Warhammer is a BAD HOBBY (for me)

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @TheSuperjort
    @TheSuperjort 5 місяців тому +165

    "fulfullid it badly" I can 100% assure you that a plastic tophat is exactly what the commenter had in mind

  • @chrisholcomb4765
    @chrisholcomb4765 5 місяців тому +155

    My guy I feel you. I just finished 211 various Tyranid infantry models. My wife almost begged me to stop because of how much I was stressing about it but I knew if I stopped I'd never get it started again.
    I came to this realization that if I didn't force myself to finish a project I'd never get to other ones and that I had too many projects as it is. So I sold two of my armies, a bunch of spare project kits, and scheduled up the next 6000pts I'm going to paint.

  • @jamesedwards8175
    @jamesedwards8175 5 місяців тому +44

    My wife is the epitome of this - I believe she has about 10,000 points of models across 3 armies built and primed, but only about 500 painted in the last 2 years. She hyper-focuses on a model or two and then just gets side-tracked by something else after she finishes them.

  • @SaberGamesHD
    @SaberGamesHD 5 місяців тому +53

    I got ADHD and keeping focus and ballooning ideas is something I struggle with a lot as well.
    Short version:
    1.Prioritise planning. Plan the miniature before you start painting it. Refine the idea and refine the end look. Once you start, do not deviate.
    2.Put an artificial deadline towards a project. it will help you keep on track and help you have realistic results. You cannot make an entire titan diorama in a month. But you can definitely paint magnus the red in a month.
    3. Downscale your own project count. Make sure you are only working on a single thing at a given deadline. If you are painting magnus, do not start a new Tyranid army until you have completed it. If your interest and ideas start going to other things. Use that as a motivator "If I finish Magnus, I can buy a Swarmlord and kitbash it with Norn Assimilator". It might cause frustration and It might make your paint job less detailed, but it will ensure you get a constant source of dopamine and fulfillment going. (This is especially important for you since you focus on youtube a lot. Having multiple ideas for a channel is great. But risky as it can lead to procrastination and dropped ideas.)
    4. Keep it simple, imagine the minimum amount of work needed for a miniature idea. For example you want a yugioh playing wizard as a TS mini. Why make a custom conversion and a custom duel disk when you can illustrate the same idea by creating 5-6 squares on the ground (they are cards) and have the wizard hold a single card in his hand. Prime them, paint them in yugioh card style. You are done. It will look good and encourage you to continuously improve. Do keep in mind (1-3) for this. Anything that becomes more ambitions than a simple idea should be held back for a future project.
    This will help you with that "5% increase in skill".
    (Bonus point. What is a "complicated idea" now will be 'simple idea' once you have the skill set.)
    5. If a mini does not feel right. Do not attempt to overengineer it. Small changes to the paint job only.
    6. I often found that the most growth in the hobby was when I was doing minis for friends and as gifts. I am not saying you should do that. But keep in mind that people often "Try harder" when it is for someone else.

    • @altejoh
      @altejoh 5 місяців тому +1

      I wish i could pin this comment in like, my brain, forever xD

    • @SaberGamesHD
      @SaberGamesHD 5 місяців тому

      @@altejoh The best part is that it works for most things if you have ADHD. Combine planning with ADHD meds and you can easily tackle larger projects. The difficult part is the burnout and remembering to follow the plan and deadline.

  • @VarakClawbinder
    @VarakClawbinder 5 місяців тому +44

    This is why when I start a batch of skaven I have to push through to the end. If I stop, even for a week, getting back into it is so hard.

    • @sodinc
      @sodinc 5 місяців тому

      I have been painting an AdMech tank since August. Because reasons

    • @DaruKari
      @DaruKari 5 місяців тому +2

      I had a group of Storm vermin half painted for over one Year that I finally finished this week.😅

  • @FyruHawk
    @FyruHawk 5 місяців тому +9

    I just recently saw a post on the warhammer subreddit about how the best way to stop getting overwhelmed by doing stuff with your models is to look at time. the post was specifically talking about buying models, and how while you can always earn the money you spend, you can only ever spend time. the person looked at the average amount of time it took to get a couple models done, then looked at the pile of shame they had, and saw it'd take 2.5 years to paint all those models (and that's if he worked on them with a perfect schedule). Maybe looking at your projects in the same way would help you focus on the ideas you already have instead of creating a bunch of new ones and then getting overwhelmed.

  • @artnickles5095
    @artnickles5095 5 місяців тому +18

    The hat is wonderful and in all honesty I am honored I discovered you in time to see the reveal of the hat. Thank you for sharing the hatted gentleman, and please, continue just how you are. You are us, we are you, none of us are *not* a burning dumpster.

  • @Beelistic08
    @Beelistic08 5 місяців тому +180

    Warhammer is like a toxic relationship

    • @ScreamingTc
      @ScreamingTc 5 місяців тому +17

      It's like dating your drug dealer and than being surprised when they try to push product onto you.

    • @C.D.G.1
      @C.D.G.1 5 місяців тому +7

      Plastic crack.

