How Christianity Could End (In America)

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 6 тис.

  • @GeneticallyModifiedSkeptic
    @GeneticallyModifiedSkeptic  Рік тому +186

    The first 100 people to use code SKEPTIC at the link below will get 60% off of Incogni:

    • @Aldogfelix
      @Aldogfelix Рік тому

      Well the replacement "theory" is bad from where it comes from, but an out come for some muslim groups is that non muslims are to be erradicated (either by conversion o something else), if they had and absolute world this would be their ideal, and an a very easy conclusion would be a kind of replacement, but without the whitesupremacy bs.

    • @5688gamble
      @5688gamble Рік тому +9

      Don't need to, my country is not yet quite insane enough not to deny it's citizens adequate publically funded healthcare. See I pay taxes and if something goes wrong I don't have to start a gofundme because the private insurer has found a way to weasel out of paying money to help me somehow. I just go to any hospital, doctors, dentists or opticians and I can get treatment. I just had a whole bunch of dental work done, including a purelty cosmetic chip in my tooth and nobody asked me for a penny! It is the best, most affordable health insurance available and I need not do anything but provide my basic details, assuming I am conscious! When your healthcare system is a non-profit, tax funded service instead of a corporate shake-down, it liberates you from all the BS!
      I can break my back free of any worries! lol

    • @scottgoulette8900
      @scottgoulette8900 Рік тому

      @@5688gamble What country??

    • @NotNecessarily-ip4vc
      @NotNecessarily-ip4vc Рік тому

      In this speculative scenario, let's consider Leibniz's Monad (first emanation of God), from the philosophical work "The Monadology", as an abstract representation of the zero-dimensional space that binds quarks together with the strong nuclear force:
      1) Indivisibility and Unity: Monads, as indivisible entities, mirror the nature of quarks, which are deemed elementary and indivisible particles in our theoretical context. Just as monads possess unity and indivisibility, quarks are unified in their interactions through the strong nuclear force.
      2) Interconnectedness: In the Monadology, monads are interconnected in a vast network. In a parallel manner, the interconnectedness of quarks through the strong force could be metaphorically represented by the interplay of monads, forming a web that holds particles together.
      3) Inherent Properties: Just as monads possess inherent perceptions and appetitions, quarks could be thought of as having intrinsic properties like color charge, reflecting the inherent qualities of monads and influencing their interactions.
      4) Harmony: The concept of monads contributing to universal harmony resonates with the idea that the strong nuclear force maintains harmony within atomic nuclei by counteracting the electromagnetic repulsion between protons, allowing for the stability of matter.
      5) Pre-established Harmony: Monads' pre-established harmony aligns with the idea that the strong force was pre-designed to ensure stable interactions among quarks, orchestrating their behavior in a way that parallels the harmony envisaged by Leibniz.
      6) Non-Mechanical Interaction: Monads interact non-mechanically, mirroring the non-mechanical interactions of quarks through gluon exchange. This connection might be seen as a metaphorical reflection of the intricacies of quark-gluon dynamics.
      7) Holism: The holistic perspective of monads could symbolize how quarks, like the monads' interconnections, contribute holistically to the structure and behavior of particles through the strong force interactions.
      an abstract but perceptible thing that issues or originates from a source.

    • @NotNecessarily-ip4vc
      @NotNecessarily-ip4vc Рік тому

      The monad, the word and the idea, belongs to the Western philosophical tradition and has been used by various authors. Leibniz, who was exceptionally well-read, could not have ignored this, but he did not use it himself until mid-1696 when he was sending for print his New System.
      Apparently he found with it a convenient way to expound his own philosophy as it was elaborated in this period. What he proposed can be seen as a modification of occasionalism developed by latter-day Cartesians. Leibniz surmised that there are indefinitely many substances individually 'programmed' to act in a predetermined way, each substance being coordinated with all the others.
      This is the pre-established harmony which solved the mind-body problem, but at the cost of declaring any interaction between substances a mere appearance.
      The rhetorical strategy adopted by Leibniz in The Monadology is fairly obvious as the text begins with a description of monads (proceeding from simple to complicated instances),
      then it turns to their principle or creator and
      finishes by using both to explain the world.
      (I) As far as Leibniz allows just one type of element in the building of the universe his system is monistic. The unique element has been 'given the general name monad or entelechy' and described as 'a simple substance' (§§1, 19). When Leibniz says that monads are 'simple,' he means that "which is one, has no parts and is therefore indivisible".
      Relying on the Greek etymology of the word entelechie (§18), Leibniz posits quantitative differences in perfection between monads which leads to a hierarchical ordering. The basic order is three-tiered:
      (1) entelechies or created monads (§48),
      (2) souls or entelechies with perception and memory (§19), and
      (3) spirits or rational souls (§82).
      Whatever is said about the lower ones (entelechies) is valid for the higher (souls and spirits) but not vice versa. As none of them is without a body (§72), there is a corresponding hierarchy of
      (1) living beings and animals
      (2), the latter being either non-reasonable or reasonable.
      The degree of perfection in each case corresponds to cognitive abilities and only spirits or reasonable animals are able to grasp the ideas of both the world and its creator. Some monads have power over others because they can perceive with greater clarity, but primarily, one monad is said to dominate another if it contains the reasons for the actions of other(s). Leibniz believed that any body, such as the body of an animal or man, has one dominant monad which controls the others within it. This dominant monad is often referred to as the soul.
      (II) God is also said to be a simple substance (§47) but it is the only one necessary (§§38-9) and without a body attached (§72). Monads perceive others "with varying degrees of clarity, except for God, who perceives all monads with utter clarity". God could take any and all perspectives, knowing of both potentiality and actuality. As well as that God in all his power would know the universe from each of the infinite perspectives at the same time, and so his perspectives-his thoughts-"simply are monads". Creation is a permanent state, thus "[monads] are generated, so to speak, by continual fulgurations of the Divinity" (§47). Any perfection comes from being created while imperfection is a limitation of nature (§42). The monads are unaffected by each other, but each have a unique way of expressing themselves in the universe, in accordance with God's infinite will.
      (III) Composite substances or matter are "actually sub-divided without end" and have the properties of their infinitesimal parts (§65). A notorious passage (§67) explains that "each portion of matter can be conceived as like a garden full of plants, or like a pond full of fish. But each branch of a plant, each organ of an animal, each drop of its bodily fluids is also a similar garden or a similar pond". There are no interactions between different monads nor between entelechies and their bodies but everything is regulated by the pre-established harmony (§§78-9). Much like how one clock may be in synchronicity with another, but the first clock is not caused by the second (or vice versa), rather they are only keeping the same time because the last person to wind them set them to the same time. So it is with monads; they may seem to cause each other, but rather they are, in a sense, "wound" by God's pre-established harmony, and thus appear to be in synchronicity. Leibniz concludes that "if we could understand the order of the universe well enough, we would find that it surpasses all the wishes of the wisest people, and that it is impossible to make it better than it is-not merely in respect of the whole in general, but also in respect of ourselves in particular" (§90).
      In his day, atoms were proposed to be the smallest division of matter. Within Leibniz's theory, however, substances are not technically real, so monads are not the smallest part of matter, rather they are the only things which are, in fact, real. To Leibniz, space and time were an illusion, and likewise substance itself. The only things that could be called real were utterly simple beings of psychic activity "endowed with perception and appetite."
      The other objects, which we call matter, are merely phenomena of these simple perceivers. "Leibniz says, 'I don't really eliminate body, but reduce [revoco] it to what it is. For I show that corporeal mass [massa], which is thought to have something over and above simple substances, is not a substance, but a phenomenon resulting from simple substances, which alone have unity and absolute reality.' (G II 275/AG 181)" Leibniz's philosophy is sometimes called "'panpsychic idealism' because these substances are psychic rather than material". That is to say, they are mind-like substances, not possessing spatial reality. "In other words, in the Leibnizian monadology, simple substances are mind-like entities that do not, strictly speaking, exist in space but that represent the universe from a unique perspective." It is the harmony between the perceptions of the monads which creates what we call substances, but that does not mean the substances are real in and of themselves.
      (IV) Leibniz uses his theory of Monads to support his argument that we live in the best of all possible worlds. He uses his basis of perception but not interaction among monads to explain that all monads must draw their essence from one ultimate monad. He then claims that this ultimate monad would be God because a monad is a “simple substance” and God is simplest of all substances, He cannot be broken down any further. This means that all monads perceive “with varying degrees of perception, except for God, who perceives all monads with utter clarity”.
      This superior perception of God then would apply in much the same way that he says a dominant monad controls our soul, all other monads associated with it would, essentially, shade themselves towards Him. With all monads being created by the ultimate monad and shading themselves in the image of this ultimate monad, Leibniz argues that it would be impossible to conceive of a more perfect world because all things in the world are created by and imitating the best possible monad.

  • @kylelloyd4437
    @kylelloyd4437 Рік тому +4324

    Christianity is declining but fundamentalism is on the raise. So christians are leaving but the ones who stay are becoming more extreme

    • @elainelouve
      @elainelouve Рік тому +693

      And because of the fundamentalists all the reasonable people want to leave.

    • @tylergodefroy8713
      @tylergodefroy8713 Рік тому

      well the fundamentalist are driving people away

    • @conversion721
      @conversion721 Рік тому +43

      Jesus is coming soon so desperate to get few😊

    • @DarkDao
      @DarkDao Рік тому +415

      And that will bring their final downfall. It's already extremely noticeable how little difference is between all those cults of power built around idea of a superior being and strict hierarchical superiority. It's almost poetic that religions are getting closer and closer to their true form - fascism.

    • @__-tz6xx
      @__-tz6xx Рік тому +61

      @@elainelouve I see the feedback loop

  • @daviddavis2764
    @daviddavis2764 Рік тому +1617

    the greatest risk to christianity in the US is that it is the moderates who are leaving churches, leaving only the more extremists by themselves without a moderation effect, and the more extremist churches come, the faster people will leave

    • @user-pw6ei2mn7x
      @user-pw6ei2mn7x Рік тому +92

      Hopefully 🍀🍀🍀

    • @timnewman1172
      @timnewman1172 Рік тому +133

      I have been saying for years that "American Evangelicalism" is the single greatest threat to Christianity today!!!

    • @daviddavis2764
      @daviddavis2764 Рік тому +86

      @nickers7409 yes, but they are more likely to push away more and more moderates at faster and faster rates, it is already started

    • @timnewman1172
      @timnewman1172 Рік тому +81

      @@daviddavis2764 these churches are rapidly becoming their own little exclusive clubs, where "sinners" and the needy aren't welcome... pretty much the opposite of what the Jesus they proclaim to follow said!

    • @user-gl5dq2dg1j
      @user-gl5dq2dg1j Рік тому +31

      @nickers7409 Well one question is how well can they be self sustaining if they also push the youth out? If the young folk can make friends outside of the bubble they may well decide to leave it all behind.

  • @TheLunarPierce
    @TheLunarPierce Рік тому +5000

    Ironically, many Christian conservatives are abandoning the teachings of Christ because of his liberal talking points

    • @aaronbredon2948
      @aaronbredon2948 Рік тому

      The Onion did a parody article about exactly this just before we found out that right wing Evangelicals actually consider Jesus too "woke" for them.
      Of course, they still consider themselves "Christian", but want a more extreme leader to follow.
      So we now have "Christians" rejecting Christ himself.

    • @sanhakim1335
      @sanhakim1335 Рік тому +912

      You speak as if Christians ever followed the teachings of Christ in America lol.

    • @shilohhighland6716
      @shilohhighland6716 Рік тому +232

      I feel like they have been unconsciously for a long time. It feels more noticeable when returning to church after social distancing for a few years.

    • @sudonim7552
      @sudonim7552 Рік тому +139

      Liberalism as an ideology didn't exist in 1st century Roman Judea. You can say that certain teachings of Jesus align with certain tenets of liberalism, but to call any sayings attributed to Jesus "liberal talking points" is historically inaccurate.

    • @turkeytrac1
      @turkeytrac1 Рік тому +318

      ​@sudonim7552 you're correct in part, the part about modern liberal values possibly didn't exist. However, what did exist, that we all take care of one another, did. That is as much a tenant of that time, as it currently is in the liberal point of view. So really, you not identifying that point, shows your lack of depth on this.

  • @jeremy5602
    @jeremy5602 11 місяців тому +763

    I absolutely loved the South Park episode where Cartman is frozen in ice and then revived 500 years in the future. The world abandoned all religion and became fully atheist. Then, they fought wars over which group of atheists was correct.

    • @rock-99
      @rock-99 10 місяців тому +34


    • @BlessYourHeart254
      @BlessYourHeart254 10 місяців тому +40

      Sounds about right

    • @nosuchthing8
      @nosuchthing8 10 місяців тому +19

      Sounds correct. But how do you have different versions of atheism?

    • @jeremy5602
      @jeremy5602 10 місяців тому +122

      @@nosuchthing8 In the show, they fought over whether they should be called "Allied Atheist Alliance" or "United Atheist League". The point was that humans will fight over anything even without religion involved, no matter how petty. In real life, there are different views among atheists. Atheism only means they don't believe in any god(s), but you could still have many different versions of what the ideal godless life would look like.

    • @JackebBee-iz7qi
      @JackebBee-iz7qi 10 місяців тому +35

      @@jeremy5602 As an atheist, there is literally only one way of life, and it is just not believing in god. Done. Nothing else.

  • @jave285
    @jave285 Рік тому +874

    Hi Drew,
    Did you see that the UK is no longer a majority Christian country? As of the 2021 census. "No religion" is now the largest demographic.

    • @paulread7113
      @paulread7113 Рік тому +87

      Even that is massively understated. I am British and I would say maybe 2% of people are Christians ie attend Church more than let's say twice per month.

    • @philb4462
      @philb4462 Рік тому +49

      I heard it was about 5%. That's where I'm from and it seems about right to me. Catholics tend to be regular church-attenders. The C of E is in sharp decline and one report I read said it will cease to exist in the 2030s. I suspect that's overstated but we'll see.

    • @DroosterH
      @DroosterH Рік тому +101

      It's because, for so long, people were brainwashed into thinking they aligned with some kind of religion, even if they had never practiced any. So when the census came along they'd automatically tick Christian or Catholic and think nothing of it.
      People are, generally, more savvy these days and will tick 'no religion'. Therefore the census is more accurate.

    • @tricitymorte1
      @tricitymorte1 Рік тому +59

      ​@@DroosterHself-awareness, as well as general public awareness, that just because you were born into a family that "came from" a particular religion, doesn't = you are of that religion. I was born to a Lutheran family. I do not identify as any flavor of Christianity. More people being aware of the societal labels, and not being afraid to be honest, really helps with the accuracy of census data.

    • @dotsdot5608
      @dotsdot5608 Рік тому +11

      Britain W 🗿

  • @jacklabloom635
    @jacklabloom635 Рік тому +1996

    The majority of Americans, who claim to be Christians, have actually read less than eight percent of the Bible. Reading the entire Bible often leads to the reader developing more questions than answers about Christianity.

    • @Joemamahahahaha821
      @Joemamahahahaha821 Рік тому +260

      It’s so funny how this perfectly described me. Was a devout Christian growing up, didn’t read the Bible. Then in my late teens got curious and thought the Bible would have the answers, so I read it and ended with a million more questions than I started with. No one could answer them and the Bible was supposed to be the answer.

