"I'm overweight, garishly tattooed and I spent my 20s sleeping around while I studied pointless degree courses. I live on social media and I'm running on a toxic blend of entitlement, resentment, insecurity, desperation and victimhood. I know we just met, but let's marry and have a child. I promise not to divorce you and ruin your life in the family courts."
This video is very true. I remained a virgin until I married at age 21, and had all four of our children in my 20s and stayed at home to raise them while my husband worked. Now I am 44 and 3 of our children have left the nest, and my husband & I are still married. After 23 years, our marriage has actually deepened, and it is truly beautiful to experience.
@@darklightillustrations I don't think that is why they leave. Men in general love their kids and put in the work. The biggest issue is he gets too busy focusing on making money and she focuses on the kids. They forget to take time for their relationship. Marriage takes work. The best thing to give your kids is a loving marriage for them to see.
I am a 70 year old woman and my daughter is 40. I stayed at home with her until she went to school. I took a lot of flack from professional women who told me that I was risking brain atrophy by not being in the workforce and putting my child in daycare. I do not think that daycare is a safe place for babies. I told my daughter not to believe that she could have a demanding career and raise children at the same time. That is a line of bs. She went into teaching so that she could spend time with her children.
Actually, a single father makes a better parent than a single mother. That does not double, but actually halves with the same-same couples. The best parents for a family are exactly as you said, but let us use what we are talking about -- a man and a woman. Note, that is actual not identity.
@ Nature does not have a conscience. People do, and I think we are in agreement; both parents (man and woman) is the most viable way to raise children, but then people are easily swayed by outside influence regarding proper techniques. Just do the best you can.
Everything is geared to depopulation - high property prices, stagnant wages, the promotion of divorce, extended adolescence, insecure work, feminism etc.
To add on to your depopulation agenda comment, of extended adolescence, insecure work, etc. Let us not forget the total overselling of higher education. So many worthless (to the graduate that is) college degrees. The holder is not only kept out of the work force and mating game for 4 years, they graduate with debt that frankly many will never pay off working some 15 dollar minimum wage job, which really does not require any degree. At least tenured college professors and the lenders are getting rich!
Dont worry,the politicians are making sure we have very high migration to fix that. I would usually say it's only the political left but in my country it's both sides. Apparently 2.5% population growth while we have a genuine housing crises is for 'economic' reasons. Epic level fucktardery
Feminism lied to the fathers who set up 529c accounts for their daughters. He planned this for 18 years. He spear headed this and she followed his advice. What else could she have done?
We started tampering with traditional values and norms without understanding the long term effects of those decisions. Now we are beginning to understand that our ancestors were much wiser than we give them credit for.
These dating app profiles of women - bikinis and negligees, not virgins, don't go to church, don't know any domestic skills, yet somehow they still call themselves 'traditional?
@@matthewfusaro2590 go figure that people living in a world where starvation, war, and disease were constant, imminent threats figured out a half decent way to live
*_"The Complete Destruction of the Traditional Marriage and the Nuclear Family is the Revolutionary Utopian Goal of Feminism."_** Kate Millet circa era 1975*
Just recently , a friend of mine , who is 74 , had a woman he loved live with him in his 3 million dollar home for 6 years rent free , who gave him nothing , no cooking , sex, cleaning , companionship , he even couldn't play music in his own home as she didn't want it , leave him and demand a fortune ! she may get half a million for living in a beautiful house for free , go back to her own home , which she rented out while living with my friend , and the courts are doing this for her . INCREDIBLE !!
Your friend sadly was a poor judge of character. There are men and women in this world who have abusive personalities. We all need to be 'wise as a snake but innocent as a dove'. Life can be tough at times.
Any man who marries after 40 should expect that exact situation to play out. Most of them are going to be going after women near their own age, so this is a marriage where progeny are off the table. Those men are simply retirement plans for women who know most men are ignorant to the new dynamic between men and modern women.
The pool of women that a man would deem worthy of marrying has shrunk so much due to feminism along with obesity and narcissism. I feel for the young men in our society that want a long term relationship. The pickings are slim.
At my age it doesnt matter much anymore but my scanner still functions. Guys will know what I mean. The FIRST criteria after basic physical health is are they looking at a phone. If yes, pass. I sympathize with young men. I see almost no woman that isnt warped into uselessness by the feminine hive mind.
Right, and out of curiosity I dug into it a bit and there is a term "left behind women" but that refers to rural women whose husbands left rural areas for employment.
I work with quite a few women who aren’t married in their late 20s and early 30s. They’re just running out their biological clock. It’s now feminism collapses. Women who want families will have to make that choice. It’s pretty lonely from 40 to 80. Do I care? Not in the least.
We've told a generation of girls that they can do anything, be anything and have anything they want. It doesn't work like that in reality. A lot of women have invested everything in becoming poor imitations of second rate men. When they realise that they are not living the dream, and have missed out on the things that really matter, it hurts on a soul deep level.
Excellent comment! Especially the part about them becoming, “poor imitations of 2nd rate men.” That’s the best vvomen can do…I can’t imagine why anyone would aspire to that, but they fell for it.
Women can have it all, just not at the same time. Choices have consequences, there are no perfect solutions, only trade offs. My dad always encouraged all of us to get a decent education that would enable us to provide for ourselves and our families if necessary, but having a family was the priority. After initially getting some tertiary qualifications whilst working, I became a stay at home mum, but did my degree part-time by correspondence. My husband always supported my ambitions. When my youngest went to school I went back to work part-time, then eventually full-time when that child went to high school. Now I am an empty nester, I have the best of all worlds - full-time satisfying work, and a wonderful family of children, and grandchildren to share life with.
I work with mostly women just due to the field of work I'm in. One of my best friends is in her 50's now, but said that in her 20's she didn't want kids... then she hit 30, and "my biological clock started ringing so bad, that I ended up having two!" Now, she's happy with her choice, but she married an alcoholic, and now they're divorced. She's been dating a random mishmash of losers, and while I care about her like I care about my guy friends, I definitely am seeing the irrationality and struggles that are the result of that clock ringing, and them jumping into the first bed with a guy who seems more or less willing to commit... the result is not a recipe for an even keeled life...
I know a woman in this situation. Mid 30s, single and childless, successful career with masters degree, no prospective husband in sight. No idea how she ended up getting to this position, as she has told people she wants to be a submissive biblical wife. You're spitting straight facts in this video that have gotten me hated on when I told people in my circles similar things about the toxic f-nism in colleges.
Most of the time people live like the exact opposite of how they were supposed to live. Opposites attract for a reason, it's true for your own self too
Facts. My parents neighbors have 2 daughters who were like this. They have their career and degrees and their own houses and cars but are over 40 with no children and no prospects of getting a man. The wall is undefeated
The problem with my generation wasn't feminism it was the girls sleeping around until no guys were interested when they hit their thirties. It's hard for a guy to feel he's special to a girl when she's slept with 50 or more guys. It's crazy how many of them are 60 and single.
Women feel the same about men who sleep around. In the West, men still expect that they can sleep around but expect women to be angels. Neither sex should be sleeping around.
This is what they wanted, fought for and called people names over if people cautioned them about the consequences. They have reaped what they have sown. No effs given.
@@leroyj3627 women always make decisions they later regret that's their nature it's why men need to be in charge of important shit. The downfall of America is proof of women having too much.
@@TiSIWO The problem is that most older women were not wise enough to know better. They cheered their daughters and granddaughters on thinking it would give the daughters and granddaughters a better life than they had.
A 38 y/o woman within 10 minutes of meeting me in a club was talking about having children with me. She asked me to come with her to her SUV to “talk.”while in the SUV she told me she was married, I got outta the SUV. Never saw her again, no numbers exchanged. This was back in the early 2000,s. I went out a lot in those days and similar situations like the aforementioned would happen a lot with mid to late 30’s women.
My only child is 38 years old. The women's liberation ladies didn't do me any favors. My husband and I worked ridiculous hours for modest pay. My husband's highest grossing year, he worked for Hanover Shoes in a mall as the only employee, open to close, seven days a week for 40+ weeks, he made good commissions. We had no family in town. It was hard. The smartest families I know attend my church. The father is either a professional or owns and works his own trade or service business. The mother is usually, smart, pretty with a bachelor's degree. These people have multiple biological kids and frequently have adopted ones as well. No, we aren't Mormon or Catholic, we just think families are important. If I could do it all again, we would have different priorities from elementary school on, we would have stayed closer to our parents and we would have had another child, maybe two. We were married 36 years before he died. You must stay together for the sake of each other, the children and the vows you made. Be very careful who you marry. Work the old patterns of society and your outcomes will be more satisfying for all concerned. Turns out, the old ways with a few modifications really work.
It is the child that pays the price of a dual career couple. Lots of other people raised me. I was sexually abused and emotionally abused through my childhood. My mother chose to not believe my complaints.” You’re just imagining that…” I had to leave home to save myself. I never went back. I was 17. I am in my seventies. It was years later, i learned all my siblings were also molested. If you want other people to raise your children, sexual abuse is highly probable. And later in your life your children will hate you and keep you away.
@@beshkodiak the problem is such career parents then try to pretend to be the best grandparents and you can’t really keep them away from their grand kids in this day and age..
@ i have seen the families you describe. Its called “being nice” underlying resentment, deception. Not very healthy. When i meet people like this, I leave them well alone.
sorry to hear that happened to you. did you have men as baby sitters? women? it's important to have trusted (and preferably female) family members take care of children, as we did for thousands of years. children are supposed to be raised by the women of the tribe, it's not a one person job, but for the right trusted types only.
Don't forget if she took out student loans for her career then decided to become a SAHM, the husband is now left to pay that too, we're setup to fail from the get go boys. Single life = happy life.
@@rcas350pilot8 Yeah right? I'm a relationship expert and any married man has at least 1/10 of the sexual encounters of their wives. And yeah, they WILL cheat at some point.
The feminist movement convinced women that they could have it all: husband, kids, high-powered career, etc. without compromising any of those roles. Turns out you can't have your cake and eat it, too. Single guys, take some of that money you're able to save and invest in cat food and boxed wine futures.
I have a feeling that the Government, when saddled with the financial responsibility associated with these older single women, will tax the population to take care of them!
@@garybulwinkle82 You mean they're going to tax the women themselves since they're the ones getting the jobs anyway. I wonder how they're going to tax the toilets, street lights, and water treatments plants into working again after the boss babe takeover has completed.
Oh I love being single I love to save and buy Rolex Watches , hit gym everyday for 3 hours, play tennis for 2 hours, it’s a dream life. Stay out of that witchy-bitchy gals/vomen.
Im so so thankful to God above for my wife. We meet first day in college, I just turn 19 she was 17, here we are 23 years later and still together, been through alot of ups and downs, thankful for my 3 daughters. I think back and the slightest change in our lifes things could have been way different for us. If any young lady reads this, you ll have more satification in life being a wife and mom (thats what my wife tells me all the time) then being a corporate boss girl.
