We’re to sing in the spirit, at all times to specific‘relevant to our specific desire’, Faith instilling tune, while we carry out the act of Faith in the Name of Jesus.
You are singing to someone. It's like singing a love song to the person you love and adore. What you sing to Him or about Him must be according to what you know about God and what you feel for God, with all reverence and honor. Thanks for sharing!!
May the Lord bring back my love for worshipping through singing for God. May He make my life overflow with Thanksgiving and Worship once again. And even if pain or suffering or hardships in life continues, may I still be singing my worship for the Lord God Almighty. May I also worship in singing for and with the Church. 🙏😇
❤😊 Luke 10:27 "27He answered, “‘ 27Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ ;and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ " "( NIV) ;Matthew 22:37-39; "37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.' "( NIV) Matthew 12:28-31 "28 But if it is by the Spirit of God that I drive out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. 29 “Or again, how can anyone enter a strong man’s house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can plunder his house. 30 “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. 31 And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit ( Holy Spirit) will not be forgiven." ( NIV) Finished cooking for family members and praise the Lord( Jesus ) and and all glory to God that another person got heal physically or heal by Jesus' through God by prayers for them. In Jesus'name, i pray( Praise to the Lord( Jesus :) 1st love) and all glory to God. In Jesus'name, i pray(Amen to The Waymaker and may Jesus heal others and restore more family to himself too. Hope still in Jesus. ) in Jesus'name, i pray( James 5:14-15) Amen.
I Believe that we have been given speech and a spirit for the reason of communication with our understanding, loving Heavenly Abba Father. Surely one must be on the point of death for a mere sigh to be warranted, but I guess that makes your statement correct. 😊😊😊❤❤❤😊😊😊
The angels closest to God are the singing seraphim and Archangel Michael - because God loves everything wonderful - including Truth, Peace, Kindness, Helpfulness, Happiness, Innocence and Magnificence.
That is an awesome idea. If you are able to translate to Spanish, it may be productive for you to contact Desiring God ministries and share your idea with them. May the mighty Lord Jesus bless you today, the Lord is good!!!
@tommytomtom Tom, I think you have a point, but it's actually inapplicable in this case. I hope this example will explain my statement. Cops and robbers use similar guns and ammo. The thing is that they are using them for entirely different reasons; one is noble and the other is not. Do you see? Just because there is music does not dictate it being used in a subversive manner. Each scenario must be judged independently. Best to be very cautious with your one-size-fits-all inference. But thank you for your warning, there is no doubt it has applications, just not here friend.
@bossmonl.a2035 John Piper's message here is not referring to gospel songs that are made by secular artists who by their sinful lifestyles clearly show that they don't know the Lord. Jesus says in Matthew 7:16 that "You will know them by their fruits", and Matthew 7:17 " A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.". It's not enough for someone to sing about God for it to count as true worship. When someone is truly a Christian their lifestyle also (not just the words which they sing on a Sunday) has to be reflective of a heart that is truly devoted to God and that does not celebrate sin. I hate to say this, but this is the complete opposite of Kanye's West's lifestyle.