    • @freezerburn421
      @freezerburn421 Рік тому +142

      My super religious and super sweet mom has read the Bible countless times all the way through. She listens to it on her phone while she rests, and sometimes I would walk in while a brutal God-mandated masacre was playing. At the time I didn’t think anything of it. But now it amazes me how much of an exception to this rule my mother is

    • @stevenscott2136
      @stevenscott2136 Рік тому

      All my life, Christians have told me that reading the Bible would cure my atheism. About ten years ago, some friends actually gave me a Bible, so I read it. My opinion of Christianity went DOWN several notches.
      Most of the people I know are basically good folks who just BELIEVE they're following this ancient Semitic death-cult, when in reality, their actual religion is more like "1950's small-town Americana".

    • @AdmiralBison
      @AdmiralBison Рік тому

      Makes sense considering many Christians make up their own god in their mind that it ends up being vastly different to the one in the Bible.
      I ought to know being a former and raised Christian/Catholic as well being associated with Mormonism.
      Most Christians in the U.S. seem more Pantheist and Deist than they realise and it's a normal process to eventually becoming Atheist.
      I recon there are way more Atheists statistically than what is reported simply because either many former Christians are still not comfortable with that word or don't realise they are Atheist.
      Took me a few years right after high-school to realise I was an Atheist.

    • @sahilx4954
      @sahilx4954 Рік тому +90

      The same thing happens when you read and understand the Quran. But the majority of Muslims just recite it in arabic and don't understand what it says.

  • @WhaleManMan
    @WhaleManMan Рік тому +1284

    I could see the same thing that happened to Japan happen to America at some point. Where religious traditions are kept but actual spiritual belief is gone.

    • @GeneticallyModifiedSkeptic
      @GeneticallyModifiedSkeptic  Рік тому +425

      I could see that! I already know self-described Christians in the US who are that way. Good people from my experience.

    • @chongjunxiang3002
      @chongjunxiang3002 Рік тому +174

      So Christmas would still be a thing but not about Jesus birthday.
      Its not like anyone actually know when is Jesus birthday.

    • @EliotChildress
      @EliotChildress Рік тому +180

      Currently living in japan and I can say it’s a very nice way to view religion. It’s now pretty much purely cultural and all inclusive. Although it does have the downside of very culturally significant buildings and customs dying off because people simply don’t care anymore. One shrine in my town is almost a thousand years old but is currently being torn down because it didn’t have enough revenue for maintenance and was deemed too dangerous to leave standing. 😢 (note: the materials themselves aren’t that old. It’s kind of a ship of Theseus thing. But in it’s current form I’d be willing to bet it’s multiple hundreds of years old.)

    • @LashknifeTalon
      @LashknifeTalon Рік тому +48

      That would be interesting; American life just has this vague layer of Christian ritual attached to it.

    • @crystallinecrisis3901
      @crystallinecrisis3901 Рік тому +72

      That’s honestly a really plausible idea. Plenty of people treat church as more about community than specifically about faith and secularization of holidays like Christmas bring them into a more cultural practice than a religious one

  • @artikulv731
    @artikulv731 11 місяців тому +145

    My mom was raised as a Lutheran Christian, but ended up leaving for no reason other than not believing and wanting a life somewhere else. My dad’s side of the family is atheist as hell and my dad was/is incredibly death metal.
    So as you can clearly tell I grew up in a very religious household 💀

    • @JackebBee-iz7qi
      @JackebBee-iz7qi 10 місяців тому +8

      atheism rules

    • @ultraman240
      @ultraman240 4 місяці тому +4

      Who is god?
      Is Jesus the son of Mary?
      Who created Mary?
      Who is God?
      Jesus was a born child.
      Who is his father?
      Who is God?
      Jesus is a servant of God?
      Who is God?
      Jesus died on the cross?
      Who raised it?
      Who is God?
      Jesus is the messenger?
      Who sent it?
      Who is God?
      Did Jesus worship while on earth? Yes
      Who does he worship?
      Who is God?
      Does God have a beginning?
      No ....
      Then who was born on 25 DEC? Jesus.
      Who is God?
      Where is God?
      In heaven
      How much is there in heaven? There is only one God.
      Where is Jesus?
      He sat to his father's right.
      Who is God?
      So how many of them are in heaven?
      There is only one God
      Then how many seats?
      Where is Jesus?
      Sit next to God.
      Then how do they sit?
      In one chair
      This is only understood by those who have a holy spirit.
      Who is God?
      Think and act ..

    • @HungryWarden
      @HungryWarden 4 місяці тому +9

      @@ultraman240Sorry, I don’t speak Yapanese. Quit yapping.

    • @nah.bro.7
      @nah.bro.7 3 місяці тому


    • @rikuleinonen
      @rikuleinonen Місяць тому +3

      @@ultraman240 you kinda forgot who you're arguing with.
      You're just answering questions from a christian viewpoint. You're not *proving* anything.
      For the sake of atheism vs theism discussions, this is as useful as a bunch of lies.

  • @jennifer1422
    @jennifer1422 Рік тому +394

    I feel like one thing maybe not taken into account is that the number of Christians "in the past" may not have even been as high as projected/estimated. That is, being Christian in name and going through the motions of going to church twice a year for Christmas and Easter, but having no genuine belief or emotional attachment beyond it being a social obligation. We may not be looking as a massive decline in Christianity, just a massive uptick in people feeling safe to admit that they feel no particular affiliation.

    • @ayemiksenoj5254
      @ayemiksenoj5254 11 місяців тому +33

      You make a great point!
      I know and have met many people who claim to be Christians, but it's in name only.
      They didn't really read the Bible let alone follow it, but believed in God and the punishment of eternal hell.

    • @doug3458
      @doug3458 11 місяців тому +16

      Even in Britain today, it takes courage to say that one has no religion, because it is still a popular belief that if one is not a Christian, one must be following another religion. One is assumed to be Christian because this is a "Christian" country.

    • @YACHI0000
      @YACHI0000 11 місяців тому +21

      True. Also the amount of people that were either forced to be Christian due to invasion, or the people who only say they're Christian solely because their parents are, so it's a part of their family's culture.

    • @1mol831
      @1mol831 10 місяців тому

      @@ayemiksenoj5254I think the true number of "Christians" might be 1/10 to 1/100 of what the numbers say today. Though these "Christians" are probably staying as Christians.

    • @platonbelyalov8267
      @platonbelyalov8267 10 місяців тому +5

      @@YACHI0000your right there’s even atheists and agnostics calling themselves Christian because they were baptized as infants

  • @brucec9735
    @brucec9735 Рік тому +481

    Evangelism: Do not fear. Be at peace. You are loved.
    Evangelicalism: Be afraid. Stay outraged. Don’t be one of those who deserve our hatred.

    • @sensorycircuits1338
      @sensorycircuits1338 Рік тому +19

      I wish everyone could go see the caves where the first Christians lived. There is an air there that is devout and peaceful.

    • @brentoncarter4275
      @brentoncarter4275 Рік тому +2

      you made up a word. congrats dum dum.

    • @chai-and-tea
      @chai-and-tea Рік тому +38

      @@brentoncarter4275”evangelicalism” is a word 😂 why am I not surprised a bigot is so uneducated.

    • @gordonyork6638
      @gordonyork6638 11 місяців тому +14

      @@chai-and-tea they couldn't even spell "dumb" correctly. Talk about irony. Ha

    • @sensorycircuits1338
      @sensorycircuits1338 11 місяців тому

      @@helrem Yes indeed.

  • @elvieann4949
    @elvieann4949 Рік тому +339

    Christianity is becoming so extreme that it could push people away from active participation. In turn, that could cause a slow generational shift away from religion.

    • @whiskeredtuna
      @whiskeredtuna Рік тому +4

      @elvieann4949, I’m pretty sure Christianity hasn’t changed.

    • @macysondheim
      @macysondheim Рік тому +1


    • @Dan-ys8nk
      @Dan-ys8nk Рік тому +17

      @@macysondheim Yes.

    • @toeeater199
      @toeeater199 Рік тому +36

      ​@@emmanuelaponte93i can't wait for the day when we look at christianity the same way we look at greek mythology and other ancient religions

    • @KartalaBreed
      @KartalaBreed Рік тому

      ​@@whiskeredtuna sounds like it was back before the protestant reformation and when the pilgrims came over and when the puritans were in power. Christianity has been used as a form of control in the western world for centuries and it's no different now. In the east Christians are persecuted, but in the west Christians persecute everyone else. As a western Christian, I'm sometimes ashamed to call myself one. I follow Christ, not a church, and not a pack of power hungry people. I think it might need to be knocked off its high horse to get back to its peaceful roots again.

  • @stormydragon2668
    @stormydragon2668 11 місяців тому +218

    Fourth possibility: Christianity becomes a cultural group instead of a religious group, similar to the way there are a lot of non-religious Jewish people who consider themselves culturally Jewish but who don't participate in Jewish religious practices. I already know a bunch of people who regularly call themselves Christian, but who haven't been to church in years, if not decades.

    • @CortexNewsService
      @CortexNewsService 9 місяців тому +31

      That's how I was with Catholicism. My first taste of discrimination was for being Catholic, not for being gay. And this was in the 1990s and 80s. Even after I stopped going to church, I considered myself Catholic because to let that part of who I was (as much being gay, male, progressive and Midwestern defined how I saw myself) was because it gave haters a win.
      Then my religion went after LGBTQ with a vengeance. The final straw was when the bishop in my diocese held an actual exorcism because Illinois legalized same sex marriage. That hurt a lot. I can't consider myself Christian anymore.

    • @down-to-earth-mystery-school
      @down-to-earth-mystery-school 9 місяців тому +3

      @@CortexNewsServiceI’m so sorry you have been hurt by bigotry. We must stand together!

    • @Ashclayton1994
      @Ashclayton1994 8 місяців тому +4

      It's already is for the most part

    • @seananderson6384
      @seananderson6384 7 місяців тому

      My parents

    • @user-yo9pv1ni6t
      @user-yo9pv1ni6t 5 місяців тому

      Yes the jews, most do not attend a synagogue, yet call themselves **jews** anyway,, Christians who do not ayttend a sunday service still call themselves **christians** They think,,, why not,, they **believe** something, just not in a church thingy.

  • @ziploc2000
    @ziploc2000 Рік тому +824

    I lived in the UK for over 45 years, stopped any interaction with religion/church/Christianity before I was a teenager, and could count the conversations I had about any religion after that on the fingers of one foot. Nobody cares, because the religious are not trying to force their rules and opinions on others.
    Now living in the USA for over a dozen years, I probably wouldn't pay this any attention if religious people didn't think they can rape my tweenage daughter and force her to have their baby.
    Religious people disgust me at a core level I never felt in the UK.
    Looking forward to the day the USA can put these ridiculous bronze-age superstitions behind it and function more effectively in the real world.

    • @jimbob3030
      @jimbob3030 Рік тому +128

      "Religious people disgust me at a core level I never felt in the UK. "
      Welcome to my world.

    • @derdunkle8999
      @derdunkle8999 Рік тому +60

      I feel the same way! (I am from Austria)

    • @beans3977
      @beans3977 Рік тому +48

      Question is. Is religion to blame? Or Americans in general? American Christians are usually much more radical than others

    • @jimbob3030
      @jimbob3030 Рік тому +127

      @@beans3977 It is how religion and politics are played upon in the USA to keep people divided and fighting each other rather than united against the people keeping us down. Trillions of dollars of profit depend upon keeping us at each others throats, so that is where we are stuck.

    • @beans3977
      @beans3977 Рік тому

      @@jimbob3030 We'll crawl out of this trench in 20 years or so. When the newer generations start running the world

  • @ReligionForBreakfast
    @ReligionForBreakfast Рік тому +427

    Thanks for the shoutout! My hunch is that American Christianity will eventually reach a population floor in the near-term future (maybe 25% of the population within 50 years). I'm convinced by Laurence Iannaccone's "strict church theory," which observes that stricter religious communities show more population resilience compared to more liberal religious communities. The sociologist Landon Schnabel has found we're witnessing more of a decline of moderate/liberal denominations, and as we see a larger proportion of the population disaffiliate, there is a remainder of more intensely religious people.

    • @ExposingIslamDefenders
      @ExposingIslamDefenders Рік тому

      Make a video on how islam will end. Islam is the fastest dying religion.

    • @GeneticallyModifiedSkeptic
      @GeneticallyModifiedSkeptic  Рік тому +43

      Very interesting! Thanks for the input!

    • @lvi25
      @lvi25 11 місяців тому

      Islam is the only true religion

    • @azarkortolosh1721
      @azarkortolosh1721 11 місяців тому

      This is not good news
      I am a Moroccan former Muslim, and I will tell you what will happen after the disappearance of Christianity
      Muslims will come and become a majority in your country
      And they will prevent all the things that you fought Christianity for
      They will not accept homosexuality. They will not accept women's freedom. They will close Netflix
      It was not Christianity that lost when the West abandoned it
      The West lost when it abandoned Christianity

    • @kellydalstok8900
      @kellydalstok8900 11 місяців тому

      Resilience or aversion to reality.
      Also, they’re trying to keep the church alive by outbreeding everyone else.

  • @micahnightwolf
    @micahnightwolf Рік тому +990

    Ironically, as an atheist myself, I don't want to see an end to Christianity (or any religion, for that matter.) I just want to see an end to the extremism, the christofascism, the science-denial, the hatred for the "other," and all that stuff. Christ himself was an advocate for the poor and the sick. He proclaimed that people should love each other, not judge each other. Christians need to get back to doing that. How can they call themselves Christians if they don't follow the teachings of Christ?

    • @campfireaddict6417
      @campfireaddict6417 Рік тому +72

      Jesus also said to hate those you dearly love in order to become one of his disciples. He also said "I come not to bring peace, but a sword."

    • @micahnightwolf
      @micahnightwolf Рік тому +196

      The bible is full of contradictions. It tells people to love each other and it tells people to hate each other. Since people can't do both, the direction they choose to follow says more about their character than it does about their religion.

    • @sledgehamner
      @sledgehamner Рік тому +38

      But even the loving Christians are still basing their lives on a delusion that they would be much better without. I was, and I am!

    • @roberteriksen6434
      @roberteriksen6434 Рік тому +15

      ​@@micahnightwolfBut then ditch christianity if it allows good and bad for something that teaches just good things.
      It's really not that difficult.

    • @xanander4693
      @xanander4693 Рік тому +3


  • @GratiaVOD
    @GratiaVOD 11 місяців тому +121

    As a young Catholic man, I recognize that Drew here cares more about people than a lot of 'Christians' do these days.
    I pray that we can all find mutual love and determine practical ways to help one another thrive. Drew, thank you for searching for these answers which everyone needs, and thank you for helping those who've been hurt find solace in very real trauma that can be caused by any type of fundamentalism. 🙏 May God bless you, and bless everyone who watches this video.❣

  • @roc5291
    @roc5291 Рік тому +175

    I live in Nebraska, a very Red and Christian state. From what I’ve seen in the last few years, the biggest reason for why people are not going back to church or being unaffiliated is the disgusting mutant child of religion and politics being put together. I cannot tell you how many sermons I have heard about that were preached in my local area, where a politician’s name was dropped more often than Jesus. It’s surreal. Russel Moore, the former President of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, said that, after the preaching of the Sermon on the Mount, he had pastors calling him, reporting that MANY in his congregation had come up to them after the service, requesting that story not to be taught because, that story was a “liberal talking point that doesn’t make sense anymore”. There is a certain demographic in this country, (primarily the baby boomers) who eat the politics/religion hybrid up. But for most of Gen X, the Millennials, Gen Z and Gen Alpha are rejecting it and just walking away from church altogether, seeing ALL of them as nothing more than potential centers to create more US vs THEM dynamics, that is just poisoning our society. Eventually, the Boomer generation will be gone and if that trend does not stop, what reason does any of the replacement generations have to go take their place?

