@@butterflylife7841 I'm guessing someone who was hungry. There's no way for them to want secret knowledge. If its secret. Someone followed the pack because they were hungty. My stomach is growling, I kmow this.
What made it worse was the fact that the Roman had killed the cat after a Solar Eclipse. To the Egyptians it was an unforgivable blasphemy, because they believed that cats protected the Sun. They also believed that when the Sun went down that the rays of the Sun went into the cats eyes and they guarded the Sun until morning. It also explained why the cats eyes shine in the dark. 🐈☀️
Ohh that’s a violation the narrator left that out, did the Roman man know about the revered cat policy? It doesn’t matter anyways lol thanks for the info
@@bestofworld90 I'm sure that he did but being a Roman he didn't care. And it cost him his life. The Egyptians also believed that their main God Aman-Ra turned into a cat at night and fought with the God Set. Set was the equivalent of Satan to the Ancient Egyptians. 🙂
Isn't death the best existing punishment and the best thing we can come up with??? I mean really is there any existing crime that HASN'T been ( death penalty) its almost like death penalty is so much a favorite thing to ever do or answer TO EVERY SINGLE CRIME.
They were Worshipped No doubt But at some Point in Ancient Egyptian History corruption took 9ver and then hundreds thousands even upto million + cats were murdered and Mummified as religious tokens to be left at the "Bastet" alters around the country !!! Recently ( in the last ten years ) Egyptologist have discovered Huge caches of mUmmified cats and other "Token" mummified Animals !!! Sad but true!!!
@@yanaserdtse5375 me too I have several who live on top of our roof and around us!!! Naturally we feed them daily and attend to thier medical.needs as well!!!
Cat Facts Cat's can dislocate their collar bones to flatten themselves out more so that they can fit in very small spaces. Cat's can't taste sweetness. Cat's lay in the sunlight to set their circadian rhythm. Cat's can easily withstand higher and lower temperature ranges than either humans or dogs. Closing your eyes in a cat's presences tells them that you are a friend. Cat's are designed to get all of their water through the meat they eat. All the world's cats are descended from domesticated Egyptian cats.
Correction On The First Fact: They Don't Dislocate They're Collar Bones,So Much As Their Shoulder Bones Are Disconnected Entirely And Are Just Kind Of Floating There.
You can add the fsct, cats cannot perceive clear water. So that gold fish is attractive because it floats in mid air...and modern genetic research has led us ti the conclusion , a secondary non Egyptian wild cat is largely the progenitor for the cat we love today..
I think I spent too much time with my cats while I watched South Korean and Japanese shows... I'm literally slowly blinking my eyes and bowing my head when I greet people lmao! I like it, think I'll keep these unconscious behaviors and make them conscious lol.
I'm going to be really annoying and say that the apostrophe in cat's isn't needed because you're using the plural, not the possessive noun. So it's just "Cats can...".
The real Atlantis is Indonesia exactly on The Equator line of Earth yet richest nature in entire world. I am also a complete multiracial, multilingual. But only Europe/Mercator world map and Middle Eastern has been drawing Indonesia too small the last centuries while it should be as wide as Russia. Yes, first name Rizki means Richard and my second name Ferdian means Light Bearer. Fer/per/ber old european-indo word means to carry, to bear. Dian/Diana/Dion/Dionne, etc.. means Divine/Light. Indo is all the way from Indonesia to Europe. That's why there's Indo Europe, Indo Iran, India, etc. Hindu wasn't religion but Indo region. Hindu: Hindia: India: Indus: Indonesia: Indo Nesos. Religion = Region = Legion = Region Rely on their Legion. Game of words. Words = Mantra, Magic Spells. Vibration, Energy, "G" (god). Rab, Rob, Rabbi = Master Ancient Egypt is much younger than Indonesian Ancient Civilization, in fact oldest in the world unknown to limited knowledge and nature of western world and middle east). Middle Easterns and North Africa were rooted from Indonesia, the oldest ancient civilization on earth. Not only the supervolcano Toba eruption 74000 years (present Toba lake of Sumatra, world's largest volcanic lake) but before that our Ancestors knew it was going to happened that's why they moved towards West (today Middle East, Europe and America).
When I was in Egypt on my Honeymoon we bought 2 hand carved life sized black sitting cat statues. Each one with a unique carved necklace design. We managed to pack them in our suit cases on our return but they weiged a ton being as they are stone ! . I love them. They sit pride of place in my living room.
Anubis is the same. Anubis is no question one of the most well known god of any pantheon. He was a very important god to the ancient Egyptians. He helped Isis put Osiris back together when Set cut him to pieces. Yet there’s almost no mythological stories that involve Anubis. Like Hades, Anubis was an edge lord that was satisfied hanging out with the dead minding his own business not starting drama
They definitely own many of the cat owners all over the world, they make our lives more beautiful and loveble than any man could, so i hapilly give them supremacy over the world of men :))
I've always known that I was born to be a servant to these superior creatures. As an adult, I've had continuous cat cohabitation for 38 years. I am currently ruled by Baxie, Penny, Lily, and Cody.... and they all found *ME!*
My cat Curly-Sue often fought demons in my very home. Literally detouring them from harming us, and fighting something we couldn't see at times. I was her favorite human when she was alive, and I still feel her getting on top of me to protect me at night. Cats really do protect against demons and evil spirits.
My cat sleeps on my chest face to face. Like idk how that's comfortable for her. Feels like I'm stealing her air.. or is she's trying to steal mine. Maybe get my soul. But my cats have always seemed almost human like in behavior
@@JT5555 lol my lil 6 pound dog RULES my house pretty much my life and that is because I allow her to in return for unconditional love.... but to each their own preferred species ❤
@@PoM-MoM Pfft,Your Dog Is A Toy Breed: Those Things Own Your Ass As Much As A Cat Would.XD I Once Dogsitted Two Pitbulls And A Blind Shih Tzu And That Shih Tzu Was NOT Scared To Yell At The Pitbulls If They So Much As Bumped Into Her (Though The Pitbulls Were't Having It So That Was A Problem).
Bastet is truly fascinating, and one of my favorite ancient deities, (definitely my favorite of Egyptian deities.) I first learned of Bastet when she appeared in the December 1998 issue of Top Cow Comics' "Witchblade / Tomb Raider." For too long Bastet has been relegated to commonplace obscurity. Only during the past decade, more or less, have I noticed an increase of deserved attention being returned to this incredible Egyptian Goddess. Thanks for this wonderful video about Bastet.
