For the Basic Stats, you can go for Physical ATK, Strength, and Accuracy For the other Basic Stats you can go for HP=DEF (Physical DEF/Magic DEF)>Block>Other Stats For the Gear Affixes: [PvP]Physical ATK>Strength>Accuracy>CRIT>HP=DEF>Block>Other Stats [PvE]Physical ATK>Accuracy>CRIT>Strength>HP=DEF>Block>Other Stats For the Lucky Leaflore: For [PvP]Physical ATK>Strength>Accuracy>CRIT>HP=DEF>Block>Other Stats For [PvE]Physical ATK>Accuracy>CRIT>Strength>HP=DEF>Block>Other Stats
it's just him. maybe because he's using recording app or android emulator on pc. meanwhile i get 60 frame rate with no lag. played on a phone with dimensity 1200 chipset bought since october 2021. going smooth on 3 years old phone.
it's just him. maybe because he's using recording app or android emulator on pc. meanwhile i get 60 frame rate with no lag. played on a phone with dimensity 1200 chipset bought since october 2021. going smooth on 3 years old phone.
tree of savior without Sorcerer, Doppelsoldner and Quarrel shooter?
cross server to pc?is this the same as steam version?
This game so chill and relax❤
no monk class?
what is the best class for f2p?
What would you rate this game? Playable?
Where can i see purple mist leader? I wish i can hunt it
Does this have auto battle?
So I can level up while at work...
Not recommended. because monster exp is like so little.
Can this game be auto atk?
i played this game its not laggy and its smooth.
What is the rec build for Shadow Hunter? TY
For the Basic Stats, you can go for Physical ATK, Strength, and Accuracy
For the other Basic Stats you can go for HP=DEF (Physical DEF/Magic DEF)>Block>Other Stats
For the Gear Affixes:
[PvP]Physical ATK>Strength>Accuracy>CRIT>HP=DEF>Block>Other Stats
[PvE]Physical ATK>Accuracy>CRIT>Strength>HP=DEF>Block>Other Stats
For the Lucky Leaflore:
For [PvP]Physical ATK>Strength>Accuracy>CRIT>HP=DEF>Block>Other Stats
For [PvE]Physical ATK>Accuracy>CRIT>Strength>HP=DEF>Block>Other Stats
How to raise our stats?
@@CoddiwompleDad Thanks Dad. I'll try it later.
Sir... Ano server mo... Meron din kasi ako sa hk server...
Download link pls
To be honest the lack of classes and none of them are from Tree of Savior itself is a MASSIVE letdown
imagine summoning sorcerer+bokor+necromancer....aaand pet of course
Does not look like ToS to me ...
dailies are too time consuming
Omg the lagggg show in video makes me stop wanting to play this game
it's just him. maybe because he's using recording app or android emulator on pc. meanwhile i get 60 frame rate with no lag. played on a phone with dimensity 1200 chipset bought since october 2021. going smooth on 3 years old phone.
yeah sorry, I tried using an emulator and the video recording output is kinda bad.
game is not laggy played it with a 3gb ram phone
It's not laggg it's good
@@CoddiwompleDadWhat emulator are you using or whats the best emulator
I prefer tree of savior m 😢
damn that game is unoptimized af
it's just him. maybe because he's using recording app or android emulator on pc. meanwhile i get 60 frame rate with no lag. played on a phone with dimensity 1200 chipset bought since october 2021. going smooth on 3 years old phone.