¯e b˙rhats˙rs.t.
im¯ul¯e simh¯endramadhyam catura´sra triput.a
39 bhaja g¯ovindam bh¯up¯al.apa˜nchamam catura´sra triput.a
40 bhajare re bhajam¯anasa siddhivin¯ayakam bh¯anucandrika r ¯upakam
41 bhajare rem¯anasa p¯urnacandrika catura´sra triput.a
42 bhuvan¯e´svari bhuvanag¯andh¯ari catura´sra triput.a
43 bh¯uribhagyalahari prat¯apavar¯al.i catura´sra triput.a
44 b˙rhanna¯ayaki n¯ayaki catura´sra triput.a
45 bhairavam˙ bha¯vaye¯ bhairavam caturas´ra tripu.ta
46 brahm¯an.d.
avalay¯e m¯an.d.
catura´sra triput.a
@@rsrswamy2916 Ji Part 2 47 mano¯nman. ima¯m˙ avatu udayaravicandrika caturas´ra dhruvam
48 maha¯gan. apatim˙ bhaje
ham am˙ritav¯ahini catura´sra triput.a
49 mah¯atripurasundari kaly¯an. i tri´sra jhampe
50 mahis. ¯asuramardani n¯aman¯ar¯ayan. i khan.d.
a triput.a
51 m¯ata˙ngakany¯am ´suddha t¯od. i khan.d.
a triput.a
52 m¯anayat ma˜njul.av¯agvil¯as¯am k¯okilapriya tri´sra jhampe
53 mr˙utyun˜jayam˙ bha¯vaye¯
ham r¯agavardhani khan.d.
a triput.a
54 ra¯jara¯je¯s´var¯ım˙ a¯s´raye
ham hind¯ol.avasantam mi´sra jhampe
55 ra¯jara¯je¯s´var¯ım˙ bha¯vaye¯
ham b¯alacandrika khan.d.
a triput.a
56 lamb¯odara n¯ar¯ayan. agaul.a mi´sra triput.a
57 vand¯e jagadambik¯e vasantabhairavi khan.d.
a jhampe
58 vand¯e
ham˙ s´ive¯ kadanakutu¯halam caturas´rama.thyam
59 vand¯e
ham˙ sada¯ s´a¯rada¯m hamsana.tani caturas´ra tripu.ta
60 va¯made¯vam˙ bha¯vaye¯
ham v¯agad¯ı´svari catura´sra triput.a
61 vijayata¯m˙ s´r¯ıra¯jara¯je¯s´vari vis´hvambhari mis´ra tripu.ta
62 vindhy¯acalaniv¯asini harik¯ambh¯ji tri´sra triput.a
63 vimal¯ambike parip¯ahim¯am vijayavasantam catura´sra triput.a
64 ´sa˙nkari sada¯nandalahari m¯al.avi catura´sra triput.a
65 ´siva ´siva ´siva bh¯o mah¯ad¯eva ´sambh¯o n¯adan¯amakriya mi´sra jhampe
66 ´sr¯ı g¯ayatr¯ıd¯evi gamana´srama catura´sra dhruvam
67 ´sr¯ı guru daks. in. ¯am¯urt¯e bhavapriya catura´sra mat.hyam
68 ´sr¯ı cakrapurav¯asin¯ım ´shuddhalalita catura´sra triput.a
69 ´sr¯ı c¯amun.d.
¯e´svari d¯evi kannad. a catura´sra triput.a
70 ´sr¯ı c¯amun.d.
¯e´svar¯ım bhaja re s.
ad. vidham¯argin. i catura´sra triput.a
71 ´sr¯ı c¯amun.d.
