Warcraft 3: Lordaeron's Legacy 02 - Ruins of Southshore

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024


  • @besregar1237
    @besregar1237 8 місяців тому +48

    Hey Jay, Footman16 here again to give some more insights behind the campaign making. Let me know if you'd rather I didn't leave these types of comments here by the way.
    So yeah as you've probably realised the plan for this mission was just a more chill exploration type map, and allow people to go around and be kept busy with side quests or bee-line for the main quest, it's only the second chapter so a chill map to run around on seemed natural but I probably wouldn't do it that way now. The flip side being sometimes a map can feel or be too long if it isn't interesting enough. Part of the re-design for this mission was taking away the two paths and leaving just one path the enemy takes to reach you and instead making the side quest areas more "separate" and with indicators that you're going "off-track" so to speak with the biggest change being in the brood mother area. This also leads to another situation: too many items. I like to give player's variation in how they play (although there are failed attempts such as mission 3) and one of those is people being able to mix and match the items they use with their hero; of course there's always that syndrome of never wanting to leave anything behind but that's just my thinking.
    Looking at you playing through it, there's a couple of things that stand out, one is no fog of war reveal at objectives or pings on the minimap; I think this would help a lot and alleviate situations such as the confusion as to what is the Forsaken base by the road. One thing I do like about the mission is how the gold mines almost force the player to move up and into the wider map. That said, I'm not sure why the Forsaken stopped attacking but I'll double check to make sure the AI scripts etc are all ok and correct. Also there's a lot of lazy writing here in regards to the Stormpike having a ceasefire with the Forsaken etc and I intended Candor to be a very serious and direct person (albeit a good guy) but instead he comes off as a bit of a dick in this mission to people.
    Either way, I'm enjoying watching you play it and see these maps fresh compared to me who had to test them and got into the same types of playstyle! Can't wait to see the next episodes!

    • @NS-jj1tl
      @NS-jj1tl 8 місяців тому

      Piggy backing on this post, Hi Footman16, mission 3 is absurd! Was it overtweaked recently? At one point massive waves come from three directions

    • @stangundam01
      @stangundam01 8 місяців тому

      like the music choices

    • @ernestomarcos0103
      @ernestomarcos0103 8 місяців тому +1

      Lord Candor is pretty candid after all.

    • @besregar1237
      @besregar1237 8 місяців тому +3

      @@NS-jj1tl It's a mission I've adjusted the difficulty on many times and right now I think it's easier than it has been but also trickier in other ways. Tbh, I always assumed in defence msisions people spammed towers as I do with troops to support (towers on their own shouldn't cut it) but I see now that that isn't the best way to do it. If I was making a defence mission again I would either limit towers, or limit the space available to make towers and tune it to army composition instead.
      So the short answer is, the mission layout I really liked and the atmosphere/terrain, the defence gameplay lacked a lot of polish and enjoyability.

    • @MinhTuan151
      @MinhTuan151 8 місяців тому

      Hei Footman16, thanks for the campaign you've created. It is a great campaign, short but very interesting to play.
      However, when I played the non-Reforged version of the map, indeed the R ability heals both my units and enemy units, and iirc, the problem has been raised in a post on Hiveworkshop. I downloaded and played the latest version, and my wc3 version is 1.31.
      That healing from R was the reason I stucked on mission 3 for hours until I realized the problem. I accepted it as a feature and played through the campaign with minor issues, so that was good.

  • @maximakulov3118
    @maximakulov3118 8 місяців тому +15

    I don't know why, but this campaign is so wholesome. There is a very special cozy vibe about it.

    • @hanyuzhu7276
      @hanyuzhu7276 8 місяців тому +7

      Yeah launching a reconquista on Lordaeron, killing evil undead (scourge and forsaken alike; because as we all know, you can take an undead out of the scourge but you can’t take the scourge out of the undead) and restoring the once prosperous lost human kingdom to its former glory is pretty wholesome :)

  • @crokette8908
    @crokette8908 8 місяців тому +9

    Man, that based Elwynn forest music from WoW.

  • @MrCadaaa
    @MrCadaaa 8 місяців тому +8

    Candor really has that “why bother” attitude judging by his dialogue 🤣. It’s like “side quests? Why do them?!”

  • @asdt560
    @asdt560 8 місяців тому +23

    This map definitely feels like it has 2 missions' worth of side quests. Specially for a one hero mission.

    • @besregar1237
      @besregar1237 8 місяців тому +4

      Weirdly enough when making this map, I disliked how little Side Quests were used; in other people's (including Blizzards) campaigns/missions there is usually 1 and often 0 side quests and rarely 2, so I thought I want to make one with 4! Whether it was a good decision or not I'll let other people decide.

