heya! this video seems to be getting recommended to a lot of new people right now and since its kinda an old video I wanted to clarify some things :) this video is pretty much a journal entry that I wrote to myself when I was around 13. I was caught up in comparison and had extremely low confidence. I titled this video "dear teenage girls" since it was what I had wish I would have been told going into my high school and teenage years. however, of course this video applies to females, males and non-binary folks of all ages as well :) honestly, i didn't expect this video to blow up this much and i would have done things a lot differently if i had known that it was no longer just for me to look back on (been more gender/sexuality inclusive). just please remember how loved you are in the present moment. you are more than enough and always have and will be. be gentle on yourself and remember to take the time to do the things that make you the happiest. i love you!
yh this recommended for me and it was rlly sweet bcz at this time u feel like u can never be perfect when in the beginning you were already perfect 💛💛💛
I just saw your first video and this is amazing, need to check out more about you now. You're such a nice girl you can become a great influencer. Btw how come I never made a video when I was that young, now I don't know what to do, I'm 19 I'm single and I'm living in 2020 the most introverted year ever. I can't believe this is happening to me.😔😂😂 But anyways I'm happy for ya, you are great, keep up the good work I like ya. Love & Peace out y'all ✌️💯🕊️
When she said breathe, I actually breathed and that felt like the purest breath I ever had. Edit: I am coming back here almost an year later since I realized it's not just normal 'mood off' days but depression and now, yes, I still ain't ok but, at least I have someone with whom even just for a few minutes, I feel special, I feel loved, I feel good, from within. And it's not that I just somehow got that person, I always had them, But it's from some two months or so, that I understand their value in my life, and now I wish to spend my whole life with them..... I still struggle with battles inside my mind, still feel empty and numb but ok, I am friends with this depression now.....and it's good to know I ain't alone.... Thanks for reading!
“I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless, and they don’t want anybody else to feel like that.” -Unknown
I feel like veryone else is having so much fun and i feel like i am missing something out. For weeks I have been feeling down, girls have only rejected me, guys i can hang out with are too cool for me and I have no friends anymore. My last friend who used to be my best friend has found other friends and I am all alone. School has been crushing me down even more. People dont understand me and expect me to move on that easily. some people have high expectations on me but I dont want to live up to anyones expectations. At this point the only thing that could bring me satisfaction is the suffering of others. I dont know why.
Ya ik it’s kinda sad that the only people that r telling me things like this are from the internet and don’t even know me, they don’t know what I look like, what my personality is, what my insecurities are. Kinda depressing
I mean you don't know that maybe there is someone out there that cares for you truly but doesn't show it, that person may be an internet friend or in real life friend. cheer up and wait for the person who will change your life for the better :)
Amya's Ideas because sometimes, I feel like I’m not enough. Not for me. Not for anybody. So when you hear someone say that you are enough, someone you don’t even know, even if they aren’t directly talking to you, it feels like it. And it’s nice
Me, who already watched this video 5 times, this month: *Crying at 1 AM again...* My FBI agent: *Yeah, let’s recommend this video again, looks like she needs it.*
Bro I overcame depression 5 years ago and I just got like good flashbacks of what I’ve overcome and been through and I cried happy tears ( ◠‿◠ ) I needed this even if I’m happy .
INTERNALLY DEAD i wish i could say that.. i feel like i’m never getting over it. I’m so tired and full with everything and idk what else to do anymore. No one wants to listen😭
I'm just wondering how much pain this girl has gone through to become this strong. Edit: I didn't realize how many people have liked and commented on this until now. I appreciate your kindness and hope everybody is doing well. *Down below I have explained my definition of strength, a bit of my story, and what I've learned while overcoming my struggles. It may or may not apply to you, but I hope it helps!* *1.) MY DEFINITION OF STRENGTH* Definition Of Strength According To Google (The 2nd definition.) - The capacity of an object or substance to WITHSTAND great force or pressure. Being strong in this sense, has nothing to do with being happy all the time. It has nothing to do with being pain free. It also has nothing to do with being physically strong, academically stong, emotionally strong etc. This is a different type of strength entirely. It is being able to take hits from life, feeling that pain and still surviving. Everybody in this comment section seems to have gone through something. But you all were able to withstand that pain, and survive. To me, that makes you strong. I'm not saying that you guys are okay. I'm not saying that you guys aren't depressed. Maybe you are, maybe you aren't. It's not my place to say. But I completely validate whatever ya'll are going through. I can't say that I fully understand what you guys are feeling, but I'm sure that I can relate. *2.) MY STORY* I'm going to keep this short and sweet, because I could probably write an entire book on the struggles I've had to endure throughout my life. Whether you believe the legitimacy of what I'm about to tell you, is up to you. This is MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE afterall. *Please take everything I'm saying with a grain of salt. I don't want people to be offended, twist around my words, or misunderstand what I'm trying to say. Everything is said with a pure heart and good intent.* - Bullied all throughout elementary school (Being hit, public humiliation, false rumors that still ruin my reputation till this day, verbal harrassment etc.) - Sexually harassed for an entire year. (This sort of falls into the public humiliation category as well.) - Parents divorced when I was young. - Rarely get to see my Dad. (He's basically working himself to death and stays up for days at a time. No exaggeration. He also makes sure to remind me that I'm never doing enough.) - I was stuck in a really toxic relationship for about year. (I felt pressured and obligated to do things that I didn't want to. I'll never be the same. He also slept with my ex best friend.) - Was hospitalized for suicidal ideations. - Due to everything that's happened to me, I developed a severe case of major depressive disorder and anxeity. (Although it isn't as severe as it used to be.) I'm not saying any of this for you to pity me. Please don't feel bad for me! I'm healing. I want you guys to know that you're not alone in your struggles. I want you guys to know that I was once and in some cases still am where you guys are at now. I want y'all to know that I understand the mentality you get when you feel so stuck. I know it all too well. I want you to know that I lived through this pain, thought there was no way out, was hospitalized for suicidal ideations, saw no light, saw no hope, was pessimistic, was bitter, was angry at the world, blamed everybody but me, blamed God and truly believed that nothing would ever change. Ever. But it did. Things did change. Sometimes there were good changes. Sometimes there were bad changes. But things changed. My healing began 7 years ago when I had a supernatural encounter with Jesus Chirst. My deepest apologies if that offends you, but it's 100% true. I have been working incredibly hard at building my self-esteem and taking back everything that people stole from me. I've found that healing hurts more than being hurt in the first place. *3.) LITTLE SNIPPETS OF WHAT I LEARNED* *Please take everything with a grain of salt. This isn't meant to call out or put down anyone. This is just what I've learned in my own experience.* A.) I'm stuck in a rut because of my own self pity. B.) I actually need to do something differently to see change. Change doesn't happen on it's own. C.) 90% of what we battle is in our mind. D.) 90% of what we feel is based on our perspective. E.) I should not be sorry for expressing my emotions. F.) I should not tolerate direspect of any kind. It is better to be alone than around toxic people. G.) You can be insecure and prideful at the same time. H.) In order to grow, you must be willing to admit that you're wrong. And you will be wrong. I.) I was born worthy, and nothing I do will take away that worth. J.) I have to be the change I want to see. K.) I have to realize that healing isn't easy, and that it will never be steady line upwards. L.) I am fearfully and wonderfully made. M.) Nothing is going to work if I'm not consistent with whatever I'm doing. Things do not change over night. N.) It gets worse before it gets better. O.) Not everyone is going to like the more confident you. P.) Peoples opinions don't define me. Q.) God loves me and always has my back. R.) I will fail time and time again. And that's okay. S.) It really does get better. T.) Not everything is going to work for me, but that doesn't mean I should stop looking for solutions. U.) I have to forgive people, even if they don't deserve it. Hate hurts me just as much as it hurts them. V.) I can use the struggles I've been through to shape me. I've become stronger. I can withstand a lot. W.) Everything works out because it has to. It's the best advice I've ever been given in life, and it took so long to figure out what that means. ;) X.) No one is me, and that is my power. Y.) Everyone is so concentrated on how they look, that they don't really care what other people look like. Z.) I can do whatever I want within the time I've been given. I may choose to sleep, run, draw, study etc. We ultimately choose the outcome of our lives by how we react to things.
Ikr I’m so jealous but sometimes it can be the opposite way around like uve gone through so much that ur just depressed as frick but ye she so strong I jelly oof
@@aquademoney You can see beauty from your pain. It's a matter of changing your mind. Everything is a mental battle. Change the way you look at the world and your whole life will change. Trust me. You are amazing and so worthy.
In teenage day’s life’s struggles are homework, depression, school, grades, romantic relationships, friends, bullies, insecurities, loneliness, periods, parents, emotions, fears and money. When back in your little kid days then your really only struggle/worry was “who was going to get to the swings first at recess”.
Houda Khaled not everyone hates you trust me i overthink a lot of things like what do they really think? Do they really like me but sooner or later you’ll find not everyone hates you are the kind and nice people stick by you and never leave 🙂
Schools fine. Your just too irresponsible to want to do and anything in school, wait till middle/highschool lol then tell me how hard ur elementary school is
@@cameron5567 yeah, I'm in elementary rn and I completely agree with you. They go very light on us. I don't understand the hard part about it lol, it's just boring for me.
