Erev Shabbat | Ki Tavo: When You Enter In

  • Опубліковано 24 вер 2024
  • Join us for our Erev Shabbat service we will be going through the weekly teachings from Monte Judah. Ki Tavo discusses certain declarations that are to be made by individuals and the community upon entering the Promised Land. The first is a personal declaration to be made upon bringing the first fruits once the whole tithe has been dispersed. Ki Tavo also includes the laws of the tithes given to the Levites and to the poor. Then Moses gives detailed instructions for the community declarations are to be made from Mount Ebal (curses) and Mount Gerizim (blessings). The most profound curse is “Cursed is he who does not confirm the words of this Law by doing them.” The most profound blessing is “Blessed shall you be when you come in and blessed shall you be when you go out.” The pursuit of God’s blessings, therefore, goes hand in hand with obeying the LORD; whereas, disobedience results in disturbing consequences, including being dispersed into the nations. Moses reminds the people that they are God's chosen people, and that they, in turn, have chosen God. The portion concludes with Moses exhorting us to have hearts that love God, eyes to see His deeds, and ears to hear His voice.
    Scripture Readings: Deuteronomy 26:1-29:(8)9, Isaiah 60:1-22, Luke 21:1-4, Romans 11:1-15, Ephesians 1:3-6
    #shabbat #SabbathService #hebrewrootsteacher
    lionandlambmin... lionandlambmin...
    "KADOSH" courtesy Elisheva shomron


  • @JanetMosquera-b2v
    @JanetMosquera-b2v 4 дні тому +7

    Shabbat Shalom to everyone from the Netherlands. I thank our Heavenly Father the God of my ancestral father Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for His message of today is a Blessing for me and for everyone who was listening to it;,thank you Rabbi Monte for being a vesel in Gods hands, God bless you, your ministry and your family. God bless everyone in this channel. Love and Shalom.

  • @boblam03
    @boblam03 4 дні тому +4

    Amen...Shabbat Shalom HalleluYAH ❤ from Canada Québec

  • @reneepoultney4332
    @reneepoultney4332 4 дні тому +7

    Shabbat Shalom from South Africa

  • @jamesdavidson7604
    @jamesdavidson7604 3 дні тому +3

    Since turning back to OBEYING the Lord and keeping His Commandments I have found peace and His blessings are.... amazing. His Word is true and His Ways are pure. "Saved by Grace, BLESSED THROUGH OBEDIENCE"...

  • @rhinosrock559
    @rhinosrock559 4 дні тому +5

    Shabbat shalom from SA❤

  • @lauriegoin
    @lauriegoin 4 дні тому +10

    Another wonderful Torah portion teaching. Thank you 🙏

  • @treybaumeister3882
    @treybaumeister3882 4 дні тому +3

    Shabbat Shalom

  • @HerbertPrince
    @HerbertPrince 4 дні тому +10

    Shabbat Shalom from Southeast Georgia USA, to my brothers and sisters throughout the world and here locally in the USA.

  • @elisabeth5682
    @elisabeth5682 4 дні тому +2

    Shabbat Shalom from France

  • @scottwatson7134
    @scottwatson7134 4 дні тому +6

    Shabbat Shalom from Australia many blessing to all.

  • @blessmom
    @blessmom 4 дні тому +2

    Shabbat Shalom from California

  • @BeryldaughterofZion
    @BeryldaughterofZion 4 дні тому +6

    Shabbat Shalom YaHAll from Tennessee

  • @joeybrandenburg6916
    @joeybrandenburg6916 4 дні тому +6

    Shabbat Shalom from Knoxville TN.
    May Yahweh keep you and bless you all the days of your life.

  • @alanverzmoter9694
    @alanverzmoter9694 4 дні тому +6

    Shabbat Shalom from South Africa 🙏🏻

  • @patriciahowell3721
    @patriciahowell3721 4 дні тому +3

    Shabbat Shalom from NC

  • @lalithjayasinghe660
    @lalithjayasinghe660 4 дні тому +3

    Shabath salome Rabbai every shabath I listen to ur torah teaching Praise yah giving so from srilanka

  • @pichepc7796
    @pichepc7796 3 дні тому +2

    Shabbat shalom from NYC 😍

  • @drgerni
    @drgerni 4 дні тому +1

    Deut. 26 seven fruits of the land.

  • @kaykayrn1747
    @kaykayrn1747 3 дні тому +2

    Shabbat Shalom from Mississippi 😊

  • @carmenmarquez-diaz2180
    @carmenmarquez-diaz2180 4 дні тому +4

    Shabbat Shalom everyone. Thank you Monte and family for everything you do.. I have grown in God's instructions and His teachings thanks to your great instruction and teachings, and dedication!! Shalom!! instructions

  • @johanswart1730
    @johanswart1730 3 дні тому +1

    Shabbat Shalom from Asunction u all..Thanks Monte brilliant teaching allways

  • @DavidFardenJr
    @DavidFardenJr 4 дні тому +3

    Shabbat Shalom from Arizona y'all. Baruch HaShem (G-D bless) you all. Thanks Monte for this Erev Shabbat Torah reading and teaching.