Older wmn sabotage younger wmn. Wmn sabotage wmn - it's how they compete with each other, ostensibly under the guise of care, compassion, concern and respect
My mom told me, as a youth (66 now) that unmarried or divorced women will try to wreck the married lady's life telling them how great being single is. She said all the while they would love to be married. As a married guy (48 years) it hasn't been perfect, it would be horrible not have been with my wife--the kids now grandkids, what a life
Something I can tell you from first hand experience. I'm 55. And I will probably never actually recover from the damage that the Family Court system did to my life. I won't bore anyone with the details, but I completely understand why men don't want to get married now. We need to rid ourselves of this system and it's institutions. Because they will destroy us all.
I thank God everyday I had my first baby at 23. None of my peers did and it was a little lonely but it was worth it. It’s been pure joy to watch my children transition through childhood and some now into young adulthood. Children are a gift from God. I hope these women will turn it around.
@@hiddenhand6973 just because they didn't have a baby at 23 don't mean they didn't want it. People's life journeys differ, babies need to be planned for, u don't just wake up and have one, u need to get married (if u're African, the bride price requires money saved), ur husband must make money to feed the family, y'all shld buy a house etc... All these things take time... Besides for some 23 is too young to have a baby.
My ex LOVED watching the comedy drama "Sex and the City." She ended up cheating, later her new companion died of throat cancer. She lives alone now in near poverty.
My lovely bride and I have been married over 38 years. We got married young and decided to have our children young with 3 kids by the time I was 30. We still got our college degrees and careers, the wife did delay her career until the youngest started school. Now we’re grandparents and loving it.
My wife was 39 when she had her/our second son. Ironically, her mother gave birth to her when was 39. I met my wife when was 32 and she looked like she was 22. Still slim and good looking and a fulltime home maker. She is Eastern European, so found her while on a trip there as I would never marry an American, British or German woman. They are on the level of toxicity as plutonium.
@davidgriffin79 British women are turbo feminists, what're you on about. My office is full of late 20s / 30s childless women exactly like he describes.
@Really, because I live in the North Easts and my office is NOT full of feminists at all. I also travel down no Derby and my clients companies are NOT full of feminists. Either you Live in London, or _you don't live in the UK at all_ .
@@davidgriffin79 Britain's birth rate has been below replacement since the 1970s, the proof is in the pudding. I'm glad you live in an area unaffected by the madness though, that's good.
I'm 76, single, never married. Had lots of girlfriends, good ones, when I was young. But now it's harder to find a nice woman who's pretty and not too angry and not too BIG.
Definitely, especially the angry part. I'm 64 yr old widowed man fully entrenched in the dating market. I run into so many angry & bi*chy senior women that seem so miserable with their single lifestyles. 😆
@ I agree that it gets a lot better. It’s really hard to see it when it’s happening to you and you’re in the valley of darkness, but if I can make it through, I know you can.
I realize that lots of men and women have been blindsided by how stealthily Feminism has evolved. Where second wave feminism was still (broadly) about equality of opportunity, education and rights, third wave feminism became contaminated by “progressives” bent on a culture war. Using the positive “brand recognition” of second wave feminism when that was all about righting wrongs to further an agenda that was radical and ultimately wanted to brake the mold of a stable society based on the family unit.
From the first wave it was doomed , they betrayed themselves by attacking the role of the mother. If feminism wasn't defective to the core , it would have permitted a reevaluation of the societal contract between men and women without breaking the fertile pattern of marriage .
We give "The feminism movement" way more credit than it deserves. It is a significant factor. The "pill" is the technological "advancement" that has allowed for greater hypergamy which has exploded to unrealistic levels with social media. And corporatism, (i.e. South Korea), has created a system of working & profit for the few over families, fueling the insane cost of living.
Don’t worry, they have their “fur babies”. I see them driving their dogs around on the weekends a lot. The dog will be sitting in the passenger seat like a person.
I have a 30 year year-old niece who is very successful professionally. She says that she hopes one day to get married and have a family. I want to tell her that most men who are serious about getting married and raising a family are already married. She thinks that she can wait another five years or so. By then, she’ll be well into second and third tier men, who have spent most of their focus on their own careers, or are unmotivated to do much of anything, or have other problems (like substance abuse). On top of that, she has her own diminishing fertility to contend with. Her parents are entirely supportive of her decision. Unless she is extremely lucky, she’s going to be very disappointed by how her life turns out.
@@maryc.dalton1284 There is also the fact that men pass away at higher rates than women at every age. There are 110-115 boys born for every 100 girls, but by the time kids reach their mid 20s, the numbers have evened out. And after that, women outnumber men. So, even if every available man were to get married, a number of women would still be single.
those men you called 2nd tier, who have focused on their careers and are making well above 6 figures are not looking for women like your friend, but I'll agree with you that she's in for a rude awakening and it's not going to be pretty
The biggest tragedy is the most “responsible” and intelligent people are the ones least likely to have kids. The generational poor and irresponsible (drop outs, unemployed or underemployed, unwed, possibly with substance use issues) are the most likely to have kids.
Was out for dinner last night with friends. While hanging out, waiting for our table, a group of women down for the weekend joined us. Of the five women, most I’d guess in the late thirties, early forties age range, only one was married. The rest, one separation on going, three divorced. Draw your own conclusions.
Hi John, Great video! I'm 69-years-old, so I remember 1966 and the formation of the National Organization of Women, which was the beginning of modern feminism. Maybe, do a video on "Single Grandmother Raising Her Grandchildren." Feminism is a "progressive" paradigm, with each generation different from its predecessor. Each generation of feminism has become more detached from the concepts of "wife" and "mother." In my age group, I'm seeing a lot of older women who are run ragged and miserable, due to their daughter dumping grandchildren at grandmother's home. And, often the grandmother is what I call, "feminist without a plan" (FWOP), meaning she spent her life living the feminist dream, which didn't include retirement planning. Oddly, the grandmothers can't understand how a mother can simply dump her children, but the child-dumping daughter is simply a next-generation feminist who sees being a mother as a mutable social construct, which was created by the patriarchy to treat women as property.
A female work colleague who I was friendly with was crying on my shoulder that she could not have had children due to a medical condition. Also not wealthy enough to retire and has to keep working. She was not interested in a relationship even though I liked her very much. She had cauterised her heart and convinced herself she was as happy as she was going to be, alone. Sad - I adored her…
I’m 63 now my daughter is 20 super smart. Great daughter. In College. 4.3 GPA all through high school. Great kid, no problems. My wife was 41 when she had her. We are so glad everything worked out. We were very aware of the risk. We got divorced when our daughter was 4. 50/50 custody. She was a great blessing. ❤ we were very fortunate it all went well. But yes very risky at that age having children
Another problem I have seen is women in their 20s believe they don't ever want kids. They truly believe it. They will insist and swear up and down that they NEVER ever want kids. They can list 20 reasons they don't want kids, and they might all be sound reasons. What they don't anticipate is that they will change their mind. Their feelings will change. Then they are in a time crunch. They have no one to blame but themselves. Not knowing what you want until it's too late, is a huge problem.
That's been the promise of feminism from the beginning. I remember thinking those thoughts back in the early 2000s seeing all the women in my age act like they were never having kids. At least half of them had kids and of them maybe half of those were never married.
You need to know there are dysfunctional, narcissistic families with SA,DV, drug and alcohol abuse that can mess a child up for life. Marriage isnt glitter and roses , both individuals bring in emotional baggage, and have NO CLUE what is a healthy,committed relationship. Repeat this for 5 or 6 generations. Once these kids grow up,they know damn well they will *NEVER* marry nor have kids. Add divorce court, the attorneys, the kids being treated like a piece of furniture to be fought over by the narcissistic 'parents' or forced to 'choose' one parent over the other.. I rather be alone than be in a dysfunctional relationship and yes there is more to life than marriage and having kids
I'm 53 and while I've had several girlfriends over the years, I couldn't see myself marrying any of them after having been with them for a while. After seeing what dating and marriage have become, I feel fortunate to have dodged that bullet.
Being Caucasian and only 5 ft 5 in tall allows me to dodge this terrible bullet. Being a ghost in the United States of America, with absolutely no qualities that the American modern woman is attracted to allows me to be completely free of this problem.
God bless for making peace with your circumstances. I'm afro Hispanic, 6'0, and on the autism spectrum. Parents expect me to breed, but I don't trust women nor the society that raised them.
@@jamesbar3572 Considering the fact they can destroy your life with a word I don't blame you. Also do you really want to bring a innocent child into a world as screwed up as this one.
I try to date women for short term fun flings, the narcissism and entitlement are so high that many times matches don't even convert to a first date. They'll start arguing and fighting over minutiae (while texting) and the whole thing will blow up before even meeting. It's pretty hilarious. Of course I'm partially to blame, as I have values and a red flag detector. I wont accept snarkiness or being rude or any talk that indicates that they're hardcore feminists. There's a reason they're single, and it's not the same reason as mine (choosing to stay single) - they're simply unbearable.
My experience also! Talking about women even in their 50's and 60's. These women are miserable, incapable of peace and happiness and want a man in their life to make even more miserable than they are.
Same here. I meet women regularly, but as soon as they discover they can't manipulate, use, or emasculate, they quickly go off me, and that I don't tolerate their BS and I have a backbone. I'm undatable because I don't tolerate behaviour like that. Never mind, plenty of spineless simps for them to date.
@@Susan-id5xji would say they both are the problem. If they are both partaking in hookup culture. Fornication has manu consequences some temporal and some eternal
They ALL so so so DESPERATELY wanted to be like Carrie in "Sex in The City" but none of them EVER considered they'd end up like Carrie alone because she had become utterly unmarraible
@@arthurdirindinjr1792 I wonder if women who watched this show reminded themselves Carrie was a fictional character in a fictional setting living a fictional life. There has been much confusing fiction for reality.
@@JohnGalt-e3d Sadly it seems women are incapable of differentiating fictional made up character with some traits exposed and some unwritten that serves a purpose in the plot and a real person. And if said puppet looks presentable and seems enviable, women don't WANT to understand that it is a fake. They may even nod their head and insult you for considering her so detached from reality, but inside she believes that character to be a real possibility. Because she wants it to seem so. As an example take notice of how male desired character and a female one are composed. Men go for a larger than life statue and kind of know he is over the top. Women get someone like Pretty woman - a ho that gets a ceo to simp after her. It is impossible, but it seems to not be reality breaking. In her head, wish fullfillment turns into a business plan.
@@JohnGalt-e3d Also, that show was written by gay men as an exaggerated version of their own lives. So basically you can't be Carrie unless you're actually Carl.
When you go to the graveyard you don’t see this written on any headstone: He/She wished that they worked more hours. It’s all one big scam and they all fell for it.
I don't know if you noticed but people aren't interested in relationships, friendships, family anymore. People don't interact, they don't even acknowledge each other in public anymore, let alone get together, get married, have babies. People aren't interested in s3x. That world is obsolete now. We thought friends and family would always be part of the human experience because that's been happening since humans have existed but here we are. Life is chaos, expect the unexpected.
I dont want to sound like a scumbag, but feminism has put such a nasty taste in my mouth i dont even like talking to my own daughters, they both have tiktok brain, and talking to them makes me feel depressed
Feminism is and always has been cancer. I think women should work and put in equally in all aspects of relationships they don't deserve everything we give them otherwise. But this i don't need men crap is a disgrace. Men are stronger smarter and more capable and they better relearn to understand and respect that and have some submissiveness and obedience
In China they are called Sheng Nu "left over woman". In Japan they are called Christmas Cake, Christmas falls on the 25th, a woman over 25 is not wanted.
