Marvel Superheroes 1966: Thor Episode 5

  • Опубліковано 15 жов 2024
  • One day a year, Odin has to sleep to maintain his immortality. While he's doing that, Loki is out to get revenge on Thor. He unleashes an indestructible machine called the Destroyer, but there's something he doesn't know: Odin has decreed instant death to whoever does that!
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  • @Buzz-McCool
    @Buzz-McCool Рік тому +9

    It's Hammer Time!

  • @TheMikester307
    @TheMikester307 Рік тому +5

    I'm guessing that the guy doing Loki's voice was doing a riff on Peter Lorre's voice.

  • @jeffreyclinard2002
    @jeffreyclinard2002 Рік тому +4

    I'm not 100% up on it, but I think it was later revealed that the Destroyer was a weapon Odin created to be used during Ragnarok. I'm not sure you can fight destiny, but you might get a few licks in along the way.
    I do recall the comics when Hela put a nasty curse on Thor, rendering his body unable to heal. He tried coping by wearing full armor to prevent damage and keep his body together, but eventually it got to be too much. His final solution was using the Destroyer armor to pay her a visit in her realm. After some time being the world's worst houseguest, she lifted the enchantment.

  • @markloveless1001
    @markloveless1001 5 місяців тому +3

    "Oh Mother I'd rather do it myself!" Thou art the king of 50's camp, milord.

  • @stillaboveground2470
    @stillaboveground2470 Рік тому +5

    Odin should decree instant de@th on Loki.
    Dude has no redeeming qualities.

    • @dwashbur
      @dwashbur  Рік тому +2

      But without him Thor wouldn't have much to do except whine over Jane.

  • @HadesofSalemMass
    @HadesofSalemMass Рік тому +1

    I had to catch up on your content because I got into a old tv show only had one season with a very bizarre acting cast turns out it was an absolute bomb only could find two episodes online only aired from 1971-1972 according to the internet with the only 13 episodes

  • @yadrak2354
    @yadrak2354 4 місяці тому +1

    This was probably my favoritie episode growing up at a young lad. For some reason I loved this menace. As an adult I'm not sure why it captured my imagination the way it did back then. I also like the Absorbing Man as a favorite enemy of Thor. Having trouble remembering if Gantrey Lawrence animated any episodes with him in it. I thought that maybe the same person who did Titanium Man's voice did the voice for The Destroyer. Also correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the guy who did the voice for Iron Man also play a character on the tv series M.A.S.H.?

  • @gloworm6387
    @gloworm6387 Рік тому +1

    Only in the movie Thor stops the Destroyer through Loki via the Destroyer.

    • @markloveless1001
      @markloveless1001 5 місяців тому

      The great Len Carlson....and no, that's just how he talked.

  • @marksordahl8872
    @marksordahl8872 Рік тому +2

    If the characters in the stories were as smart as you are, the episodes would be half as long. Of course they could add even more padding.

  • @joannemcclenathan3290
    @joannemcclenathan3290 Рік тому +1

    ❤🌝❤ hi sweetheart I just got to the second generator but here's the thing I've been trying to do it all morning the dam flood kept coming out to me after I stepped out of the area I really didn't think that I'd get through that because every time I tried I would end up dead but I figured something out if you get them in front of you and you can manage to backup or go in the other direction you can usually outrun them I have one more generator to go but I think I'm going to take some time and charge my controller so when I pick it up again I can just keep playing I am so glad that we are playing together but I'm kind of bummed out because I can't see you but it's okay anyway I just wanted to tell you where I was in the game I'll be waiting to hear from you when you have some time but I really can't wait to hear from you and within a day or two I'll have the rest of the song for you I'm dealing with my nose which won't stop running I just used some Flonase to try to stop the runny nose hopefully it'll work I'll be up until about 2:30 and then I'm going back to bed we'll just have to wait and see how I feel but I'll still be waiting to hear from you anyway and I will send you another note before I go to night night land so until then my love have a great day and have a great day also with your pup and please give Kathy my love and tell her I said hi your friend always Jojo