وَأَنِيبُوا إِلَى رَبِّكُمْ وَأَسْلِمُوا لَهُ مِن قَبْلِ أَن يَأْتِيَكُمُ الْعَذَابُ ثُمَّ لَا تُنصَرُونَ "Turn ye to our Lord (in repentance) and bow to His (Will), before the Penalty comes on you: after that ye shall not be helped وَاتَّبِعُوا أَحْسَنَ مَا أُنزِلَ إِلَيْكُم مِّن رَّبِّكُم مِّن قَبْلِ أَن يَأْتِيَكُمُ العَذَابُ بَغْتَةً وَأَنتُمْ لَا تَشْعُرُونَ "And follow the best of (the courses) revealed to you from your Lord, before the Penalty comes on you - of a sudden while ye perceive not أَن تَقُولَ نَفْسٌ يَا حَسْرَتَى علَى مَا فَرَّطتُ فِي جَنبِ اللَّهِ وَإِن كُنتُ لَمِنَ السَّاخِرِينَ "Lest the soul should (then) say: 'Ah! Woe is me!- In that I neglected (my duty) towards Allah, and was but among those who mocked أَوْ تَقُولَ لَوْ أَنَّ اللَّهَ هَدَانِي لَكُنتُ مِنَ الْمُتَّقِينَ "Or (lest) it should say: 'If only Allah had guided me, I should certainly have been among the righteous Quran .islam
@@alhamdleallah Semen comes from backbone and ribs ( Quran 86:6-7) The Sun has a Rising place and a Setting place (Quran 18:86 and 90 ). The Sun sets in a muddy Spring (Quran 18:86)
@@Freespiritedqueen They do! I spend (way too many) hours watching videos of just that! Lol I frickin Love them 😻 Bast has been with me for a looooong time. She was my first deity before I even knew what that meant 🐱
Cats are a blessing to humanity. They keep vermin populations down and thus, the probability of terrible pandemics. They show love and support to their humans, and my Mr. Biscuits has been with me through the hardest year of my life. Their purring even holds a healing frequency. I'm very grateful for every cat I've been blessed with.
I enjoyed this video. Lately I have been wanting a cat. I really like cats because they are snobbish and they seem to act like they are better than you, yet they can be loving and snuggle up to you.
I had one that acted a lot like a dog:followed me everywhere,sat at my feet when I was cooking or cleaning or doing paperwork,greeted me when I came home,always wanted to snuggle on my chest for hours,just a very loving companion,I miss him terribly,he really gave me so much love. I hope Im lucky enough to find another cat that is similar one day!!❤
This video is great! But you left out she was a goddess of jewelry, and perfume as well. She was often known as "The lady of Perfume". Also, with the rise of Neo-Paganism and Neo-Kemetisim, her worship is back in popularity in these groups. Goes to show people will always love and need cats, and cats will always need love and people 💛 Dua Bastet!
Cats are my favorites (sorry, doggies (I love you too!!)). I believe they are intuitive and telepathic. I lived with two for a very long time at my daughter's residence and became convinced of this after a long period of observance. I once had occasion to state to the youngest of the two that she was not a human being. Her immediate reaction was one I'll never forget. She appeared wounded - deeply - which evokes even now a feeling of shame as I believe there was a realization for her that cut her to the quick. Had anyone seen her reaction I believe that person would have thought so too. I'm not at all surprised that they were valued for practical and spiritual reasons.
Lol my cat has done the same . Not sure if anyone knows anything about Dugites but let's just say I have never been so scared and surprised at the same time She doesn't go out anymore and i give her sacrifices of biscuits and wet food... and salmons . She is my protector goddess after all
thank you man , I really enjoyed it , didn't know that much about "Bastet" except she was a Godess , I raise eleven cats me & my daughter , I feel blessed to have them & to find your rich Channel , Sending you love & light from modern Egypt .
if you're friends with a cat, consider making a cat tether, from a cat collar and mason line to allow them free range on your property outside. they appreciate the chance to hunt and be outdoors. although you must check constantly for tangles and snags, it's the best solution out there for keeping them on your property and allowing them some time to hunt. eventually when they kill something or at least catch it, don't discourage them, be proud and happy for them. mine has caught over 30 chipmunks but always let's them live, she killed a mouse, she sometimes catches birds but let's them live. the trick here is to watch out every 15 minutes or so to free whatever poor creature she's caught and then duly reward the cat with praise and love. let nature be nature. as much as you can bear. they deserve it.
Thank you for making this. Bastet has been close to my heart my whole life. ♥ As this video started, my cat was intently staring at the screen the whole time as well.
The Egyptians are the reason we have ginger cats. The were not initially common in the world (greys were) but they bred them till there were strains of gingers...often sold to visitors etc for their remarkable coloring, their main function was to become sacrifices to the goddess Bastet and serve her, their golden color being likened to the sun god Ra.
Cats are very sacred to me. They are amazing, extremely adorable, and funny too. They don't tend to be noisy (some can be, it depends on the cat, every cat is different) and they don't require too much work. I love both of my cats. I will always respect Bastet. Please respect cats, if you don't like them just stay away from them. Please don't hurt them, for they are animals, nature's treasure. The same goes with Tigers and Lions. Let them live and flourish, they are so beautiful 😺😺
Totally agree with everything you say. Cat friend. Those homans that don't like cats. They need to keep their negative thoughts to themselves. When they insult them they are insulting me.
I can’t believe I’ve just found this channel, you put so much dedication in your videos, from research, animation, music and graphics. It’s really a treasure for all of us who enjoy history. You definitely deserve more followers.
It was my strong and respected father who made me fall in love with cats. The neighborhood feral cats loved to gather around him as he cleaned our seafood. I have had many wonderful gos and goddesses all of my life. Currently, Boki and Reina are the dominants of our home.! Never knew about Bastet and I am glad I do now!
Respect the cats. Love you're channel smooth voice great content and great graphics. Hello from the netherlands Edit. Btw did you know that when a cat died, the owners shaved their eyebrows out of sign of mourning and when they grew back the mourning period was over
Yeah! Also did you notice that the Mona Lisa painting has no eyebrows! its symbolic that the Egyptian culture evolved and was present in the renaissance!
Another thing: I forget the exact number they've found but there are far, far, *_far_* more mummified animals (chiefly cats, but all types of animals as a whole) than there are mummified people. Just found that interesting.