Oh yeah and I remember being in China and Taiwan and they were saying I was not worthy because I was not Brad Pitt the only good thing was I was white even though I'm Cuban basically if you're not 6 ft tall like the quote unquote TV shows, then you don't get the girl per se. Yeah not even there. I wouldn't invest in stilts for these abysmal vampires
Believe it or not, there are plenty of older women who’ve been left behind that aren’t even touched. They are victims of feminism just as much as you are.
My dad is a divorce lawyer. I've been raised on second hand accounts of horrible marriages and nasty relationship dynamics. As far as I can remember I always wanted to get married because that's what everyone does, while simultaneously dreading it more than my own funeral... Make sense society, please.
There are good men and good women out there. Finding them takes time and "selecting" rather than settling for one takes time. My thought is to have standards, live by them, find a compatible long term mate and stick with them through thick and thin.😀
Too many people get married and have kids because the woman is getting baby rabies around 30. The man thinks hes her first choice but really hes the guy she is with right now with good income to supply babies. Her options very well might change in a few years. Do not be an accesory to a womans life. Live on your terms.
I have a slight disagreement. I think they are going to see intended not "unintended consequences." They are kept in school as long as possible and put into debt for a reason.
Whoever told her to go to college and paid for it needs to be questioned. For every female in my family, college was made a non-negotiable by our parents. And since dad will be forking over 60-100k, he wants her to at least "make something of herself" with it. These women aren't coming up with this plan on their own. Family was shamed out of them and not by the teachers in school but by their own parents.
@Vid7872 Because the Borg got to their parents first. It's been here for decades. It has literally spread everywhere western style schooling was introduced. It's even in India. I have daughters in their twenties. I told them they should find a guy that's around 10 years older and start having babies. The Borg got to them as well. One went off to Los Angeles for college and one runs a martial arts school. Neither have kids. By the time they realized the Apple wasn't that great, it's too late.
@@helmeteyeIn addition to what you're saying. Of course companies support this. More people in the labour force is lowering wages, more single people increases demand for housing. Both of these are huge contributions to issues of today
We started late with children. My wife and I are the same age. First child at 30 then 35, 41 and 46. All wonderful girls. They're 33, 28, 22 and 17 now. None of them want children. They claim the world is broken, expensive, polluted, corrupt etc. Its hard to argue that. In life you make decisions. You then own it. Whatever happens I pray for their peace and happiness.
I married an "It" girl, she had the pedigree, the looks, the lot. She became a CEO, I was left to look after the kids as jet-setted around the world having dinners with high-ranking politicians etc. After about 25 years, when I had been bled dry & when she was ready, she slept her way out of the marriage & absolutely slandered me to the point the kids now hate me, as poor Mom is the victim of an abusive husband you see.. I never contested anything because I knew if the whole sordid affair went to the Family Law Court, well, it would very likely not end in my favour... I ran & have never stopped running. Gentlemen - run & never stop running... the well is poisoned.
@ She’s a narc. You have to be in a relationship with one to understand what they do to you.. I had no sense of identity, nothing.. alimony would have involved the courts - NO WAY
@@JohnDank-py3fd ah but men that do that are called providersn she paid your bills, I am sure you would praise a man doing that....!! See that is why women are done having kids and staying at home...you guys do the same, vut hace the audacity to call yourself great men and husbands...because you pay the electricity bill🤣🤣🤣 Funny how you can't say the same about her! The double standards!! Lol
Women rarely listen to any advice really. They choose their own path. They seem to have I can do it all mentality at any time as well. Essentially, they are thinking from a Cognitive dissonance perspective and tunnel vision. They can be the mum, Corp Exec, the wife, raise the kids, career etc. No something is going to give. You say feminism as well which I agree what is almost worse romance films. Look at how big that industry is as in making romance movies. Women are easily influenced when it aligns with their emotions. Combine Feminism and Romance movies and welcome to Western Culture where you get what you want but not what you need.
Is there anyone who is really qualifyed to advice others? I could talk about my experience and what worked for me and what didn't work but in the end the best advice would be getting to know oneself. Know what makes you happy and what kind of life you want for yourself.
@zuckthebetacuck2789 not everything that was good to my mom and dad is good to me though they always wanted my best. My grandmother was married at 17, has 12 kids, didnt know how to read or right. My mom was the first person in her family to have a degree, all she wanted for me was that I could marry a good catholic man. I was born in the church but I am not a catholic, sometimes I am not even sure I am a believer at all. I would not be happy as a catholic housewife. I did get married and had kids but on my own way, without religion or even government involved.
Women seek peer group validation and are essentially conformist. It's why they thrive in certain educational settings and mid-level corporate environments. It's also why they are so easily exploited by consumer marketing strategies and overcharged for unnecessary products.
So true, we've seen it many times. Women "suddenly" waking up in their late thirties or early forties, realizing they wanted children all along, over that career. The birds of Feminism have come home to roost.
Maybe they wake up from low self-esteem later in life. Many girls are unattractive for opposite sex, nobody asks them on a date. As they get older they get courage to find something for themselves, to do something because they don't care about social norms so much. Also, ugly girls don't mind about getting old- that makes them competitive against ex beauties.
My mom, a former hippie, had two kids. Many of her friends didn't, enjoying a freer life. Now, they're older, mostly surrounded by other seniors with health problems, which is sad. My mom's healthier and feels younger because of her kids and grandkids. They help her stay connected and prevent her from feeling lost in today's fast-changing world. Her childless friends often feel left behind, isolate themselves, and envy families. Their close friends are dying one by one. Having kids is often seen as a sacrifice, but I think it's more accurate to see it as an investment in your future. With the coming population decline, I think it's even more risky for people in their 30s now, because I would not assume the government will be able to fully care for them when they're old. People without kids might have a very difficult time in 30-40 years.
As a male RN who worked over 40+ years in the hospital environment, worked with many women who forwent having children or even marriage to focus on their careers. I know several who realized as they neared retirement, that there was nobody that they could count on to assist them as they aged, as many of their friends and extended family members had moved away or died. For the last three years of my elderly mother's life, I drove 12 hours to spend a week with her every other month, with my brother being there on the alternating months, so that we could take care of bills, chores around the house, arrange care givers, etc. Many of these women will never have anyone interested in their welfare as they age, which is a sad state of affairs that they themselves created.
I also know of plenty of older people with multiple kids, and their kids don't give a DAMN about them. You cant guarantee your kids will take care of you. that's complete BS
Kids were more likely to in the past, then the intergenerational social contract broke. I think it's broken both ways now, with many boomers saying they will leave no inheritance at all. In fact we now live in a world where kids wine and say they didn't consent to being born in the first place and hold it against their parents. At the end of the day the rapid de-population coming is going to hurt both young and old equally.
I feel so lucky that I had a baby in my early twenties. She wasn't planned and it disrupted my plans (I was in University at the time), but she has been such a love in my life. I now have two lovely grandchildren who I adore. I'm older now and not married. I still work at a career I love but without my family, I would not have a fullness in my life. I loved the first few years with my daughter when I was home with her (her father has always been a good provider and father even though we separated when she was young). I have been very fortunate and I'm very grateful. Young women, don't throw away a good man. Life can be hard on your own with no one to care for and no one who cares about you.
You said "don't throw away a good man," yet you did exactly that. You ladies need to stop making bad life decisions based primarily on your feelings. Wise up.
Society is in very big trouble just with gender dynamics alone. We have massive segments of the population that just can't pair bond. It really is heartbreaking, and I will be the first to admit that I am one of them. I just hit 50 years of age last September 2024, never married, no kids. I am deeply grateful to God for never having allowed me to give into any of my ex's demands to get married and/or have kids. Men can't win at this, even A Lister Chads/Tyrones who have "All the 6's" metrics. No man anywhere can find incentive to try to build a life with another human being with this collage of virtually inevitable backfires. Everything is designed to benefit one side at the expense of men... even men who are ultra-high-status guys who "have options." So much is wrong, and I pray to God something changes.
Male genital mutilation, its consequences are in the subconscious of most male victims, it has taught men since birth to be wary of women, the ones with less of it in the subconscious are often referred to as autistic...That started about 100 years ago in the US, the women with their communication technologies are not holding back/: it was designed this way since the fall of man, gods punishment to man is to live with womens' envy the way he lived with our envy...
@@schmiggidy this change will take a couple of generations, minimum. Just because a new guy sits in the White House, does not mean most modern feminist women omen will have a change of heart. In fact, they will most likely rebel even more against any traditional thinking.
Disagree. Millions of men have had their lives destroyed trying to do the right thing. Children grow up in broken families through no fault if their own. Women fucked around with the natural order of things and found out.
@@john-griffin every plant fish insect mammal is only on this earth to procreate after achieving survival of itself..social engineering and consumerism made that a side issue ..all deliberately orchestrated
My fourth sister spent her whole life proclaiming that she did not want children, she said it loudly to everyone so that no one had doubts, her courtships lasted for many years, finally at 41 she found out that she was pregnant, she married her boyfriend in a hurry and the child was born, she adores him and consents to him like crazy.
There are 2 young ladies at work, one 28 and one 30. The 30 year old just got back from maternity leave after having her second child, the 28 year old says..."I want to have a family after my career is established", I said nothing but could hear the egg timer ticking.
Maybe because she sees women having to leave their children after 6 weeks to get back to work and she doesn’t want that for herself. It takes a traditional man to be a traditional woman.
alephnaught8343 Agreed. Pure mgtow meaning is just as sad as women talking about toxic males as representing all males. Interestingly, both mgtow and anti-male groups discuss truth about the dangers of the opposing sex. However, it becomes reckless when looking at only the bad apples warps your view of the rest
@@alephnaught8343 "almost 4" Brother didn't even make it the first trimester yet and acts like he stuck platinum 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 chill it stay humble brother.
Yup, dads need to be accountable for their roles sending their daughters to college. He saved for 18 years, not for her wedding, but for her tuition sho she could have a career. Lol! Should she have not done what her parents told her she had to do?
I went to a college graduation. The ladies looked very beautiful until you see their mother's in their 40's and 50's. So before you decide to have a future with her. Visit her mother first. LOL
The other question a young man should ask himself. If the women you just started dating is in her 30s, several other men dated her and passed for several reasons. Pay very close of attention with your eyes and ears wide open, to make sure her characteristic are what you want in a life partner.
Not always. Some people didn't start dating until later. I didn't have anything resembling a date until I was 27. I just wasn't interested, and that attitude dated back to high school. I was likely the daughter many parents wanted, as I was crazy about school, not boys. I was likely the female version of those Reddit threads of oblivious men.
I would say a lot of women don’t realize time. I dated a woman who wanted to start a family and we were in our mid 30s not married. But she also wanted to go back to school. They don’t realize that you date and get married 2 years are gone, by then you start a family, you are pushing 40. Although I’ve seen a few woman have their first kid in their late 30s recently, it’s happening more and more
What cracks me up the most is 60 plus womens dating profiles shes not looking for fwb or one night stand. They dont realize nobody wants to be with them for anything more than that.
Sheng nu or leftover women in other is a Chinese term. In Japan they are called Christmas cakes, In Korea they are called dirty dishes. India they are called aunties. The west refers to them as spinsters or thornbacks.