@@heart.less_ oh. I mean. Don't cry. We love you. I don't know what to say, I don't want you to cry. If I could see you, I would hug you tightly. Do t worry boy.
''You are born to be real, not to be perfect.'' ~Min Yoongi Edit: My comment has nothing to do with bts, i just mentioned the speaker of the words. And i don't think that will distract people from the video. And you know, it's like people like it when they meet others will similar taste, so i find nothing wrong with the replies too.🤷♂️ And hello to everyone lol. Cause I didn't check the notifications for many days so i didn't reply anyone. Sorry for that.🐷
My friends can’t take anything serious, they talk about me behind my back and i dont even know why im still hanging out with them. But there is one of my friends and she’s the sweetest i dont know what i would be without her.
I got the perfect advice for you ( please take it because it will help you a lot ) Friends like this are called ‘ fake friends ‘ and it’s best to leave them before worst because if you don’t , they can start bullying you or something way worser and if you don’t believe me , there are many people who went through that because they didn’t leave their fake friends and I’m part of it. Thanks for listing please find peace and I’m here for you
@@dukethegerman3295 well in my past I was rejected 16 times and my heart is still broken and one of my closest friends died and I will never live it down we were playing ring around the rosie and I accidentally used my quirk and she floated up and I didn't know how to release her then she floated to the sun.
Ochako Uaraka that’s really sad but remember that everything happens for a reason, if you got rejected 16 times they weren’t the one for you. As for your friend, I’m really sorry for your loss but I’m sure she/ he would want you to remember them and also move on. There are a lot of things that happen in life, and they are super unexpected. But, that’s what makes life worth experiencing. The fact that you never know what comes next.
Schools need to put this on during assemblies. Periodt. Edit: Holy crap i didnt expect to get this many likes, but I still stand for what i said, these days its really hard to find people our age who don’t want to die. That is NOT ok and it shows something about our education system. Please please please talk to someone if you're going through something, and if theres no one you can talk to, talk to me, ill be here. Please take into consideration as to what the video says, don't overlook it and keep telling yourself you are not good enough. In reality, you are, you just maybe haven't seen it yet.
I agree these days society is messed up. If you put yourself down you’re doing something wrong, you shouldn’t put yourself down. But if you’re confident and you think you’re pretty its seen as selfish and arrogant and vain?? Its messed up and peer pressure is a big issue. People need to learn to love themselves because the only person we will truly know the best is ourselves. So love yourself, you’re not alone 💕🥺. Ily all
I feel like I would be the only one sitting and listening to this during my assembly and people would just make fun of me for actually paying attention 😕
مرحبًا.. أنا مسلمة وستظل أمنيتي القيمة هي الدعوة إلى الله وإلى دين التسامح والرحمة والمحبة والسلام.. دين الإسلام العظيم.. لا ابخل عليكم ابدًا بهذا الدين اتمنى ان اجعل الناس يتعرفوا على هذا الدين الذي تشوهه وسائل التواصل بأي صورة اتمنى ان اريكم اخلاق نبينا الكريم ورحمته واخلاقه النبيلة الرفيعة اتمنى ان اريكم اعجازات القران الكريم كلام الله العظيم الذي انزل على النبي اكثر من 1400 سنة المليء بالسعادة والعلوم التي يكتشفها العلماء كل يوم الذي سيظل نور لنا الى يوم القيامة. تطبيقًا لقول رسولنا الكريم محمد ﷺ "بلغوا عني ولو آية" أدعوكم لدين الاسلام فقط ابحثوا عنه.. لن يكلفكم الامر شيئًا ويستحق المجاهدة فهذا مصير ابدي إما جنة وإما نار فكروا معي هذه دنيا، بالتأكيد وبالعقل لم نخلق عبثًا هكذا بالتأكيد هناك خالق لهذا الكون العظيم وسبحاسبنا على كل عمل في اي لحظة ستموت وتدخل القبر هل انت مستعد؟ ماذا فعلت؟ بماذا آمنت اصلا؟ اين انت من خالقك؟ دين الاسلام هو دين متكامل لعيش حياة سعيدة مطمئنة في الدنيا والآخرة. فلتبحثوا عنه بأنفسكم اقرأو سيرة النبي الكريم استكشفوا اسرار هذا الدين العظيم.
@@Hai24000 i believe teachers say bad things in another way. I am a student and what I mean is that in school we are allowed to tell our opinions. But the teachers however don't care at all and just gives you extra homework for "bad behaviour" (my teachers do that in my school as far as I know). Also in my opinion, some teachers don't even deserve to be teachers. They can't handle children with a nice and educational way, hence they can become mean and annoying (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@@GemmieWow oh yeah at my school it's mainly the board bc they dont allow the teachers to do anything fun and it's not like they can prevent bullying. When teachers are mean at my school it's just dumb kids getting butt hurt.
aw that's sweet though. i hope you know that despite the title this video can definitely be aimed towards any gender. boys are people too. stay strong ❤️️ ❤️️
مرحبًا.. أنا مسلمة وستظل أمنيتي القيمة هي الدعوة إلى الله وإلى دين التسامح والرحمة والمحبة والسلام.. دين الإسلام العظيم.. لا ابخل عليكم ابدًا بهذا الدين اتمنى ان اجعل الناس يتعرفوا على هذا الدين الذي تشوهه وسائل التواصل بأي صورة اتمنى ان اريكم اخلاق نبينا الكريم ورحمته واخلاقه النبيلة الرفيعة اتمنى ان اريكم اعجازات القران الكريم كلام الله العظيم الذي انزل على النبي اكثر من 1400 سنة المليء بالسعادة والعلوم التي يكتشفها العلماء كل يوم الذي سيظل نور لنا الى يوم القيامة. تطبيقًا لقول رسولنا الكريم محمد ﷺ "بلغوا عني ولو آية" أدعوكم لدين الاسلام فقط ابحثوا عنه.. لن يكلفكم الامر شيئًا ويستحق المجاهدة فهذا مصير ابدي إما جنة وإما نار فكروا معي هذه دنيا، بالتأكيد وبالعقل لم نخلق عبثًا هكذا بالتأكيد هناك خالق لهذا الكون العظيم وسبحاسبنا على كل عمل في اي لحظة ستموت وتدخل القبر هل انت مستعد؟ ماذا فعلت؟ بماذا آمنت اصلا؟ اين انت من خالقك؟ دين الاسلام هو دين متكامل لعيش حياة سعيدة مطمئنة في الدنيا والآخرة. فلتبحثوا عنه بأنفسكم اقرأو سيرة النبي الكريم استكشفوا اسرار هذا الدين العظيم.
A year ago, I left my bestfriend. I let my emotions take over my actions and it just happened. I began to hate her because of what hurt me. They were like my family, we even made a promise we would stay best friend forever, and I broke that promise and threw everything we had away. What goes around comes around. Plot twist, I ended up hating myself.
@@rodeobabygirl9544 She didn't do anything wrong, I was mad at other stuff, family problems. I haven't exactly had the best childhood, it kinda affected me if you understand what I mean
Do you ever just lie there and wonder, 'am I the only one that feels this way?' or 'Am I the only one like this?' 'Do other people understand?' 'Am I just alone?'
The thing that hit me the hardest was: It’s okay to feel like your alone,even if your not..... Because I feel lost and alone but I have friends and I don’t know why I feel like that.... I started crying.
Don't worry! Sometimes we feel like this, everything is good but still something feels empty . But someday you'll find your answer. try your best. Smile...😊
It's also happened to me 😔, Sometimes I feel so lonely and thought no one of my friends understand me but after sometime I also realized that it's just my feelings and i am not really lonely...
"the loneliest people are the kindest, the saddest people smile the brightest, the most damaged people are the wisest all because they do not wish to see anyone else suffer the way they do" {Edit} Thanks for all the likes! Lmao. {Edit 2} OML THE ON THIS ARE LIKE- THE MOST I HAVE EVER GOTTEN-
@@randomeuploads2877 seriously when i feel happy and all little things matter in life but when i feel sad everything doesn't matter it really depends on how we see life that's what happy people do they. Aslo live in the same world with same people
I sent this to my cousin.... she’s 14 and I feel that she has been starving her self to lose weight... I hope she see’s this to know that she is perfect the way she is....
@@Nektariap :)....να πιστέψεις ότι υπάρχουν κάπου αυτοί οι άνθρωποι γτ αν δεν το πιστέψεις είναι σαν να χάνεις την ελπίδα ...και αν χάσεις την ελπίδα χάνεις το νόημα της ζωής !