    • @dwashbur
      @dwashbur  Рік тому

      Hey there! I finally got through all the generators but I had the same problem you're having. And I know what you mean about flying the Banshees. Those things are almost impossible to control. Now, the ghosts? Those vehicles that scud along over the ground? Those are a blast. And if you keep moving and keep up steady fire, you can take down one of those covenant tanks with one. The trick is to stay out of its line of fire, because except for that big plasma cannon, it doesn't have any real defenses. It's a lot of fun when it works. I've also shot down a Banshee with my pistol. Wait until it's coming directly at me and then just unload on it. With the pistol it takes 3 or 4 passes, and I have to find a place to hide while my shield recharges, but it can be done. Of course the ideal weapon to take out either of those is the rocket launcher, but it feels to me like the game is a little stingy with those. Have you felt that way?
      We had one day in a row of sun and now it's raining again. I enjoy a gentle rain, but what we've been getting isn't very gentle. The new puppy continues to delight. I have to be careful with my attention, because my other puppy Zim gets jealous. I try to be sure to give him a lot of personal time away from the pesky kid. He'll be 3 in December, I can't believe it. Time really does fly by when you're not looking. But he'll be my baby boy for his whole life. I do love that doggie.
      Linda's husband is in bad shape. He's been hospitalized 3 times in the past month so I haven't been able to see her. She keeps apologizing, but she should know my opinion by now: FAMILY FIRST. She says, I'm sorry I haven't been able to come over. I say, it's your husband. The other half of you. Do you really suppose I don't understand that, as attached as I am to Kathy? I know you understand what I mean, but she's so afraid someone's going to be offended because she doesn't have time for them, she can't stop talking like that. Sometimes I'd like to bop her over the head with a rubber chicken to knock the idea into her. Ha ha
      I have one episode to film today and then I'm going to see about unpacking that gift I mentioned that a patron got me. I'm hoping to post it this weekend, we'll see how that plan goes. If the weather gets my joints yelling too bad, I might just play Halo all day!

    • @joannemcclenathan3290
      @joannemcclenathan3290 Рік тому +1

      @@dwashbur I know what you mean I'm having same problem with Juanita right now she keeps apologizing for not getting to me she called me earlier this morning no wait a minute yesterday she said she was dizzy and her vision was blurry I really am concerned about her but she does keep trying and I love her for that I know she'll come to me when she can so I'm not all that worried could you say a prayer for her for me I would really appreciate it I recently found out that yes you can use a pistol when you fire at a banshee when it's coming at you and I do the same thing you do I wait until it's coming Straight at me then I Let Go I love the shotgun so whenever I get a chance to use that I love it but my favorite favorite favorite gun is the sniper rifle and yes I do believe that the guns they sometimes give you are not the best and when the Canon you do not get enough shots to finish your adversary I also love to go after the wreaths sorry if the spelling is wrong but I think you know what vehicle I mean I just love going out to that little four letter word you fill in the blank anyway I can't resist that whenever I see one I can't resist going after it get this even if I don't have to I guess it's just to prove good I can defeat the thing when I first got the game and got to that monstrous vehicle I felt it was impossible to destroy here's a little help that I found that will work when you have to destroy the big w I'm going to call it you can use a grenade if you can toss it on the ground directly near not on the Big W you don't have to use your ammo unless you have enough I bet we tried that strategy and it worked I honestly thought that it wouldn't the one thing I really dislike about playing the game is sometimes when you go back to find a weapon they don't let you pick it up which means I have to do a lot of backtracking in order to find one if I'm out of ammo the same thing goes for the Med kits but at least you don't have to do that in Halo 2 looking around for a medkit is really a drag but if you play Halo long enough you know where they are but I sometimes have a tendency to go right past them but as you say why do it right when you can do it again and that's the only thing that keeps me going when I play Halo also when I get to the point where I want to stomp my controller into the ground and bury it but I am determined to go through a level where I don't die as often I really want to become good at it well I guess I better get going bear needs me again tell Linda I hope your husband gets better soon I'm sure that she knows that you are trying to support her as well can you give her the time she needs to be with her husband I'm really sure that she appreciates it and you're not going anywhere just tell her let your be there when she comes back and tell her that you missed her while she was gone she'll love that or just say what you wish either way you've got this and I'm behind you 100% I'll let you know when I pick up halo again probably after lunch if you need me I'm available for babysitting haha your pup Hazel and Zim love you Jojo