Good topic. I'm a 64 yr old widowed man - 2 grown kids. My wife was 30 when we had our first & 32 on the second with complications in both pregnancies. My wife had a manufacturing job while I had the higher paying professional job, so she stayed at home with the kids until they were old enough for school. I think that as many as these older feminists, career women regret not having kids, just as many embrace their decision. I have two lady friends at my gym - one is a 53 yr old attorney who has been divorced twice - no kids. The other is a 61 yr old CEO of a medium-size business who was never married & no kids. The attorney says she doesn't regret not having kids stating they cost too much & create too much stress. She's very happy with her life & is engaged to husband #3. Lol. The CEO lady seems very unhappy with her life & told me she never met the right guy to marry but yet worked 60 hr weeks back in her 20s & 30s not having time to date anyway. Go figure. Lol.
With the way modern society is going, I’ve had a theory that the powerful and influential don’t want us to develop sovereign families. Think about it: We are encouraged to be independent and not co-dependent. Meanwhile, the elites in our societies are very family oriented: They accumulate knowledge and wealth together, strengthening their influence, a sort of tribe of kin. My hunch is that the elites have always encouraged their kin to play the long game (at the generational level), while encouraging the masses to play the short game. Thus reducing potential competition down the road on this floating rock of finite resources.
My cousin is a corporate lawyer up here in Canada. He makes great money and his wife is from Finland. They have three kids and she always had to persist. I have to work. I have to work as part of my identity now all these kids are left with nannies all these kids are left in daycare. The most important thing to do Woman is be a mom to your children. We don’t care if you’re a professional when you’re seven years old, no one‘s gonna care your kids are not gonna care about your masters degree all they want is if you save money and they can get some inheritance, but you probably spent it on clothes and you probably bought vehicles that weren’t very good because of advertising, and you got suckered into a consumer society, women with masters degrees, are unable
Here in Sweden the Woman is extremely beautiful if you take a walk in bigger city you see alot of 7-10s all over and most of them are fit and in very good shape. Because of there extreme feminism mindset. Alot of men stop dating them and i see alot of Swedish older men with good job and money with woman from thailand.
I have a friend at my church. I asked her out. She said no gently but clearly. We are still good friends. She has been asked out by other men too. She's turned them all down. I used to feel bad for her. Not anymore. At this point, she's 31. Her window is shrinking so quickly and she doesn't even know it. I tried to tell her that but she didn't take it well. At this point, I don't feel bad for women over 30 that are single. They have turned down several men at that point.
@@theduke7268 what part of 'shy' don't you get? LOL! Also, I was raised to believe that men made the first move. It's super trashy for a woman to do so. I guess that's why all these men are with trashy women.. lolz.
I got married when i was 34, first baby at 35 and now pregnant with number 2 at 36. I do exercise and take care of my health. I don't feel left behind. I feel like it happened when it was supposed to. When i was dating, i found it was hard to find a man who also wanted to settle down and have a family. Men are also encouraged to not date and sleep around when they're young. It was hard weeding thru the frogs to find a prince.
One thing I've noticed is when a young woman has a baby they bounce back pretty quickly. When they have a baby later in life it ages them almost overnight. One woman I knew was pretty hot as a "9" in her late 30's went to a "3" and put on the pounds in short order after giving birth.
Not all women want kids. That may be sad to some, but looked at from another perspective, it’s probably best that women who don’t want kids don’t have them.
I honestly don't know if I've ever met a woman who turned out to be worth marrying. Unfortunately, i can't make exceptions... obesity might be the easiest to screen for, but it's the least of the problems
Independent woman here who married at 35, had 1st baby at 37 and second at 39. Never once felt like a leftover woman. Focused on getting my education, and great career first so that if I ended up being an ex-wife, I would be able to support myself. Some of these men want you totally dependent on them so they can have the upper hand. It’s called control and if men weren’t doing it in the past, women would not have fought so hard for our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
First rational and intelligent comment I've come across here! Some of the comments are truly abysmal and indicate an almost complete lack of understanding about relationships. Are the comments here typical of how American men are, would you say? (I'm English, but I'm assuming that most comments are by American men). Actually, I only watched the video and started reading the comments because of the title - which I pretty much completely disagree with.
@@philcrowe8802 the people who make the abysmal comments either have no confidence in attracting women, hate women, or ascribe to the red pill mentality.
Let's not confuse college degrees with education.
Or intelligence or more importantly common sense. ❤👍🏼
@@suefleming True
...I never let my schooling get in the way of my education....
They aren't even educated about the pitfalls of hypergamy but they're very good at being wives to their bosses.
"I'm overweight, garishly tattooed and I spent my 20s sleeping around while I studied pointless degree courses. I live on social media and I'm running on a toxic blend of entitlement, resentment, insecurity, desperation and victimhood. I know we just met, but let's marry and have a child. I promise not to divorce you and ruin your life in the family courts."
How true!
Of course,
I was going to make a comment, but there is no way I can improve on your comment.
Pretty much sums up the left overs
STDs, psych meds, gluten- free…
This video is very true.
I remained a virgin until I married at age 21, and had all four of our children in my 20s and stayed at home to raise them while my husband worked. Now I am 44 and 3 of our children have left the nest, and my husband & I are still married. After 23 years, our marriage has actually deepened, and it is truly beautiful to experience.
Thank you for sharing! This gave me hope
Then you're lucky. Most men will leave, because babies are hard work.
@@darklightillustrations I don't think that is why they leave. Men in general love their kids and put in the work. The biggest issue is he gets too busy focusing on making money and she focuses on the kids. They forget to take time for their relationship. Marriage takes work. The best thing to give your kids is a loving marriage for them to see.
o7 to a high-quality woman
I am a 70 year old woman and my daughter is 40. I stayed at home with her until she went to school. I took a lot of flack from professional women who told me that I was risking brain atrophy by not being in the workforce and putting my child in daycare. I do not think that daycare is a safe place for babies. I told my daughter not to believe that she could have a demanding career and raise children at the same time. That is a line of bs. She went into teaching so that she could spend time with her children.
Well done. Responsible decision making.
You are a true inspiration.
Good job. Teaching field needs all the conservative woman it can get to offset the brainwashing teachers unions.
@@Tully21 Ditto. Wonderful Testimony
You did it right and actually love your kids
The #1 reason we have a messed up society. A son or daughter needs both parents, preferably male and female, period.
Actually, a single father makes a better parent than a single mother. That does not double, but actually halves with the same-same couples. The best parents for a family are exactly as you said, but let us use what we are talking about -- a man and a woman. Note, that is actual not identity.
@michaelsteven5558 That is not how Nature intended
@ Nature does not have a conscience. People do, and I think we are in agreement; both parents (man and woman) is the most viable way to raise children, but then people are easily swayed by outside influence regarding proper techniques. Just do the best you can.
It takes an absent father to make an OF star
@@genev3358 And a mother who choose VERY BAD, or scared a good father away. Either way it is the MOTHERS fault.
Everything is geared to depopulation - high property prices, stagnant wages, the promotion of divorce, extended adolescence, insecure work, feminism etc.
To add on to your depopulation agenda comment, of extended adolescence, insecure work, etc. Let us not forget the total overselling of higher education.
So many worthless (to the graduate that is) college degrees. The holder is not only kept out of the work force and mating game for 4 years, they graduate with debt that frankly many will never pay off working some 15 dollar minimum wage job, which really does not require any degree. At least tenured college professors and the lenders are getting rich!
You forgot the most effective depop tool...the arm darts that everyone worships and lines up for.
Dont worry,the politicians are making sure we have very high migration to fix that. I would usually say it's only the political left but in my country it's both sides. Apparently 2.5% population growth while we have a genuine housing crises is for 'economic' reasons. Epic level fucktardery
Yes, arm darts and other drugs people take but don't forget the absolute trash most people put in their mouths every day.
This one@@TheSwissChalet
Feminism lied,
All the eggs died,
@@nowisthetime6093 😹😹😹😹
Feminism lied to the fathers who set up 529c accounts for their daughters. He planned this for 18 years. He spear headed this and she followed his advice. What else could she have done?
It didn't which is, funnier. The buyers of it lied to 'life partners'.
We started tampering with traditional values and norms without understanding the long term effects of those decisions. Now we are beginning to understand that our ancestors were much wiser than we give them credit for.
These dating app profiles of women - bikinis and negligees, not virgins, don't go to church, don't know any domestic skills, yet somehow they still call themselves 'traditional?
Yeah we are learning the hard way. Me too.
@@matthewfusaro2590 go figure that people living in a world where starvation, war, and disease were constant, imminent threats figured out a half decent way to live
@matthewfusaro2590 I read a quote which said: 'Tradition is the distillation of the wisdom of the ages.' Sums it up really.
They knew exactly what they were doing. Feminism is marxism in a skirt.
*_"The Complete Destruction of the Traditional Marriage and the Nuclear Family is the Revolutionary Utopian Goal of Feminism."_** Kate Millet circa era 1975*
A pitiful statement from a completely misguided person. (Kate Millet.)
@@paulbaker3527 She didn't give it a grain of thought.
Just recently , a friend of mine , who is 74 , had a woman he loved live with him in his 3 million dollar home for 6 years rent free , who gave him nothing , no cooking , sex, cleaning , companionship , he even couldn't play music in his own home as she didn't want it , leave him and demand a fortune ! she may get half a million for living in a beautiful house for free , go back to her own home , which she rented out while living with my friend , and the courts are doing this for her . INCREDIBLE !!
he asked for it. don't feel sorry for him!
Your friend sadly was a poor judge of character. There are men and women in this world who have abusive personalities. We all need to be 'wise as a snake but innocent as a dove'. Life can be tough at times.
I had a women complain about the music I played in my car once. She looked cold walking home.
Any man who marries after 40 should expect that exact situation to play out. Most of them are going to be going after women near their own age, so this is a marriage where progeny are off the table. Those men are simply retirement plans for women who know most men are ignorant to the new dynamic between men and modern women.
Caveat emptor!
The pool of women that a man would deem worthy of marrying has shrunk so much due to feminism along with obesity and narcissism. I feel for the young men in our society that want a long term relationship. The pickings are slim.
“The pickings are big, bold and beautiful, you misogynist”
@@iamalphalim...not sure everybody gets your sense of humor...👍🏼🤣
Ton o' fun!
Nailed it
At my age it doesnt matter much anymore but my scanner still functions. Guys will know what I mean. The FIRST criteria after basic physical health is are they looking at a phone. If yes, pass.
I sympathize with young men. I see almost no woman that isnt warped into uselessness by the feminine hive mind.
It's not "left behind women". It is "left over women". If I am not mistaken
Full marks.
Right, and out of curiosity I dug into it a bit and there is a term "left behind women" but that refers to rural women whose husbands left rural areas for employment.
I think he's dodging a lawsuit or a bullet.😱😱😱
And for some... chewed up bleacher gum
I work with quite a few women who aren’t married in their late 20s and early 30s. They’re just running out their biological clock. It’s now feminism collapses. Women who want families will have to make that choice. It’s pretty lonely from 40 to 80. Do I care? Not in the least.
They can always use a sperm donor...
Femin*sts have over 50 years of social, cultural & legal damage to reverse before they can expect men to consider ant traditional relationships again.