    • @miaomiaochan
      @miaomiaochan 9 місяців тому

      The younger generations need to realize that if they continue to be apathetic to voting and participating in the electoral process, they are effectively letting the boomers dictate their future.

    • @fernandocuriel124
      @fernandocuriel124 9 місяців тому +1

      Becket Cook’s UA-cam Channel!

    • @cannabotany
      @cannabotany 8 місяців тому

      I will add the extreme money grabbing.. the mega churches are a pox upon the entire nation.

    • @galaxymetta5974
      @galaxymetta5974 8 місяців тому

      Even if God exists, he need not behave like a human to favour believers and show displeasure over non believers, regardless of their righteousness. Can a good CEO be displeased with you and disregard your talents just because you do not know his name?
      If God only favour believers regardless of their righteousness, then he needs to have an egoistic and nepotic character like worldly tyrants and corrupt politicians.
      The idea that one can go heaven without cultivating himself to higher spiritual standard is as silly as cramming unrefined squatters into premium residential estate and still expect it to remain a premium property.
      Anyone claiming their religion is the only true religion needs to first prove that only their believers were continuously blessed by God since antiquity. Cheers.
      Modern research on Near Death Experience by Raymond moody, reincarnation memories by Ian Stevenson/Jim trucker and past lives regression by Brian Weiss all independently but coincidentally show that our consciousness survive death, we live many lives and our thoughts and actions matter in the hereafter.
      So be kind and helpful to others, be virtuous, meditate and cultivate ourselves to higher spiritual levels. Cheers.

    • @Jabari-vm6jq
      @Jabari-vm6jq 6 місяців тому +7

      I think we give Gen-X too much credit for being unique from Boomers. The majority of Gen-X in the U.S. very much adheres to the cultural, political, and religious philosophies of Boomers. Gen-X is most likely to continue on in the Boomer traditions.

  • @PhlightYagami
    @PhlightYagami Рік тому +294

    Im very new to your channel but have watched a ton of your videos in the past few weeks. I just want to say that your approach to sharing information from a place of empathy and understanding is a breath of fresh air as an agnostic-leaning atheist who believes religion can be a beneficial tool for certain people under certain circumstances. I hope that others in the atheist community (and all secular/scientific communities) will look at videos like yours and learn how to properly share the knowledge necessary for people to choose the right path for them, without pressuring or manipulating others.
    I believe this approach is what can set us apart and lead to a well-informed, accepting society. Thank you for all that you do!!!

    • @GeneticallyModifiedSkeptic
      @GeneticallyModifiedSkeptic  Рік тому +45

      Thank you so much! ❤️

    • @jave285
      @jave285 Рік тому +8

      Would you care to give details of the "certain people under certain circumstances" that could use religion as a "beneficial tool"?

    • @Tanner404
      @Tanner404 Рік тому +5

      ​@@livamath6733I know they have because I did lol

    • @GeneticallyModifiedSkeptic
      @GeneticallyModifiedSkeptic  Рік тому +41

      I get messages/comments every day telling me that my videos impacted a person’s religious deconstruction. This isn’t always “I’m an atheist now” or “Your videos made me question my faith” though. A lot of the time people say my videos made them feel safe to think about the topic on their own or that they feel less alone as a non-believer when they watch me. My goal is better described as facilitating those last two scenarios than anything. Persuading people out of their faith isn’t my aim.

    • @PhlightYagami
      @PhlightYagami Рік тому

      ​@@jave285Sure, I have some anecdotal examples:
      I have a cousin who is part of the boomer generation and experienced a lot of trauma as a child. To add to that, she is gay. Growing up was very difficult for her. She was outcast and felt that she wasn't welcome anywhere. Though I don't know all of the details, I know that she found peace through God and a church that welcomed her and spread messages of acceptance, love, and charity. She is now happily married to a loving wife she met through the church. They are one of the most kind and loving families I know.
      My mother in law was in a relationship with an abusive man who hurt her and her children. She was using heavy drugs and didn't have any direction. She ultimately escaped that relationship and found my father-in-law. I like to call him an example of an actual Christian. One who follows Christ's example. He works the soup kitchen regularly, he is unbelievably quick to help others, even to his own detriment. He truly cares.
      My MIL converted to the religion and is enjoying life and spreading positivity to others. Though I went to their church from time to time out of respect, I've never hidden the fact that I was raised Jewish and don't personally believe. They've never made me feel anything but welcomed and loved.
      I'm not saying Christianity was the only path they could have taken. To say so is as ignorant as claiming atheism cannot be a path to happiness. But for some people, religion can be a force for good. Our mission should not be to eliminate religion altogether, but to ensure that everyone is informed of their options, and that the religious teachings that do persist are those that help people become better, more kind, and more accepting members of society.

  • @slowlyrusting4044
    @slowlyrusting4044 11 місяців тому +153

    Spewing hatred, intolerance, racism and hypocrisy in the name of God has a way of turning people off.

    • @mattwill2643
      @mattwill2643 4 місяці тому

      By putting all those labels on yourself, you allow your land to be invaded and destroyed like an absolute moron.

    • @user-jr1cc6sc6l
      @user-jr1cc6sc6l 3 місяці тому +11

      Ive been saying this for years

    • @thecastleofenlightenment2604
      @thecastleofenlightenment2604 3 місяці тому +1

      In 2024 sure. It wasn't that long ago that would increase support

    • @user-hgfg65
      @user-hgfg65 3 місяці тому +2

      Exactly and this negativity distorts the minds of the devout too. The idea of God is all loving all peaceful all powerful. If he is all powerful he can take any form he wants. Eternal damnation is downright stupid..

    • @RahelJovani
      @RahelJovani 3 місяці тому

      Do you mean in the name of No God?

  • @cinemaipswich4636
    @cinemaipswich4636 9 місяців тому +64

    Here in Australia about 40% of the population are not religious. It is considered rude to discus your faith or politics. Most Australians keep these things private. There are about 15% more who say they are "spiritual", but have no affiliation with any organised religion. The separation between Church, State, Politics and Government are very entrenched in Australia.

    • @recalcitrantrecidivist5927
      @recalcitrantrecidivist5927 9 місяців тому

      🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 So you missed the whole Morrison thing? We literally elected a right-wing religious NUT JOB. The church in Oz is firmly entrenched within the state. It always has been. Albo recently gave over $300m to the school chaplain program. Churches in OZ pay fuck all tax. They never have.

    • @dryfox11
      @dryfox11 8 місяців тому +8

      As it should be. The church shouldn’t have any say over politics, the people should. Heck, maybe i’ll move down under with you guys!

    • @davereckley44
      @davereckley44 7 місяців тому +5

      I think America is still Puritan. Yet somehow this spirituality got warped by mixing politics and religion. Don't forget the almighty dollar: It supercedes both politics and religion and answers to neither.

    • @tw8464
      @tw8464 Місяць тому +1

      Australia has done an excellent job with "No Establishment of religion. " good to know you're still in the Age of Reason. The US needs the Age of Reason and to Restore its only legitimate USA 🇺🇸 constitutions "No Establishment of religion." Let human beings be truly free, freedom of individual consciousness.

    • @AfrikaKorp42
      @AfrikaKorp42 Місяць тому

      That's because a majority of Americans now use their political and/or religious beliefs to define their entire identity. Many who cry "separation of church and state" (mainly on the left) are really saying, "Your religious beliefs are opposed to my political ideology, and therefore the government must keep all religious beliefs out of politics." Our 1st Amendment was only to prevent the government from establishing a state religion, as most of the original 13 colonies were established by people escaping religious persecution (Puritans, Quakers, etc.)

  • @garymartinez8494
    @garymartinez8494 Рік тому +833

    Being an atheist and finding out that Christianity is declining in America my first thought is phew thank God

    • @user-gl5dq2dg1j
      @user-gl5dq2dg1j Рік тому +72

      strange how the old anachronisms of language linger on. I'm surprised the loony evangelicals haven't complained about us paying tribute to Wodan, Thor, Freya, and Saturn.

    • @jizzlemcskizzle3076
      @jizzlemcskizzle3076 Рік тому +63

      Atheism: Disproved
      Libs: Owned
      Pants: Pissed

    • @guytheincognito4186
      @guytheincognito4186 Рік тому +34

      😂 Oh no the Nones has taken it.
      Atheism is dead.
      God is dead.
      The debate is over.
      All hail the Nones.

    • @garymartinez8494
      @garymartinez8494 Рік тому

      @@jizzlemcskizzle3076 why'd you piss your pants? 😂 that doesn't seem necessary but 🤷🏻‍♂️ ok you do you
      Also just a heads up but you sound really stupid when you say "atheism: disproved "
      1 I think you meant disproven
      2 saying atheism has been disproven is like saying you debinked nihilism 😅 what's next you're going to confute skepticism

    • @jj_verona
      @jj_verona Рік тому +2

      ayo hol up

  • @man-yp1gb
    @man-yp1gb Рік тому +290

    I spoke to a 19 year old team member last month and she said "there are mostly old people at her church ". I know that younger generations are leaving Christian church and I don't think this is reversible. I forsee decades from now empty rotting church buildings all over America. Some older ones maybe become unesco sites.
    I also noticed the attitudes of young Muslims that are becoming more secularized who only use it as a identity rather than spiritual belief. Time will tell.

    • @alexhajnal107
      @alexhajnal107 Рік тому +14

      A surprising high percentage of Israelis have the same attitude. i.e. you'll run into Jewish atheists. I believe Drew covered this in one of his earlier videos (possibly "Atheists Explore a Jewish Cult | Bnei Brak (Part 1)" ).

    • @sophiegrey9576
      @sophiegrey9576 Рік тому

      I think instead of being empty and rotten, they'll either be demolished or repurposed, depending on whether the desires of the wealthy or the needs of the people respectively win out

    • @altrag
      @altrag Рік тому

      Its completely reversible. The church just has to stop demonizing people and promoting bigotry. Its estimated that up to 20% of young people identify as some form of LGBTQ+. That means pretty much every kid either is or is friends with someone their church hates.
      Why would a young person want to attend a service if the preacher is constantly calling them an abomination and subtly (or not so subtly in some cases) suggesting their existence shouldn't be suffered?
      Now whether or not they _will_ reverse course is another question. The current trend seems to be toward more fundamentalist hatred. But the power to improve is absolutely in their hands. Its entirely up to them whether they want to take hold of that power and start drawing people in again rather than pushing people out.

    • @azarkortolosh1721
      @azarkortolosh1721 11 місяців тому

      This is not good news
      I am a Moroccan former Muslim, and I will tell you what will happen after the disappearance of Christianity
      Muslims will come and become a majority in your country
      And they will prevent all the things that you fought Christianity for
      They will not accept homosexuality. They will not accept women's freedom. They will close Netflix
      It was not Christianity that lost when the West abandoned it
      The West lost when it abandoned Christianity

    • @Cup_of_tea424
      @Cup_of_tea424 11 місяців тому +43

      they should reform the old churches into community centers for gardening, meetings, or food donations!

  • @FutureAIDev2015
    @FutureAIDev2015 Рік тому +96

    I think that "fundamentalist" Christianity could decline as people see it as a political tool to divide them, and at the same time those fundamentalists could grow increasingly loud and angry even as they shrink in numbers.

    • @ethanlewis1453
      @ethanlewis1453 Рік тому

      I think smearing people's religion like done in this video is really what causes division. The usage of the word "conspiracy theory" is used as a pejorative. The association with KKK is done as a manipulation tactic by the GMO cynic.

    • @AdmiralBison
      @AdmiralBison Рік тому

      I think many are seeing this right now.
      The recent politcal power grabs
      - abortion bans
      - anti-medicine/vaxxers,
      - Science denialsim
      - pushing Bibles into public schools and down children's throats.
      - anti-lgbqt
      Some of it is just purely political pandering by the GOP to their Religious voting bloc, but they all have their roots in Religious conservatism.
      It is no secret Church attendence has been on unstoppable decline at the turn of the millennia.
      Churches know it
      Crony Capitalist mega pastors know it
      GOP knows it.
      Moderates are leaving churches and naturally over time will be non-religious and be either Atheist, pantheist or deist.
      Which leaves only the small population of wackjobs in churches.
      - Trumpists
      - Flat Earthers
      - Anti-vaxxers/Faith Healers
      - Religious bigots and conmen.

    • @ritchie6162
      @ritchie6162 Місяць тому +1

      My thoughts too. They know they’re on the decline so they’re getting desperate and loud.

  • @jeremy5602
    @jeremy5602 11 місяців тому +117

    I grew up in church. Christianity has caused me severe trauma (it was kind of hallucinated by my brain after an extremely traumatic event and serious brain injury, but still caused by the religious dogma instilled in me from birth). Not because of abuse by members of the church, not because of being hated by my family for being gay. But because of my own autistic mind trying to reconcile science and religion. Believing in logic and reason, and what I can see and test for myself (hypothetically, other smarter people do all the work), and realizing that my religion didn't make sense. Being terrified of the eternal consequences for questioning God. Struggling with these questions for years and years throughout an extremely traumatic time of my life. If I had been raised atheist, I wouldn't have been so severely effected by religion, it wouldn't have compounded the trauma I already experienced.

    • @irenafarm
      @irenafarm 11 місяців тому +8

      Similar experience here.

    • @sauachhi8471
      @sauachhi8471 11 місяців тому +9

      I hope you r ok now❤❤

    • @jjohnson796
      @jjohnson796 11 місяців тому +12

      My friend you are not alone in any of what you said.

    • @selenasanchez7336
      @selenasanchez7336 11 місяців тому +5

      We on this thread Love you. If people don't Love you for how you are born you don't need them.❤❤❤❤❤😊

    • @birchsongsltd.6831
      @birchsongsltd.6831 11 місяців тому +9

      I was locked in a closet as a "disciplinary action."

  • @spankflaps1365
    @spankflaps1365 Рік тому +190

    In Britain there was so many holy wars that most people got sickened with religion, having had it forced down their throats for centuries.
    Also there are still the ruins of dozens of Norman Cathedrals all over the country, as a permanent reminder of Henry VIII’s reformation. Fortunately quite a few survived intact.
    America is a young country and still has to go through the process of getting religion out of its system.

    • @happybalint
      @happybalint Рік тому +8

      Not every country evolves the same way, the outcome might be different in the u.s.

    • @Makarosc
      @Makarosc Рік тому +27

      It was supposed to be gone from the start

    • @lexruptor
      @lexruptor Рік тому +36

      ​@@MakaroscExactly, you're supposed to have the right to believe what you want, but it's supposed to be a private individual affair, or in a church. Seperation of Chuch and State means it shouldn't be in politics, on our money, or in our national anthem. Religion, especially Christianity, however, is a plague that only infects and corrupts.

    • @j.r.8592
      @j.r.8592 Рік тому +13

      The American taliban...

    • @unoriginal2552
      @unoriginal2552 Рік тому

      ​@@lexruptorand it's more stupid because the "one nation under god" line was added as a form of propaganda, painting Communism as anti-american and sacrilegious.