@@yasminefalola6815 Do you know Kanye West personally? I don't know any Christian who doesn't sin. Do you? Jesus says no condemnation. Jesus also says if they are for us then we're not against them. What's a real Christian? I thought we just had to believe...John 3:16. I've believed in Jesus since a child. I feel I was born a believer. But yet I cry every day because I struggle with controlling my sins. Addiction to weed and the lifestyle. Does that mean I'm not a true Christian? Trust me I've asked myself that. And Desiring God has videos that helped me with that question. Kanye west says he was addicted to porn and being saved help him overcome that addiction. Kanye may not be a good enough person for you. But who are you to judge? When I listen to the music I've felt things I've never felt before. Like a true holy spirit of praise and worship. His 2nd Gospel album Jesus is Born, is only a choir singing, no Kanye vocals. When I noticed that, I believed more than he was saved. Because we all know he is so self-centered. But I think he tried to take focus off himself and put it only to the Lord....But at the same time, I definitely understand where your come from. Trust me, I scrutinized the music at 1st too because of who he was. But the bible says to discern and judge for yourself. And I took the time to do that. I had to ask God like is this real gospel or devil music coming off as real. But please go search Kanye West revelation 19:1 and count your blessings, and Paradise and stretch my hands. And let me know if that's real gospel music? (Please listen and reply) Before I heard Kanye's gospel music I had started listening to Kirk Franklin on my way to work. And I just was talking to God asking like I wish there was a Kirk Franklin in 2023. Like I want to listen to gospel music but I wanted something up tempo, that I can listen to at the gym and get my hype or even sound popular enough that it reaches the ears of people who probably wouldn't listen to God's music otherwise. Sorry but I think Kanye is doing the Lord's work. His music has helped my faith grow just as much as me watching John Piper over the years, and that's saying a lot, I know. But remember Paul said he acted like the Jews in order to convert them. And Kanye has said now that this is the real him. Kanye basically got the world's attention by singing about popular negative things..but now the world is listening to him, he switched it up and dropped 2 Gospel albums and has Sunday service. All this at the height of his career. In Kanye's own lyrics from one of his 1st songs Jesus Walks he said...So here go my single dawg, radio needs this They say you can rap about anything except for Jesus? That means guns, sex, lies, videotape But if I talk about God my record won't get played, huh? Well if this take away from my spins Which'll probably take away from my ends Then I hope this take away from my sins And bring the day that I'm dreamin' about Next time I'm in the club, everybody screamin' out Jesus Walks....Amen 🙏🏾 ❤️
RELIGIONS USES MUSIC AND SONGS TO BRAINWASH ITS PEOPLE... Music is a powerful tool that can inspire intense, usually pleasurable feelings. It does something chemically to our brains when we hear and perform it. Think about the ways humans use music: we make playlists to seduce and set a rhythm during both sex and exercise; stores pipe it in to make customers spend more; restaurants select it to enhance the palette. The manipulative power of music has has a negative side, too: We make playlists to soundtrack that creats sadness; movies use it to scare us by tapping into a primal fear that minor chords cause in the brain; the CIA has weaponized it to torture detainees. And cult and Religious leaders Witch are the same thing... have exploited the negative potential of music to influence their followers. Colleen Russell, licensed marriage and family therapist and expert in cult recovery and education, is the survivor of what she calls a “high demand group” whose name she does not reveal. The group leader, Russell explains, used chanting to relax the mind and focus the group’s energy. “But it was misused, as I now realize because the focus during chanting was on the image of the cult leader... We were instructed to chant if we felt upset, for instance. The same if we were having a hard time.” This led to an inability to Critically Think through problems, a core life skill, as well as an inability to process and sift through emotions. It also created a sense of euphoria when thinking of their leader, positioning him as the answer to all of their problems. Cult and Religious leaders, who are known for isolating their followers and seeking inappropriate loyalty, can take the emotions and feelings of togetherness that group singing and dancing provide and use it as a form of Mind Control. It is common in cults to use music in religious ceremonies, in order to direct emotional and psychological attention to a specific ideology or person. That’s dangerous, because it re-wires how your brain works, further isolating you from the world outside of the cult. Music does activate our biological rewards system, along with food, sex, drugs, and money,” explains music psychologist and pianist Marina Korsakova-Kreyn. There are clear biological motivations for the importance of food, sex, and drugs that science can explain - but explaining why a non-necessity like music gives us a chemical shot of pleasure is “difficult to rationalize.” If you can't Understand this it's Not my Problem...
Hi Tom. Thank you for sharing your observations, please allow for some of mine. Some of what you've said applies, and some of it doesn't, a risk you take with such all-inclusive generalizations. Since you speak of "religions" this way I would ask you if you've ever listened to music in association with. any atheistic happenings. Of course you have so I would ask how that went for you? Same thing? Hmm. How about anything non religious, same thing? The Lord Jesus is good and it is a great and humbling honor and joy to sing His praises. May He bless you by opening your eyes to His extreme value and worth, and create in you a new heart that can love, fear, and revere the mighty and awesome Lord Jesus.