As an introvert, I see this as an absolute win 😏
Oh come on, they can change..... hahahahaha
We've told a generation of girls that they can do anything, be anything and have anything they want. It doesn't work like that in reality. A lot of women have invested everything in becoming poor imitations of second rate men. When they realise that they are not living the dream, and have missed out on the things that really matter, it hurts on a soul deep level.
Excellent comment! Especially the part about them becoming, “poor imitations of 2nd rate men.”
That’s the best vvomen can do…I can’t imagine why anyone would aspire to that, but they fell for it.
I find men to be far less delusional than women because we're constantly being beaten up by life.
College and career were not her choice. Dad set up a 529c for her. Not for nothing but what choice did she have? He father planned this for her.
1000% CORRECT!!!
That is the lie: that careers are more important than family. It is no more true for women than for men.
Women can have it all, just not at the same time. Choices have consequences, there are no perfect solutions, only trade offs. My dad always encouraged all of us to get a decent education that would enable us to provide for ourselves and our families if necessary, but having a family was the priority. After initially getting some tertiary qualifications whilst working, I became a stay at home mum, but did my degree part-time by correspondence. My husband always supported my ambitions. When my youngest went to school I went back to work part-time, then eventually full-time when that child went to high school. Now I am an empty nester, I have the best of all worlds - full-time satisfying work, and a wonderful family of children, and grandchildren to share life with.
Phyllis Schafly did that
She became a lawyer
@@Jennifer-mv9pg exactly, our society has forgotten there are seasons to life.
Women typically gain 1.5 pounds of weight per year. I recently saw a current photo of my ex online. I am one fortunate boy.
She’s twice the woman she was
@@john-griffin Otherwise known as hyperinflation.
You are not kidding. I last saw the ex in an annual xmas photo and wow did I dodge a bullet...train.
Me too. Deffo dodged a bullet there.
What are American women starting at... 200 lbs?
I dated a few mid to late 30's women who wanted a baby right now. No time to get to know each other or anything, it is kind of sad actually.
she was looking for an sperm donor ....a fool who after providing the C-men, she can quick him and request child support
Yeah they want a baby right now then right afterwards they'll have you down to court for child support
I work with mostly women just due to the field of work I'm in. One of my best friends is in her 50's now, but said that in her 20's she didn't want kids... then she hit 30, and "my biological clock started ringing so bad, that I ended up having two!" Now, she's happy with her choice, but she married an alcoholic, and now they're divorced. She's been dating a random mishmash of losers, and while I care about her like I care about my guy friends, I definitely am seeing the irrationality and struggles that are the result of that clock ringing, and them jumping into the first bed with a guy who seems more or less willing to commit... the result is not a recipe for an even keeled life...
Get a vasectomy and don't tell them. Take advantage.
I didn't feel any sorrow. Pity maybe.
I know a woman in this situation. Mid 30s, single and childless, successful career with masters degree, no prospective husband in sight. No idea how she ended up getting to this position, as she has told people she wants to be a submissive biblical wife. You're spitting straight facts in this video that have gotten me hated on when I told people in my circles similar things about the toxic f-nism in colleges.
Most of the time people live like the exact opposite of how they were supposed to live. Opposites attract for a reason, it's true for your own self too
Facts. My parents neighbors have 2 daughters who were like this. They have their career and degrees and their own houses and cars but are over 40 with no children and no prospects of getting a man. The wall is undefeated
A submissive biblical wife wannabe should know where husbands come from.
The father marries off her daughter. So, where is her father?
She says she wants that, when the time to choose comes, she wants to stay in control.
I can fix her 😁
The problem with my generation wasn't feminism it was the girls sleeping around until no guys were interested when they hit their thirties. It's hard for a guy to feel he's special to a girl when she's slept with 50 or more guys. It's crazy how many of them are 60 and single.
Look up “Micro-Chimerism”……50-60 men? Those women and mentally disturbed. Pair bonding is unlikely to occur after 3-4 men have left their DNA in her.
Women feel the same about men who sleep around. In the West, men still expect that they can sleep around but expect women to be angels. Neither sex should be sleeping around.
Yes but lets not forget US MEN STARTED THAT
But men created fwb relationship 😄
That's a direct result of feminism. A core concept is sexual freedom, another is not needing a man.
If you're not good enough for her in her prime, she's not good enough for you in her decline.
@@marcdevilliers2182 Exactly
You've never been prime
@@marcdevilliers2182 women think they deserve the world just because they exist these days
Poetic...bravo! ❤👍🏻
You don't want to have kid with wymen how are ran through.
This is what they wanted, fought for and called people names over if people cautioned them about the consequences. They have reaped what they have sown. No effs given.
This this and exactly this.
I'm bisexual and won't even entertain other men, definitely a no effs given type of guy
Yes, they now have what they always wanted.
This is what they were 'taught' to want, by their parents and by the culture they were raised in!
@@leroyj3627 women always make decisions they later regret that's their nature it's why men need to be in charge of important shit.
The downfall of America is proof of women having too much.
The saddest part of it all, is that older women who know better, never warned younger women coming along, and many men became feminists themselves!
Why would they warn their competition? Misery loves company
@ Agreed… However men too help build that world to this day. This was/is very sad.
That's because women have the spent entirety of evolution sabotaging each other and consuming their mates.
I have a question
Feminists want to masculize women and feminize men
Is this transsexualism not feminism
@@TiSIWO The problem is that most older women were not wise enough to know better. They cheered their daughters and granddaughters on thinking it would give the daughters and granddaughters a better life than they had.
A 38 y/o woman within 10 minutes of meeting me in a club was talking about having children with me. She asked me to come with her to her SUV to “talk.”while in the SUV she told me she was married, I got outta the SUV. Never saw her again, no numbers exchanged. This was back in the early 2000,s. I went out a lot in those days and similar situations like the aforementioned would happen a lot with mid to late 30’s women.
My only child is 38 years old. The women's liberation ladies didn't do me any favors. My husband and I worked ridiculous hours for modest pay. My husband's highest grossing year, he worked for Hanover Shoes in a mall as the only employee, open to close, seven days a week for 40+ weeks, he made good commissions. We had no family in town. It was hard.
The smartest families I know attend my church. The father is either a professional or owns and works his own trade or service business. The mother is usually, smart, pretty with a bachelor's degree. These people have multiple biological kids and frequently have adopted ones as well. No, we aren't Mormon or Catholic, we just think families are important. If I could do it all again, we would have different priorities from elementary school on, we would have stayed closer to our parents and we would have had another child, maybe two. We were married 36 years before he died. You must stay together for the sake of each other, the children and the vows you made. Be very careful who you marry. Work the old patterns of society and your outcomes will be more satisfying for all concerned. Turns out, the old ways with a few modifications really work.
It is the child that pays the price of a dual career couple. Lots of other people raised me. I was sexually abused and emotionally abused through my childhood. My mother chose to not believe my complaints.” You’re just imagining that…”
I had to leave home to save myself. I never went back. I was 17. I am in my seventies. It was years later, i learned all my siblings were also molested. If you want other people to raise your children, sexual abuse is highly probable. And later in your life your children will hate you and keep you away.
Excellent point.
@@beshkodiak the problem is such career parents then try to pretend to be the best grandparents and you can’t really keep them away from their grand kids in this day and age..
@ i have seen the families you describe. Its called “being nice” underlying resentment, deception. Not very healthy. When i meet people like this, I leave them well alone.
sorry to hear that happened to you. did you have men as baby sitters? women? it's important to have trusted (and preferably female) family members take care of children, as we did for thousands of years. children are supposed to be raised by the women of the tribe, it's not a one person job, but for the right trusted types only.
Don't forget if she took out student loans for her career then decided to become a SAHM, the husband is now left to pay that too, we're setup to fail from the get go boys. Single life = happy life.
I don't care how much debt they have, there will always be some dumb ass guy ready to step up an marry them.
they also took the university place that a man wanted and a job that he wanted. Only to "retire" after 5 years at most.
@@rcas350pilot8 Yeah right? I'm a relationship expert and any married man has at least 1/10 of the sexual encounters of their wives. And yeah, they WILL cheat at some point.
Higher education is largely wasted on women.
@...Rock on!🏇
The feminist movement convinced women that they could have it all: husband, kids, high-powered career, etc. without compromising any of those roles. Turns out you can't have your cake and eat it, too. Single guys, take some of that money you're able to save and invest in cat food and boxed wine futures.
I have a feeling that the Government, when saddled with the financial responsibility associated with these older single women, will tax the population to take care of them!
70% of single women in the USA keep voting for far left socialist policies.
Why not? Men have always had it all, so we just need to switch 😂
@@garybulwinkle82 You mean they're going to tax the women themselves since they're the ones getting the jobs anyway.
I wonder how they're going to tax the toilets, street lights, and water treatments plants into working again after the boss babe takeover has completed.
Oh I love being single I love to save and buy Rolex Watches , hit gym everyday for 3 hours, play tennis for 2 hours, it’s a dream life. Stay out of that witchy-bitchy gals/vomen.
Im so so thankful to God above for my wife. We meet first day in college, I just turn 19 she was 17, here we are 23 years later and still together, been through alot of ups and downs, thankful for my 3 daughters. I think back and the slightest change in our lifes things could have been way different for us. If any young lady reads this, you ll have more satification in life being a wife and mom (thats what my wife tells me all the time) then being a corporate boss girl.
Perfect, a model for society.
If I asked God for this and he didnt give it to me do I even deserve heaven?
Older wmn sabotage younger wmn.
Wmn sabotage wmn - it's how they compete with each other, ostensibly under the guise of care, compassion, concern and respect
It's sick. No wonder things were the way they were in the past
They also despise men dating younger women.
My mom told me, as a youth (66 now) that unmarried or divorced women will try to wreck the married lady's life telling them how great being single is. She said all the while they would love to be married. As a married guy (48 years) it hasn't been perfect, it would be horrible not have been with my wife--the kids now grandkids, what a life
Actually married women that r unhappy also 'steal' a married man to upgrade or just leave an unwanted relationship just saying
@lisavanoni6552 that's another example of wmn sabotaging wmn
Something I can tell you from first hand experience. I'm 55. And I will probably never actually recover from the damage that the Family Court system did to my life. I won't bore anyone with the details, but I completely understand why men don't want to get married now. We need to rid ourselves of this system and it's institutions. Because they will destroy us all.
The system makes many men homeless!
I thank God everyday I had my first baby at 23. None of my peers did and it was a little lonely but it was worth it. It’s been pure joy to watch my children transition through childhood and some now into young adulthood. Children are a gift from God. I hope these women will turn it around.
Once a 304 always a 304.
@@hiddenhand6973 just because they didn't have a baby at 23 don't mean they didn't want it.
People's life journeys differ, babies need to be planned for, u don't just wake up and have one, u need to get married (if u're African, the bride price requires money saved), ur husband must make money to feed the family, y'all shld buy a house etc... All these things take time...
Besides for some 23 is too young to have a baby.
My ex LOVED watching the comedy drama "Sex and the City."
She ended up cheating, later her new companion died of throat cancer. She lives alone now in near poverty.
@@HarryJensen-kr4qz I knew a lot of girls in their teens and 20s who loved watching those "sl*tty women" shows.