  • @EliotChildress
    @EliotChildress Рік тому +520

    I would be astounded if Christianity ever dropped below 30% in the US. Honesty I’d be astounded if it dropped below 40% in the next 100 years. Americans be stubborn.

    • @jamesparson
      @jamesparson Рік тому +53

      I expect it below 50% in 20 years

    • @EliotChildress
      @EliotChildress Рік тому +36

      @@jamesparson i actually agree. But I personally think that extra 10% may take a few generations.

    • @goncalocarneiro3043
      @goncalocarneiro3043 Рік тому +65

      A lot of very tight knit cultist branches of Christianity like Mormons are very hard to make disappear. I can only hope they do also disappear.

    • @jamesparson
      @jamesparson Рік тому

      @@EliotChildress I am going to give you the 5 reasons why I think Christianity is in a free fall.
      1. They have no place for single parents AND most children are raised by single parents. As children become adults, they are not go to a place that they were shunned.
      2. The US of A is not a prosperous as it once was. People have to work hard. They just don't have the time or stamina for church activities
      3. And they don't have time to hate on LGBT people either.
      4. Or any other culture war
      5. We are not moving from theism to atheism. We are moving from theism apatheism. And it is 100% acceptable to say that you just don't care about organized religion.
      They can't fight all of these. I don't think they any of these.

    • @scottgoulette8900
      @scottgoulette8900 Рік тому +7

      @@goncalocarneiro3043 What about Roman Catholicism, the largest demonization by far??!!

  • @moodyrick8503
    @moodyrick8503 Рік тому +191

    *Canadian Health Care ;*
    The one thing that a majority of Canadians agree on is just how proud we are of the universal health care we have.
    Trump is flat out lying when he says _"you don't want a system like Canada has._ lol
    Coming from a billionaire, who has never known poverty, and considering that America spends more on health care than any other country, it's a pathetic assertion.

    • @petercoo9177
      @petercoo9177 Рік тому +16

      Yes, that sponsorship really threw me for a loop, too. The last time I thought about paying for health insurance was... never.

    • @unoriginal2552
      @unoriginal2552 Рік тому

      Well Trump is a greedy, power hungry asshole, so it makes sense.

    • @Arcanilumia
      @Arcanilumia Рік тому +16

      As a Canadian, I can confirm this. Free healthcare has been an absolute lifesaver for me in several different ways. Not only did it ensure that I wasn't living on the streets, given the fact that my mom and I both have pretty dense medical histories, but even with my condition being a non-issue for me, I've still been able to afford a surgery that has been an insane boost to my mental health. I still had to pay for getting there, as I live halfway across the country from where I had the surgery, but it still allowed me to have it without having to pay 30 grand.

    • @Redtornado6
      @Redtornado6 Рік тому +2

      We really don’t need universal health care, that’s not the problem. The problem is copyright laws on all the monopolies that companies have on medicine

    • @DarthTingleBinks
      @DarthTingleBinks Рік тому +10

      It's not just that America pays more that makes American healthcare so disappointing, but that the government provides the healthcare through third parties, which themselves charge the American citizens even more money just to have access to the healthcare that the citizens themselves paid for.

  • @longcastle4863
    @longcastle4863 3 місяці тому +20

    Regarding the end of Christianity in America, I say: _THANK GOD!_

    • @dragonballgacha
      @dragonballgacha 3 місяці тому +4

      I agree!

    • @tw8464
      @tw8464 Місяць тому

      We pray for the end of Christianity that is among these sectarian fundamentalist extremist Abrahamic Middle Eastern "religions" that are actually algorithms with an insane idea to make the entire world one "religion" their own of course these "religions" are their own Tower of Babel

    • @t1ablaster695
      @t1ablaster695 Місяць тому +2

      thank who?
      its a joke

    • @longcastle4863
      @longcastle4863 Місяць тому +1

      @@t1ablaster695 Believe me, if there were such a thing as God, and it did have the quality of being “all good”, like the philosophers say, then it would take one look at Christianity in America today and reject it. Wholesale and out of hand.

    • @dragonballgacha
      @dragonballgacha Місяць тому +1

      @@t1ablaster695 you know it's just a saying

  • @dirtydish6642
    @dirtydish6642 Рік тому +354

    It takes courage to free oneself from the chains of Christian indoctrination. I hope many more Americans (and people in general) find this courage.

    • @jeremiahstenzel789
      @jeremiahstenzel789 Рік тому +19

      The biggest obstacle is not wanting to be ostracized by the people you love who are still stuck in their ways

    • @Tyrell_Corp2019
      @Tyrell_Corp2019 Рік тому +18

      Alan Watts nailed conservative Christianity in the 1960s when he declared it became an empty religion “about Jesus.“ The real teachings are about expanding your consciousness into what is called Christ consciousness. They are merely behaving as though they are on the right team and going to a nice place because of simply believing. It’s such a shallow concept.

    • @macysondheim
      @macysondheim Рік тому +11

      It takes foolishness and selfishness to turn away from God, Christ and the Bible. Atheists you know this is true and you suppress the truth in your unrighteousness!!!! Christianity will never end! As God as my witness!! Atheism and Darwinism will not prevail!!! I will continue to shout my belief in Christ at the top of my lungs!!!!! ✝️
      Atheists!!… shame on you!!!!

    • @Tyrell_Corp2019
      @Tyrell_Corp2019 Рік тому +12

      @@macysondheim who said atheism will prevail? Why not Buddhism?

    • @Dan-ys8nk
      @Dan-ys8nk Рік тому +27

      @@macysondheim demonstrate that a God exists. Scripture is not evidence. Anecdotal evidence is not evidence. Present peer reviewed evidence for the existence of a God or your unverified claim will be rejected based on lack of merit and rationality.

  • @Staremperor
    @Staremperor Рік тому +84

    Greetings from Czechia, one of the most secular countries in the world.
    A hundred years ago, almost all Czechs were Christian (mostly catholic).
    It took fourty years of communism and another thirty of european style social democracy to get from 90 % to 11 % christians here.
    While Polish just north of us are still at 90 %.

    • @robbsclock2675
      @robbsclock2675 Рік тому +7

      Based Poland

    • @Staremperor
      @Staremperor Рік тому +6

      @@robbsclock2675 sorry, what does "based" mean?

    • @juliaburkholder4213
      @juliaburkholder4213 Рік тому +2

      OP is basically showing approval for Poland. To each their own, I guess. How is it living in such a secular society? My background is heavily Christian, I'm just curious

    • @Staremperor
      @Staremperor Рік тому +22

      @@juliaburkholder4213 Thank you for clarification.
      I'm from catholic family and used to be catholic until thirty. Now I'm an atheist-agnostic with catholic wife, children, father, in laws etc.
      But nobody cares about that. Here in Czechia, religion is a personal matter. Noone tries to push anyone into any kind of religion or atheism. People just doesn't have a beef about others.

    • @Av8B-HarrierGG
      @Av8B-HarrierGG Рік тому +3

      ​@@Staremperor basically a word that now people use to rapresent something "good"

  • @freeman10000
    @freeman10000 Рік тому +67

    In Australia the number of Christians is rapidly decreasing. In the last census in 2021 had non-religion a few percent behind Christianity. I wouldn't be surprised if non-religion would be ahead in 2023.

    • @user-gl5dq2dg1j
      @user-gl5dq2dg1j Рік тому

      It helped Australia that idiots like ken (should be pronounced like: see you next tuesday) ham decided he could grift more cash in the US. I wonder what would happen if we somehow could get him deported and Australia refused to take him back?

    • @njhoepner
      @njhoepner Рік тому

      Probably why Ken Ham migrated...we end up with this nut here.

    • @azarkortolosh1721
      @azarkortolosh1721 11 місяців тому

      This is not good news
      I am a Moroccan former Muslim, and I will tell you what will happen after the disappearance of Christianity
      Muslims will come and become a majority in your country
      And they will prevent all the things that you fought Christianity for
      They will not accept homosexuality. They will not accept women's freedom. They will close Netflix
      It was not Christianity that lost when the West abandoned it
      The West lost when it abandoned Christianity

    • @michealedwards7849
      @michealedwards7849 11 місяців тому +3

      I know right, there finally waking up.

    • @patriceferguson7340
      @patriceferguson7340 11 місяців тому +1

      The term non religious really doesn’t say anything. It may just mean that they are not affiliated with any particular church or organization. But the question of how they believe is left unanswered or questioned. So it is even a good gauge of determination as to wether they believe in any particular way?

  • @LarryJ2022
    @LarryJ2022 5 місяців тому +13

    I actually don't want Christianity to disappear. If people wanna be Christians, sure, let 'em. It can be fulfilling spiritually, and that's what religion's for. But I don't want laws and policy and hate and tyranny being spread because of or under the guise of Christianity. My grandmother was the most devout woman I have ever met in my life. But she never shunned me or hated me or threatened me with hell when I ditched Christianity nor when I came out of the closet. But the rest of my family sure as shit did. Family that never went to Church on Sunday with grandma but would claim up and down that they're religious - you'd just never know unless you were someone they were supposed to hate. We need more Grandmas, I miss that woman.

    • @sid86588
      @sid86588 4 місяці тому +1

      As a Christian. God bless your grandma. It's sad that so many Christians don't truly follow Jesus these days. May your grandma be an example to the rest of us and may she rest in peace ❤

    • @tw8464
      @tw8464 Місяць тому

      Exactly. A lot of people in this country just put "Christianity" on like a t-shirt. There's no real meaning behind it other than they just want to appear "good" while doing bad things. Plus a white supremacy tribalism, not actually a religion.

  • @cameron9292
    @cameron9292 Рік тому +415

    It's crazy how Christianity was transformed from a legitimate political/social movement to establish a "Kingdom of God", into being some religion of salvation when the Roman Catholic Church was established. I'd love to see you do a breakdown of historical Christianity and this transitionary period

    • @montagdp
      @montagdp Рік тому +26

      Read Bart Ehrman's The Triumph of Christianity or watch his course by the same name on The Great Courses. He goes over all of this in detail. I think you're slightly misrepresenting Jesus, though. He was a social reformer in a way, but as a consequence of his belief in the imminent return of God to establish his kingdom on earth. The kingdom was supposed to be a real kingdom, in other words. It still had judgment of evildoers and salvation, but salvation worked in a more traditional Jewish way. When Jesus was crucified and his followers came to believe he rose from the dead, they quickly started reinterpreting his teachings based on this new situation, and soon a new religion was born. That's the 30-second version.

    • @lexruptor
      @lexruptor Рік тому +11

      Seperation of Chuch and State, it was never legitimate, political, or social, and they tend to be against movement, unless it's against a minority that's of no threat to them

    • @supme7558
      @supme7558 Рік тому +7

      It has never, ever been legitimate.

    • @YokaiX
      @YokaiX Рік тому +3

      Of course, the Catholic Church believes it is the successful establishment of God's Kingdom on Earth, awaiting the return and reminding of Christ.

    • @RayAnnetteP
      @RayAnnetteP Рік тому

      The Roman Catholic Inquisition murderered those with the true messages of Christ.

  • @FactStorm
    @FactStorm Рік тому +220

    I won't live to see the demise of religion as a whole, and I wager nobody will..but its decline and waning influence will surely put a positive dent on human culture.

    • @jamesparson
      @jamesparson Рік тому +38

      I expect to live to see religion as a minority position

    • @AmberAmber
      @AmberAmber Рік тому +31

      ​@@jamesparson I legitimately hope you do!❤ I'm terribly sick of it being used to justify cruel anti‐social behaviours. XO Best Wishes!!

    • @AmberAmber
      @AmberAmber Рік тому +7

      ❤@FactStorm Agreed 💯%!!

    • @XanKreigor
      @XanKreigor Рік тому +6

      Sadly we will simply go from religion getting more 'rare' to various fringe beliefs and conspiracy theories being on the rise.

    • @lexruptor
      @lexruptor Рік тому +5

      Nah, you will. Stay positive.

  • @thejimz1958
    @thejimz1958 11 місяців тому +143

    This actually is what is happening in Europe, at least in Spain. Religion plays a very minor role in society, with church attendance being very low and the ones who actually go to church being elderly people.

    • @sbnwnc
      @sbnwnc 11 місяців тому +8

      Are you from Spain? I was just in Seville and Cadiz. There are many beautiful churches there, but they are mostly empty except for tourists.

    • @thejimz1958
      @thejimz1958 11 місяців тому +21

      @@sbnwncI'm from Mallorca in the Balearic islands. We have many people from southern Spain that come to work the touristic season here. We have a pretty decent cathedral here, but what is left of religion is more tied to tradition than to religion itself. You would be hard pressed to find someone who is truly religious, most of people don't mind or are straight up non believers. I personally don't know anyone under 80 that goes to church. The francoist regime definitely plays a role, lots of people don't like the church because how close it was to Franco's regime.

    • @Johnmhatheist
      @Johnmhatheist 10 місяців тому +5

      Espero que en unos 20 años haya menos cristianos acá en Estados Unidos. Me alegra que haya más secularismo en Europa. Acá igual está aumentando poquito a poco pero no tan rápido como allá en Europa.
      Saludos desde Estados Unidos.

    • @thejimz1958
      @thejimz1958 10 місяців тому +3

      @@Johnmhatheist Pasé un año como alumno de intercambio en Pennsylvania. Vivía con una familia presbiteriana que acudía cada semana a la iglesia, y yo, por simpatía, a veces iba con ellos. Me sorprendió la cantidad de gente joven que había y también la diferencia entre una ceremonia religiosa protestante en EEUU con una misa católica en España. La iglesia en Estados Unidos parece que se ha ido innovando mucho más a los nuevos tiempos, con eventos para la juventud junto a diversad actividades. Aquí la iglesia católica opera de la misma forma que hace 100 años.

    • @Johnmhatheist
      @Johnmhatheist 10 місяців тому +5

      @@thejimz1958 Hoy en día, sí, hay muchas iglesias protestantes que son más liberales que antes. Son más tolerantes y de mente más abierta que otras. Pero eso no cambia lo que dice la biblia. La biblia sigue siendo homofóbica, arbitraria y hasta cierto punto, cruel.
      Yo fui criado en la Iglesia de Cristo. La Iglesia de Cristo es una denominación que no se cree denominación sino la única iglesia verdadera de Cristo. Se cree la original, la única y la legítima. Hasta cree que las demás denominaciones están mal y que no son cristianos verdaderos y por esa razón, los cristianos de la Iglesia de Cristo son los únicos que irán al cielo.
      Yo crecí en ese ambiente por un padre predicador cuyo padre fue anciano en la iglesia y cuyo hermano también es predicador.
      Mi madre también es cristiana y su padre igual fue anciano y dos hermanos suyos también son predicadores.
      Yo crecí estudiando la biblia escudriñando las escrituras. Conozco bien la doctrina cristiana porque como cristiano, la creía, la defendía y la predicaba. Yo prediqué unos años en Iglesias de Cristo en unas partes de México y mi sueño en un tiempo fue viajar por el mundo hispanohablante y predicar el evangelio para salvar almas de la perdición. Predicaba en contra de la iglesia católica y a favor de la única iglesia verdadera de Cristo.
      Como cristiano, fui homofóbico, siempre lleno de rabia, me creía mejor que los demás o como se dice en inglés "holier than thee" y decía a todo el mundo que iba al infierno y hasta gusto me daba decir eso. Decía "yo no odio al pecador sino al pecado", pero en realidad, yo odiaba a los pecadores por sus pecados.
      Hace unos años, me volví agnóstico y hace unos meses ya acepté que la biblia no tiene sentido, se contradice, está llena de palabras tan odiosas y divide el mundo para mal.
      Ahora que soy ateo, soy más tolerante, mucho más feliz y mi perspectiva ha cambiado completamente abriendo mi mente a nuevas ideas. Me siento libre porque ya pienso libremente.