    • @asdt560
      @asdt560 8 місяців тому +3

      @@besregar1237 I actually agree with you in that many maps miss chances for side missions, I just think 4 is a little much, at least this early in a campaign.

    • @deathknight126
      @deathknight126 8 місяців тому

      ​@@asdt560yeah and some of the items are wasted whe you have only 1 hero that already has decent items for a second mission.

  • @karllich1063
    @karllich1063 8 місяців тому +6

    Glad to see both Lordaeron legacy updated and Jay getting through it.
    I have always thought the murderous ai, especially 30+ ogre waves or endless undead horde, was an intended mechanic to teach the player to use all ai cheeses they can think of here... it is refreshing that does not have to be the only way to go in this playthrough

    • @JayborinoPlays
      @JayborinoPlays  8 місяців тому +6

      The Ogres may be about how you remember them...

  • @ernestomarcos0103
    @ernestomarcos0103 8 місяців тому +3

    I like that Lord Candor is true to his name and doesn't hide his discontent when he's talking.

    • @deathknight126
      @deathknight126 8 місяців тому

      I guess its better to express his feelings rather than hide them,i don't know if that's a good thing or not,being honest is good,but being too honest can lead to some trouble.

    • @besregar1237
      @besregar1237 8 місяців тому

      @@deathknight126 A theme that is explored in Lordaeron's Destiny ;)

  • @JustWood5555
    @JustWood5555 8 місяців тому +14

    the zoom thing is a reforged feature in settings you can set a maximum and minimum zoom so you COULD set the max to the default so when you zoom out all the way its back to the OG zoom setting
    (or set the default as the minimum if you never plan on zooming in)

  • @Titanicul
    @Titanicul 8 місяців тому +4

    Lore nerd here for Jayborino:The scourge didn't exactly have a strong presence in Hillsbrad foothills (where Southshore is) but we could consider this remnants as the ones that have taken part in the recents wrath of the lich king's invasions.

    • @besregar1237
      @besregar1237 8 місяців тому +2

      Aye, this takes place just before the Cataclysm so post Wrath of the Lich King, so the Lich King is dead and the Scourge are scattered amongst the remaining henchmen like Kel'thuzad and Araj.

  • @deathknight126
    @deathknight126 8 місяців тому +1

    We had Giga Chad shockwave and fan of knives in Exodus,sand stream and sand storm in Kathmaral,and now we have Giga Chad war stomp and taunt,truly a Chadful year this has been.

  • @normtrooper4392
    @normtrooper4392 8 місяців тому +4

    Interesting campaign. Like the emphasis on the resettlement

  • @SLOkk-dy2yu
    @SLOkk-dy2yu 3 місяці тому

    He looks just like a death knight with that unholy aura.

  • @cristinaforbes2186
    @cristinaforbes2186 8 місяців тому +1

    You've become so far my idol 🌙🦋💖 may elune guide you in ur path

  • @ivanivanovic5586
    @ivanivanovic5586 8 місяців тому +3

    That would be either the pincer or hammer and anvil maneouver that Jay pulls off there in the middle. Iirc, another pendant of mana dropped at the mine nr3. Damnit, forgot what was I going to say regarding the apothecary (good pun there, Jay). Ah, remembered - Candor has a rather grounded and practical set of abilities. As for the banner, an idea comes to mind - Standard of mockery, a banner that taunts any enemy who sees it while being nigh indestructible to their atks. Space marines would approve of that.
    While it's still early in the campaign, I get the feeling poor Candor will suffer severe back pain in the end.

    • @besregar1237
      @besregar1237 8 місяців тому +2

      Candor's abilities are much more interesting this version, Determination used to be his level 6 and he had two passives which meant the only active ability was War Stomp which was very boring. His two passives were originally the Lordaeron Armour (damage reduction) which is unchanged except for adjustments to make it comparable to evasion and a command aura (named Noble Aura).

    • @ivanivanovic5586
      @ivanivanovic5586 8 місяців тому

      @@besregar1237 Ah, so he was practical before too, I like that. Agreed on too many passives tho, can get old quick.

    • @deathknight126
      @deathknight126 8 місяців тому +1

      ​@@besregar1237i think the abilities are balanced here,2 active,1passive and 1 half active half passive ability is probably for the best,war stomp and determination is a great and simple combo,almost works as good as shockwave and fan of knives combo from Exodus.
      Also has there ever been a hero that has all passive abilities?

