Oh no the cursed model number! I bought a cheap SW radio from Tescos a number of years ago, it cost me about £10 or so and it had the usual FM, MW and LW bands and 8 SW bands too. It still works well now, and it picks up a lot more stations, at a good quality, with the built in aerial than an 8x more expensive Retekess (TR110) radio/scanner that does a lot more.
Hi, thanks for getting in touch. I never thought about the number, but now you mention it…😬. With these budget priced receivers, sometimes it is the luck of the draw and it sounds like you dropped on a good one with the one you purchased from Tesco’s. I have reviewed many of these low-cost radios and often it’s the ones that look really boring that actually turn out to perform much better than the ones with all the bells and whistles!
Oh no the cursed model number! I bought a cheap SW radio from Tescos a number of years ago, it cost me about £10 or so and it had the usual FM, MW and LW bands and 8 SW bands too. It still works well now, and it picks up a lot more stations, at a good quality, with the built in aerial than an 8x more expensive Retekess (TR110) radio/scanner that does a lot more.
Hi, thanks for getting in touch. I never thought about the number, but now you mention it…😬. With these budget priced receivers, sometimes it is the luck of the draw and it sounds like you dropped on a good one with the one you purchased from Tesco’s. I have reviewed many of these low-cost radios and often it’s the ones that look really boring that actually turn out to perform much better than the ones with all the bells and whistles!