Sitting-Tuesday 9 July 2024 - Part 2

  • Опубліковано 7 лип 2024


  • @mauschenmimi7240
    @mauschenmimi7240 18 днів тому

    Ref: Strangers working in Seychelles - Seychellois wake up! Should all foreigners working and helping our society to move forward, should all leave SEZ within a day - I wonder who will manage the damage afterwards. Let‘s STOP this attitude that we do not need „outside help“! Let us please be honest ALL Seychellois who seriously want to work have enough- actually - too many commitments! The others have drivers to take them to get Methadon i. Order for us to get „some“ Seychellois workers. This is fact. Whoever doesn‘t agree is ignoring reality!!!!