¯e´svar¯ım bhaje
ham madhyam¯avati catura´sra triput.a
72 ´sr¯ı j¯alandharam¯a´sray¯amyaham gambh¯ıran¯at.a catura´sra triput.a
73 ´sr¯ı daks. in. ¯am¯urt¯e nam¯ostu t¯e saur¯as. t.ram catura´sra triput.a
74 ´sr¯ı n¯agali˙ngamup¯asmah¯e v¯acaspati mi´sra jhampe
75 s´r¯ımaha¯gan. apatim˙ bhaje¯
ham at.h¯an. ¯a catura´sra triput.a
76 ´sr¯ı ra˙ngan¯atha p¯ahim¯am kaly¯an. avasantam mi´sra jhampe
77 ´sr¯ı r¯ajar¯aj¯e´svari ¯a´sray¯ami lalita r ¯upakam
78 ´sr¯ı r¯ajar¯aj¯e´svari ´sr¯ıv¯ag¯ı´svari garud. adhvani mi´sra jhampe
79 s´r¯ı ra¯jara¯je¯s´var¯ım˙ sada¯ bhaje¯ de¯vaga¯ndha¯ri caturas´ra tripu.ta
80 ´sr¯ı lalit¯a ˙ mmah¯atripurasundar¯ım n¯agadhvani khan.d.
a triput.a
81 ´sr¯ı lalit¯e ´sr¯ıkan.t.
hasahit¯e lat¯a˙ngi tri´sra triput.a
82 ´sr¯ı li˙ngar¯aja namostu te am˙rtavars. in. i catura´sra triput.a
83 ´sr¯ı vidy¯am¯odini k¯okilabh¯as. in. i tri´sra triput.a
84 s´r¯ı vidya¯m˙ lalita¯m na¯dabrahmham caturas´ra tripu.ta
85 ´sr¯ı vidy¯e p¯ahi lalitapa ˜ncamam catura´sra triput.a
86 sad¯a´sivamup¯asmah¯e saras¯a˙ngi catura´sra triput.a
87 sarasvat¯ım˙ bhagavat¯ım hamsavino¯dini mis´ra jhampe
88 suj˜n¯anad¯ayin¯ım vand¯ee ´suddhas¯al.avi catura´sra triput.a
89 suranandin¯ım suranandini triput.a
90 suvarn. ¯a˙ngi suvarn. ¯a˙ngi mi´sra jhampe
91 sv¯amin¯atha p¯alayam¯am c¯aruk¯e´si khan.d.
a triput.a
92 ha¯t.ake¯s´varam˙ bhaje¯
ham h¯at.ak¯ambari tri´sra triput.a
93 ks.¯ıras¯agara´sayanavaks. asthalaniv¯asini m¯ay¯am¯al.avagaul.a catura´sra dhruvam
MS Amma sung this in Chaturasra jathi Dhruva thalam. I also referred books and given as Chturasra dhruvam. it is possible to sing in Chaturasra Jampa but the Kruthi construction suggests Dhruva Thalam
I'm blessed.
Mesmerizing MS...
It was a great lakshmi amma🙏🙏
Very beautifully divine singing
First time hearing, blissful
Ksheera Saagara
Ragam: Mayamalavagowlai
Talam: Chatushra Jhampa
Jayachamaraja Wodeyar
Ksheera saagara shayana vakshasthala nivaasinim pranamaami
Smara jananim manonmanim paapavimochanim loka jananim niranjanim
Kshityaadi shivanta shat-trim-shat tatva swarupinim
Shivamodinim maayaamaalavagoula swarupinim
Kshipra prasaada daayinim vipra viswaasinim
Swa prakaasha teja prakaashinim chit prakaasha dayinim maaninim
very thanks . its a wonder that even in such old age also there is not even a slight wavering in the queens voice.
@@kriiy528 MS ammaa sung this in Chaturasra Jathi Dhruva thalam. I also referred books and given as Chturasra dhruvam. it is possible to sing in Chturasra jampa buit the Kruthi construction suggests dhruvathalam
Well said.....MS amma hd sung in Dhruva talam 2K/ ..
Of course it cn be sung in Chaturasra Jhampa also as 7×2 = 14 !.....Very superb Niraval. ...Pranaams. 🙏
Such a difficult talam.....but MS Amma hd effortlessly.....Ahaa.Adbhutam