    • @Vante21
      @Vante21 5 місяців тому +10

      She takes your money, your time, and a lot of brain power. Just when you think you're done, she comes back with something new and shiney and the cycle starts all over again.
      - Signed a struggling AdMech & GSC player

    • @Beelistic08
      @Beelistic08 5 місяців тому +4

      @@Vante21 as a fellow admech player who is also starting to collect GSC i feel your pain

    • @ericsmith5770
      @ericsmith5770 5 місяців тому

      I can fix her

  • @killtacular4444
    @killtacular4444 5 місяців тому +13

    I used to have a lot of problems either starting or finishing paint projects, to the point where I was more likely to paint things out of self-inflicted guilt (it didn't take me half a year to finish my Cauldron of Blood, you made that up, gaslight gaslight gaslight) rather than any desire or wish to paint at that moment.
    What eventually really helped me in locking projects down mentally was figuring out that for me, motivation is just as much a painting skill as any other. If I do not have the motivation to go the extra mile to finish or perfect a model, that lack of motivation is just as part of the painting scheme as any edge highlight, shading or the color scheme. Not only did that help me immensely in finding a sort of peace in leaving things "unoptimized" for lack of a better word, it eventually lead to me being confident enough to look at those past projects where motivation or skill was lacking and go "right, I can do much better now".
    Anyway, thanks for speaking out about your troubles with the hobby Paul. It is nice to have someone reflect on the flaws of their painting processes in this digital forest of perfect airbrushhighlightshading tutorials.

    • @solukrebut
      @solukrebut 5 місяців тому +1

      Just like with exercise, if every single day is a "push until you puke", you'll teach future you that training is just another word for feeling nauseus.
      Nobody notices if some of your models look like elf puke. But people will notice if you have 2 golden demon orks and the other 137 are just primed.

  • @warp-smith
    @warp-smith 5 місяців тому +6

    3:46 disappointing? I beg to differ… we all appreciate you for your chaotic, but fairly casual, ways Paul!

  • @saeklas
    @saeklas 5 місяців тому +8

    The top hat is marvellous, but might I suggest a traffic cone?

  • @RobotShield
    @RobotShield 5 місяців тому +1

    Congratulations on putting the hat on. Genuinely, you did it.
    A lot of what you describe is perfectionism. If it’s not going to how good you imagine it can be, you’re not going to start. I know this too well. But putting any hat on the model was ‘good enough’ and far better than never. So well done!

  • @Zenn_Chan
    @Zenn_Chan 14 днів тому

    this is painfully relatable. I've been struggling to do the PERFECT tabletop campaign for a month now, and I've barely got any work done because there's just so much to do and I refuse to half ass any part of it

  • @felixlinker
    @felixlinker 5 місяців тому

    What I like about your channel is that it is a personal, very entertaining Warhammer hobby VLOG. I honestly don't care much what you achieve or the likes. In a positive way :) Seeing your perspective on your Hobby journey is what I am here for! So don't worry too much about what you achieve, I would say!

  • @Ironfrenzy217
    @Ironfrenzy217 5 місяців тому +2

    The fact you have adhd and a solid theme for your Space Marines is impressive. I got back in at the beginning of 9th and still haven't got a solid a theme for my Space Marines.

  • @johndean8518
    @johndean8518 5 місяців тому

    I love your channel so much because it’s so honest, relatable, and normal compared to a lot of the fan content that comes out.

  • @solukrebut
    @solukrebut 5 місяців тому +1

    I call it Buyers Remorse-Remix. When you translate something from idea to plastic you're cutting down 900 possibilities to just a couple. And that hurts.
    It's important to remember what the purpose of the project is. If it is to tell a story, go ahead, make those 900 possibilities 9000.
    But if it is to showcase a figurine, deliberately limit your daydreaming. Otherwise all you're doing is making that fantasy to reality step so much more painful.

  • @pandavikingguy6193
    @pandavikingguy6193 5 місяців тому

    Well happy to see that you actually finished it. Look at it as progress, as making yourself do the thing you didn't want to or forgot. Tap yourself in the back and say I'll do better next time.

  • @simplycrisp4173
    @simplycrisp4173 5 місяців тому

    paul had me stressin at the title good to know that the greatest painter of our era isnt quitting

  • @chadchaddington3646
    @chadchaddington3646 5 місяців тому

    From someone who loves painting but also has the attention span of a squirrel... the way I have improved over the years and gotten projects done is to pick an army project and then have 1-3 smaller skill check or fun projects. Paint one batch of points, unit, model, etc. at a time on the army and then do a single model as a pallet cleanser from the other projects, then move back to the next army batch. Really improves my workflow and I use that pallet cleanser model to try new techniques and perfect some of my others. Doing this strat now for about 3 years has gotten 2 armies fully painted and improved my skill enough to win a painting competition. You can do it, just find a plan and stick with it.

  • @moonmint8047
    @moonmint8047 5 місяців тому

    I have hobby paralysis too and to be quite honest videos like yours have really motivated me to approach the hobby from a different angle again and give it another chance.

  • @TheKarp
    @TheKarp 5 місяців тому

    I feel this. Last year I painted 6000 pts worth of models. But this year, having gone back to school, I always got interrupted by school work and by the time I had freedom to work on my miniatures I had lost interest on the current project. Honestly don't beat yourself up for it. i remember painting a kit to X standard and said I'd do it for every model, but when I came back I was satisfied with what it was already. Your specific hobbying thoughts won't last but plastic is forever friend.