@@timothyflaherty5150 Music Used As A Tool... Among human beings (and animals), music has always been a key mode of communication, being able to influence individual and group behaviour and to create social cohesion as well as conflict. Rhythm, harmony and melody manipulate and can be manipulated. Music can affect behavior by being a motivator, a timer for completing tasks or a mood enhancer. It may also impact our shopping habits. Music is used in advertising to encourage brand recognition and create familiarity and positive association with various products. Here are four specific components of music that can be weaponized to trigger stress and aggression. - Volume. Excessively loud music goes beyond damaged hearing. It induces stress that can cause brain- and bodywide hormone and neurological imbalance. Sonic and ultrasonic weapons (USW) are weapons of various types that use sound to injure or incapacitate an opponent. Some sonic weapons make a focused beam of sound or of ultrasound; others produce an area field of sound. As of 2023 military and police forces make some limited use of sonic weapons.
@@timothyflaherty5150 No Amount of Belief... Makes Something a Fact... Sorry But You Still Can't Prove That God Exists... But Science Continues to Prove What We Thought to be True to be False... Science's Earliest Roots Can be Traced to Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia Around 3000 BCE. Sorry But The Odds Are Against You Being Right... Science Makes God Unnecessary. "The laws of Physics can Explain the Universe without the Need for a Creator.” “Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence” was a Phrase made Popular by Carl Sagan Who Reworded Laplace's Principle, Which Says that “The Weight of Evidence for an Extraordinary Claim Must be Proportioned to its Strangeness” Witch means Claims and Evidence Have the Same Weight... Gods, Religions, and Holy Books Does Not Do This... They Claim Supernatural Story's with No Real Evidence...The Bible is not a Scientific Text Book. Or is it a Historical Text Book. The Bible is a Book of Mythology... Examples are Fables, Fairy Tales, Folktales, Sagas, Epics, Legends, and Etiologic Tales (Which Refer to Causes or Explain Why a Thing is The Way It Is). Another form of Tale, the Parable, Differs from Myth in its Purpose and Character. Things That are Not To Be True... I'm Sorry if You Can't Understand This It's Not my Problem...
@@timothyflaherty5150 There is no Definitive Physical or Archaeological Evidence of the Existence of Jesus. “There’s Nothing Conclusive, Nor Would I Expect There to Be,” “Peasants Normally Leave an Archaeological Trail.” “The Reality is That we Don’t Have Archaeological Records for Virtually Anyone Who Lived in Jesus’s Time and Place,” Says University of North Carolina Religious Studies Professor Bart D. Ehrman, Author of Did Jesus Exist? The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth. “The lack of Evidence does not mean a person at the time didn’t exist. It Means That She or He, Like 99.99% of the Rest of the World at the Time, Made No Impact on the Archaeological Record. ”Falsely Attributed Writings are Often Referred to as "Pseudepigraphs" but Ehrman Maintains that the more Honest Term is "Forgery". The Book Posits that 11 or More Books out of the 27 Books of the Christian New Testament Canon Were Written as Forgeries. Ehrman Concludes that Various Early Scribes Altered the New Testament Texts in Order to De-emphasize the Role of Women in the Early Church, to Unify and Harmonize the Different Portrayals of Jesus in the Four Gospels, and to Oppose Certain Heresies (such as Adoptionism). Even After Nearly 2,000 Years of its Existence, and Centuries of Investigation by Biblical Scholars, We Still Don't Know with Certainty Who Wrote its Various Texts, When They Were Written or Under what Circumstances. Contradictions. The Bible is an Unreliable Authority Because it Contains Numerous Contradictions. Logically, if Two Statements are Contradictory, at Least One of Them is False. The Biblical Contradictions Therefore Prove that the Book has Many False Statements and is Not Infallible. Sorry If You Can't Understand This it's Not My Problem...
Praise God! So thankful to God for the creation of this Light+Truth series. May God be glorified in all we do.
We’re to sing in the spirit, at all times to specific‘relevant to our specific desire’, Faith instilling tune, while we carry out the act of Faith in the Name of Jesus.
You are singing to someone. It's like singing a love song to the person you love and adore. What you sing to Him or about Him must be according to what you know about God and what you feel for God, with all reverence and honor. Thanks for sharing!!
Songs are prayers.