My lovely bride and I have been married over 38 years. We got married young and decided to have our children young with 3 kids by the time I was 30. We still got our college degrees and careers, the wife did delay her career until the youngest started school. Now we’re grandparents and loving it.
Career is just a euphemism for wage slavery. I'd much rather be with my children everyday raising them.
My wife was 39 when she had her/our second son. Ironically, her mother gave birth to her when was 39. I met my wife when was 32 and she looked like she was 22. Still slim and good looking and a fulltime home maker. She is Eastern European, so found her while on a trip there as I would never marry an American, British or German woman. They are on the level of toxicity as plutonium.
I wouldn't say British women are (I'm a Brit); thankfully we haven't inherited that form of toxicity from over the pond (yet).
@davidgriffin79 British women are turbo feminists, what're you on about. My office is full of late 20s / 30s childless women exactly like he describes.
@Really, because I live in the North Easts and my office is NOT full of feminists at all. I also travel down no Derby and my clients companies are NOT full of feminists. Either you Live in London, or _you don't live in the UK at all_ .
@@davidgriffin79 Britain's birth rate has been below replacement since the 1970s, the proof is in the pudding. I'm glad you live in an area unaffected by the madness though, that's good.
I think the birth stats in the UK, show we have the same problems with feminism as in America .
I'm 76, single, never married. Had lots of girlfriends, good ones, when I was young. But now it's harder to find a nice woman who's pretty and not too angry and not too BIG.
Yeah, especially the too big part.
Definitely, especially the angry part. I'm 64 yr old widowed man fully entrenched in the dating market. I run into so many angry & bi*chy senior women that seem so miserable with their single lifestyles. 😆
@@nomad6086it’s a hard knock life out there
On their death bed, no one has ever said; 'I wish I'd worked harder."
I got divorced by my wife last month after being married for 33 years. Narcissistic, egoistic and feminist influences
I’m sorry for you, but I am also happy for you. At least now you’re free!
Now go out there and be the best version of yourself. Trust me, it gets a whole lot better.
@ I agree that it gets a lot better. It’s really hard to see it when it’s happening to you and you’re in the valley of darkness, but if I can make it through, I know you can.
33 years
What took so long
33 years
What took so long
I realize that lots of men and women have been blindsided by how stealthily Feminism has evolved. Where second wave feminism was still (broadly) about equality of opportunity, education and rights, third wave feminism became contaminated by “progressives” bent on a culture war. Using the positive “brand recognition” of second wave feminism when that was all about righting wrongs to further an agenda that was radical and ultimately wanted to brake the mold of a stable society based on the family unit.
The commies/Marxists always know the art of propaganda.
Feminism was poisoned from the start. The foundation always broken. It was not corrupted along the way it *is* corruption.
From the first wave it was doomed , they betrayed themselves by attacking the role of the mother.
If feminism wasn't defective to the core , it would have permitted a reevaluation of the societal contract between men and women without breaking the fertile pattern of marriage .
It became a all encompassing fire when they merged feminism with lesbianism. That’s when all the Men hating rhetoric became public.
@ not sure if the anti-mother mindset was there from inception.
We give "The feminism movement" way more credit than it deserves. It is a significant factor.
The "pill" is the technological "advancement" that has allowed for greater hypergamy which has exploded to unrealistic levels with social media.
And corporatism, (i.e. South Korea), has created a system of working & profit for the few over families, fueling the insane cost of living.
Top comment 💯
Don’t worry, they have their “fur babies”. I see them driving their dogs around on the weekends a lot. The dog will be sitting in the passenger seat like a person.
That’s the material mother instinct 😂 it’s biology and they still fight it
Poor dog probably has to do all manners of things for her
People are rotten to the core every dawn one of them. They ain't no good.
I see it clearly.
Still the dog's fault if not well educated
@@OrwellsHousecat 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫
I have a 30 year year-old niece who is very successful professionally. She says that she hopes one day to get married and have a family. I want to tell her that most men who are serious about getting married and raising a family are already married. She thinks that she can wait another five years or so. By then, she’ll be well into second and third tier men, who have spent most of their focus on their own careers, or are unmotivated to do much of anything, or have other problems (like substance abuse). On top of that, she has her own diminishing fertility to contend with. Her parents are entirely supportive of her decision. Unless she is extremely lucky, she’s going to be very disappointed by how her life turns out.
Even if she try she won't get married easily because men with good income are not In marriage market divorce laws are so on sided.
@@maryc.dalton1284 There is also the fact that men pass away at higher rates than women at every age. There are 110-115 boys born for every 100 girls, but by the time kids reach their mid 20s, the numbers have evened out. And after that, women outnumber men. So, even if every available man were to get married, a number of women would still be single.
those men you called 2nd tier, who have focused on their careers and are making well above 6 figures are not looking for women like your friend, but I'll agree with you that she's in for a rude awakening and it's not going to be pretty
The biggest tragedy is the most “responsible” and intelligent people are the ones least likely to have kids. The generational poor and irresponsible (drop outs, unemployed or underemployed, unwed, possibly with substance use issues) are the most likely to have kids.
I do believe you just described the introduction of the movie Idiocracy.
Was out for dinner last night with friends. While hanging out, waiting for our table, a group of women down for the weekend joined us. Of the five women, most I’d guess in the late thirties, early forties age range, only one was married. The rest, one separation on going, three divorced. Draw your own conclusions.
Divorced ones will marry again. Unwanted ones will stay that way.
They were all unfulfilled and unhappy. But even more likely, not a single one of them has ever cracked open the Bible.
@@TheSwissChalet Some people read the bible and what they read makes them close it and never want to read anything ever again.
@@paytonthornberry1382 yes that is true. The Bible even says that...not all have eyes to see.
@TheSwissChalet Or they're able to read between the lines, unlike most people, weird.
Hi John, Great video! I'm 69-years-old, so I remember 1966 and the formation of the National Organization of Women, which was the beginning of modern feminism. Maybe, do a video on "Single Grandmother Raising Her Grandchildren." Feminism is a "progressive" paradigm, with each generation different from its predecessor. Each generation of feminism has become more detached from the concepts of "wife" and "mother." In my age group, I'm seeing a lot of older women who are run ragged and miserable, due to their daughter dumping grandchildren at grandmother's home. And, often the grandmother is what I call, "feminist without a plan" (FWOP), meaning she spent her life living the feminist dream, which didn't include retirement planning. Oddly, the grandmothers can't understand how a mother can simply dump her children, but the child-dumping daughter is simply a next-generation feminist who sees being a mother as a mutable social construct, which was created by the patriarchy to treat women as property.
A female work colleague who I was friendly with was crying on my shoulder that she could not have had children due to a medical condition. Also not wealthy enough to retire and has to keep working. She was not interested in a relationship even though I liked her very much. She had cauterised her heart and convinced herself she was as happy as she was going to be, alone. Sad - I adored her…
I’m 63 now my daughter is 20 super smart. Great daughter. In College. 4.3 GPA all through high school. Great kid, no problems.
My wife was 41 when she had her. We are so glad everything worked out. We were very aware of the risk.
We got divorced when our daughter was 4.
50/50 custody.
She was a great blessing. ❤ we were very fortunate it all went well. But yes very risky at that age having children
Only the ones without complications will admit this geriatric preg....more have issues than not
@@christhomas5898 brag more about your daughter
It's very necessary for the conversation
No woman is more beautiful than my freedom.
Well said
I met some smoking hot girls
That's how a lot of women these days feel about marriage and children. We prefer our freedom over a life of servitude.
@@tiana4102 Hooray! The more women that opt out, the more men that will be saved! Thank you!
Another problem I have seen is women in their 20s believe they don't ever want kids. They truly believe it. They will insist and swear up and down that they NEVER ever want kids. They can list 20 reasons they don't want kids, and they might all be sound reasons. What they don't anticipate is that they will change their mind. Their feelings will change. Then they are in a time crunch. They have no one to blame but themselves. Not knowing what you want until it's too late, is a huge problem.
Dream on... They will not change their minds as long as men will not change their attitude.
Also IT became very clear to me that Girls in their 20‘s dont want relationships. They just wanna bounce around and have fun.
Ahah I know a girl like that, reality is going to hit hard
That's been the promise of feminism from the beginning. I remember thinking those thoughts back in the early 2000s seeing all the women in my age act like they were never having kids. At least half of them had kids and of them maybe half of those were never married.
You need to know there are dysfunctional, narcissistic families with SA,DV, drug and alcohol abuse that can mess a child up for life. Marriage isnt glitter and roses , both individuals bring in emotional baggage, and have NO CLUE what is a healthy,committed relationship. Repeat this for 5 or 6 generations. Once these kids grow up,they know damn well they will *NEVER* marry nor have kids. Add divorce court, the attorneys, the kids being treated like a piece of furniture to be fought over by the narcissistic 'parents' or forced to 'choose' one parent over the other.. I rather be alone than be in a dysfunctional relationship and yes there is more to life than marriage and having kids
I'm 53 and while I've had several girlfriends over the years, I couldn't see myself marrying any of them after having been with them for a while. After seeing what dating and marriage have become, I feel fortunate to have dodged that bullet.
Being Caucasian and only 5 ft 5 in tall allows me to dodge this terrible bullet. Being a ghost in the United States of America, with absolutely no qualities that the American modern woman is attracted to allows me to be completely free of this problem.
God bless for making peace with your circumstances. I'm afro Hispanic, 6'0, and on the autism spectrum. Parents expect me to breed, but I don't trust women nor the society that raised them.
@@jamesbar3572 Considering the fact they can destroy your life with a word I don't blame you. Also do you really want to bring a innocent child into a world as screwed up as this one.
@@misanthropicattackhelicopt4148 nooooooo, sir 😐
@jamesbar3572 Your children would be a burden.
Definitely a blessing in disguise.
I try to date women for short term fun flings, the narcissism and entitlement are so high that many times matches don't even convert to a first date. They'll start arguing and fighting over minutiae (while texting) and the whole thing will blow up before even meeting. It's pretty hilarious. Of course I'm partially to blame, as I have values and a red flag detector. I wont accept snarkiness or being rude or any talk that indicates that they're hardcore feminists. There's a reason they're single, and it's not the same reason as mine (choosing to stay single) - they're simply unbearable.
My experience also! Talking about women even in their 50's and 60's. These women are miserable, incapable of peace and happiness and want a man in their life to make even more miserable than they are.
Same here. I meet women regularly, but as soon as they discover they can't manipulate, use, or emasculate, they quickly go off me, and that I don't tolerate their BS and I have a backbone. I'm undatable because I don't tolerate behaviour like that. Never mind, plenty of spineless simps for them to date.
They detected you're the problem.
@Susan-id5xj Projection
@@Susan-id5xji would say they both are the problem. If they are both partaking in hookup culture. Fornication has manu consequences some temporal and some eternal
They ALL so so so DESPERATELY wanted to be like Carrie in "Sex in The City" but none of them EVER considered they'd end up like Carrie alone because she had become utterly unmarraible
@@arthurdirindinjr1792 I wonder if women who watched this show reminded themselves Carrie was a fictional character in a fictional setting living a fictional life.
There has been much confusing fiction for reality.
You'd have to tie me to a chair to make me watch a show like that. As a woman.