  • @settratheimperishable7800
    @settratheimperishable7800 5 місяців тому +1

    I feel you 100%. There’s like a couple of weeks where I’m super into Warhammer and I make all of these plans and try to set times for me to paint and I attempt to get painting as much as possible. But, when I actually start, I’ll paint for a couple hours for a day or two and then… nothing. I’ll buy paints I’ll plan schemes, and I’ll even kitbash, to the best of my ability, but when I actually try to sit down and paint I’ll get into a groove for a bit and then as soon as I put the paint brush down I don’t pick it back up again for a another few months. I don’t know why either, I like Warhammer and I’d LOVE to play someday but I just can’t seem to stick to it to save my life. Maybe it’s because I put too much effort in, maybe it’s because it’s not engaging enough, regardless I still love this hobby but I have an issue with actually painting consistently.

  • @frostplays3042
    @frostplays3042 5 місяців тому +1

    Our group we try to have build and paint days. On a random weekend we don’t play or do anything other than watch movies and paint or build.

  • @mastergmoore
    @mastergmoore 5 місяців тому

    I have ADHD too, but I think your painting is really really good. I play as Guard so, like you I sought out a way to speed run (because the sheer number of models). But I think you should give yourself some credit, your models look fantastic and I wish my painting was as good as yours!

  • @HaseOster
    @HaseOster 5 місяців тому

    I am struggling with the same problem... And I love conversions, and I have a number of anxieties around the hobby.
    Right now I have, like, five projects? Honestly, I am afraid to count them. I have that one "corrupted skitarii squad" that's been on my table for more than five years - I keep coming back to it, I have six fully assembled and converted models at the moment.
    It is hillarious that I fully painted more models as gifts than for myself.

  • @basicbroski4136
    @basicbroski4136 5 місяців тому

    This whole concept is what is my biggest obstacle in front of actually getting into Warhammer tabletop. I’ve been into the videos games, books, and miscellaneous lore for like 3-4 years, but I made a decision over a year ago to get into the models and tabletop game, and I’ve been in decision paralysis for more than a year, getting armies, getting overwhelmed or second guessing and selling the army off. It’s really bumming me out and I’m hoping either you or anyone else that is subscribed to you could give me some pointers or just advice or encouragement.

  • @McLarry968
    @McLarry968 5 місяців тому

    I also have the same problems, but when I come back to a model or army after a couple months or years I end up just giving them a new paint scheme then what I originally planned.

  • @SpooKimi
    @SpooKimi 5 місяців тому

    Idk if this will help you, but this helps me with my adhd and warhammer
    - allow yourself to switch projects and come back to stuff later
    - I try to get a model/unit a week painted as it gives me a small goal to focus on and If I fail it's okay, new week maybe a new model
    - I keep a tracker of how many model and which ones I've painted so far in the year Idk it got me back to painting and somehow it keeps me motivated
    - plan a game, make a list with a unit you really wanna use than try and paint before that to get that adhd focus fired up
    But in the end just do what you feel, in the end it's all for fun ^^
    If this helps or not thnx for reading my comment and I hope you are doing well ^^

  • @danielplant3219
    @danielplant3219 5 місяців тому

    This is how I feel but it only affects my hobbying. Doesn't affect me at work or in any other aspects of life but for my hobby projects I can't focus or stick to one thing.

  • @legatetheanime9827
    @legatetheanime9827 5 місяців тому

    I feel this. I have just shy of 10k total points of 40k (might be just over now), but only about 25% of that has been painted over 2 years. So to solve this, i’ve set myself a goal that I want at least 80% of all my models finished.
    Currently, I’m trying to rush through my Aeldari for a narrative event in June. Gives me a deadline to get stuff ready for.

  • @andrewzucker9201
    @andrewzucker9201 5 місяців тому

    I'm relatively new here so I didn't see the initial hat video/comment. I wholeheartedly understand what you're going through. I have the same problems with my hobbies. While I don't wish that kind of suffering on anyone, it is nice to see that I'm not alone. Thanks for making this video.

  • @BeefyGreek
    @BeefyGreek 5 місяців тому

    Funnily enough I’ve had to deal with something similar I have an idea for a video, then I keep adding things to it until it’s realistically unattainable and then move onto something else 😂

  • @ThatoneGuy-ts7xd
    @ThatoneGuy-ts7xd 5 місяців тому

    This is so real lol The adhd does just make hobbying hard especially if you have a lot of life to do

  • @megablazeiken8977
    @megablazeiken8977 5 місяців тому

    Same tbh. But its also part of why I got into Warhammer. I know this is a flaw of mine, and Warhammer feels like a hobby that will both challenge me and give me lots of opportunities to improve as a person.

  • @davijoe2002
    @davijoe2002 5 місяців тому

    Not sure about how to solve the hat issue, but I only paint 4 "marine" sized models at a time and that helps to keep things fresh and stop me dropping a project wandering off. Probably best not to rush back to the hat and then when you actually feel like doing it you'll be more up for it.