    • @dwashbur
      @dwashbur  Рік тому

      My favorite way of killing the big purple tanks (much easier to spell!): if there's a ghost nearby I hop into it. Then I get nose to nose with the tank and stay there while I blast away with the cannons. I'm too close for its cannon to hit me, so I follow its attempts to slide away from me and keep firing until it goes kaboom. I'm with you on the sniper rifle! Most awesome weapon in the game. Now, in the later games we discover the gravity hammer, which is too much fun. The first time they saw it my kids dubbed it "The awesome weapon". But all in all, I'll take the sniper rifle.
      I started playing Reach, too. I think it's my favorite of all of them, even though you don't play as Master Chief. One of the aspects of that game that always holds me is the futility of it all. The only goal is to evacuate as many civilians as possible because the planet is lost. And that ending...I get a little misty-eyed every time I play it.
      My biggest gripe with all the games is, every new sequel gives me less ammo capacity in the assault rifle. I don't understand why. In Halo it has a 64 round capacity. In Reach, it's down to 32. Likewise with grenades. You can carry 4 of each kind in Halo, only 2 in Reach. I don't get it. But the games are so great overall I can tolerate it.
      Linda got a bit of good news, he's doing much better on antibiotics and stuff. A prayer or two for him would be appreciated, and I hope Juanita recovers soon. I know how much you care for her.
      Well, off to the tasks at hand today. Until later, my sister.

    • @joannemcclenathan3290
      @joannemcclenathan3290 Рік тому +1

      @@dwashbur I'm on the final generator it took me way too long to get there I kept dying every time I tried to get up to where I needed to be I really really dislike the Banshees especially when you have to shoot at 1 I recently learned that you don't have to be right on top of your target in order to get the objective done but I will always love the sniper rifle thank you for the spelling tip I'm glad you knew what would I was trying to spell but I am determined to get through Halo I don't care how long it takes I'm going to do it of course I will let you know how far I get I'm going to play for a little while right now and then go to sleep around 2:30 I have been up all night with a sore butt and diarrhea my butt feels really sore I took some Imodium a couple of hours ago so maybe that will help I don't want to feel like I have to run to the bathroom anymore I'm glad Linda's husband is doing better and I wanted to thank you for being so encouraging with this game you've given me so much work on when I play the game I'm not feeling so depressed I don't know if I can play reach or not I do know that I cannot play ODST I need some kind of card I don't even know if the Xbox One has a slot for the card I don't think so but if I were to play that I would really want to play as Master Chief I don't know I just had fallen in love with that character and I guess it's because I was introduced to the game when someone else was playing it and I like the guy who's playing Master Chief Steve Downes he also made me watch play the game and I think if I'm not mistaken it was one of the first games I bought before 2 3 and 4 even came out I don't even play my tennis game anymore it's basically Sims 4 and Halo you think I'd get tired of Halo but I don't but like I said before you are the reason why I picked the game back up and I really had no intention of ever picking it up again because all it did was frustrate me there's an area in Halo 2 that I can't seem to get free of but I'm going to try again but I'm going to go through Halo one more time before I move on so I'll talk to you in a couple of hours when I've had some sleep it is really not fun to be up all night when you feel that you're going to have an accident if you go to bed I hope I don't have another night like this ever again I don't think I could take it I'll see you on the flip side my love take good care of your wifey haha and all your Furry Babies to and of course don't forget me I'm still waiting for you to walk through my door and take me and bear on a long trip no medical stuff needed at least a week haha always know that I love you and please above all take care of yourself I really love playing Halo with you even though I wish it were the two of us together in the same room but I guess I'll take what I can get you're quite the catch much love Jojo

    • @dwashbur
      @dwashbur  Рік тому

      It's been quite a morning. When my oldest daughter moved, we took in two of her three cats. Suddenly, one of them has stopped eating. She's only 5 so we don't know what's going on. We just dropped her at the vet for blood work, but it doesn't look very good. She may be going into liver failure. My daughter is rather emotional right now, as you can imagine. Today is going to be spent dealing with that. I'm hoping we can save this little girl, but all we can do right now is hurry up and wait.
      If you can't play ODST you haven't missed much. I didn't care for that one at all. One of my favorite scenes from it is, you're with a squad of guys and you're in a firefight with some Covenant. One guy runs out in front of everybody else, wide open, and some Covenant fire kills him. Someone yells "Man down!" No duh! He sort of stood out there in front of them and said "I'm a target! Shoot me!" and they did. For me, that level of dumb pretty well defined the whole game.
      I'm still playing Reach. One of the things I like most about it is how everything feels futile but you fight on anyway, trying to protect humanity as best you can. It's so poignant I can't help but love it. We know what happened to Reach, but actually watching it happen and participating in its fall is...indescribable.
      Other than that it's been business as usual. I did a bit of marathon writing and finished the first season of Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, so I had planned to take a break today. Just not like this.