I'm guessing you like kpop? I also like it, I let me love myself because they said I was allowed to. I love myself because I know it's right. I love myself because I told myself I could do it. Xx 💜
The fact that the 1st time i watched this video i was a teenager and now rewatching while i already entered my 20s! Thanks Pippin for so much positivity ❤️
《Tʜᴇ Aᴇsᴛʜᴇᴛɪᴄ Cʜᴀɴɴᴇʟ》 i almost did but i caught her just in time she stated becoming friends with this girl and she was a HORRIBLE influence she crashed my bsf moms car but i got her back in time
bc the video is stereotyping teenagers and it honestly pisses me off bc they stated stuff i already know and stuff i couldnt care less abt. They said "yOu wAnT tO fIt iN" that was so offensive and disgusting like does it look like i want to be like everyone else? ew- I am going through way too much to care abt something as petty as that. I cant believe they would make it seem as teens are just depressed abt the smallest and stupidest things when that isnt true.. only in the movies teens care abt being "lIkE eVeRyoNe eLsE"
@@ahyvbbhh not really? peole definitely wanna fit in, doesnt mean youre like everyone else. fitting in means just getting along with everyone ^^ not necessarily being the same as everyone else. everyones unique in their own ways and maybe you dont care about it but people who dont have friends definitely wanna fit in :)
Yeah...they think about how teens can never have mental health issues as they are given a home to live..food to eat and all the facilities without having to earn😐😐😐😐
*"No one is born ugly, we're just born in a judgemental society"* This is the reality~ be strong 💕 I thought that RM said that but some ARMY told me that this is no true so I deleted his name *Kim Namjoon*
i cried last night, and my little nine yo brother came in my bed and hugged me, and said this. I adore him and love him so much, i fell so bad that i was mad at him, but he isnt mad at me. He doesnt even know whats going on with me, but he stayes on my side, and supports me.
مرحبًا.. أنا مسلمة وستظل أمنيتي القيمة هي الدعوة إلى الله وإلى دين التسامح والرحمة والمحبة والسلام.. دين الإسلام العظيم.. لا ابخل عليكم ابدًا بهذا الدين اتمنى ان اجعل الناس يتعرفوا على هذا الدين الذي تشوهه وسائل التواصل بأي صورة اتمنى ان اريكم اخلاق نبينا الكريم ورحمته واخلاقه النبيلة الرفيعة اتمنى ان اريكم اعجازات القران الكريم كلام الله العظيم الذي انزل على النبي اكثر من 1400 سنة المليء بالسعادة والعلوم التي يكتشفها العلماء كل يوم الذي سيظل نور لنا الى يوم القيامة. تطبيقًا لقول رسولنا الكريم محمد ﷺ "بلغوا عني ولو آية" أدعوكم لدين الاسلام فقط ابحثوا عنه.. لن يكلفكم الامر شيئًا ويستحق المجاهدة فهذا مصير ابدي إما جنة وإما نار فكروا معي هذه دنيا، بالتأكيد وبالعقل لم نخلق عبثًا هكذا بالتأكيد هناك خالق لهذا الكون العظيم وسبحاسبنا على كل عمل في اي لحظة ستموت وتدخل القبر هل انت مستعد؟ ماذا فعلت؟ بماذا آمنت اصلا؟ اين انت من خالقك؟ دين الاسلام هو دين متكامل لعيش حياة سعيدة مطمئنة في الدنيا والآخرة. فلتبحثوا عنه بأنفسكم اقرأو سيرة النبي الكريم استكشفوا اسرار هذا الدين العظيم.
“at the end of the day, boy, teachers, friends, “friends” don’t matter me: gay, homeschooled and hasn’t had any friends since she got homeschooled (3 years ago) 👁👄👁
The part that hit me hard was when she was talking about staring at yourself in the mirror for hours and critiquing every part about your body. I feel like I’m constantly looking at myself and thinking “you’re not good enough, you’re not pretty enough, you’re ugly, no one actually likes you.” That part made me start crying because the truth is there’s so many other people out there that do the same thing but it’s all in their head. It’s just so hard for me to accept that... For anyone reading this, you are worth it, you are loved, you are beautiful, you are amazing and unique. I hope that I can find that comfort in myself at some point too. Edit: I’ve become aware that saying some of that stuff backfired a little. I know that everyone always tells you things like “but you really are pretty, just be confident” so I’m sorry about coming off like another one of those. Many of you, like me, have a hard time believing stuff like that. But I do want to make it clear that all body types, orientations, ethnicity’s, or groups of people are beautiful and unique in their own way. Even if you don’t feel it. People are constantly put up to the expectation that you have to be perfect based on the media and other people. But the truth is, being unique is what makes this world interesting. It’s what makes you, *you.* I know it’s hard to hear if if you’re not happy with yourself, but it is true. We aren’t made to be clones. We are made to be unique people with differing personalities and appearances. I know times are tough right now. Teenage hood is difficult and a lot of people often feel lost, I can say from experience. But I want you all to know that it’s okay to feel like you want to be better, just keep in mind... maybe that’s not what the world is looking for. Maybe they’re looking for you. The real you. To add one last note... think of it this way. There is someone out there looking for you. Who thinks you are absolutely perfect the way you are. How will they find you if you don’t show your actual self?
Aww you know.. it would also happen to me. I did not like my body but with the help of others saying that I had nice body..it kinda helped me. I mean..try looking yourself a positive way..I know it could be quite hard but without trying who knows.🤗 Also I appreciate the fact your helping others but I'd also like to help you. Your body is fine. Your perfect. Don't let yourself down by judgemental people. Also..also😂 its okay to cry..its not cuase your weak..it's a feeling that you've been holding for so long that its proving you've been strong enough. Pretty long I guess😅(I'm sorry if my English is quite bad..) And well I hope you have a wonderful day❣I also hoped this helped you a bit and well the video too.😊💖
Eri Chisaki Yes, I am very aware of this as I have also experienced this myself. I’ve been through a lot of toxic relationships which makes it so I have trouble trusting people :( anytime someone compliments me I feel like they are lying
I’m a 13 year old girl who used to always look in the mirror and judge myself, sometimes I used to look at other girls and think I wanted to be like them because I thought they were perfect, I always tried to change to look “Prettier” So after I started realizing no one is perfect and that I shouldn’t judge myself, so this video is really..you know, it understands me..This video really helps me through my middle school life..
Relatable. I know it's long since, but I divert my attention from unnecessary dieting and weightloss/gain by saying, i got time. I'm just 13, I can definitely grow thinner if I wanna, let me just be my self, let self grow, hog on that veg pizza cuz I'm vegetarian.
im not even a teenager im 12 and but this helps me a lot when i think about this and remind myself that i can be who i want to be and nobody can change that.
Feel free to talk to anyone about it. Humans are socials by nature so it won’t hurt to talk about it with someone you trust! Hope you’re doing well, you go girl!! You glow! ✨💜
I bet you saved so many peoples lives when you posted this video You put a smile on peoples faces who thought they weren’t enough. And now I bet there’s so many people much happier because you told them. You reminded them how beautiful they were. Thank you so much for changing the way I think 💞
@@foxbean4363 Sorry to break it to you but Boys have Literally lack in the emotional department, we are not girls, we are not mom. We are close to robots you can say but have our own brain, If a family's Elder Daughter is not able to achieve something great people don't mind, but if family's Elder son fails to achieve great feat then the people won't let him try again, they would bully him or shame him to such an extent that he commits suicide. 80% of Males commit suicide every year compared to 20% of females. So if we boys get caught up in Feelings most of the time then it won't be good for us. 😃🙂
Don't Panic! At the Arctic Monkeys and Tøp concert Dont think like that everyone in this earth good and bad deserves happiness in their life. I understand you you’re so depressed me too but we should be fighters of being a human. We should make things that can make we deserve happiness. Most of the teenagers are thinking like we. So ur not alone. If u think ur ugly l swear ur not l know, if you think ur stupid again l swear ur not . This is only a hard time in life (l live it too) and it will end. (I feel what u feel too dont think lm not lm just a few trying to make people like we feel more powerful) Love from me :)
@@生き甲斐-c9n awwwww. Well you deserve it. I wish I knew you in person so I could give you a big hug and be your best friend. And I know this is our first interaction, but you are important to me because what you said means a lot. It's hard, it gets so hard, but I know how much appreciation can be received when someone says something like what I said and what you said. Because for that little while, you feel special, because someone has noticed you. It may not last a long time, so that's why we should treasure it
Don't Panic! At the Arctic Monkeys and Tøp concert OMG ur so lovely l wish to see you too! Maybe one day we can meet and talk face to face. And don’t understand wrong l think we can talk from social media so if you WANT (you don’t have to do of course!) u can give me your instagram name then we can talk more. Im saying again you don’t have to do it l don’t wanna make u scared of me lm reliable and lm not old enough to make that in your mind ❤️ love from irem
I'm just a girl, who's 13 years old, but I kinda live according to this video. I have an advice before I leave the comment section... firstly live the way you prefer and not the way that others want you to live. Love yourself and remember that you are special. Every girl on this Earth is unique and unchangeable. Just remember that and never let your fears control you. And finally we are strong, because we know our weakness. Have a nice day!
XxKittensxX Cookies same and I have to fake smile everyday to make everyone think that I’m fine and I’m always there for everyone if they are feeling down just so they don’t feel the way I do
Me: Depressed, stressed, anxious, lost, done with everything, anger, mental illness, been bullied, sad, lonely, has like 4 true friends.... The list goes on and on (Also if anyone got the thought I put this here just for attention, I didn’t, tbh I want less attention in life, I’m known as that “anger issue girl/ drama starting girl” who ppl talk about behind my back.)
"your not ugly, your just not your type" - someone on the internet I love this quote because though you may not like how you look someone will look at you and think you are the most perfect person they have ever met.
That's exactly how I feel, and I know I should tell someone, so a few minutes ago I asked my mom to talk and now I'm starting to regret it because I feel stupid. I've already put her through so much with all of the therapy that she put me through for my anxiety, but it came back with a little friend named depression, and now I feel more alone than ever. :( Anyway, I dunno what to do anymore, but its good to know that I'm not the only one.