  • @roadgoeseveron7128
    @roadgoeseveron7128 5 місяців тому

    the miniature tabletop hobby has helped me improve myself. i can definately say that for sure. Its the first aspect of my life, where i learned not to stress out over perfection. Somehow i learned (over years!!) that i decide whether a model ive done is finished, good, if i like it, if i want to come back to it later etc... not other people, not some weird standard of perfection i set for myself ( like in most areas of my life - causing depression and frustration). But over time i could actually accept mediocraty, in my painting and also in playing the various games (im a constant loser in the games as well). This actually freed my brain in a weird way and when i want to learn to get more relaxed about my self and the things i do, i tend now to look back at my warhammer journey and try to apply my lessons from there. I can now speed paint some minis (i was never able to do that before bc everything had to be perfect), i can leave projects be and i can come back to unfinihed things more easily without hating hat i did before... its been a loooong time of learning, but no other hobby could have done this for me.
    Dont stress to much about how you are as a person - its cool you want to improve some things about yourself, thats admirable, but be kind to yourself too!! Thats the key and the real learning curve, to have a gentle and understanding relationship with yourself.

  • @redthecrusadertiktok
    @redthecrusadertiktok 5 місяців тому

    You have to be careful not to burn out. I left the hobby for 4 months but now I’m back and happier than ever

  • @_Nythim_
    @_Nythim_ 5 місяців тому

    I have this problem a lot, i started my warhammer socials painting a goblin a day based on random dice, i painted about 10, had a personal roadblock and then never picked it up again. I now have 5 unfinished armies… it got bad i’ve had to put a full stop on buying any new miniatures this year in order to complete my projects. It’s working, but i keep bouncing between projects haha

    • @_Nythim_
      @_Nythim_ 5 місяців тому

      I have had success in picturing the armies in small groups rather than the whole collection. Necrons for example, i’ve been collecting them for years but i’ve decided to get a combat patrol painted first and then bolster the army over time

  • @Adeptus_adhd
    @Adeptus_adhd 5 місяців тому

    Something I’ve found helped myself recently is to try and build a habit of doing hobby, build a habit of just doing something…
    this could just be 15-20 mins a day taking stuff off a sprue, maybe taking off mold lines, or just base coating something.
    Once I’ve done this over a week or so I’ve now taught my brain that this is doable and build upon it as time allows. It’s obtainable. Little wins. This is important as I’ve learnt and my wife has observed - if I set tasks and don’t achieve them (because I’ve made them to
    Big for me) then I beat myself up about it and convince myself that I can’t do them and should not try.
    We all feel good when we achieve targets, doesn’t matter how small they are sometimes even sitting down with the intention of starting, that’s a minimal start 😊

  • @Chewy1
    @Chewy1 5 місяців тому

    Preaching to the choir.. what I finds works for me is when it becomes overwhelming, just stop thinking and do the most minor thing as a start and it snowballs from there sometimes.... 😅

  • @watchingbrian1767
    @watchingbrian1767 5 місяців тому +2

    As a fellow ADHDer I really appreciate your videos and how you tall about the hobby and how ADHD affects you and your work. Much love and appreciation from Switzerland my friend. :)

  • @amovy031
    @amovy031 5 місяців тому

    An important part of the hobby for me has been a period of time where I was literally just flat broke. Couldnt start new projects, couldnt build onto my existing armies, just stuck with me and my 5 unfinished armies. Learning to work with what i've already got was extremely important for me and my ADHD. My recommendation: force yourself to not buy anything until you finish one of your armies. Itll teach you a lot I think

  • @GojiraFan-in9oo
    @GojiraFan-in9oo 5 місяців тому +1

    0:45 I can already see that thw RG Zeta is giving you a headache
    I recommend doing a simple HG or an EG for your next build, like the HG Rx-78-2 revive or the EG Strike Gundam

  • @fishqueen1702
    @fishqueen1702 5 місяців тому

    Yeah that’s why before I start an army I try to get some sort of “mission statement” for the army. For instance my Crimson Fists I try to make as Lore accurate as possible not based on the model show cases but the iconography page from the 8th IF codex, and taking small liberties where that fails. My Grey Knights would be Plauge based where the bases and any demons I show my GK killing Nurgle demons. If I do custom like my Chaos Knights I need to have a template to go off of for what rules the unique Herladry has to obey, and then go off that.

  • @Reqqles
    @Reqqles 5 місяців тому

    honestly if you're gonna go for the top hat look, you should complete it by adding a jacket and a stream of doves to really finish the stage magician look for the vortex beast.

  • @joratorbrandson6289
    @joratorbrandson6289 5 місяців тому

    Paul just speaks to a part of me, that doesn’t know how to express itself. I have a 1000 points tournament coming up in 4 weeks and my army is maybe 70% done…. so I bought the 2nd edition box of blood bowl so I can maybe play regularly with a friend.
    TL;DR: I feel you brother

  • @ciandaly9575
    @ciandaly9575 5 місяців тому

    ive had to quit two armies (orks and guard) because my ideas for them got too large. learning from my mistakes has made me start my third army (BA) which was always going to be a passion project for me. because of how things ended up with both armies ive learned to make a plan for how things are going to be. im currently on my third draft (expecting one or two more) as i keep letting things get a bit...overboard and with each iteration of the plan it gets less overboard. i know where i keep going "crazy" with it and ive learned where my biggest weaknesses are. (ive turned the colour scheme into 5 colours including armour, weapons, unit markings and accesories) as i had a theme i wanted to go with and needed more than three colours for said theme. with the rest of the army i have a very set list of things i want in it, the order ill be building and painting them and even the order ill do purchases with AND theres a small amount of room to add things id probably want to add in the future. ive kept my hobby goals very realistic on this current draft and i expect them to only get more realistic as my drafting process improves. i will update this comment in a year or so as i make more progress to see if i have overdone it or if my "strategy" actually worked😊