  • @Tiewaz
    @Tiewaz 11 місяців тому +70

    My thoughts are the decline of religion, Christianity in specific, is not happening fast enough. But it's happening fast enough for those who have power to panic and try to consolidate their power into the fewer hands available to keep the majority from overtaking them.

    • @Tiewaz
      @Tiewaz 8 місяців тому +5

      @@greg9823 And the thing that they can't see is they are the cause of their own decline's accelleration. The more they try to force people to conform, the more people resist and leave. The more people resist and leave, the harder they try to force conformation. It's a spiral down and they refuse to accept their part in it. Honestly, if they weren't such asses about everything, they could hold steady if not naturally strengthen things for themselves.

    • @fatemakarim5054
      @fatemakarim5054 8 місяців тому


    • @starsiegeRoks
      @starsiegeRoks Місяць тому +1

      ​@@Tiewazand thats the Irony. If they all werent such narcissists and if they didnt make deals with the worst of the world, they could effectively court our favor, there is alot in the new testament we all agree with in message.
      But we cant agree with assholes who want to force us to be like them out of fear and hatred.

  • @Eve.with.a.Y
    @Eve.with.a.Y Рік тому +48

    this may be wishful thinking, but in my personal life I know many people around my age (late teens early twenties) who hold Christian identities while wholeheartedly disagreeing with many of the values and beliefs of popular American Christianity. with that in mind, and considering how intensely the church at large has refused to budge on its conservative values, rather than an exodus from the faith, I personally foresee a massive split in the Christian population as younger generations hold onto their faiths, but redefine the beliefs and values of Christianity for themselves.

    • @ethanlewis1453
      @ethanlewis1453 Рік тому +5

      Most of the messages attributed to Christianity that Christians reject are actually not Biblical. For example, where in the Bible does it say that people may exist in a state of eternal suffering in hell? The Bible says hell contains or has an eternal fire, which doesn't automatically necessitate anyone being in the fire forever at all. Given how unjust that would seem, it is quite a huge leap to that conclusion.

    • @paulchapman8023
      @paulchapman8023 Рік тому +4

      I'm afraid I don't know enough about history to tell for sure, but the notion of "younger generations holding onto their faiths but redefining the beliefs and values of Christianity for themselves" probably isn't as new as it seems.
      I'm pretty sure that America's founding fathers did something like that, for example.

    • @garytorresani8846
      @garytorresani8846 11 місяців тому +1

      @@ethanlewis1453 there are three different words translated as hell in English. None of them mean a place of eternal turmoil. The word itself is a Norse word for the goddess Hel who stood at the entrance of the afterlife for Viking warrior and welcomed them in.

    • @campfireaddict6417
      @campfireaddict6417 11 місяців тому +3

      I disagree. Churches everywhere are concerned about this issue and can easily change doctrine or ideology to cater to their flock if necessary. Look how many times the Vatican did this, & still does.

    • @garytorresani8846
      @garytorresani8846 11 місяців тому

      It is my perception that Christianity will need to reform itself into more representative of what Jesus taught than what conservative evangelicals and conservative Catholics are putting out. Like the culture, there is much hypocrisy and corruption in the institutionalized church. Politics and church don’t mix. Hundred of years of European history tell us that. And our founders knew it.
      What the right is doing right now will destroy this country, especially if it leads us to a Christian fascist corporate theocracy, and will end Christianity in this country just as it has in Europe after WW2. Remember Hitler, Mussolini and Franco used Christian/Catholic nationalism to gain power and left Europe devastated with 65 million dead. Hitlers minister of propaganda was a staunch Catholic.

  • @dave3657
    @dave3657 Рік тому +34

    I remember growing up I knew several “non believers” that went to church every weekend. They were in it for the social aspect more than the religious aspects.

    • @lvi25
      @lvi25 11 місяців тому +1

      Come to Islam (truth)

    • @InChristWeTrust999
      @InChristWeTrust999 11 місяців тому

      @@lvi25 Why did Mohammed marry an 8 year old

    • @torglesnarfprime
      @torglesnarfprime 11 місяців тому +2

      ​@@lvi25the most impressive religion in the world? No thanks

    • @lvi25
      @lvi25 11 місяців тому

      @torglesnarfprime I invite you to read Quran translations

  • @1aikane
    @1aikane Рік тому +72

    If we follow Europe's trend, empty, abandoned churches will overtake the landscape. Considering the impact of religion on our nation, I have high hopes religion's influences on the nation dwindles and fades away. We were not founded as a Christian nation.

    • @CHIEF_420
      @CHIEF_420 Рік тому


    • @Frommerman
      @Frommerman Рік тому +4

      We absolutely were. Well, we were founded as a nation following a particularly malignant version of the ideology.

    • @Chaoitcme
      @Chaoitcme Рік тому

      If this happens in the US there will be a ton of empty buildings. I am a dual US/Canadian citizen and have lived in Canada for the last 20 years. I recently drove across the US and was amazed at how many more churches and other places of worship the US has in comparison to Canada. There were churches right next to each other.

    • @Katie-hh9eu
      @Katie-hh9eu Рік тому +13

      In my area, the empty churches are turned into loft apartments, and I think that is a great use for those buildings. It would be better if they were low-income housing in keeping with giving to the less fortunate, but alas we live in a money-driven society.

    • @unoriginal2552
      @unoriginal2552 Рік тому +13

      ​@@Frommermanin 1797 the Senate stated that we weren't founded on the Christian faith.

  • @mida8261
    @mida8261 2 місяці тому +4

    Used to be dragged to church every Sunday as a kid. Even as a kid, I saw the hypocrisy from the church goers. I saw the hypocrisy in my own narcissistic mother who loved using Christianity as a social status when she was anything but behind closed doors. I always found it hilariously ironic that these Christians not only hated non-Christians, but didn't even like each other. It was a no brainer that I stopped going to church when I moved out. I've been a better person without religion than I was when I was in it. I can never see myself sit in another pew unless it's a marriage or a funeral.

  • @paulhammer2279
    @paulhammer2279 Рік тому +124

    Religious trends are really hard to project. Generations love to rebel against their parents and religion is a great way to do that. When I left College in the late 1970s, I saw the students transform from religiously ambiguous hippie liberals to conservative preppies who wore their religion on their sleeve. You just can't predict what people will do.

    • @campfireaddict6417
      @campfireaddict6417 11 місяців тому +5

      Sure, because to be ambiguous hippie liberals with all it's color & excitement wasn't where society looked for potential 9 to 5's. You had to go with the flow.

    • @curious968
      @curious968 11 місяців тому +12

      Maybe 20 years ago, I would have agreed with you. That far back, Christianity's decline was largely confined to Europe. The US, it was confidently stated, was an exception. The numbers backed it up. "Hippies" and others _did come back_ in their 30s in large numbers.
      The generations following the boomers, we now know, are different. They are not coming back; there's no hint of it in the numbers. It instead tracks European numbers of decades ago where that decline has not reversed either.
      It is something _Christians_ recognize and are studying furiously.
      Individuals are unpredictable, but overall demographic flows do happen, even if we don't always understand them.

    • @shzarmai
      @shzarmai 11 місяців тому +5

      Pendulum swing moment

    • @andyb1653
      @andyb1653 11 місяців тому +4

      Religious faith is not borne of logic, making it hard if not impossible to predict. The two are completely separate, choosing a religion is a 99% emotional decision. You'd have a better chance guessing what someone's musical taste or fashion sense will be in 10 years.

  • @jameskpolk9137
    @jameskpolk9137 Рік тому +59

    That Antichrist joke was absolutely hilarious Drew, it left me in a state of shock

    • @lvi25
      @lvi25 11 місяців тому

      Anti christ will come and Jesus will come. Come to truth which is Islam.

    • @AthenaGate
      @AthenaGate 11 місяців тому +2

      I laughed a little too hard at that one.

    • @hackman669
      @hackman669 10 місяців тому

      AntiChrist is s meme of itself!😄

    • @miss_Sanada
      @miss_Sanada 6 місяців тому

      @@lvi25 No thank you.

    • @cookiebrain129
      @cookiebrain129 2 місяці тому

      @@lvi25 no islam is not the truth my dude. Christ is. Lets not start debates here.

  • @NCC-nk1tm
    @NCC-nk1tm Рік тому +60

    Something to keep in mind is that, as religion declines, the social stigma surrounding it will also increase. Because of how pervasive and normalized Christianity is, it’s a lot easier for people to ignore the unhealthy behaviors Christians broadly engage in.
    That’s why I think the second option (slow transition to secularism) is more likely. Once Christianity loses its normalcy, people will feel more inclined to stigmatize it, and it’ll become exponentially difficult to hold one’s faith without social reprisal.

    • @Coelacanth1
      @Coelacanth1 Рік тому +7

      In secularism personal spirituality can thrive

    • @KartalaBreed
      @KartalaBreed Рік тому +13

      @@Coelacanth1 I doubt it. People have a tendency to just bully whoever's an outlier in order to make them conform. Christianity in power tried to bully everyone into being believers, seculars will do the same. That's just what people do.

    • @user-ct6jz3im2o
      @user-ct6jz3im2o Рік тому +3

      wish that would happen to Islam to but I feel like it's not happening anytime soon. also I think Islam actually a very big threat to some countries (look at what's happening to Sweden) and it should be taken seriously(coming from someone who lives in a third world Islamic country and is sick of it)

    • @Coelacanth1
      @Coelacanth1 Рік тому +2

      @@KartalaBreed Some people have a tendency to bully the outlier for the threat to their position they feel the outlier is but there are other people well aware of the history of human failing that decide to do different of which is a conscious act for changing ' tradition ' is not an easy thing to do, but they try and they continue to try for the rewards are great. A lot of Christian history describes conversion to Christianity at the point of a sword for it to hardly been a religion folk willingly converted to, to find their world less free.

    • @NCC-nk1tm
      @NCC-nk1tm Рік тому +4

      @@Coelacanth1 Not really. Superstition, conceptually, is pretty irrational. I think, if we get to a point where religion is stigmatized, we’d be doing so because we understand that irrationality.
      There will always be lasting tradition, but that tradition will also be subject to change. What we see as spiritual in nature may someday be plainly perceived as “healthy”.

  • @Jackson-eh3gv
    @Jackson-eh3gv 5 місяців тому +12

    Taxing churches would speed up the inevitable

    • @witwunsz4740
      @witwunsz4740 Місяць тому +2

      more reason to tax them dry

  • @Martinj1417
    @Martinj1417 Рік тому +27

    My former cult was growing 1-2 million each decade in the 80s 90s and early 2000s. Since 2010 they have lost members. They are now in decline, and will never grow again. The ones that are still active JWs have become more extreme then when I was a member.

    • @supme7558
      @supme7558 Рік тому

      Yes they are the worst

    • @TheMahayanist
      @TheMahayanist Рік тому

      Yup. JWs are over. My Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, is growing at the rate of Islam. Despite that, they're having huge trouble retaining members. Including me of course. Dunno if they'll stick around. But they're barely 1% in the US.

    • @lssjvegeta7103
      @lssjvegeta7103 Рік тому

      jws are the absolute worst considering they hide csa, murder people through their blood doctrine and have driven people to suicide through their sickening shunning policy and their anti-lgbt bigoted hate

    • @lvi25
      @lvi25 11 місяців тому

      Islam is the true religion. Study Quran and the biography of prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

    • @lssjvegeta7103
      @lssjvegeta7103 11 місяців тому +2

      @@lvi25 no religion true and no god exiksts. grow up and face reality kid

  • @TheWinterscoming
    @TheWinterscoming Рік тому +33

    14:39 Christianity is so different in the US. They're already talking about abandoning Jesus for being weak and a "liberal". As we have seen for the past few years, conservatives abandon all their previous views as soon as they realize it reduces their power. Current conservative christians only worship power, god is the ultimate power so they worship 'him'. Their 'god' is the god of hierarchy not of justice, peace, humanity or love.
    The only commandments they follow are the ones about worship and obedience.

    • @levibutinroblox477
      @levibutinroblox477 10 місяців тому +1

      And us Lutherans are the best denomination according this comment. 💪💪💪💪💪💪We focus purely on Jesus and the New Testament.

  • @CountGremlin
    @CountGremlin Рік тому +74

    It would be nice to drive down the road and not see 2948929292 Christian churches in a row, basically all in walking distance from each other 😂😂

    • @NickBatinaComposer
      @NickBatinaComposer Рік тому +20

      lol Southern Starbucks

    • @alexj-t2331
      @alexj-t2331 Рік тому +8

      The buildings will still be there but put to better use

    • @martindejong3974
      @martindejong3974 Рік тому +21

      @@alexj-t2331 In the Netherlands churches are often changed into something more useful, such as libraries, bookshops, or even breweries, among other services.

    • @JackieBaisa
      @JackieBaisa Рік тому +5

      Jeeez. Where do you live?! Bible belt? You definitely don't see that where I am (Seattle, USA).

    • @user-yg7cj3qt9s
      @user-yg7cj3qt9s Рік тому +8

      That's because it's the best business you can have. Don't need for a lot of hard work, just need to learn how to be a good con man. It's money in the church business.

  • @zoebirss9944
    @zoebirss9944 10 місяців тому +15

    I'm a former pastor-theologian, served in Christian churches for almost two decades, now atheist. Christianity has proven to be a very malleable religion in the last 2000 years, as practiced all over the globe. I believe that one others reasons it has survived is its ability to morph to the needs of its culture, even as it claims to resist it. I think that we will see a major change in Christianity that will give it new life. I think we may be on the edge of this major change right now.

    • @MrMezmerized
      @MrMezmerized 9 місяців тому +3

      I wouldn't count on it. In my nation the Netherlands, Christianity adapted over the years and it's still dying out. The percentage of all religious aged 15+ dropped from 55% to 42% from 2011 to 2021, with slightly increasing speed at that. Of people age 18-25 only 27% is still religious. And almost half of the religious seldomly or never attends services (and Christians less so than Muslims). We're a very secular nation, and a lot of Christian parents don't want to push their kids. When kids are not actively taken in, aren't even in contact with religion occasionally, revival is nearly impossible.

    • @zoebirss9944
      @zoebirss9944 9 місяців тому +2

      @MrMezmerized Thanks for the data! I won't pretend that I fond that to be unwelcome news 🤗

  • @alicequintanilla3718
    @alicequintanilla3718 Рік тому +106

    it was cool that you mentioned "wicca, folk traditions, and reconstructionist paganism" becoming larger in your "other religions overtake christianity" scenario. i think that they (or their descendants) will continue to grow, in any scenario, for a few reasons:
    1. they're materialistic, so they're easy to plug into capitalism, (there are tarot cards in every bookstore!),
    2. they're popular among countercultural youth, who will remain culturally influential on the next generations of the disaffected
    3. the vast majority of the religious innovation in america in the past 70 years has happened under the umbrellas of new age spirituality and paganism, and if there will be more significant religious innovation, i think it will come from these traditions
    4. their influence may be under-represented on census data because their adherents often don't adopt "religious" labels. they overwhelmingly describe themselves as "spiritual but not religious", and i haven't heard of Any new agers who say that their spirituality constitutes a religion.