@@JohnGalt-e3d Sadly it seems women are incapable of differentiating fictional made up character with some traits exposed and some unwritten that serves a purpose in the plot and a real person. And if said puppet looks presentable and seems enviable, women don't WANT to understand that it is a fake. They may even nod their head and insult you for considering her so detached from reality, but inside she believes that character to be a real possibility. Because she wants it to seem so. As an example take notice of how male desired character and a female one are composed. Men go for a larger than life statue and kind of know he is over the top. Women get someone like Pretty woman - a ho that gets a ceo to simp after her. It is impossible, but it seems to not be reality breaking. In her head, wish fullfillment turns into a business plan.
@@JohnGalt-e3d Also, that show was written by gay men as an exaggerated version of their own lives. So basically you can't be Carrie unless you're actually Carl.
When you go to the graveyard you don’t see this written on any headstone:
He/She wished that they worked more hours.
It’s all one big scam and they all fell for it.
I don't know if you noticed but people aren't interested in relationships, friendships, family anymore. People don't interact, they don't even acknowledge each other in public anymore, let alone get together, get married, have babies. People aren't interested in s3x. That world is obsolete now. We thought friends and family would always be part of the human experience because that's been happening since humans have existed but here we are. Life is chaos, expect the unexpected.
I dont want to sound like a scumbag, but feminism has put such a nasty taste in my mouth i dont even like talking to my own daughters, they both have tiktok brain, and talking to them makes me feel depressed
Feminism is and always has been cancer. I think women should work and put in equally in all aspects of relationships they don't deserve everything we give them otherwise. But this i don't need men crap is a disgrace. Men are stronger smarter and more capable and they better relearn to understand and respect that and have some submissiveness and obedience
Feminism saves women's lives, if you don't like it too bad for you.
@@Mo-wx1gi Chinese Tik Tok is totally different full of education classes
Well, is'nt it your job as father to give them values and advice? If you let TikTok to do your job, it is your choice.
Looks like yt deleted my comment. Typical 😒
In China they are called Sheng Nu "left over woman". In Japan they are called Christmas Cake, Christmas falls on the 25th, a woman over 25 is not wanted.
I'm resisting a "You can have your cake and eat it too" joke . Highly improper.
Oh yeah and I remember being in China and Taiwan and they were saying I was not worthy because I was not Brad Pitt the only good thing was I was white even though I'm Cuban basically if you're not 6 ft tall like the quote unquote TV shows, then you don't get the girl per se. Yeah not even there. I wouldn't invest in stilts for these abysmal vampires
Here they are called "old maids", because that's all they're good for.
Leftover Christmas cake.
A fruit cake
Nobody wants returned merchandise with obvious signs of extended handling.
Believe it or not, there are plenty of older women who’ve been left behind that aren’t even touched. They are victims of feminism just as much as you are.
My dad is a divorce lawyer. I've been raised on second hand accounts of horrible marriages and nasty relationship dynamics. As far as I can remember I always wanted to get married because that's what everyone does, while simultaneously dreading it more than my own funeral... Make sense society, please.
There are good men and good women out there. Finding them takes time and "selecting" rather than settling for one takes time. My thought is to have standards, live by them, find a compatible long term mate and stick with them through thick and thin.😀
Life is not a fairy tale, listen to your father.
Too many people get married and have kids because the woman is getting baby rabies around 30.
The man thinks hes her first choice but really hes the guy she is with right now with good income to supply babies.
Her options very well might change in a few years.
Do not be an accesory to a womans life. Live on your terms.
I thought she loved me?😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@swisscheese412 she only loved your money, honey!
get a pre-nup
Get the test, chances are they’re not even his kids. He’s the beta provider, she’s still going and getting preggers with Chad on the sly.
Plus he thinks they're HIS kids...
Maybe the ''Bachelor's Degree'' should be renamed ''Spinster's Degree''.
Back when I was in college, women pursued mrs degrees
Now that you say that I'm actually surprised feminists haven't demanded that name be changed.
MBA's are for baby mama's who need DEI jobs. I wonder what will happen now that merit is coming back?
I have a slight disagreement. I think they are going to see intended not "unintended consequences." They are kept in school as long as possible and put into debt for a reason.
Whoever told her to go to college and paid for it needs to be questioned. For every female in my family, college was made a non-negotiable by our parents. And since dad will be forking over 60-100k, he wants her to at least "make something of herself" with it. These women aren't coming up with this plan on their own. Family was shamed out of them and not by the teachers in school but by their own parents.
@Vid7872 Because the Borg got to their parents first. It's been here for decades. It has literally spread everywhere western style schooling was introduced. It's even in India. I have daughters in their twenties. I told them they should find a guy that's around 10 years older and start having babies. The Borg got to them as well. One went off to Los Angeles for college and one runs a martial arts school. Neither have kids. By the time they realized the Apple wasn't that great, it's too late.
@@helmeteyeIn addition to what you're saying. Of course companies support this. More people in the labour force is lowering wages, more single people increases demand for housing. Both of these are huge contributions to issues of today
We started late with children. My wife and I are the same age. First child at 30 then 35, 41 and 46. All wonderful girls. They're 33, 28, 22 and 17 now. None of them want children. They claim the world is broken, expensive, polluted, corrupt etc. Its hard to argue that. In life you make decisions. You then own it. Whatever happens I pray for their peace and happiness.
Wow, they all reached the same conclusion; what are the odds?
I married an "It" girl, she had the pedigree, the looks, the lot. She became a CEO, I was left to look after the kids as jet-setted around the world having dinners with high-ranking politicians etc. After about 25 years, when I had been bled dry & when she was ready, she slept her way out of the marriage & absolutely slandered me to the point the kids now hate me, as poor Mom is the victim of an abusive husband you see.. I never contested anything because I knew if the whole sordid affair went to the Family Law Court, well, it would very likely not end in my favour... I ran & have never stopped running. Gentlemen - run & never stop running... the well is poisoned.
Such a tragic story. Very sorry. I don’t trust women anymore with anything.
You have just tasted what many if no most women endure in a marriage. That's why they opt out.
Could you not get alimony?
@ She’s a narc. You have to be in a relationship with one to understand what they do to you.. I had no sense of identity, nothing.. alimony would have involved the courts - NO WAY
@@JohnDank-py3fd ah but men that do that are called providersn she paid your bills, I am sure you would praise a man doing that....!! See that is why women are done having kids and staying at home...you guys do the same, vut hace the audacity to call yourself great men and husbands...because you pay the electricity bill🤣🤣🤣 Funny how you can't say the same about her! The double standards!! Lol
If you use electricity, water, fuel and drive a car, live and sleep under a roof you are 100 percent reliant on men.
That is very true.
Feminism works fine until the lights go out, the dinner check comes or when having to lift heavy objects.
I know and I value that very highly.
So are you
@oldcrone I've worked every trade above. 100 percent self-reliant.
Women rarely listen to any advice really. They choose their own path. They seem to have I can do it all mentality at any time as well. Essentially, they are thinking from a Cognitive dissonance perspective and tunnel vision. They can be the mum, Corp Exec, the wife, raise the kids, career etc. No something is going to give. You say feminism as well which I agree what is almost worse romance films. Look at how big that industry is as in making romance movies. Women are easily influenced when it aligns with their emotions. Combine Feminism and Romance movies and welcome to Western Culture where you get what you want but not what you need.
Is there anyone who is really qualifyed to advice others? I could talk about my experience and what worked for me and what didn't work but in the end the best advice would be getting to know oneself. Know what makes you happy and what kind of life you want for yourself.
@@heloramos82 Yes, your parents.
@zuckthebetacuck2789 not everything that was good to my mom and dad is good to me though they always wanted my best. My grandmother was married at 17, has 12 kids, didnt know how to read or right. My mom was the first person in her family to have a degree, all she wanted for me was that I could marry a good catholic man. I was born in the church but I am not a catholic, sometimes I am not even sure I am a believer at all. I would not be happy as a catholic housewife. I did get married and had kids but on my own way, without religion or even government involved.
Women seek peer group validation and are essentially conformist. It's why they thrive in certain educational settings and mid-level corporate environments. It's also why they are so easily exploited by consumer marketing strategies and overcharged for unnecessary products.
@@heloramos82A strong father and experienced mother who gives him no problems
So true, we've seen it many times.
Women "suddenly" waking up in their late thirties or early forties, realizing they wanted children all along, over that career.
The birds of Feminism have come home to roost.
Maybe they wake up from low self-esteem later in life. Many girls are unattractive for opposite sex, nobody asks them on a date. As they get older they get courage to find something for themselves, to do something because they don't care about social norms so much. Also, ugly girls don't mind about getting old- that makes them competitive against ex beauties.
I had a corporate career and quit to stay home with my kids. My husband and I worked hard for years to build up the wealth to be able to do it.
My mom, a former hippie, had two kids. Many of her friends didn't, enjoying a freer life. Now, they're older, mostly surrounded by other seniors with health problems, which is sad. My mom's healthier and feels younger because of her kids and grandkids. They help her stay connected and prevent her from feeling lost in today's fast-changing world.
Her childless friends often feel left behind, isolate themselves, and envy families. Their close friends are dying one by one. Having kids is often seen as a sacrifice, but I think it's more accurate to see it as an investment in your future. With the coming population decline, I think it's even more risky for people in their 30s now, because I would not assume the government will be able to fully care for them when they're old. People without kids might have a very difficult time in 30-40 years.
As a male RN who worked over 40+ years in the hospital environment, worked with many women who forwent having children or even marriage to focus on their careers. I know several who realized as they neared retirement, that there was nobody that they could count on to assist them as they aged, as many of their friends and extended family members had moved away or died. For the last three years of my elderly mother's life, I drove 12 hours to spend a week with her every other month, with my brother being there on the alternating months, so that we could take care of bills, chores around the house, arrange care givers, etc. Many of these women will never have anyone interested in their welfare as they age, which is a sad state of affairs that they themselves created.
Family is more important than anything
there's no guarantee your children will look after you, stop using that idiotic argument
I also know of plenty of older people with multiple kids, and their kids don't give a DAMN about them. You cant guarantee your kids will take care of you. that's complete BS
Kids were more likely to in the past, then the intergenerational social contract broke. I think it's broken both ways now, with many boomers saying they will leave no inheritance at all. In fact we now live in a world where kids wine and say they didn't consent to being born in the first place and hold it against their parents. At the end of the day the rapid de-population coming is going to hurt both young and old equally.
My best friend has several health issues and her 32 y/o son can't be bothered with her.
I feel so lucky that I had a baby in my early twenties. She wasn't planned and it disrupted my plans (I was in University at the time), but she has been such a love in my life. I now have two lovely grandchildren who I adore. I'm older now and not married. I still work at a career I love but without my family, I would not have a fullness in my life. I loved the first few years with my daughter when I was home with her (her father has always been a good provider and father even though we separated when she was young). I have been very fortunate and I'm very grateful. Young women, don't throw away a good man. Life can be hard on your own with no one to care for and no one who cares about you.
Thanks for sharing your story
Seperated from a good provider/ Father….to then be alone forever as far as remarriage….wrong move
Wise words
You said "don't throw away a good man," yet you did exactly that. You ladies need to stop making bad life decisions based primarily on your feelings. Wise up.
Feelings win out over logic with woman, quite simple.@@michaelfarley1515
Society is in very big trouble just with gender dynamics alone. We have massive segments of the population that just can't pair bond. It really is heartbreaking, and I will be the first to admit that I am one of them.