Not boring at all! Bastet was a real powerhouse of Ancient Egyptian culture! The Ancient Egyptians didn't deny there was God but Bastet is certainly a Goddess! Amazing
Ohh lovely civilised ANCIENT Egyptians! Even in our days I would apply capital punishment for deliberately killing or maltreating a cat! They are gorgeous supreme beings and that’s throughout time!
Very history educational contents. Please, keep up the great work. Also, just one request please. Can you do an animation of ancient Africa & ancient African beliefs, religions etc
I absolutely loved this video. My late cat was named Bastet, and boy did she live up to her name. If you looked at her and she wanted to be picked up, she'd flop over on the floor until you came to her and picked her up.
well, I think domestic cats are already protected. as for feral ones, well, punishing the killing of feral cats would bring only a mass extinction in Australia and many other countries, so feral cats are an exception, as they are invasive pests. But I surely agree with domestic cats, though without death penalty. Just like with any other animal that is not a pest, it needs to be protected by law.
Praise be the Goddess! May she watch over me and give me strength during my times of hardships! My Lady! My Light! Cat Mother protect me! Thank you for this video in honoring the Cat Mother. I'm a Kemetic man and I work with the Cat Goddess. Thumbs up and liked.
@@Mo.1988 Ok well you can believe In the bible and the Christian God. Not everyone beliefs in what you do. No one other than you needs your god .. Other people will have different religions. They have freedom to practice their faith just as you do yours.
Yes! Mother Bastet is a being that is still very present among us. She calls out to those worthy of her blessings and her communication. I’ve been called by her for as long as I can remember, and I am finally taking the steps I need to meet her and work with her. -A fellow Kemetic.
This video was amazing! Honestly the best ancient egyptian historical video I've seen in a long time! Very great story telling skills, clear and concise explanations without it being boring! I'm definitley subscribing
Bastet is my favorite Egyptian goddess. I am 57 years old this year, and always have had at least 1 cat with me. Except for 1 year, when I lost Tessa, I feel she visits me regularly, and I miss her. The 2 I have now are throwaways who found me. Both are great companions. And keep me grounded in the here and now. Cats will always be a part of my life.
I tend to chuckle at those PSAs that admonish people to "adopt, not shop" for their pets. While I can agree, ALL of my family members adopted ME, not the other way around. I appear to be something of a "cat magnet," which is fine by me.
Thank you for this video on my favorite Egyptian goddess; I wanted to know more about her, and you answered some questions here. I also appreciated all the beautiful pictographs and statuary.
umm, I have never seen an Ancient Egyptian calendar where December is the last month of the year. Usually it was between the end of June, the middle of July or early August. The dates moved because the constellations which determined them moved as well as time passed.
Actually June and July were the time the Nile flooded and all agriculture activities were stopped... So it was the time for leisure and worship in hopes of a prosperous new year. I am not sure how the year ending in December came about exactly, but I think it had something to do with cultural exchanges... Maybe with the entrance of Christianity
@@nosha200y I get that, there was a discrepancy between the actual flooding and the Heliacal Rising of Sirius because there was a gradual shift of the climate and the precession of Sirius. However, the Egyptian year never ended in December, since December was at the end of the flood season. Coptic New Year even today is 11 September, but unlike the ancient Calendar which took the celestial movements into account, the Coptic Calendar follows a set date for New Year's.
My calico found me a baby female who I named sassy. Now another has found me a male who I call Leo.been receiving blessings on top of blessings ever since I started taking care and feeding them everyday. I couldn’t see my life without them
I have always liked this guy's voice. It's very important for a narrator to have an appealing sound. Most narrator's have a slow, constant and dull approach to describing what we're seeing on screen, but this guy has a very interesting, humorous and indulging sound, it keeps me focused on what's going on. Not only that but I love the Egyptian videos that this channel makes, the animated Egyptian farmer mini documentary was very good, I find myself watching it over and over, not only bc I like "New Historia" documentaries, but I LOVE CATS lol. Please make more animated documentaries on ancient Egypt, they are my favorite to watch. Ty for all your hard work and for sharing it w us.
Fascinating! My parents acquired their first cat to chase mice out of their house - highly successful. 'Pishkin' came in at the front door from the local RSPCA, mice fled out at once out of the back and were not seen again! I hadn't realised cats could take on cobras as well as the more ordinary vermin, although I once heard tell of a large, fierce marmalade cat who brought down a hare.
My Siberia forest cat who I call Phoneix he brought us a Hard he had just hunted. Jumped right through our window and placed him down in front of our TV still blood beating. My poor kids haha before school the thing was the size almsot of my cat. I never realized he would try and hunt such an animal. They are amazing with how independent and instinctively they will hunt for themselves.
I wish there was a single video or a series of them to cover Egyptian mythology and some myths. Very interesting, but quite complicated. At least now I know something about Bastet, thank you!
I hope you pick this back up and do other Goddesses and Gods. I searched many channels on Mythology, Goddesses, Gods, Egypt this is one of the few that kept my attention.
Pharaoh : what candidates we have to guard the grain store ? Scribe : we can hire a guard ... Pharaoh : men sleep at night, and they will need a source of light an heat, which could burn the place, other Ideas ? Scribe : we can put snakes in the grain sto.. Pharaoh : snakes ? are you crazy ? these things kill people, other ideas. Scribe : dogs ? Pharaoh : they don't hunt rats and mice, some even would befriend them. Scribe : how about this weird animal that came from the desert.. it is called Cat. Pharaoh : what is this "cat" thing ? Scribe : they are fluffy animals that look cute, their voice is nice, and they kill rats, mice, and snakes. Pharaoh : woah.. Scribe : they also tend to have plenty of offspring, play with people, kill bugs Pharaoh : shut up and hire them, actually, let's make a religion out of them.
I have felt a very strong connection to Bastet for the last 5 yrs. After tapping into my akashic records it all makes sense. Thank you for this video...😽🙏🏽❤️✨
It’s hard to see how animals get treated nowadays in Egypt. Especially dogs, cats are doing a little bit better. Modern Egypt and its arabian inhabitants have nothing to to do with its past. Most don’t care. Still, the ancient sites are amazing, a must see. There’s something special going on, something magical.
Edwige Lacroix I was shocked how most Egyptians don’t care for the ancient sites. They couldn’t care less. They only thing they care are the revenues they bring.