  • @JohnDoe-rp7mf
    @JohnDoe-rp7mf 5 місяців тому

    For me it comes down to learning new paint techniques. When I don’t get it first try I end up giving up and not touching it. Even tho I know you’re supposed to keep leveling up your skill. I can build and make an idea pop, but when it comes to new painting styles I’m just deadbeat

  • @NewModel7
    @NewModel7 5 місяців тому

    I reset painting my minis all the time. I will get to a point that I'm not happy with the direction in going and I throw the mini in my cleaning machine for 3d resin prints to strip the paint off. If you don't have a 3d printer you can just shake it up in a bottle of 99% alcohol and take off what's left with a toothbrush

  • @boredcryptek5513
    @boredcryptek5513 5 місяців тому

    Going to be honest i feel this. Been going since 2020 and struggled to get like 100 models done in that time... The key is just freaking do something. Set aside the time. Sit down and do something. Even if you dont feel like painting. Assemble models. If you dont feel like that list build, if not bases. Just do something with the time you set aside. And get stuff done. Not perfect but done quickly. 😊

  • @xionlord00
    @xionlord00 5 місяців тому +9

    DISCORD GANG! Hi paul!

  • @ThorekIronbrow
    @ThorekIronbrow 5 місяців тому

    This spoke to me. I think Warhammer's awesome, I love the idea of it, I love collecting and dreaming up projects. But man, it's so hard to get over the paralysis to do it. Once I come to gluing weapon options, I'm out.

  • @luketfer
    @luketfer 5 місяців тому

    Just want to say, I feel you man. I had this grand idea for a Darkest Dungeon themed Imperial Guard army and...yeah, put some basic work in and hit the big block that was needing stockless 3D printed lasguns...my FLGS does do 3D printing and I had even modelled and supported my own designs...but the dude, for whatever reason, just kept forgetting to pick them up (I haven't paid for them so it's not like he's withholding product) so eventually the idea just lost steam...and now I'm working on an Ork army instead which is ACTUALLY getting progress, some miniatures are based, working on a scratch built Trukk which is actually seeing progress etc. I seem to have these gradiose ideas that I can never execute as well as I can picture in my head...

  • @AlchemicalLove
    @AlchemicalLove 5 місяців тому

    AS an AuDHD brained person I totally feel you here and I am pretty sure I could say the same thing. I was literally working on a Chauncy as I clicked on this vid and I hope you're happy to know this has given me the drive to finish my own baby Mutatoe so thank you!

  • @contextualnightmare
    @contextualnightmare 5 місяців тому +9

    Paul, just do what you want or can with Warhammer and never force yourself to paint or complete a project quickly... It leads to serious burn out on everything but for Warhammer specifically it sucks

  • @SuperDuperHappyTime
    @SuperDuperHappyTime 5 місяців тому

    On multiple projects, I’ve learned to just be passionate about what’s in front of me, and when I’m no longer passionate at that moment, or something new pops up, to reach some state of completion, and move on.
    If it was a project meant to be, it will pop up again.

  • @Mizu_4_u
    @Mizu_4_u 5 місяців тому

    I've been where you are before, and I know how it feels. But what I've learned is to go at your own pace and have a "it's done when it's done" mentality and remembering to enjoy the process.

  • @paulwenderling4168
    @paulwenderling4168 5 місяців тому

    yup, can 100% relate to this. Hobby is like picking a scab, you just gotta power through it.

  • @FetaCheese717
    @FetaCheese717 5 місяців тому

    Bru same!!!! I’ve improved my painting through time though, I just always delved too quickly and too deep so I get overwhelmed and then my tired brain thinks of a cool idea that I give up on once I hit a roadblock.
    I decided to just do things small, take my time. Celebrate the things I accomplished in painting.

  • @adrianscott4288
    @adrianscott4288 5 місяців тому

    Over my 27 years in the hobby, this is the best approach I've found found for my regular wacky ideas for armies and other projects.
    1. Write it down. Keeping a record helps solidify the idea in your head and ensures it won't be forgotten a few weeks later.
    2. Make sure it's achievable. I've had some great ideas that I've later put aside, simply because i just don't think I'll have the time to do it justice. Usually because it involves converting every model in an army in some overly complex way. Like a Fabius Bile army with every model converted with cannisters pumping drugs into their eye socket.
    3. Start small, like a single test model or test unit. This lets you refine the idea as needed and if you decide not to go ahead, you won't have wasted too much money on it.
    4. Be willing to put it aside for when you have more time months/years later. I've built several armies that I've previously "abandoned" for a year or more, because i had something else i wanted to do in that moment. Far better to switch between projects than commit to one that you're not 100% into.

  • @EmpressAndrina
    @EmpressAndrina 5 місяців тому

    I love when I discover a new channel and then there is a new video on the channel the same day!!!

  • @yichlyichl4204
    @yichlyichl4204 5 місяців тому

    I have anxiety for even starting out, I've got one shoulder from a starter set's marine done and I'm just paralyzed...