@@brookesultzer5215 oof..I just recently had a therapy session...I told her everything and then she told me that she'll help me and all but it's been 3 weeks and she hasn't contacted me back yet...I haven't told anyone but my sisters
heya! this video seems to be getting recommended to a lot of new people right now and since its kinda an old video I wanted to clarify some things :)
this video is pretty much a journal entry that I wrote to myself when I was around 13. I was caught up in comparison and had extremely low confidence. I titled this video "dear teenage girls" since it was what I had wish I would have been told going into my high school and teenage years. however, of course this video applies to females, males and non-binary folks of all ages as well :) honestly, i didn't expect this video to blow up this much and i would have done things a lot differently if i had known that it was no longer just for me to look back on (been more gender/sexuality inclusive). just please remember how loved you are in the present moment. you are more than enough and always have and will be. be gentle on yourself and remember to take the time to do the things that make you the happiest. i love you!
Pippin Jardine yea this is in my recommendations
yh this recommended for me and it was rlly sweet bcz at this time u feel like u can never be perfect when in the beginning you were already perfect 💛💛💛
I love you! thank you for the vid! ❤
I just saw your first video and this is amazing, need to check out more about you now. You're such a nice girl you can become a great influencer.
Btw how come I never made a video when I was that young, now I don't know what to do, I'm 19 I'm single and I'm living in 2020 the most introverted year ever. I can't believe this is happening to me.😔😂😂
But anyways I'm happy for ya, you are great, keep up the good work I like ya. Love & Peace out y'all ✌️💯🕊️
Me: crying at 3 am
My FBI agent: yea put that on her recommended
llmao same
I swear 🤣
This made me laugh, thank you.
Big facts
That’s actually really wholesome
"nothing will ever be perfect" all I can say 100% agree....
HOW 1.1K LIKES AND NO COMMENTS? I guess I'm the first? Yay
@@cynthistar124 😳
I didn't even know it had 1.1k likes 🙃 ty tho..
@@zenith9077 haha yea I figured u wouldn't even know until I commented lol. Ur welcome I guess
*throws air hugs to everyone in the comment section*
I don't need one
Awww I love hugs
For you too💜
@@villainochacouraraka5945 what if deku hugs u 👀
@@Ishita-maurya1804 I'll take it
Pov: this was on your recommended
Yeah it's an old joke now lol
You have to be Sherlock Holmes! 🤯🤯
tbh i dont know how i found this video at first because i was a year and half ago
It was!!!
whats pov
Me having a mental breakdown:
My pillow: lemme put this on her recommendations so she can shut up.
this is legit my dude
Thank you, you made me laugh even tho im crying🙂
Dayfer cat same ✌️
Me: cry’s all night thinking about how terrible I am, and lonely.
UA-cam: I got you.
Daniella O. omg same
Omg same I feel like a failure at some times!😂🥺😭
Me: *sad, confused, lonely*
UA-cam: *don’t worry baby, we got your back*
🥺🥺🥺 so true
ikr 😏
Fr 🥺 last 3 days was sooo hard for me. I am so lost. I turn 15 in 3 hours. This film made me feel so much better.
@@Maja-np6ll happy early birthday! hope you have the best birthday ever🥺
@@oklol5276 thank you so much ily 🥺❤️
Me: *checks myself in the mirror*
Me: “Damn I’m fat”
Me again: “Who cares”
Exactly what I do!!
yassss 😌💅
Oh my gosh I love you for saying this to yourself
Yes baby♥️✨
You're beautiful regardless
Me: *crying at 4am*
UA-cam: “watch this”
Bby Alien me
thats coz the fbi knew u were crying. block ur camera
actually me rn
*e x a c t l y*
"You will find your people."
"You will find your home."
"You will find your people"
I did on Wattpad but I cant read the stories that they write... :' (
@@sisi804-l7g I love wattpad too is like I'm living in their world
Yeon Kimin? Are u SUGA??🙂😂😛
@@dushanthikodithuwakku5065 haha no
make this feel like ✨home✨
me: *"i hate this planet. i wanna die"*
youtube: *"ok!"*
youtube: **puts this in my recommended**
powerpuff baby I watched this video but I’m still gonna change to be my idol
Girl that ain't you tube thass Jesus!!
Is like UA-cam creeping on us 0wo?
When she said breathe, I actually breathed and that felt like the purest breath I ever had.
Edit: I am coming back here almost an year later since I realized it's not just normal 'mood off' days but depression and now, yes, I still ain't ok but, at least I have someone with whom even just for a few minutes, I feel special, I feel loved, I feel good, from within. And it's not that I just somehow got that person, I always had them, But it's from some two months or so, that I understand their value in my life, and now I wish to spend my whole life with them.....
I still struggle with battles inside my mind, still feel empty and numb but ok, I am friends with this depression now.....and it's good to know I ain't alone....
Thanks for reading!
same though
Same here 🙌
i made ur likes 1k lol. Satisfying af
@@stanBTSyuh thanks, and remember, 'breathe.....'
No ,I’m not crying, my eyes just went for a swim.
Lindita Kazazi well I’m peeing out of my eyes
Niki Minaj *im going for a swim*
Omg me too
I literally cried too
“I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless, and they don’t want anybody else to feel like that.” -Unknown
That’s basically me..
@@emiliepeel222 Me too...
Its true
I feel like veryone else is having so much fun and i feel like i am missing something out. For weeks I have been feeling down, girls have only rejected me, guys i can hang out with are too cool for me and I have no friends anymore. My last friend who used to be my best friend has found other friends and I am all alone. School has been crushing me down even more. People dont understand me and expect me to move on that easily. some people have high expectations on me but I dont want to live up to anyones expectations. At this point the only thing that could bring me satisfaction is the suffering of others. I dont know why.
Me in some words
When a random girl on UA-cam is the only person who cares for you
:' (
I may not know you..but I care for you..
Ya ik it’s kinda sad that the only people that r telling me things like this are from the internet and don’t even know me, they don’t know what I look like, what my personality is, what my insecurities are. Kinda depressing
I can SOOOO relate
I mean you don't know that maybe there is someone out there that cares for you truly but doesn't show it, that person may be an internet friend or in real life friend. cheer up and wait for the person who will change your life for the better :)
She: talking about insecurities and imperfections
Also she: being productive in entire video 👄
@Anannya Manurkar Yes. Jin hyung didn't tell me too😭😂😂😂
Ohh You are Jin wife Huh!! He know that nothing is more beautiful then mirror😂
@@short_buddy105 lmao sis i-
Hey Y/N 🙃
Ikr!!! How is that video supposed to make u feel better when this gurl is perfect and lives a perfect life!
Lets be honest,
Most of us didn’t even searched for this but we needed it
It was reccomend for me
@@z4tqv Same
Just hearing
“ *you are already enough* “
Sends a shiver down my spine.
•sunset sky• same tho o-o
•sunset sky• it did to me the same 😂
Amya's Ideas because sometimes, I feel like I’m not enough. Not for me. Not for anybody. So when you hear someone say that you are enough, someone you don’t even know, even if they aren’t directly talking to you, it feels like it. And it’s nice
Me having a mental breakdown at 5am:
UA-cam: Watch this
Me: Now balling my eyes out but I’m calmed down
Lil.FryingPan Official I also had a breakdown at 4am :(
Same here man
Lil.FryingPan Official oh my god literally me
same :(
Lil.FryingPan Official Me at 5am: Having a mental breakdown, eating a big bucket of ice cream, watching a depressing videos....
Wow I’m so cool.
Me, who already watched this video 5 times, this month: *Crying at 1 AM again...*
My FBI agent: *Yeah, let’s recommend this video again, looks like she needs it.*
yeah this is the best thing my fbi agent could do for me..
Same I watch it 5 times a month
Funy fact, you didn’t search for this savior angel.
True but so happy UA-cam recommended her to me
Bro I overcame depression 5 years ago and I just got like good flashbacks of what I’ve overcome and been through and I cried happy tears ( ◠‿◠ ) I needed this even if I’m happy .
INTERNALLY DEAD i wish i could say that.. i feel like i’m never getting over it. I’m so tired and full with everything and idk what else to do anymore. No one wants to listen😭
FAB'S STYLE I’ll listen there’s only so much space in your heart fill it with love and happiness
I'm just wondering how much pain this girl has gone through to become this strong.
Edit: I didn't realize how many people have liked and commented on this until now. I appreciate your kindness and hope everybody is doing well.
*Down below I have explained my definition of strength, a bit of my story, and what I've learned while overcoming my struggles. It may or may not apply to you, but I hope it helps!*
Definition Of Strength According To Google (The 2nd definition.)
- The capacity of an object or substance to WITHSTAND great force or pressure.
Being strong in this sense, has nothing to do with being happy all the time. It has nothing to do with being pain free. It also has nothing to do with being physically strong, academically stong, emotionally strong etc.
This is a different type of strength entirely. It is being able to take hits from life, feeling that pain and still surviving. Everybody in this comment section seems to have gone through something. But you all were able to withstand that pain, and survive. To me, that makes you strong. I'm not saying that you guys are okay. I'm not saying that you guys aren't depressed. Maybe you are, maybe you aren't. It's not my place to say. But I completely validate whatever ya'll are going through. I can't say that I fully understand what you guys are feeling, but I'm sure that I can relate.