    • @besregar1237
      @besregar1237 8 місяців тому +1

      @@deathknight126 I agree, 2 passives was just too boring tbh, and then all you do is spam the one active ability until you get the ultimate in which case you spam those 2 abilities.
      I'm not aware of any entirely passive heroes, although Priestess of the Moon has an autocast and a passive. Generally 3 actives is too mana intensive, 2 passives is too mana light. So a hero having 1 passive is often a good balance.

  • @hanyuzhu7276
    @hanyuzhu7276 8 місяців тому +2

    I think Rifleman has more health than Footman is because Dwarves are sturdier than humans, and all the armor that footmen wear is shown through its higher armor

    • @deathknight126
      @deathknight126 8 місяців тому

      That's why they are smaller,also because they have less armor,but what about spearmen?

  • @jarrakul
    @jarrakul 8 місяців тому +1

    Wow, pendant of mana /and/ sobi mask. That's a lot of mana. Maybe more than you need? But that's a nice problem to have.

  • @aluneriinitot5371
    @aluneriinitot5371 8 місяців тому +3

    Yet another strange mission for me. Forsaken growing mushrooms using living people as slave labor, when they have undead and technically tireless lol! I understand that labs of Forsaken need some weed for their experiments, but this is still hilarious for them to growing shrooms.
    I'm not trying demeaning author mind you, his maps are cool from technical aspects and etc, but strange lore decisions still bothers me. Also it's funny that our dear lord-protagonist is man of few words indeed

    • @hanyuzhu7276
      @hanyuzhu7276 8 місяців тому +2

      Well the number of forsakens isn’t infinite and they probably just want to make use of anything they can use. In my country, I’ve always heard of stories of illlegal coal mines kidnapping people off the street to work for them, sometimes even those that are mentally disabled or old

    • @besregar1237
      @besregar1237 8 місяців тому +1

      This is just a quirk of Blizzard lore, I imagine whilst undead don't tire in the same sense as people, they are still adverse to constant physical labour; I imagine it would get quite boring, not to mention they are still liable to rot and decay further during manual labour.
      Either way, it's in the WoW lore and I saw no reason to change it :)

  • @vanesskennique1292
    @vanesskennique1292 Місяць тому

    I’m really loving this

  • @swoopcoby3036
    @swoopcoby3036 8 місяців тому +3

    hey jay the taunt is canceled by the the stun

    • @hanyuzhu7276
      @hanyuzhu7276 8 місяців тому

      Yeah looks like that’s the case. Also it seems like using Taunt while enemies around you are stunned doesn’t work either? Maybe the correct way to do it is to use Taunt, then let enemies congregate around and attack you for a little bit then stunning them?

    • @deathknight126
      @deathknight126 8 місяців тому

      ​@@hanyuzhu7276still it doesn't make sense to why the taunt would be canceled,it doesn't break the aggrow of enemies around him,also the undead don't have any way to dispel armor buff do they,or maybe the creator gave necromancers some similiar spell?