Amazing work! choice of imagery, and everything is just of extraordinary incomparable quality. A great reference to my thesis project on Egyptian mythology. Thank youu!! (also please comment with your email, would like to ask you a few questions)
Seckmet and Bastet I would say are up in the air. Depending on what mythology you’re looking at they’re sisters, Seckmet changed into Bastet eventually or they’re their own separate beings. It’s definitely confusing because again myths do change. Like how Anubis is either Horus’ half brother or Anubis was adopted by Isis so that’s how Horus and Anubis are brothers. They’re still brothers in the end but mythology changes so you’d often find different variations of myths
Can't wait for more. You should work for the History Channel. Huge fan right here of your stuff! Maybe you could cover other mythological backgrounds from Chinese, Aztec, Mayan, Roman, Hindu, African, Norwegian, Hawaiian, etc. I think the more Mythologies you incorporate, the more followers you get due to people coming from all backgrounds, ethnicities and, religions. It would be a huge BOOM for your channel. And if you keep up this kind of quality, I have no doubt you could be one of the biggest names on UA-cam. Plus being an educator myself, our community would love you for it! I know I am a lowly Ph.D. student but I think what I am saying is valid. I am rooting for you!!
“Curiosity killed the cat”
Ancient Egyptians: *squints* who’s this “curiosity” character?
But satisfaction brought it back.
Someone who wanted to know about secret knowledge.
@@butterflylife7841 I'm guessing someone who was hungry. There's no way for them to want secret knowledge. If its secret. Someone followed the pack because they were hungty. My stomach is growling, I kmow this.
Sheri DuBois hehe 😉 never know.
What made it worse was the fact that the Roman had killed the cat after a Solar Eclipse. To the Egyptians it was an unforgivable blasphemy, because they believed that cats protected the Sun. They also believed that when the Sun went down that the rays of the Sun went into the cats eyes and they guarded the Sun until morning. It also explained why the cats eyes shine in the dark. 🐈☀️
Ohh that’s a violation the narrator left that out, did the Roman man know about the revered cat policy? It doesn’t matter anyways lol thanks for the info
@@bestofworld90 I'm sure that he did but being a Roman he didn't care. And it cost him his life. The Egyptians also believed that their main God Aman-Ra turned into a cat at night and fought with the God Set. Set was the equivalent of Satan to the Ancient Egyptians. 🙂
Kathleen Marr indeed.
Kathleen Marr and feline beings can SEE the dark. If you know what I mean
Isn't death the best existing punishment and the best thing we can come up with??? I mean really is there any existing crime that HASN'T been ( death penalty) its almost like death penalty is so much a favorite thing to ever do or answer TO EVERY SINGLE CRIME.
Thousands of years ago in Egypt, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have not forgotten this.
No wonder their to them self , most def high ascendants that’s why they can take away evil
I love them 🐈🐅
They were Worshipped No doubt But at some Point in Ancient Egyptian History corruption took 9ver and then hundreds thousands even upto million + cats were murdered and Mummified as religious tokens to be left at the "Bastet" alters around the country !!! Recently ( in the last ten years ) Egyptologist have discovered Huge caches of mUmmified cats and other "Token" mummified Animals !!! Sad but true!!!
@@yanaserdtse5375 me too I have several who live on top of our roof and around us!!! Naturally we feed them daily and attend to thier medical.needs as well!!!
@Raul Lugo LOL, mine is much the same! Cats are the greatest.
My cat perked up. and looked at me when she heard her name as if saying, "You know Bastet????"
All cats are children of Bastet.
All cats know their patroness Goddess. ❤
How strange mine did too!
Cat Facts
Cat's can dislocate their collar bones to flatten themselves out more so that they can fit in very small spaces.
Cat's can't taste sweetness.
Cat's lay in the sunlight to set their circadian rhythm.
Cat's can easily withstand higher and lower temperature ranges than either humans or dogs.
Closing your eyes in a cat's presences tells them that you are a friend.
Cat's are designed to get all of their water through the meat they eat.
All the world's cats are descended from domesticated Egyptian cats.
Correction On The First Fact: They Don't Dislocate They're Collar Bones,So Much As Their Shoulder Bones Are Disconnected Entirely And Are Just Kind Of Floating There.
@Chris Carson then its likely the added salt in processed things or the texture of whatever you are giving her...
You can add the fsct, cats cannot perceive clear water. So that gold fish is attractive because it floats in mid air...and modern genetic research has led us ti the conclusion , a secondary non Egyptian wild cat is largely the progenitor for the cat we love today..
I think I spent too much time with my cats while I watched South Korean and Japanese shows... I'm literally slowly blinking my eyes and bowing my head when I greet people lmao! I like it, think I'll keep these unconscious behaviors and make them conscious lol.
I'm going to be really annoying and say that the apostrophe in cat's isn't needed because you're using the plural, not the possessive noun. So it's just "Cats can...".
your voice , music , animations , everything is just perfect man , as an Egyptian and a lover of history , i salute you , please do more of this
For sure! More Ancient Egypt and mythology videos are coming
@@NewHistoria IM WAITING
The real Atlantis is Indonesia exactly on The Equator line of Earth yet richest nature in entire world.
I am also a complete multiracial, multilingual.
But only Europe/Mercator world map and Middle Eastern has been drawing Indonesia too small the last centuries while it should be as wide as Russia. Yes, first name Rizki means Richard and my second name Ferdian means Light Bearer. Fer/per/ber old european-indo word means to carry, to bear. Dian/Diana/Dion/Dionne, etc.. means Divine/Light.
Indo is all the way from Indonesia to Europe.
That's why there's Indo Europe, Indo Iran, India, etc. Hindu wasn't religion but Indo region.
Hindu: Hindia: India: Indus: Indonesia: Indo Nesos.
Religion = Region = Legion = Region Rely on their Legion.
Game of words. Words = Mantra, Magic Spells.
Vibration, Energy, "G" (god).
Rab, Rob, Rabbi = Master
Ancient Egypt is much younger than Indonesian Ancient Civilization, in fact oldest in the world unknown to limited knowledge and nature of western world and middle east).
Middle Easterns and North Africa were rooted from Indonesia, the oldest ancient civilization on earth.
Not only the supervolcano Toba eruption 74000 years (present Toba lake of Sumatra, world's largest volcanic lake) but before that our Ancestors knew it was going to happened that's why they moved towards West (today Middle East, Europe and America).