  • @sparklemotion42
    @sparklemotion42 5 місяців тому

    For what it's worth. I'm pretty sure you're the British, male, white version of me. I find your channel inspiring because you're so transparent about your ongoing battle between your ideas and your will.
    Obviously I haven't figured things out yet, but one thing to think about is focusing less on "showing improvement" and more on just consistently doing a thing.
    It's ok if your next video isn't as "good" as the last one. What's important is that you keep posting videos, and you keep painting. As long as you do that, the improvement will happen on it's own.

  • @V0IV0DE
    @V0IV0DE 5 місяців тому +1

    If you are finding enjoyable as you said at the beginning, keep doing it. It's not a fail until you stop trying, you can get good at anything, you just need some time, try to enjoy yourself more, and stop being so hard on yourself.

  • @greyt00th
    @greyt00th 5 місяців тому

    I have been into Warhammer since before lockdown. I have spent literally thousands of pounds. I have bought whole armies, part started them, then sold the entire thing for a loss. I am currently sitting on more than 4k points of custom bits and pieces for orks and other 3D printed items (without owning a printer). My total number of painted items can be counted on my fingers and toes and I’ve never played a game of Warhammer ever.

  • @user-yh5zm7uc7j
    @user-yh5zm7uc7j 5 місяців тому

    My ADHD self really relates to this video. I rotate between projects a lot BUT I keep myself to three WIPs maximum. That way I HAVE to finish or sell something before I start something new.

  • @kyleboulier2272
    @kyleboulier2272 5 місяців тому

    I also have ADHD and am quite familiar with the sensation that you described in the video, one of my projects in the works is kitbashing together a centaur T'au commander.
    The best pieces of advice that I could give (doesn't mean it's good advice) is when you get the slightest feeling of wanting to work on a warhammer project to drop anything that you're doing, if you can, and run into the hobby room and start working. We both know how fleeting that feeling can be, so as you sniff it on the winds of magic you must reach out and take hold of it.
    Also sometimes you just have to force yourself to sit down and clip one sprue, glue one piece, or just get paint onto your brush. Just doing the smallest or simplest thing can get you into the hobby flow.
    Hope this helps, love your videos, keep up the great work!

  • @CryoPanda
    @CryoPanda 5 місяців тому

    I empathize with video and your struggle so much. Analysis paralysis is such a hindrance for me, that I just have to force myself to put paint down and just be okay with what I get. I remember painting a bunch of Power Ranger minis and how much of a struggle it was building up the courage and the drive to actually apply colors. Priming and zenithal are easy and actually fun for me, but once I get to the part where I have to get paint down, I slow down hard. And I have all these grandiose ideas of recording my process and making a whole thing out of it, when I need to just paint. But anyways, you're not alone in the struggle! And it's always good to be honest with yourself so that you can improve your process moving forward. Good luck with your projects!

  • @PitterPatter20
    @PitterPatter20 5 місяців тому

    I have ADD. This video is a perfect description of my life.

  • @xfueganx
    @xfueganx 5 місяців тому

    I also have ADHD and I've started taking 1-3 semi-finished units/models/vehicles that are sufficiently different from each other to provide a good amount of variety (Currently: Tau, Death Guard, Michanicus). If I'm not in the mood for unit 1, I'll move on to unit 2 or 3, depending on what I'm in the mood for. I do customisation by ordering special base material or add-on packs, which I can add and paint even in this state of the models. In any case, I can satisfy my creativity and have enough variety to paint AND finish my units!
    All in all - My goal is to finish the units and models I've just started before building new ones. Exception to this rule: terrain! If I just can't bear to highlight edges anymore, I switch to terrain and drybrush to my heart's content :P

  • @oliverp3545
    @oliverp3545 5 місяців тому

    The kicker is that this didn't even come out yesterday.

  • @JM-bk3jb
    @JM-bk3jb 5 місяців тому

    ngl the whole learning curve thing. I get it. my first custodes vs my new ones is night and day. One looks great and can pass as good. the other is a mess of bad paint and bad painting XD

  • @mister-zen8491
    @mister-zen8491 5 місяців тому

    I know EXACTLY how ya feel. Busy, busy, busy has been the norm for 2024. Like me, it seems you have a tendency to overthink and ask too much of yourself. Take a step back, take a breather--A deep, deep Wim Hof breath, too--and write down a list of serious priorities.

  • @glennmarshall9593
    @glennmarshall9593 5 місяців тому

    Welcome brother , I am the same lots of projects stared x few finished and new boxes to start x

  • @sussyfallen2914
    @sussyfallen2914 5 місяців тому

    Paul, we’re too deep, you can’t quit now! ❤

  • @dickkickem4238
    @dickkickem4238 5 місяців тому

    I had a similar issue and basically I kind of solved it by speedpainting. More specifically, using basically only citadel contrast paint and army painted speedpaint (especially their new metallic speedpaints. They are a god send)

  • @thomasswingler174
    @thomasswingler174 5 місяців тому

    I painted my first Blood Bowl team in 3 weeks. I got a second team and already the keenness was fading. Bought a bunch more stuff to try and get that good brain chemicals running again but once the passion is worn out the chances of me continuing is so small.
    Spent too many years feeling guilty about everything I did like that. Then I got therapy and learnt more about ADHD. Am I better at continuing hobbies? No but at least I don't beat myself up about it any more

  • @junberykballines-yi4mq
    @junberykballines-yi4mq 4 місяці тому +1

    I just forbid myself to buy new models until I finish all of them and I keep the ones I really want to build for last

  • @ZodiusXx
    @ZodiusXx 5 місяців тому

    My advice is just add a little extra.
    This can be a bit of blood on the weapon, or technical paint to a base. Even a grass tuft works.
    Just get some of the models out (2-5 works best), and add something simple.
    Once you start you'll be surprised how much you continue to add.
    Think of the reason why you've come so far with your screaming raven's. It's likely because you used A.I. to start the process. It's easy tging to springboard off. So make a simple addition to a model be the springboard to completing your squad.