*2.) MY STORY*
I'm going to keep this short and sweet, because I could probably write an entire book on the struggles I've had to endure throughout my life.
Whether you believe the legitimacy of what I'm about to tell you, is up to you. This is MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE afterall.
*Please take everything I'm saying with a grain of salt. I don't want people to be offended, twist around my words, or misunderstand what I'm trying to say. Everything is said with a pure heart and good intent.*
- Bullied all throughout elementary school (Being hit, public humiliation, false rumors that still ruin my reputation till this day, verbal harrassment etc.)
- Sexually harassed for an entire year. (This sort of falls into the public humiliation category as well.)
- Parents divorced when I was young.
- Rarely get to see my Dad. (He's basically working himself to death and stays up for days at a time. No exaggeration. He also makes sure to remind me that I'm never doing enough.)
- I was stuck in a really toxic relationship for about year. (I felt pressured and obligated to do things that I didn't want to. I'll never be the same. He also slept with my ex best friend.)
- Was hospitalized for suicidal ideations.
- Due to everything that's happened to me, I developed a severe case of major depressive disorder and anxeity. (Although it isn't as severe as it used to be.)
I'm not saying any of this for you to pity me. Please don't feel bad for me! I'm healing.
I want you guys to know that you're not alone in your struggles.
I want you guys to know that I was once and in some cases still am where you guys are at now.
I want y'all to know that I understand the mentality you get when you feel so stuck. I know it all too well.
I want you to know that I lived through this pain, thought there was no way out, was hospitalized for suicidal ideations, saw no light, saw no hope, was pessimistic, was bitter, was angry at the world, blamed everybody but me, blamed God and truly believed that nothing would ever change. Ever.
But it did.
Things did change.
Sometimes there were good changes. Sometimes there were bad changes.
But things changed.
My healing began 7 years ago when I had a supernatural encounter with Jesus Chirst. My deepest apologies if that offends you, but it's 100% true. I have been working incredibly hard at building my self-esteem and taking back everything that people stole from me. I've found that healing hurts more than being hurt in the first place.
*Please take everything with a grain of salt. This isn't meant to call out or put down anyone. This is just what I've learned in my own experience.*
A.) I'm stuck in a rut because of my own self pity.
B.) I actually need to do something differently to see change. Change doesn't happen on it's own.
C.) 90% of what we battle is in our mind.
D.) 90% of what we feel is based on our perspective.
E.) I should not be sorry for expressing my emotions.
F.) I should not tolerate direspect of any kind. It is better to be alone than around toxic people.
G.) You can be insecure and prideful at the same time.
H.) In order to grow, you must be willing to admit that you're wrong. And you will be wrong.
I.) I was born worthy, and nothing I do will take away that worth.
J.) I have to be the change I want to see.
K.) I have to realize that healing isn't easy, and that it will never be steady line upwards.
L.) I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
M.) Nothing is going to work if I'm not consistent with whatever I'm doing. Things do not change over night.
N.) It gets worse before it gets better.
O.) Not everyone is going to like the more confident you.
P.) Peoples opinions don't define me.
Q.) God loves me and always has my back.
R.) I will fail time and time again. And that's okay.
S.) It really does get better.
T.) Not everything is going to work for me, but that doesn't mean I should stop looking for solutions.
U.) I have to forgive people, even if they don't deserve it. Hate hurts me just as much as it hurts them.
V.) I can use the struggles I've been through to shape me. I've become stronger. I can withstand a lot.
W.) Everything works out because it has to. It's the best advice I've ever been given in life, and it took so long to figure out what that means. ;)
X.) No one is me, and that is my power.
Y.) Everyone is so concentrated on how they look, that they don't really care what other people look like.
Z.) I can do whatever I want within the time I've been given. I may choose to sleep, run, draw, study etc. We ultimately choose the outcome of our lives by how we react to things.
Ikr I’m so jealous but sometimes it can be the opposite way around like uve gone through so much that ur just depressed as frick but ye she so strong I jelly oof
@@aquademoney You can see beauty from your pain. It's a matter of changing your mind. Everything is a mental battle.
Change the way you look at the world and your whole life will change. Trust me.
You are amazing and so worthy.
Mik Groove Lmao I went through what she has, and I’m just weak now.
@@friedroach I personally don't think so, but that depends on your definition of weakness.
period cramps. lol
In teenage day’s life’s struggles are homework, depression, school, grades, romantic relationships, friends, bullies, insecurities, loneliness, periods, parents, emotions, fears and money. When back in your little kid days then your really only struggle/worry was “who was going to get to the swings first at recess”.
Ralk_anne YT I wish life as teenagers was like life as kids full of fun and not caring about what people think
Ahem u forgot to add break up
Maybe even pregnancy.
@@heidi8297 yes
i just want to proudly say that "I love myself"
Go do it right now!
Go look in the mirror and tell yourself that you love yourself!!!
Have you ever felt like the whole world is against you, well it is not, so hang in there
I do
Omg yes, I’ve done something bad to someone I used to be so close with. And I just feel like everyone hates me because of what I did 😞
Houda Khaled not everyone hates you trust me i overthink a lot of things like what do they really think? Do they really like me but sooner or later you’ll find not everyone hates you are the kind and nice people stick by you and never leave 🙂
Me as a toddler: “My life is so nice and I never wanna die!”
School: *I’m gonna end her whole career*
I’m in high school ;(
Schools fine. Your just too irresponsible to want to do and anything in school, wait till middle/highschool lol then tell me how hard ur elementary school is
@@cameron5567 yeah, I'm in elementary rn and I completely agree with you. They go very light on us. I don't understand the hard part about it lol, it's just boring for me.
@@aleidaalvarez8382did i get wooshed there? I get the joke but
Who said she was in elementary school? -.-
*you are already the person you have been searching for*
wow, that hit me hard
Iara Caliva it hit me too!
@@Navi405 if I was with you in person I'd give you a hug
Tyjo! AtTheDisco
Same here!
Yeah me too.
same. i started to cry when she said thst
I'm boy crying at night,
But still this made me hope.
@@ad5601 ^-^
@@heart.less_ oh. I mean. Don't cry. We love you. I don't know what to say, I don't want you to cry. If I could see you, I would hug you tightly. Do t worry boy.
@@heart.less_ ok. I deleted the comment.
@@heart.less_ I'm sorry, If I made you feel uncomfortable.
"Take these couple of minutes to just sit down.."
Me sitting on the toilet: 👁👄👁
Lmao 😂
@@taehyung9848 lol
Me : crying
my self to sleep
UA-cam : here hunny
Youre right
@Pinecone Pressure if you wanna talk um there for you @xx.linea.xx you can text me there
Sadly this is our harsh reality. But I can't cry because of some things that happened.
@Pinecone Pressure ok i hope you get better soon! You're strong! :)
My brain as a kid: 🌈🌸🦋✨
My brain as a teenager: ⁉️
100 percent agree
Wooow, thats so right😓
69th like!!!! So proud
My brain as a teenager- 😕😠😐😖
''You are born to be real, not to be perfect.''
~Min Yoongi
Edit: My comment has nothing to do with bts, i just mentioned the speaker of the words. And i don't think that will distract people from the video.
And you know, it's like people like it when they meet others will similar taste, so i find nothing wrong with the replies too.🤷♂️
And hello to everyone lol. Cause I didn't check the notifications for many days so i didn't reply anyone. Sorry for that.🐷
Hi army!👋👋
I see an army out here😁😆
@@aayishanazrin2641 yasss
if i sent this to my friends they’d laugh at it. i wish there were people like you at my school.
Exactly. I wish so too.
me too
My friends can’t take anything serious, they talk about me behind my back and i dont even know why im still hanging out with them. But there is one of my friends and she’s the sweetest i dont know what i would be without her.
Well, they aren't your friends so
I got the perfect advice for you ( please take it because it will help you a lot ) Friends like this are called ‘ fake friends ‘ and it’s best to leave them before worst because if you don’t , they can start bullying you or something way worser and if you don’t believe me , there are many people who went through that because they didn’t leave their fake friends and I’m part of it. Thanks for listing please find peace and I’m here for you
My teenage brother: *comes here to meme but ends up crying*
Omg hi ARMY lmaoooo
💜borahae, get ready for dynamite!
@ᄋᄉᄋhi yasss
Guys, remember this “Perfect girls aren’t real, and real girls aren’t perfect” - Harry Styles. love yourself, your flaws are what make you special
You are correct but this video didn't help with my depression.
Ochako Uaraka what will? U matter girl don’t think negatively
@@dukethegerman3295 well in my past I was rejected 16 times and my heart is still broken and one of my closest friends died and I will never live it down we were playing ring around the rosie and I accidentally used my quirk and she floated up and I didn't know how to release her then she floated to the sun.
Ochako Uaraka that’s really sad but remember that everything happens for a reason, if you got rejected 16 times they weren’t the one for you. As for your friend, I’m really sorry for your loss but I’m sure she/ he would want you to remember them and also move on. There are a lot of things that happen in life, and they are super unexpected. But, that’s what makes life worth experiencing. The fact that you never know what comes next.
@@dukethegerman3295 I know and I really miss her she was the only one there for me when I was going through tough times.
Do u ever see a comment and go, “DANG! I wish I wrote that”
Pls stop liking I don’t wanna edit this again, but thanks for the likes!