@Iris-Angela Jones Thank you too, I am an Aquarius Sun and in its true house 11th house, Aquarius Moon in X MC, etc
Bastet is a warm sunny day, Sekhmet is a scorching desert sun... At least thats how i see it, I mean they are both daughters of Ra.
Ya,But Only Ra And Sekhmet Were Sun Gods. All The Suns Good Things Were From Ra And All Of It's Bad Things Were From Sekhmet.
Ah, Ra, the most high. The scriptures mentioned raiment > wrapped in the mind of Ra. That’s a rapper!
I read somewhere that Sekhmet’s breath was believed to create the desert
Amanda that breath must have been very dry!
Electron Hop a bit 😂😂😂
When I was in Egypt on my Honeymoon we bought 2 hand carved life sized black sitting cat statues. Each one with a unique carved necklace design. We managed to pack them in our suit cases on our return but they weiged a ton being as they are stone ! . I love them. They sit pride of place in my living room.
Why will you steal what It's not yours... For God sake
sketch piece who said anything about stealing? Maybe she bought it from an artisan at a market, or a gift shop. Stop making assumptions
@@sketchpiece1435 My dude The person said "bought" which means "to buy" at past tense
@@gheorghestefania975 I just read it again, my bad
@@sketchpiece1435 nah dude no worries
My cats remind me everyday that they are descendants of gods.
Mine too
They are purry legends that deserve my love
I respect my cat
So are you...
Bastet is one of my favorite Divine figures in the Egyptian pantheon. It's a shame we have such little information about her.
Anubis is the same. Anubis is no question one of the most well known god of any pantheon. He was a very important god to the ancient Egyptians. He helped Isis put Osiris back together when Set cut him to pieces. Yet there’s almost no mythological stories that involve Anubis. Like Hades, Anubis was an edge lord that was satisfied hanging out with the dead minding his own business not starting drama
That's actually quite a lot of archeological evidence for her cult etc
@@bennu547 Anubis is in at least 3 or more Egyptian religious traditions aside from all of the archeological evidence we have on him
@@bennu547 I thought that Anubis weighed the dead's hearts. To see if they were pure enough to go into the afterlife?
@@jamiebaker7066 nope, that was Maat's role as judge weighing the person's heart on the scale with her feather of truth.
I swear cats still treat us as slaves in egypt , they look at us as we still worship them and meow as they have supremecy over us .
They definitely own many of the cat owners all over the world, they make our lives more beautiful and loveble than any man could, so i hapilly give them supremacy over the world of men :))
Yeah right animal abuse in Egypt is horrific, mass killing of animals when the mass poisoning happened there like a few years ago by some elite club 😡
I've always known that I was born to be a servant to these superior creatures. As an adult, I've had continuous cat cohabitation for 38 years. I am currently ruled by Baxie, Penny, Lily, and Cody.... and they all found *ME!*
Cat lady!
Ancient Egyptians: ~homicidally-furious when someone kills a cat~
Modern cat-lovers: ~agree wholeheartedly~
are you stupid
@@Coffeebun332 no are u?
@@re3171 Love!!!!!!! Your name!!!!!!
@@lisasamuelson8774 thank u 😩❤️
My cat Curly-Sue often fought demons in my very home. Literally detouring them from harming us, and fighting something we couldn't see at times.
I was her favorite human when she was alive, and I still feel her getting on top of me to protect me at night.
Cats really do protect against demons and evil spirits.
💯% agree! Curly-Sue loves you & watches over you ever day.❤🙏
My cat sleeps on my chest face to face. Like idk how that's comfortable for her. Feels like I'm stealing her air.. or is she's trying to steal mine. Maybe get my soul. But my cats have always seemed almost human like in behavior
As a cat lover, I love this.
Cat's are really amazing and great beneficiary companion to HUMAN BEINGS... respect and LOVE from PAKISTAN 💗💗💗
Pfft. Humans Are But The Arrogant Servants Of Cats. Bow Before Your Feline Overlords.
Sagt at du 5men ønsket 5mine 555mine g⁵the ⁵5mine the 5g5is
lol my lil 6 pound dog RULES my house pretty much my life and that is because I allow her to in return for unconditional love....
but to each their own preferred species ❤
@@PoM-MoM Pfft,Your Dog Is A Toy Breed: Those Things Own Your Ass As Much As A Cat Would.XD I Once Dogsitted Two Pitbulls And A Blind Shih Tzu And That Shih Tzu Was NOT Scared To Yell At The Pitbulls If They So Much As Bumped Into Her (Though The Pitbulls Were't Having It So That Was A Problem).
Bastet is truly fascinating, and one of my favorite ancient deities, (definitely my favorite of Egyptian deities.) I first learned of Bastet when she appeared in the December 1998 issue of Top Cow Comics' "Witchblade / Tomb Raider." For too long Bastet has been relegated to commonplace obscurity. Only during the past decade, more or less, have I noticed an increase of deserved attention being returned to this incredible Egyptian Goddess. Thanks for this wonderful video about Bastet.
May her praises ever be sung
She of many forms
many blessings
many names
Beautiful documentary...Cats are gifted with such natural dignity and grace. They're truly nature's gems 💙
Cats are Gods favorite Animal
Bastet and Anubis are my favorite Egyptian gods.
Bastet/Isis: WORSHIP ME!
housecat: Pet me!
mortal human: Uh, and what's the real difference?
I'm afraid "fluffy" is STILL a "vicious predator"!! My cat destroyed my chair the other day !
وَأَنِيبُوا إِلَى رَبِّكُمْ وَأَسْلِمُوا لَهُ مِن قَبْلِ أَن يَأْتِيَكُمُ الْعَذَابُ ثُمَّ لَا تُنصَرُونَ
"Turn ye to our Lord (in repentance) and bow to His (Will), before the Penalty comes on you: after that ye shall not be helped
وَاتَّبِعُوا أَحْسَنَ مَا أُنزِلَ إِلَيْكُم مِّن رَّبِّكُم مِّن قَبْلِ أَن يَأْتِيَكُمُ العَذَابُ بَغْتَةً وَأَنتُمْ لَا تَشْعُرُونَ
"And follow the best of (the courses) revealed to you from your Lord, before the Penalty comes on you - of a sudden while ye perceive not
أَن تَقُولَ نَفْسٌ يَا حَسْرَتَى علَى مَا فَرَّطتُ فِي جَنبِ اللَّهِ وَإِن كُنتُ لَمِنَ السَّاخِرِينَ
"Lest the soul should (then) say: 'Ah! Woe is me!- In that I neglected (my duty) towards Allah, and was but among those who mocked
أَوْ تَقُولَ لَوْ أَنَّ اللَّهَ هَدَانِي لَكُنتُ مِنَ الْمُتَّقِينَ
"Or (lest) it should say: 'If only Allah had guided me, I should certainly have been among the righteous
Quran .islam
Semen comes from backbone and ribs ( Quran 86:6-7)
The Sun has a Rising place and a Setting place
(Quran 18:86 and 90 ).