May the Lord bring back my love for worshipping through singing for God.
May He make my life overflow with Thanksgiving and Worship once again.
And even if pain or suffering or hardships in life continues, may I still be singing my worship for the Lord God Almighty.
May I also worship in singing for and with the Church. 🙏😇
Luke 2:13-14
Luke 10:27
"27He answered, “‘ 27Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ ;and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ " "( NIV)
;Matthew 22:37-39;
"37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’
38 This is the first and greatest commandment.
39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.' "( NIV)
Matthew 12:28-31
"28 But if it is by the Spirit of God that I drive out demons,
the kingdom of God
has come upon you.
29 “Or again,
how can anyone
a strong man’s house and
carry off his possessions
he first ties up the strong man?
Then he can plunder his house.
30 “Whoever is not with me
is against me,
and whoever does not gather with me scatters.
31 And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven,
but blasphemy
against the Spirit ( Holy Spirit)
will not be forgiven." ( NIV)
Finished cooking for family members and praise the Lord( Jesus ) and and all glory to God that another person got heal physically or heal by Jesus' through God by prayers for them. In Jesus'name, i pray( Praise to the Lord( Jesus :) 1st love) and all glory to God. In Jesus'name, i pray(Amen to The Waymaker and may Jesus heal others and restore more family to himself too. Hope still in Jesus. ) in Jesus'name, i pray( James 5:14-15)
And sometimes its just a "sigh." God understands.
I Believe that we have been given speech and a spirit for the reason of communication with our understanding, loving Heavenly Abba Father. Surely one must be on the point of death for a mere sigh to be warranted, but I guess that makes your statement correct. 😊😊😊❤❤❤😊😊😊
May the Lord bless everyome from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic! Amen to that!
may our Lord be praised with song and our lifted voices!
The angels closest to God are the singing seraphim and Archangel Michael - because God loves everything wonderful - including Truth, Peace, Kindness, Helpfulness, Happiness, Innocence and Magnificence.
Amen 🙏🏻
My singing is much like clanging cymbals 😂 May He be lifted up!! Psalm 150:5
Let’s go!!!
That is goooood !!!! 🔥🕊️🐑
Thank you
Thank you and God bless!
Would it be possible to translate some of these awesome videos in Spanish? God bless
That is an awesome idea. If you are able to translate to Spanish, it may be productive for you to contact Desiring God ministries and share your idea with them. May the mighty Lord Jesus bless you today, the Lord is good!!!
Tom, I think you have a point, but it's actually inapplicable in this case. I hope this example will explain my statement.
Cops and robbers use similar guns and ammo. The thing is that they are using them for entirely different reasons; one is noble and the other is not. Do you see?
Just because there is music does not dictate it being used in a subversive manner. Each scenario must be judged independently. Best to be very cautious with your one-size-fits-all inference.
But thank you for your warning, there is no doubt it has applications, just not here friend.
Anybody watching this listen to Kanye West Sunday Service gospel songs? Jesus is King and Jesus is born album??
Yes and it was beautiful ❤
@bossmonl.a2035 John Piper's message here is not referring to gospel songs that are made by secular artists who by their sinful lifestyles clearly show that they don't know the Lord. Jesus says in Matthew 7:16 that "You will know them by their fruits", and Matthew 7:17 " A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.". It's not enough for someone to sing about God for it to count as true worship. When someone is truly a Christian their lifestyle also (not just the words which they sing on a Sunday) has to be reflective of a heart that is truly devoted to God and that does not celebrate sin. I hate to say this, but this is the complete opposite of Kanye's West's lifestyle.
@@yasminefalola6815 Do you know Kanye West personally? I don't know any Christian who doesn't sin. Do you? Jesus says no condemnation. Jesus also says if they are for us then we're not against them. What's a real Christian? I thought we just had to believe...John 3:16. I've believed in Jesus since a child. I feel I was born a believer. But yet I cry every day because I struggle with controlling my sins. Addiction to weed and the lifestyle. Does that mean I'm not a true Christian? Trust me I've asked myself that. And Desiring God has videos that helped me with that question. Kanye west says he was addicted to porn and being saved help him overcome that addiction.