  • @deathknight126
    @deathknight126 8 місяців тому +1

    You know i'm getting a lot of flashbacks from the Second War with this campaign and how some parts have been desolated by the Third War,lot of dwarfs at the start of this campaign,they are the only ones that didn't get completely eradicated by the Scourge so i don't know why its a surprise to me,at the map your position is on an isle,while in the gameplay you seem to be on the shores of Lordaeron,guess it a minor mistake,funny how the Forsaken has new units while the player has only got spearmen,which is just a replacement for the rifflemen,well its more of an offensive ranged unit since it has more health and armor with defend,if you have a solid melee group it would be better then to use rifflemen,the dreadguards look insane especially their eyes,what foul sorcery Sylavanas used,well they do make us dread by their apearance,now there is also female necromancers which is...expected since in Exodus there is a necromancress hero,Forsaken catapult looking great with that skull design,Lydon reminds me of Putress from the Curse of the Forsaken,its the same model so yeah good as always,the attacks still seem frequent,which for a big map with lots of exploration is not the greatest choice,i guess you should get tower spamming,or spliting your forces,wonder why they haven't attacked your expansion at the start,they were maybe already directed on your primary base,you know since Vanndar said they were getting attacked by the spider brood mothers minions it would have been cool if they were still attacked by her hatchlings in the mission from the eggs,it would have been a cool idea,funny how you builded towers and never used them,whats more the enemy didn't want to attack when you builded the towers on the ramp,you had the high ground so they gave up trying or they run out of gold to produce,but then if that was the case how could have they rebuilded units and hero when you sieged their base?i guess we will never find out,love the referances of the great campaigns in this mission,if his wife was named Deandra it would have been an icing on the cake,wierdly enough they sented a single gargoyle at 16:10 at you,imagine if they sented undead dragonhawk riders or those crow riders at you,better you defend on spearmen in that case,war stomp being the third greatest ability that has ever been made in warcraft,with determination they trip the enemies like bowling ball skittles,Southshore not looking lively anymore it seems,at least we slaughtered its conquerers,Jay killing the banshees,dispelling curse and using defend,truly the THE NEW AGE has begun,wierd that there aren't any sludge monsters in sludge fields,while in Southshore there are quite some,the Lordaeron is split into the Forsaken and Scourge remnants,but isn't Kel'thuzad still in Lordaeron?Then why is this lich considered the "last"?Also wasn't the name "Naze the eternal" used in Exodus also?i think i remember seeing that name in that campaign,could be wrong,i guess the creator didn't wanted to change the footmens health so he kept it the same,but i think the point is that the footmen have better armor type(medium or heavy armor i'm not sure)while the rifflemen have worse armor type and armor,still its unusual,yeah the last troop location defence was superflous for just 2 footmen and a knight,if it was 2 knights,2 rifflemen and 1 mortar team then it would have been more worth the risk,like even the hero is putted there to guard those units?well i guess its worth for unholy aura,but still thats too much,the Forsaken base felt like it was spreaded out,makes sense since its a plantation,funny how the slave workers were just sitting there rather than running for their lives,the upper group of the was really into harvesting sludge,or they new they would be killed if they have tried to run,i waited to see when will you realise that you haven't finished the Southshore quest,i thought you would end up replaying the mission just for that,i guess sobi mask id not that worth on this hero is it?If there are more heroes in this campaign then you should hold on to it,this was the first conquest of the Candor's crusade,they should build him a monument to his greatness and courageness and rename this place "Candorion",also Lydon has lyed down.
    Great mission that lasted maybe too long but its still fun,you just have a paranoia of the video length when the mission feels too long,i think you shouldn't worry that much about it,we will watch your videos even if they are 2 hours long,well i would at least,of to Alterac mountains we go where i hope we won't see Crushridge ogres,if we will our great decked out hero shall stomp them with great determination!

  • @danieltodorov7753
    @danieltodorov7753 8 місяців тому +5

    You didn't find Grom, but otherwise, great video.

  • @johnwong4175
    @johnwong4175 8 місяців тому +8

    Lord Candor is based on undead Death Knight model

    • @ivanivanovic5586
      @ivanivanovic5586 8 місяців тому +4

      And represents one Theoden of Kome in the Arkain set of campaigns.

  • @dragonknight4281
    @dragonknight4281 8 місяців тому +2

    Is anyone facing a problem where when playing in the latest version the ai controlled undead base is not responding where they dont send attack waves, build units and crash

    • @dragonknight4281
      @dragonknight4281 8 місяців тому

      Also everything is black I am playing in the latest version

    • @besregar1237
      @besregar1237 8 місяців тому +1

      @@dragonknight4281 Should be fixed now :)

  • @dylandurkin9419
    @dylandurkin9419 3 місяці тому

    really wish you would click on the new / custom units/buildings more so we could see what they are but enjoying your campaign playthroughs

  • @thomasleonardis711
    @thomasleonardis711 4 місяці тому

    So to be fair. You will always encounter issues when you utilize the tower defense. I’m not criticizing as I’m a tower creeper. I put a tower every 10 paces to ensure overlap and the way you did it was far less cheese. However, I will point out that I believe you encountered a bugged attack group that staled and then attacked the main forsaken town too soon after for the next wave to trigger. Really enjoying this playthrough.
    Have you done the next campaign yet?

  • @yoyoyo9669
    @yoyoyo9669 8 місяців тому +1

    highlight your forces and press ctrl 1 then again for ctrl 2 etc. for easy targetting this will rly help u

    • @jakas2524
      @jakas2524 8 місяців тому +2

      Jay doesn't need such outrageous tactics to be an outstanding gamer

    • @yoyoyo9669
      @yoyoyo9669 8 місяців тому

      lol ok jak ass@@jakas2524

    • @jakas2524
      @jakas2524 8 місяців тому

      @@yoyoyo9669 man chill out why are you pressed it was a joke

    • @yoyoyo9669
      @yoyoyo9669 8 місяців тому

      sorry sir@@jakas2524

  • @agentiq007
    @agentiq007 6 місяців тому

    48:57 so you have 6 seconds AOE stun... on a 7 second cooldown, seems fair and balanced to me

  • @Titanicul
    @Titanicul 8 місяців тому

    I see there are a few changes to the campaign since the last time I played it. Give it enough time and I might just pick it up again.

  • @practicaltheory6604
    @practicaltheory6604 8 місяців тому +1

    is this a custom campaign?