DANG!! I wish iwrote that!!
@@isratjahan-rv5eb LMAO
Schools need to put this on during assemblies. Periodt.
Edit: Holy crap i didnt expect to get this many likes, but I still stand for what i said, these days its really hard to find people our age who don’t want to die. That is NOT ok and it shows something about our education system. Please please please talk to someone if you're going through something, and if theres no one you can talk to, talk to me, ill be here. Please take into consideration as to what the video says, don't overlook it and keep telling yourself you are not good enough. In reality, you are, you just maybe haven't seen it yet.
Yeah they should because I know some people who really need this and I do too sometimes
It’s definitely better than those “if your sad, be happy!” “If you see someone sad, tell the teacher on them!”
I agree these days society is messed up. If you put yourself down you’re doing something wrong, you shouldn’t put yourself down. But if you’re confident and you think you’re pretty its seen as selfish and arrogant and vain?? Its messed up and peer pressure is a big issue. People need to learn to love themselves because the only person we will truly know the best is ourselves. So love yourself, you’re not alone 💕🥺. Ily all
I feel like I would be the only one sitting and listening to this during my assembly and people would just make fun of me for actually paying attention 😕
Nah cause then this would just remind me of how much I hate myself
This needs to be 1 on trending, a whole bunch of people need to see this.
really this is soo good
أنا مسلمة وستظل أمنيتي القيمة هي الدعوة إلى الله وإلى دين التسامح والرحمة والمحبة والسلام.. دين الإسلام العظيم..
لا ابخل عليكم ابدًا بهذا الدين
اتمنى ان اجعل الناس يتعرفوا على هذا الدين الذي تشوهه وسائل التواصل بأي صورة
اتمنى ان اريكم اخلاق نبينا الكريم ورحمته واخلاقه النبيلة الرفيعة
اتمنى ان اريكم اعجازات القران الكريم كلام الله العظيم الذي انزل على النبي اكثر من 1400 سنة المليء بالسعادة والعلوم التي يكتشفها العلماء كل يوم الذي سيظل نور لنا الى يوم القيامة.
تطبيقًا لقول رسولنا الكريم محمد ﷺ "بلغوا عني ولو آية"
أدعوكم لدين الاسلام
فقط ابحثوا عنه.. لن يكلفكم الامر شيئًا
ويستحق المجاهدة فهذا مصير ابدي
إما جنة وإما نار
فكروا معي هذه دنيا، بالتأكيد وبالعقل لم نخلق عبثًا هكذا
بالتأكيد هناك خالق لهذا الكون العظيم وسبحاسبنا على كل عمل
في اي لحظة ستموت وتدخل القبر هل انت مستعد؟
ماذا فعلت؟ بماذا آمنت اصلا؟ اين انت من خالقك؟
دين الاسلام هو دين متكامل لعيش حياة سعيدة مطمئنة في الدنيا والآخرة.
فلتبحثوا عنه بأنفسكم اقرأو سيرة النبي الكريم استكشفوا اسرار هذا الدين العظيم.
Me: Im stupid
School: ahh don't say that. You're not stupid, you're worthless
😂😂😂😂yo sis I am here.
HOLD UP! I hear so much ppl talk bad about school and stuff but do yalls schools actually say things like that?
@@Hai24000 i believe teachers say bad things in another way. I am a student and what I mean is that in school we are allowed to tell our opinions. But the teachers however don't care at all and just gives you extra homework for "bad behaviour" (my teachers do that in my school as far as I know). Also in my opinion, some teachers don't even deserve to be teachers. They can't handle children with a nice and educational way, hence they can become mean and annoying
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@@GemmieWow oh yeah at my school it's mainly the board bc they dont allow the teachers to do anything fun and it's not like they can prevent bullying. When teachers are mean at my school it's just dumb kids getting butt hurt.
This video got me in my feels. I'm a boy.
are u an army?
This video did nothing for me and I’m a girl lmfao 😂
aw that's sweet though. i hope you know that despite the title this video can definitely be aimed towards any gender. boys are people too. stay strong ❤️️ ❤️️
@@johnnys-left-earring bc don’t think you already got body shamed or something
this has officially become my go-to video for when I feel too low :)
Yess ❤🙌
Omg same haha
yas 🤗💖
Is anyone going to talk about how she fed her plant lemonade it’s just so funny
Lol ik
i think its rice water
broo istg this made my day 😂✨
lmao when did this happen
it’s limeade ahhhahahahahaa
0:18 *”i know you feel so lost and so confused”*
*lowkey me at math*
Kristine Masalta *highkey
Kristine Masalta hahah I feel you
omg meee 😂😂
Let's take a moment to appreciate how relaxing her voice is...
أنا مسلمة وستظل أمنيتي القيمة هي الدعوة إلى الله وإلى دين التسامح والرحمة والمحبة والسلام.. دين الإسلام العظيم..
لا ابخل عليكم ابدًا بهذا الدين
اتمنى ان اجعل الناس يتعرفوا على هذا الدين الذي تشوهه وسائل التواصل بأي صورة
اتمنى ان اريكم اخلاق نبينا الكريم ورحمته واخلاقه النبيلة الرفيعة
اتمنى ان اريكم اعجازات القران الكريم كلام الله العظيم الذي انزل على النبي اكثر من 1400 سنة المليء بالسعادة والعلوم التي يكتشفها العلماء كل يوم الذي سيظل نور لنا الى يوم القيامة.
تطبيقًا لقول رسولنا الكريم محمد ﷺ "بلغوا عني ولو آية"
أدعوكم لدين الاسلام
فقط ابحثوا عنه.. لن يكلفكم الامر شيئًا
ويستحق المجاهدة فهذا مصير ابدي
إما جنة وإما نار
فكروا معي هذه دنيا، بالتأكيد وبالعقل لم نخلق عبثًا هكذا
بالتأكيد هناك خالق لهذا الكون العظيم وسبحاسبنا على كل عمل
في اي لحظة ستموت وتدخل القبر هل انت مستعد؟
ماذا فعلت؟ بماذا آمنت اصلا؟ اين انت من خالقك؟
دين الاسلام هو دين متكامل لعيش حياة سعيدة مطمئنة في الدنيا والآخرة.
فلتبحثوا عنه بأنفسكم اقرأو سيرة النبي الكريم استكشفوا اسرار هذا الدين العظيم.
I got into an argument with my best friend today, but this really helped a lot. Thank you so much for this, I really needed it :)
Hey how are u doing?
A year ago, I left my bestfriend.
I let my emotions take over my actions and it just happened. I began to hate her because of what hurt me. They were like my family, we even made a promise we would stay best friend forever, and I broke that promise and threw everything we had away.
What goes around comes around.
Plot twist, I ended up hating myself.
aiLi charLotte- did she do something to u that made u hate her or were u just made at other stuff ??
@@rodeobabygirl9544 She didn't do anything wrong, I was mad at other stuff, family problems. I haven't exactly had the best childhood, it kinda affected me if you understand what I mean
aiLi charLotte - I understand I’m hear if u need someone to talk to
Me: Why am I crying?
Everybody else: hormones
this ...
I couldn't relate to something ever this hard....
like I feel ya so much !!!! hope you're doing well
Me: Why am I crying?
Also me: Hormones
Me again: Oh. Let's keep crying then
Really cuz most of the time its:
Me: crying
Everyone else: why r u crying?
Me: hormones
Everyone else: get over it and stop making excuses
Mae Stone omg I hate that so much
It's okay
Do you ever just lie there and wonder, 'am I the only one that feels this way?' or
'Am I the only one like this?'
'Do other people understand?'
'Am I just alone?'
So truee
all the time
I do all the time
I really understand what you are saying
,,Would you Date a ugly Girl?"
,,How could I Date a Person, who doesn't exist?"
-Shawn Mendes-
omg thts - 0 0
lol thats cute
No one said it yet so I'm gonna " wait so you think all girls are ugly " - random annoying person
The thing that hit me the hardest was:
It’s okay to feel like your alone,even if your not.....
Because I feel lost and alone but I have friends and I don’t know why I feel like that....
I started crying.
I'm the same ❤️
Sadie Travers 💕💕💕I hope you get better 💖💖💖
Don't worry! Sometimes we feel like this, everything is good but still something feels empty . But someday you'll find your answer. try your best. Smile...😊
Strange Stranger ☺️ thank you! And you too remember to smile :)
It's also happened to me 😔, Sometimes I feel so lonely and thought no one of my friends understand me but after sometime I also realized that it's just my feelings and i am not really lonely...
"the loneliest people are the kindest, the saddest people smile the brightest, the most damaged people are the wisest all because they do not wish to see anyone else suffer the way they do"
{Edit} Thanks for all the likes! Lmao.
iicloudy_dxyz this isn’t really important but the first time I read that quote was on a Harry Potter edit and it made me want to scream a little
I’m sad so I can’t smile properly
Don’t say
Welp! Your comment made me cry, that’s my life
:) My life=
"Dont let other peoples insecurities make you feel small"
Why does this hurt so bad..?
Idk 😭
if u are sad one day, search yoongi performing mic drop
@Bols Ldkdjsjska yesssss plz do
@@Aajeeesss now I liked it and it's not 666 anymore 😂
@@mmm2305-u3m yas bish.
i listened to this everyday for a year st8 and i am here to say 3 years later that these words are what kept me alive.