    • @porowag6613
      @porowag6613 Рік тому +5

      I wonder if the rise of secularism would also make wicca, folk traditions, and reconstructionist paganism popular, though, at least for the many individuals who pursue those things to be countercultural against christianity's prevalence? Or, perhaps some of those countercultural groups will adapt and transform to oppose secularism more, or whatever is more mainstream?

    • @fmcevoy1
      @fmcevoy1 Рік тому +6

      For the record, I have furniture older than Wicca.

    • @sensorycircuits1338
      @sensorycircuits1338 Рік тому +7

      I used to think that was the case, but am seeing more people getting turned on to science & reason. There is no sense escaping from set of unprovable beliefs just to get trapped into another one.

    • @billtomson5791
      @billtomson5791 Рік тому


    • @thatoneguy5043
      @thatoneguy5043 Рік тому

      @@sensorycircuits1338 true

  • @ToxicBottledOstrichNostrils
    @ToxicBottledOstrichNostrils Рік тому +68

    People can’t afford to give 10-20% of their money to their cult anymore

    • @ps.2
      @ps.2 Рік тому

      Hardly anybody has given 10% for decades. From what I hear from my parents, it was somewhat rare even in _their_ parents' generation. I don't think an inability to fund a church is a major reason people leave one.
      Tithing is more common amongst Mormons, I take it. Possibly there are actual consequences, not in a vague or spiritual sense but in the here and now.

    • @alexhajnal107
      @alexhajnal107 Рік тому +3

      @@ps.2 You see it with catholic churches as well. I once dated someone who's parent was "giving" something like 20% of their *pre-tax* income to the church (and this was in a poor neighborhood).

    • @ps.2
      @ps.2 Рік тому +1

      @@alexhajnal107 Why emphasize "pre-tax" though? That should be a given: If you're giving that much you definitely should be taking the deduction.

    • @alexhajnal107
      @alexhajnal107 Рік тому +2

      @@ps.2 Because this was someone who really couldn't afford it even if the tithe were based on their take-home pay. That it was based on their pre-tax income just seemed evil.

    • @belg4mit
      @belg4mit Рік тому

      But it'll come back to them ten-fold!

  • @avirei98
    @avirei98 Рік тому +60

    I do not believe Christianity would die completely, especially nowhere near our lifetime, but I do think it would diminish to the point to where they will become a minority and probably end up feeling ostracized. It is natural, the higher the education, the less likely to be religious in nature. And and as long as there's no great turmoil to turn people to religion, it will continue to weaken. When I think of religious people I think of the vulnerable and the ignorant.

    • @deathbytheblade6757
      @deathbytheblade6757 Рік тому +12

      '...The vulnerable and the ignorant.' are the ones that religionists prey upon the most.

    • @andresdanielem
      @andresdanielem Рік тому +5

      "the higher the education, the less likely to be religious in nature.", "When I think of religious people I think of the vulnerable and the ignorant." Haven't these been refuted by multiple examples/ cases where this does not apply and dismissed as childish, generic, baseless and braindead arguments like a thousand times now though?

    • @thatoneguy5043
      @thatoneguy5043 Рік тому +1

      @@andresdanielem can i see your point against education leads to most likely less religion? and them thinking of religious people as ignorant is just an opinion

    • @andresdanielem
      @andresdanielem Рік тому +3

      @@thatoneguy5043Surely. The idea that higher education leads to non-belief in God or a distance from religion overall is a misconception and an actual argument made from ignorance made by atheists and people desperate to downplay religion to sound smart/ superior. The fact that you receive proper education as well as meet different perspectives on different issues does NOT intrinsically mean that it leads to less belief in God. Of course there are cases where this happens, but making that assumption and bold statement solely based on some examples ignoring the other side of the spectrum is dishonest and confirmation bias. Many scientists with advanced degrees still hold religious beliefs or a belief in God. We can see an example of this successful scientist who also identify as Christians such as Francis Collins who is a geneticist and physicistwho won a Nobel Prize, known for leading the Human Genome Project. Collins IS a devout Christian and has written about the harmony between science and faith. Also you can have other cases such as Isaac Newton, CS Lewis, Max Plank and others who were Christians and successful scientists with advanced education and knowledge.
      The other point is that people who follow religion are supposedly weak, uniformed, manipulable or ignorant. This is again an argument from ignorance (ironic) which is partially answered by my last point as well. Assuming that the fact that you believe in God or follow a religion makes you automatically ignorant is a broad assumption that atheists baselessly have to make in order to avoid the cases where people who work on more secular environments and are successful and well educated choose God willingly. The same kind of ignorance you claim religious people have can be applied to the atheists that believe everything they're told by science and don't care about researching or learning more about it. Or the ones who follow a political agenda and never stop to question what they're following as long as it doesn't affect them or contradict their bias.

    • @andresdanielem
      @andresdanielem Рік тому

      @@rogaldorn4759 Is that it? No real response nor argument?. Of course! because Francis Collins being Christian for example is just a mere anecdote I made up LOL. Thanks for providing my very first point, your response was pathetic.

  • @khafreahmose8768
    @khafreahmose8768 9 місяців тому +12

    A major aspect of Christianity's demise thats often not taken into account is the abandonment of the religion in the African American community. We are SLOWLY coming around to reason and logic but i think if we can get our social, economic, and political situation together in our communities we will see christianity fade away and maybe even be shunned in our communities given the religion's history towards our people.

  • @Naifukiti
    @Naifukiti 11 місяців тому +190

    "When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross"

    • @reneevasquez3540
      @reneevasquez3540 11 місяців тому +24

      It is already here.

    • @brittanykidwell9044
      @brittanykidwell9044 11 місяців тому +15

      Scary how quickly this seems to becoming a reality

    • @LorenzoMasterConnector
      @LorenzoMasterConnector 11 місяців тому +1


    • @ScooterinAB
      @ScooterinAB 11 місяців тому +4

      I once wrote an essay final for a class on the spread of Christianity, and I argued that it can be purely attributed to fear and the sword. When fascism came to America (not the past tense use), it came wielding a cross as a weapon, and that is very consistent with its spread across Europe and the Old World.

    • @kalebb1226
      @kalebb1226 11 місяців тому +9

      And he has orange skin

  • @Marconius6
    @Marconius6 Рік тому +81

    Honestly I think the "civil religion" approach may be the most dangerous of them all... at least with the Christian Nationalists it's pretty blatant where they stand, but if all these religious ideas just become kind of subtly woven into society and normalized even by non-religious people, it makes it a lot more difficult to distinguish them. America already has a lot of these weird, semi-religiously revered ideas about the founding fathers, or Lincoln, or the "shining city on the hill" or whatever.

    • @EvelynNdenial
      @EvelynNdenial Рік тому +1

      and the civil religion stuff is just a lie. what we have NOW is a partial separation of church and state, you swear on the bible swearing in for court or public office, religious references are all over our money and in the pledge we force school kids to say every day, its impossible to get elected as an athiest, and policy gets implemented with out loud religious justification.
      what those civil religion people are just crypto, christo, fascists.

    • @azarkortolosh1721
      @azarkortolosh1721 11 місяців тому

      This is not good news
      I am a Moroccan former Muslim, and I will tell you what will happen after the disappearance of Christianity
      Muslims will come and become a majority in your country
      And they will prevent all the things that you fought Christianity for
      They will not accept homosexuality. They will not accept women's freedom. They will close Netflix
      It was not Christianity that lost when the West abandoned it
      The West lost when it abandoned Christianity

    • @gilberthamilton9312
      @gilberthamilton9312 11 місяців тому

      While "civil religion" sounds like it could be bad, that's mostly as a wedge towards christian nationalism. Christian Nationalism is worse because it's just open fascism with a religious veneer, whereas "civil religion" just makes me think of this -

    • @GeckoHiker
      @GeckoHiker 11 місяців тому +1

      It's ironic to think that a bastioonof religious freedom like the United States is on the way to becoming an extremist "christian" dictatorship. It makes my head hurt.

    • @patriceferguson7340
      @patriceferguson7340 11 місяців тому

      The Idea of the civil religion is what got us Catholic religion in Rome. A way to tie the pagan Roman, the Christ followers and Jews together. It took centuries to build it. Jesus was not a teacher of Gentiles. He was seen as an Essene Jewish Community member. He and John the Baptist were separatist apart from Pharisee and Sadducee as Temple worshippers common the that era.
      They were Messianic Assentionalist. But typically lived in small communities apart from others. Outside of Matthew and Mark who really drove home his messianic message the rest of the Christian Scripture follows a Gentile gathering collaboration with the help of the Roman state. Much of Paul’s teachings are contradictory to the first gospel teachings. A good look at the entire thing with an healthy understanding of Greek philosophy and you can see where the Romans took it.
      Take it with a grain of salt that this has always been changing since the very start. The Bible even talks about it in the discourse of the seven Churches. Paul and James and Peter also had numerous spats. Some were over food, others was over divorce and singleness. There were discussions about women’s role in the Christian community. Others engaged in matters of Motality with respect to their pagan heritage. This homosexual relationship were a topic of discussion among church leaders. Because certain area’s of Asia Minor had male and female temple prostitution and back then it was not seen as a problem. So much of the issues we deal with today are pretty much just repeating what happened then. So how did the Romanized Church leaders after Constantine deal with that? It’s forever evolving. And will always do so. If not then like many religions that don’t keep up with change eventually die.

  • @kevinreaper2932
    @kevinreaper2932 Рік тому +129

    I really hope something happens to crush Christianity out of existence, across the world not just in the U.S. it's such a toxic religion.

    • @parislovesrachmaninoff
      @parislovesrachmaninoff Рік тому +24

      I agree completely

    • @battlerushiromiya651
      @battlerushiromiya651 Рік тому +5

      No it is not.

    • @scambammer6102
      @scambammer6102 Рік тому

      climate change induced global nuclear war and a few new diseases should do the trick

    • @generatoralignmentdevalue
      @generatoralignmentdevalue Рік тому

      Every religion is toxic if it has that level of influence. It's not the religion, it's just humans.

    • @emeraldmann1329
      @emeraldmann1329 Рік тому +36

      ​@@battlerushiromiya651remind me again what happens to people who don't believe in God when they die

  • @borkfate1094
    @borkfate1094 11 місяців тому +25

    Just lost my faith. Couldn't feel more confident in myself. Hiding behind fear and scapegoating is never good.

  • @bryceosborne4357
    @bryceosborne4357 Рік тому +76

    A very real concern i have is that as climate change worsens, we can expect people to flee the more southern states into northern states. I gotta be honest im very concerned about what changes thatll bring as religious fanatatics/ conservative republicans move into my state and want to change things.

    • @TheAwesomes2104
      @TheAwesomes2104 Рік тому +34

      Yeah, it's all "go back where you came from" "my house my rules" until they're the ones seeking shelter, then it's "What would Jesus do?"

    • @TheMahayanist
      @TheMahayanist Рік тому

      They're jihadists in all but attire. Yes it's very concerning what they believe. But the Bible Belter ideology is stuck to that part of the world I think.

    • @mabusharn3761
      @mabusharn3761 Рік тому +10

      Don't let them in. Let them reap what they have sown.

    • @bryceosborne4357
      @bryceosborne4357 Рік тому +7

      @@mabusharn3761 it I had my way id say they can all have Texas, be as "MERICA" as they want, and the rest of us can move on and live our lives as they drown in their ignorance

    • @user-gl5dq2dg1j
      @user-gl5dq2dg1j Рік тому +6

      @@mabusharn3761 But what of the ones who were powerless to stop it. After all, not everyone in the south is against abortion either.

  • @VitriolicVermillion
    @VitriolicVermillion Рік тому +34

    I appreciate your even tone and neutral way of speaking about this. A lot of folks reporting on American Evangelical Christianity with a lot of clips of fire and brimstone, bigotry, and nationalism coming out of the churches, which is not unfactual, but because I grew up traumatized in such environments, I just can't finish a single video that does that.

    • @ArtsCraftsAntiquity
      @ArtsCraftsAntiquity 11 місяців тому +4

      I agree. In my 43 years, I’ve never experienced that type of evangelicalism, but so many videos make it seem like it’s really popular.

    • @VitriolicVermillion
      @VitriolicVermillion 10 місяців тому

      I'm not sure you read my post correctly. This type of evangelical is less rare than people think. This type, as the loudest, often is able to control the name "Christian" in the public sphere, though, and good christians must not allow that @@ArtsCraftsAntiquity

    • @slimysomething
      @slimysomething 9 місяців тому +1

      I walked into the same type of church not so long ago. It's far more popular than anyone used to moderate churches realizes, and the "nationalism and bigotry B-roll" was no exaggeration. I didn't realize it at the time, but my view of churches just tanked after that. It's one thing to abstractly know this stuff exists, it's another to really see it.

  • @loltrip2741
    @loltrip2741 Рік тому +77

    The religious way of thinking is so ingrained in our society it will never change. The inability for people to even try to use the proper tools to reason correctly, the avoidance of saying “I don’t know”, the lack of knowledge when it comes to recognizing bias. It’s a religious way of thinking so many people apply to their daily lives. “That doesn’t feel true” “that feels right” are not substitutes for actually knowing things.

    • @OllamhDrab
      @OllamhDrab Рік тому

      If that was really so inevitable and unchanging, the Christianists wouldn't have to *attack* education and *dumb people down so much* and *silence* even the mention of other people's humanity and history and lives and experiences.

    • @AdmiralBison
      @AdmiralBison Рік тому

      You're not taking into account generational change.
      Irreligiousity and unstoppable church decline started at the turn of the millenia.
      Atheism/nones has grown to 1/3 of US population during this period.
      Nearly 50% of the Gen Z are non-Religious.
      Gen Alpha are born now or in a couple years and they more likely to be majority non-religious.
      The bulk of the religious are the elderly boomer generation and not much longer they will be around.

    • @patricksullivan7140
      @patricksullivan7140 10 місяців тому

      Bullshit. The Bible is the blue print for living a good life. It's very simple. Don't overthink it.

  • @frankthemousepie
    @frankthemousepie 11 місяців тому +14

    What surprised me the most was the pandemic making people EXIT religion. Normally, lots of death makes people flock to religion out of fear, but as a nation we have enough of a scientific foundation that it actually just made us distrust religion more. I think this shows that as climate catastrophes get worse and more frequent people will NOT turn to religion as much as they may have in the past, and may even leave more than join because of it. At least for people born and raised in the US, I don't think that will be the case for immigrants.

    • @Naomi-gr7fm
      @Naomi-gr7fm 11 місяців тому +3

      I didn't have anybody close to me die during that period or from the big C, but I do have a chronically ill parent that had health episodes during that time that shifted me involuntary into a caregiver role. Circumstances during that time - I can admit - made me fed up and face my cognitive dissonance I had for years. It did not make me more desperate to beg for intervention or a false sense of comfort from an elusive deity concept anymore. Was key in me comfortably shifting from being raised a firmly identified Christian (via socialization/indoctrination) to engaging and accepting the skepticism I internally battled with. Was honestly a comfortable shift to atheism for me probably because of (1) my natural thought-process being analytical despite religious indoctrination + (2) social acceptance does not move me to hold onto something I no longer align with or don't want to do.
      (To note, my parents are immigrants. I am second gen/was born in America and Americanized. My cultural perspectives and worldview from my upbringing is significantly different).

