Ranking Toxic MBTI Stereotypes

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @PsychologyandChillwMichi
    @PsychologyandChillwMichi  2 роки тому +7

    Thanks Eric Wen for the amazing ideaaaa!!

  • @yaktd5704
    @yaktd5704 2 роки тому +19

    Cognitive functions are important because of 'Judgy-Judging' and 'Procrastinating-Perceiving'

  • @AutoAlchemy
    @AutoAlchemy 2 роки тому +12

    "We're gonna stick it in Jeffree Star" You're gonna do what, mate?? 😱

  • @J11_boohoo
    @J11_boohoo 2 роки тому +14

    the stereotype of thinkers not being emotional kind of made me feel invalidated and made me think whether or not what I was actually feeling in the past weren’t valid emotions
    Yeah, personally, I think all humans have the same capacity to feel but how you approach your emotions are very different from others
    Like for IxTPs like myself, having Fe inferior means you feel things but you tend to ignore and just not process emotions, this isn’t very good (obviously) I find that when it comes to Fe inferior it’s highly explosive because of this
    After weeks, months or even years of storing your emotions and ignoring them, you will eventually have a crash and all those emotional pressure comes crashing down, and as an Fe user, it’s going to be expressed externally in a highly explosive manner, but I’ve notice that before this crash, the IxTPs will have an intense emotional period
    And this is where stereotypes are really harmful, honestly, and with types like ISTPs and INTPs who people tend to say are very unemotional, it’s really a harmful especially that they are Fe users, meaning they need to process the emotions outwardly with people
    And honestly this is where I kinda start disliking being an INTP (I know of course all types have their ups and down) but having Ti so high up, a basic human experience like emotions is such a hard struggle, we feel them, we just can’t process very well

    • @farrex0
      @farrex0 2 роки тому +4

      Absolutely, everyone feels and everyone thinks, unless there something physically or chemically wrong in your brain. The system just means, which one do you make decisions with more often.

  • @EpicPaul64
    @EpicPaul64 2 роки тому +12

    This was a lot of fun to watch, and I'm very grateful that you're encouraging people to research the cognitive functions; they essentially make or break the differences between an INFJ and INFP.
    Speaking of Type Journey, I've been meaning to ask for a while if I could be on that show of yours, since I used to think I was ESTJ, then studying the cognitive functions made the ISTJ make more sense, but the last time I tried sending you an email, I got an error message. Do you have a Twitter or something that's a bit more reliable?

  • @saadhananagaraj2548
    @saadhananagaraj2548 2 роки тому +3

    The P is for procrastination is literally so stupid because I'm an INTJ and I'm currently watching this video instead of studying for my history exam which is tomorrow and I have 5 more chapters to study.

  • @justindgbz5588
    @justindgbz5588 2 роки тому +5

    I'm an INFJ and I've noticed a pattern in my life where my relationships with ISFPs don't end well. Me and them usually reach a point where we see that we have different values and it angers them. Regardless, I don’t seek to avoid them despite my bad experiences. I try to work together with them like any other type. The experience helps me know what to expect.

    • @PsychologyandChillwMichi
      @PsychologyandChillwMichi  2 роки тому +1

      Its definitely tough to have a type with repeated bad interactions. I hope you can find an ISFP that you love!

  • @RC-jz2em
    @RC-jz2em 2 роки тому +6

    Between the feeler stereotypes, the “judgers are organized” stereotype, and the INFJ misinformation that’s out there, I constantly mistyped as an INTP and never would have thought I was a feeler. Started looking into functions and still couldn’t figure it out, so I just went to a practitioner. Would have never figured out my actual type on my own. 😅

    • @PsychologyandChillwMichi
      @PsychologyandChillwMichi  2 роки тому +1

      oh wow! honestly, that makes a lot of sense. So are you saying you are actually an INFJ? I have seen a lot of INFJs think they are INTPs or vice versa.