Dear the person who created this video
*You've saved 1 million of teenage girls life*❤❤❤
Edit** Thanks for the likes!
Misty 1 million and 1
Minus mine
Misty & Brooke Briles One million and 2
So true
How tho
Everything is perfect. It's just the way people see things that are imperfect!!!
@@randomeuploads2877 seriously when i feel happy and all little things matter in life but when i feel sad everything doesn't matter it really depends on how we see life that's what happy people do they. Aslo live in the same world with same people
@@randomeuploads2877 ya ikr🙁
Follow me i'm new i write motivation quotes
I read it when she said it lol
I sent this to my cousin.... she’s 14 and I feel that she has been starving her self to lose weight... I hope she see’s this to know that she is perfect the way she is....
i hope she sees it too, and i mostly hope shell get better... love
**Sending virtual hugs to you and your cousin💕**
I'm turning 14,and yeah, I've been doing the same thing your cousin did. I'm really insecure about my weight and how I look
God bless her 🥺
The fact that you noticed that she's not doing good... She lucky to have somone that noticed shes not doing ok
There's beauty in everything it's just not everybody sees it ~ Park Jimin 💜
@@enlightenedsoul8897 He's a K-pop idol and member of boyband BTS.
Army friend
"you will find your people,you will find your home." That gives so much hope
Yeah, but, where are these people?
@@Nektariap κάπου θα είναι....
@@daisypetridoum2538 α, Ελληνίδα; Δεν το περίμενα να μου απαντήσει κανείς😂😂😂
@@Nektariap :)....να πιστέψεις ότι υπάρχουν κάπου αυτοί οι άνθρωποι γτ αν δεν το πιστέψεις είναι σαν να χάνεις την ελπίδα ...και αν χάσεις την ελπίδα χάνεις το νόημα της ζωής !
@@Nektariap my people just do their own business
"You are already enough "
Thank u for remindme I really need It❤️
Cute pfp! And I'm glad you're happy.
Your pfp is my wallpaper, Coincidence?
When she said “friends” I felt it. Right in there💔
I'm guessing you like kpop? I also like it, I let me love myself because they said I was allowed to. I love myself because I know it's right. I love myself because I told myself I could do it. Xx
Tellelovestales Tiger really true❤️
I gotcha❤but don't worry there will always be fake friends and real friends❤💖
The fact that the 1st time i watched this video i was a teenager and now rewatching while i already entered my 20s!
Thanks Pippin for so much positivity ❤️
haven’t even watched the video and i already know it’s going to be good 💕
and inspiring💞💞
And amazing ❤️
Same I've never ever seen this channel!
127 Subliminals omg l see u everywhere
me: is crying
me after watching this video: *still crying cuz it’s all true*
So true
Felt that
the dislikes are karen’s who don’t understand how teens have depression
wow thanks for 1.3k i never even got one like on a comment lol
《Tʜᴇ Aᴇsᴛʜᴇᴛɪᴄ Cʜᴀɴɴᴇʟ》 i almost did but i caught her just in time she stated becoming friends with this girl and she was a HORRIBLE influence she crashed my bsf moms car but i got her back in time
@@audreyclark7680 is everything good with them?
Hey i am one of that karen
Hermione Granger grammar.
HOW ARE THERE DISLIKES???? it probably parents and teachers not caring about something called: ✨f e e l i n g s✨
bc the video is stereotyping teenagers and it honestly pisses me off bc they stated stuff i already know and stuff i couldnt care less abt. They said "yOu wAnT tO fIt iN" that was so offensive and disgusting like does it look like i want to be like everyone else? ew- I am going through way too much to care abt something as petty as that. I cant believe they would make it seem as teens are just depressed abt the smallest and stupidest things when that isnt true.. only in the movies teens care abt being "lIkE eVeRyoNe eLsE"
@@ahyvbbhh not really? peole definitely wanna fit in, doesnt mean youre like everyone else. fitting in means just getting along with everyone ^^ not necessarily being the same as everyone else. everyones unique in their own ways
and maybe you dont care about it but people who dont have friends definitely wanna fit in :)
Yeah...they think about how teens can never have mental health issues as they are given a home to live..food to eat and all the facilities without having to earn😐😐😐😐
they are bots
My best friend that is the only one that knows about my insecurities sent this to me and it made me smile, knowing someone cared
Me too
It is good that you have a friend...
Glad that u have someone like this
Keep her
@@joweedonut what?
*"No one is born ugly, we're just born in a judgemental society"*
This is the reality~ be strong 💕
I thought that RM said that but some ARMY told me that this is no true so I deleted his name *Kim Namjoon*
He never said that
@@taesty5120 One member of BTS said that.
@@taesty5120 Okay I deleted his name
@@just_._random_07 no.... it was in a selca of an army and suddenly it blew out of nowhere
Just remember: You wouldn't be on this Earth, if you weren't importan💕
i cried last night, and my little nine yo brother came in my bed and hugged me, and said this. I adore him and love him so much, i fell so bad that i was mad at him, but he isnt mad at me. He doesnt even know whats going on with me, but he stayes on my side, and supports me.
@@КатаринаЖивковић-ю3о awww
@@КатаринаЖивковић-ю3о Oh I can definetly relate... I hate that I get mad at mine...
Hmm 🤔🤔am I really important ??🤔🤔🤔I don't think so.I think I was created by default 😑😑😑 it's not a joke, don't laugh .I am serious
@@КатаринаЖивковић-ю3о tell ur brother that he's so adorable and amazing for me will you?♡♡♡
Im into tears coz nobody said these lines to me when i was at my lowest . Thank you✨
أنا مسلمة وستظل أمنيتي القيمة هي الدعوة إلى الله وإلى دين التسامح والرحمة والمحبة والسلام.. دين الإسلام العظيم..
لا ابخل عليكم ابدًا بهذا الدين
اتمنى ان اجعل الناس يتعرفوا على هذا الدين الذي تشوهه وسائل التواصل بأي صورة
اتمنى ان اريكم اخلاق نبينا الكريم ورحمته واخلاقه النبيلة الرفيعة
اتمنى ان اريكم اعجازات القران الكريم كلام الله العظيم الذي انزل على النبي اكثر من 1400 سنة المليء بالسعادة والعلوم التي يكتشفها العلماء كل يوم الذي سيظل نور لنا الى يوم القيامة.
تطبيقًا لقول رسولنا الكريم محمد ﷺ "بلغوا عني ولو آية"
أدعوكم لدين الاسلام
فقط ابحثوا عنه.. لن يكلفكم الامر شيئًا
ويستحق المجاهدة فهذا مصير ابدي
إما جنة وإما نار
فكروا معي هذه دنيا، بالتأكيد وبالعقل لم نخلق عبثًا هكذا
بالتأكيد هناك خالق لهذا الكون العظيم وسبحاسبنا على كل عمل
في اي لحظة ستموت وتدخل القبر هل انت مستعد؟
ماذا فعلت؟ بماذا آمنت اصلا؟ اين انت من خالقك؟
دين الاسلام هو دين متكامل لعيش حياة سعيدة مطمئنة في الدنيا والآخرة.
فلتبحثوا عنه بأنفسكم اقرأو سيرة النبي الكريم استكشفوا اسرار هذا الدين العظيم.
“Don’t let those insecurities make you feel SMALL”
Honey, I will *_NEVER_* feel small.
BananaBomb honestly...
sAmE, i AlSo dOn’T fEel SmAlL
Damn sis
“at the end of the day, boy, teachers, friends, “friends” don’t matter
me: gay, homeschooled and hasn’t had any friends since she got homeschooled (3 years ago) 👁👄👁
why do i love this comment lol
marshal & filbert goals :3 idk lol but thanks :)
Ahhh u got urself aha
me: mom I’m gay
Be who you wanna be live your own life
honestly, same
My mom said it is becuase of netflix series 👁️👄👁️
i love how we all occasionally come back and watch this video.
The part that hit me hard was when she was talking about staring at yourself in the mirror for hours and critiquing every part about your body. I feel like I’m constantly looking at myself and thinking “you’re not good enough, you’re not pretty enough, you’re ugly, no one actually likes you.” That part made me start crying because the truth is there’s so many other people out there that do the same thing but it’s all in their head. It’s just so hard for me to accept that... For anyone reading this, you are worth it, you are loved, you are beautiful, you are amazing and unique. I hope that I can find that comfort in myself at some point too.
Edit: I’ve become aware that saying some of that stuff backfired a little. I know that everyone always tells you things like “but you really are pretty, just be confident” so I’m sorry about coming off like another one of those. Many of you, like me, have a hard time believing stuff like that. But I do want to make it clear that all body types, orientations, ethnicity’s, or groups of people are beautiful and unique in their own way. Even if you don’t feel it. People are constantly put up to the expectation that you have to be perfect based on the media and other people. But the truth is, being unique is what makes this world interesting. It’s what makes you, *you.* I know it’s hard to hear if if you’re not happy with yourself, but it is true. We aren’t made to be clones. We are made to be unique people with differing personalities and appearances. I know times are tough right now. Teenage hood is difficult and a lot of people often feel lost, I can say from experience. But I want you all to know that it’s okay to feel like you want to be better, just keep in mind... maybe that’s not what the world is looking for. Maybe they’re looking for you. The real you.