  • @DaniPlayerOne
    @DaniPlayerOne 5 місяців тому

    I think for me the hardest is to know when something is... well, done. Super easy to say "Perfect is the enemy of finished" but sometimes we need to slap ourselves on the face and finish up the models. Keep going my dude, youre not alone! I believe in you.

  • @dfhorrorproductions9691
    @dfhorrorproductions9691 5 місяців тому

    Here is a tip start small just sit down with one of your unpainted model and base hom a color do it for 5min with some background music in 5 min you can stop or continue. Chunking projects is key you can bounce as much as you like but breaking up sessions is ok don't force yourself to tackle something huge. also don't be afraid of model being "good enough" it is an army each soldier is gonna have flaws in irregularities in shades and tones and camos just like real ones. It makes your models more lively. It's okay to leave the mini at any point you can always add stuff later on.
    It's important to see Warhammer as a collection not a work project.

  • @computersocsci
    @computersocsci 5 місяців тому

    Don't apologize to us! Thanks for your honesty, and I wish you the best in your future hobbying

  • @Its_just_cosmetic
    @Its_just_cosmetic 5 місяців тому

    We have the same problem Paul "He just like me FR FR"

  • @silverback5730
    @silverback5730 5 місяців тому

    Though I can't say I know what it's like entirely, I do know what it's like to say you're going to do something, start it, then not pick it up again. I especially relate to having an idea and then letting it grow only to realize the idea has gotten too big and I can't possibly make or do something like that, forcing me to compromise or unfinished projects.
    If I were able to give any advice I would recommend working on the minimum viable project; Just work on it until it is decent enough it can work then add to it if you so choose. I learned this a bit when I tried to learn game design when I realized games take a lot of work and time just to get simple fundamentals to work, so a balanced fighting game was not going to be made in 3 months. It's hard to control that vision creep, especially when you're a creative guy who just wants to keep thinking up all kinds of awesome stuff, but the best way to minimize these types of situations is to start small until you can either finish it or be consistent with it.
    TL: DR - If possible, start small until consistent or finished then work up to bigger. Lower your expectations by remembering how long older projects did, then work off of manageable bite-sized workloads.
    I also remember you talking about how discipline is a real pain in the rear to muster up, and that I can completely understand as well. There isn't really getting around it, often times a lot of how discipline works is just by brute forcing yourself to work out things until you get back into the groove of it, even if you can't stand it. Kind of like exercising almost, you may hate it at first but if you build that routine and discipline you start to love it. (I say this from the advice of others, not myself.) Sorry if this comment went a bit long, but I just wanted to let you know that it's all going to be A-OK, because at least you're trying to get better, you're trying to learn and build that discipline even when you don't realize it. You acknowledge these things and work to better fix them rather than not bring them up and repeat the issue as it was no big deal.
    Your channel is awesome, and I love the content you post. (Especially the Screaming Ravens, such a great and hilarious concept.) Your attitude and growth-like mindset are an awesome thing to hear, as well as reassuring, especially when others like myself face off against similar issues in our hobby. Hope all goes well, and your channel keeps growing.
    (P.S.: Again sorry for the essay of a comment.)

  • @TheCds2333
    @TheCds2333 5 місяців тому

    "This is good enough" The Emperor of mankind... probably

  • @robertbodkin9916
    @robertbodkin9916 5 місяців тому

    I am bad for this also. I started a Norn Emissary that my bro got me for Christmas - Basically did the base coating and shading, started doing the base... then Deathwing assault was announced, got it, am still painting them... this is also ignoring the Corsairs kill team I got the Christmas before that is just sat there primed and the Redemptor Dreadnought that is basically done but needs the 2 half sticking together and the base done.
    I find I end up taking a break from my hobby then when I get back into it I want to do some cool idea I go instead. Like you saying about the hat on the beast makes me wants to take the new Wilderfiends for Dark Oath Barbarians and make it a sophisticated Gentlemen with a cut of tea...

  • @jarrettdiperna8370
    @jarrettdiperna8370 5 місяців тому

    You asked, so here it is:
    I had a similar, though a much more extreme version of this same syndrome happened to me. For reference, I started playing in 2011, which I believe was 6th edition, iirc?
    The army that I chose was Tyranids, and for the first game I ever had, I wanted to bring a list sporting over 100 of each gaunt. Needless to say, I became more and more aware of the mortal constraints that reality places upon me, such as time, sleep, eating, and what have you. I actually got so miffed back then that I stepped away from the hobby, thinking, "I'll get back into it when I have more stability." It would be ~6 years until I started again, mostly because I felt like I *had* to. The only reason I'm back into it now is because I'm taking my time, and when I get a model painted to ~4/10, I call it good enough, especially if I am on a time limit of some sort.
    Now, it is literally just my wife and myself who play games, so I can paint and do whatever when we feel the mood strikes us. I think one of the most helpful things I was ever told was, "Let good enough be good enough."
    Back to the hat, though......needs the fabric strip to be painted a brighter color to make it stand out more. Maybe white or beige? :V (Just kidding, the hat is incredible, and I am stealing this idea for my wife's Mutalith Vortex Beast, so thank you for the inspiration)