    • @RC-jz2em
      @RC-jz2em 2 роки тому +1

      @@PsychologyandChillwMichi yeah. INFJ with ADD 😄 What made me look into functions was when I realized a friend of mine was an INTP. I saw that our struggles with Fe were different; he has to actively work at it; I’m good with it, but once my “battery” runs out, I’m DONE. It’s more of an exhaustion than an “I’m bad at this” kinda thing.

    • @gloglok3356
      @gloglok3356 2 роки тому

      @@RC-jz2em Same path here mate!
      Thought myself INTP (because big Ti ISTP dad haha), then realized a friend of mine was an INTP and real bad at Fe.
      Then I thought myself an INFP but soon realized my girlfriend at the time was one and a lot more emotional-y than I was (often telling me I was way too rational hehe), and then discovered the functions of the INFJ and that was it! 😄

  • @Kuultyc
    @Kuultyc 2 роки тому +2

    Ops helps with the "I'm between 2 types" the jumpers explain a lot of things fairly effectively.

  • @yaktd5704
    @yaktd5704 2 роки тому +6

    I was mistyped as an ENFJ in 16p then I found out I'm an ENTJ!

  • @vlandorrackhum5420
    @vlandorrackhum5420 2 роки тому +4

    I love this video! Being predisposed to avoid someone/people because of their type (or any other superficial nonsense) is irrational, selfish and stupid

  • @BasedGodEmperorTrump
    @BasedGodEmperorTrump 3 місяці тому

    One thing that triggers me is when people think INFP are empaths. They're sympaths, not empaths. Fi displays sympathy, Fe displays empathy. You won't change my mind. Learn the difference between the two and learn the feeling functions to differentiate the two.

  • @JohnHenrysaysHi
    @JohnHenrysaysHi 2 роки тому +15

    3:03 Stereotyping
    4:05: 16p
    6:00 Astrology
    6:35 Staying away from someone because of their type, lads and lassies
    7:22 Behavioral typing
    8:05 Avoiding learning cognitive functions
    9:14 Type Indicator Creativity
    10:00 Excuses, excuses..
    10:52 ating someone because of their type
    11:41 Heart on sleeve stereotype
    12:22 The INFJ mistype (Don't get it. Why would someone want to be rare? Puppies are more among the most beloved types of animals, so why wouldn't everyone want to be a puppy if they want a betting chance at being loved, if type worked that way which, and if it did, everyone would want to be an ISTJ...the actual 3rd rarest type and greatest type conceptually along with ISFJ (ISFJ is the 4th rarest type)...just kidding all types are equal)
    13:48 MBTI compass
    14:30 J is for judge-y
    15:15 P is for procrastinate. Also, thank you for bringing up ADHD again. Your video on ADHD was one of my favorites, and I think a lot of people group autism with memory or using PoLr Fe when...when PoLr isn't MBTI neither is aligning emotions to feeling
    16:00 Mistyping
    17:05 Shaming for type
    17:30 Only thinkers are smart
    17:40 Social Anxiety
    18:20 Special Snowflake syndrome
    18:38 Choosing not the Batman the Animated Series Two Face aka...I mean Being Between Two types
    Okay, guys. You can ignore my ramblings below. Have a great day!
    I wanted to make this a separate post but sometimes multiple posts won't show up so, again, so take care!
    Thank you for the video, Michi. Yesterday, I had a conversation with people yesterday telling me to stay away from MBTI and personality typing, so I appreciate your thoughts to give me something to think about during the day.
    I fell into one of these things you brought up when I heard one of them say she wanted concrete facts regarding MBTI's validity, my mind went to she must be a sensor, which wasn't a knock since I thought I was a sensor and you're the first person who I told that I thought I was an ESTP (But I think I could be something completely different, if type is real, I don't know...I really appreciated your Can you type fictional characters video where you talked about seeing patterns since I think I see them, but I'm always skeptical if MBTI is real), and that was wrong of me, and tied into her point. And it ties into your video, which I might be able to bring up to her.
    I actually think she might have been an INFJ but she told me not bring it up with her again, which, being that you asked if we'd want another of these, I thought that might be helpful to bring the idea that intuitive don't have to be interested into type as a stereotype. She told me that I'm playing God with trying to figure out people's types and I don't want to do that, and I don't think I am, but you've given me some things to think about and maybe I can tell her but, she told me never to talk about it again because she thinks it's a bunch of cult stuff, so I think she would be one who would see the stereotype you brought up of Astrology being similar to MBTI, and pass it even more. And I think hearing about Ennegram would make it worse since I read that it's tied to the occult, and I don't want to get into anything near old hairy legs. I struggle with enough spiritual warfare, and fear enough for my soul.
    I'm interested in type because I wanted a fun pop-culture hobby to unwind with similar to how I'd talk about music or comics with people, and then use that as a fun springboard to talk about their interests or life. So, if someone is interested in MBTI, it's a possible an indicator they're interested in a little more deep discussion, but with what you talk about here, it's not always the case. I'm good if it's a springboard to get funny jokes though! People into MBTI are better than any comedic show I've seen since Impractical Jokers, and they're actually clean so I can watch it around people if they're not annoyed by MBTI which the people I'm close to are, but...not to be a party pooper, I'm just...aren't people into MBTI into it because they're interested in people? I'm sorry...well, stop reading anytime and have a great day!
    Anyways, its why I don't think of this as a community. Maybe I'm overthinking it but I think community is reserved for offline or maybe something like a forum where people have a rare health condition and people giving each other support to help get better or boost morale. I think it's a bunch of clubs if we'd like to join since people don't use the same descriptions for type so I don't know what they're communicating when they bring up type or functions, which is why I've been trying to stick with the official MBTI since I think if I'm using MBTI nomenclature, I want to try to say what I mean and mean what I say with it, but also because I think it's the most popular so people will hopefully know what I'm communicating when I use type.
    Learning about type has been helpful for me to get ideas on where to improve but, it's all my opinion, and I'm just speaking for myself, but I think it's better to just focus on the ideas for individual functions and then get a family member, friend, doctor, or priest to help improve but being that you are an actual typing channel, I understand why it's important for you to give a type.
    Thank you for your time. Hope you have a great weekend!