I just hit 50 years of age last September 2024, never married, no kids. I am deeply grateful to God for never having allowed me to give into any of my ex's demands to get married and/or have kids. Men can't win at this, even A Lister Chads/Tyrones who have "All the 6's" metrics. No man anywhere can find incentive to try to build a life with another human being with this collage of virtually inevitable backfires.
Everything is designed to benefit one side at the expense of men... even men who are ultra-high-status guys who "have options." So much is wrong, and I pray to God something changes.
Me too
Male genital mutilation, its consequences are in the subconscious of most male victims, it has taught men since birth to be wary of women, the ones with less of it in the subconscious are often referred to as autistic...That started about 100 years ago in the US, the women with their communication technologies are not holding back/: it was designed this way since the fall of man, gods punishment to man is to live with womens' envy the way he lived with our envy...
Something IS changing, and it all started on 11.5.24. 💪💪💪
@@schmiggidy this change will take a couple of generations, minimum. Just because a new guy sits in the White House, does not mean most modern feminist women omen will have a change of heart. In fact, they will most likely rebel even more against any traditional thinking.
it is because the small hats are behind the system. i swear just do your research and you will find out.
No one has been hurt by feminism more than women.
Children #2
You’re absolutely right. Before feminism they didn’t even have to work.
Disagree. Millions of men have had their lives destroyed trying to do the right thing. Children grow up in broken families through no fault if their own. Women fucked around with the natural order of things and found out.
@@john-griffin every plant fish insect mammal is only on this earth to procreate after achieving survival of itself..social engineering and consumerism made that a side issue ..all deliberately orchestrated
@@john-griffin My Grandmother had to go back to work because her husband abandoned the family,due to drug use
Every 40-something year old woman I know is childless and wants to have children some day. It's bizarre.
My fourth sister spent her whole life proclaiming that she did not want children, she said it loudly to everyone so that no one had doubts, her courtships lasted for many years, finally at 41 she found out that she was pregnant, she married her boyfriend in a hurry and the child was born, she adores him and consents to him like crazy.
There are 2 young ladies at work, one 28 and one 30. The 30 year old just got back from maternity leave after having her second child, the 28 year old says..."I want to have a family after my career is established", I said nothing but could hear the egg timer ticking.
Maybe because she sees women having to leave their children after 6 weeks to get back to work and she doesn’t want that for herself. It takes a traditional man to be a traditional woman.
@mariahjordan120 so in other words it's mens fault again?
Any man that enters in to marriage at this point--HAS NOT WATCHED YOUR VIDEOS
I’ve been happily married for almost 4 years. The MGTOW message is just as sad to me as feminism.
alephnaught8343 Agreed. Pure mgtow meaning is just as sad as women talking about toxic males as representing all males. Interestingly, both mgtow and anti-male groups discuss truth about the dangers of the opposing sex. However, it becomes reckless when looking at only the bad apples warps your view of the rest
And the birthright will be negative soon.
@@alephnaught8343 "almost 4" Brother didn't even make it the first trimester yet and acts like he stuck platinum 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 chill it stay humble brother.
Personal responsibility it’s a foreign concept these days, they made their bed now sleep in it
Yup, dads need to be accountable for their roles sending their daughters to college. He saved for 18 years, not for her wedding, but for her tuition sho she could have a career. Lol! Should she have not done what her parents told her she had to do?
Gladly. Better than raising children alone in poverty.
No one talks about how quickly women need to have children. This is very sad.
When my sister found out a close family friend of ours was pregnant at 20 she was shocked when I said it was a good thing.
68 year old Boomer here. Totally agree. Seen all this evolve over my life time....👍
Yep I was fascinated by this ‘ evolution’ now and going all the way back to when I was a little boy in the 60s. I’m free of it all now, thanks.🌴
I went to a college graduation. The ladies looked very beautiful until you see their mother's in their 40's and 50's. So before you decide to have a future with her. Visit her mother first. LOL
And most of the female students were there to get their "MRS" degree.
@@AugustusTiberius-tq1gw Agreed, that a yardstick as old as civilization.
People age? Shocking revelation.
@xXKillaBGXx no wrong. It's called genetics.lol
Most women hit the wall between 25-32 or so.
The other question a young man should ask himself. If the women you just started dating is in her 30s, several other men dated her and passed for several reasons. Pay very close of attention with your eyes and ears wide open, to make sure her characteristic are what you want in a life partner.
Very true
Not always. Some people didn't start dating until later. I didn't have anything resembling a date until I was 27. I just wasn't interested, and that attitude dated back to high school. I was likely the daughter many parents wanted, as I was crazy about school, not boys. I was likely the female version of those Reddit threads of oblivious men.
I would say a lot of women don’t realize time. I dated a woman who wanted to start a family and we were in our mid 30s not married. But she also wanted to go back to school. They don’t realize that you date and get married 2 years are gone, by then you start a family, you are pushing 40. Although I’ve seen a few woman have their first kid in their late 30s recently, it’s happening more and more
Who paid for her college? Send this video to that person. Something tells me it wasn't mom.
Traditionally, men pursued a career to support a family.
I’m not sure that was ever the goal of feminist indoctrinated career women as a group.
What cracks me up the most is 60 plus womens dating profiles shes not looking for fwb or one night stand. They dont realize nobody wants to be with them for anything more than that.
I wouldn't touch a woman above 40 with a 10-foot pole, there is literally no reason to even talk to them, majority of women aren't good company
Sheng nu or leftover women in other is a Chinese term. In Japan they are called Christmas cakes, In Korea they are called dirty dishes. India they are called aunties. The west refers to them as spinsters or thornbacks.
We call them "Tias" (aunties) here in Brazil too.
What a sexist BS! There are a lot of gross words to call you too.
@@johnkruton9708 that's your vision of things and I really pity you.
@ My grandma called men post 35 "Casteoffs"... makes sense when you look up the definition (discarded pieces of garment)
@@do1043-x3s lol seethe harder roastie
Good topic. I'm a 64 yr old widowed man - 2 grown kids. My wife was 30 when we had our first & 32 on the second with complications in both pregnancies. My wife had a manufacturing job while I had the higher paying professional job, so she stayed at home with the kids until they were old enough for school.
I think that as many as these older feminists, career women regret not having kids, just as many embrace their decision. I have two lady friends at my gym - one is a 53 yr old attorney who has been divorced twice - no kids. The other is a 61 yr old CEO of a medium-size business who was never married & no kids. The attorney says she doesn't regret not having kids stating they cost too much & create too much stress. She's very happy with her life & is engaged to husband #3. Lol. The CEO lady seems very unhappy with her life & told me she never met the right guy to marry but yet worked 60 hr weeks back in her 20s & 30s not having time to date anyway. Go figure. Lol.
With the way modern society is going, I’ve had a theory that the powerful and influential don’t want us to develop sovereign families. Think about it: We are encouraged to be independent and not co-dependent. Meanwhile, the elites in our societies are very family oriented: They accumulate knowledge and wealth together, strengthening their influence, a sort of tribe of kin. My hunch is that the elites have always encouraged their kin to play the long game (at the generational level), while encouraging the masses to play the short game. Thus reducing potential competition down the road on this floating rock of finite resources.
The green agenda is to reduce the population to resolve climate change. A primary method is to push feminism and careers on women.
"You've gotta decide what's best for you, and not what someone else thinks is best for you." Well said.
My cousin is a corporate lawyer up here in Canada. He makes great money and his wife is from Finland. They have three kids and she always had to persist. I have to work. I have to work as part of my identity now all these kids are left with nannies all these kids are left in daycare. The most important thing to do Woman is be a mom to your children. We don’t care if you’re a professional when you’re seven years old, no one‘s gonna care your kids are not gonna care about your masters degree all they want is if you save money and they can get some inheritance, but you probably spent it on clothes and you probably bought vehicles that weren’t very good because of advertising, and you got suckered into a consumer society, women with masters degrees, are unable
Here in Sweden the Woman is extremely beautiful if you take a walk in bigger city you see alot of 7-10s all over and most of them are fit and in very good shape. Because of there extreme feminism mindset.
Alot of men stop dating them and i see alot of Swedish older men with good job and money with woman from thailand.
I have a friend at my church. I asked her out. She said no gently but clearly. We are still good friends. She has been asked out by other men too. She's turned them all down. I used to feel bad for her. Not anymore. At this point, she's 31. Her window is shrinking so quickly and she doesn't even know it. I tried to tell her that but she didn't take it well. At this point, I don't feel bad for women over 30 that are single. They have turned down several men at that point.
Not the shy ones. I never got asked, ever. So... there's that.
@@Demmie-nl2qh Then you do the asking.
@@theduke7268 what part of 'shy' don't you get? LOL! Also, I was raised to believe that men made the first move. It's super trashy for a woman to do so. I guess that's why all these men are with trashy women.. lolz.
@@Demmie-nl2qh Why do women need men to be proactive?
I got married when i was 34, first baby at 35 and now pregnant with number 2 at 36. I do exercise and take care of my health. I don't feel left behind. I feel like it happened when it was supposed to.
When i was dating, i found it was hard to find a man who also wanted to settle down and have a family. Men are also encouraged to not date and sleep around when they're young. It was hard weeding thru the frogs to find a prince.
Heck, it's hard weeding through the toads to find a frog!
You have just broken Kermits heart ............
One thing I've noticed is when a young woman has a baby they bounce back pretty quickly. When they have a baby later in life it ages them almost overnight. One woman I knew was pretty hot as a "9" in her late 30's went to a "3" and put on the pounds in short order after giving birth.
Not all women want kids. That may be sad to some, but looked at from another perspective, it’s probably best that women who don’t want kids don’t have them.
Women that attend college are also the most likey to file for divorce.
Nice beaver!
Couldn’t resist to quote Naked Gun here… lol
You know, I thought about that after I had made that clip and I thought I should’ve incorporated that into the video more. Thanks.
@@john-griffin Surely, a missed opportunity. (Don't call me...)
Nice beavers, friendly
Just think about baseball
@@RetrohertzThere's nothing to see here, move along 💥
I honestly don't know if I've ever met a woman who turned out to be worth marrying. Unfortunately, i can't make exceptions... obesity might be the easiest to screen for, but it's the least of the problems
Independent woman here who married at 35, had 1st baby at 37 and second at 39. Never once felt like a leftover woman. Focused on getting my education, and great career first so that if I ended up being an ex-wife, I would be able to support myself. Some of these men want you totally dependent on them so they can have the upper hand. It’s called control and if men weren’t doing it in the past, women would not have fought so hard for our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
Your comment is full of projections...and you found a sucker thst you don't respect for a husband.
First rational and intelligent comment I've come across here!
Some of the comments are truly abysmal and indicate an almost complete lack of understanding about relationships.
Are the comments here typical of how American men are, would you say?
(I'm English, but I'm assuming that most comments are by American men).
Actually, I only watched the video and started reading the comments because of the title - which I pretty much completely disagree with.
@@philcrowe8802 the people who make the abysmal comments either have no confidence in attracting women, hate women, or ascribe to the red pill mentality.
This isn’t a flaw of feminism, it’s a feature.
Just because 1 woman has a baby at 50, does not mean most women can. And can you having a child that won't be adult until you are 71?