  • @go2yourself
    @go2yourself 4 дні тому +2

    Thank you for clarification again.

  • @sarahbiaza2337
    @sarahbiaza2337 4 дні тому +2

    Shabbat shalom

  • @jamesdavidson7604
    @jamesdavidson7604 3 дні тому

    Shabbat shalom from "Babylon"

  • @justanothermarcos
    @justanothermarcos 4 дні тому +3

    Shabbat Shalom!
    Monte, that part about tithes should have it's own detailed video.
    This just has answered a prayer I did.

  • @Faye-Texan
    @Faye-Texan 4 дні тому +3

    Shabbat Shalom from Idaho Falls, ID! 🥰🙏

    • @georgedrenes8143
      @georgedrenes8143 4 дні тому

      Idaho Falls!? What a blessing to hear that there are some Torah lovers there too! I'm in Cedar City UT and even in this tiny city, there are followers of Yeshua here too.

  • @jewelssylva3738
    @jewelssylva3738 3 дні тому +2

    😮I think now about my experience with the church I raised my children in. We had a fund for those in need. I often gave to that fund. But the 3 times I went to the church for help, once for food, once for rent, & once for an overdue power bill. Each time they processed me to the Salvation Army for help. I learned to just go to the Salvation Army. Sometimes the Salvation Army didn't help me... I've always been a tither to the church.
    🤔🤨 But now I wonder; what DID the church DO with the fund for the needy?

  • @TheLightofJesus-js4nr
    @TheLightofJesus-js4nr 4 дні тому +2

    Truth spoken thanks Monte Shabat Shalom. They also think they don't have to go through tribulation, that they are going to be raptured either pre or mid trib, so much deception in the church and try telling them of Our Lord's plan, it falls upon deaf ears. Unfortunately I am indeed talking about believers

  • @drgerni
    @drgerni 4 дні тому

    With a 38.8% increase in Gold since 2022, there is little increase. So gifts are all most can do.

  • @stankomalceski9677
    @stankomalceski9677 4 дні тому +3

    Shabbat shalom from Queensland Australia Do cursed people get to go to heaven?Are the cursed ,cursed for ever?can a curse be lifted?

    • @HerbertPrince
      @HerbertPrince 4 дні тому +5

      Shabbat Shalom to Queensland, Australia.
      Yes, curses can be lifted, as Yeshua gave His life so our sins would be forgiven.
      You may have heard about the Torah, the first five Books of the Bible found in the Old Testament. The purpose of the Law was not to save us (which by the way is what the religious Jews taught and still teach), as it only defines what 'Sin' actually is. The Law which was given to Moses by Yeshua (Jesus) [God] teaches us, if we observe and do what God said and commanded, we receive blessings, but if we don't, we receive curses. Just repent of your sins, ask Yah (Father God) to forgive you. Sin in the Bible is transgression of God's Law. If we didn't have this Law, we wouldn't have a reference to know what pleases God and what doesn't, as we would then be 'Lawless'. It's much like in the USA, with the current presidential administration, which is pretty much Lawless at the moment. Calling good, bad, and calling bad, good, then actually believing what they are saying.
      As for a cursed person going to heaven, I don't know, as I'm not Yah (God). I believe some of the things that I was taught while in the Christian churches, taught that when we die, we go to heaven. I believe we go to a holding place, maybe such as Abraham's bosom, where it's actually located I don't know, but I believe when our resurrection day comes (when the dead, those who are asleep, will be raised first, then we which are still alive and remain will be raised with them to meet the Lord in the clouds), as I hold to what the Bible tells us about. There will be a kingdom here on earth which will be for a thousand years, where Yeshua (Jesus) will rule and reign on the earth as The King of Israel and of the universe. After this comes to an end, is when the Great White Throne Judgment takes place, for those who never accepted Yeshua as their Lord and Savior (Saviour in the British language), where they will be judged.

  • @Merrill-o5x
    @Merrill-o5x 4 дні тому +1

    Thank You brother Monte for another fine portion in Torah. Brother I'm going to tell you I also teach Scripture or shall I say I share truth in His Word. And the mindset of those in Christendom is strange, they read the Word right before their eyes and yet deny it. Is this a blasphemy of the Holy Spirit ?