Kanye may not be a good enough person for you. But who are you to judge? When I listen to the music I've felt things I've never felt before. Like a true holy spirit of praise and worship. His 2nd Gospel album Jesus is Born, is only a choir singing, no Kanye vocals. When I noticed that, I believed more than he was saved. Because we all know he is so self-centered. But I think he tried to take focus off himself and put it only to the Lord....But at the same time, I definitely understand where your come from. Trust me, I scrutinized the music at 1st too because of who he was. But the bible says to discern and judge for yourself. And I took the time to do that. I had to ask God like is this real gospel or devil music coming off as real. But please go search Kanye West revelation 19:1 and count your blessings, and Paradise and stretch my hands. And let me know if that's real gospel music? (Please listen and reply) Before I heard Kanye's gospel music I had started listening to Kirk Franklin on my way to work. And I just was talking to God asking like I wish there was a Kirk Franklin in 2023. Like I want to listen to gospel music but I wanted something up tempo, that I can listen to at the gym and get my hype or even sound popular enough that it reaches the ears of people who probably wouldn't listen to God's music otherwise. Sorry but I think Kanye is doing the Lord's work. His music has helped my faith grow just as much as me watching John Piper over the years, and that's saying a lot, I know. But remember Paul said he acted like the Jews in order to convert them. And Kanye has said now that this is the real him. Kanye basically got the world's attention by singing about popular negative things..but now the world is listening to him, he switched it up and dropped 2 Gospel albums and has Sunday service. All this at the height of his career. In Kanye's own lyrics from one of his 1st songs Jesus Walks he said...So here go my single dawg, radio needs this
They say you can rap about anything except for Jesus?
That means guns, sex, lies, videotape
But if I talk about God my record won't get played, huh?
Well if this take away from my spins
Which'll probably take away from my ends
Then I hope this take away from my sins
And bring the day that I'm dreamin' about
Next time I'm in the club, everybody screamin' out Jesus Walks....Amen 🙏🏾 ❤️
Music is a powerful tool that can inspire intense, usually pleasurable feelings. It does something chemically to our brains when we hear and perform it. Think about the ways humans use music: we make playlists to seduce and set a rhythm during both sex and exercise; stores pipe it in to make customers spend more; restaurants select it to enhance the palette. The manipulative power of music has has a negative side, too: We make playlists to soundtrack that creats sadness; movies use it to scare us by tapping into a primal fear that minor chords cause in the brain; the CIA has weaponized it to torture detainees.
And cult and Religious leaders Witch are the same thing... have exploited the negative potential of music to influence their followers. Colleen Russell, licensed marriage and family therapist and expert in cult recovery and education, is the survivor of what she calls a “high demand group” whose name she does not reveal. The group leader, Russell explains, used chanting to relax the mind and focus the group’s energy. “But it was misused, as I now realize because the focus during chanting was on the image of the cult leader... We were instructed to chant if we felt upset, for instance. The same if we were having a hard time.” This led to an inability to Critically Think through problems, a core life skill, as well as an inability to process and sift through emotions. It also created a sense of euphoria when thinking of their leader, positioning him as the answer to all of their problems. Cult and Religious leaders, who are known for isolating their followers and seeking inappropriate loyalty, can take the emotions and feelings of togetherness that group singing and dancing provide and use it as a form of Mind Control. It is common in cults to use music in religious ceremonies, in order to direct emotional and psychological attention to a specific ideology or person. That’s dangerous, because it re-wires how your brain works, further isolating you from the world outside of the cult. Music does activate our biological rewards system, along with food, sex, drugs, and money,” explains music psychologist and pianist Marina Korsakova-Kreyn. There are clear biological motivations for the importance of food, sex, and drugs that science can explain - but explaining why a non-necessity like music gives us a chemical shot of pleasure is “difficult to rationalize.” If you can't Understand this it's Not my Problem...
Hi Tom. Thank you for sharing your observations, please allow for some of mine.
Some of what you've said applies, and some of it doesn't, a risk you take with such all-inclusive generalizations.
Since you speak of "religions" this way I would ask you if you've ever listened to music in association with. any atheistic happenings. Of course you have so I would ask how that went for you? Same thing? Hmm. How about anything non religious, same thing?