The Sun sets in a muddy Spring
(Quran 18:86)
Lol Cats are fearless! They fight dogs, alligators, snakes, yarn, toilet paper, furniture...anything! 😹😸😼
@@spiritdriven3425 lol, do they?
@@Freespiritedqueen They do! I spend (way too many) hours watching videos of just that! Lol I frickin Love them 😻 Bast has been with me for a looooong time. She was my first deity before I even knew what that meant 🐱
Cats are a blessing to humanity. They keep vermin populations down and thus, the probability of terrible pandemics. They show love and support to their humans, and my Mr. Biscuits has been with me through the hardest year of my life. Their purring even holds a healing frequency.
I'm very grateful for every cat I've been blessed with.
I enjoyed this video. Lately I have been wanting a cat. I really like cats because they are snobbish and they seem to act like they are better than you, yet they can be loving and snuggle up to you.
There not as snobbish as some like to make out if you earn a cats trust they are as sweet an loving as dogs..the key is to earn their trust
I have three snobs one who just gave birth to 7 snobs to be I love them dearly they’re amazing loving beings
I had one that acted a lot like a dog:followed me everywhere,sat at my feet when I was cooking or cleaning or doing paperwork,greeted me when I came home,always wanted to snuggle on my chest for hours,just a very loving companion,I miss him terribly,he really gave me so much love. I hope Im lucky enough to find another cat that is similar one day!!❤
This video is great! But you left out she was a goddess of jewelry, and perfume as well. She was often known as "The lady of Perfume".
Also, with the rise of Neo-Paganism and Neo-Kemetisim, her worship is back in popularity in these groups. Goes to show people will always love and need cats, and cats will always need love and people 💛
Dua Bastet!
Cats are my favorites (sorry, doggies (I love you too!!)). I believe they are intuitive and telepathic. I lived with two for a very long time at my daughter's residence and became convinced of this after a long period of observance. I once had occasion to state to the youngest of the two that she was not a human being. Her immediate reaction was one I'll never forget. She appeared wounded - deeply - which evokes even now a feeling of shame as I believe there was a realization for her that cut her to the quick. Had anyone seen her reaction I believe that person would have thought so too. I'm not at all surprised that they were valued for practical and spiritual reasons.
My little cat once brought me the gift of a dead rattlesnake.
That's impressive, but poor snakey
That's an offering perfect for a hoodoo spirit
Lol my cat has done the same
. Not sure if anyone knows anything about Dugites but let's just say I have never been so scared and surprised at the same time
She doesn't go out anymore and i give her sacrifices of biscuits and wet food... and salmons . She is my protector goddess after all
thank you man , I really enjoyed it , didn't know that much about "Bastet" except she was a Godess , I raise eleven cats me & my daughter , I feel blessed to have them & to find your rich Channel , Sending you love & light from modern Egypt .
if you're friends with a cat, consider making a cat tether, from a cat collar and mason line to allow them free range on your property outside. they appreciate the chance to hunt and be outdoors. although you must check constantly for tangles and snags, it's the best solution out there for keeping them on your property and allowing them some time to hunt. eventually when they kill something or at least catch it, don't discourage them, be proud and happy for them. mine has caught over 30 chipmunks but always let's them live, she killed a mouse, she sometimes catches birds but let's them live. the trick here is to watch out every 15 minutes or so to free whatever poor creature she's caught and then duly reward the cat with praise and love. let nature be nature. as much as you can bear. they deserve it.
Thank you for making this. Bastet has been close to my heart my whole life. ♥
As this video started, my cat was intently staring at the screen the whole time as well.
The Egyptians are the reason we have ginger cats. The were not initially common in the world (greys were) but they bred them till there were strains of gingers...often sold to visitors etc for their remarkable coloring, their main function was to become sacrifices to the goddess Bastet and serve her, their golden color being likened to the sun god Ra.
oh my god I was not emotionally prepared for that kitten at 4:40
Cats are very sacred to me. They are amazing, extremely adorable, and funny too. They don't tend to be noisy (some can be, it depends on the cat, every cat is different) and they don't require too much work. I love both of my cats. I will always respect Bastet. Please respect cats, if you don't like them just stay away from them. Please don't hurt them, for they are animals, nature's treasure. The same goes with Tigers and Lions. Let them live and flourish, they are so beautiful 😺😺
Totally agree with everything you say. Cat friend. Those homans that don't like cats. They need to keep their negative thoughts to themselves. When they insult them they are insulting me.
One of the best videos I've seen in storytelling and editing. Amazing work. Thank you.
I can’t believe I’ve just found this channel, you put so much dedication in your videos, from research, animation, music and graphics. It’s really a treasure for all of us who enjoy history. You definitely deserve more followers.
I studied Egyptian mythology for fun as a kid and I worship my cats as earthly incarnations of Bastet
Cats, the Egyptian’s Best Friend.
I'm pondering Artemis as a "fertility" goddess when she was a sworn virgin. All the years I've studied mythology, this is news for me.
I think the narrator is confused in that respect, because Artemis was the goddess of hunting, another of Bastet’s attributes.
It was my strong and respected father who made me fall in love with cats. The neighborhood feral cats loved to gather around him as he cleaned our seafood. I have had many wonderful gos and goddesses all of my life. Currently, Boki and Reina are the dominants of our home.! Never knew about Bastet and I am glad I do now!
Respect the cats. Love you're channel smooth voice great content and great graphics. Hello from the netherlands
Edit. Btw did you know that when a cat died, the owners shaved their eyebrows out of sign of mourning and when they grew back the mourning period was over
Wow, were they egyptian?
Yeah! Also did you notice that the Mona Lisa painting has no eyebrows! its symbolic that the Egyptian culture evolved and was present in the renaissance!