  • @BakerDeirdre-v4z
    @BakerDeirdre-v4z 4 дні тому

    Allen Thomas Moore Anna Jackson Maria

  • @jeffgerhart3238
    @jeffgerhart3238 4 дні тому

    Got NEW testament ?

    • @DanialADisciple
      @DanialADisciple 3 дні тому

      😅 you funny, You have cat menu?

    • @DanialADisciple
      @DanialADisciple 3 дні тому

      Matthew 5:19
      "Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven".

      Matthew 19:30
      Jesus says that many who are first will be last, and the last first. This seems to mean that those who have lost the most on earth to follow Jesus will receive eternal rewards.

  • @fetohephzibah-bondservanto4862

    “GOD’s Words are His Sons sent with spiritual bodies, while the words of the serpent (darkness) are his sons with human bodies.”
    Words are without form. It can only be heared, but you cannot see it. In the beginning, words existed and there was no form of anything. The Words of GOD were on the face of the waters, while the words of the darkness were on the face of the deep (Genesis 1:2). GOD created Light for His Words or for His Sons, and HE gave them form in different kinds of glory or body. The words of the darkness attacked the creation of GOD by forming a mist and watered the whole ground (Genesis 2:6). The darkness was present in the ground and this became his kingdom. The ground and the darkness became “one.”
    Adamah is the Hebrew word for the ground, and Adam was taken from Adamah. The word of Adamah which became one with the ground, was used by GOD and formed Adam. Adam was just a word of the serpent with a form, before GOD breathed into his nostrils or before GOD spoke (sent) His Word or His Son to that body. Without the Word of GOD, Adam is nothing but a word of dead because he is a word of the darkness. The Word or the Son of GOD ruled Adam, and she has a spiritual body. She was inside of the body of Adam and she was the one who gave names to all the creation of GOD. And GOD wants them to multiply, therefore, he took out the spiritual man (Woman) from the body of Adam and covered her with the same flesh (from the ground) like Adam. Therefore, inside the body of the Woman is the Word of GOD, while inside the body of Adam is the word of darkness. And the Woman is the Lord of Adam. Whatever the Woman commanded, Adam only followed or obeyed. This was the life of the Woman and Adam in the Garden of Eden before they disobeyed the commandment of GOD.
    Whatever comes from GOD will return to GOD, and whatever comes from the ground (darkness) will return to the ground. The Woman or GOD’s Word came forth from the mouth of GOD, therefore, she (One Kingdom of GOD’s Sons) will go back to the FATHER. Adam came forth from the ground or from the mouth of the darkness, therefore, he will go back to the ground. He is a dust of the ground or a word of the darkness, therefore, to dust shall he return. Only the Woman (Israel) will go back to the FATHER because she is a Word of GOD. She is a Kingdom that GOD lost when she ate the lies of the serpent. She is in captivity of the words of the darkness and she is waiting for the Messiah so that she will receive a spiritual body again. For all human bodies are subject to the voice of the ground or darkness. They are bowing down to the darkness. But the spiritual body will bow down to the One True GOD where they came from. The Word or Son of Light will go back to the FATHER of Light while the word or son of the darkness will go back to the father of darkness. Whose word or son are you? What kind of body do you have?
    Hear O Israel, the Messiah whose body is inside my temporary human body, is commanding you to kill the voice of the darkness who is ruling you. Receive the Word that I am speaking to you because these Words have life. These Words are looking for the good ground (of Israel) so that He can grow inside of you as a new spiritual body. Come out from the darkness, Israel. You were created as the Lord of the flesh, therefore, don’t let the flesh lord over you. Don’t kill this Word that I am speaking to you because these are the very Words of the FATHER sent for you. Do not be like the sons of darkness, because my Word has no place in them, because they belong to the darkness. They are words of the darkness covered with flesh, who hates the Light. Come out Israel, while there is still time! Maranatha!
    All praises, all honor and all glory belong to the One and True Living GOD alone, the FATHER of Israel and of all heavenly Hosts, forever and ever! Amen and Amen!
    Isaiah‬ ‭55‬:‭11‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
    11 ”So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”
    John‬ ‭8‬:‭42‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
    42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and came from God; nor have I come of Myself, but He sent Me.”
    Genesis‬ ‭2‬:‭‭7‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
    7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.
    Genesis‬ ‭3‬:‭14‬, ‭19‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
    14 So the Lord God said to the serpent: “Because you have done this,… And you shall eat dust All the days of your life.
    19 In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread Till you return to the ground, For out of it you were taken; For dust you are, And to dust you shall return.”

  • @CA_Watchman
    @CA_Watchman 4 дні тому

    Monte singing the blessings does not sound natural, is Monte ‘Judah’ ethnically Jewish, respectfully.

  • @LizzieSmit
    @LizzieSmit 4 дні тому +10

    Shabbat Shalom from South Africa