  • @hanyuzhu7276
    @hanyuzhu7276 8 місяців тому

    Why is the Gauntlet of Ogre Strength changed to an axe?

    • @besregar1237
      @besregar1237 8 місяців тому

      So in an older version every item had it's own unique model; there wasn't a model made for the gauntlets but there was a spare axe model so I changed it to the Axe and gave the item that model :)

  • @artymeiser
    @artymeiser 8 місяців тому

    Soo i was trying to trick AI to survive insane enemy attacks and it all is a bug. Holy weed

  • @st-6837
    @st-6837 8 місяців тому

    What's the version of this Warcraft?

    • @besregar1237
      @besregar1237 8 місяців тому

      The latest version of the campaign is made for the latest version of Reforged which at the time of writing is 1.36.

  • @deathknight126
    @deathknight126 8 місяців тому

    You know i'm getting a lot of flashbacks from the Second War with this campaign and how some parts have been desolated by the Third War,lot of dwarfs at the start of this campaign,they are the only ones that didn't get completely eradicated by the Scourge so i don't know why its a surprise to me,at the map your position is on an isle,while in the gameplay you seem to be on the shores of Lordaeron,guess it a minor mistake,funny how the Forsaken has new units while the player has only got spearmen,which is just a replacement for the rifflemen,well its more of an offensive ranged unit since it has more health and armor with defend,if you have a solid melee group it would be better then to use rifflemen,the dreadguards look insane especially their eyes,what foul sorcery Sylavanas used,well they do make us dread by their apearance,now there is also female necromancers which is...expected since in Exodus there is a necromancress hero,Forsaken catapult looking great with that skull design,Lydon reminds me of Putress from the Curse of the Forsaken,its the same model so yeah good as always,the attacks still seem frequent,which for a big map with lots of exploration is not the greatest choice,i guess you should get tower spamming,or spliting your forces,wonder why they haven't attacked your expansion at the start,they were maybe already directed on your primary base,you know since Vanndar said they were getting attacked by the spider brood mothers minions it would have been cool if they were still attacked by her hatchlings in the mission from the eggs,it would have been a cool idea,funny how you builded towers and never used them,whats more the enemy didn't want to attack when you builded the towers on the ramp,you had the high ground so they gave up trying or they run out of gold to produce,but then if that was the case how could have they rebuilded units and hero when you sieged their base?i guess we will never find out,love the referances of the great campaigns in this mission,if his wife was named Deandra it would have been an icing on the cake,wierdly enough they sented a single gargoyle at 16:10 at you,imagine if they sented undead dragonhawk riders or those crow riders at you,better you defend on spearmen in that case,war stomp being the third greatest ability that has ever been made in warcraft,with determination they trip the enemies like bowling ball skittles,Southshore not looking lively anymore it seems,at least we slaughtered its conquerers,Jay killing the banshees,dispelling curse and using defend,truly the THE NEW AGE has begun,wierd that there aren't any sludge monsters in sludge fields,while in Southshore there are quite some,the Lordaeron is split into the Forsaken and Scourge remnants,but isn't Kel'thuzad still in Lordaeron?Then why is this lich considered the "last"?Also wasn't the name "Naze the eternal" used in Exodus also?i think i remember seeing that name in that campaign,could be wrong,i guess the creator didn't wanted to change the footmens health so he kept it the same,but i think the point is that the footmen have better armor type(medium or heavy armor i'm not sure)while the rifflemen have worse armor type and armor,still its unusual,yeah the last troop location defence was superflous for just 2 footmen and a knight,if it was 2 knights,2 rifflemen and 1 mortar team then it would have been more worth the risk,like even the hero is putted there to guard those units?well i guess its worth for unholy aura,but still thats too much,the Forsaken base felt like it was spreaded out,makes sense since its a plantation,funny how the slave workers were just sitting there rather than running for their lives,the upper group of the was really into harvesting sludge,or they new they would be killed if they have tried to run,i waited to see when will you realise that you haven't finished the Southshore quest,i thought you would end up replaying the mission just for that,i guess sobi mask id not that worth on this hero is it?If there are more heroes in this campaign then you should hold on to it,this was the first conquest of the Candor's crusade,they should build him a monument to his greatness and courageness and rename this place "Candorion",also Lydon has lyed down.
    Great mission that lasted maybe too long but its still fun,you just have a paranoia of the video length when the mission feels too long,i think you shouldn't worry that much about it,we will watch your videos even if they are 2 hours long,well i would at least,of to Alterac mountains we go where i hope we won't see Crushridge ogres,if we will our great decked out hero shall stomp them with great determination!