  • @morgansheepman2403
    @morgansheepman2403 5 місяців тому

    Something ive started doing. Is that I consider each color on the model its own project. Which sounds really dumb and like it shouldnt work. But I find its a lot more fulfilling to paint and highlight an entire color then move onto something else. That something else could be another model project or video games. Applying this idea to Chauncies hat would be making each iteration it's own project and not considering the end goal.
    Something I do a lot for army painting is that I take a unit im supposed to paint and only paint one half at a time. It's a lot easier to stay focused on painting five guys than ten guys and it feels like you're making more progress. Because instead of spending an hour applying a signle color I'm only spending thirty minutes.

  • @sigurdjensen195
    @sigurdjensen195 5 місяців тому

    Chauncey's hat will live in my mind forever. I have no idea what this youtube channel is, nor will I subscribe. I have plenty of stuff on my plate already.
    But the idea of Chauncey's hat is endearing to me, and it is an issue that I also struggle with myself. Thank you for giving it a name, an association for me.

  • @Vanklomp1
    @Vanklomp1 5 місяців тому

    I feel personally attacked when you showed those half done Tsons as i dare not turn around to see so many half done bits

  • @Yoheiyohey
    @Yoheiyohey 5 місяців тому

    Motivation for your hobby: I find without a regular game night, a nice group of friends to play with, and some events to go to, there is FAR less to enjoy about this hobby.
    Games, friends, travel vs painting, collecting, and planning 🤷🏻‍♀️ there is an easy way to discern who is right for the hobby and who isn’t.
    I prefer to think of warhammer as like a kickball club, less like a video gaming group. It’s social, and a big part of it is getting out there to do stuff. Think of the ppl you play with as your team, ppl you learn with to get better.

  • @patrickbaillargeon7568
    @patrickbaillargeon7568 5 місяців тому

    It's very easy to take a simple idea and expand it to a grand design, Andrew's diner look at that granted design and go "fuck, that's a ton of work"

  • @MrTumnus1987
    @MrTumnus1987 5 місяців тому

    As someone with ADHD (diagnosed this year) and been in the hobby for 27+ years…..I feel I’ve only just cracked the hobby project burnout.
    I work in IT & used some of the tools from work to help in hobby focus. Typically I will use Sprints (2 week time blocks with a minimum viable product output) & SCRUM to help me keep on track.
    I use my hobby scrum board to daily track my progress towards my 2 week goal. And this has REALLY helped my ADHD brain cope with big army projects.
    Something to just think about and research, might be useful for you, might not be. But it’s a tool that I’ve found really help me with the project paralysis.

  • @fishpop
    @fishpop 5 місяців тому

    A project being started and eternally unfinished reminds me of my Tactical Marine Start Collecting set i bought in January 2020 and they're STILL not finished as of April 2024.
    Took a whole year just to put them together cos of choice paralysis. Eventually i had the idea to do them as a set of OCs i have, which helped smooth out the parts choices.
    I even did some clipping of the parts so one of them could be holding a grenade.
    Got convinced to buy the Ultramarines Vs Death Guard paint set when i bought them so used those plus other paint purchases to add at least SOME colour to them. Even used a primer spray, though it was a metallic gunmetal but that saves time on the details.
    They've been sat on a shelf since and remain unfinished cos personally i find painting to be tedious. It's why i prefer Gunpla cos at least those are properly coloured.
    They've even been joined by a recent purchase of Bjorn cos of a meme.

  • @kris220b
    @kris220b 5 місяців тому

    probably half my practice comes from doing minis for friends
    the fact that there is someone else waiting for a finished product, means i work on it daily or weekly, instead of monthly or yearly
    so its more stable practice

  • @tristanovic2-531
    @tristanovic2-531 5 місяців тому

    I have this a lot with ambitious paint schemes and other projects, My favorite model from warhammer is the terrorgheist, I have one since 2018 and last month I decided to actually start it for a big match, it's still half painted beside my keyboard, then there's my beast of chaos which I wanted to test wet blending on so I have a scheme I'm happy with but progress is slow and I halted after finishing 3 bullgors. and then I started a full kitbashed guard army where I sculpt cowboy hats with greenstuff, the greenstuf is still unopened. now I started Konflikt 47 where I keep a simple scheme and progress is slow but steady.

  • @shaunswyers7708
    @shaunswyers7708 5 місяців тому +2

    "I need to finish Chauncey's hat and be better..."
    "CAW CAW MF!!"

  • @MrWasber
    @MrWasber 5 місяців тому

    Ow this is me and it hurts I have taken to grabbing 1 squad i can do up between all my armies and just setting them down with me to work on with movie nights with family

  • @battle4life
    @battle4life 5 місяців тому

    Im the same way. perhaps its a attention deficite thing. But i know for me. these ideas seem great but the moment you tell someone your going to do them. then it turns into a "obligation" wich then my brain focuses on other things that are less stressful. Perhaps its the same way for you. Its the fact you made the hat a Obligation. Silly as it is. Love the videos. Your always a joy to watch