To add one last note... think of it this way. There is someone out there looking for you. Who thinks you are absolutely perfect the way you are. How will they find you if you don’t show your actual self?
Aww you know.. it would also happen to me. I did not like my body but with the help of others saying that I had nice body..it kinda helped me. I mean..try looking yourself a positive way..I know it could be quite hard but without trying who knows.🤗 Also I appreciate the fact your helping others but I'd also like to help you.
Your body is fine. Your perfect. Don't let yourself down by judgemental people. Also..also😂 its okay to cry..its not cuase your weak..it's a feeling that you've been holding for so long that its proving you've been strong enough.
Pretty long I guess😅(I'm sorry if my English is quite bad..) And well I hope you have a wonderful day❣I also hoped this helped you a bit and well the video too.😊💖
Eri Chisaki Yes, I am very aware of this as I have also experienced this myself. I’ve been through a lot of toxic relationships which makes it so I have trouble trusting people :( anytime someone compliments me I feel like they are lying
Angelica Ayala Thank you :) I’m glad to know I’m not alone at least. And your English is fine 😊
@@froggyguts9623 I'm glad I could help. 😊
LoonaMoona uwu, read the part again that starts with, "for anyone reading this" it's true.
“Its ok to not have everything perfected”
OCD: am i a joke to you?
all i can say is y e s .
i have ocd (´。_。`)
I’m a 13 year old girl who used to always look in the mirror and judge myself, sometimes I used to look at other girls and think I wanted to be like them because I thought they were perfect, I always tried to change to look “Prettier” So after I started realizing no one is perfect and that I shouldn’t judge myself, so this video is really..you know, it understands me..This video really helps me through my middle school life..
same on every word you write
Relatable. I know it's long since, but I divert my attention from unnecessary dieting and weightloss/gain by saying, i got time. I'm just 13, I can definitely grow thinner if I wanna, let me just be my self, let self grow, hog on that veg pizza cuz I'm vegetarian.
Same on every word you write
i can relate to all of this
Same me too as well
im not even a teenager im 12 and but this helps me a lot when i think about this and remind myself that i can be who i want to be and nobody can change that.
the video: "breathe"
me with asthma crying:
hmmm what about, no?
ahahahah same sis
Wait ohh ..👁👄👁
I have asthma but it's no that high also ALWAYS breath pls💜
I have an asthma owo
Me at night: Cries myself to sleep*
Me in the day: Im fine!
Feel free to talk to anyone about it. Humans are socials by nature so it won’t hurt to talk about it with someone you trust! Hope you’re doing well, you go girl!! You glow! ✨💜
That’s...me. I hate to admit it, but it is.
crista no
I bet you saved so many peoples lives when you posted this video
You put a smile on peoples faces who thought they weren’t enough.
And now
I bet there’s so many people much happier because you told them.
You reminded them how beautiful they were.
Thank you so much for changing the way I think 💞
My recommendation : dear girls....
Same bro😂 not even subscribed to one woman creator 😂
@@surjasishsen6396 wow
well, technically, despite the title this video can be aimed at any gender. check in with how you're feeling. boys emotions matter too ❤️️
@@foxbean4363 Sorry to break it to you but Boys have Literally lack in the emotional department, we are not girls, we are not mom. We are close to robots you can say but have our own brain, If a family's Elder Daughter is not able to achieve something great people don't mind, but if family's Elder son fails to achieve great feat then the people won't let him try again, they would bully him or shame him to such an extent that he commits suicide. 80% of Males commit suicide every year compared to 20% of females. So if we boys get caught up in Feelings most of the time then it won't be good for us. 😃🙂
@@surjasishsen6396 where r u coming from
I feel broken, alone, depressed, and like I don’t deserve happiness.
Then this came in my recommended
Don't Panic! At the Arctic Monkeys and Tøp concert
Dont think like that everyone in this earth good and bad deserves happiness in their life. I understand you you’re so depressed me too but we should be fighters of being a human. We should make things that can make we deserve happiness. Most of the teenagers are thinking like we. So ur not alone. If u think ur ugly l swear ur not l know, if you think ur stupid again l swear ur not .
This is only a hard time in life (l live it too) and it will end.
(I feel what u feel too dont think lm not lm just a few trying to make people like we feel more powerful)
Love from me :)
@@生き甲斐-c9n thank you so much. The exact same goes to you 💕
Don't Panic! At the Arctic Monkeys and Tøp concert you are very kind !🤗🤗🤗
Nobody has never talk to me like that :(
@@生き甲斐-c9n awwwww. Well you deserve it. I wish I knew you in person so I could give you a big hug and be your best friend. And I know this is our first interaction, but you are important to me because what you said means a lot. It's hard, it gets so hard, but I know how much appreciation can be received when someone says something like what I said and what you said. Because for that little while, you feel special, because someone has noticed you. It may not last a long time, so that's why we should treasure it
Don't Panic! At the Arctic Monkeys and Tøp concert OMG ur so lovely l wish to see you too! Maybe one day we can meet and talk face to face. And don’t understand wrong l think we can talk from social media so if you WANT (you don’t have to do of course!) u can give me your instagram name then we can talk more.
Im saying again you don’t have to do it l don’t wanna make u scared of me lm reliable and lm not old enough to make that in your mind
❤️ love from irem
Me: *having a mental break down at 1am*
YT: “Here you go ;)”
Now exactly at 1am i am watching this
Me: *sad as hell yet bored*
UA-cam: *recommends inspiring and sad video* HERE YOU GO!
SliverOf Derp that literally explains me rn
me too 😔, it really helped 😊😊😊
Why everyone crying
we are so toxic we made society hate themselves, oh wait.. we are society.
what line did you start crying at?
me personally: “you are already enough”
I didn’t cry
the come back to this part-
These sentences "you are enough, you are loved, you are beautiful" mean nothing to me.. I feel nothing while hearing them. Am I a horrible person?
It takes ALOT to make me cry
@@eulatex it doesn't make u a bad person it's probably that u already know your enough, your loved, and beautiful
The sun only sets so it can rise once more.
When she said „breathe“ , I farted.
dont breathe just yet
let it be.
Thank you for this comment
I already love you XD
Fluffy Demon love you too xo loll
I like how even though this blew up she didn’t add ads in it for money, so she’s really just here to genuinely spread her message 💕
,,This life can take us miles, but also it can take us milimeters. Which road would you pick?"
Love these sentence.
Me: a happy teen
UA-cam: hey, that's illegal so watch this and rethink if ur rlly happy
Lol that's true
BTS and this angel girl has saved the day 💜😂
@@arrshiie ye lmao😂
Yoonmin infires me to have jams • same ARMY
I'm just a girl, who's 13 years old, but I kinda live according to this video.
I have an advice before I leave the comment section... firstly live the way you prefer and not the way that others want you to live. Love yourself and remember that you are special. Every girl on this Earth is unique and unchangeable. Just remember that and never let your fears control you. And finally we are strong, because we know our weakness. Have a nice day!
Thank you (:
You're welcome )))
Im just reading it over and over
Glad to hear that...
@@miyeonie8860 )))
I literally started crying when she said that other people's insecurities make you feel small but dont let that happen .....
My brain when I was six and 7: 🥰🤪❤️🌈
Me now: ☠️🙃💀 😒
XxKittensxX Cookies same and I have to fake smile everyday to make everyone think that I’m fine and I’m always there for everyone if they are feeling down just so they don’t feel the way I do
@@aethermain1809 I know and hopefully I won't come to that option
シRëmy's gåçhā I felt this
@@deedramiller7818 Same girl I do this everyday😢😢😫😫
This is so true
Me: feel lost,sad,broken,lost,confused,anger,lost
UA-cam: watch this
Depressed, stressed, anxious, lost, done with everything, anger, mental illness, been bullied, sad, lonely, has like 4 true friends....
The list goes on and on
(Also if anyone got the thought I put this here just for attention, I didn’t, tbh I want less attention in life, I’m known as that “anger issue girl/ drama starting girl” who ppl talk about behind my back.)
@@emiliepeel222 you are loved and beautiful you can't let anyone change that opinion, no fact. Stay strong. God bless you
Abigail Teklay
U said lost 3 times buddy
Anonimni Anonimus
I think he/she meant to
Me : being a teenager... Feeling totally lost.....
UA-cam: let's put this video in her recommended.....
"your not ugly, your just not your type" - someone on the internet
I love this quote because though you may not like how you look someone will look at you and think you are the most perfect person they have ever met.
"Check in what your feeling at the present moment"
Likw im doing everything wrong
That's exactly how I feel, and I know I should tell someone, so a few minutes ago I asked my mom to talk and now I'm starting to regret it because I feel stupid. I've already put her through so much with all of the therapy that she put me through for my anxiety, but it came back with a little friend named depression, and now I feel more alone than ever. :( Anyway, I dunno what to do anymore, but its good to know that I'm not the only one.
@@brookesultzer5215 oof..I just recently had a therapy session...I told her everything and then she told me that she'll help me and all but it's been 3 weeks and she hasn't contacted me back yet...I haven't told anyone but my sisters
all but i’m not gonna self diagnose
hey, it's gonna be ok
From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU SO MUCH. You saved me.
My girlfriend: *breaks up with me* UA-cam: *”yeah let’s put this in her recommended”*
Me too😴