🇸🇪THE Evolution Of Sweden Rap REACTION { 1992-2018 }🔥

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @tobiasjokitalo3931
    @tobiasjokitalo3931 2 роки тому +33

    ”Mina områden” by kartellen is the namn of the song you wanted bro

  • @dolika424
    @dolika424 2 роки тому +23

    Ayo is thrifes dad

  • @88gudas
    @88gudas 2 роки тому +8

    Unfortunately they are missing some vital artists for swe-rap in that video. Like Petter, Blues, Ken Ring, Fattaru and Timbaktu (huge impact), 3 videos of "latin kings" is unjust xD.. We also have more modern artists that "changed up the game" like Aleks, Dani M and Stor. And of course "Ison & Fille" might have had the biggest impact over a loooong timespan, 127 represent. I was born in 1988 and lived in Bredäng for more then 20 years and still have family there + relatives in Skärholmen and Vårberg, you youngbloods need to talk with older people cuz most of what i see in the comments are kids who wasn't even born in the 90s..

  • @ceoai.
    @ceoai. 2 роки тому

    CEO SHITTT TF 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @Sebastian-kw1ib
    @Sebastian-kw1ib 2 роки тому +2

    Ayo the guy in 1999 is the rapper Thrife's dad

  • @annabelleericsson1935
    @annabelleericsson1935 2 роки тому


  • @Jompadinhoo
    @Jompadinhoo 2 роки тому +1

    React to Rör oss fram by shawn.

  • @jennythorenius7185
    @jennythorenius7185 2 роки тому +3

    Tumbs up 👍🏻
    Can you guys react to
    Z.E × Thrife × Nigma- KLICK
    Ant wan- Kall
    Aj B- Foreign
    Dani M, Simon superti- F.A.M.E
    Sarettii -Som dom

  • @Klivaren123
    @Klivaren123 2 роки тому +2

    U need to react to c.Gambino -båset🤩

  • @ceoproductions4443
    @ceoproductions4443 2 роки тому


  • @681smile
    @681smile 2 роки тому

    Thrife- This is sweden
    This song came out today!

  • @lellish1271
    @lellish1271 2 роки тому

    1999: Ayo, is thrifes dad

  • @Laserapan
    @Laserapan 2 роки тому

    Ayo is actually the rapper Thrifes dad

  • @jiggy1002
    @jiggy1002 2 роки тому

    Kartellen - Mina områden
    Best swedish old school song

  • @viggoastrom6753
    @viggoastrom6753 2 роки тому +2

    The song by kartellen you wanted: ua-cam.com/video/OtUn-Ccb-DU/v-deo.html

  • @jojo-no5dq
    @jojo-no5dq 2 роки тому +2

    1999 ayo is actually thrifes dad

  • @adriansamavatw6112
    @adriansamavatw6112 2 роки тому +1

    Kartellen/sebbe stax is the realest rap we have in sweden, they started everything involving gansta shit

  • @BosisofSweden
    @BosisofSweden 2 роки тому

    Son - 1992 - 2018 is not a decade it is 26 years...

  • @okok-sf9yk
    @okok-sf9yk 2 роки тому

    2011 södra sidan is sebbe stax who did some songs with einar, I think
    2015 abidaz also did one with einar ft haval

  • @mse7579
    @mse7579 2 роки тому

    ''thats like a decade'' bruh thats like that 3 decades :P

  • @patrikhagglund3273
    @patrikhagglund3273 2 роки тому +2

    The Latin Kings was revolutionary in Sweden. With music that highlighted the problems imigrants faced in the hood and beats made by Masse and Salla. Masse and Salla produced the music and Dogge Doggelito was on the mic. They shot to fame in the early 90's and became household music. The Latin Kings was not first, but they are by far the most important hiphop group from Sweden.
    Check out De E Knas, Mecka, Blend dom and Cashen dom tas. The rhymes are not important here, becouse of all the rappers in Sweden. Dogge is still considered one of the worst rhyme writers.

  • @sander4247
    @sander4247 2 роки тому

    Most rappers today I know about in Sweden rapping in Swedish arent Swedish

  • @usibeatz4382
    @usibeatz4382 2 роки тому

    The song you like is (kartellen mina områden!

  • @elliotolofsson9564
    @elliotolofsson9564 2 роки тому

    React to "This Week"-c3 too loose

  • @MageAtYou
    @MageAtYou 2 роки тому

    work on the audio quality and not skipping so much !!

  • @kompisen3440
    @kompisen3440 2 роки тому

    React to sticky - vänd igen

  • @sihiri_kabari
    @sihiri_kabari 2 роки тому

    The reason why u didn’t see any masks is because it’s the wrong videos, there was masks back then too

  • @emilkalac7939
    @emilkalac7939 2 роки тому

    Mina områden dani m Sebbe stax it was like one of the biggest rap song in sweden historia

  • @Funfaze_tv
    @Funfaze_tv 2 роки тому

    React to = g1ocatore

  • @mikibosanceros8287
    @mikibosanceros8287 2 роки тому

    React to kartellen!!!

  • @wag1_2mhaters
    @wag1_2mhaters 2 роки тому +2

    i aint gon lie bro half of the shit before 2012 i aint even knew about.
    Swedish rap wasn't big untill Kartellen became big in like 2012. Then shit just been evolving to what it is now.
    Only sad that we gotta see rappers die and some rappers quit nowadays tho.

    • @Tjoov
      @Tjoov 2 роки тому +2

      Swedish rap was big in the beggining of 2000 also

    • @Tjoov
      @Tjoov 2 роки тому +3

      When the latin kings, and ayo was big

    • @Share87
      @Share87 2 роки тому +1

      Dude...Latin Kings started it all really

    • @LW414_M
      @LW414_M 2 роки тому

      never heard latin kings aint no way u like 9

    • @wag1_2mhaters
      @wag1_2mhaters 2 роки тому

      @@LW414_M i have, they were from the early days. My point was that rap didn’t evolve much compared to the years after kartellen

  • @jiggy1002
    @jiggy1002 2 роки тому

    You should fix a computer it will be better and easier for you

  • @ceosidtv1406
    @ceosidtv1406 2 роки тому


  • @n___f___x
    @n___f___x 2 роки тому

    The latín kings Two member are Chileans 🇨🇱 are Sella & Chepe Salazar and Fille and Stor so is 😊