Did the Old Testament believers experience the Holy Spirit like we do today?

  • Опубліковано 24 вер 2024
  • Listen in as Monte Judah answers questions on faith, scripture, and our walk as believers.
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  • @arleneemma632
    @arleneemma632 8 років тому +3

    Than the Holy Spirit was here on the earth with those who had faith in the Father. In the old testament

  • @juathimlim4236
    @juathimlim4236 5 років тому +1

    A profound clear teaching to debunk the teaching I received from the church that
    Noah walked with God ( Old Testament )
    but now under the New Covenant,
    the church walk in the Spirit.
    What weird teaching is this?
    The church just want to separate
    from the Old Testament teaching.
    Amos 3:3
    Noah walked with God ( Spirit )
    We walk in the Spirit to obey
    God Commandments, this is
    learn the Truth about the New Covenant.
    So the church say the Law is done away, how can the Holy Spirit guide
    them to walk in it?
    Thanks for this teaching.

    • @newbreed9454
      @newbreed9454 2 роки тому

      Most church doctrine are inherited from unscriptural organisation call the Catholic church.They have tried to get rid of JUDEO-CHRISTIAN foundation which the founding fathers followed.The Catholic church wants to be the face of the church of Christ but they're not🙏

  • @senatorjosephmccarthy2720
    @senatorjosephmccarthy2720 Рік тому

    🌋The old covenant was given to the national Israelites at Mountain Sinai when they exclaimed "All Yehovah hath spoken we will do",
    Exodus 19: 8.
    The old covenant promised prosperity and protection from enemies for obedience. The Torah of it was written on stone,
    Exodus 31: 18.
    Those of the old covenant did/do not have their eternal lives being judged, but their physical lives during this age,
    Hebrews 2: 2 and
    Deuteronomy 11: 22 - 23.
    The vast majority of people have lived and died knowing nothing of their Creator, and only the devil would then judge their eternal status.
    Mosheh was the mediator of the old covenant. One need be born an Israelite or become a citizen of national Israel and obey the Torah to receive those benefits,
    Exodus 15: 26.
    💫 Hebrews 18: 13,
    In that He sayeth
    "A New Covenant", He hath made the first old; now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.
    The New Covenant has Yeshua as mediator of a Covenant with better promises,
    Hebrews 8: 6.
    It contains the same Torah, written in our hearts,
    Romans 2: 15.
    Between the two, Yehovah confirms His principal of 'first the physical then the Spiritual',
    I Corinthians 15: 46.
    Yeshua said He will build His Assembly and the (Gates?) of the grave shall not prevail against it,
    MattithYah/Matthew 16: 18;
    not on Kepha/Peter, a small stone, but on Himself
    The Rock.
    The New Covenant is given to a Spiritual entity and provides a Spiritual understanding of the Torah,
    MattithYah 5: 28.
    The New Covenant Assembly is a small flock,
    Luqas/Luke 12: 32.
    One must receive a calling to come out of the world to become a member of the New Covenant, and brethren are called while citizens of countries all around the earth,
    I Corinthians 1: 26.
    I Kepha 4: 17
    Acts 10: 15, 28, 41, 44, 45.
    The New Covenant is the only Covenant promising Eternal Life for obedience,
    Revelation 2: 17.
    Revelation 3: 5.
    We of the New Covenant will be raised as Spirit persons in the First Resurrection, at the return of Yeshua.
    There is no renewed covenant.
    To espouse such is to deny the atoning suffering, death, burial and resurrection of Savior Yeshua.
    Those who died/die in the old covenant will be raised to physical life again in the Second Resurrection, Praise to Yehovah!,
    YehezqEl/Ezekiel 37: 1 - ,
    Revelation 20: 5A, a parenthetical statement;
    (And the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished). During the first thousand years of Yeshua's eternal reign on earth, He will begin offering the New Covenant to the House of Israel and to the House of Yehuda, and to the gentiles of that time, they being "grafted in" because of it. But the calling will be to many more: All in the Second Resurrection,
    Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 31: 31.
    Verified by their living before the White Throne of Yehovah, as it will be their turn to be called to His Beautiful Truth,
    Revelation 20: 11 - 12.
    Some few are the firstfruits, and so All the world's people (except the beast leader and the false prophet) who have ever lived, not called to the First Resurrection, are the Secondfruits! HalleluYah!
    Yeshua will restore all (good) things,
    Acts 3: 21.
    So it is sure He is going to resurrect all who were miscarried and aborted, their families raising them in the utopian age of the 8th thousand-year day.
    The Second Resurrection is going to be the Biggest and Happiest Family Reunion Ever!
    All possible because of the differences between the old covenant and the New Covenant, Praise to His Name for all ages.

  • @chinochris3181
    @chinochris3181 5 років тому

    Theres only one true God, which Jesus told us plainly is the Father alone (John 17:3). Other than that, great explanation!

    • @J-PLeigh8409
      @J-PLeigh8409 4 роки тому +4

      Dont want to get in a debate being both believers but John 17:3 goes on & says "and Jesus Christ whom You have sent" then 17:5 And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was. 17:21-22. That they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, & I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. 22 & the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are One. Jesus is God manifested in the flesh. How amazing & awesome is Our God & blessed are we for His finished work at the cross & glorious resurrection