  • @JohnHenrysaysHi
    @JohnHenrysaysHi 2 роки тому +2

    Michi, do you know what system someone is using when they type or mistype others for it to be meaningful?
    Also, what do you think about the stereotype of people making pop-culture references being a high Ne user? I would really appreciate your help.
    I think pop-culture references are a common fun/helpful/easy going way to communicate shared experiences, so I don't think it indicates higher Ne.
    I think it's a helpful tool to talk about things so people can get an idea of something without getting uncomfortable. Say for an example, if someone makes a Breaking Bad reference to something going on in their lives, since Breaking Bad is really popular, people can get an idea with what the person is talking about without the person needing to have to be personal so he or she doesn't have to feel bad or disclose personal information.
    And couldn't it also just be a fun, geeky thing to bring back pleasant memories/shared experience?
    I don't think J.R.R. Tolkein or Edgar Allen Poe were geeks. And while I don't know the people in person, I think I've gotten a pattern down for writing styles and other INFPs I've read on forums were not geeky whatsoever. Although, maybe they're dropping references left and right with their family and friends or in other threads that I haven't read.
    I've been referred to as an Ne Dom more than any type, but while I don't know how readily they use them, I've heard the ESFP youtubers Dear Kristin and SP Spazz use pop-culture references in a similar way that I do.
    The official MBTI attitude definition of Ne is Extraverted Intuition: Sees possibilities in the external world. Trusts flashes from the unconscious, which can then be shared with others.
    So I can see the connection, but couldn't we use Se where we're taking in a bunch of sensory information and then using either Ti or Fi to spin it into something funny?
    Perhaps it was just his experience, and it's been a year or two since I heard the video, but I remembered the SP Spazz saying that SP types take information and will spin it to something new so that why I was thinking it could be an Se+Ti or Se +Fi thing along with maybe Ni for the take a way scene that maybe resonated with us to spin it for entertainment purposes as opposed to Ne, but maybe since everyone uses every function, maybe we're all using Ne when making references.
    And when I said us, I meant everyone using Se+Ti or Se+Fi, but please let me know what your thoughts are because you know your type, I'd appreciate your help since I think you are an ENFP by the official Myers and Briggs. I don't mean to say that it's the best system or anything, but after I watched that older video you made about people not being able to agree about fictional character typings because we're all using different systems, an out of context meme of Jesse Pinkman going...rats, I forgot the quote but I think the episode is called Problem Dog where he says "What's it all mean?" Or What's the point?" because of all the different systems being used to type Gandalf as an INFJ or an INTJ where they could both be accurate along with Gandalf being typed as an Ne Dom or an Se Dom.
    Thank you for your help.