Another thing: I forget the exact number they've found but there are far, far, *_far_* more mummified animals (chiefly cats, but all types of animals as a whole) than there are mummified people. Just found that interesting.
we had a siamese cat named Bastet when I was a kid, she would routinely thrash our neighbors "ferocious" german shepard!
Siamese are fierce , hardly kitty cats at all really 😂
She was a tortoiseshell and her name was Holly but my old cat used to beat up dogs all the time. And cats. And people. She'd beat everything up.
Imagine a dog named Anubis.
Not boring at all! Bastet was a real powerhouse of Ancient Egyptian culture! The Ancient Egyptians didn't deny there was God but Bastet is certainly a Goddess! Amazing
Ohh lovely civilised ANCIENT Egyptians! Even in our days I would apply capital punishment for deliberately killing or maltreating a cat! They are gorgeous supreme beings and that’s throughout time!
I wish they have this law in haiti to protect 🐱
just gave my cat a belly rub in appreciation of her ancestors, my respects bastet
Want more Ancient Egypt videos like this one? Click here: ua-cam.com/play/PL4KO0owrcdQJJNgJ8MngAJNIwsTZTJbvf.html
May be because of that i love so much Animals and the have a peace whit me as well a lot of Animals coming to me and want's to play whit me
Anubis please
Very history educational contents. Please, keep up the great work. Also, just one request please. Can you do an animation of ancient Africa & ancient African beliefs, religions etc
Bastet is not the same as the lion headed god Sekhmet. They are entirely different damn you fucked up in the first two minutes.
mengapa line Mesir cari {[(=🔘P'araoh💓P"iramit🔘=)]}
?_memorial_{=P=}araoh👨👰{=M=}esir_? 👀Queen💓Noor👂👀Queen💓Rania👂
Cats are majestic and regal it’s no wonder we love them so much.
The production value on this is of the charts! Well done!
I absolutely loved this video. My late cat was named Bastet, and boy did she live up to her name. If you looked at her and she wanted to be picked up, she'd flop over on the floor until you came to her and picked her up.
Cats are so special... my kitty has shown me another level of love and life
man, I wish that old Egyptian law about not killing cats should be put in our law codexes.......😎😻🐾🐾🐈
well, I think domestic cats are already protected.
as for feral ones, well, punishing the killing of feral cats would bring only a mass extinction in Australia and many other countries, so feral cats are an exception, as they are invasive pests.
But I surely agree with domestic cats, though without death penalty. Just like with any other animal that is not a pest, it needs to be protected by law.
@Ai Kinward exactly. Nothing can ever justify death penalty in my opinion (ok, maybe only terrorists deserve it).
@@risenstarseed4936 beautifully said. Greetings from a fellow starseed :)
priests in old egypt made a business out of killing thousands of cats and sell they're mummified bodys
@Ai Kinward Lyran here. Hi :)
Praise be the Goddess! May she watch over me and give me strength during my times of hardships! My Lady! My Light! Cat Mother protect me! Thank you for this video in honoring the Cat Mother. I'm a Kemetic man and I work with the Cat Goddess. Thumbs up and liked.
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 are you serious? You need GOD AND THE BIBLE
@@Etak they are not Christian
@@Mo.1988 Ok well you can believe In the bible and the Christian God. Not everyone beliefs in what you do.
No one other than you needs your god ..
Other people will have different religions.
They have freedom to practice their faith just as you do yours.
Yes! Mother Bastet is a being that is still very present among us. She calls out to those worthy of her blessings and her communication. I’ve been called by her for as long as I can remember, and I am finally taking the steps I need to meet her and work with her. -A fellow Kemetic.
Thank you for honoring Bastet
This video was amazing! Honestly the best ancient egyptian historical video I've seen in a long time! Very great story telling skills, clear and concise explanations without it being boring! I'm definitley subscribing
Today's Greeting: How's weather today?
Ancient Egyptian: How's your cat today?
lol now thats funny like that lol
One of my favorite quotes “cats were once regarded as gods... they haven’t forgotten that.”
Bastet is my favorite Egyptian goddess. I am 57 years old this year, and always have had at least 1 cat with me. Except for 1 year, when I lost Tessa, I feel she visits me regularly, and I miss her.
The 2 I have now are throwaways who found me. Both are great companions. And keep me grounded in the here and now.
Cats will always be a part of my life.
I tend to chuckle at those PSAs that admonish people to "adopt, not shop" for their pets. While I can agree, ALL of my family members adopted ME, not the other way around. I appear to be something of a "cat magnet," which is fine by me.
Thank you for this video on my favorite Egyptian goddess; I wanted to know more about her, and you answered some questions here. I also appreciated all the beautiful pictographs and statuary.
Great documentary! My favorite Goddess
Cat girls have always been loved since ancient times...
umm, I have never seen an Ancient Egyptian calendar where December is the last month of the year. Usually it was between the end of June, the middle of July or early August. The dates moved because the constellations which determined them moved as well as time passed.
Actually June and July were the time the Nile flooded and all agriculture activities were stopped... So it was the time for leisure and worship in hopes of a prosperous new year.
I am not sure how the year ending in December came about exactly, but I think it had something to do with cultural exchanges... Maybe with the entrance of Christianity
@@nosha200y I get that, there was a discrepancy between the actual flooding and the Heliacal Rising of Sirius because there was a gradual shift of the climate and the precession of Sirius. However, the Egyptian year never ended in December, since December was at the end of the flood season. Coptic New Year even today is 11 September, but unlike the ancient Calendar which took the celestial movements into account, the Coptic Calendar follows a set date for New Year's.
My calico found me a baby female who I named sassy. Now another has found me a male who I call Leo.been receiving blessings on top of blessings ever since I started taking care and feeding them everyday. I couldn’t see my life without them
I have always liked this guy's voice. It's very important for a narrator to have an appealing sound. Most narrator's have a slow, constant and dull approach to describing what we're seeing on screen, but this guy has a very interesting, humorous and indulging sound, it keeps me focused on what's going on. Not only that but I love the Egyptian videos that this channel makes, the animated Egyptian farmer mini documentary was very good, I find myself watching it over and over, not only bc I like "New Historia" documentaries, but I LOVE CATS lol. Please make more animated documentaries on ancient Egypt, they are my favorite to watch. Ty for all your hard work and for sharing it w us.
Love that Bastet statue, so pretty.