    • @yoggerzzz
      @yoggerzzz 4 місяці тому

      If religion was what it was meant to be---a way to perceive history, traditions, custom, languages, dances, songs, stories etc. religion would be very different in the West. We used to have this with Paganism, and for many they have returned to this. Instead, the Western world in particular has weaponized religion to control and dominate people. If you go to any part of the world outside of the West, especially in Africa, you will find a very different way in which religion is practiced and how it ties communities together and its people and how diverse it all is. that's the other problem, Christianity is a very anti-diverse religion, and will never like others living amongst them who are not them. Just like the muslims.

    • @aussie405
      @aussie405 3 місяці тому +2

      Reply to an old comment: the pandemic gave many people in hyper control religions (like the Jehovah's Witnesses) an opportunity to have some time that wasn't too busy and with it a chance to distance themselves.

  • @kevinramsey417
    @kevinramsey417 Рік тому +73

    If it ends, it won't be soon enough

    • @Justas399
      @Justas399 Рік тому

      Would you like to live in China with the atheistic communists?

    • @thomaspaine7098
      @thomaspaine7098 Рік тому +5

      ⁠​⁠@@Justas399I prefer Norway atheist

    • @Justas399
      @Justas399 Рік тому

      @@thomaspaine7098 China is a better option.

    • @user-bh4ge1pm2t
      @user-bh4ge1pm2t Місяць тому

      Hallelujah, Amen.

  • @countessmargoth469
    @countessmargoth469 Рік тому +80

    A world without the power of religion will be a wonderful place.

    • @ericwolford5685
      @ericwolford5685 Рік тому

      I dunno. Soviet Russia seemed pretty bleak. Plus, there's Communist China, which isn't much better.

    • @OllamhDrab
      @OllamhDrab Рік тому +7

      Religion getting confused with that kind of power is where the problem came from in the first place. The world *is* a wonderful place, it's the people seeking *power* that demand we do the opposite of seeing that or acting like it.

    • @MaseraSteve
      @MaseraSteve Рік тому +1

      Wonderful eh.. i prefer to say "better" cause we're still got some problem stems from our cavemen/tribal ancestors.. removing one hierarchy headache still gave us a better place! I'm already seeing it! We've got few country just like that! China , Japan , Switzerland and few other European country

    • @ericwolford5685
      @ericwolford5685 Рік тому +3

      @MaseraSteve I definitely wouldn't put China on that list. America is rife with human rights issues, but comparatively speaking, China is far worse. Internment camps for religious minorities (along with suppression and state interference with religions that are permitted), sweatshops, and slave-like conditions?
      I'm personally religious, but I can concede that human nature has some basic moral compass without affiliating oneself with a religious school of thought, and while I feel that religion can make a positive difference, it can only do so if it's practitioners actually follow what is being preached. In the case of Christianity, while Christ did take as much opportunity to teach people His moral code, he did so with love and grace, willing to meet and respect people where they are spiritually. Many American Evangelicals are more like the Pharisees than they are like Christ, and the worst part is many don't care, as they consider themselves already saved by merely believing in Christ. James put it best when he said, "Faith without works is dead."

    • @MaseraSteve
      @MaseraSteve Рік тому

      @@ericwolford5685 talking about the evangelist part yes.. they're a hypocrite equivalent to bíblical pharisees.. some are preaching exactly the opposite thing written in the bible.. talk about helping the poor when they take 90% of the donation for enriching themselves and the remaining only for the maintenance of the building.. ha!
      Let's back to good ol' commie china ah.. slave like and sweatshop? What if i told you the mail courier or soldier being treated exactly the same as slave? And quite disposable as an object? But no one ever think of that? Umm cause they got paid slightly higher than sweatshop worker!? You see where this going sir?
      It's the matter of the cost of labor that changes public perception isn't it?And Lemme see what makes those people wanted to work there again? Oh yeah Money! They got no choice! That's the problem on humanity right now, we're not talking about the country but the universally Adopted economy system is flawed.
      Well about the religious persecution in china is quite unfortunate but have you remember my first comment? Yeah we're still not that far off our cavemen ancestors bad habit.. we're still considered a savage by the standard of advanced civilization

  • @keepmoving1185
    @keepmoving1185 Рік тому +60

    They think Jesus is woke. Of course it’s failing

    • @joelpearson2352
      @joelpearson2352 Рік тому +20

      Yep, reading the bible is the how many atheist journeys start.

    • @lvi25
      @lvi25 11 місяців тому +1

      Jesus is Muslim

    • @InChristWeTrust999
      @InChristWeTrust999 11 місяців тому

      Nobody thinks that

    • @jada-mae8368
      @jada-mae8368 4 місяці тому


    • @lvi25
      @lvi25 4 місяці тому +2

      @@jada-mae8368 Jesus is islamic prophet

  • @DanLee70
    @DanLee70 9 місяців тому +22

    Evangelical support of Trump is a massive reason for lack of new converts. Their support really demonstrates the risk of blind faith and lack of deductive reasoning.

    • @At0micPunk90
      @At0micPunk90 6 місяців тому

      And lust for power, too. Trump is their ticket to finally make us into the theocracy they believe we should be. Look up Project 2025. Scary shit.

    • @glenjohnson5323
      @glenjohnson5323 4 місяці тому

      Those Evangelicals have pretty much replaced Christ with Trump.

  • @callen8908
    @callen8908 Рік тому +30

    I have two siblings who are Christian. One is open and embraces love. The other is bunkered down in conspiracy theories and fear. Sad that the former approach is asserting itself in the US - it’s anti-Christian

    • @Ex_christian
      @Ex_christian Рік тому

      My brother became part of the Catholic Cult from the Lutheran Cult that our parents groomed us in. He is so brainwashed in the lies of the Catholic Cult. He even believes we can pray to dead realities and they will answer……

    • @edbollett9083
      @edbollett9083 11 місяців тому

      I've noted the facts of what I see in this modern world not so much what I hear . Seeing most live for the modern ways which most times go totally against Christian values.Just a quick look around modern day society and most would see this very thing. Sin is off the chain in modern society. From sexual exclusiveness to the honor of money over the honor of God.. Scary if one knows much about the scriptures their self..As God gives promise as to what will result from these acts.. Just a quick look at Revelations and what it promises for promiscuous acts..

    • @Ex_christian
      @Ex_christian 11 місяців тому

      @@edbollett9083 I see you mention facts about how people live today. But then go on with mythical nonsense that makes absolutely no difference. Your god of the Bible is nothing more than a Malevolent war god of Abraham that committed Genocide, allows Murder, Rape, Incest, etc. all in his name. People live in reality instead of Christian’s mythical cult make believe BS.
      I can say from experience that I am far happier not going to church or being around stuck up judgmental narcissistic delusional people.

    • @NicholasMarshall
      @NicholasMarshall 10 місяців тому

      Christianity has always been an apocalyptic cult. It's not a new phenomena. People from the 1600s thought their children would live to see the end times.

    • @thedarknessthatcomesbefore4279
      @thedarknessthatcomesbefore4279 10 місяців тому +4

      ​@@edbollett9083luckily sin is just a made up thing to keep the religious scared and permanently worried. Your sin is apparently irrelevant to whether you get to heaven or hell, the only factor is whether you accept jeebus into your heart or not. If you never sin and live a blameless life but just aren't convinced a god exists you get hell. What a just and fair system your imaginary God made up.

  • @bradypustridactylus488
    @bradypustridactylus488 Рік тому +21

    If one thinks of religion as the reflection of underlying values rather that the source of these values, it doesn't really matter how people identitfy themselves. If a person identifies as Christian but their relation to themself, their family, and society is the same as their atheist neighbor, and more importantly their behavior reflects these relationships without distinction, the nation is, in effect, atheist, rather people wear the label or not. This fear is what I see most often in Christian nationalism and fundamentalist rhetoric.

  • @radarlockeify
    @radarlockeify Рік тому +15

    Christianity and other religions iare dying out as the older indoctrinated are dying out. It is inevitable.
    Hurrah for us. Hurrah for the planet.

    • @lout160
      @lout160 Рік тому +2


    • @Shaqoneil81-ci7dr
      @Shaqoneil81-ci7dr Рік тому

      This is precisely what Jesus said would happen. Many are called but few are chosen.

    • @lout160
      @lout160 Рік тому

      @@Shaqoneil81-ci7dr The scam artist normally is in on the scam

    • @radarlockeify
      @radarlockeify Рік тому +1

      @@Shaqoneil81-ci7dr Cool story bro. It would make a tiny bit of sense if jeebus existed, but he didn't.

    • @Shaqoneil81-ci7dr
      @Shaqoneil81-ci7dr Рік тому

      @@radarlockeify How do you know he didn’t?

  • @jesseriker3076
    @jesseriker3076 11 місяців тому +7

    The internet is where religion came to die. The sooner it fades into history the better off humanity will be.

  • @MDSlatanica
    @MDSlatanica Рік тому +31

    Well presented scenarios my friend and in my view it is inevitable that the more educated a population becomes the less they take religion seriously.

    • @Jake-zc3fk
      @Jake-zc3fk Рік тому

      If you have not been in the church you may not realize how many educated professionals there are. Unfortunately education does not seem to be directly related to the ability to see through these types of brainwashing.

    • @KartalaBreed
      @KartalaBreed Рік тому +1

      And the more depressed people get though, right? Because stats show religious people tend to be happier, unless you're orthodox Christian, then you're sadder than a nihilist. lol

    • @user-ct6jz3im2o
      @user-ct6jz3im2o Рік тому

      @@KartalaBreed I think that's because some atheist (a lot of them) have grown up with religion and it kinda turned into their coping mechanism and then they suddenly didn't believe in it anymore and with religion taking away other ways of coping with life, well they became a bit depressed. (I think there are things that you can only effectively learn in childhood and this is one of them)

    • @user-ct6jz3im2o
      @user-ct6jz3im2o Рік тому +1

      @@KartalaBreed and also I'd like to add that it's kinda the opposite. the more depressed a population gets, the more they search for meaning and therfore the more likely that they're ganna turn into religions for comfort.

    • @TitaniusAnglesmith
      @TitaniusAnglesmith Рік тому

      @@KartalaBreed Not necessarily. Just like how Scandinavia has a higher reported rate of depression than Russia or the US, that doesn't mean it actually is. Shame prevents many people from talking about it, anf instead they keep it inside and use religion (and other things) as a coping mechanism.

  • @Foogi9000
    @Foogi9000 Рік тому +22

    With time, better education, and effort. Most religions will fade as the people who leave increase and as the people who stay become more extreme; it's also worth taking into account that age is a factor. The elderly grew up in a time when religion was very strong and dominated the culture, any attempt at leaving or disagreeing with it was met with societal rejection and punishment.

  • @JNB0723
    @JNB0723 Рік тому +24

    I would love to see a video doscussing how some religious traditions will become purely cultural (i.e. Christmas becomming a celebration of humanity and not Christianity).

    • @BrianGay57
      @BrianGay57 Рік тому +15

      Christmas is already a secular holiday. A day off, is a day off!

    • @randomguy966
      @randomguy966 Рік тому +15

      Given the fact that Christmas started as a pagan holiday, I’d argue it already has.

    • @doneestoner9945
      @doneestoner9945 Рік тому +10

      I'm an atheist. I love Christmas.

    • @paulchapman8023
      @paulchapman8023 Рік тому +9

      Christmas is already more a celebration of capitalism than anything, at least in the US.
      For every church that celebrates Christmas for one or two days as a Christian holiday (or possibly up to a month if you include Advent), there are dozens of stores that celebrate it over the course of a month or more as a reason for people to buy things.

    • @fduranthesee
      @fduranthesee Рік тому +4

      Christianity as an ideology instead of theology, I'd be totally down for. Except all the right-winged crusading stuff and all that. if Christianity became a liberalist subideology all about love and tolerance and learning and being openminded and all that, then I'm all for it.

  • @Mortgageman145
    @Mortgageman145 11 місяців тому +7

    Australian atheist here. Recently deconverted from christianity and I feel a similar consensus from the general populous here in Australia, I see a very dim future for christianity for the following decades here as well

  • @Waltham1892
    @Waltham1892 Рік тому +12

    "How Christianity Could End..."
    Don't tease me.

  • @Mulberrysmile
    @Mulberrysmile Рік тому +17

    I think the research understates the migration out of Christianity. I was moving in 2018 and had the opportunity to pick where I wanted to go. I was leaving a solidly red county with a strong religious bent.
    I followed growing zone 7 across the continental US from Oregon and Washington to the mid Atlantic states on the east coast. I looked at hundreds of towns…small towns, nearest cities, and county as a whole, researching the demographics. In every area except one town in Virginia, the membership in churches was declining.
    So I started talking to young people. Most had a vague connection to the Christian religion. They didn’t seem comfortable disconnecting entirely from the figure of Jesus, but don’t plunge into worshipping, either. Almost all would say they don’t believe in church, and they dislike church as an institution.
    Stronger, was their belief that there is a Creator figure.
    I will point out that our culture is strongly rooted in the Christian traditions. Movies of demons and demonic possession, holiday traditions, etc.
    I find I’m reluctant to give up my family traditions around religious holidays, even though I don’t embrace the religious foundation of the traditional celebrations. I find they help ground me in the sense of making me think about my personal behavior each year through the lens of the overarching ideas of generosity, self sacrifice for the good of others, thankfulness, and grace. It makes them more than excuses for parties, and more than celebrations of seasons.

    • @ObiJohnKenobi67
      @ObiJohnKenobi67 11 місяців тому +3

      Pretty much this. As a Gen Z member, I can say that people leaving Christianity does not necessarily mean they leave religion in general. Many people are open to a creator god or a spiritual force of some sort.

    • @down-to-earth-mystery-school
      @down-to-earth-mystery-school 9 місяців тому +3

      And we will always support and uphold your right to connect with the Creator in whatever way feels right for you💜

  • @Skyecaster101
    @Skyecaster101 Рік тому +12

    The one thing I'm most concerned about is that as Christianity declines, there will be increased extreme behavior to try and keep it afloat.

  • @fisch6912
    @fisch6912 Місяць тому +3

    I think it would be soooo easy for christians to be environmentalist.
    From the little exposure I had with christianity when I grew up, part of it basically said that god gave us this world and we're supposed to take care of it.

  • @fantuswitt9063
    @fantuswitt9063 Рік тому +49

    Would be awesome if the secularisation holds true, even though I think it will not necessarily be much better as we can already see non religious groups and ideologies becoming fanatical without any supernatural entity. I also could imagine that certain AIs could develop a god like status. The future of religion will certainly be interesting no matter what happens.

    • @GeneticallyModifiedSkeptic
      @GeneticallyModifiedSkeptic  Рік тому +20

      Yeah I’m right there with you. I want Americans to be more secure regardless of religion, but let’s hope that as religion declines, destructive secular ideologies are kept at bay.

    • @lexruptor
      @lexruptor Рік тому

      Nah, that all seems unlikely. Secularism will rise, but no AI gods, and where've you seen non-religions rise?

    • @sensorycircuits1338
      @sensorycircuits1338 Рік тому +1

      I once theorized that an AI could gain demagogic power. Post Trump, however, it's clear that you don't need anything complicated. All you need is the right mix of Fear & Loathing at just the right time.