The Lord Jesus is good and it is a great and humbling honor and joy to sing His praises. May He bless you by opening your eyes to His extreme value and worth, and create in you a new heart that can love, fear, and revere the mighty and awesome Lord Jesus.
@@timothyflaherty5150 Music Used As A Tool...
Among human beings (and animals), music has always been a key mode of communication, being able to influence individual and group behaviour and to create social cohesion as well as conflict. Rhythm, harmony and melody manipulate and can be manipulated.
Music can affect behavior by being a motivator, a timer for completing tasks or a mood enhancer. It may also impact our shopping habits. Music is used in advertising to encourage brand recognition and create familiarity and positive association with various products.
Here are four specific components of music that can be weaponized to trigger stress and aggression. - Volume. Excessively loud music goes beyond damaged hearing. It induces stress that can cause brain- and bodywide hormone and neurological imbalance.
Sonic and ultrasonic weapons (USW) are weapons of various types that use sound to injure or incapacitate an opponent. Some sonic weapons make a focused beam of sound or of ultrasound; others produce an area field of sound. As of 2023 military and police forces make some limited use of sonic weapons.
@@timothyflaherty5150 No Amount of Belief... Makes Something a Fact... Sorry But You Still Can't Prove That God Exists... But Science Continues to Prove What We Thought to be True to be False... Science's Earliest Roots Can be Traced to Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia Around 3000 BCE.
Sorry But The Odds Are Against You Being Right...
Science Makes God Unnecessary. "The laws of Physics can Explain the Universe without the Need for a Creator.” “Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence” was a Phrase made Popular by Carl Sagan Who Reworded Laplace's Principle, Which Says that “The Weight of Evidence for an Extraordinary Claim Must be Proportioned to its Strangeness” Witch means Claims and Evidence Have the Same Weight... Gods, Religions, and Holy Books Does Not Do This... They Claim Supernatural Story's with No Real Evidence...The Bible is not a Scientific Text Book. Or is it a Historical Text Book.
The Bible is a Book of Mythology... Examples are Fables, Fairy Tales, Folktales, Sagas, Epics, Legends, and Etiologic Tales (Which Refer to Causes or Explain Why a Thing is The Way It Is). Another form of Tale, the Parable, Differs from Myth in its Purpose and Character. Things That are Not To Be True... I'm Sorry if You Can't Understand This It's Not my Problem...
@@timothyflaherty5150 There is no Definitive Physical or Archaeological Evidence of the Existence of Jesus. “There’s Nothing Conclusive, Nor Would I Expect There to Be,” “Peasants Normally Leave an Archaeological Trail.” “The Reality is That we Don’t Have Archaeological Records for Virtually Anyone Who Lived in Jesus’s Time and Place,” Says University of North Carolina Religious Studies Professor Bart D. Ehrman, Author of Did Jesus Exist? The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth. “The lack of Evidence does not mean a person at the time didn’t exist. It Means That She or He, Like 99.99% of the Rest of the World at the Time, Made No Impact on the Archaeological Record. ”Falsely Attributed Writings are Often Referred to as "Pseudepigraphs" but Ehrman Maintains that the more Honest Term is "Forgery". The Book Posits that 11 or More Books out of the 27 Books of the Christian New Testament Canon Were Written as Forgeries. Ehrman Concludes that Various Early Scribes Altered the New Testament Texts in Order to De-emphasize the Role of Women in the Early Church, to Unify and Harmonize the Different Portrayals of Jesus in the Four Gospels, and to Oppose Certain Heresies (such as Adoptionism). Even After Nearly 2,000 Years of its Existence, and Centuries of Investigation by Biblical Scholars, We Still Don't Know with Certainty Who Wrote its Various Texts, When They Were Written or Under what Circumstances. Contradictions. The Bible is an Unreliable Authority Because it Contains Numerous Contradictions. Logically, if Two Statements are Contradictory, at Least One of Them is False. The Biblical Contradictions Therefore Prove that the Book has Many False Statements and is Not Infallible. Sorry If You Can't Understand This it's Not My Problem...