I want one! ❤
Loving your videos on ancient Egypt. Please make more of such content. Wishing this channel growth and recognition.
Goddess, Mother, Nurturer, Hunter, Serpent Slayer, Companion... I loooooved this, very informative.
Makes you wish you could go back in time and see ancient Egypt.
Love this video and thank you for the video. This should be shown in schools and on the History Channel
Your video should be played in schools
History as I wish it was taught to me :)
Excellent, please go on !
Fascinating! My parents acquired their first cat to chase mice out of their house - highly successful. 'Pishkin' came in at the front door from the local RSPCA, mice fled out at once out of the back and were not seen again! I hadn't realised cats could take on cobras as well as the more ordinary vermin, although I once heard tell of a large, fierce marmalade cat who brought down a hare.
My Siberia forest cat who I call Phoneix he brought us a Hard he had just hunted. Jumped right through our window and placed him down in front of our TV still blood beating. My poor kids haha before school the thing was the size almsot of my cat. I never realized he would try and hunt such an animal. They are amazing with how independent and instinctively they will hunt for themselves.
*hare, he's also a beautiful orange and white tabby colour. He also hunted my poor snake. He's not afraid of coons either.
I wish there was a single video or a series of them to cover Egyptian mythology and some myths. Very interesting, but quite complicated. At least now I know something about Bastet, thank you!
History documentary: "and the rest was history..."
Ancient Egypt was always my favourite bygone civilisation. Their love of cats makes me appreciate the old Egyptians even more.
My kitty carries this name 😁 thankyou for this video , I searched for information for Bastet and your video is the only legit one I've found 😍
I hope you pick this back up and do other Goddesses and Gods. I searched many channels on Mythology, Goddesses, Gods, Egypt this is one of the few that kept my attention.
Two of my favorite things: cats and Ancient Egypt! Great video! I enjoyed it very much. And I subscribed, too. Thank you! Take care! 😺💕💕💕
i have them 4....and my male kitten of 3 months old has already caught 3 mice!!!! i couldnt be more proud! cat is a remarkable creature!
My cat brings me joy, happiness, hope, faith etc...I see her as a mini Goddess. I worship her.
LOL. The Roman soldier running in the intro moved just like a WR running a route for a long pass.
I watched this with one of my cats.
Nice..., super cute!🐱
I'm a fan of Ancient/Old World History and Mythology. This channel and Kings and Generals is my go-to channels for history.
Pharaoh : what candidates we have to guard the grain store ?
Scribe :
we can hire a guard ...
Pharaoh :
men sleep at night, and they will need a source of light an heat, which could burn the place, other Ideas ?
Scribe :
we can put snakes in the grain sto..
Pharaoh :
snakes ? are you crazy ? these things kill people, other ideas.
Scribe :
dogs ?
Pharaoh :
they don't hunt rats and mice, some even would befriend them.
Scribe :
how about this weird animal that came from the desert.. it is called Cat.
Pharaoh :
what is this "cat" thing ?
Scribe :
they are fluffy animals that look cute, their voice is nice, and they kill rats, mice, and snakes.
Pharaoh :
Scribe :
they also tend to have plenty of offspring, play with people, kill bugs
Pharaoh : shut up and hire them, actually, let's make a religion out of them.
Not all pharaohs was like that💛
There wasn’t an S, and also it was just a joke.
This program is so well put together.
A great, informative and beautiful video. Thank you for this work.
Thanks for watching
This is a beautiful elegant documentary. I loved the feelings it envoked.
I love cats more than anyone ever and I warship them. I am so interested in Winchester Egypt and Bastet.
I have felt a very strong connection to Bastet for the last 5 yrs. After tapping into my akashic records it all makes sense. Thank you for this video...😽🙏🏽❤️✨
When cats go to sleep they go to their realms..
I never knew about the sister cat! Quite interesting thanks cheers
It’s hard to see how animals get treated nowadays in Egypt.
Especially dogs, cats are doing a little bit better.
Modern Egypt and its arabian inhabitants have nothing to to do with its past. Most don’t care.
Still, the ancient sites are amazing, a must see. There’s something special going on, something magical.
That's because those people are not the original Egyptian.
Edwige Lacroix I was shocked how most Egyptians don’t care for the ancient sites.
They couldn’t care less. They only thing they care are the revenues they bring.
Though I just listened while driving, your narration & story telling was lovely -- thank you 🐾
My female cat is named Bastet
Cool name for a cat
@@NewHistoria its the true name of ALL Cats, just like MOTHER is the name of ALL Woman ;-)
I have a cat named Bastet too... and she is a total goddess!
I have a boy cat named Fero and he truly rules the house 😆
My cat called cleopatra...black female cat...8 month old...she sleep wt me every night...i feel safe around her....
Thank you for this wonderful documentary. I will share this on my new channel.
Amazing work! choice of imagery, and everything is just of extraordinary incomparable quality. A great reference to my thesis project on Egyptian mythology. Thank youu!! (also please comment with your email, would like to ask you a few questions)
Please make more beautiful videos like this about all the other egyptian deities, you have a great narrating voice.
Seckmet and Bastet I would say are up in the air. Depending on what mythology you’re looking at they’re sisters, Seckmet changed into Bastet eventually or they’re their own separate beings. It’s definitely confusing because again myths do change. Like how Anubis is either Horus’ half brother or Anubis was adopted by Isis so that’s how Horus and Anubis are brothers. They’re still brothers in the end but mythology changes so you’d often find different variations of myths
I think I fell in love with Bastet😻
I used to have a beautiful white cat named baset , and I have always been connected to cats my whole life
I watched this with my own cat beside me, life is good!
Can't wait for more. You should work for the History Channel. Huge fan right here of your stuff! Maybe you could cover other mythological backgrounds from Chinese, Aztec, Mayan, Roman, Hindu, African, Norwegian, Hawaiian, etc. I think the more Mythologies you incorporate, the more followers you get due to people coming from all backgrounds, ethnicities and, religions. It would be a huge BOOM for your channel. And if you keep up this kind of quality, I have no doubt you could be one of the biggest names on UA-cam. Plus being an educator myself, our community would love you for it! I know I am a lowly Ph.D. student but I think what I am saying is valid. I am rooting for you!!
Thank you. It will take some time because quality is the priority, but that’s definitely the plan
I recently purchased a feline goddess necklace and realize it's Bastet. I enjoyed this informative and interesting video.