  • @lilsneepsnorp4951
    @lilsneepsnorp4951 2 роки тому +1

    The anti sensor general sentiments in the community. Idk man I’m an ISTP and people always think I’m a INTJ because I am not a mechanic. I literally make things but that’s not being a mechanic so it’s not right according to people.

  • @drwizarrd4421
    @drwizarrd4421 2 роки тому +3

    10:01 Darn, it made the list. I mean I get it but when I deliver an almighty rant of criticism but end up hurting someone's feelings I want to be able to say:
    I'm sorry, pls understand that I am an intj and thus felt compelled to say that in order to improve your work. could I have said it better? perhaps but i believe I chose the words best capable of getting the point across while taking your feelings into account, cause trust me it could've been w...I mean uh so yeah that's my pathetic excuse of an apology. It would be unfortunate if you no longer want to see me again but you know just don't forget to...you know make the changes I suggested otherwise I would've ruined our relationship for nothing lol.....ok byeeee
    😂 I gotta criticize godammit it's in ma blood. I'm too young to go to cancel jail noooooooooo

  • @bebelmatson
    @bebelmatson 2 роки тому +2

    wow I’m so early!! huh, an early enfp… strange. (just kidding.) love this idea, great ranking system! :)

  • @alutzlft
    @alutzlft 2 роки тому +1

    Top tier hair color

  • @hanspeter2534
    @hanspeter2534 2 роки тому +1

    In which way does this differ from putting forward stereotypes?

  • @thinkinghippie4549
    @thinkinghippie4549 2 роки тому +2

    That was entertaining!

  • @hars6029
    @hars6029 2 роки тому +1

    Great Video! Well done!

  • @noturbo
    @noturbo 2 роки тому +1

    i did my homework in class so i can go play now.

  • @sazude2
    @sazude2 2 роки тому

    I think mbti gives the idea that anyone can be applied to their information a lot more than astrology does.

  • @coffeefrog
    @coffeefrog Рік тому

    Frankly, I see quite a bit of vitriol against those who get the system wrong. MBTI purists can be more toxic than casuals/amateurs.

    • @PsychologyandChillwMichi
      @PsychologyandChillwMichi  Рік тому

      you can see it that way, but i definitely don't have any dislike for people who use it wrong, i have dislike for the ways it can hurt people BY being used wrong.

  • @matthewedwards6025
    @matthewedwards6025 2 роки тому

    I agree on cognitive functions under "Rogan," because it assumes that MBTI is true when there are other systems that many people think are more true or useful, like the Big 5.

  • @mve9899
    @mve9899 Рік тому

    Isnt the MBTI compass just a meme? I always thought it was, could be wrong tho.
    Also the people who take those literally are way down on the Y-axis.

  • @sirbradfordofhousejones
    @sirbradfordofhousejones 2 роки тому +2

    Awesome video. Your categories slayed me. Big Ed is so gross. 🤮
    Edit: because of his personality

  • @eddiekitzhofer4245
    @eddiekitzhofer4245 2 роки тому

    3 minutes in, the video hasn't started yet, and I already have no idea what you're talking about.

  • @JokerCrowe
    @JokerCrowe 2 роки тому +1

    Is it really that common that 16p says someone is INFJ?
    I mean I got it, but for me it was accurate with the cognitive functions too, so I haven't ever gotten a different result from 16p ^.^"
    And yeah, if you go about it from the angle of "oh it's rare? I'm Rare I must be INFJ!" then you've misunderstood what the types are for.
    With that being said, I also don't think we should claim "mistype" out of hand just because they claim to be INFJ, that can also be a harmful stereotype that makes it so people don't want to say their type for fear of being interrogated.