    • @AdmiralBison
      @AdmiralBison Рік тому

      I think those fears are unfounded as can just look at many actual secular countries around the world and as shown in the video many northern European countries are secular with high human development.
      Now when it comes to Political and Economic issues, the United States is behind most 1st world countries and those are seperate problems.
      However I have hope.
      Just as the country is becoming more secular with more people, in particular the younger generation being Atheists/Nones.
      So too are many younger generations become more Socialist than they are Capitalist.
      This can change the Economic and wealth innequality problems in the United States as younger generations recognize many of the Social/Wealth problems ties in with the 1% wealthy and the Capitalist system that is exploitative, abusive and unsustainable.
      So things like Climate change action could happen when people recognize it is large fossil fuel corporations that own Politicians and people will start voting for Economic reforms and kicking out corrupt Politicians who only serve billionaires and corporations.

    • @azarkortolosh1721
      @azarkortolosh1721 11 місяців тому

      This is not good news
      I am a Moroccan former Muslim, and I will tell you what will happen after the disappearance of Christianity
      Muslims will come and become a majority in your country
      And they will prevent all the things that you fought Christianity for
      They will not accept homosexuality. They will not accept women's freedom. They will close Netflix
      It was not Christianity that lost when the West abandoned it
      The West lost when it abandoned Christianity

  • @prototype102010
    @prototype102010 Рік тому +24

    I remember around this time in 2011, our church had a service mainly about Christianity and the future, and how persecuted we are, and our pastor said that in 15 too 20 years our country would be completely taken over by Islam, we'd be forced into that religion, and shot in the streets if we said we were Christians. And as a teen during that time I completely believed him. And this was in Canada.
    I'm so glad I got out of that religion. It will be interesting to watch what happens in America/Canada in the future. I moved to Sweden recently things are so different here when it comes to religion. It really is bizarre to look back at what I believed and what was normal in Canada.

    • @Criselle307
      @Criselle307 4 місяці тому

      That pastor was right 💀

  • @Dogmeat229
    @Dogmeat229 Рік тому +10

    Christianity can't die fast enough.

    • @lvi25
      @lvi25 11 місяців тому

      Islam is the fastest growing religion 😍

  • @bigiggmac
    @bigiggmac 11 місяців тому +6

    "This ain't a Christian nation, please.. America never taught me to turn the other cheek." --immortal technique

  • @Im_Z_4747
    @Im_Z_4747 Рік тому +20

    Make videos on Islam again . Islam is also declining in most Muslim majority countries . 50k/75k mosque in Iran has been closed . 18% Indian Muslims don't fully believe in Allah and 2% don't believe in Allah at all . Similar percentage in most Muslim countries .
    Source : 1st line of my bio .

    • @fantuswitt9063
      @fantuswitt9063 Рік тому +3


    • @UniDocs_Mahapushpa_Cyavana
      @UniDocs_Mahapushpa_Cyavana Рік тому

      I think the biggest issue for Islam ☪ is virtually all Muslim nations 🏛 are very weak from a toxic ☣ double team Islam and USA baseless subsidies to weak nations creating warped incentives and moral hazard.

    • @user-ct6jz3im2o
      @user-ct6jz3im2o Рік тому +1

      yeah but I'm still really worried about Islam taking over other countries lol. (I'm iranian and I don't want to have to face Islam when I finally succeed to get the hell out of here)

    • @Im_Z_4747
      @Im_Z_4747 Рік тому

      @@user-ct6jz3im2o yeah , read the 1st line of my bio and message there . I have a great article on the rise of Islam . Not cause of converts , but cause of high birth rate .

    • @TitaniusAnglesmith
      @TitaniusAnglesmith Рік тому

      @@user-ct6jz3im2o I don't think many countries are at risk of being taken over by shariah, but I do worry that there will be 2 societies in, for example, Sweden or France. One secular, normal one, and a segregated one in muslim suburbs, probably with other immigrants too. People in the religious society will be not only oppressed by their own community, but also looked down upon by the other society. Of course islamist terrorism and hate crimes against LGBTQ, women and jews is becoming more common too.

  • @pjaworek6793
    @pjaworek6793 Рік тому +9

    Thanks Drew. I always look forward to the optimistic good news from you and the compassionate and respectful delivery. ❤

    • @ethanlewis1453
      @ethanlewis1453 Рік тому

      How is smearing Christians as KKK conspiracy theorists supposed to be respectful?

  • @vitormelomedeiros
    @vitormelomedeiros Рік тому +26

    Many (fundamentalist) Christians are very upfront about their desire to see other forms of religious life cease to exist, but atheists and agnostics seem less interested in pining for decline in God belief, at least here in Brazil. I think in America this is also increasingly true: after the fad of neo-atheism is past, anti-theism is falling out of fashion. I myself am not an antitheist, but I know this is a safe place to get something off my chest: I would really like to see Christianity to decline. When Drew described the third most-likely scenario in his opinion, where Islam and Hinduism get more common, that felt so hopeful to me. I like religion being a part of public life, especially a diversity of tolerant religiosity. A country full of many different types of Christians, Atheists, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, and Pagans, all sharing a common belief in liberal democracy and pluralism. If the 21st century came to a close and society was closer to this ideal than it currently is I guess I'll die a happy man.

    • @erenjager4698
      @erenjager4698 Рік тому +5

      Muslims and liberal democracy don't always mix well the same way Christians don't with liberal democracy. I don't know enough about Hinduism to criticize those belief systems tho. Pluralism is all well and good but society abandoning bad beliefs is better.

    • @TheMahayanist
      @TheMahayanist Рік тому

      Anything but the white Christian Supremacy we've been having in Amerikkka is preferable at the moment. Islam will need to be dealt with at a future time and likely will. Since Saudi and Iran the heartland of Islam is dying rn

    • @TheMahayanist
      @TheMahayanist Рік тому +2

      ​@@erenjager4698I agree with both approaches, since either scenario is better than white Christian supremacy.
      Hinduism is also superstitious nonsense, but it has fewer toxic beliefs than Christianity and Islam. The only toxic aspect is the discrimination of caste.

    • @brentoncarter4275
      @brentoncarter4275 Рік тому +1

      @@TheMahayanist I think ALLLL the believing in nonsense religious BS is also toxic.

    • @vitormelomedeiros
      @vitormelomedeiros Рік тому +1

      @@erenjager4698 Well, I would say the articulation between Islam and theocracy is pretty contingent, given it's also VERY recent in history. Muslim countries were becoming increaingly liberal and democratic before the huge reactionary backlash during the mid-20th century. And before the Ottoman Empire, during the Middle Ages, any caliphate or emirate was way more tolerant than any Christian kingdom in Europe ever was.

  • @marymcnabb4982
    @marymcnabb4982 11 місяців тому +18

    You don't need the threat of hell or reward of heaven. You need to be a person who knows right from wrong and treats others well.

  • @mravalik
    @mravalik Рік тому +12

    It seems that with each current passing generation of people, Christianity is steadily and rapidly declining due to the idea that it's more of a hobby than it is a belief and with that being said, people are outgrowing Christianity itself, leading to a popularity in secularism.
    Although, there has been recent statistics that I've heard about that atheism and Islam are both equally on the rise and may outweigh Christianity since there was a widespread report of a massive drop in church attendants, and because of that, fundamentalists run to social media and spout off about these events being "signs of the end times", which really is their masked fear of losing power over their congregation and financial gain.

  • @andrewwomble2722
    @andrewwomble2722 Рік тому +9

    People are swapping religion for politics. Thats why there seems to be this desire by some people for their politicians to have this larger than life, cultish personalities.

    • @xXEGPXx
      @xXEGPXx Рік тому +5

      The biggest cult personality in politics is Trump, who is mainly supported by Christian men, seems they have room for two idols

  • @handwavepress3389
    @handwavepress3389 Рік тому +20

    I watched this to see if you might mention the growing schism in American Christianity that views traditional Christian values like charity and meekness as too 'woke' (their word, not mine). Any thoughts on how that might effect a changing Christianity?

  • @danielx555
    @danielx555 9 місяців тому +5

    I grew up in the 60s and 70s, and I grew up in the Lutheran church. I had a lot of friends who went to other churches. I can testify that the Christianity that was practiced in the 1960s and 1970s in the United States was radically different from what Christianity looks like now.
    Most of what people do in Evangelical environments is new. The theology is pretty new, as well. Mainstream Christians for several centuries have not really been that tied up in theology. Luther taught that proper belief was not really that important because if correct doctrine was required for salvation, then virtually all human beings are doomed.
    I am no longer a believer in any sense, but I think if there were churches that were primarily social, I would go. Christianity in the 21st century is a hungry and desperate belief system that compels 100% dogmatic belief in statements that nonsense.

    • @campfireaddict6417
      @campfireaddict6417 9 місяців тому +1

      Martin Luther also said "God created Adam as master and lord over all living creatures, but Eve spoiled all."
      He also said "Girls begin to talk and stand on their feet sooner because weeds always grow up faster than good crops." Misogynist, by any chance?

    • @lord_summerisle
      @lord_summerisle 4 місяці тому

      Very interesting, I'm in Australia doing suburban yard maintenance and the only people who ever mention God or Jesus or religion are the fundies (MAGA, apocalypse anti vax pro Putin, one was pentecostal) and they talk about it non stop almost as if trying to convert me, and its believe or hell type thing. Basically religion isn't a thing for anyone else with maybe a quiet churchgoer here and there. So it's either obsessive or next to nothing.

  • @considermycat
    @considermycat Рік тому +10

    My personal theory is what you might call the “Firefly theory”. In Firefly, Shepherd Book’s faith is acknowledged and respected by the other cast members, but it’s very clear that he represents a marginal position in that world.
    In other words: individual Christian faith will be more respected by non-Christians when collective Christian faith no longer poses any threat to them. Plus, once professing Christian faith no longer provides a path to power, the fascists will abandon it in favour of something else, which in turn will allow the more progressive sides of Christianity to become more prominent.
    Which takes us to a combination of “decline into secularism” and “Christianity transforms”

    • @jjohnson796
      @jjohnson796 11 місяців тому +2

      Shepard was no priest and I liked his character. In my mind he was a spiritual leader in the secular sense.

  • @VierthalerStudios
    @VierthalerStudios Рік тому +14

    I really hope it does end. That cult has caused nothing but problems.

    • @lvi25
      @lvi25 11 місяців тому

      Islam is the truth

    • @JudgeHolden1878
      @JudgeHolden1878 3 місяці тому

      Repent Brother. It's not a cult. It's a relationship with God.

    • @VierthalerStudios
      @VierthalerStudios 3 місяці тому

      @@JudgeHolden1878 God would have to exist for it to be a relationship with a fictional deity. Burden of proof is on you to prove that God does exist.

    • @JudgeHolden1878
      @JudgeHolden1878 3 місяці тому

      @@VierthalerStudios Are you really that ignorant? Are you gonna be that stubborn to search for evidence in everything you find?

    • @higuys7576
      @higuys7576 20 днів тому

      Except Quantum fluncutuations recreated It

  • @genghisdingus
    @genghisdingus Рік тому +6

    Hopefully religious institutions will lose their tax exempt status causing religion broadly to fall as smaller congregations wont be economically self sustaining.

  • @thenakedapple
    @thenakedapple 8 місяців тому +4

    Can we call the moment when non-religious people outnumber Christians the “Great Switcharoonie”?

  • @carlgranados7106
    @carlgranados7106 Рік тому +22

    I hope the day comes when we can take the good parts of religion like helping the poor, being kind to strangers, not judging others, and mostly giving of ourselves and resources to helping the world become a better place for all and not just ourselves without having to have a God or something supernatural. I also hope we can form organizations, which we really haven't been able to do yet without religion, where can find community, where we are challenge to become better, and where eating from the fruit of KNOWLEDGE is not only encouraged but welcomed so that we don't become a competing cults that hate each other.

    • @getaround1276
      @getaround1276 Рік тому

      Theres kinda some of that in satanic or other religions (for lack of a better term) that are more modern in their construction

    • @TitaniusAnglesmith
      @TitaniusAnglesmith Рік тому

      Maybe you mean in an american context, but in europe social democracy, universities and unions/associations (idk the english term) have let these thrive. Of course the internet has destroyed a large part of social togetherness, but it has everywhere.

    • @nolacking1113
      @nolacking1113 11 місяців тому

      Jesus Christ is the way not being good if you believe

    • @carlgranados7106
      @carlgranados7106 11 місяців тому

      @@nolacking1113 What is the way because almost no Christian follows it. Christians like to believe that just saying "the believe" and wearing a cross is enough but their actions tell a different story. Rich Christians like to give more money than those that aren't because they, because they can never have enough contrary to Jesus, think they can buy their way into heaven like they do on earth. Also which Christian faith is the right one since there are more than 20,000 denominations of Christianity worldwide and thousands more in the past which all claim to be "the one true" way. Sorry but the whole thing is silly and hypocritical.

  • @brianbox867
    @brianbox867 Рік тому +13

    So many crimes against humanity have been committed in "gods" name. It needs to go, honestly.

    • @slaydog5102
      @slaydog5102 Рік тому +3

      Especially islam

    • @robbsclock2675
      @robbsclock2675 Рік тому

      In so many have been committed in „humanities“ or „the peoples“ name. Atheism has its good share with Nazism and communism

    • @cdogthehedgehog6923
      @cdogthehedgehog6923 Рік тому

      ​@@robbsclock2675Sweetheart....nazis were christains. Hitler was a protestant.... your ignorance is deafening.

    • @friscowolf2917
      @friscowolf2917 Рік тому +5

      "Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction."
      -- Blaise Pascal

    • @cdogthehedgehog6923
      @cdogthehedgehog6923 Рік тому +3

      Lol they deleted their comment after they learned Nazis weren't atheists 😂

  • @seraphinaLL
    @seraphinaLL Рік тому +9

    i've kept feeling-- like for a decade or more i kept feeling like "ya know, there's big religious shifts every five hundred years or so. weird that not much seems to have happened quite so much since Luther. feels like we're overdue."
    i wouldn't be shocked if a whole-ass new religion ends up growing.

  • @colepuleo6809
    @colepuleo6809 11 місяців тому +12

    Thank you So Much for your Videos Drew!!! We need a lot more critical thinking skeptics like you.

  • @Jelly_Skelly
    @Jelly_Skelly Рік тому +10

    One or two centuries? Damn, I was hoping for a couple decades.

    • @lout160
      @lout160 Рік тому +1

      Well, some people live for a century, and as long as indoctrination is a thing, there's always going to be those who go to the grave believing the lie that's implanted in them. So a few centuries isn't that long in the grand scheme of things, but i would've really liked to have seen it go.

  • @The_RC_Guru
    @The_RC_Guru Рік тому +18

    As long as it’s tax exempt, it’ll be around. Hell I’d like to start my own tax exempt church. The church of leave me the hell alone.

    • @anthonym8205
      @anthonym8205 Рік тому +4

      Will you accept a tax deductible donation to tell me how it works?

  • @tampazeke4587
    @tampazeke4587 9 місяців тому +5

    It seems crazy to think that American Christians would ally with Muslims over their shared conservative social positions but I can remember a time when the same would have been said about Christians allying with Mormons but here we are.

    • @andrewward5891
      @andrewward5891 9 місяців тому +3

      Several years ago Jewish, Christian, and Muslim clergy United in opposition to a gay pride parade in Jerusalem. Hate United these opposing religions

    • @lord_summerisle
      @lord_summerisle 4 місяці тому

      Or how they admire Putin and Russia with no free speech or right to bear arms over their own country. Of course the west is tyrannical for vaccine mandates because freedom but Putin is their anti woke saviour. Its only freedom for them and none for their enemies.