    @SOULJAJOE010 2 роки тому

    Hello Michelle, whats your thoughts on reading an entire book on enfp using Jungian typology for relationship purposes?
    I'm an INTJ

  • @cedricburkhart3738
    @cedricburkhart3738 2 роки тому

    "Well NE what do you think about what she said?" " I think that it sounds kinda interesting there are so many more questions we could ask about each one of these topics. What about you TI?" 🙃 "Oh 😣 some things she said seem to be contradictory though they may be merely paradox rather than true contradiction. What about you FE? 😱 how can she say all that stuff? We did some off thoughs things are maby not ex as she explained it but still we have at least don things very similar to what she's talking about plus she's rong about some of them there not all toxic some are important in some circumstances although admittedly perhaps not the way she is picturing them What do you think SI? " I think that this isn't how we think about or explain things and it said change our minds so we should stick with what you've been doing but we're getting apathetic about MBTI anyways but I ges we have many memories to look back on with our MBTI obsession. 🤔" I was hoping it would be about the toxic archetypal stereotypes of types types. Like a toxic entp or a toxic ESTJ or a toxic intj. But if any type can have any number or manner of different traits or different behaviors what difference does this whole type thing make anyway? 🤷‍♂️ Can it help you understand the would if the stereotypes aren't accurate?

  • @thegod1075
    @thegod1075 2 роки тому +1


  • @cyclone304
    @cyclone304 2 роки тому

    If we can only master it like every Intelligence Agency in the world CIA MI6 FBI NSA lol ! am so glade I found you again hitting bell see got it now sorry hug's you have the best voice

  • @fbibarbie
    @fbibarbie 2 роки тому

    Astrology ranked higher then genetic mbti sight... what there is not even a puedoscientific backing for that nonsense what are you doing XD

  • @FlagrantVagrant
    @FlagrantVagrant 2 роки тому +1

    You didn't elaborate on the special snowflake syndrome at all. And I'm concerned that the way I fill that in has the potential to seriously misalign with the thing towards which you intend to show disapproval.

    • @PsychologyandChillwMichi
      @PsychologyandChillwMichi  2 роки тому

      lol what do you mean?

    • @FlagrantVagrant
      @FlagrantVagrant 2 роки тому +1

      @@PsychologyandChillwMichi That's the question I'm trying to ask you.

    • @PsychologyandChillwMichi
      @PsychologyandChillwMichi  2 роки тому +1

      @@FlagrantVagrant Definition: "special snowflake syndrome - The conviction that one is, in some way, special and should therefore be treated differently from others."

    • @FlagrantVagrant
      @FlagrantVagrant 2 роки тому

      @@PsychologyandChillwMichi See when I hear the word snowflake, I don't hear 'you're a selfish person who needs to realize other people exist and also have difficult lives.' I hear that you are aligned with racists, sexists, and terfs, generally unwilling to recognize the complexities of gender beyond an undereducated bioessential man/woman binary.
      Is that what you are saying about yourself when you use this term? Is JK Rowling your best friend? Are you in support of bathroom bills? Do you think Critical Race Theory should be banned from being taught in public schools?
      Do you intend special snowflake with all the most likely associative connections I could possibly treebranch off of that word in today's context? Let's not beat around the bush. I want to have a clear understanding of what you are saying.

    • @PsychologyandChillwMichi
      @PsychologyandChillwMichi  2 роки тому +1

      @@FlagrantVagrant what in the actual crap. Are you trolling me right now?
      If you are serious: "See when I hear the word snowflake, I don't hear 'you're a selfish person who needs to realize other people exist and also have difficult lives.' I hear that you are aligned with racists, sexists, and terfs, generally unwilling to recognize the complexities of gender beyond an undereducated bioessential man/woman binary."

  • @stevetreloar6602
    @stevetreloar6602 2 роки тому

    I have no idea wtf MBTI actually is at all? It's customary to explain the meaning of the words to be used in an acronym. I guess I quit before you explained. Normally I love your work.